Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

Seamless steel cylinder GOST 9731 79. Large volume seamless steel cylinders for gases




ON I p< 24,5 МПа (250 кгс/см 2)


GOST 9731-79

Official publication


to GOST 9731-79* Seamless steel cylinders of large volume dyne gases on J®,< 24,5 МПа (250 кгс/см 2). Технические условия

* The amendment is valid only on the territory of the Russian Federation,

(NUS No. 8 of 2002)

UDC 68.076.5:669.14:006.354 VM Group



Technical specifications GOST

Steel seamless cylinders of large capacity 8731-78

for gases for P w c24.5 MPa (12150 kgf/cm 2)

Date of introduction 01/01/81 in tea p, 2.2 01/01/85

This standard applies to cylinders made of carbon and alloy steel, made of seamless pipes and intended for storage and transportation of compressed and liquefied gases at ambient temperatures from minus 50 to plus 60 ° C.


1.1. Cylinders must be manufactured in the following designs:

1 - single-neck with internal thread with a spherical bottom (Fig. 1);

2 - double-neck with internal thread (Fig. 2);

3 - single-neck with external thread and flange, with a spherical bottom (Fig. 3);

4 - double-neck with external threads and flanges (Fig. 4).

1.2. The main parameters and dimensions of the cylinders must correspond to those indicated in Fig. 1-4 and in table. 1 (for cylinders: carbon steel) and table. 2 (for alloy steel cylinders).

Official publication Reproduction prohibited

© Standards Publishing House, 1979 © Standards Publishing House, 1994 Reissue with changes

S. 2 GOST 9721-7"


Cylinder body length Nominal L, mm

Weight of cylinders M, kg


Working pressure Р р, MPa (kgf/cm%)

which part, D„. them

Notes to the table 1-2:

1. At the customer's request, cylinders with a volume of 80-3210 l are manufactured in normal or reduced length. The top line in the table refers to the parameters of cylinders of normal length, the bottom line - to reduced length.

2, At the customer’s request, cylinders can be made double-necked with one plugged neck

GOST ®731-79 p. A



Cylinder body length nominal, mm

Cylinder wall thickness s, mm, not less

Mayev a cylinders M, kg

Working pressure P g MPa (kgf/cm 2)

(Changed edition, Rev. No.

S. 4 GOST *T81-7"

1.3. Maximum deviations should not exceed:

by volume... . . . |

along the outer diameter of the cylindrical part: for cylinders made of carbon steel for cylinders made of alloy steel. at the transition points from cylinder to sphere. by length (instead of volume limitation).

±1.5% ±2.0% ±2.5% ±3%.

1.4. At the customer's request, alloy steel cylinders must be manufactured with weight restrictions. The mass of the cylinder per 1 liter of actual volume should not exceed the nominal / m\

1-7-I by more than 10%. At the same time, the limitation on the volume of

Examples of the designation of Cylinder version 1 with a volume of 200 l for a pressure of 24.5 MPa (250 kgf/cm 2) made of alloy steel, with a mass limit for air:

Air cylinder 1-200-24.5 L-M GOST 9731-79 The same, reduced length:

Air cylinder of reduced length 1-200-24.5 L-M

GROWTH 9731-79

The same, version 2 made of carbon steel for air: Air cylinder 2-200-24.5 GOST 9731-79. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).


2.1. Cylinders must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard and the “Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Pressure Vessels” approved by the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor, according to working drawings approved in the prescribed manner.

2.2. Cylinders must be made from pipes that have undergone ultrasonic testing.

2.3. The mechanical properties of the cylinder material must be no less than those indicated in the table. 3.

Table 3

Continuation of the table. 3

Note. Impact strength at temperatures of minus 20 and minus 50 °C is determined by float for cylinders of each standard size.

2.4. The ovality of the cylinders must be within the permissible deviations in the outer diameter.

2.5. The outer and inner surfaces of the cylinders must be free of caps, holes, dulls, and cracks.

Elevations, depressions, risks, as well as dents from scale or tools and other minor defects, including compacted and open wrinkles on the inner surface of the necks and bottoms, should not bring the wall thickness of the cylinders beyond the minimum values ​​indicated in the table. 1 and 2.

2.6. The outer and inner surfaces of the cylinders must be etched, shot blasted or sandblasted. Scale that has grown together with the metal and cannot be cleaned or knocked out is allowed.

2.7. Cylinders must be subjected to heat treatment:

carbon steel - normalization;

made of alloy steel - hardened and tempered.

The surface hardness of heat-treated alloy steel cylinders should not be HB 269-341.

2.6; 2.7. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

2.8. Oxygen and hydrogen cylinders must be degreased. Before installing shut-off valves, cylinders must be additionally degreased at the consumer's site.

2.9. The necks of cylinders with internal threads must be made in accordance with the drawings. 5 and table. 4.

The number of thread turns with a full profile must be at least 10.

Beyond the minimum length of the threaded part, internal boring of the neck is allowed, without taking the wall thickness beyond the minimum values.

Table ♦

Dimensions, mm

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

2.10. Cylinder necks with external threads for flanges must be manufactured in accordance with the drawings. 6 and table. 5.

Table 5

Dimensions, mm

2.11. The thread of the necks and flanges is in accordance with GOST 9150-81 and GOST 24705-81. Maximum deviations - according to GOST 16093-81 8# and 7N.

It is allowed to chip and break the thread no more than Ve of the total number of turns on a length of no more than 73 times the circumference of each broken turn. Nicks and radial marks are not allowed on the sealing surface.

2.12. Flanges for cylinders must be made from heat-treated blanks (forgings, stampings, or rolled sections) in accordance with drawings. 7 and table. 6.

Table 6

Dimensions, mm

The mechanical properties of the flange material, determined on longitudinal samples, are given in Table. 7.

Table 7

(Changed edition, Amendment TA 1,2).

2.13. To prevent unscrewing, the flanges must be welded to the neck on the side adjacent to the cylinder sphere, or secured with a pin.

2.14. Cylinders must be sealed.

The bottoms of single-neck cylinders must be welded by electric welding.

Instead of welding for cylinders with a diameter of 426 and 465 mm, it is allowed to install in the center of the bottom a plug on the M52ХЗ-М80ХЗ thread with subsequent electric welding. The plugs must be made of steel grades 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45 in accordance with GOST 1050-88 with a height of at least 25 mm.

Goujon thread - according to GOST 9150-81 and GOST 24705-81. Maximum deviations - 8g according to GOST 16093-81.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.15. The outer surface of the cylinders must be painted with bitumen-oil varnish, oil, enamel or nitro paint in accordance with GOST 9.402-80 with the 4th degree of purification. The paint color is selected depending on the gas being filled according to the table. 8. The paintwork must correspond to class 7 according to GOST 9.032-74.

Table S

Name of gas

Coloring of cylinders

Argon raw

Argon technical

Argon pure



Nitrous oxide Oxygen

Medical oxygen

Hydrogen sulfide

Sulfur dioxide

Carbon dioxide


All other flammable gases All other non-flammable gases

Dark green



Aluminum or light gray




(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2)*

2.16. Each cylinder with a volume of 100 liters or more must be accompanied by a passport in the form established by the Rules of the State Gorge-Gekhnadzor.


3.1. Each cylinder must be subjected to acceptance tests for compliance with the requirements of paragraphs. 1.2; 1.3; 2.3; 2.4; 2.5; 2.6; 2.9; 2.10; 2.11; 2.12; 2.13; 2.14; 2.15; 2.16.


1. Tensile and impact bending tests of the cylinder material are checked on 2 samples from a batch of cylinders.

2. Cylinders with two open necks are not subject to leak testing at the manufacturer.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.2. Cylinders are presented for acceptance in batches of up to 100 pcs. one type, one volume, one heat and heat treatment mode.


4.1. Testing the material of cylinders for tension and impact bending (clause 2.3) should be carried out on longitudinal samples cut from a section of pipe of the same melt from which these cylinders are made, which has undergone heat treatment together with the cylinders. For each type of test, at least two samples from the batch are selected.

(Changed edition, Rev., No. 1).

4.2. The tensile test should be carried out on short proportional specimens of type III in accordance with GOST 1497-84.

4.3. The impact bending test of cylinders with a wall thickness from 7 to 12 mm should be carried out on type 3 samples, cylinders with a wall thickness of more than 12 mm - on type 1 samples according to GOST 9454-78.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

4.4. Quality control of the heat treatment of cylinders (clause 2.7) should be carried out by measuring the hardness of the cylinders.

The surface hardness of the cylinders is measured according to GOST 9012-59.

4.5. The strength of the cylinders is checked by a hydraulic test, and the tightness is checked by a pneumatic test in accordance with the requirements of the “Rules for the design and safe operation of pressure vessels. The duration of hydraulic tests must be at least:

15 min - for cylinders at P 9 to 14.7 MPa<150 Krcjtu*} включительно;

90 min - for cylinders at P 9 up to 19.6 MPa (200 kgf/cm*) inclusive;

120 min - for cylinders with P over 19.6 MPa (200 kgf/cm i).

(Changed edition, Amendments No. 1,2).

4.6. The quality of threads on necks and flanges (clauses 2.9-2.11) is checked with gauges in accordance with GOST 2016-86. Flanges for cylinders* (clause 2.12) are tested in accordance with the requirements of GOST 9399-81.

4.7. The quality of the outer and inner surfaces of the cylinders* (clauses 2.5; 2.6) is checked by external inspection.

4.8. Checking the volume of cylinders (clause 1.2) is carried out by filling the cylinders with water to the base of the neck and then determining the volume or mass of water.

4.9. If the results of testing samples for tensile or impact strength do not comply with the requirements of this standard, repeated tests of a double number of samples must be carried out according to the type of test that showed underestimated results.

If the results of repeated tests are unsatisfactory, the cylinders must be subjected to repeated heat treatment, after which the mechanical properties are tested in the above order. No more than two repeated heat treatments are allowed. Additional tempering is not considered repeated heat treatment.


5.1. The following data must be clearly stamped on the spherical part at the neck of each cylinder:

manufacturer's trademark;

serial number of the cylinder according to the manufacturer’s numbering system;

date (month, year) of manufacture and testing;

type of heat treatment: N - normalization for carbon steel cylinders; W - hardening and tempering for cylinders made of alloy steel; working pressure (P) and test hydraulic pressure (I) in MPa (kgf/cm2);

nominal cylinder volume in l.

Note. According to the consumer's order, instead of the nominal volume, the cylinders must indicate its actual value with an accuracy of 1 liter.

actual mass of the cylinder in kg with an accuracy of 1 kg;

OTK stamp;

5.2. The inner surface of the cylinders must be protected from corrosion by filling with a volatile inhibitor.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

5.3. The external thread of the neck of the cylinders must be protected from damage by metal or polyethylene rings. The openings of the necks of cylinders with internal threads must be tightly closed with metal threaded plugs with rubber gaskets or polyethylene threaded plugs. The openings of the necks of cylinders with external threads are tightly closed with a polyethylene plug.

5.4. Each batch of cylinders must be accompanied by a document certifying the cylinders’ compliance with the requirements of this standard, which must indicate:

name of the manufacturer and its address;

number of cylinders and their numbers;-

results of hydraulic and pneumatic tests;

designation of this standard.

5.5. Cylinders are transported by all types of transport in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport.

Transportation of cylinders by rail in wagon shipments is carried out with maximum use of the carrying capacity or capacity of the vehicle.

Transportation of cylinders - according to group Zh1 GOST 15150-69.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

5.5a. Transport marking with the application of main, additional and informational inscriptions - in accordance with GOST 14192-77.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).

5.6. Storage of cylinders - according to group Z1 GOST 15150-69.


6.1. The manufacturer must ensure that the cylinders comply with the requirements of this standard, subject to the operating, transportation and storage conditions established by this standard and the “Rules for the design and safe operation of pressure vessels”* approved by the USSR State Mining and Technical Supervision Authority.

6.2. The warranty period is 2.5 years from the date of putting the cylinders into operation.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the USSR Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy


E. A. Bliznyukov, Ph.D. tech. sciences; M. M. Bernstein, Ph.D. tech. sciences; Ya. I. Litvinsky, Ph.D. tech. sciences; S. G. Belik; T. V. Beilinova, Ph.D. tech. Sci.

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated November 30, 1979 No. 4605

3. INSTEAD GOST 9731-61


Item number

GOST 9.032-74

GOST 9.402-80

GOST 1050-88

GOST 1497-84

GOST 2016-86

GOST 5791-81

GOST 7931-76

GOST 9012-59

GOST 9150-81

GOST 9399-81

GOST 9454-78

GOST 14192-77

GOST 15150-69

GOST 16093-81

GOST 24705-81

5. The validity period was lifted by decision of the Interstate

Military Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (IUS 2-93).

6. REISSUE (May 1994) with Amendments No. 1, 2, approved in December 1985, June 1990 (IUS 4-86, 10-90)

Editor I. V. Vinogradskaya Technical editor V. N. Prusakova Proofreader L. Ya. Mitrofanova

Delivered to set 04/15/94. Subp. in the oven 06/03/94. Uel. oven l. 0.93. Uel. cr.-ott. 0.93. _____Uch.-ed., l. 0.83. Shooting gallery 503 copies, C 1385.

Order of the Badge of Honor * Publishing house of standards, 107076, Moscow, Kolodezny per., 14. Kaluga printing house of standards, st. Moskovskaya, 256. Zak. 857

GOST 9731-79

Group B66


VOLUME FOR GASES AT 24.5 MPa (250 kgf/cm)


Steel seamless cylinders of large capacity for gases
for 24.5 MPa (250 kgf/cm).

Date of introduction 1981−01−01
in terms of clause 2.2 1985−01−01


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the USSR Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy


E.A.Bliznyukov, Ph.D. tech. sciences; M. M. Bernstein, Ph.D. tech. sciences; Ya. I. Litvinsky, Ph.D. tech. sciences; S. G. Belik; T. V. Beilinova, Ph.D. tech. Sci.

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated November 30, 1979 N 4605

3. INSTEAD GOST 9731-61


Designation of the referenced technical document Item number
GOST 9.032−74 2.15
GOST 9.402−80 2.15
GOST 1050-88 2.14
GOST 1497-84 4.2
GOST 2016-86 4.6
GOST 5791-81 5.2
GOST 7931-76 5.2
GOST 9012-59 4.4
GOST 9150-81 2.11; 2.14
GOST 9399-81 4.6
GOST 9454-78 4.2
GOST 14192-77 5.5a
GOST 15150-69 5.5; 5.6
GOST 16093-81 2.11; 2.14
GOST 24705-81 2.11; 2.14

5. The validity period was lifted by decision of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (IUS 2−93).

6. REISSUE (May 1994) with Amendments No. 1, 2, approved in December 1985, June 1990 (IUS 4−86, 10−90)

Amendment made by database manufacturer

This standard applies to cylinders made of carbon and alloy steel, made of seamless pipes and intended for storage and transportation of compressed and liquefied gases at ambient temperatures from minus 50 to plus 60 °C. Product safety requirements are set out in paragraphs 1.2, 1.3, 2.3, 2.7, 4.1−4.5, 4.8.

(Amendment. IUS N 8−2002).


1.1. Cylinders must be manufactured in the following designs:

1 - single-neck with internal thread with a spherical bottom (Fig. 1);

2 - double-neck with internal thread (Fig. 2);

3 - single-neck with external thread and flange, with a spherical bottom (Fig. 3);

4 - double-neck with external threads and flanges (Fig. 4).

1.2. The main parameters and dimensions of the cylinders must correspond to those indicated in Fig. 1−4 and in Table 1 (for cylinders made of carbon steel) and Table 2 (for cylinders made of alloy steel).

Drawing 1−4





Table 1

Cylinder volume, l

Outer diameter of cylinder
bal part, mm

Cylinder body length nominal, mm

Weight of cylinders, kg

9,8 (100) 14,7 (150) 19,6 (200) 24,5 (250) 9,8 (100) 14,7 (150) 19,6 (200) 24,5 (250) 9,8 (100) 14,7 (150) 19,6 (200) 24,5 (250)
80 325 1270 1330 1390 1460 6,8 10,0 13,1 16,1 90 130 175 220
377 1040 1080 1130 1180 7,9 11,7 15,2 18,7 100 150 205 250
100 325 1550 1620 1690 1770 6,8 10,0 13,1 16,1 105 155 210 265
377 1230 1290 1340 1420 7,9 11,7 15,2 18,7 115 175 230 290
130 325 1960 2050 2140 2240 6,8 10,0 13,1 16,1 130 190 255 330
377 1530 1600 1700 1760 7,9 11,7 15,2 18,7 140 210 290 360
160 325 2370 2470 2580 2710 6,8 10,0 13,1 16,1 155 230 310 395
377 1820 1900 2020 2110 7,9 11,7 15,2 18,7 165 250 335 430
200 325 2940 3060 3160 3350 6,8 10,0 13,1 16,1 190 290 375 490
377 2220 2340 2470 2550 7,9 11,7 15,2 18,7 200 305 400 510
250 377 2760 2850 3010 3150 7,9 11,7 15,2 18,7 235 365 480 625
426 2260 2380 2500 2620 9,0 13,2 17,2 21,1 255 375 525 665
320 426 2820 2965 3120 3260 9,0 13,2 17,2 21,1 315 465 650 820
465 2530 2570 2725 2840 9,8 14,4 18,8 23,0 400 485 670 840
400 465 3075 3130 3240 3420 9,8 14,4 18,8 23,0 480 600 810 1030
500 465 3730 3810 4000 4220 9,8 14,4 18,8 23,0 580 725 970 1240

Notes to table 1−2:

1. At the customer’s request, cylinders with a volume of 80−320 l are manufactured in normal or reduced length. The top line in the table refers to the parameters of cylinders of normal length, the bottom line - to reduced length.

2. At the customer's request, cylinders can be made double-necked with one plugged neck.

table 2

Cylinder volume, l

Outer diameter of cylinder
cerical part, , mm

Cylinder body length nominal, mm

Cylinder wall thickness, mm, not less

Weight of cylinders, kg

Working pressure, MPa (kgf/cm)

14,7 (150) 19,6 (200) 24,5 (250) 14,7 (150) 19,6 (200) 24,5 (250) 14,7 (150) 19,6 (200) 24,5 (250)
80 325 1280 1280 1350 7,0 8,8 10,9 90 110 140
377 1020 1050 1100 7,9 10,2 12,7 100 125 160
100 325 1560 1560 1630 7,0 8,8 10,9 105 130 170
377 1230 1260 1320 7,9 10,2 12,7 115 145 190
130 325 1970 1970 2060 7,0 8,8 10,9 130 165 210
377 1540 1570 1630 7,9 10,2 12,7 140 180 230
160 325 2380 2380 2480 7,0 8,8 10,9 155 195 250
377 1830 1880 1940 7,9 10,2 12,7 165 210 270
200 325 2930 2930 3060 7,0 8,8 10,9 190 240 305
377 2230 2290 2380 7,9 10,2 12,7 200 255 325
250 377 2720 2800 2900 7,9 10,2 12,7 235 305 390
426 2200 2300 2370 9,2 11,5 14,2 255 325 405
320 426 2750 2870 2950 9,2 11,5 14,2 315 400 500
465 2550 2550 2610 10,2 13,0 15,6 350 440 540
400 465 2970 3040 3100 10,2 13,0 15,6 415 530 655
500 465 3770 3770 3850 10,2 13,0 15,6 505 640 800

1.3. Maximum deviations should not exceed:

by volume… ±5%

along the outer diameter of the cylindrical part:

for carbon steel cylinders…±1.5%

for alloy steel cylinders…±2.0%

in places of transition from cylinder to sphere ... ±2.5%

along the length (instead of the volume limitation) ... ±3%.

1.4. At the customer's request, alloy steel cylinders must be manufactured with weight restrictions. The mass of the cylinder per 1 liter of actual volume should not exceed the nominal one by more than 10%. In this case, the volume limitation is removed.

Examples of symbols

Cylinder version 1 with a volume of 200 l for a pressure of 24.5 MPa (250 kgf/cm) made of alloy steel, with a weight limit for air:

Air cylinder 1−200−24.5 L-M GOST 9731-79

The same, reduced length:

Air cylinder of reduced length 1−200−24.5 L-M GOST 9731-79

The same, version 2 made of carbon steel for air:

Air cylinder 2−200−24.5 GOST 9731-79.


2.1. Cylinders must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard and the “Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Pressure Vessels” approved by the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor, according to working drawings approved in the prescribed manner.

2.2. Cylinders must be made from pipes that have undergone ultrasonic testing.

2.3. The mechanical properties of the cylinder material must be no less than those indicated in Table 3.

Table 3

The name of indicators
Carbon steel
Alloy steel

Tensile strength, MPa (kgf/mm)

638 (65) 883 (90)

Yield strength, MPa (kgf/mm)

373 (38) 687 (70)

Relative extension , %

15 13

Impact strength KCU, J/m(kgf/cm) at temperature:

-20°С -
-50°С -

Note. Impact strength at temperatures of minus 20 and minus 50 °C is determined by float for cylinders of each standard size.

2.4. The ovality of the cylinders must be within the permissible deviations in the outer diameter.

2.5. The outer and inner surfaces of the cylinders must be free of caps, holes, dulls, and cracks.

Elevations, depressions, risks, as well as dents from scale or tools and other minor defects, including compacted and open wrinkles on the inner surface of the necks and bottoms, should not bring the wall thickness of the cylinders beyond the minimum values ​​indicated in Tables 1 and 2.

2.6. The outer and inner surfaces of the cylinders must be etched, shot blasted or sandblasted. Scale that has grown together with the metal and cannot be cleaned or knocked out is allowed.

2.7. Cylinders must be subjected to heat treatment:

carbon steel - normalization;

from alloy steel - hardening and tempering.

The surface hardness of heat-treated alloy steel cylinders should not be HB 269−341.

2.6; 2.7. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

2.8. Oxygen and hydrogen cylinders must be degreased. Before installing shut-off valves, cylinders must be additionally degreased at the consumer's site.

2.9. Cylinder necks with internal threads must be made in accordance with Figure 5 and Table 4.

The number of thread turns with a full profile must be at least 10.

Beyond the minimum length of the threaded part, internal boring of the neck is allowed, without taking the wall thickness beyond the minimum values.


Table 4

Dimensions, mm

Cylinder diameter

Not less for pressure, MPa (kgf/cm)

No less

Prev, off ±0.5
325; 377 70 77 40 62 54 5 5 2
426; 465 105 120 60 92 82 5 5 2,5

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

2.10. Cylinder necks with external threads for flanges must be made in accordance with Figure 6 and Table 5.


Table 5

Dimensions, mm

Cylinder diameter

(prev, off -4)

(limit off +5)

(limit deviation ±0.5)

325; 377; 426; 465 98 90 55 5 2,5

2.11. The thread of the necks and flanges is in accordance with GOST 9150-81 and GOST 24705-81. Maximum deviations - according to GOST 16093-81 8g and 7N.

It is allowed to chip and break the thread of no more than the total number of turns on a length not exceeding the circumference of each broken turn. Nicks and radial marks are not allowed on the sealing surface.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.12. Flanges for cylinders must be made from heat-treated blanks (forgings, stampings, or rolled sections) in accordance with Figure 7 and Table 6.


Table 6

Dimensions, mm

Cylinder diameter

(limit deviation ±0.3)

Number of holes

prev off 14

325; 377;
426; 465
185 245 55 2,5 1,0 8

The mechanical properties of the flange material, determined on longitudinal samples, are given in Table 7.

Table 7

steel grade Chemical composition

Tensile strength, N/mm(kgf/mm)

Yield strength, N/mm(kgf/mm)

Relative extension , %

Impact strength KCU, J/cm(kgf m/cm)

GOST 4543-71 618 (63) 392 (40) 15 59,6

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

2.13. To prevent unscrewing, the flanges must be welded to the neck on the side adjacent to the cylinder sphere, or secured with a pin.

2.14. Cylinders must be sealed.

The bottoms of single-neck cylinders must be welded by electric welding.

Instead of welding for cylinders with a diameter of 426 and 465 mm, it is allowed to install a plug on the M523-M803 thread in the center of the bottom, followed by electric welding. The plugs must be made of steel grades 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45 in accordance with GOST 1050-88 with a height of at least 25 mm.

Goujon thread - according to GOST 9150-81 and GOST 24705-81. Maximum deviations - 8g according to GOST 16093-81.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.15. The outer surface of the cylinders must be painted with bitumen-oil varnish, oil, enamel or nitro paint in accordance with GOST 9.402−80 with the 4th degree of purification. The paint color is selected depending on the gas being filled according to Table 8. The paintwork must correspond to class 7 according to GOST 9.032−74.

Table 8

Name of gas Coloring of cylinders
Nitrogen Black
Ammonia Yellow
Argon raw Black
Argon technical Black
Argon pure Gray
Acetylene White
Butylene Red
Oil&Gas Gray
Butane Red
Hydrogen Dark green
Air Black
Helium Brown
Nitrous oxide Gray
Oxygen Blue
Medical oxygen Blue
Hydrogen sulfide White
Sulfur dioxide Black
Carbon dioxide Black
Phosgene Protective
Freon Aluminum or light gray
Chlorine Protective
Cyclopropane Orange
Ethylene Purple
All other flammable gases Red
All other non-flammable gases Black

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

2.16. Each cylinder with a volume of 100 liters or more must be accompanied by a passport in the form established by the Gosgortekhnadzor Rules.


3.1. Each cylinder must be subjected to acceptance tests for compliance with the requirements of paragraph 1.2; 1.3; 2.3; 2;4; 2.5; 2.6; 2.9; 2.10; 2.11; 2.12; 2.13; 2.14; 2.15; 2.16.


1. Tensile and impact bending tests of the cylinder material are checked on 2 samples from a batch of cylinders.

2. Cylinders with two open necks are not subjected to leak testing at the manufacturer.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.2. Cylinders are presented for acceptance in batches of up to 100 pcs. one type, one volume, one heat and heat treatment mode.


4.1. Testing the material of cylinders for tension and impact bending (clause 2.3) should be carried out on longitudinal samples cut from a section of pipe of the same melt from which these cylinders are made, which has undergone heat treatment together with the cylinders. For each type of test, at least two samples from the batch are selected.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

4.2. The tensile test should be carried out on short proportional specimens of type III in accordance with GOST 1497-84.

4.3. The impact bending test of cylinders with a wall thickness from 7 to 12 mm should be carried out on type 3 samples, cylinders with a wall thickness of more than 12 mm - on type 1 samples according to GOST 9454-78.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

4.4. Quality control of the heat treatment of cylinders (clause 2.7) should be carried out by measuring the hardness of the cylinders.

The surface hardness of the cylinders is measured according to GOST 9012-59.

4.5. The strength of the cylinders is checked by a hydraulic test, and the tightness is checked by a pneumatic test in accordance with the requirements of the “Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Pressure Vessels”. The duration of hydraulic tests must be at least:

15 min - for cylinders up to 14.7 MPa (150 kgf/cm) inclusive;

90 min - for cylinders up to 19.6 MPa (200 kgf/cm) inclusive;

120 min - for cylinders over 19.6 MPa (200 kgf/cm).

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

4.6. The quality of threads on necks and flanges (clauses 2.9−2.11) is checked with gauges in accordance with GOST 2016-86. Flanges for cylinders (clause 2.12) are tested in accordance with the requirements of GOST 9399-81.

4.7. The quality of the outer and inner surfaces of the cylinders (clauses 2.5; 2.6) is checked by external inspection.

4.8. Checking the volume of cylinders (clause 1.2) is carried out by filling the cylinders with water to the base of the neck and then determining the volume or mass of water.

4.9. If the results of testing samples for tensile or impact strength do not comply with the requirements of this standard, repeated tests of a double number of samples must be carried out according to the type of test that showed underestimated results.

If the results of repeated tests are unsatisfactory, the cylinders must be subjected to repeated heat treatment, after which the mechanical properties are tested in the above order. No more than two repeated heat treatments are allowed. Additional tempering is not considered repeated heat treatment.


5.1. The following data must be clearly stamped on the spherical part at the neck of each cylinder:

manufacturer's trademark;

serial number of the cylinder according to the manufacturer’s numbering system;
date (month, year) of manufacture and testing;

type of heat treatment: — normalization for carbon steel cylinders; — hardening and tempering for cylinders made of alloy steel; working pressure (P) and test hydraulic pressure (P) in MPa (kgf/cm);

nominal cylinder volume in l.

Note. According to the consumer’s order, instead of the nominal volume, the cylinders must indicate its actual value with an accuracy of 1 liter,

actual mass of the cylinder in kg with an accuracy of 1 kg;

OTK stamp;

5.2. The inner surface of the cylinders must be protected from corrosion by filling with a volatile inhibitor.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

5.3. The external thread of the neck of the cylinders must be protected from damage by metal or polyethylene rings. The openings of the necks of cylinders with internal threads must be tightly closed with metal threaded plugs with rubber gaskets or polyethylene threaded plugs. The openings of the necks of cylinders with external threads are tightly closed with a polyethylene plug.

5.4. Each batch of cylinders must be accompanied by a document certifying the cylinders’ compliance with the requirements of this standard, which must indicate:

name of the manufacturer and its address;

number of cylinders and their numbers;

results of hydraulic and pneumatic tests;

designation of this standard.

5.5. Cylinders are transported by all types of transport in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport.

Transportation of cylinders by rail in wagon shipments is carried out with maximum use of the carrying capacity or capacity of the vehicle.

Transportation of cylinders - according to group Zh1 GOST 15150-69.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

5.5a. Transport marking with the application of main, additional and informational inscriptions - in accordance with GOST 14192-77.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).

5.6. Cylinder storage is according to group Zh1 GOST 15150-69.


6.1. The manufacturer must ensure that the cylinders comply with the requirements of this standard, subject to the operating, transportation and storage conditions established by this standard and the “Rules for the design and safe operation of pressure vessels” approved by the USSR State Technical Supervision Authority.

6.2. The warranty period is 2.5 years from the date of putting the cylinders into operation.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

V, l

Outer diameter of the cylindrical part,D n, mm

Cylinder body length nominalL, mm

Cylinder wall thicknesss, mm, no less

Cylinder weight M, kg

Operating pressure R p, MPa (kgf/cm 2)

9,8 (100)

14,7 (150)

19,6 (200)

24,5 (250)

9,8 (100)

14,7 (150)

19,6 (200)

24,5 (250)

9,8 (100)

14,7 (150)

19,6 (200)

24,5 (250)



















































































































Carbon steel

Alloy steel

Temporary resistance s in, MPa (kgf/mm 2)

638 (65)

883 (90)

Yield strength s t, MPa (kgf/mm 2)

373 (38)

687 (70)

Relative elongation δ5,%

Impact strength KCU, J/m 2 (kgf/cm 2) at temperature:


29,4 ∙ 10 4 (3)

58,9 ∙ 10 4 (6)


19,6 ∙ 10 4 (2)


29,4 ∙ 10 4 (3)

Notes e. Impact strength at temperatures of minus 20 and minus 50 °C is determined by float for cylinders of each standard size.

Dimensions, mm

Dimensions, mm

Dimensions, mm

Chemical composition

Temporary resistance s in, N/mm 2 (kgf/mm 2)

Yield strength s t, N/mm 2 (kgf/mm 2)

Relative elongation δ5,%

Impact strength KCU, J/cm 2 (kgf ∙ m/cm 2)


618 (63)

392 (40)


(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

Coloring of cylinders





Argon raw


Argon technical


Argon pure











Dark green





Nitrous oxide




Medical oxygen


Hydrogen sulfide


Sulfur dioxide


Carbon dioxide





Aluminum or light gray







All other flammable gases


All other non-flammable gases


(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

2.16 . Each cylinder with a volume of 100 liters or more must be accompanied by a passport in the form established by the Gosgortekhnadzor Rules.

Approved Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards of November 30, 1979 N 4605

State standard of the USSR GOST 9731-79*


Steel seamless cylinders of large capacity lor gases for P w ≤24.5 MPa (250 kgf/cm 2). Specifications

Instead of GOST 9731-61

Information data

1. Developed and introduced by the USSR Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy


E.A. Bliznyukov, Ph.D. tech. sciences; MM. Bernstein, Ph.D. tech. sciences; ME AND. Litvinsky, Ph.D. tech. sciences; S.G. Belik; T.V. Beilinova, Ph.D. tech. Sci.

2. Approved and put into effect by Decree of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated November 30, 1979 N 4605

3. Instead of GOST 9731-61

4. Reference regulatory and technical documents

Item number

GOST 9.032-74

GOST 9.402-80

GOST 1050-88

GOST 1497-84

GOST 2016-86

GOST 5791-81

GOST 7931-76

GOST 9012-59

GOST 9150-81

GOST 9399-81

GOST 9454-78

GOST 14192-77

GOST 15150-69

GOST 16093-81

GOST 24705-81

5. The validity period was lifted by decision of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (IUS 2-93).

6. Reissue (May 1994) with Amendments No. 1, 2, approved in December 1985, June 1990 (IUS 4-86, 10-90)

This standard applies to cylinders made of carbon and alloy steel, made of seamless pipes and intended for storage and transportation of compressed and liquefied gases at ambient temperatures from minus 50 to plus 60 ° C.

Product safety requirements are set out in clauses 1.2, 1.3, 2.7, 4.1 - 4.5, 4.8.

1. Types, main parameters and sizes

1.1. Cylinders must be manufactured in the following designs:

1 - single-neck with internal thread with a spherical bottom (Fig. 1);

2 - double-neck with internal thread (Fig. 2);

3 - single-neck with external thread and flange, with a spherical bottom (Fig. 3);

4 - double-neck with external threads and flanges (Fig. 4).

1.2. The main parameters and dimensions of the cylinders must correspond to those indicated in Fig. 1 - 4 and in table. 1 (for carbon steel cylinders) and table. 2 (for alloy steel cylinders).

Table 1

Cylinder volume V, l


cylindrical part,

Cylinder body length nominal L, mm

Cylinder wall thickness S, mm, not less

Cylinder weight M, kg

Notes to the table 12:

1. At the customer's request, cylinders with a volume of 80 - 320 l are manufactured in normal or reduced length. The top line in the table refers to the parameters of cylinders of normal length, the bottom line - to reduced length.

2. By order of the fighter, double-neck cylinders with one plugged neck can be manufactured

table 2

Cylinder volume V, l


cylindrical part,

Cylinder body length nominal, mi

Cylinder wall thickness s, mm, not less

Weight of cylinders M, kg

Working pressure P p, MPa (kgf/cm2)

1.3. Maximum deviations should not exceed:

By volume........................................................ .± 5%

along the outer diameter of the cylindrical part:

For carbon cylinders................................± 1.5%

For alloy steel cylinders........................ ± 2.0%

At the transition points from cylinder to sphere...................± 2.5%

By length (instead of volume limitation) ...................± 3%.

1.4, At the customer's request, alloy steel cylinders must be manufactured with weight restrictions. The mass of the cylinder per 1 liter of actual volume should not exceed the nominal one by more than 10%. In this case, the volume limitation is removed.

Examples of the designation of Cylinder version 1 with a volume of 200 l for a pressure of 24.5 MPa (250 kgf/cm2) made of alloy steel, with a mass limit for air:

Air cylinder 1-200-24, 5 L-M GOST 9731-79

The same, reduced length:

Air cylinder of reduced length 1-200-24.5 L-M

GOST 9731-79

The same, version 2 made of carbon steel for air:

Air cylinder 2-200-24, 5 GOST 9731-79.

2. Technical requirements

2.1. Cylinders must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard and the “Rules for the design and safe operation of pressure vessels” approved by the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor, according to working drawings approved in the prescribed manner.

2.2. Cylinders must be made from pipes that have undergone ultrasonic testing.

2.3. The mechanical properties of the cylinder material must be no less than those indicated in the table. 3.

Table 3

The name of indicators

Made from carbon

From alloyed

Tensile strength σ in, MPa (kgf/cm 2)

Yield strength σ t, MPa (kgf/cm2)

Relative elongation δ5,%

Impact strength KCU, J/m 2 (kgf/cm 2) at temperature:

Note. Impact strength at temperatures of minus 20 and minus 50°C is determined by float for cylinders of each standard size.

2.4. The ovality of the cylinders must be within the permissible deviations in the outer diameter.

2.5. The outer and inner surfaces of the cylinders must be free of caps, holes, dulls, and cracks.

Elevations, depressions, risks, as well as dents from scale or tools and other minor defects, including compacted and open wrinkles on the inner surface of the necks and bottoms, should not bring the wall thickness of the cylinders beyond the minimum values ​​indicated in the table. 1 and 2.

2.6. The outer and inner surfaces of the cylinders must be etched, shot blasted or sandblasted. Scale that has grown together with the metal and cannot be cleaned or knocked out is allowed.

2.7. Cylinders must be subjected to heat treatment:

carbon steel - normalization;

made of alloy steel - hardened and tempered.

The surface hardness of heat-treated alloy steel cylinders should not be HB 269-341.

2.6; 2, 7. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

2.8. Oxygen and hydrogen cylinders must be degreased. Before installing shut-off valves, cylinders must be additionally degreased at the consumer's site.

2.9. The necks of cylinders with internal threads must be made in accordance with the drawings. 5 and table. 4.

The number of thread turns with a full profile must be at least 10.

Beyond the minimum length of the threaded part, internal boring of the neck is allowed, without taking the wall thickness beyond the minimum values.

Table 4

Dimensions, mm

Cylinder diameter,

d, not less for pressures, MPa (kgf/cm2)

9, 8 - 14, 7 (100 - 150)

19, 6 - 24.5 (200 - 250)

Prev. off ±0.5

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

2.10. The necks of cylinders with external threads for flanges must be made in accordance with the drawings. 6 and table. 5.

Table 5

Dimensions, mm

Cylinder diameter

(limit off - 4)

(limit off + 5)

(limit deviation ±0.5)

325; 377; 426; 465

2.11. Thread of necks and flanges - according to GOST 9150-81 and GOST 24705-81, Limit deviations - according to GOST 16093-81 8g and 7N.

It is allowed to chip and break the thread of no more than 1/5 of the total number of turns at a length of no more than 1/3 of the circumference of each broken turn. Nicks and radial marks are not allowed on the sealing surface.

(Changed version, Rev. 16 1).

2.12. Flanges for cylinders must be made from heat-treated blanks (forgings, stampings, or rolled sections) in accordance with drawings. 7 and table. 6.

Table 6

Dimensions, mm

Cylinder diameter D

d 1 prev, off ±0.3)

Number of holes

prev off h 14

The mechanical properties of the flange material, determined on longitudinal samples, are given in Table. 7.

Table 7

(Changed edition, Rev., N, 2),

2.13. To prevent unscrewing, the flanges must be welded to the neck on the side adjacent to the cylinder sphere, or secured with a pin.

2.14. Cylinders must be sealed.

The bottoms of single-neck cylinders must be welded by electric welding.

Instead of welding for cylinders with a diameter of 426 and 465 mm, it is allowed to install a plug on the M52X3-M80X3 thread in the center of the bottom, followed by electric welding. The plugs must be made of steel grades 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45 in accordance with GOST 1050-88 with a height of at least 25 mm.

Goujon thread - according to GOST 9150-81 and GOST 24705-81. Maximum deviations - 8g according to GOST 16093-81.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1),

2.15. The outer surface of the cylinders must be painted with bitumen-oil varnish, oil, enamel or nitro paint in accordance with GOST 9.402-80 with the 4th degree of purification. The paint color is selected depending on the gas being filled according to the table. 8. The paintwork must correspond to class 7 according to GOST 9.032-74.

Table 8

Name of gas

Coloring of cylinders

Argon raw

Argon technical

Argon pure



Dark green


Nitrous oxide


Medical oxygen

Hydrogen sulfide

Sulfur dioxide

Carbon dioxide


Aluminum or light gray





All other flammable gases

All other non-flammable gases

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

2.16. Each cylinder with a volume of 100 liters or more must be accompanied by a passport in the form established by the Gosgortekhnadzor Rules.

3. Acceptance rules

3.1. Each cylinder must be subjected to acceptance tests for compliance with the requirements of paragraphs. 1.2; 1.3; 2.3; 2.4; 2.5; 2.6; 2.9; 2.10; 2.11; 2.12; 2.13; 2.14; 2.15; 2.16.


1. Tensile and impact bending tests of the cylinder material are checked on 2 samples from a batch of cylinders.

2. Cylinders with two open necks are not tested for leaks at the manufacturer.

(Changed edition, Revised, No. 1).

3.2. Cylinders are presented for acceptance in batches of up to 100 pcs. one type, one volume, one heat and heat treatment mode.

4. Test methods

4.1. Testing the material of cylinders for tension and impact bending (clause 2.3) should be carried out on longitudinal samples cut from a section of pipe of the same melt from which these cylinders are made, which has undergone heat treatment together with the cylinders. For each type of test, at least two samples from the batch are selected.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

4.2. The tensile test should be carried out on short proportional specimens of type III in accordance with GOST 1497-84.

4.3. The impact bending test of cylinders with a wall thickness from 7 to 12 mm should be carried out on type 3 samples, cylinders with a wall thickness of more than 12 mm - on type I samples in accordance with GOST 9454-78.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

4.4. Quality control of the heat treatment of cylinders (clause 2.7) should be carried out by measuring the hardness of the cylinders.

The surface hardness of the cylinders is measured according to GOST 9012-59.

4.5. The strength of the cylinders is checked by a hydraulic test, and the tightness is checked by a pneumatic test in accordance with the requirements of the “Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Pressure Vessels. The duration of hydraulic tests must be at least:

15 min - for cylinders at P p up to 14.7 MPa (150 kgf/cm2) inclusive;

90 min - for cylinders at P p up to 19.6 MPa (200 kgf/cm2) inclusive;

120 min - for cylinders with P p over 19.6 MPa (200 kgf/cm 2)

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

4.6. The quality of threads on necks and flanges (clauses 2.9 - 2.11) is checked with gauges in accordance with GOST 2016-86. Flanges for cylinders (clause 2.12) are tested in accordance with the requirements of GOST 9399-81.

4.7. The quality of the outer and inner surfaces of the cylinders (clauses 2.5; 2.6) is checked by external inspection.

4.8. Checking the volume of cylinders (clause 1.2) is carried out by filling the cylinders with water to the base of the neck and then determining the volume or mass of water.

4.9. If the results of testing samples for tensile or impact strength do not comply with the requirements of this standard, repeated tests of a double number of samples must be carried out according to the type of test that showed underestimated results.

If the results of repeated tests are unsatisfactory, the cylinders must be subjected to repeated heat treatment, after which the mechanical properties are tested in the order indicated above. No more than two repeated heat treatments are allowed. Additional tempering is not considered repeated heat treatment.

5 Labeling, packaging, transportation and storage

5.1. The following data must be clearly stamped on the spherical part at the neck of each cylinder:

manufacturer's trademark;

serial number of the cylinder according to the manufacturer’s numbering system;

date (month, year) of manufacture and testing;

type of heat treatment: N - normalization for carbon steel cylinders; W - hardening and tempering for cylinders made of alloy steel; working pressure (P) and test hydraulic pressure (P) in MPa (kgf/cm2);

nominal cylinder volume in l.

Note. At the consumer's request, instead of the nominal volume, the cylinders must indicate its actual value with an accuracy of 1 liter.

actual mass of the cylinder in kg with an accuracy of 1 kg;

OTK stamp;

5.2. The inner surface of the cylinders must be protected from corrosion by filling with a volatile inhibitor.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

5.3. The external thread of the neck of the cylinders must be protected from damage by metal or polyethylene rings. The openings of the necks of cylinders with internal threads must be tightly closed with metal threaded plugs, plugs with rubber gaskets or polyethylene threaded plugs. The openings of the necks of cylinders with external threads are tightly closed with a polyethylene plug.

5.4. Each batch of cylinders must be accompanied by a document certifying the cylinders’ compliance with the requirements of this standard, which must indicate:

name of the manufacturer and its address;

number of cylinders and their numbers;

results of hydraulic and pneumatic tests;

designation of this standard.

5.5. Cylinders are transported by all types of transport in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport.

Transportation of cylinders by rail in wagon shipments is carried out with maximum use of the carrying capacity or capacity of the vehicle.

Transportation of cylinders - according to group Zh1 GOST 15150-69.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

5.5a. Transport marking with the application of main, additional and informational inscriptions - in accordance with GOST 14192-77.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).

5.6. Storage of cylinders - according to group Z1 GOST 15150-69.

6. Manufacturer's warranty

6.1. The manufacturer must ensure that the cylinders comply with the requirements of this standard, subject to the operating, transportation and storage conditions established by this standard and the “Rules for the design and safe operation of pressure vessels” approved by the USSR State Mining and Technical Supervision.

6.2, Warranty period - 2.5 years from the date of putting the cylinders into operation.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).


* The amendment is valid on the territory of the Russian Federation.