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Vita Animal Rights Center World Vegan Day International Vegan Day is celebrated on November 1st

“Comparative anatomy confirms that man is by nature a herbivore, subsisting on fruits, seeds and mealy plants” (Dr. Sylvester Graham).

Nov. 1 noted International Vegan Day - World Vegan Day .

The word "vegan" was coined Donald Watson (Donald Watson) from the first three and last two letters English word“vegetarian” (“vegetarian”, “vegetarian”).

The holiday has been celebrated annually since 1994. Although the first “Vegan Community” was created in Great Britain back in 1944.

On World Vegan Day different countries There are events and lectures dedicated to vegans and veganism. There are also festivals, concerts, fairs, film and fashion shows.

Veganism (veganism) - a way of life subject to strict. Vegans eat only plant foods, completely eliminating even dairy products, eggs and honey from their diet.

They also refuse to wear clothes made of leather, fur, wool, and silk.

Why do people become vegans?

The main reason is probably pity, compassion, and reluctance to be the cause of killing animals and cruelty to them.

Sir Paul McCartney said: “If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegetarian.”

It seems to me that he is absolutely right.

Most of us don’t think at all about how many animals die to fill the shelves of stores, markets, and then the shelves of our refrigerators.

For example, after reading the poems of the 17th century English poet Pope , I no longer want sausage and steak:

“Lamb, doomed by your greed
For fierce torture, in the moment of mortal agony
Looks into your eyes, innocent, amazed,
And he affectionately licks your hands, the murderer!”

The founders of many religions were also vegetarians.

For example, the founder of the Buddhist religion Siddhartha Gautama , known to the world as Buddha (623-544 BC), gave up eating meat in his youth.

Didn't eat meat Confucius , founder of Zoroastrianism Zoroaster , saint Francis of Assisi .

More likely, Jesus Christ He also did not eat meat, since this is not mentioned in any of the four Gospels.

It is known for sure that he was a strict vegetarian St. Peter . He ate only bread, olives and herbs.

The apostles did not eat meat Matthew And Jacob .

And the greatest preacher of Christianity John Chrysostom wrote: “We are like wolves and tigers! We are even worse than these animals. Nature created them in such a way that they should eat meat, while God gifted us with rational speech and a sense of justice.”

Many brilliant people were vegetarians.

For example, Pythagoras (VI century BC), which we all learn about in elementary school.

But Pythagoras was not only a scientist and philosopher, he was also the founder of the first vegetarian association, including 300 young people from the most influential families of the city.

The main commandment of the members of this society was “Do not kill or harm innocent animals.”

Pythagoras convinced his students that if they were content with plant foods, they would have health and peace of mind.

Pythagoras himself ate bread, boiled and raw, and honey.

The biographer of Pythagoras wrote: “Pythagoras’s sleep was short, his soul was pure and cheerful, his body was tempered in perfect and indestructible health.”

He wrote with admiration about the teachings of Pythagoras in his Metamorphoses ancient poet Ovid: “He, Pythagoras, was the first to prohibit the serving of animal meat; was the first to open his mouth to utter words full of wisdom...”

Plato, who is considered a follower of Pythagoras, was also a vegetarian.

Plato founded the "Academy" near Athens and gave his lectures there.

Plato was sure that eating meat leads to many diseases that can be avoided by eating plant foods, cheese, honey - “And isn’t it a shame when medical care is required not for wounds or random illnesses characteristic of the season, but due to our dissolute life..."

The writer and historian of antiquity was a vegetarian Plutarch . In his writings there are the following words: “For my part, I do not understand what kind of feeling, thought or reason guided that person who for the first time decided to defile his mouth with blood and allowed his lips to touch the meat of a slain creature... Nothing leads us to embarrassment: neither the wonderful beauty of the helpless animals we kill for food, nor the pitiful gentle sounds of their voices, nor their mental abilities. Just because of a piece of their meat, we are depriving them of the radiant light, the life for which they were born.”

The great painter and scientist of the Renaissance was a strict vegetarian Leonardo da Vinci , who wrote: “The time will come when people will look at the killing of animals as they now look at the killing of humans.”

Supporters of vegetarianism were Voltaire And Rousseau , English poet early XIX century P.B. Shelley , philosophers Montaigne And Schopenhauer, Charles Darwin, Mark Twain, Henry Ford, Mahatma Gandhi , writer and playwright Bernard Show .

Shaw was an unusually witty and sharp person; to questions from a curious public about his refusal to eat meat, he answered: “Why demand from me an account of why I eat like a decent person. If I were eating the burnt corpses of innocent creatures, you would have reason to ask me why I do this.”

We all know that the great Russian writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy preached abstinence from meat.

It is difficult to even list all the great people who adhere to vegetarianism.

Many of our contemporaries do not eat meat: movie stars Brigitte Bardot, Richard Gere, Pamela Anderson, David Duchovny, Cameron Diaz, Steven Seagal, Demi Moore

Probably, each of us decides for himself what to eat.

But even if you don’t give up, reducing the amount of meat in your diet is good for you, all scientists and doctors agree with this.

And in conclusion, the verses of Pythagoras:

“It’s enough for you, people, to defile yourselves with illicit food!
Do you have cereals? under the weight of a rich burden
The branches of the trees bow to juicy, ruddy fruits;
The grapes hang on the vines; roots and herbs
Tender, tasty ripen in the fields; and others,
Those that are rougher are softened and sweetened by fire;
Pure milky moisture and fragrant honeycomb
Sweet honey that smells like fluffy grass - thyme,
You are not prohibited. Lavishly generously all the blessings
The earth offers you; no brutal killings and no blood
She prepares delicious dishes for you.
Only wild animals
They satisfy their hunger with live meat...
...And what a criminal custom this is,
What a terrible abomination: intestines - intestines absorption!
Is it possible to fatten creatures like us with meat and blood?
Greedy body and the murder of another creature,
By someone else’s death, to support life?”

On November 1, vegans around the world celebrate their holiday - World Vegan Day.

The holiday appeared on November 1, 1994, when the first “Vegan Society”, created in Great Britain back in 1944, celebrated its 50th anniversary. On this day, events and information campaigns dedicated to veganism are held.

Vegan Day concludes “Vegetarian Awareness Month,” which began on October 1st.

Every year, the number of supporters of giving up meat and other products associated with the exploitation and killing of animals in the world is growing steadily. One of the main reasons for veganism is: a reluctance to be involved in the killing and cruelty of animals.

Vegan ethics considers the moral right of humans to take the lives of animals to satisfy their needs. First of all, this concerns the question of whether eating meat is compatible with the morality of a highly civilized person.

It is an important incentive to stop consuming animal products. To date, many studies have been conducted proving the harm of animal food. Vegan nutrition provides the human body with everything necessary for normal development and is suitable for all ages.

A well-balanced plant-based diet is enriched with protein, iron, calcium and other essential vitamins and minerals. Plant sources of these nutrients, typically low in saturated fat, high in fiber and antioxidants, help reduce some of the world's current health problems, such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

Livestock farming leads to . The production of meat and other livestock products places a heavy burden on the environment. The overwhelming amount of grain feed needed for meat production is causing forest loss, habitat loss and species extinction.

The United Nations has been issuing reports for years that large farms collectively produce more greenhouse gas emissions than the entire automobile industry on Earth. The study, published by Chalmers University of Technology, makes a bold statement: to effectively combat climate change, we must dramatically change our eating habits by reducing the amount of meat and dairy in our diets.

Having analyzed the modern food system, he stated that eating meat harms everyone and everything, and giving it up will result in great benefits for the world.

Scientists at the University of Oxford have found that eliminating animal foods could not only save millions of human lives by 2050 and save billions of dollars in medical costs, but also prevent climate change by significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions caused by animal agriculture. The research report was published in the journal of the US National Academy of Sciences, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

VEGAN congratulates on the holiday its like-minded people - vegans, as well as those who are just starting their journey, realizing the horror of violence committed by humanity towards animals! Patience, success and new victories to everyone! Be happy!

International Vegan Day is a wonderful holiday for vegetarians, animal activists and supporters healthy image life. A day that will pass under the sign of veganism. Activists around the world will distribute information materials about veganism, place information in the media to prove the benefits of a vegan lifestyle and make it popular.

How did International Vegan Day come about?
Currently, there are already some similar holidays. For example, International Vegetarian Day, which is celebrated annually on October 1st. To mark the 50th anniversary of The Vegan Society, a UK registered charity promoting veganism, the world began to celebrate International Vegan Day on November 1st. For the first time this date became a holiday in 1994. Unfortunately, the exact founding date of The Vegan Society is unknown. However, it is believed that Donald Watson founded this community on November 1, 1944. It is symbolic that this day is located on the calendar between the widely celebrated Halloween (October 30), All Hallows Eve and the “Day of the Dead” (November 2), which are widely celebrated in the Western world.

Is this a day off or a public holiday?
Both. International Vegan Day, as such, is not a public holiday, even though it has been celebrated annually for many decades. However, this event falls on the Christian holiday “All Saints' Day”. In many countries, All Saints' Day is a public holiday. Therefore, International Vegan Day is an official holiday in many countries.

What events happen on this day?
Due to the rapid growth of the vegan lifestyle, International Vegan Day is receiving great response from the global community. It is for this reason that more and more cities around the world are organizing promotions and all kinds of activities around this holiday. Many of these holidays have an anti-meat-eating orientation. They are aimed at promoting a vegan lifestyle. There are also free vegan meal giveaways to publicly demonstrate how delicious and varied vegan cuisine can be.

What can I do on this day?
International Vegan Day is not a centrally organized event, it is simply celebrated by all interested people through their joint efforts. Every person can and should take part in it to contribute to the development and spread of the vegan lifestyle. By taking an active part in the celebration of this day, you have every chance to make many new and useful acquaintances. Of course, it is much more fun when not just one person, but large groups of people, take part in organizing the holiday. To do this, it is recommended to first agree on forums and plan everything well in advance.
It is thanks to such holidays that the public will understand how many vegans are around the world, in your country or in your city, and perhaps this will encourage many people to switch to a vegan lifestyle. After all, it motivates and inspires!

Based on materials from

3. The split in vegetarianism

The term “veganism” appeared thanks to the Englishman Donald Watson in 1944.

IN war time Due to the lack of meat products, there was no need for prohibitions, because there was a catastrophic shortage of food. The Government of England recommended that residents grow potatoes and Jerusalem artichokes, using every opportunity - planting vegetables on lawns and public gardens.

Improved food supplies to the country led to a split in the vegetarian movement. Many began to consume eggs and dairy products.

4. Vegan Society

The result of the split among vegetarians, divided between those who consume dairy products and those who exclude them, was the creation of the Vegan Society by Donald Watson. It was Watson who proposed the term “vegan” to distinguish himself from vegetarians.

The organization's goal was to disseminate information so that everyone could make informed choices with the necessary knowledge. The creation of the "Vegan Society" November 1, 1944 is International Vegan Day.

5. How is the holiday celebrated?

On November 1, different countries celebrate Vegan Day with events. The purpose of information campaigns is to tell everyone about veganism. Thus, supporters of the movement are trying to draw public attention to the problems of cruelty to animals.

Vegan Day is a call for a humane and ethical attitude towards nature. And, although vegans give each other gifts for the holiday, in the making of which no animals were harmed, the essence of the holiday is not to have fun.

The main idea is a humane attitude towards nature.

6. The essence of veganism

A vegan is a vegetarian who follows strict dietary rules, which include avoiding animal products.

Unlike vegetarians, vegans exclude from their diet not only meat and chicken, but also dairy products, seafood, and eggs. By refusing to wear fur and leather, vegans oppose the killing of animals.

It would seem, what relation can milk have to murder? But vegans believe that keeping cows for milk is violence against animals, so such a product cannot be used for food.

They also oppose the use of animals in the entertainment industry: horse racing, dolphinariums, circuses, bullfights, zoos.

So veganism is not a desire for a healthy lifestyle, but a whole philosophy based on psychological, ethical and environmental aspects.

7. Veganism in Russia

The ideas of veganism appeared in Russia in the 1860s and actively developed until October revolution. The spread was based on ethical views. The majority of vegetarians adhered to a lifestyle similar to modern veganism.

The writer Leo Tolstoy had a tremendous influence on veganism in Russia. Having seen the killing of an animal in a slaughterhouse, Tolstoy rethought a lot, and began a new life at the age of fifty.

However, being a vegan in Russia is not easy. Especially in Siberia, where fresh fruits and vegetables are more expensive, and cold winters cannot be survived without a nutritious diet.

This is mainly why veganism is less common in Russia than in Europe.

8. Veganism in the USA

The complete opposite of Russia can be called the USA - a paradise for vegans. Despite historical traditions that contradict the ideals of veganism, society is actively trying to overcome old prejudices.

The promotion of plant-based foods has reached national proportions. Famous personalities, advertising on TV, posters on city streets and highways - everything is aimed at healthy eating.

There are even vegan fast food stalls in America. And the shelves of most supermarkets offer a huge selection of varied plant foods.

9. Day off or not?

It is known that in Russia Vegan Day is not a day off, otherwise every resident knew about this holiday.

However, November 1 is not only vegan day, but also All Saints' Day in the Catholic Church. In Poland, Italy, Finland, Austria, Germany and many other countries, November 1 is officially a day off.

Is it possible to say that there will be more vegetarians in Russia if this holiday is made a non-working day? It's hard to say. What is clear is that such an action will be an impetus for the dissemination of information and people will learn that veganism is not only nutritional rules, but something more.

10. Doctors' opinion

Debates about whether veganism is harmful or beneficial are ongoing. In this matter, it is especially important to listen to the opinion of doctors so as not to harm your body while saving everyone else.

After analyzing the human digestive organs, which will help get the answer, scientists came to the conclusion that evolution created people as omnivores. The human body cannot eat only meat or only grass.

Meat is necessary for normal growth; it contains important vitamins that are not found in plant foods. Therefore, vegans are deficient in some important micronutrients. But the positive effect of veganism on life expectancy has not been proven.

11. Healthy lifestyle month

October is considered “Vegetarian Awareness Month.” October 1 is International Vegetarian Day.

Due to the fact that between Vegetarian Day and Vegan Day there are several minor holidays related to them, it was decided to devote the entire month to this movement - from October 1 to November 1.

12. Celebrities

There are many vegans famous people- both in Russia and abroad.

These include famous Hollywood actors Joaquin Phoenix, Woody Harrelson, Natalie Portman, Demi Moore, Brad Pitt and many others.

Well-known representatives of veganism in Russia are Nikolai Drozdov, Mikhail Zadornov, Valery Zolotukhin, Elka, Sati Casanova.

13. About numbers

It is known that a sixth of the population is vegetarian, and this is a whole billion inhabitants.

Among the countries with a large number of vegetarians are England (6 million), the USA (11 million), France (1 million) and Spain (almost 800 thousand).

Russians are significantly behind: out of 150 million inhabitants, only 200 thousand people adhere to the idea of ​​veganism.

But what is especially surprising is the constant decrease in the number of vegans, in contrast to other countries.

Whether you become a vegan or not is up to you.

But to celebrate this holiday, you don’t have to be one. You just need to show concern for nature by planting a tree on this day or saving a homeless kitten from starvation.

It is not for people who have their own principles and worldviews to have their own holiday. But vegans, thanks to the enormous popularity of their community, received this opportunity. And they celebrate the unity of those who have excluded animal products from their diet on November 1st. This tradition began in 1994, and the day is associated with the date of formation of the Vegan Society.

Vegans are strict vegetarians who oppose any exploitation of animals, so they do not even use materials that contain ingredients of animal origin. On International Vegan Day, members of the community hold awareness events to promote their lifestyle. Most vegans have one motivation - ethical.

There is cabbage on the table,
And radishes and lettuce,
It's delicious for us vegans.
It's a holiday, they say!

Well, chew your meat,
We can't handle it
And life is beautiful without meat,
We will prove it to you.

Will be completely healthy
He will live for a very long time,
And of course, we will offer everyone
Be vegan like us!

To eat appetizingly
We don't need meat!
We eat well,
There is energy reserve!

In vegetables, mushrooms and fruits
We find heaven on earth,
And, of course, in cereals -
Our main diet!

Congratulations to everyone who is vegan,
You are on the right track!
From my heart I wish you
Just go to the right goals!

Bring veganism to the masses,
We don't need flesh and blood!
Give to living creatures
Your affection and love!

Happy International Vegan Day! I wish you to achieve your goal. Comprehend the truth in your chosen path and achieve the desired enlightenment! Health, strength, energy and desire to make the world a better place!

Being a vegan means appreciating all living things,
What is so precious on our Earth!
And the vegan rule is quite simple -
Don't do to others what you don't want to do to yourself!

We congratulate you and sincerely believe,
May your spirit continue to be strong!
Let your health only be stronger, stronger,
And the world will not hear the animal’s groan!

You don't hurt animals
You don't eat their meat at all,
And you don't eat fish
You don't wear leather clothes.

Let the world be free from evil!
After all, you are helping with this.
Happy International Vegan Day!
Goodness, love and beauty!

One potato, two potatoes,
There will be a delicious flatbread,
Let's make a cake out of carrots -
Very tasty still life.
Extract the juice from the parsley
And there is a piece of beetroot in it.
It will be a very tasty dinner
And garlic is like a hundred pearls
And it beckons and smells,
There was a groan in my stomach...
So let's raise a mug of juice,
So that at our doorstep,
Vegans of all stripes,
From various areas
There was a lot of laughter in life,
Lots of happiness and success!

I want to congratulate you on the holiday
I am vegans of the whole earth,
Send wishes
Health, joy, love!

You have chosen a difficult path,
I wish you perseverance in it.
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
Happy international day!

Vegetarians - well done,
You eat cucumbers
And you don’t eat meat at all,
And don’t even look at the fish,
You feel sorry for the animal world,
You don’t even drink kefir!
It's your choice, your right,
We shout bravo to you from the bottom of our hearts!
Today we congratulate you,
Happy Vegan Day, and we wish you,
Health, joy, success,
More fun, more laughter!

On vegan day I wish
The food is tasty and healthy.
A bright and happy life,
Joyful and serene.

Let the position give
You have strength and patience,
Helps philosophically
Always make decisions.

Happy International Vegan Day!
I wish you good, prosperous health.
Let there be only nutritious food,
May it always be useful.

Giving up meat is cool
May your life reach the absolute.
Let nothing get in your way,
I wish you success in everything.

Congratulations on Vegan Day,
And from the bottom of my heart I wish you nothing but the best.
You protect animals from death,
You don’t want to live like everyone else.

Let there be only happiness in your home,
May the fate of evil and bad weather pass you by.
Nature's helpers, kind people,
No one will forget your work and care!

Congratulations: 28 in verse, 4 in prose.