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Having the all-seeing eye icon, you will see everything. Prayer before the icon “The All-Seeing Eye of God.” How does the All-Seeing Eye icon help?

The icon depicts a circle, concentrically composed of four, various sizes, or three circles.

The first circle, central and smallest, with four rays emanating from it to the edges of the last circle: Jesus Christ Emmanuel is depicted here, blessing with both hands, or rather right hand, and holding a scroll in his left; around the head there is a christened halo with an inscription. The rays emanating from the circle with Jesus Christ end outside the large circle, in front of the images of the four evangelists or their symbols.

The second circle, larger, represents, as it were, a person’s face, on which are placed 4 eyes, one nose and one mouth. The inscription on the circumference: “My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.”

The third circle is more extensive. Above the second circle described above and the inscription, the Blessed Virgin is depicted with raised hands with the inscription above Her MP.FU. The circle itself is intersected by many thick rays emanating from the center of the main Sun of Truth - Jesus Christ, to the right and left of Whom it is written: “My eyes are on the faithful, plant lands with you.” The inscription on the circumference: “The coal of Isaiah manifested the sun from the Virgin’s womb, rising in the darkness, giving enlightenment to those who had gone astray from prudence.” The fourth circle, the largest, depicts the starry sky with three seraphim and inscriptions on the circle opposite them: “Seraphim is the word God,” or four angels are depicted on the field of the icon, two of which have scrolls at the bottom. Above the third circle and the head of the Mother of God there is also, as if at the crown of the entire icon, a circle, truncated at the bottom, in which the “Heaven of heavens” is personified with three seraphim in it, looking with fear and trembling at the Lord of Hosts, who blesses with both hands; The Holy Spirit, emanating from Him, descends in the form of a dove on the head of the Ever-Virgin Mary. The figure of God the Father below is partly closed and surrounded by a halo, along the edges of which there is the inscription: “God from heaven with his likeness of radiance.” On the entire circumference of the fourth circle is the inscription: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts, heaven and earth are filled with Your glory.” In the icon, the Lord, surrounded by clouds, sits on a rainbow, at his foot is a seraphim with outstretched wings; The Lord blesses with both hands; on His chest is the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove. At the corners of the entire icon there are four circles, starting from the third and protruding beyond the fourth: they depict the symbols of the evangelists with explanatory inscriptions on the circle of the following kind: “Matthew is written by an angel.” Interpretation: “ambassador of the Lord.” “Marco pisan orlim.” Interpretation: “fly to heaven.” “Luke was written as a calf.” Interpretation: "Peace." "John is written as a lion." Interpretation: “lay in the grave.” In addition, two angels are placed below, supporting a frame for inscribing the name of the icon. As the very name of the icon shows - the All-Seeing Eye, it expresses the idea of ​​omniscience of the Lord, Who is likened to the sun as a source of light, and the method of Divine knowledge - to our highest organ - the eye: The Eye of God is the mind of God. The image of the sun, with the face of a man on the icon, is of great importance, for in its center is depicted the God-man Jesus Christ, this righteous sun from the bowels of the Most Pure Virgin, by the influx of the Holy Spirit; as a man, He was born on earth; as God, He was born before the age of the Father. The Incarnation and Eternal Birth from the Lord and Father of Lights are expressed in the icon by images in heaven of God the Father and the Holy Spirit descending on the head of the Blessed Virgin, and by the image of Jesus Christ, enlightening the whole world and until the end of time eternally abiding with the Church He founded on earth.

Complete collection and description: prayer before the icon of the all-seeing eye for the spiritual life of a believer.


Prayers to the icon “The All-Seeing Eye of God” for the development of clairvoyance

Above the third circle and the head of the Mother of God, the entire icon is crowned by a circle, truncated at the bottom, in which the “Heaven of Heavens” is personified with three seraphim in it, surrounding the Lord of Hosts, blessing with both hands; The Holy Spirit emanating from Him descends in the form of a dove onto the head of the Virgin Mary. The figure of God the Father below is partly closed and surrounded by a halo, along the edges of which there is the inscription: “God from heaven grant me His radiance.” On the entire circumference of the fourth circle there is an inscription: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts, fill heaven and earth with Your glory.” The Lord, surrounded by clouds, sits on a rainbow, at his foot is a seraphim with outstretched wings; On the Lord's chest is the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove.

To the Angel of Christ, my holy guardian and patron of my soul and body, forgive me all who have sinned this day, and deliver me from all the wickedness of the enemy who opposes me, so that in no sin I will anger my God; but pray for me, a sinful and unworthy servant, that you may show me worthy of the goodness and mercy of the All-Holy Trinity and the Mother of my Lord Jesus Christ and all the saints. Amen.

Part 4 – Prayers to the “All-Seeing Eye of God” icon for the development of clairvoyance

How does the icon “The All-Seeing Eye of God” help?

Icon " All-seeing eye of God" appeared in the 15th century among the Judaizers. Until the 17th century, many church fathers fought with this iconography, and at the Nikon Council this icon was completely banned. Here is what the clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church say about this iconography

As for the essence of your question, according to the “heresical tradition”, in ancient times people usually prayed in front of the “icon” of the “All-Seeing Eye of God” before making difficult life decisions.

The icon "The All-Seeing Eye of God" is very rarely found in churches. This icon has a very interesting image in the form of corners, which is not entirely suitable for Orthodoxy. As such, this icon does not have a specific prayer. The icon is used in white magic and awakens the inner powers of a person. A very interesting icon.

You can offer prayers to this icon in any way your grief or extreme need.

It’s good to turn to God through any icon, and your prayer will always be heard.

By turning to this icon, you can pray and ask for spiritual enlightenment, for the health of your loved ones and yourself, to resolve conflicts, and of course this can be a request for help in any of your endeavors and affairs that require support from above.

But it is important to know and keep in mind that any prayer must be from the heart and very sincere, long-term and fiery.

Church representatives say that the icon is universal and you can turn to it for any reason.

Rather, it is not the icon itself that helps, but higher powers through it. As far as I know, with the help of this icon you can get rid of or prevent blindness. This is clear even from the name of the icon “The All-Seeing Eye of God.” Plus, it can reveal your hidden potential and abilities. After all, it is used even in White magic. This icon also protects us from bad influences.

The question is not correct.

If we are talking about Orthodoxy. That's an icon can't do anything help.

Even if Orthodox Christians pray U icons, then they turn NOT - Icon help me, and to the one who is depicted on it, that is. God-help me.

Now, after this definition, we can say that it is God who is praying ON the icon “The All-Seeing Eye of God.”

And in cases of prayer to the Saints or the Virgin Mary, it helps again God, through their prayers, and no one else. Since it is said that the prayer of a righteous or saint can do a lot. Jacob 5:13-18.

It is not forbidden to offer prayers to the image of the “All-Seeing Eye of God” in any variation of your distress or extreme need.

It is good to turn to the Creator, passing every icon, your prayer will always be heard.

Through the appeal to the “All-Seeing Eye of God,” you can worship, beg for divine illumination, for the health of your family, for personal health, in order to blow out conflicts, of course this can be a plea for help in all sorts of endeavors, activities, where the assistance of the Creator is required .

Having looked at several sites to answer your question about the All-Seeing Eye icon, it became clear that this is a very powerful icon that has complex iconography. I read on one of the sites that this icon is used in White Magic to treat damage, etc.

This icon helps everyone who from the heart turns to it with various requests.

In terms of its execution, the icon “The All-Seeing Eye of God” is complex and extremely rare.

This icon does not have any specific sphere of influence. People come to the icon and ask for completely different things.

This is how priest Dionisy Svechnikov commented on a similar question.

The icon “The All-Seeing Eye of God” belongs to complex symbolic iconographic compositions.

This icon gives believers an idea of ​​the Christian universe.

The priests claim that you can pray in front of the icon for all your needs.

According to an ancient belief (which, by the way, the Orthodox Church, if not affirmed, at least accepts as not contradicting the canons of the church), people prayed in front of the “All-Seeing Eye of the Lord” icon to protect the house from thieves.


Such icons become themes scientific works and popular in discussions at various forums and conferences. One of these images (namely the “All-Seeing Eye” icon) will become the topic for this article.

Origin of the icon

The “All-Seeing Eye” icon appeared for the first time in the Vladimir lands from the brush of local craftsmen. Accordingly, the first and earliest examples are in the traditions of Vladimir icon painting. This is really a very simple and at the same time beautiful composition.

Its complexity lies in the symbolism it carries, since, firstly, it is somewhat at odds with the concept of canonical iconography in the area concerning the method of presenting symbolic keys.

And secondly, being a relatively new product (the image first appeared about three hundred years ago, that is, during the decline of the traditions of Russian icon painting), the “All-Seeing Eye” icon contains the conceptual meaning of the author, which from the outside can be interpreted ambiguously.

Performance traditions

The All-Seeing Eye icon is one of the most mysterious images full of mysteries. On this basis, as one would expect, a lot of conjectures and various kinds of assumptions are born, from quite convincing versions to phantasmagoric hypotheses that can compete in their sharpness with the best examples of conspiracy theories.

However, the image really attracts attention and forces you to immerse yourself in it, concentrating on the hidden meanings. His mysticism and enigma ensured his popularity among believers, even despite the rejection of a significant part of the clergy.

Description of the icon

Of the anthropomorphic figures, at least three are present on the icon - the Savior in the tradition of the Savior Emmanuel, the Mother of God - something between the image of Oranta and the Intercession, as well as the figure of God the Father, the Lord of Hosts, who, by the way, generally cannot be depicted.

All of them are located in different circles, so that the “All-Seeing Eye” Icon, the meaning of which in general boils down to the concept of omniscience, omniscience and foresight of God, acquires a unique volume and certain theological accents.

Admirers of the image insist that when contemplating it for a long time, a dome effect appears, changing consciousness to some extent and opening the door to the spiritual world for the worshiper. In addition, if you peer at the icon with a calm mind in even lighting, the effect of rotation of the spheres will soon arise.

The “All-Seeing Eye” icon also acquires its meaning due to the general consistency of all its elements - their coloristic and compositional harmony. She inspires the person looking at her that God constantly sees through every person, knows all his thoughts, feelings, words and deeds, both good and bad.

The four eyes that never fall asleep symbolize this constant silent observation, encouraging the believer to practice continually walking in God's presence.

History of the image

Initially, if historical evidence does not lie, it was applied under the dome of the temple. Actually, the composition that we see on the icon is a representation of the architecture of the cross-domed church from the point of view of observing it from the lower center under the dome as if the view was directed upward.

A little later, the samples of icons that circulated became so popular that the icon of the “All-Seeing Eye” of God in the house became quite commonplace.

Modern distribution

This situation is aggravated by the fact that many clergy consider this image not entirely canonical and warn their flock against becoming carried away by it.

Icon “All-Seeing Eye”: where to place it in the house

It can be relatively cheap, printed on paper, or expensive, painted by a real master of icon painting. There is, however, one question that worries those who already have the All-Seeing Eye icon.

Where should I hang this image? Because for some reason not everyone can put it on a par with the usual icons, either due to its unusualness, or due to some special expectation.

The answer will be the simplest - you should hang this icon where it will be visible to you and thus be able to have the desired effect - to remind you of the omnipresence of God and his omniscience. If you are going to contemplate it for long periods of time, then it is better to arrange the image so that it is convenient for you to work with it.

Prayer before the icon “The All-Seeing Eye of God”

We just need to remember that no matter what the pilgrims cry out to the Almighty for, their prayer must be sincere, pure, zealous and fervent.

Since there are no special prayers and akathists established for the “All-Seeing Eye” icon, you can use traditional prayers to the Savior, the Mother of God and the Lord God.

Prayer to Our Lord Jesus Christ

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Prayer to the Holy Trinity

Prayer to the Holy Guardian Angel

All-Seeing Eye of God

“The image of a double human face in the form of four or two eyes, one nose and lips undoubtedly indicates the close rapprochement of the elemental sun and the Spiritual Sun - Jesus Christ the God-man, in both the macrocosm and microcosm are together, for man is a small image of the great image - the world” .

The symbolic face is surrounded by the figures of the four evangelists: these are the four elements, and the four cardinal directions, and - if you like - the four human temperaments. Well, the starry sky, against which Christ is depicted, does not need interpretation: this is the “Heaven of heaven,” the kingdom of goodness, truth, and beauty.

The icon expresses the idea of ​​omniscience of the Lord, who is likened to the sun as a source of light, and the method of Divine knowledge is likened to our highest organ - the eye.

The icon depicts a circle concentrically composed of three or four circles:

I) The first circle, central, is the smallest, with four rays emanating from it, ending behind the large circle with images of the evangelists or their symbols.

II) The second, larger circle represents a human face, on which are placed 4 eyes, a nose and a mouth. The inscription on the circumference: “My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.”

III) Above the second circle and the inscription is the Virgin Mary with raised hands. The third circle is intersected by many thick rays emanating from the center of the main Sun of Truth - Jesus Christ, to the right and left of Whom it is written: “Plant my eyes on the faithful lands and with me.” The inscription on the circumference: “The coal of Isaiah manifests the sun from the Virgin’s womb, rising in the darkness, giving enlightenment to those who are lost in prudence.”

IV) The fourth circle, the largest, depicts the starry sky with three seraphim and inscriptions on the circle opposite them: “Seraphim is the word God,” or 4 angels are depicted, two of which have scrolls at the bottom.

Above the third circle and the head of the Mother of God, the entire icon is crowned by a circle, truncated at the bottom, in which the “Heaven of Heavens” is personified with three seraphim in it, surrounding the Lord of Hosts, blessing with both hands; The Holy Spirit emanating from Him descends in the form of a dove onto the head of the Virgin Mary.

The figure of God the Father below is partly closed and surrounded by a halo, along the edges of which there is the inscription: “God from heaven grant me His radiance.” On the entire circumference of the fourth circle there is an inscription: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts, fill heaven and earth with Your glory.” The Lord, surrounded by clouds, sits on a rainbow, at his foot is a seraphim with outstretched wings; On the Lord's chest is the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove.

At the corners of the entire icon there are 4 circles of evangelists, starting from the third circle and protruding beyond the fourth; they contain explanatory inscriptions on the circles containing the name and interpretation: Matthew is written as an angel, the ambassador of the Lord; Marco is written orlim, fly to heaven; Luke is written Telchim, Peace; John wrote the lion, and laid it in the tomb.

In addition, two angels are placed below, supporting a frame for inscribing the name of the icon.

Prayer before the icon of the all-seeing eye

Above is the Creator and Maker, who revived these worlds, the Lord God and His feminine essence, the Mother of God. In the center is Their Son Jesus Christ, the Ruler of the Earth, who knows all four aspects of its structure.

The image of observation, management, decision-making, judgment and the implementation of the judgment of the court are two pairs of the All-Seeing Eye, the Lord God and God the Son.

Above and below are images of the souls of people who will return to the spiritual world: an angel who knew the world order, who did good and good in being; a bird of heaven who did not know the harmony of a husband and wife and created several nests - families by trial and error trying to find a harmonious half; either pure cattle or a beast, without knowing the Teaching, having spent time in the material world worrying about housing, food, raising children and without accumulating any knowledge in the mind of the soul.

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How does the All-Seeing Eye icon help?

The All-Seeing Eye icon is rare and unusual. It depicts a composition that gives a symbolic idea of ​​the Christian universe. This image stands out for its complex iconographic type, since there are many symbols in the composition, each with its own specific meaning. Used icon of God"All-Seeing Eye" in white magic, because it has enormous power. This image is not popular and not many churches have it in their collection.

How does the All-Seeing Eye icon help?

The meaning of the image largely depends on the details of the image, so let’s look at this in more detail. In the center of the composition is Jesus Christ, who shows a blessing gesture with his hands. It is enclosed in a circle, from which rays extend in different directions, symbolizing the blessed light. Then comes the next circle, which contains people's faces. This symbol is intended to talk about the relationships that connect the world of people and Higher powers. In the third circle is the Virgin Mary, who raises her hands up in prayer. She is the main intercessor of people before God. The most important circle in the “All-Seeing Eye” icon is the fourth circle, which has a special meaning, because it is crowned by God, who sends blessings to all people. Another element worth noting is the starry sky, symbolizing the Kingdom of Heaven.

Interestingly, there are no specific prayers that are customary to offer in front of the All-Seeing Eye icon, and there are also no restrictions on petitions, since God is omnipotent and any sincere words will be heard and understood by Him. Before this image, a person can ask for help in different areas. People all over the world ask for health, happiness, wealth, love, etc. The most important thing is to sincerely turn to God, diligently reading prayers. Many people are interested in what the All-Seeing Eye icon protects from and whether it can be kept at home.

Ritual using the All-Seeing Eye icon

As already mentioned, this image can be used in magical rituals. In ancient times, people used it to create a lamp of life. It made it possible to find out what was happening to a person who was on the road or far away. To make it, you need to take Epiphany water and drop the blood of a loved one into it, which you need to take from the finger of your left hand. The container with the liquid must be transparent and tightly closed. A prayer to God must be read over it. Place the vessel behind the “All-Seeing Eye” icon. After some time, you can look at the state of the water to find out what happens to the person who left. If everything is good, then the liquid is light, and if not, then it is dark.

Among Christian icons There are famous ones, especially popular among the people, and there are also rare ones. But this makes their power not only no less - in their power such images surpass even the most famous and prayed-for. We will now talk about one of them.

Image Features

The “All-Seeing Eye” icon is quite mysterious and not very clear to the average believer. This is explained by its complex design, the metaphorical nature and symbolic meaning of which require special explanation. The plot of the image is based on biblical prophetic words about God’s ever-watchful eye, which watches over sinners who fear Him, and over those Christians who trust in His mercy and forgiveness. In essence, the All-Seeing Eye icon in allegorical form depicts the universe from the point of view of Christian ideology. It conveys the essence of the Lord himself, the Holy Spirit, the Mother of God, and Jesus. Therefore, the image is comprehensive, global. And if for other icons there are special ones through which one should turn to higher powers for help, then the “All-Seeing Eye” icon is universal in essence. Before her you can pray, as your heart tells you, as your soul lies, about everything that hurts. In any situation, pilgrims turn to God, who oversees the world from the heights of the Cosmos, knows everything, observes everything, delves into everything. There is no limit to knowledge, and even the most hidden corner of the heart is open to the eyes of God and is completely understandable.

Icon composition

The All-Seeing Eye icon reflects the ideal world order that should be established in the kingdom of God. At the very top of the image is Christ. His raised hand froze in a blessing gesture. The image of the Lord is enclosed in a circle, like the Sun. The comparison is also enhanced by diverging rays. In this regard, the “All-Seeing Eye” icon has the following meaning: The Lord is the sun, illuminating and warming the world, pouring out His grace on it. Next comes the second circle, in which human faces are depicted - they personify the very humanity to which Grace is directed. In the third circle is the Mother of God, folding her hands in prayer. Among the people, in theology, she personifies the intercessor of all those who suffer before the strict judgment of God. And finally, the fourth circle - the icon “The All-Seeing Eye of God” contains it too. This is the ideological and semantic center of the composition. Here is the Savior himself, surrounded by angels against a background of stars - the embodiment of the highest purity and spirituality, truth in its purest form. To be there, next to God, means to go through the entire path of trials to the end. The Lord is the beginning of everything, the source of physical and spiritual life. Christ is the light of truth, and the Mother of God is the meek intercessor of the entire human race. This is the sacred meaning of the image. There are many lists of the “All-Seeing Eye” icon, as those who resort to its help know.

“Come to me and I will calm you down!”

For any trouble, need, or problem, you can turn to the icon. misunderstandings with relatives, at work, resolving conflict situations and many other adversities can be resolved by the icon. Naturally, prayers must be sincere, ardent, passionate, and sincere.

Hello my dear Students and readers who have come to my School. Today I will talk about one icon with the help of which you can not only find out everything you need, but also develop clairvoyance by looking where the road is closed to mere mortals. This is the All-Seeing Eye icon, it is rarely found in churches and is even considered “non-canonical”, it is very unusual for Christianity and the majority of priests do not approve of its use. Why, you ask?

The fact is that this icon encrypts ancient Knowledge hidden from humanity, and all world religions very jealously ensure that this Knowledge does not get to people. I wrote about this in the article “.” It is also difficult to find in church shops, this is an icon for the elite, but in our time of the Internet it can be ordered. Why is this icon unusual?

Even simple contemplation of this icon causes in many people a state close to trance and hypnosis - the circles begin to rotate or seem to be three-dimensional spheres, and dizziness appears.

This scares many and they no longer turn to it, but this is how the door to another world, our subconscious, opens, and everything that has been erased from the memory of humanity begins to appear as a text written in invisible ink. Remember this.

If you have set out on the path of Mastery, this icon must be in your home.

It is impossible to place the All-Seeing Eye on a shelf next to other icons. It is too dangerous to keep in a visible place a portal to another world, which could open at the wrong moment. for beauty, as many people think.

There are no special prayers read before it, or rather they are hidden from mere mortals. I personally read the prayer for, this enhances the effect.

Water also enhances its capabilities (the icon is placed in water for some rituals), so if you buy it, do not take a paper one.

With its help, I found missing animals, saw the fates of people and the exact dates of their departure from life. For any Master, learning the secret is the highest gift, but working through the All-Seeing Eye takes a lot of energy, so it is used only in exceptional cases.

I won’t give any conspiracies to find out secrets with the help of an icon here, they can be dangerous for an unprepared psyche, you never know what you’ll see there. Of course, I will give some rituals to my students when they are ready in the section, but for now I’ll tell you the safest way to develop clairvoyance .

So, I think you already know about fasting, if not, then read the rules. After sunset, place the icon on the altar covered with a black tablecloth.

You should be wearing ritual clothing (black) and light as many candles as you are full years old. Place your hands with your palms facing each other. Relax and watch, reciting the prayer about which I wrote above by heart. If you understand that the icon has begun to act (rotation of circles or distortion of the image), formulate mentally what you want to know. The main thing is to do it correctly and not “miss” the sensation of rotation (the effects may be different, but you will feel them if they exist). To end the session, just close your eyes and blow out the candles.

If you train regularly, everything will work out. Good luck and patience.

Your Svetlana from the Vasiliev family.

Particular attention of believers today is attracted by unusual varieties of church art. Quite rare and unique in composition is the “All-Seeing Eye” icon, which can be purchased both from collectors and in online stores. What is the meaning of this image, what can you pray for in front of it?

The meaning and meaning of the All-Seeing Eye icon

Looking at this image for the first time, you may not even understand that it is an icon. “The all-seeing eye of God” is the image of the Lord, as the name implies. To understand it, you must have at least an approximate idea of ​​the creation of the universe according to the idea of ​​creationism. This is written about in the book of Genesis; in short, Christians are of the opinion that everything in the world, including the Universe, is the result of God’s personal creation.

The pictorial language in this case is deeply symbolic. The idea itself is taken from the Psalm of David (32, verse 18). It is believed that here we are talking about a specific person of the Holy Trinity - Jesus Christ. The first images of this type date back to the late 18th - early 19th centuries.

  • I would like to correct the mistaken opinion - this is not a Masonic symbol. The eye in the triangle has much more ancient origins. Indeed, many occult and other groups use Christian symbols. Therefore, you need to be more careful in matters of faith and firmly adhere to Orthodox traditions.
  • Under no circumstances should you fall for the tricks of “magicians” who lure gullible people with the help of church paraphernalia. They use candles, images, symbolism and even prayers. But turning to occult movements and sorcerers is a very big sin. The consequences of it can be much more serious than the problem that a person is trying to solve.

On the All-Seeing Eye icon, each symbol has a deep theological meaning. The eye symbolizes one of the qualities of God - omniscience. One should not think that the Lord “watches” a person day and night. He simply knows, knows everything that happens at every moment of time in every point of the Universe. Also, you should not perceive this composition as part of the “portrait” of God and think that He has two pairs of eyes. Most images are just symbols. No mortal is given the opportunity to see God.

The basis of the image is a circle - it is repeated several times. The circle is a symbol of infinity, perfection, and self-sufficiency of God. Christ Emmanuel is depicted in the center. Rays diverge from the central circle, according to the number of evangelists. At their ends there are also circles containing various symbols.

Between the second and first circles are two pairs of eyes, a nose and lips. Between the outer circles are cherubs. The circles themselves have different inscriptions. Saints may be depicted on the side.

  • The Lord of hosts is the Creator of the universe. Depicted as an Elder. It is probably this part of the composition that confuses some of the clergy, since depicting the first Person of the Trinity is prohibited in Orthodoxy.
  • Emmanuel - Christ as a teenager. Has a mature facial expression to emphasize Jesus' original divine origins. Right hand in a blessing gesture. There is a cross-shaped halo above the head.
  • The Mother of God is a woman who became the link between the divine and human nature of Christ. Some people mistake the All-Seeing Eye for an icon of the Virgin Mary.
  • Jesus Christ is the Savior of people and the King of the world, the Judge - he is entrusted with deciding people's destinies.
  • Eyes are a symbol of the All-Seeing Eye, a reminder that God sees everything and creates judgment Himself.

Features of the holy image

An important role in the icon is occupied by the image of the Book - the Holy Scriptures, as a conductor of the will of God in the human world. Also painted are the figures of the four authors of the Gospel, which proclaims the Good News to the world. Through him, the mystery of the Holy Trinity is revealed more fully.

  • Evangelist Matthew - in the form of a kneeling angel.
  • Evangelist Mark - in the form of a creature with four wings.
  • Evangelist John is a lion with wings holding a Book.
  • Evangelist Luke - in the form of a winged calf, also with the Book.

There are also other symbols that may not appear in some image options. The image may seem mysterious, but to a persistent researcher it will gradually reveal the Truths hidden in it. The observer's attention is initially drawn to the image of the eyes. The entire composition is unlikely to immediately fit into the head of an unprepared viewer; it should be thought about.

Each circle has its own color. This gives the entire icon perspective, as if the observer is looking at the vault of a tall building, or perhaps through a window through which Heaven can be seen. The image is intended to calm the person praying, who understands that God is constantly with him, and loneliness is a myth. In any need, a person can trust God, shift his worries to Him, the only thing that prevents this is the closedness of the soul and mind.

How does the icon of the All-Seeing Eye of God help?

What can an icon that depicts the All-Seeing Eye of the Lord protect from? There are no special recommendations - a person cannot limit the Creator Himself. He is omnipotent - he is able to save a person from any failures, give health, vigor and spiritual joy. The biblical king David was a simple shepherd until the Lord raised him above everyone. There is no need to be afraid; you can pray about any problem in front of this image.

There is an opinion that the image patronizes servants of the law. But the Lord gives His protection to everyone, regardless of place of work, age, gender or nationality. He also sees not only the external side of life, actions and deeds, but knows everything that is going on in a person’s heart; even a thought cannot be hidden, according to the holy fathers. By reminding of this, the icon is able to keep a person from sin. We must even monitor our thoughts, because any sin first begins as a thought that the demon throws up.

The All-Seeing Eye icon helps a sinner to establish himself in faith, and helps parents in raising their children. Before any responsible decision or the start of an important undertaking, you should pray and spend time in reflection. You should not talk too much during prayer, it is advisable to get to the very essence - what kind of events does a person see as desirable and why? Would you like to change your loved ones or the world"for yourself"?

The Lord is not a magic wand; there is no need to treat icons as an instrument with the help of which desires can be fulfilled. First of all, the Lord desires a person’s repentance and waits for changes in the heart. Only then does a person find God when he begins to seek Him. The Creator does not force anyone to do the right thing, because such freedom costs nothing. If there is no repentance, you need to ask for it, read the Gospel, try to understand what you need to do to become better.

If prayers are full of reproaches and demands, they will remain unanswered. Not because the Lord “does not want” to answer, but because He cannot go against the laws of the universe that He Himself created. The commandments are not some kind of restrictors of freedom, but warning signs on the path to the abyss. Just as the laws of physics rule in the visible world, so they do in the spiritual.

Location of icons

Initially, the composition “The All-Seeing Eye” was not an icon, but was located on the walls, domes of churches, as a painting. Only over time they began to depict it on boards and place it in houses. In churches built in the 18-19 centuries. Such paintings have survived to this day; many people are surprised by them unusual appearance, because you won’t find them in modern churches.

Today, ancient rare icons can be purchased from private individuals, but modern icon painters also use this plot. Some priests consider it non-canonical, so the icon of the “All-Seeing Eye” can rarely be seen in churches. But it is not forbidden to purchase it in a store.

There is some debate about the canonicity of the image; a deliberate decision must be made here. Will the image affect your spiritual state, will it create doubt? If the answer is yes, you should abstain. But if the purchase is made, where to hang the “All-Seeing Eye” icon? The same recommendations apply to it as to other images.

Previously, each house initially had a special “red corner”. It was on the eastern side; windows were cut on both sides so that the holy place was well lit. Today this rule is impossible for most people, but this does not mean that we must abandon shrines. If possible, place them along the eastern wall. If not, it's not critical.

You need to hang the image away from the TV, bookshelves. Although you can use a bookshelf instead of a special shelf, you cannot put anything there except icons. There should be no bright distracting objects or paintings nearby, much less inciting any passions. There are also certain requirements for decorations - these can only be fresh flowers or willow branches. If the housewife does needlework, she can embroider a special towel.

On open shelf You can put a lamp and light it during prayer, on Sundays. The central place in the iconostasis should be occupied by the images of the Savior (Christ Pantocrator) and the Mother of God (optional). They should also be the largest in size. On the sides you can already place the remaining icons that the owners choose. These are images of saints church holidays, Angels. The iconostasis should be located in such a way that nothing distracts from prayer.

Due to the ambiguous attitude towards the image, a special prayer to the “All-Seeing Eye” icon was not written. However, if there is a desire to turn to the Creator, you can read one of the prayers to the Lord - “Our Father”, a penitential canon, an akathist to the Sweetest Jesus. Psalms of praise and repentance are suitable. In deep prayer, you can ask the Lord to open your spiritual eyes and help you assimilate Scripture and comprehend its meaning.

It is unacceptable to use any icons in magical rituals! Spiritual world difficult and even dangerous for those who step there unprepared. Many “ascetics” regretted their rash steps. It is better to adhere to traditional prayers, visit church, go to confession - then no spiritual enemy will be scary. God bless you!

Prayers in front of the All-Seeing Eye icon

Our Father who art in heaven!
Hallowed be Thy name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven;
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors;
And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Prayer to Jesus Christ

“My many-merciful and all-merciful God, Lord Jesus Christ, for the sake of love you came down and became incarnate for many reasons, so that you would save everyone. And again, Savior, save me by grace, I pray to You; Even if you save me from works, there is no grace and no gift, but more than debt. Hey, abundant in generosity and ineffable in mercy! Believe in Me, you say, O my Christ, you will live and will not see death forever. Even if faith in You saves the desperate, behold, I believe, save me, for You are my God and Creator. Let faith instead of works be imputed to me, O my God, for you will not find works to justify me. But may my faith prevail instead of all, may it answer, may it justify me, may it show me to be a partaker of Your eternal glory. Let Satan not kidnap me, and boast to the Word that he has torn me from Your hand and fence; But either I want, save me, or I don’t want, Christ my Savior, I will soon foresee, I will soon perish: For you are my God from my mother’s womb. Grant me, O Lord, now to love Thee, as sometimes I have loved that same sin; and again work for You without laziness, just as you worked before the flattering Satan. Most of all, I will serve You, my Lord and God Jesus Christ, all the days of my life, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".