Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

Strengthening seedlings of tomatoes and peppers. How and what to feed seedlings of peppers and tomatoes? When is the best time to do this, types of purchased fertilizers and folk recipes. Scheme for adding nutrients

For tomatoes and peppers, enriched with fertilizers, the plants may lack nutrients. in boxes of these crops occurs within two months, and the plants do not have enough food for this entire period.

Young plants are especially sensitive to such deficiencies, and nutrient deficiency immediately affects their condition.

However, when feeding any seedlings, you must not lose a sense of proportion. Large doses of fertilizer applied to tomato and pepper seedlings, as well as too frequent fertilizing, will not help the plants, but will most likely harm them.

When choosing a drug preference should be given to liquid types. If you purchased a dry mineral mixture, be sure to dilute it with water before use. The fact is that the root system of seedlings is not able to independently take advantage of dry minerals added to the soil.

Minerals will reach the roots only after dissolution with water at , and this is a long process, and seedlings may suffer from lack of nutrition and slow growth.

For better distribution of minerals in the soil Feeding tomato and pepper seedlings should be done after watering the plants. The procedure should be carried out in the morning so that in the evening, when the air temperature drops, it does not provoke the development of fungus in the soil.

Applying ready-made mixtures fertilizers, follow their intended purpose. If the fertilizers you purchased are intended for adult plants, then for seedlings you need to reduce their concentration in the solution by half.

Fertilizing will be more beneficial if you are around the plants loosen the soil regularly. Just do this with the utmost care, loosen only the top layer of soil an hour or two after watering.

Fertilizers for tomato seedlings

Tomatoes - particularly demanding crop during all periods of development. Correct and timely feeding allows you to obtain strong, viable specimens for subsequent cultivation in greenhouses or open ground.

During the growing of tomato seedlings you need to feed it three times:

  • The first fertilizing is carried out 10 days after picking the plants.. By this time, the roots have already taken root well in the new soil and are able to absorb all the added elements from it. At this stage, tomatoes need nitrogen and phosphorus, so the use of Nitrophos would be optimal. 1 tbsp. a spoon is diluted in a liter of water. Fertilizing is applied after a slight preliminary moistening of the soil, then the bushes are watered with fertilizer until the entire soil is evenly moistened.
  • The second feeding is carried out after 2 weeks. The composition of fertilizers during this period depends on the condition of the plants. If they are stretched out due to lack of lighting, then nitrogen should be excluded from fertilizers. The mixture is prepared from double superphosphate and potassium sulfate. Take a tablespoon of each mineral per liter. Of the ready-made liquid fertilizers, the most suitable during this period are “Uniflor Rost”, “Effecton”, “Signor Tomato”.
  • A week before planting tomatoes in a permanent place, the third feeding is carried out. A Nitrophoska solution is used for it.

What and how to feed peppers?

start at the very early stages development.

Already in the phase of the first two true leaves, you need to water the seedlings with a mixture of ammonium nitrate (0.5 g), superphosphate (3 g), potassium sulfate (1 g).

All ingredients must be diluted in a liter of pre-settled water.

IMPORTANT! When applying fertilizer, make sure that it does not get on the leaves, and if it accidentally gets in, wash it off with warm water.

Pour the same mixture over the pepper a second time., but double the dose. This must be done in two weeks after the first feeding.

A few days before planting peppers in the ground, a third feeding is carried out.. The fertilizer solution is prepared from 15 grams of wood ash diluted in 1 liter.

IMPORTANT! You cannot feed pepper seedlings with organic fertilizers, and manure is strictly contraindicated for it. Such fertilizing inhibits the root system of pepper.

Feeding tomato and pepper seedlings with folk remedies

Adherents of natural fertilizers can be advised to fertilize with folk remedies:

  1. Bird droppings. Dilute 100 g in 1 liter, infuse for 10 days. Before use, it is recommended to add copper sulfate or potassium permanganate to it.
  2. Banana peel. It is a source of potassium, especially recommended for tomatoes. Peels from 2-3 pieces are infused in 3 liters of water for 3 days.
  3. Eggshell. This is what to feed seedlings of peppers and tomatoes after picking, since the shells are recommended for laying out as drainage when picking. You can fill half a bucket of shells with water and use it for watering after three days.
  4. Husk onions . 10 g are poured into a liter of water and infused for 5 days.
  5. Yeast. 1 g per liter.

The appearance of plants is an indicator of a lack of nutrients

The need for extraordinary fertilizing of seedlings and the composition of fertilizers can be judged by its appearance:

  • Lightening of the lower leaves– lack of nitrogen.
  • Arrangement of light stripes along the veins– lack of iron. The seedlings should be sprayed with a solution of copper sulfate.
  • Withering leaves talk about a lack of magnesium. Its deficiency can be compensated for by adding wood ash to the soil.
  • Pronounced purple veins on tomato leaves– lack of phosphorus. 5 g per liter of water is infused for a day, then diluted with another liter and the seedlings are watered with this mixture.

By following simple rules for using fertilizers, you can grow strong and healthy seedlings of peppers and tomatoes, which will give you a rich harvest in the fall.

Useful materials

Read other articles on the topic of pepper seedlings:

  • and is it necessary?
  • How to grow

The harvest you will reap this year depends on how strong the seedlings of peppers and tomatoes are. Everything is important for the quality of young shoots: the amount of light, watering regime, ambient temperature. They will not be able to fully develop even if there is an insufficient amount of nutrients.

Ash. Many folk recipes for fertilizing various crops involve the use of wood ash. It is an excellent and readily available source of potassium and other nutrients. A glass of ash is usually placed in a bucket of water to prepare fertilizer.

Banana peel. One of the folk recipes recommends using an infusion of banana peels to feed pepper and tomato seedlings. You should take the skins of three fruits and infuse them in a 3-liter bottle of water. Thanks to this infusion, your seedlings will receive the necessary potassium and other elements.

Plants obtain potassium from banana peels

Eggshell. People have long known that eggshells are a source of nutrients for vegetable plants. It can be used as a drainage layer in a container for growing seedlings. Another option is to prepare an infusion. Half a bucket of shells should be filled to the top with water and left for three days.

Onion peel. It is known that feeding plants with onion peels not only supplies them with the necessary substances, but also protects them from pests. To water seedlings of peppers and tomatoes, prepare an infusion by taking a pinch of husk per 1 liter of water and letting the mixture sit for about 5 days.

Onion peel - feeding and protection for seedlings

Coffee grounds. An excellent folk remedy that allows you to feed seedlings and make the soil looser. Mix coffee grounds into the soil mixture before planting the seeds for seedlings.

Nettle. This plant is quite often found in folk recipes for feeding plants. Infuse crushed nettle leaves (1 kg) in a bucket of water for about a week, and then pour the resulting liquid over the pepper and tomato seedlings.

Yeast. Yeast-based feeding stimulates seedling growth well. For a bucket of water, take 10 g of dry or 100 g of fresh yeast, add a little sugar. Leave for several hours and water the seedlings with the diluted infusion (1:5).

Yeast feeding is a very popular folk remedy for accelerating plant growth.

This concludes the list of the most popular recipes that are used to feed tomato and pepper seedlings using folk remedies. Their use is quite effective, because organic fertilizers always have a high degree of absorption. But in an effort to get high-quality seedlings, it is important not to overdo it with fertilizing, otherwise you risk getting diseased sprouts.

People who have their own personal plots, annually grow vegetables (especially tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers) on their own. Planting seedlings in the ground and watering regularly is not enough to obtain good harvest. Plants need to be fed with various means in order to kill pests, overcome diseases, and obtain tasty, fleshy, large fruits. There are several folk ways providing seedlings with the necessary nutrients, with which it will not be difficult to grow healthy, vitamin-rich vegetables.

What is seedling feeding?

This is the process of adding a nutrient solution and fertilizer under the root system of tomato seedlings, peppers, which strengthens the plant’s immunity, helping to withstand stressful conditions under the influence of the external environment. To do everything correctly, you need to be able to recognize what exactly a pepper or tomato needs, how and when to add the solution, how to knead it, etc.

The answers to these many other questions will help beginning gardeners get a full harvest of vegetable crops. The benefits of using nutritious folk remedies are obvious - they help seedlings grow healthy, strong, and resistant to various diseases and pests. Feeding is carried out in two main ways: root, foliar.

How to feed seedlings

Before you start fertilizing, you need to familiarize yourself with the types into which any fertilizer for tomato and pepper seedlings is divided:

  1. Organic. This includes all folk remedies: a solution of mullein, wood ash, chicken droppings, and a yeast mixture. Such fertilizers are made independently, do not require a lot of time, effort and finances, and have a high absorption rate.
  2. Organomineral. Includes saline solutions and organic components.
  3. Mineral. Contains the entire complex of nutrients necessary for normal, full growth of seedlings.

The amount of fertilizing and its composition depends on the quality of the soil mixture. Primary fertilizing is carried out no earlier than 15 days after sowing and the appearance of full shoots. Before the pick in open ground peppers and tomatoes do not need early feeding, and after the procedure you need to wait at least a week. Alternating mineral mixtures with organomineral ones gives very good results. This fertilizing is applied every 7-10 days. It is worth noting that an excess or lack of mineral nutrition has a bad effect on seedlings:

Intensive growth of stems and leaves, the appearance of a rich green color, decreased resistance to disease

Stop fertilizing with nitrogen, feed with phosphorus-potassium products

Reduced development of the root system and stem growth

Add liquid nitrogen

The appearance of chlorosis, decreased iron absorption

Feed with potassium or dolomite flour

Reduced stem growth, the appearance of chlorosis, yellowing, falling leaves

Water 1-2 times a week with calcium nitrate (7-9 g per 3 liters of water)

Stunted growth, lightening of leaves, spots and leaf drop

Feed with potassium supplement

The appearance of blueness on the leaves, spots, a brown tint along the edges, loss of immunity

Water with 1% saltpeter once a week

Rapid aging of plants, wilting of fruits, appearance of chlorosis

Poor plant growth, the appearance of red veins on the leaves

Insulate the window sill, pour it with azophoska solution (5g per 3l)

Folk remedies

There are fertilizers for pepper and tomato seedlings that are prepared from natural ingredients at home. Experienced gardeners They prefer such folk remedies to store-bought drugs, since they are not only an excellent alternative to chemicals, but are also absolutely safe for future fetuses. Most folk products for feeding seedlings are made on the basis of:

  • bird droppings,
  • ash,
  • eggshell,
  • honey,
  • banana peel,
  • coffee grounds,
  • Sahara,
  • iodine,
  • ammonia,
  • potassium permanganate,
  • potato broth,
  • boric acid,
  • yeast,
  • aloe juice, etc.

The main microelements that tomatoes and peppers need are:

  1. Potassium. The element is necessary for the development of the root system; if it is deficient, the plants will die.
  2. Phosphorus. Supports seedlings during flowering and fruiting. If there is not enough phosphorus, the ovary withers and falls off, and you should not expect a full harvest.
  3. Nitrogen. It is an active participant in the photosynthesis process and helps young seedlings actively grow strong green mass.

The main disadvantage of processing and feeding tomato and pepper seedlings with folk remedies is the inability to calculate the exact amount of microelements in the mixture. Considering this fact, it is better to reduce the dosage of applied fertilizer than to exceed it. In addition, it is better to fertilize in the morning, in moist soil and maintain the temperature of the mixture from 220 to 250. To disinfect the soil and fertilize any varieties of tomatoes, use an infusion of a handful of onion peels (peelings) and 3-5 liters of water.

The most popular fertilizer among gardeners is wood ash, which contains phosphorus and potassium, which is necessary for feeding seedlings. The substance protects plants from pests, diseases and nourishes them. Before diving the seedlings into the ground, add 2 tbsp to each hole. l. ash mixture, and on top - a layer of earth to avoid damage to the roots. At the end of the second week after planting, the first feeding with liquid ash is carried out; to obtain the mixture, you need to dilute 100 g of ash powder in 1 liter of water. This solution should be added to the base of the stem, 1 liter each.

You can also carry out foliar feeding by diluting 10 liters of water with 300 g of ash and half a piece of laundry soap. Next, the mass is boiled for about half an hour, filtered, and cooled. It is not necessary to add the last component, but it helps the mixture adhere better to the seedling leaf. The resulting ash solution should be sprayed on top of the plants.

Banana peels

Banana peels are rich in potassium, which is necessary for seedlings during the flowering period. The skin of the fruit must be dried in any way and then ground to a powder. The resulting mixture is added when planting seedlings. It is best to dry the crusts in the fresh air, where this will be facilitated by the sun's rays and breeze. The product must be strung on a thread and covered with gauze. This ensures maximum preservation of beneficial substances and the removal of harmful impurities with which fruits were processed.

You can also use liquid banana fertilizer, obtained by infusing the peels of 2-3 fruits in a three-liter jar of water for at least 3 days. Next, you need to strain the liquid and add 50 ml to each bush. There is another simple way to get a nutritious banana mixture - grind 1 fruit skin with a glass of water in a blender and add soft pulp 1 tbsp. l. for each seedling once a month. The organic elements contained in bananas not only nourish plants, promoting abundant flowering, but also effectively fight aphids.

There is another way of feeding - spraying the seedlings with a spray of banana peels (4 pcs.), eggshell powder (2 tsp), magnesium sulfate (20 g), 1 liter of water. The first component must be dried, crushed, and mixed with the remaining ingredients. Spraying is carried out no more than once every 7 days, the mixture is stored in the refrigerator, and before use it is heated to 20°. Several finely chopped skins filled with the Baikal EM1 preparation will make excellent compost. The mixture needs to steep for a month.

Bird droppings infusion

This type of feeding is very popular among gardeners and is one of the first to be carried out. The mixture is necessary to stimulate the growth of seedlings and if there are no signs of nitrogen starvation, then there is no need to fertilize. The mixture is prepared simply – bird droppings are poured with water 1:2, covered with a lid, and left to ferment for 3 days. Then the solution is diluted 1:10 and used for root feeding. This method is the most effective, since it 100% eliminates “nitrogen starvation” of seedlings.

Fertilizers for feeding tomato and pepper seedlings

Tomatoes and peppers belong to the nightshade family. Therefore, they are grown for seedlings almost the same way. They plant it in advance in order to harvest the fruits of their labor in time. Seedlings grow in a limited space and with a minimum of land, so nutrition quickly runs out and plants of both crops require additional feeding. This is the introduction of substances useful for growth and development into a depleted substrate. Each plant needs a certain set of nutritional components, but there are fertilizers that are suitable for everyone.

Typically, this is provided by mineral mixtures sold in a specialized store or natural organic matter present in the garden.

There are time-tested recipes for each type of fertilizer. It is better not to violate these dosages, since plants can be harmed very easily.

The best fertilizers for seedlings are those that provide the plants with enough nutrition to allow them to develop well without affecting them in a negative way. But the choice remains with the owners of the estates, especially since there are a lot of offers from professionals.

The two crops are grown almost identically. Both love warmth, respond with growth and strength to fertilizing, and do not tolerate drought. However, the nuances of each should be taken into account when growing seedlings.

Now about how to grow peppers:

Basic Rules

During sowing, gardeners prepare nutritious soil that will provide the plants with everything they need for development. However, young seedlings need many different components; feeding is intended to provide them with their needs. The basic rules include:

Fertilizing pepper seedlings with liquid fertilizers

Small peppers need feeding with liquid fertilizers. They are introduced from an early stage of development. Mineral mixtures are preferable to organics. This must be remembered, otherwise the sensitive pepper seedlings will suffer. The following fertilizers are good in this regard:

It’s also worth knowing that peppers are fed only through the root system.

Fertilizers are applied for the first time at the stage of development of two leaves.. Have to take:

  • ammonium nitrate - 0.5 g,
  • superphosphate - 3 g,
  • potassium sulfate - 1 g.

Dissolve in water and pour the mixture over the seedlings. It is important to ensure that it does not soak the delicate leaves; if this happens, they need to be washed with water.

The second time the same composition is used, but a double dosage is used. After the first feeding, half a month should pass.

The pepper is fertilized a third time before transplanting to a permanent location. This is done in a week. Now an infusion of wood ash is used. Take 15 grams per liter of water. You can get by with the previous composition, but with an increase in the dosage of potassium, you need to take 8 grams of it.

Feeding tomato seedlings

Tomatoes are demanding crops regarding nutrition. Throughout the entire development period bush they need additional feeding. A powerful trunk of a young plant appears after proper application of nutrient mixtures.

After the seedlings are planted in their permanent location, they are guaranteed to give you a rich harvest. Feeding tomato seedlings three times will be enough.

For the first time, fertilizers are applied 10 days after the dive. The root system has time to adapt to new conditions and take nutrients from the soil. This stage is suitable for irrigation with nitrogen and phosphorus. For this purpose, a drug called “Nitrophos” is used. You need to take a large spoonful of fertilizer and dilute it in a liter of water.

You can make an organic infusion instead of this fertilizer. Use mullein or bird droppings. But it takes time to prepare. The selected component is diluted with water in a ratio of 2 to 1 and allowed to brew. After fermentation has completed and the mixture has precipitated, the fertilizer can be used. The concentrate requires dilution with water. For litter this is done 1 to 12, for mullein - 1 to 7. Now you can water the seedlings.

The folk piggy bank includes fertilizing with an infusion of wood ash. You need to dilute the dry ash (1 spoon) in hot water (2 liters), allow time to cool, after which you can water the young tomato bushes.

They are watered with fertilizer a second time after half a month.

The choice of fertilizer depends on the health of the tomato bushes. If the seedlings have grown significantly, there is no need to add nitrogen. Ready-made mixtures are preferred:

The seedlings themselves will absorb the required amount of nutrients. If the young bushes are healthy, a second application of Nitrophos fertilizer will be sufficient.

For the third time, you need to feed the tomatoes a week before planting them in their permanent habitat. You can again take ready-made mineral fertilizers or organic infusion.

The people's collection includes a whole list of products for feeding pepper and tomato seedlings. For these crops, the main nutritional components are: potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. Feeding with iodine is especially popular.

It is used in two ways:

  1. applied directly to the root system, which is suitable for both tomatoes and peppers.
  2. Foliar application is only suitable for tomatoes.

Iodine is fed at the root by watering the seedlings. The solution consists of a drop of iodine per 3 liters of water. Sometimes you only need to enter it once.

Foliar feeding is carried out by spraying shoots. This method helps nourish tomatoes and also protects against the formidable late blight and downy mildew. This type of feeding continues when tomatoes are planted in a greenhouse or in open ground. You will need 3 drops of iodine per bucket of water; one plant is sprayed with a liter of the composition.

Tomatoes and peppers are fed with iodine in order to obtain disease-resistant seedlings with large fruit ovaries. Extraordinary compounds are also used to feed seedlings:

When organizing fertilizing of pepper and tomato seedlings, you need to take into account their condition. By their appearance, they themselves can tell which substance they need more than others, as well as when they need to feed . Sometimes deadlines are violated to please the plants. A deficiency of an essential substance is manifested by a certain signal:

If the plant has dark-colored leaves and they look strong and healthy, then you don’t have to rush with the next feeding - some gardeners are in no hurry with this. It is especially good when pepper and tomato seedlings grow in rich, nutritious soil. Special literature, summer resident forums or videos from professionals will help answer questions that novice gardeners may have. Carefully monitor the seedlings, this will help you take timely measures. But it is best to stock up on knowledge in advance on how to properly grow seedlings of these crops in order to prevent problems.

Lack of microelements

If plants are fed irregularly, this will affect their development. Let's see how nutritional deficiencies are expressed:

  1. Nitrogen. The plant has a light green or yellowish tint; in general, peppers or tomatoes have an unhealthy appearance. Seedlings may turn pale before the leaves turn white. On the underside of the leaf, the veins have a reddish-bluish tint.
  2. Phosphorus. First, the leaves darken, then acquire a dark purple hue. The growth and flowering of the plant slows down, and the ripening of fruits is delayed.
  3. Potassium. The edges of the leaves of tomatoes and peppers turn brown and yellow. Leaves and fruits are deformed, taking on an irregular appearance. With a lack of potassium, the plant becomes vulnerable to diseases such as brown spot.
  4. Magnesium. The leaves seem to discolor and become pale yellow. But not everywhere, but only between the veins. Leaves and fruits are deformed.
  5. Calcium. The leaves are “scorched” only at the tips. This is the first signal - a brown or yellow edge of the leaf. A lack of calcium leads to blossom end rot on tomatoes (less often on peppers), which is almost impossible to stop.

Special attention is paid to feeding. A lack or excess of nutrients can not only slow down the development of the entire plant, but also significantly reduce yield. In the table below you will find signs of a lack of elements, as well as options for feeding tomato seedlings at home.

Feeding methods: root and foliar

There are two types of fertilizing based on the method of application:

Root plants are so named because the fertilizer solution enters the plant through the roots when watering the seedlings. Small suction roots are capable of absorbing nutrients from the soil. And foliar feeding is most often done by spraying.

Store-bought soil mixtures are rarely of high quality. In 90% of cases they consist of peat without any additives in the form of nutrient mixtures, humus or sand.

If it is not possible to use independently prepared soils, then special attention should be paid to the appearance and condition of the seedlings.

Feeding schedule

The sequence of feeding tomato and pepper seedlings at home is very simple: the main thing is to observe the frequency, and on the other hand, not to overfeed the plants. For the first time, you can feed tomatoes and peppers while soaking the seeds. Usually special mineral complexes are sold that contain a complete set of nutrients.

Soaking in this solution lasts 1-2 hours. After this, the seeds need to be washed clean water and wrap in a damp cloth to swell. Then, after 3-5 days, when some seeds have already sprouted, they can be sown. In the first 3 weeks after emergence, seedlings are not fed. After that they feed mineral fertilizers.

1st feeding - 3-4 weeks after germination, the plants are fed with nitroammophos.

How to dilute nitroammophoska? Fertilizer is dissolved at the rate of a teaspoon (without top) per 1 liter of water. Dissolve and water at the root.

2nd feeding - a week after the first. Dilute nitroammophoska with a lower concentration. Half a teaspoon per liter of water.

The 3rd feeding is the same as the 2nd feeding after the same period of time. After fertilizing, preventive work is carried out against the “black leg”. A mixture of sand and ash (1:1 by volume) is mulched between the seedlings with a very thin layer.

After 2-3 feedings there should be a break. It is associated with the diving of seedlings: the root system is slightly damaged. After picking, you need to take a break for 5-7 days. Next, the composition of the fertilizer is changed, excluding nitrogen.

4th feeding - superphosphate solution 7-10 days after picking.

5-10th feeding. Before planting seedlings in the ground, alternate feeding with superphosphate and nitroammophos, halving the concentration so as not to harm the plant.

You can use ammonia instead of nitrogen fertilizer. This is an ammonia concentrate, a source of easily digestible nitrogen for seedlings. Dilute half a teaspoon of ammonia in a liter of water.

The first organic feeding is carried out after planting the seedlings in open ground. You can feed it with a bio-cocktail immediately before planting. But this should only be done on the site or in a greenhouse, since this fertilizer emits an unpleasant odor.

The first feeding of tomato seedlings after planting in the greenhouse is done no earlier than 2 weeks later. At first, the plant has enough nutrition that is in the soil (after filling the planting hole).


Egg shells, as a valuable source of calcium, are used as an infusion. To do this, the accumulated shells are calcined in a frying pan and then ground in a coffee grinder.

0.5 liters of crushed shells are placed in a 3-liter jar and filled with water up to the shoulders. Leave for three days, stirring from time to time. Seedlings and adult plants are watered with the drained solution once every 10 days.

Iodine is used for spraying, but you can water it with this solution 2-3 times per season. For 3 liters of water take 1 drop of iodine. This fertilizer not only nourishes plants, but also protects against diseases.

Banana peel

Recently, an infusion of banana peels has been used as additional nutrition. The skins of 2-3 bananas are poured with water in a 3-liter jar and left for 3-4 days.

These potash fertilizers are especially useful for tomatoes and peppers during the flowering period.

Yeast is especially popular now. It is a source of vitamins and microelements. Yeast improves bio chemical composition soil and activate the growth of beneficial bacteria.

One of the recipes: 100 grams of yeast are mixed with 3-4 tablespoons of sugar and bread (0.5 kg), poured with 3 liters of water. Place in a warm place. As soon as the solution is ready, dilute it with ten liters of water and use it for watering and fertilizing.


Contains 3 main elements. This is an old proven complex fertilizer that contains an equal ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. All these fertilizers should be diluted in different concentrations depending on the growth period of pepper and tomato seedlings.

Preparations such as Epin do not saturate the plant with nutrients, but activate the plant’s defenses. They are used in stressful situations and as an additional means during illness for stimulation. “Epin” is diluted with 2 drops in a glass of water and sprayed with this solution.

Foliar feeding

Foliar feeding is so called because all the necessary substances are absorbed through the leaf surface or stem, bypassing the root system.

Fertilizers for foliar feeding are diluted in low concentrations so as not to “burn” the plant.

Spraying is carried out in dry, windless weather, preferably in the evening. IN as a last resort- in high clouds, when there is no sun. Under the same conditions, tomatoes and peppers are sprayed with Epin solution.

Many experienced gardeners choose an integrated approach and alternate feeding tomatoes and peppers with mineral fertilizers and organic solutions. Among the advantages of purchased supplements are the convenience of packaging, dilution and storage. There is confidence that a plant that has received the entire periodic table in correct proportions, will develop harmoniously. What is most attractive about natural fertilizers is their environmental friendliness.

What fertilizers do tomatoes and peppers need?

In this section of the article we will talk in detail about what kind of fertilizers the crops of interest to us need at the seedling stage.

The first substance that must be fed to the mentioned vegetables is, of course, nitrogen. It is he who influences such indicators of the health of seedlings of the previously listed crops, such as:

  • stem thickness,
  • brightness of color,
  • juiciness of foliage.

Nitrogen is an essential element required by tomatoes

Provided that there is not enough nitrogen for the crops we are interested in, the plants will grow thin and very vulnerable to diseases and attacks by garden pests.

However, it should be remembered that excessive supply of nitrogen to plants can also lead to negative consequences affecting the health of seedlings. Therefore, you need to feed plants wisely.

The next substance that must be contained in the fertilizer for tomatoes and peppers is phosphorus. It is this element that supplies seedlings with energy for growth, in addition, it is also responsible for:

  • formation of more flower stalks,
  • correct formation of the future decoration of your table: peppers and tomatoes.

Provided that phosphorus reaches the plant in insufficient quantities, most likely you will be left without a harvest, or you will receive fruits of poor size and taste.

Potassium is a chemical element that is directly responsible for the progress in the growth and development of that part of the plant that is underground, that is, the roots. However, pepper requires the required substance in much larger quantities, but tomatoes at this stage of development also really need it.

Potassium is especially needed by plants at the growing stage of seedlings

It is potassium that helps plants take root not only in tubs at the stage of home germination, but also in the greenhouse after transplanting the seedlings to their permanent place of residence.

Section conclusions

So, having carefully studied this section, we can conclude that the main substances required by tomatoes and peppers at the growth stage in the form of seedlings are:

If you want to get a harvest, and a plentiful one at that, then it is better for you to make sure that the plants receive all the above-mentioned substances, since, as a rule, plants cannot obtain them in the required quantity naturally.

However, you should always remember that it is just as easy to overdo it with fertilizing seedlings as to underfeed it. Harm can be caused to plants even if you use folk remedies that are not concentrated and do not contain harmful impurities.

Such an unsightly appearance of seedlings can equally indicate both a lack of nutrients for it and an excess of them.

Excessive amounts of fertilizer can become poison rather than medicine for the plant, and it will quickly become ill. Before planting seedlings, it is very important to study the composition of the soil that you have dug or purchased for it (in the latter case it is easier to do this), since the prepared substrate may already contain a sufficient amount of the listed fertilizers.

Note! One of the following external manifestations may let you know that the seedlings are lacking nutrients:

  • change in the shade of foliage or plant stems,
  • dried leaves,
  • leaves curled in an unnatural way
  • pale color,
  • thinning of parts of seedlings,
  • general weakened appearance.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to determine the exact reason for this “behavior” of seedlings, since it could equally be a lack of fertilizers or a shortage of:

Think about how comfortable the conditions are at the point in the apartment where the plants are located, and then start experimenting with fertilizers

Fertilizers for tomato and pepper seedlings: folk remedies

Before moving on to considering the list of folk remedies that are well suited for fertilizing peppers and tomatoes, you need to remember certain rules for interacting with them.

  1. So, the first golden rule that must be followed when working with seedling fertilizers concerns the volume of fertilizers used. Thus, according to the requirements, the volume of useful elements added to the soil or sprayed on the green part of the plant should be small.
  2. The temperature of the prepared fertilizer at the time of its application to the tubs with seedlings should be equal to the ambient temperature.
  3. It is necessary to feed young plants exclusively in the early morning, after you water the seedlings, so that the fertilizers will be absorbed in the best possible way.

Feed the seedlings after watering

Now that we know how to interact with the nutrients needed by peppers and tomatoes, let's move on to looking at them one by one.

Wood ash for tomatoes and peppers

Ash is burnt wood that retains almost all the chemical elements previously contained in it.

Any wood ash that you burn is suitable for fertilizing your garden:

  • in the oven at home,
  • melting the bath,
  • setting fire to the grill.

Ash can only be used clean and free of harmful impurities.

It is strictly forbidden to use ash that contains traces of aggressive agents used for ignition. chemicals. If you add it to seedlings, it will most likely kill small peppers and tomatoes.

It must be said that the effect achieved by such a fertilizer as ash, although not visible to the eye, occurs almost instantly. It is enough to apply it to the crops in question at the growth stage once or twice, and the seedlings will receive:

  • essential nutrients
  • stable immunity to fungal diseases,
  • resistance to flea beetle attacks.

Garden (cruciferous) flea

The technique for using ash for seedlings of tomatoes and peppers is dusting. It is enough to cover the soil in the seedling tubs with a thin layer of the substance, and it will begin to work.

Table 1. Which ash is best used to fertilize cucumber and tomato seedlings

General feeding rules

Even when using special soil for tomatoes and peppers, enriched with fertilizers, the plants may lack nutrients. These crops are grown in boxes for two months, and the plants do not have enough food for this entire period.

Young plants are especially sensitive to such deficiencies, and nutrient deficiency immediately affects their condition.

However, when feeding any seedlings, you must not lose a sense of proportion. Large doses of fertilizer applied to tomato and pepper seedlings, as well as too frequent fertilizing, will not help the plants, but will most likely harm them.

When choosing a drug preference should be given to liquid types. If you purchased a dry mineral mixture, be sure to dilute it with water before use. The fact is that the root system of seedlings is not able to independently take advantage of dry minerals added to the soil.

For better distribution of minerals in the soil Feeding tomato and pepper seedlings should be done after watering the plants. The procedure should be carried out in the morning so that in the evening, when the air temperature drops, it does not provoke the development of fungus in the soil.

When using ready-made fertilizer mixtures, follow their intended purpose.. If the fertilizers you purchased are intended for adult plants, then for seedlings you need to reduce their concentration in the solution by half.

Fertilizing will be more beneficial if you are around the plants loosen the soil regularly. Just do this with the utmost care, loosen only the top layer of soil an hour or two after watering.

Fertilizers for tomato seedlings

Tomatoes - particularly demanding crop during all periods of development. Correct and timely feeding allows you to obtain strong, viable specimens for subsequent cultivation in greenhouses or open ground.

During the growing of tomato seedlings you need to feed it three times:

  • The first fertilizing is carried out 10 days after picking the plants.. By this time, the roots have already taken root well in the new soil and are able to absorb all the added elements from it. At this stage, tomatoes need nitrogen and phosphorus, so the use of Nitrophos would be optimal. 1 tbsp. a spoon is diluted in a liter of water. Fertilizing is applied after a slight preliminary moistening of the soil, then the bushes are watered with fertilizer until the entire soil is evenly moistened.
  • The second feeding is carried out after 2 weeks. The composition of fertilizers during this period depends on the condition of the plants. If they are stretched out due to lack of lighting, then nitrogen should be excluded from fertilizers. The mixture is prepared from double superphosphate and potassium sulfate. Take a tablespoon of each mineral per liter. Of the ready-made liquid fertilizers, the most suitable during this period are “Uniflor Rost”, “Effecton”, “Signor Tomato”.
  • A week before planting tomatoes in a permanent place, the third feeding is carried out. A Nitrophoska solution is used for it.

When to feed tomato and pepper seedlings

Experienced farmers do not recommend “overfeeding” tomato and pepper seedlings. Excess nutritional components cause more harm to seedlings than deficiency. It is optimal to use fertilizers for tomato and pepper seedlings if they are in poor appearance - weak and stunted. If the plants develop normally, they have strong stems and lush green leaves, which means they do not need feeding.

During the growth and development of vegetable crops, fertilizers are applied several times per season. And also in cases of special need.

  • After picking the seedlings,
  • In stressful situations,
  • Poor soil composition,
  • Diseases,
  • Before flowering
  • During the appearance of ovaries,
  • The beginning of the harvest.

Eggshell fertilizer for tomato and pepper seedlings

In our country, eggshells are often used as fertilizer for vegetable crops. It is a rich complex of useful substances. Feeding is prepared based on the shell, as well as on the basis of bananas. Pour it (3-4 pieces) into a three-liter jar and fill it with water. After 3-4 days, you can water the seedlings with this healthy water.

Banana peel fertilizer for tomato and pepper seedlings

Feeding tomato seedlings after picking with folk remedies can also be done independently. And you can also talk about this in this publication. If you have a large quantity of banana skins left, do not throw them away. They are generally an excellent option for relieving potassium deficiency in many plant species. If there is not enough potassium for plants, this will affect the absorption of nitrogen and lead to very weak and sluggish seedlings. Preparing banana supplement is very easy. To do this, take a three-liter jar and place the skins of 4-5 bananas in it and fill it with warm water. This solution must be infused for three days. After this, the potassium can be released from the banana skins and fill the water. It is necessary to water the plants with this solution.

Yeast fertilization for tomato and pepper seedlings

Fertilizing seedlings with yeast not only helps add nutrients to the soil, but also completely rebuilds the structure of the soil. This work of fungal microorganisms accelerates the growth of seedlings and improves the yield of peppers and tomatoes.

The basis of this feeding is yeast (10 g), sugar (4 tablespoons) and water (10 liters). The resulting solution is a concentrate, which must be diluted with clean water in a ratio of 1:10 before applying it to the soil.

Iodine fertilizer for tomato and pepper seedlings

Savvy gardeners have come up with another way to strengthen and protect young pepper and tomato bushes. They use pharmaceutical iodine for this. Add only 10 g of the drug to a bucket of water and get a useful supplement.

Fertilizer made from coffee grounds for tomato and pepper seedlings

The amount of vitamins contained in coffee directly depends on the roast and variety. For fertilizer, brewed grounds are used, although they already contain less useful substances. When growing seedlings on a windowsill or in a greenhouse, coffee grounds should be fertilized by mixing them with the soil, otherwise there is a risk of mold and fungal diseases. An infusion of nettles and weeds is also used as a fertilizer, although this infusion is much weaker than slurry, chicken manure solution and other organic fertilizers. In addition, coffee loosens the soil well, improving the supply of oxygen. If you feed seedlings that are planted in open ground, then the grounds can be poured on top of the soil.

Ash fertilizer for tomato and pepper seedlings

Wood ash contains about 30 minerals in accessible form, which are necessary for the proper development of plants. Ash can be stove ash (from burnt wood) and vegetable ash. Ash from firewood and logs that are free of mold and various impurities from combustion is considered environmentally friendly and suitable for use as a fertilizer. polyethylene film, synthetics, rubber, colored paper, etc. The range of useful substances and chemical composition of ash depend primarily on the type of wood or plant it is extracted from. For example, wood ash as a fertilizer contains a higher percentage of calcium, and ash from herbaceous plants and straw - potassium.

Ash is not only an excellent source of potassium, calcium, magnesium and other minerals useful for plants, but also a unique substance that can turn acidic soil into one that will be suitable for vegetable crops. Ash in the soil reduces the risk of developing fungal diseases in tomatoes and peppers. Ash can be added to pepper seedlings as an ingredient for the soil mixture, along with peat and sand, and also as an independent fertilizer, which is diluted in water and applied in liquid form.

To prepare fertilizer from ash, you need to mix one tablespoon of this substance with two liters of water and leave for 24 hours. At the same time, you need to make sure that the ash you use as fertilizer was not obtained by burning construction waste and painted wood.

Ready-made fertilizers for pepper and tomato seedlings

If you don’t particularly like to bother with preparing fertilizers, you can purchase ready-made options in specialized stores, dilute them according to the instructions and feed the seedlings without fear of making a mistake with the proportions and, accordingly, harming the plants. Today, the best ready-made fertilizers for peppers are “Kristalon” and “Kemira Plus”, and for tomatoes – “Kemira Universal-2” and “Rastvorin”. If you cannot find the drugs described above, then you can safely purchase universal options such as “Agricola”, “Ideal”, “Krepysh” and others. They also do an excellent job.

Many gardeners underestimate the role of feeding seedlings when growing them. But in vain! Fertilizers strengthen the plant’s immune system and help it withstand stressful conditions.

What and how to feed peppers?

Pepper feeding begin at the earliest stages of development.

Already in the phase of the first two true leaves, you need to water the seedlings with a mixture of ammonium nitrate (0.5 g), superphosphate (3 g), potassium sulfate (1 g).

All ingredients must be diluted in a liter of pre-settled water.

Pour the same mixture over the pepper a second time., but double the dose. This must be done in two weeks after the first feeding.

A few days before planting peppers in the ground, a third feeding is carried out.. The fertilizer solution is prepared from 15 grams of wood ash diluted in 1 liter.

The appearance of plants is an indicator of a lack of nutrients

The need for extraordinary feeding of seedlings and the composition of fertilizers can be judged by its appearance:

  • Lightening of the lower leaves– lack of nitrogen.
  • Arrangement of light stripes along the veins– lack of iron. The seedlings should be sprayed with a solution of copper sulfate.
  • Withering leaves talk about a lack of magnesium. Its deficiency can be compensated for by adding wood ash to the soil.
  • Pronounced purple veins on tomato leaves– lack of phosphorus. 5 g per liter of water is infused for a day, then diluted with another liter and the seedlings are watered with this mixture.

By following simple rules for using fertilizers, you can grow strong and healthy seedlings of peppers and tomatoes, which will give you a rich harvest in the fall.

Watch the video: Feeding tomato seedlings. How to feed seedlings (January 2020).

To feed tomatoes and peppers, gardeners most often resort to folk remedies. This allows them to grow strong seedlings while saving their budget. In addition, substances used as fertilizers do not contain toxic substances that can accumulate in fruits. This article will tell you how to properly feed tomato and pepper seedlings using folk remedies.

Substances for growth

The most important substance for the growth and development of seedlings is nitrogen. It is he who takes part in the saturation color range leaves. The thickness of the stem depends on its presence. The absence of this component is manifested in the paleness and fragility of the stem.

Thanks to phosphorus, plants bloom and bear fruit. It is especially important for tomatoes. Pepper needs a component such as potassium. The main rule of an experienced gardener is not to overdo it with fertilizers. An excess of minerals can lead to diseases.

Important! If plants need minerals, their appearance will tell you about it. The leaves will dry out, change color, the stem will become completely thin, and the crop will begin to hurt. Such signs can also occur in case of an overdose of minerals.

Popular folk remedies

Despite the fact that folk remedies are completely harmless, when using them the following rules must be observed:

Ash is the most effective fertilizer, which is in every home, for pepper and tomato seedlings. It contains everything useful minerals, which were in the wood until it burned. Ash can only be used from natural fuel; in no case should ash from objects containing aggressive chemicals be used.

To feed plants, you only need to sprinkle the surface of the soil where the seedlings grow; this will be enough for them to receive the required amount of minerals. In addition, ash serves as protection against diseases and pests. If we consider the composition of the ash, then:

  • In the ash coniferous trees contains phosphorus;
  • In leafy ones - calcium;
  • Grapes and herbs contain potassium.

Bird droppings contain nitrogen. Gardeners prefer to fertilize seedlings with bird droppings. But you should remember that fresh, concentrated droppings can harm the root system, which has not yet had time to form. It is best to dilute it with water and leave for three days. Before using it, add more water to the solution. The ratio should be one liter of solution per ten liters of water.

Important! Watering seedlings does not need to be done regularly, since the nitrogen it contains promotes the development of green mass of plants. For the normal development of all parts of crops, they are fertilized with bird droppings only once.

Coffee grounds - this substance is used two in one. It is both a fertilizer and a soil loosening agent. Residues from drinking coffee can be mixed with the soil before planting seedlings. Thus, the grounds will not only be a good fertilizer, but will also fluff up the soil. They don’t even throw away the grounds to which milk was added. But when using this substance, you need to remember that it can raise the acidity level of the soil. Therefore, during plant growth, ash must also be used.

Banana skins should not be thrown away after eating the fruit. This is a real storehouse of potassium. Peppers will like this fertilizer best. To prepare it, you should finely chop the peel, fill it with water and leave for several days. The ratio should be three or four banana skins to three liters of water.

Onion peels or eggshells are perfect as fertilizer. You can choose the proportions for preparing the solution yourself. The main thing is that they are infused for several days, just like banana peels. This product is perfect for strengthening the plant.

No less valuable are potato decoctions, as well as water in which cereals or beans have settled. These infusions will be an excellent tool not only for fertilizing seedlings, but will also serve as protection against diseases.

Banana peel fertilizer

Yeast is an excellent substance that stimulates plant growth, its strengthening and protection from diseases. To prepare the solution, you need to take one liter of warm water and half a pack of fresh yeast or one gram of dry. Infuse for several hours and dilute another five liters.

Iodine serves as an excellent plant food and also protects against diseases. Experienced gardeners have come up with another way to fertilize plants. Iodine is a great remedy for this. Ten liters of water give ten grams of the drug.

In addition to these fertilizers, which can be used to fertilize a plant at home, the following products are used:

  • Aspirin;
  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • Ammonia;
  • Serum.

Chemical fertilizers

Among the chemical preparations aimed at fertilizing tomato seedlings, attention should be paid to the following:


Fertika fertilizer is produced by Kemira. This is a complex fertilizer that is used in dissolved form and is aimed at improving plant growth. The drug should be diluted in a ratio of one tablespoon of the substance per twenty liters of water. Seedlings need to be watered once a week.

For those plants that were picked in a greenhouse, you need to apply a solution in the ratio of a tablespoon of the drug per ten liters of water and apply once a week. If tomatoes and peppers are planted in open ground, then they need to be fed with a solution diluted in the same way as for a greenhouse, but at intervals of two weeks.

Important! There is one drawback when working with Fertik. This substance is toxic, so you need to wear protective clothing and gloves when working with it. After the work is completed, you need to thoroughly wash the dishes that were used for feeding and your hands.


The drug Bogatyr is produced in a liquid state, it contains a rich set of mineral trace elements:

  • nitrogen,
  • phosphorus,
  • potassium,
  • Fe 60,

For foliar feeding of seedlings, the drug is used diluted in a ratio of five milliliters of the drug per liter of water. The leaves need to be sprayed generously so that they are completely wet.

Root feeding is done with a solution diluted in a ratio of ten milliliters per liter of water. The consumption of the drug should be the same as for regular watering. Fertilizers need to be applied once every two weeks.

Fertilizer Bogatyr


FlorHumate is a universal fertilizer based on biologically active substances. Thanks to the use of this fertilizer, the root system develops quickly and thereby improves the metabolic process in the plant. In addition, thanks to the drug, functions such as:

  • chlorophyll synthesis,
  • sugars,
  • vitamins,
  • amino acids,
  • oils

Using FlorGumat when planting seeds, you can absolutely expect plant germination. In addition, it has other advantages, among which it should be noted:

  • Acceleration of fruit ripening;
  • Increases the efficiency of applied fertilizers, thereby reducing their quantity;
  • Productivity increases;
  • Improves fruit quality;
  • Helps plants resist drought, frost and disease;
  • Thanks to the drug, products last much longer;
  • Binds heavy metals and pesticides in the soil, thereby improving its quality.

Interesting. At the same time, the drug is compatible with other fertilizers and contributes to their effectiveness.


Athlete suppresses the processes of gibberellins, due to which the above-ground part of the plant stops growing, and the root system begins to develop more actively. Thanks to this, the plant strengthens and becomes strong. Thus, the seedlings become more developed, which will subsequently have a positive effect on the yield.

Athlete effectively affects the plant, due to which it:

  • Develops mechanical tissues, that is, the cells become thick-walled, which helps strengthen the stem, petioles, and leaf veins;
  • Increases in stem diameter;
  • Develops a large number of leaves;
  • Productivity increases by thirty percent.

The drug is produced in ampoules with a capacity of one and a half milligrams, which, when preparing the solution, are diluted with one liter of water. It can be used for root feeding. This is done during the period of first shoots and the formation of cotyledon leaves. Thus, the stem does not stretch upward; on the contrary, it becomes short but strong. In this case, the plant should be watered after treatment with Atlet no earlier than two or three days later. Thus, the roots will absorb the substance.

For foliar feeding, the leaves are generously sprayed, with at least thirty or even fifty milliliters of solution used for each plant.

Something to remember! With each treatment, plant growth slows down. Therefore, treatment should be carried out no less than three times, with a break of a week. If this is not done, the stem will begin to actively grow upward, and the root system will remain weak.

The drug is completely harmless. It is not dangerous to humans or insects.


Agricola - fertilizer for seedlings of tomatoes and peppers is used by summer residents as universal fertilizer. Release form of the drug:

For peppers and tomatoes you should buy Agricola 3. It contains:

  • Nitrogen;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Potassium;
  • Magnesium.

All these microelements are necessary for plants to grow and develop. They not only have a positive effect on the plant itself, but also make the fruits tasty, large and strong.

Before feeding tomato and pepper seedlings, you need to know the composition of the fertilizer. In addition to the above, you can use urea or the drug Ideal. They are also effective for seedling growth.

The use of folk remedies for feeding tomato and pepper seedlings is an excellent tool that helps you save your budget on purchasing fertilizers and get a good harvest. At the same time, plants that are planted using nutrients will gratefully respond to the gardener with excellent growth and development. But it is important to remember that under no circumstances should you transfer a dose of fertilizer. This may result in the plant not bearing fruit.

The quality and quantity of the harvest largely depends on the seedlings. Many summer residents grow it themselves. Experienced agronomists know exactly how important timely feeding is for pepper and tomato seedlings. Without sufficient nutrients, plants become stretched, pale and frail. This is not the most best start cultivation that is unlikely to result in a bountiful harvest.

There are many different special products for feeding seedlings on sale. But nutritional compositions that can be prepared are deservedly especially popular. with my own hands from available components. If you love everything natural, then feeding tomato and pepper seedlings folk remedies will arouse your special interest. We will share with you all the secrets of this process.

Feeding pepper and tomato seedlings: folk recipes

The substances that pepper and tomato seedlings feel a special need for are nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. Experienced summer residents have long found sources of these elements among the plant environment. As a result, many recipes for fertilizing have become popular among people, which from generation to generation help to reap a good harvest. The best of them have gained particular popularity among summer residents and gardeners. We invite you to familiarize yourself with them personally.

Bird droppings are a nitrogen supplier for young seedlings

This is one of the most popular components of fertilizers for tomato and pepper seedlings. Bird droppings are a well-known source of nitrogen, which promotes the active development of tops. Use it in the very first stages of seedling formation. The litter should be mixed with water (1:2) and left to ferment for 2-3 days. The finished top dressing consists of the resulting infusion, diluted 10 times.

A diluted infusion of chicken manure is the most famous folk remedy for nitrogen fertilizing seedlings

Ash is a source of potassium and phosphorus for sprouts

Closer to the period of planting in open ground, seedlings need phosphorus and potassium. There are many of these elements in wood or straw ash. The folk remedy is prepared as follows: infuse a mixture of ash with hot water (1 tbsp/2 l) for 24 hours. After this, strain the infusion and use to ensure good flowering and fruiting of plants.

Wood ash is an excellent fertilizer for seedlings

Banana skins - enrichment of seedlings with potassium

A lack of potassium in plants interferes with the absorption of nitrogen and is often manifested by loss of elasticity and lethargy. To avoid this and grow strong seedlings of peppers and tomatoes, prepare the following infusion, which has long become a popular folk remedy. Place the peels of two or three bananas in a three-liter bottle filled with water and leave for three days. During this time, calcium from banana skins will move into the water, turning it into a complete supplement.

Banana peel infusion - high calcium supplement

Eggshell infusion - mineral cocktail

Eggshells contain a whole range of nutrients. It perfectly stimulates plant growth, so its use in growing pepper and tomato seedlings is quite advisable. An infusion for feeding is prepared as follows: add the shells of three eggs to a bottle of warm water and leave under a loosely closed lid for three days. Cloudiness of the infusion and the appearance of a specific smell of hydrogen sulfide are clear signs that the product is ready.

Egg shells - a complex of nutrients for seedlings of peppers and tomatoes

Coffee grounds are a source of macro- and microelements

Ground coffee beans serve as an additional source of nutrition for seedlings. In addition, they perfectly loosen the soil, providing the roots with adequate access to oxygen. All you need to do is mix a small amount of coffee grounds with the substrate. The folk remedy for strengthening seedlings is ready.

Coffee grounds nourish and loosen the soil

Onion peel - feeding seedlings with double effect

An infusion prepared from onion peels not only supplies the seedlings with useful substances, but also produces a disinfecting effect when sprayed on the leaves. Add 20 g of onion peel to 5 liters of water and leave for 4 days. Strain before use.

Onion peel nourishes and protects against disease

Potato broth and sugar are simple top dressings

If you have leftover water from boiling potatoes, use it to water the seedlings. It contains components that are valuable to her. You can also prepare this fertilizer by boiling potato peelings. A fertilizer with a similar composition can be obtained if you take water for irrigation after soaking beans or cereals.

Did you know that by adding a little beet sugar to the soil where tomato and pepper seedlings grow, you will thereby stimulate further development plants? This should be done no more than once a week. This folk recipe is not very popular, but it is effective.

Potato starch is a source of nutrition for young plants

Yeast feeding - the path to rapid growth

Yeast feeding is popular among summer residents. This product accelerates plant growth, promotes the development of the root system and strengthens the immune system. Yeast changes the structure of the soil and activates metabolic processes in it. To prepare, dissolve 1 g of dry or 50 g of fresh yeast in 1 liter of warm water. You can add a teaspoon of sugar. Before use, the composition is diluted with 5 liters of water. Water and soil should not be cold.

How to feed tomato seedlings at home?

Recently, many summer residents, planting tomatoes on their plots, use seedlings grown with their own hands. Some people use self-harvested seeds for this. And for the seedlings to be strong and healthy, they need to be looked after. And one of the stages of care is feeding tomato seedlings at home. How to do this correctly? What food should I use?

It is recommended to feed the seedlings for the first time after the first true leaves appear on the seedlings. The amount of fertilizing depends on the quality of the fertilized soil used for sowing seeds. If planting was done in fertile soil, then 1-2 fertilizing is sufficient. The first fertilizing must contain nitrogen in its composition for successful growth of green mass, but there should not be an excess of it.

The following can be used as fertilizer:

  • Ready-made preparations – “Nitrophoska”, “Agricola-Forward”.
  • Self-prepared compositions: add urea (1 g), superphosphate (8 g), 3 g of potassium sulfate to two liters of water. Ammonium nitrate (0.6 g), superphosphate (4 g), and potassium sulfate (1.5 g) are diluted in one liter of water.
  • Use natural fertilizer. Prepare an infusion: dissolve 5 grams of yeast in 5 liters of water. The mixture should sit for at least a day. The product must be used immediately and cannot be stored. Apply wood ash. To do this, you need to dilute one tablespoon of ash in two liters of hot water. Let it brew for at least 24 hours. Then drain the settled liquid and strain.

Repeated application of fertilizers is recommended two weeks after the first feeding. During this period, seedlings need substances that stimulate their growth. If the seedlings look healthy, then it is enough to apply Effekton O fertilizer. If the tomatoes' stems begin to stretch too much, a superphosphate solution will help (add one tablespoon per three liters of hot water).

Important! A third feeding of seedlings is necessary if the seedlings look unhealthy. If the plants are strong, it is enough to water them with a weak solution of “Nitrophoska” (one tablespoon per liter of water) or other complex fertilizers. Some summer residents use fertilizers with a high potassium content as a third feeding.

Additionally, you can also perform foliar feeding of seedlings. To do this, you need to dilute 1 gram of boric acid in one liter of water and spray the plants. It is enough to carry out 2-3 procedures with an interval of 10 days. This will promote fruit set. But it is important to remember that it is better to under-fertilize plants than to over-fertilize them.

In addition, we should not forget that the unsatisfactory appearance of plants may indicate not only a lack of nutrients, but also other reasons: too wet or dry soil, insufficient lighting and low temperature. Feeding tomato seedlings at home- important actions for obtaining a good harvest. Every summer resident should remember this.

Feeding tomatoes and peppers

Feeding tomatoes and peppers is a replenishment of missing vital important elements in the soil.

Fertilizing is carried out during the period of growth, flowering and fruiting of plants, and the type of fertilizer applied will depend on this.

Fertilizers must be used wisely. Otherwise, you can get a well-developed plant, whose strength will go into the green mass, but the harvest will be meager.

How to feed tomato seedlings

Tomato seedlings are fertilized three times:

First feeding of seedlings

When 2-3 true leaves appear. At this stage, the young plant needs nitrogen to form green mass. For feeding, take a solution of urea (15-14 g per bucket of water), ammonium nitrate (6 g per bucket of water) or liquid fertilizer “Ideal”.

Second feeding of seedlings

Produced a week after the first (“Uniflor Rost”, “Effecton”, “Kemira Lux”, “GUMI Kuznetsova”, “Signor Tomato”). You can prepare a solution of nitrophoska (a spoonful of fertilizer per liter of water).

In addition, the best way to feed tomatoes can be determined by the appearance of the seedlings:

  • if the plant is very elongated, it should be fed with superphosphate (4 g per liter of water);
  • if the plant grows slowly, growth stimulants (such as Energen) are used to feed the tomatoes.

Third feeding of seedlings

This is done after planting the plant with a solution of nitrophoska (a spoon per liter of water) or a few days before planting.

Feeding pepper seedlings

Peppers begin to be fed when 2 leaves appear. Fertilizing is carried out every 7-10 days before planting the plant in open ground with the following solution: superphosphate (3 g), ammonium nitrate (1/2 g) and potassium fertilizers (1 g). Everything is diluted in a liter of water.

Feeding tomato and pepper seedlings with folk remedies

  • - infusion (a glass of ash in a bucket of water);
  • - poured dry into the hole.
  • - infusion (peels of two or three bananas per 3 liters of water, leave for 3 days),
  • - powder that is sprinkled on the ground,
  • - skins buried in holes.
  • - infusion (half a bucket of shells per bucket of water, infused for 3 days);
  • - when picking, it is placed on the bottom of the pots as drainage.
  • - infusion (10 g of husk per liter of water, infuse for 5 days);
  • - in dry form, scattered under plants or buried in the soil.

Feeding tomato and pepper seedlings with yeast

Every housewife has yeast in her refrigerator. Yeast is an ideal way to feed tomato and pepper seedlings, because vegetables that are fertilized with such organic matter will never cause harm when eaten.

Using coffee grounds

Coffee grounds are especially useful for tomatoes. True, the plants, of course, will need more than one spoon of grounds, so you will have to pour the remaining natural coffee into some container for some time. All grounds must be dried and added to the soil when planting seeds. Coffee is an excellent soil loosener and improves soil water resistance.

Potato feeding

Many plants try to stock up on starch. It is present in seeds, tubers, and bulbs. Starch contains many nutrients, which is why all plants value it so much. Based on this knowledge, people came up with the idea of ​​using potato broth as fertilizer. Moreover, it is not necessary to specially boil the potatoes themselves; you can boil the peelings, cool the broth and then use it to water the seedlings.

The benefits of onion peels for seedlings

If you water plants with an infusion of onion peels, you can not only speed up their growth, but also get rid of harmful microorganisms and pests.
To prepare the fertilizer, you need to collect the husks from about five onions and place them in a five-liter jar with warm water. The solution is closed with a lid, and then the jar is hidden in a dark place for at least four days. After this, the infusion from the husk is filtered and used for watering or spraying seedlings.

Wanting to do the best, the owners of the seedlings constantly feed it. But this cannot be done, because an excess of nutrients is no less harmful than a shortage.
It is better to feed seedlings only when they seem weak or begin to wither. If you overdo it and, for example, allow there to be a lot of nitrogen in the soil, you may be left without a harvest at all.

Timing for harvesting seedlings and transplanting

Typically, in northern latitudes, seeds begin to be planted in March; in the south and central part of the country, seedlings are often harvested only in April or May.
It is also worth remembering that before planting seedlings in the garden or greenhouse, you need to give the sprouts short outings in the fresh air. The sprouts can be kept outside for about twenty minutes and then put back indoors. This way the plants will be easier to transplant and the owner will then be able to harvest delicious tomatoes and peppers.
Of course, not all people choose to trust traditional methods and some gardeners buy ready-made fertilizer. But seedlings do not really like “chemistry”, and it is better to save purchased fertilizers until the crop is planted in open ground.

How to feed tomato seedlings at home

Today we will talk about how to fertilize tomatoes and their seedlings in order to get not only healthy tomato bushes, but also large fruits. It is necessary to determine when, after picking, to apply fertilizer to tomatoes, as well as how this or that fertilizer affects the plant.

Feeding tomato seedlings with yeast

It's no secret that mineral and organic fertilizers that are sold on the market today can not only be expensive, but also be dangerous to human health. Recently, more and more people are becoming interested in folk remedies for feeding tomatoes.

One of these means is yeast. This remedy is not only well received by tomatoes, but also by peppers. But remember that it is recommended to feed tomatoes with yeast no more than three times per season. The first feeding is done when the buds appear. The second feeding is after twenty days of being in the open ground.