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How to take a decoction of red brush. Medicinal properties, contraindications for use, instructions and review of reviews on the use of the “red brush” herb by women. Use in folk medicine


Doctor's advice

Name in Latin: Rodiola guadrefida

Synonyms: Rhodiola quadrupartite, Rhodiola quadruple, Rhodiola four-cut, Rhodiola cold


Red brush - Rhodiola cold. Her name is from Latin ( Rhodiola quadrifida) is translated into Russian in different ways in different sources: Rhodiola tetrapartite (four-petalled, four-cut).

This medicinal plant Crassulaceae family. One specimen usually consists of several stems of small height - from 15 to 30 centimeters. Each stem is densely strewn with narrow dark green leaves and resembles a brush with sparse bristles - hence the popular nickname. The cold brush is called “red” for the color of its fruits and roots, due to the content of anthocyanins. The Red Brush blooms with medium-sized yellow-green, sometimes yellowish flowers, which are located at the crown of the stem and collected in inflorescences. It is found quite rarely in nature; many places where it grows are protected. Rhodiola cold grows in Pakistan and Kazakhstan. There are specimens of the Red Brush in China and Mongolia. In Russia, the Red Brush prefers to climb higher, into the Sayan, Tyva, and Altai Mountains. Almost all of the domestic Red Brush is harvested in Altai; the local nature is ideal for its growth: harsh rocks and rocky slopes, the banks of mountain rivers and deep crevices are the favorite places of this unique plant in every sense.

Preparation and storage

Since Red Brush is difficult to find in significant quantities, it is not easy to prepare. It grows in remote mountainous areas, usually in very modest numbers in groups. Coming across large thickets of Red Brush is an almost unattainable dream for an herbalist.

For use in herbal medicine, the root of the plant is required. It is the wide root of the Red Brush, going deep into the ground, that allows the plant to survive in the harsh mountain climate, sucking water from distant layers of the soil.

The flowering period of the Red Brush is the first two months of summer. After this, it is time to harvest the plant - and it lasts until the fruit appears. The rhizomes and roots of Rhodiola cold are dug out by hand, and then thoroughly cleaned, washed and dried. Rooms with good air circulation are suitable for drying. It is also possible to dry the roots in the oven at low temperature. To obtain the highest quality raw materials, it is recommended to dry them immediately after collection.

Finished raw materials can be stored for 24 months - during this period the Red Brush retains its healing properties. You can place the raw materials in closed birch bark containers; tin containers with lids are also suitable.

Usage history

The tradition of healing with preparations from the Red Brush goes back a long way. Among the herbalists of the Altai Mountains, there are legends about the Red Brush; the plant is revered as a gift from the gods to people. Healers say that the Red Brush acts almost magically, helping against many different diseases, not just relieving symptoms, but eliminating the causes of the disease and healing the body at the deepest level. They say that taking the Red Brush makes a person younger, restores lost strength, and reveals reserves of internal energy that the patient had not previously suspected. Shamans can perform special rituals in which the Red Brush is involved - after this a person becomes protected from illnesses and troubles for a long time.

Due to its rarity, Rhodiola colda is included in the Red Book of some regions - for example, in the Republic of Sakha and Buryatia, and is protected in some reserves. It is also recorded in the book “Rare and Endangered Plants of Siberia.”

Since the scale of harvesting the Red Brush is quite small, in Russia it is considered a plant little studied in medical science. However, doctors from China and Europe are showing great interest in it. Their research shows, in particular, the effectiveness of the use of Rhodiola cold in the treatment of certain oncological diseases. We can expect that in the very near future the scientific world will start talking about this plant. The main application in modern herbal medicine is in gynecology.

Chemical composition

If you “disassemble” a medicinal plant into its elements, you will find many valuable components: not only proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but also minerals that are important for the proper functioning of organs. Almost half of the periodic table is extracted by the Red Brush from the mountain soil and accumulates in the roots: chromium, which regulates sugar levels; copper, necessary for the synthesis of hemoglobin; zinc, which affects hormonal balance. This natural treasure contains cobalt, manganese, nickel, noble metal silver and even a representative of the group of rare metals - molybdenum. Rhodiola contains cold waxes, tannins, sterols and natural sugars. Valuable essential oils, phenols, several organic acids also contribute to the biological value of red brush. Glycosides are of particular value - tyrosol, tricetin and salidroside (also called, by analogy with the scientific name of the plant, rhodioloside). Salidroside is “responsible” for the amazing talent of the Red Brush to eliminate inflammation, fight infections and malignancies, as well as exhibit adaptogenic properties and normalize hormonal balance, and at the same time metabolism. Salidroside activates the work thyroid gland, helps the functioning of the adrenal glands, prostate and ovaries. Anthocyanins in Rhodiola rosea provide prevention and therapeutic effect against bacteria, as well as fungi and viruses.

Application in medicine

The red brush is famous for its ability to strengthen and stimulate the body's immune defense, improve tone and give a person good health. Its use restores youth and prolongs the period of active enjoyment of life. Red Brush preparations are often included in recommendations for patients who have undergone surgery or are recovering from serious illnesses - to give fresh strength and cleanse the blood of toxins. Consumption of the plant leads to an increase in hemoglobin levels and the elimination of anemia.

For cardiovascular and nervous diseases

Rhodiola colda is known as a natural remedy for supporting cardiovascular health. It is good for fighting atherosclerosis and other ailments. Taking teas and decoctions from the Red Brush leads to normalization of blood pressure. Many doctors advise giving the Red Brush to patients to reduce intracranial pressure and use it to relieve spasms of cerebral vessels. It provides nutrition to the brain during concussions and promotes rapid recovery. The Red Brush is also good for problems with sleep, for combating neuroses - it can have a calming effect and help cope with daily stress.

For infertility

Very often, the Red Brush is used to treat infertility and all related ailments that are the causes of this condition - both in women and in the stronger sex.

Among the gynecological diagnoses that are indications for the use of Rhodiola cold are fibroids, fibroids, mastopathy. The Red Brush helps to recover from cysts and polyps, as well as to establish the menstrual cycle, make it regular and eliminate menstrual pain. It has the ability to fight endometriosis and erosion, and also has hemostatic properties.

Rhodiola cold comes to the rescue even during such a difficult period for a woman as menopause. Its regular use helps reduce so-called hot flashes, relieves the feeling of heat, promotes restful sleep and calms the nerves. The red brush has a beneficial effect on diseases of the liver and kidneys; it is recommended for pyelonephritis, various inflammations, cystitis, as well as for restoring health in cases of dysbacteriosis.

Adaptogenic properties

There is evidence that Rhodiola cold helps faster healing of bones in fractures, and is able to restore health after serious injuries. It is an integral part of herbal remedies prescribed for epilepsy and beneficial for leukemia.

For oncology

For oncological diseases, and in general in the case of detection of tumors of various origins, including tumors of a benign nature, the Red Brush is an important component of therapy. There is evidence that it stops the growth of malignant cells, and at the same time gives a person the ability to withstand unfavorable factors and stimulates one’s own resources to fight the disease. A slight tonic effect helps the patient feel more cheerful and not succumb to stress.

Taking hormones

The most important and popularly known property of the Red Brush is its ability to regulate hormonal levels and treat various disruptions and endocrine pathologies. Herbalists recommend it for problems with the thyroid gland, in particular goiter, difficulties in the functioning of the adrenal glands and inflammation in the lymph nodes. The red brush is indispensable for the treatment of many diseases that affect men. It is recommended for prostate adenoma, prostatitis, and oligospermia. Her water decoctions and alcohol tinctures are an excellent remedy for infertility problems. A pleasant addition to the purely therapeutic effect is that Rhodiola cold, normalizing men's health, increases potency. And, by the way, in women, the Red Brush cures frigidity caused by physiological reasons.

Use with other plants

Like many medicinal herbs, the healing power of the Red Brush increases significantly if it is used in the right combinations with various medicinal plants - for this, the collection must be compiled by an experienced herbalist. Frequent “neighbors” of Rhodiola cold in restorative preparations are its “relative” - Golden root, as well as Eleutherococcus, Schisandra and Maral root. Collecting Aralia and Zamanikha can also increase your defenses.

When treating endocrine disorders, Red Brush is often combined with White Cinquefoil - combining them allows you to quickly put your hormonal levels in order.

And to combat typical female ailments and normalize the functioning of the genitourinary system, the alliance with the Red Brush is formed by Borovaya uterus and Wintergreen roundifolia - but this requires adherence to certain schemes and strictly verified breaks in herbal medicine.

Due to the fact that Rhodiola colda has a phytoestrogenic effect, it is prohibited to use it when taking hormones and contraceptives, as well as some medicinal plants that have similar effects. Contraindications to taking Rhodiola cold are also hypertension, excessive nervous excitability, elevated body temperature, pregnancy and lactation, and, of course, individual intolerance. In all cases, it is best to consult a specialist.

The Red Brush recipe, also called the “adaptogenic cocktail,” is widely popular. It mixes Red brush, Leuzea safflower, lemongrass, aralia, lure and Rhodiola rosea. All components of this “Altai elixir of youth” are taken in equal quantities. To prepare the drug, 2 tablespoons of raw materials per 1 liter of water are required. Pouring the herbs with boiling water in a thermos, they are left to infuse for 8 hours and then filtered. To create strong immunity, this drink is recommended to be consumed for 30 days; it is especially good during periods of viral epidemics, in spring and autumn.

Be careful, the Red Brush is contraindicated for:

Before use, consult your doctor!

General recipe.

Pour 1 tablespoon of chopped root into 300 ml. water, boil for 15 minutes in a closed enamel container over low heat, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals, adding 1 teaspoon of natural honey. Course 30-45 days.

Tincture. The tincture relieves the feeling of heat during menopause, soothes, improves sleep, and helps with benign and malignant neoplasms. The tincture is also used by men for prostatitis and prostate adenoma.

Pour 50 grams of crushed root into 0.5 liters of high-quality vodka, leave in a dark place in a dark glass container for 30 days, shaking occasionally, strain. Take 30-40 drops 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Course 30 days. Break for 10-15 days and repeat the course.

Douching. For ureaplasmosis, candidiasis, gardnerellosis, endometriosis, colpitis, vulvovaginitis, erosion, fibroids, various inflammatory diseases and to normalize the vaginal microflora.

Dilute 1 teaspoon of tincture in 0.5 liters of warm boiled water. Douche morning and evening for 10-15 minutes (try to keep the solution inside as long as possible). The course is 7 days, then a 7-day break and, if necessary, repeat 2-3 such courses.

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What herbs can cure mastopathy? prostatitis It often gets worse, we took a spermogram and it shows no growth of microflora, no bacteria in the urine, but there is mucus.

According to the results of ultrasound - prostate gland - dimensions: 43.00 * 2.70 * 41.00 mm, volume - 24.80 cm3, regular shape, smooth contours, heterogeneous transition zone. The echogenicity of the gland tissue is increased, the echostructure is heterogeneous due to small hyperogenic areas, large calcifications up to 4-6 mm. Diagnosis: chronic prostatitis. Spermogram conclusion: asthenozoospermia. In the spermogram, general motility is impaired - 33.5, but should be 40, progressively motile - 25.9, but should be 32, functional concentration of sperm in 1 ml - 1.2, but should be 3, motility index - 61, but should be 80. Testosterone general and free is normal. PSA is normal.

We haven’t had children for 20 years, so we treated him with different pills - to no avail. We want to try herbs, we really believe in them. Even when the last time my husband’s prostatitis worsened and his chronic tonsillitis, which was only in childhood and did not manifest itself, worsened, they took a smear of staphylococcus and streptococcus from the throat - they didn’t find it, there was only a fungus in the mouth, which was treated. But caseous plugs are collected, and if there are plugs, then there is an infection, but it is not found.

I ask for your help in treating these diseases with herbs.

Thank you in advance.

I don’t know what kind of spermogram your husband had at the very beginning of treatment, but now it is quite suitable for conception. But - at first glance. I don't see viscosity, for example; I don’t know if the MAP test (antisperm antibodies) was done.

In general, you need a scan or photo of the spermogram for comparison!

Typically, an infertile couple is treated together, even if one side is completely healthy. If you and your husband are the same age, or you are more than 35 years old, the resource of eggs has already been reduced, ovulation does not occur in every cycle. This already reduces the likelihood of conception by 1.5-2 times.

In addition, any person already has any chronic diseases or has had operations; in women - pelvic diseases (appendicitis, cystitis, abortion), which led to adhesions.

Perhaps your periods are no longer as clear and regular, and you have other health problems.

They must be eliminated or reduced to increase the likelihood of conception!

This is the task facing me now.

1. Now you can put 2 tinctures - lovage for your husband; Sophora yellowing root for yourself.

Pour 50.0 grams of crushed Sophora yellowing root into 500.0 ml of 40% alcohol, leave for 7-10 days, strain, drink 15 drops 3 times a day for 40 days, break 14 days.

Pour 50.0 grams of crushed lovage root into 500.0 ml of cognac, leave for 3 weeks in a cool, dark place, shaking occasionally. Strain. Dissolve 1 dessert spoon in your mouth 3 times a day before meals. Course - 1.5 months; break 3 weeks and repeat.

2. While I am not aware of your hormones, you can start taking boron uterus and red brush according to the following scheme:

3 tsp pour 200.0 ml of hot water into a mixture of hogweed, wintergreen and red brush (thin roots) crushed in equal quantities, bring to a boil and simmer for 15-20 minutes. Then remove and leave for 30 minutes. Cool, strain, squeeze out the remainder and add to 200.0 ml.

Drink 70.0 ml 3 times a day.

The course is 4 cycles of 2 weeks, with a break between them of 1 week. It is better to prepare the herbal infusion in an enamel bowl in a water bath. You can start taking it on any day of your cycle.

3. But I can’t give you the basic collection of herbs, I need information about you:

Dates and characteristics of the last three menstruation; UAC and OAM; hormones Estradiol, Progesterone and Testosterone; weight, height, age; chronic diseases.

Husband - weight and height.

Proponents of traditional medicine attribute to Rhodiola frostis - the name of the herb red brush (RB) - the ability to cure female and male diseases and even restore hormonal levels, which makes pregnancy possible. Is this really what this plant is? Today the focus of our attention is the red brush, medicinal properties and contraindications to the use of the plant, as well as its effects on women and men.

In contact with


Rhodiola red is a rare plant listed in the Red Book. According to the botanical classification, it represents the genus Rhodiola, the family Crassulaceae. Other names for the herb are Rhodiola colda, and also tetrapartite (or fourfold). The plant is not poisonous, but has contraindications for use.

Where does it grow?

The rocky slopes of Tuva, Yakutia and Buryatia, Sikhote-Alin, Sayan Mountains and the Altai Mountains are where the red brush grows over fairly large areas. But it is not found anywhere else in the world. Therefore, “Altai healers” consider it their exclusive drug and offer it as a panacea, despite the data of official medicine. Official medicine assigns this plant a more modest role and reminds of contraindications for use.

Red brush grows mainly on rocky mountain slopes


The composition of red brush presented by various sources is impressive in the amount of beneficial substances found in this herb. It is not surprising that the beneficial properties of the red brush have been used in the manufacture of biologically active supplements (dietary supplements) for women and men who have no contraindications.

These properties are provided by the following:

  • essential oil;
  • organic acids;
  • flavonoids;
  • anthocyanins;
  • phytohormones;
  • tannins;
  • phenols, waxes;
  • anthraglycosides;
  • salidroside (tyrosol alcohol glycoside, or phenolic glycoside);
  • vitamins (mainly C);
  • microelements (zinc, copper, chromium, selenium, etc.).

Dietary supplements do not exhibit medicinal properties, but preventive or auxiliary ones, therefore, in fact, they are not medicines. Regarding the medicinal properties of red brush (including for women), you need to rely on common sense, and not on impressive lists of ingredients, and take into account contraindications.

Medicinal and beneficial properties

And yet, it’s worth figuring out what the red brush herb cures, according to supporters of witchcraft. Healers call the following medicinal properties of the herb (remember, not confirmed by official medicine):

  • use for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • restoration of hormonal levels;
  • treatment and general support for infectious and other severe and long-term illnesses;
  • use in the treatment of severe injuries (interesting - how?);
  • normalization of blood pressure (and according to the official instructions, Rhodiola cold has a contraindication - hypertension);
  • recovery of the body after long-term treatment with antibiotics.

The list of medicinal properties popularized by traditional healers is not limited to the areas of application indicated above; the “indications” of the red brush for women alone number more than a dozen. However, this does not mean that the plant has no contraindications and is completely safe. And .

Unfortunately, for some reason many patients equate the naturalness of a product with its safety, but this is a deep and unsafe misconception.

As for the benefits, not the medicinal properties, it is obvious if Rhodiola cold preparations are used taking into account contraindications as sources of vitamins, microelements, glycosides, flavonoids and other beneficial substances that help:

  • increase the overall tone of the body;
  • strengthen the immune system ();
  • replenish the lack of vitamin C, zinc, copper and other substances.

Taking the herb, taking into account contraindications, will help reduce the risk of developing endocrine system disorders (thyroid, adrenal glands) and cyclic processes in women.

In pharmacies you can purchase different forms of dietary supplements based on the red brush with instructions for use and a list of contraindications. One of the most convenient forms to use is tincture. It is available in bottles with a dropper in dosages of 50 and 100 ml and regular bottles of 100 or 500 ml.

The liquid contains, in addition to Rhodiola colda roots, the preservative sodium benzoate and ascorbic acid. Scope of application – use as a dietary supplement to food containing vitamin C, salidroside, tannins. You will learn how to prepare and properly take aloe tincture at home.

Does red brush have healing properties for women? Supporters of traditional medicine are sure - yes, it does, if there are no contraindications, and demonstrate an impressive list of women’s diseases.

What women's diseases does it treat?

Traditional healers believe that KSH can cope with very serious pathologies of women:

  • mastopathy;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • polycystic disease;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • cystitis, ureaplasmosis;
  • adnexitis;
  • vulvovaginitis, colpitis;
  • endometrial polyps, endometriosis;
  • candidiasis, gardnerellosis;
  • dysmenorrhea and amenorrhea (painful and irregular periods) and even infertility.

Official medicine does not confirm the listed medicinal properties of Rhodiola cold; it recommends not to self-medicate and remember the contraindications.

When planning a pregnancy

What role is assigned to this plant in terms of restoring reproductive function? Most adherents of herbal medicine believe that the red brush helps, we quote, “normalize the whole body,” restore hormonal balance, and with it the reproductive function of women, increase hemoglobin and a bunch of other wonderful healings. At the same time, the authors of the “instructions for using the red brush” contradict themselves - they either write that the red brush is contraindicated during pregnancy, or they recommend drinking it from the second phase of the cycle, that is, after ovulation, for a whole month and a half.

If you drink this herb to reduce the risk of hormonal disorders, it is advisable in the first phase of the cycle, and only in consultation with a consulting gynecologist, taking into account contraindications.

During menopause

Most women feel unpleasant changes in the body during menopause (menopause) and try by all means to avoid the consequences of these natural changes. And as if to please this desire, healers are doing their best to popularize the healing properties of the red brush during menopause, which can relieve hot flashes, insomnia, dry skin and other inconveniences.

Without at all doubting some of the healing properties of the herb, we nevertheless note that most “menopausal problems” in women are of psychological origin. This is evidenced by studies of Western doctors, where it was found that in 50% of women, hot flashes disappeared after using... a placebo (drug simulators that have neither medicinal properties nor contraindications, and are used for various studies). So, if women “need to do something,” they can drink KSH, taking into account the contraindications, but first they need to visit a doctor and get examined.

The most common male diagnosis associated with the medicinal properties of Rhodiola frostis is oligospermia (reduced ejaculate volume). As indications for the use of red brush herb, medical practitioners also mention weakened potency and prostate adenoma. But if you read the official protocols for the treatment of the same oligospermia, you will not find recommendations for the use of this herb anywhere, and the same applies to other male pathologies.

Dietary supplements based on this plant can be used as an adjuvant as a source of flavonoids, salidroside, tannins and to reduce the risk of prostate pathologies, if there are no contraindications.


Let us once again remind you of the gross misconception - considering natural remedies to be absolutely safe (many sources write exactly this way). No and no again. Haven't you heard about poisonous mushrooms or berries that can lead to blindness? But these are also natural remedies. But each plant has its own characteristics and contraindications. The red brush is contraindicated:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • with severe atherosclerosis;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • high blood pressure ();
  • insomnia, increased excitability;
  • individual susceptibility to the plant, tendency to allergic reactions.

As you can see, the official list of contraindications also included pathologies for which Rhodiola, according to the assurances of the people’s doctors, should exhibit its medicinal properties (atherosclerosis, high blood pressure). If you have at least one contraindication to refuse this herb, refuse without hesitation.

Instructions for use

Well, if there are no contraindications, and you want to improve your health with the help of this plant, read the rules for using its medicinal properties. Do not forget to visit your doctor before this and inform him of your intentions to drink Rhodiola frosty.

How to brew?

The annotation for the pharmacy dried herb in bulk or filter bags says how to brew red brush:

  1. Boil 200 ml of water.
  2. Pour 1 teaspoon of raw material into it or put one 2-gram filter bag.
  3. Cover the container and leave for 15 minutes.
  4. Pour the resulting infusion through a filter into another container.

The infusion is ready for use if you have no contraindications.

How to use?

Usually dietary supplements are taken during meals, so there is nothing unusual in drinking red brush. The prepared infusion is drunk 2 times a day, half a glass during breakfast and lunch. It is recommended to brew a fresh infusion every day, and store the portion for the second dose in the refrigerator. The maintenance course is about 30 days, if there are no contraindications, after which you can take a two-week break and take another month-long course.

How to drink to get pregnant?

Young women are often interested in how to drink red brush to get pregnant. The official instructions do not provide such information or such medicinal properties. And online physicians advise drinking grass in the second half of the menstrual cycle, that is, after ovulation (from 14 to 28 days).

But let's think about what will happen if such luck happens in time - fertilization occurs and pregnancy occurs.

An unsuspecting woman will start taking an herb that is contraindicated by pregnancy for at least a month. No one will undertake to predict how this drug, which indirectly affects blood pressure and the central nervous system, will affect the health of a woman and her unborn child.

Can I use it during menstruation?

Not a single official instruction for the use of KSH (in bulk, tinctures or tablets) states whether it is possible to drink red brush during menstruation. In the descriptions of folk medicine, menstruation is called a contraindication. You should focus on official instructions, but given the mild tonic effect of the herb, it is better to abandon herbal medicine for the time being.

Is there any harm possible?

Let us return once again to the issue of the safety of the medicinal plant in question. The medicinal properties of the red brush, the benefits and harms are still not well studied, and the list of contraindications indicates the need for preliminary consultation with a therapist or gynecologist - for women. Can this herb cause harm? Maybe if:

  • self-medicate and take without prior health assessment by a doctor and without taking into account contraindications;
  • combine use with other drugs that contain phytohormones (cocklebur, licorice, clover, hops);
  • At the same time, take hormonal drugs or drugs that increase blood pressure.

The greatest harm to your health can be caused if you take it contrary to the contraindications listed above.

Side effects

The instructions for using the red brush do not indicate any side effects. Obviously, not enough research has been carried out in this direction (as evidenced by the limited list of recommendations for use). Unless you want to become the first person to extract not medicinal properties, but side effects red brush, strictly adhere to contraindications.

Review Reviews

An analysis of reviews of red brush from patients who relied on the medicinal properties of this herb indicates that expectant mothers are wary of herbal medicine, which is very commendable. The reviews from young women contain informative information.

Some women associate several missed pregnancies with taking this herb. They took KSH as doctors teach, together or alternately with another herb - boron uterus, which can cause bleeding. This once again confirms that taking any medication from a doctor’s manual, without medical supervision and taking into account contraindications, is dangerous!

Several women share the advice of their gynecologists - not to use herbal medicine at all for female diseases. Herbs require careful use; dosage selection should be individual. And you should definitely take into account contraindications.

Several women experienced abdominal (in the abdomen) pain after taking KSH, although they had no contraindications to taking it.

Against this background, women’s reviews of the red brush, which they take during menopause, taking into account contraindications, look more positive. Women talk about improved well-being and mood, normalization of sleep and even digestion, which for some women led to weight loss. Considering the certain suggestibility of mature women (remember the studies of Western scientists), we would not recommend taking these reviews as evidence of the medicinal properties of Rhodiola.

Useful video

Red brush is a plant that has gained wide popularity in traditional treatment gynecological diseases. It is considered a natural hormone and has a complex effect on the body, being a very strong antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory agent:


  1. Many patients regard herbal medicine as a safe alternative drug treatment, without thinking about the possible harm and contraindications for use. This dangerous misconception can lead to unpredictable and even sad consequences.
  2. Rhodiola colda, for unknown reasons, is at the peak of popularity among lovers of herbal treatments, but its medicinal properties have not been officially proven.
  3. Before taking the red brush, you need to visit a doctor and get examined to find out if you have any contraindications to taking it.

In contact with

Red brush – herbaceous plant, which has the richest and unique chemical composition. It is also called Rhodiola tetrapartite, Rhodiola cold and Rhodiola tetrapartite. This herb grows in Russia in Altai, in the mountains, and it was Altai shamans who discovered all the beneficial properties of this plant. Thanks to them, it became known how to take the red brush, prepare it correctly, as well as indications and contraindications for use.

Due to the increased collection of Radiola cold, the populations of this crop began to grow significantly smaller, and it was listed in the Red Book. At the moment, the plant is under protection; industrial collection is prohibited.

In terms of its composition, the red brush is a unique product, the analogues of which do not exist in nature. It includes the following components:

  • phytohormones;
  • Sahara;
  • anthocyanins;
  • sterols;
  • glycosides;
  • essential oils;
  • organic acids;
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • betaines;
  • vitamins;
  • microelements.

I would like to note that this remedy does not work to eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but removes the cause of its occurrence. Due to its rich composition, red brush has a wide range of pharmacological effects:

  • bactericidal;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • hematopoietic;
  • hormonal;
  • wound healing;
  • astringent;
  • antifungal;
  • immunostimulating;
  • adaptogenic;
  • laxative;
  • vaso-strengthening;
  • antiviral.

This herb is widely used in many areas: gynecology, urology, oncology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, neurology, and reproductive medicine. As a gynecological remedy, it is used in the treatment of hormonal disorders, fibroids, mastopathy, menstrual irregularities and other diseases.

In urology, a red brush is used to treat inflammatory diseases of the urinary system: cystitis, pyelonephritis. In endocrinology, it is prescribed for pathologies of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, and diabetes mellitus.

The herb has a laxative function, enhances intestinal motility, and helps improve digestion.

Rhodiola will also be a good helper in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels, cleanses them of atherosclerotic plaques, lowers blood pressure, lowers cholesterol levels. The herb is also effective for diseases of the blood and lymphatic system, since it has a hematopoietic function.

ENT doctors use Rhodiola in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the facial sinuses, such as sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and sinusitis. In neurology, the plant is widely used to improve cerebral circulation in the treatment of epilepsy, traumatic brain injuries, and nervous conditions.

There are studies that confirm that the red brush is effective in the fight against cancer, but not as the main therapy, but as an adjuvant.

Rhodiola quadruplet is used as a general tonic during the period of recovery of the body after serious illnesses and operations.

Separately, I would like to highlight the effect of Rhodiola cold on the male body. This herb is beneficial for both men of reproductive age and the elderly. When taking the drug, potency increases significantly, sperm become much more mobile, and hormonal levels are normalized. This herb is especially useful during the so-called “male menopause.”

Indications for the use of the red brush in gynecology

Very useful in the treatment of gynecological diseases. It is used as the main treatment and as an adjuvant. Among the diseases that this herb fights are the following:

  • menstrual irregularities;
  • neoplasms in the uterus and appendages;
  • mastopathy.

Rhodiola cold contains phytohormones that help eliminate hormonal disorders in a woman’s body. It is used in the treatment of dysmenorrhea, uterine bleeding,. With severe premenstrual syndrome this herb will be a good helper. The unpleasant symptoms of menopause and premenopause are no exception: the herb will not be able to completely remove them, but, as a rule, it can significantly improve the general condition.

As an auxiliary and preventive remedy, the red brush is used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the uterus, appendages and vagina (adnexitis, endometritis, cervical erosion, cervicitis, vulvovaginitis), mastopathy and various neoplasms in the female genital organs (myoma, fibromyoma, cystosis and polycystic disease, polyps, endometriosis).

Only the attending physician should prescribe and adjust the use of herbs. Incorrect treatment tactics can lead to worsening of the condition and be dangerous to health.

How to cook red brush

A ready-made preparation based on Rhodiola cold can be bought at a pharmacy, but if you have the raw materials, preparing the medicine at home is not difficult. The most commonly used are tincture and decoction of the dried root. They are identical in their action.

To prepare the tincture, use 50 grams of dry red brush raw material, add 0.5 liters of vodka, and infuse for a month. Periodically you need to stir the product. The container in which the herb will be infused must be made of dark glass. The drug should only be stored in a dark place. After 30 days, you should strain thoroughly and take 30–40 drops, which is about 1 teaspoon, three times a day.

How to brew red brush? This process has several nuances. In order to prepare the decoction, you will need a water bath, enamel dishes, dry herbs, boiled water, cooled to 70 degrees.

You cannot pour boiling water over the red brush and keep it on fire, otherwise all the beneficial properties will be lost.

For 1 tablespoon of herb you will need 1 glass of water. Pour the herb into a bowl, mix with water, place in a bathhouse and keep there, stirring constantly, for 15 minutes. Afterwards, remove and let sit for an hour. Next, strain and pour into a glass container. The decoction is stored for two days. You need to take half a glass three times a day.

This herb is also used for douching for inflammatory diseases of the vagina. To prepare the solution, you need to mix a glass of broth with half a liter of boiled, cooled water. Douching is carried out in the morning and evening.

Features of the use of a red brush for gynecological diseases

Before you begin treatment with a red brush, you need to familiarize yourself with how to take this remedy correctly. There are several rules that must be followed.

It is imperative to follow the drug dosage schedule. In the morning, the medicine is taken half an hour before breakfast, no earlier than nine o’clock in the morning. At lunch, the drug is taken an hour before meals. In the evening 30 minutes before dinner, but no later than 19 hours.

Preparations based on Rhodiola cold have a stimulating effect, enhance brain function, which can cause insomnia.

When taking medications, you must strictly adhere to the treatment regimen. The first course should last a month, then a fifteen-day break. After this, two more thirty-day courses are taken with the same break. At the end of the three-month course, the body needs a month of rest and after that another course of treatment follows. It will help consolidate the result.

It is contraindicated to drink red brush under the following conditions:

  • high temperature;
  • hypertension;
  • pregnancy.

When treating gynecological diseases, especially infertility, it is advisable to combine the red brush with Borovaya uterus. But, as soon as pregnancy has occurred, Rhodiola cold should be immediately discontinued due to its ability to cause spontaneous abortion.

Red brush should not be used together with other herbs containing phytohormones. It is also contraindicated to take it together with synthetic hormonal drugs. The simultaneous use of several similar drugs can aggravate the condition.

When starting to take red brush, you need to remember that it heals, like all herbs, quite gently. It will take longer to notice the effect than with synthetic drug therapy. The joint efforts of the doctor, the patient and Mother Nature will always give a positive result, you just need to be patient.

Red brush or Rhodiola quadrupartum is a medicinal plant of the Crassulaceae family. It grows in Altai and the Sayan Mountains. Red brush, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which were studied in the 18th century by the German and Russian naturalist P.S. Pallas, was widely used in oriental medicine. Long before the plant was systematized and described in botanical treatises, it was used by Altai healers.

Preparations from Rhodiola quadrifidum extract are used in therapy:

  • female reproductive system (mastopathy, infertility, fibroids);
  • male reproductive system (prostate adenoma and hyperplasia, oligospermia, male infertility);
  • endocrine system (toxic goiter, adrenal diseases).

The herb red brush is popularly called Siberian ginseng for its mild tonic effect, adaptogenic and immunostimulating properties.

The multicomponent composition of the plant, in which unique substances characteristic only of it are found, also determines the multidirectional, multifunctional effect of Rhodiola.

The extract obtained from the roots and rhizomes of the red brush has a pronounced effect:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial;
  • immunostimulating;
  • hemostatic;
  • normalizes metabolic processes and hormonal balance;
  • improves energy exchange in muscle tissue and the central nervous system.

In official and traditional medicine, the root of the red brush is used, since it is in it that the plant “stores” the maximum amount of active substances.

  1. Anthocyanins are substances that cause the color of plant parts. They have antiviral, antimycotic effects, reduce inflammatory reactions and oxidative stress in the intestines, and increase the barrier functions of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Anthraglycosides – accelerate the movement of gastrointestinal contents and have laxative properties.
  3. Sterols - reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, block autoimmune reactions, improve the functions of the cardiovascular system.
  4. Flavonoids are a large group of substances that have antitumor, angioprotective (protects and strengthens blood vessels), and antihypertensive effects.
  5. Tannins – have astringent, reparative, anti-inflammatory properties.
  6. Essential oils are a natural antiseptic, immunomodulator, and bacteriostatic.
  7. Organic acids - normalize metabolism, improve tissue trophism, reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol, and stimulate hematopoiesis.

One of the main bioactive substances of Rhodiola, the glycoside salidroside, has oncoprotective, anti-inflammatory, anti-infective and adaptogenic effects.

In addition, Rhodiola contains a significant amount of microelements:

  • manganese;
  • chromium;
  • nickel;
  • molybdenum;
  • silver;
  • zinc;
  • cobalt.

In recent decades, scientists from Russia, Japan, and Germany have begun to study the properties of red brush. The Russian pharmacological industry has already produced a number of herbal medicines based on Rhodiola quadrupartite. For example, herbal tea and dragees from the company “HORST” (Russia, Moscow), used for the treatment of gynecological pathologies. And the Artlife company (Ukraine, Nikolaev) produces the Energia phytocomplex to normalize metabolic processes.

Researchers from Poland obtained encouraging results from the clinical use of Rhodiola quadrifida preparations. They tested the effectiveness of using an alcohol tincture of the plant's roots for cancer.

It has also been established that the red brush is effective means for diseases of the cardiovascular system, anemia, leukemia.

What female diseases does it help with?

Red brush contains phytohormones and phytoestrogens, similar in structure and function to sex hormones. Thanks to them, the red brush is used in the treatment of a large number of gynecological pathologies caused by hormone imbalance.


  • reduce proliferation (growth and reproduction) of cells, especially atypical (changed) cells in hormone-dependent tissues of the reproductive system and mammary glands;
  • stimulate the activity of prostaglandin H-synthetase, which has an antitumor effect;
  • bind to the corresponding estrogen-sensitive receptors in tissues.

In contrast, phytohormones do not bind to receptors. But they have a beneficial effect on the function of the hypothalamus - they reduce the production of luteinizing hormone, serotonin, and have organ selectivity.

The use of red brush preparations for women's diseases is justified by a number of clinical studies by domestic and foreign scientists.

Ovarian cyst

The reasons for the appearance of ovarian cysts are not fully understood, but most scientists are inclined to believe that the main factors in the occurrence of benign neoplasms are:

  • hormonal imbalance caused by dysfunction of the endocrine glands and reproductive system;
  • inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs;
  • apoptosis - programmed cell death.

The effectiveness of therapy for ovarian cysts with red brush preparations is due to the complex effect of active substances that eliminate the listed factors. They:

  • normalize hormonal homeostasis;
  • stimulate the production of anti-inflammatory cytokines;
  • have antibacterial and antiseptic effects;
  • suppress apoptosis and ensure tissue regeneration.

Preparations of Rhodiola quadrifidae in the treatment of ovarian cysts are used orally, and to increase effectiveness they are also used locally for douching. When treated with a red brush, the cyst resolves within 3-6 months.

Herbal medicine also reduces the risk of malignant degeneration of the cyst.

For systemic therapy, an alcohol infusion of Rhodiola quadrifidum root is used.

  1. Take 30 drops of tincture 3 times a day.
  2. After taking, you should not drink or eat for 40 minutes.
  3. The duration of the course of therapy is 30 days.
  4. Then take a break for 2 weeks and repeat the treatment until complete recovery.

For douching, use an alcohol tincture diluted with water (1 tsp per 0.5 liter of warm water) or a decoction of the roots of the red brush. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day for 7-10 days.


Endometriosis is a hormone-dependent pathology in women. The main cause of the disease is dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, which leads to changes in the function and structure of the ovaries.

The use of red brush preparations eliminates the following disorders:

  • dishormonal;
  • inflammatory;
  • immune;
  • psycho-emotional.

For the treatment of endometriosis the following is used:

  1. Douching with a solution of infusion of plant roots. The procedure is carried out twice a day for 25 minutes. Within 2 weeks.
  2. Take 1/3 cup of the decoction three times a day. The course of treatment is 45 days.
  3. Alcohol tincture of roots. Take 35 drops 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month. Between courses there is a break of 2 weeks.
  4. Decoctions of red brush and boron uterus. 2 decoctions are prepared from dry raw materials. Treatment begins with taking a decoction of boron uterus. Then they take a break during menstruation. After the end of the monthly cycle, take a decoction of red brush.

The course of treatment for endometriosis with herbal remedies ranges from 2 to 6 monthly cycles, depending on the size of the lesion, hormone levels (LH, FSH, prolactin) and the general condition of the woman.


Cervical erosion is a violation of the integrity of the integumentary epithelium on the outer part of the cervix. This diagnosis is given to every 3 women of childbearing age. True erosion is treated promptly (laser, current or radio wave). But on initial stage true erosion or pseudo-erosion, red brush preparations, which are used for douching, can relieve inflammation and balance hormonal levels. The course of treatment is the same as for endometriosis.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

The formation of numerous benign formations in the ovaries that disrupt the ovulation process is diagnosed as polycystic ovary syndrome. In pathology, there is a hormonal imbalance - a decrease in the production of follicle-stimulating hormone against the background of normal estrogen and progesterone activity.

The red brush normalizes androgen levels. Clinical studies have proven that the use of an alcoholic extract of the roots of Rhodiola quadrifidum eliminates follicular cysts and normalizes hormonal homeostasis. The use of the drug in a three-week course, excluding the period of menstruation, reduces the severity of symptoms of the pathology by 98% and ensures the resorption of cysts in 79-82% of cases.

Cervical polyps

Polyps are benign formations caused by hyperplasia of the cervical mucosa.

The cause of the pathology is:

  • increased estrogen activity;
  • decreased immunity;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • gynecological pathologies – endometritis and adnexitis.

Red brush preparations normalize the level of sex hormones and affect the function of the thyroid gland. Research by domestic immunologists E. Skopinskaya-Rozhevskaya and M. Buchavskaya has proven that the red brush not only treats dishormonal and inflammatory processes, but also increases the body’s nonspecific resistance to adverse factors.

To treat cervical polyps, an alcohol infusion and a decoction of the roots of the plant are used.


Endometritis is inflammation of the endometrium caused by infection from the vagina.

The use of a red brush helps:

  • relief of pain syndrome;
  • increasing immunity;
  • production of interferons;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes that ensure regeneration of damaged epithelium;
  • activation of blood flow;
  • destruction of pathogenic microflora;
  • relieving inflammation.

For treatment, red brush tincture is used orally and for douching.

During menopause

Menopause or menopause is the process of natural decline of reproductive function.

Menopause is accompanied by disruption of physiological and psychological processes in the female body:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • disturbance or absence of the menstrual cycle;
  • mood swings, depression, irritability;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • increased fatigue;
  • headaches, sweating, hot flashes.

The red brush eliminates all symptoms of menopause, normalizes estrogen levels and, in addition:

  • promotes the removal of toxins and metabolic products from the body;
  • provides prevention of cardiovascular and metabolic pathologies, atherosclerosis, urogenital disorders;
  • restores vaginal lactoflora;
  • relieves inflammatory processes;
  • prevents the development of tumors in the mammary gland and uterus;
  • helps eliminate psycho-emotional disorders.

In a double-blind study conducted at a clinical hospital in Moscow, the positive effect of red brush preparations was proven even on the process of bone remodeling.

Female infertility

Female infertility is caused by various pathological processes in the reproductive system, disruption of hormonal homeostasis and other factors.

At the Altai Medical Center, clinical studies were conducted on the effectiveness of treating various forms of infertility with Rhodiola quadrupartite and Ortilia unilateral (hog uterus) preparations.

Treatment of infertility with these herbal remedies significantly increased the percentage of pregnancy and its successful resolution and reduced the level of reproductive losses by 2 times compared to the control.

Red brush for cancer in women

The red brush is used for the prevention and treatment of gynecological precancerous diseases and malignant processes of the female reproductive system.

Thus, the mammary gland depends on the influence of sex hormones. Her condition is associated with the menstrual cycle and the mechanism of its regulation.

In addition to dishormonal conditions, the development of cancer can be promoted by:

  • metabolic disorders;
  • stress;
  • artificial termination of pregnancy;
  • bad habits;
  • heredity.

Red brush, according to the studies of A. T. Troshchenko, G. A. Kutikova, M. Malinowski and A. Vasyutinski, is a natural oncoprotector and has an antitumor effect due to the content of salidroside.

Uterine fibroids

Hypertrophy of the muscle tissue of the uterus is a pathological condition called fibroids.

The disease is caused by the following factors:

  • the influence of prolonged psycho-emotional overload and stress;
  • hypofunction of the thyroid gland;
  • chronic inflammation and infectious diseases of the reproductive system;
  • taking oral contraceptives and hormonal drugs.

When examining the body of a woman with uterine fibroids, an increased level of estrogen is detected. The disease is precancerous and requires adequate and timely treatment. As a maintenance therapy, a decoction of red brush is used, which is used for douching and systemic treatment. Take 1 tbsp decoction orally. l. three times a day.


Most scientists believe that the main cause of mastopathy is an imbalance of female hormones - an increase in estrogen activity with progesterone hypofunction. Excess prolactin also has an adverse effect on the ratio of glandular tissue and parenchyma.

For the treatment of mastopathy the following is used:

  • alcohol tincture of red brush orally, 30 drops three times a day;
  • Compresses are prepared on the chest from the tincture diluted with warm water.

With regular use of the tincture, 12% of women experience complete regression of small tumors. In other patients, Rhodiola preparations caused:

  • normalization of hormonal homeostasis;
  • reducing the severity of symptoms of the disease;
  • significant improvement in psycho-emotional state;
  • reverse development of cystic formations in the breast.

Uterine fibroid

High levels of estrogen cause connective tissue hyperplasia in the uterus, diagnosed as fibroids.

Factors that increase the risk of disease are:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • therapy with estrogen-containing drugs;
  • genetic predisposition.

Alcohol tincture of red brush eliminates inflammatory processes, increases the body's resistance and local immunity, normalizes hormonal levels and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. The tincture is taken orally for 3-5 months and as a solution for douching.

Red brush tincture: instructions for use

It is recommended to prepare the alcohol tincture not with vodka, but with 40% alcohol. For the tincture, take 50 g of fresh or dry Rhodiola quadrifidus root, cut it into small pieces and pour ½ liter of alcohol. Keep the tincture without access to light for 30 days, shaking regularly.

When preparing a decoction of red brush, do not pour boiling water over the root.

The dry root is crushed, take 1 tbsp. l. raw materials and pour 300 ml. cold water. The broth is brought to a boil and boiled for 5-10 minutes. The container is closed and the broth is infused for 60 minutes.

The strained warm broth is taken 1/3 cup three times a day half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 1.5-2 months.

To prepare a solution for douching, 1 cup of decoction is diluted with ½ liter of boiled warm water. Irrigation is carried out twice a day. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. Douching is used for 7 days. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

Which is better, red brush or hog queen?

At the beginning of the course of treatment, some patients experience drowsiness and slower reactions. With continued use, these effects disappear. In clinical studies, the drugs were well tolerated by patients.

Contraindications for use

  • high blood pressure (above 180/100);
  • individual intolerance to the plant;
  • feverish conditions;
  • nervous overexcitation;
  • pregnancy and during breastfeeding;
  • menstruation (except for heavy bleeding).

During therapy with red brush preparations, you should not drink alcoholic beverages and follow a low-fat diet. It is prohibited to simultaneously use Rhodiola preparations and hormonal agents (synthetic or plant phytohormones).

Rhodiola preparations have a pronounced systemic effect, so their use must be coordinated with your doctor.

Red brush (radiola cold, radiola quadruple) is a very rare herbaceous plant that grows on rocky alpine mountain slopes: along the banks of rivers, streams, and at the bottom of gorges. The plant owes its name to the original shape of its leaves, which resemble a brush, and its characteristic red color.

Chemical composition

The four-membered radiola root is used for medicinal purposes, which contains the following biologically active substances: salidroside glycoside, essential oil, anthraglycosides, organic acids, phenols, waxes, sterols, tannins, flavonoids, phytohormones, vitamin C, anthocyanins, gum, and trace elements - selenium, manganese, chromium, zinc, cobalt, copper, nickel, molybdenum.

Beneficial features

The red brush has a large number beneficial properties, used not only in alternative, but also in official medicine, the most valuable of them are:

  • General strengthening;
  • Immunomodulatory;
  • Adaptogenic;
  • Tonic;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Antimicrobial;
  • Hemostatic;
  • Pain reliever;
  • Oncoprotective;
  • Sedative;
  • Antiatherosclerotic;
  • Rejuvenating.

Indications for use

Radiola vulgaris is one of the natural phytohormones that have a beneficial effect on the hormonal system as a whole. Preparations based on red brush, activating the body’s own forces when fighting the disease, help eliminate not only the symptoms of the disease, but also its causes. A unique feature of the plant is its ability to have an effect at the cellular level, cleansing the body, and thereby stopping and suppressing the growth of cancer cells, which is used by traditional healers in the treatment of malignant diseases.

The regenerative effect of radiola vulgaris has no medical basis; its rejuvenating effect is simply stated by modern scientists as an indisputable fact. Being a natural hormone, the plant is prescribed in alternative and official medicine to treat dysfunction of the endocrine glands; its ability to reduce the amount of free radicals is used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

As a means of stimulating the immune system and purifying the blood, red brush preparations are used to treat diseases of bacterial, fungal and viral etiology, inflammatory lesions, severe injuries, as well as long-term use of antibiotics. Infusions and decoctions in folk medicine are prescribed for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system (including female and male infertility). Radiola vulgaris, which increases the energy potential of the body, is used for chronic fatigue, vitamin deficiency, and seasonal depression.

  • Atherosclerosis, cerebral vascular spasms, heart disease;
  • Myoma, uterine fibroids, uterine bleeding, polycystic disease, endometriosis, cervical erosion;
  • Pain and menstrual irregularities, amenorrhea, menopausal syndrome, dysmenorrhea, infertility (male and female);
  • Sinusitis, trauma, concussion;
  • Prostatitis, prostate adenoma, oligospermia;
  • Pyelonephritis, cystitis;
  • Hormonal disorders, hypothyroidism, thyroiditis, goiter;
  • Diabetes;
  • Neuroses, anemia.


Contraindications to the use of red brush preparations are:

  • Heart failure;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Stress, deep depression;
  • Feverish state;
  • Heart failure.

It is not recommended to use in combination with hormonal drugs and phytohormones, which include licorice, clover, oregano and hops. At the same time, in folk medicine there are recipes that show the simultaneous (phase) use of radiola quadruple with boron uterus and sage - phytohormonal plants. Before using these preparations or other red brush preparations, it is necessary to consult a specialist, and during the use of the preparations, careful adherence to the phases of administration, dosage regimen and doctor’s instructions, since even a slight overdose can provoke drowsiness, inhibited reactions, and allergic manifestations.

During therapy, drinks containing alcohol and fatty, hard-to-digest foods should be excluded from the diet.

Home remedies from red brush

Infusion to eliminate pain during menstruation and normalize the cycle: place 1 tablespoon of the plant root in a ceramic bowl, pour a glass (200 ml) of hot water and simmer for 15 minutes in a tightly sealed container in a water bath. Then strain and squeeze out the raw materials, cool to room temperature and dilute with boiled water to the original volume. Take a quarter glass 3 times a day, store the infusion in the refrigerator for no more than three days.

A decoction to normalize the activity of the liver and kidneys, increase immunity and relieve inflammation: 1.5 tablespoons of herbal raw materials are poured into 300 ml of water and boiled for 5 minutes in a hermetically sealed container. Leave for one and a half to two hours and drink 30 minutes before meals, 100 ml 3 times a day with a teaspoon of natural honey. Course duration is from 5 to 45 days.

Tincture for hormonal imbalances: 100 g of red brush roots are poured into 1 liter of 40% alcohol. Leave in a dark place for 21 days at room temperature, shaking the container daily. Take 40 drops diluted in a glass of water 3 times a day. It should be noted that you can drink the tincture on the 21st day, but filtering and squeezing is allowed no earlier than the 31st day.

To treat diseases such as colpitis, candidiasis, ureaplasmosis, gardnerellosis, endometriosis, vulvovaginitis, douching is prescribed - 1 teaspoon of herbal tincture is diluted in 0.5 liters of boiled warm water. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day - morning and evening for a week, then after a seven-day break the course is repeated.