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Where is Evgeniy Levchenko playing now? Biography of Evgeniy Levchenko: stylish football player. Work is an obstacle to living together

Evgeniy Levchenko has a brutal appearance, a strong-willed and purposeful character. By the age of 35, he was able to achieve a lot and took an honorable place in the football world, gaining worldwide fame.

Biography of Evgeniy Levchenko

The young man was born in 1978 in Ukraine, in the city of Konstantinovka, and for the last 15 years he has been permanently living in the Netherlands. The guy’s family was simple, and his parents spoiled him with their attention. Due to his active nature, from early childhood he visited all kinds of sport sections. IN school years was a restless child and brought comments from teachers in his diary almost every day.

Also in primary school he developed an interest in football, as his father was a fan of this sport. Therefore, without doubt, he enrolled his son in the section. So Evgeniy started playing football in Donetsk and soon moved to CSKA (Moscow). At the age of 17, the guy began playing for Vitesse, a famous team from Holland. At the time, the club was high on the Dutch football leaderboard. The team regularly took part in the European Cup championship.

The young athlete did not immediately manage to enter the main team of the Vitesse club. Therefore, the guy spent some time in the Helmond team, where he was loaned. In its composition, he completed the first football round in the championship for the European Cup, and during the second round he was already returned to the Vitesse club.

A little over a year passed, and Evgeniy again began to fight for a place in the main roster. However, at that time the team took only third place, which made adjustments to the athlete’s career advancement. This was followed by another loan to the Kambur club, which became a salvation for the guy. This team had much less ambition, but the guy had regular playing practice, which helped him earn a star name.

Evgeniy Levchenko began to show himself well on the field, and his brilliant play was immediately noticed by the management of Vitesse, which served as his return to the team. But, participating in the European Cup championship, the club showed weak results, which is why Levchenko was still not recognized in his home country.

The career of the young football player was not easy, but thanks to his endurance and strong character, advancement in his football career finally came.

After spending a little time in the shadow of his team, Evgeniy began to attract interest from the management of clubs such as Heracles and Utrecht. The young athlete chose to give his choice to the Sparta team, which at that time played in the second line of the division. This fact did not bother the guy, because the team players strived for maximum results and always showed excellent results in friendly matches. The athlete's confident play was noticed by the leaders of Groningen, and they invited him to the club. In the summer of 2005, the young man became a member of the main team of this team, and today his name is on the list of the most powerful football stars.

Football is not his only hobby. Evgeniy Viktorovich has good taste in clothes and is seriously interested in fashion trends in this direction, thanks to which he received the title of the most stylish athlete among football stars in 2009. This passion also played a role in the fact that the young man repeatedly became the face of popular glossy magazines.

Traveling is another hobby of the athlete. And by his age he had visited 60 countries.

Personal life of Evgeniy Levchenko

The famous football player does not particularly show off his life. For about five years he was in a relationship with Victoria Koblenko. The girl worked on television in Holland. They always had an excellent relationship, but gradually interest in each other disappeared, and they mutually decided to leave.

After the breakup, Evgeniy Levchenko decided to participate in the famous television project “The Bachelor”. He dreamed of meeting a beautiful girl who would turn out to be the one for life. It is important for him to see a beautiful inner world and sincerity in the girl he loves. In addition to wealth, intelligence and attractive appearance, the guy also has a romantic nature and writes poetry.

One participant was able to conquer the famous bachelor, and she became Olesya Ermakova. The football player's parents fully approved of their son's choice. The athlete said that he and his girlfriend had a serious relationship and were thinking about getting married. The fact that young people live separately, he abroad, she in Russia, does not bother them at all.

There was a breakdown in the relationship. The couple wanted to start living together, but no one could make concessions. Evgeniy Levchenko was used to living abroad, and moving to Russia was not part of his plans. The girl did not want to give up her business in Moscow. Recently information appeared that the young people decided to end the relationship.

Evgeniy Levchenko and his wife have recently become more and more discussed stars. Not so long ago, a participant in the Bachelor project decided to return to his former lover and today the young people are together again. But what is it: a short-term romance or a serious relationship?

Evgeny Levchenko and his wife - life before the show Bachelor

About who he is Evgeniy Levchenko, the whole country knew even before he came to the popular television show on TNT Bachelor (season 1). As the press learned, the enviable groom decided to go to the project in search of love after he was disappointed in his ex-fiancee. The man himself says that their meeting was not accidental and he really fell in love with her at first sight.

Evgeniy Levchenko, a famous football player, Before the project, Levchenko met with Victoria Koblenko.
Victoria Koblenko is an actress, TV presenter.

Levchenko took part in the television show Bachelor Olesya Ermakova - winner of Bachelor1

Levchenko immediately realized that this woman could make him happy. Indeed, for 5 long years, young people were considered one of the most beautiful and happiest couples in show business. The partners went to resorts together, appeared at celebrity parties and never parted.

However, when the man finally decided to take a responsible step and invited his beloved to become his wife, the girl refused, since at that time her career was more valuable to her and she had the opportunity to go to work in Hollywood. WITH broken hearted

Eugene went to the Bachelor show, where several beautiful girls competed for him. One of them was Olesya Ermakova, who won the young man’s heart (and became the winner of the project). However, the relationship with her did not work out and the man remained single again.

Have Victoria Koblenko and the famous football player made peace?

After the end of the show The Bachelor, in February 2015, information leaked to the media that the lovers were back together. Rumors appeared after the young people vacationed together in the Maldives.

For a long time, Victoria and Evgeniy hid their relationship and did not advertise it. But after some time, all fans of the star couple learned that in fact Koblenko and Levchenko were together again. Since then they have never separated.

Family of Evgeniy Levchenko (footballer)

Today, the young parents are together, but the media claim that the lovers live in a civil marriage. In April 2016, the public learned that the star couple was expecting a child. Already in August, Victoria and her betrothed had a boy. He was given a very unusual name - Cue.

Fans of the star couple have already suggested that the baby was named in honor of the founder of Kyiv, Prince Kiya. Victoria gave birth to a baby in one of the clinics in Holland, and today the couple lives in Amsterdam. The relationship between lovers is getting stronger every day.

Evgeniy tried to spend every day of his wife’s pregnancy with her. The footballer’s beloved, like a real workaholic, continued to act in advertising projects until the last month of pregnancy.

For the first time, the new parents failed to build a happy relationship. However, fate gave them a second chance, and all fans hope that this time everything will be fine for the lovers.

Despite the failure and after the Bachelor project (season 1), Evgeniy Levchenko was still able to find a woman who made him happy. This suggests that even if we fail, there is still a chance that things will change for the better.

Probably, few people will argue with the phrase “Football is for men, and footballers are for women.” Especially looking at such a successful and gorgeous athlete Evgeniy Levchenko.

Brutal, strong-willed, purposeful. At the age of 35, the Ukrainian football player has achieved a lot and now stands very firmly on his feet in this seething stream of life. Home and residence in the Netherlands, endless travel around the world (already more than 60 countries), world fame.
But it’s always easy to talk about other people’s achievements with admiration or some envy, but all this was not easy for Evgeniy.

Born in the Donetsk region in the village of Konstantinovka, Zhenya managed to “get a ticket” to a bright and successful future, although it turned out to be not at all easy. As a boy, he became so passionate about football that he was not even afraid to go to the Donetsk sports boarding school. Extraordinary abilities and persistent hard work led the young athlete to professional football.

Evgeniy Levchenko made his debut in the Donetsk team “Garant” and, thanks to his brilliant play, opened the way to a promising future with lucrative contracts. And in the summer of 1996 he left to live in Holland.

It is, of course, worth noting the successes of Evgeniy Levchenko in the world of fashion. In 2009, Esquire magazine “gave” him status of the most stylish football player in the Netherlands. And the pages of the Dutch publication Men's Health were more than once full of photographs of the famous athlete. All his photo sessions were distinguished by their originality and non-trivial presentation. In almost every photo, Evgeniy was wearing non-standard outfits from many famous designers.

Personal life of Evgeniy Levchenko

But, with all this, still one page in his life remains unfinished.
Evgeniy Levchenko still has not found his one and only soulmate. And, apparently, that’s why his personal life is under close scrutiny not only from journalists and paparazzi, but also from all the girls who dream of getting such an attractive man as their husband.

Evgeniy Levchenko and Victoria Koblenko

After all, after a failed relationship with Victoria Koblenko, a famous TV presenter, he never managed to fill the emptiness in his soul with someone else. Still, you can’t just erase five years of love from your life. Despite the fact that Evgeniy was serious, dreamed of a full-fledged family and bought a cozy house in the Netherlands, Victoria did not want to transition to the status of a wife, and the couple broke up.

And now every beauty has a chance to become that very soulmate.
However, Evgeniy Levchenko is not so simple in his preferences. The famous football player will connect his life only with a sincere, respectable and honest girl, who, moreover, must also be a beauty. He will not tolerate any lies, hypocrisy or falsehood. Also, he will not look towards someone who has bad habits, due to the fact that he himself is a supporter of a healthy, environmentally friendly lifestyle.

According to Evgeniy Levchenko, in a relationship, in addition to love, trust and mutual respect should certainly be paramount. Prohibitions, unreasonable jealousy and any restriction of freedom are not for him. The one who wants to win his heart will have to share his interests, always go hand in hand with him, and also engage in self-education and develop as a person. After all, Levchenko himself is a very versatile person. In addition to football, fashion, style, traveling around the world, he is also passionate about poetry - he writes poetry himself.

Evgeny Levchenko on the show "Bachelors"

And, probably, it was precisely the failures in finding a worthy girl that brought Evgeniy Levchenko to the Russian project reality show "Bachelor" and, as it turned out, it was not in vain. It was here that the famous football player met Olesya Ermakova, who became his chosen one and the winner of the show. At the moment, the relationship in the couple is as strong as before. Evgeniy and Olesya meet, call each other, communicate on the Internet, but they are still silent about what plans they have for the future.

Let's hope that everything will work out well for this beautiful couple, and a new page of life will be filled in the biography of the famous football player Evgeniy Levchenko.

Yevgeny Levchenko’s native country is Ukraine, where he was born on January 2, 1978 in the city of Konstantinovka. He grew up in a simple family, surrounded by parental love and attention. Since childhood, he was an active boy and attended various sports clubs. At school he was a real fidget. Remarks from the class teacher constantly appeared in his diary. The passion for football began to awaken in junior school. His father really wanted his son to engage in this sport, so he took him to his first training session.

Football biography

Evgeniy Levchenko is a product of Donetsk football, who from an early age moved to play for CSKA Moscow. When the guy turned 17 years old, he started
play for the famous Dutch team Vitesse. At that time, this club was the leader of football in its country and constantly fought for championship in European competitions. Of course, he was far from such giants as Ajax, PSV or Feyenoord, but, nevertheless, the level was clearly above average.

The young athlete did not manage to get into the main team of Vitesse right away, so he was loaned to Helmond, where Evgeniy Levchenko played his first football round. There he was not at a loss, and already during the second round Levchenko was returned to the team.

A year later, the guy again began to fight for a position in the main team, but the 3rd place won by the club made its own adjustments. In other words, it was not at all easy for Evgeniy. It even happened that the coaches did not greet him. Therefore, the subsequent lease to Kambur was perceived as a relief. Yes, this is a team with less ambitions, but constant playing practice has helped the footballer earn a stellar name.

Failed game at Vitesse

His brilliant play was not ignored by the management of Vitesse, and he was returned to the team again. But again, everything didn’t work out the way I wanted. Injuries, as well as the team’s not entirely successful performance in European competition, played a certain role. Little was known about him in his native land, but sometimes he was involved in the game for the Ukrainian national team.

Moving up the football ladder

But no matter how his football career developed, Evgeniy Levchenko never gave up and always strived upward. After some time, Utrecht and Heracles began to be interested in the young football player, but Zhenya gave his choice to the Sparta team. Despite the fact that the club played in the second line of the division, the team always strived for maximum results and took off in friendly matches. The management of Groningen liked Evgeniy’s confident play, and already in the summer of 2005 he was included in this team.

Personal life of Evgeniy Levchenko

The life of a famous football player has never been widely covered in the media mass media. All that was known was that Evgeniy Levchenko, before participating in the grandiose television project “The Bachelor,” had been dating Victoria Koblenko, a popular Dutch television actress, for five years. At that time, Zhenya was playing for the Netherlands team. The relationship was good, but they were still missing something. The passion that was there from the very beginning began to subside, and the interest in a long life together- disappear.

In addition to football, he was also seriously interested in fashion trends and took an active part in various photo shoots for glossy covers. In 2009 he was named the most stylish athlete in the field of football. In fact, this is not surprising at all, just look at it. His style and clothes are always original. Levchenko also loves interesting travels. During his life he managed to visit more than 60 countries. And he's not going to stop there.

Participation in the “Bachelor” project

Bachelor Evgeniy Levchenko did not think long about his participation in the project. He really wanted to meet the one with whom he would live his whole life. It is worth noting that he is quite extraordinary: charming, smart, rich, and even writes poetry. Dreams of a strong family and children. He is one of the strongest football players in the world. In his beloved he values ​​not only external data, but also the inner world.

Just the perfect option, isn't it? But despite this, girls have a hard time with him. In addition to all of the above, the football player appreciates real sincerity in the second half, and he emphasized this more than once. It’s just that the contestants got so played that they ignored his words. Probably the biggest mistake was that the participants tried to imagine more on camera, rather than open up to Zhenya.

And yet, one of the participants managed to win the heart of the bachelor. There were even rumors that Evgeniy Levchenko got married immediately after the project.

The first season of a large-scale television project ended with the victory of Olesya Ermakova, a beauty from Moscow, whom Zhenya gave his preference in the final. Irina Volodchenko, the second finalist, did not become the owner of the coveted ring from the athlete.

Did the relationship continue after the project?

As it became known, Evgeniy Levchenko never got married after the “Bachelor” project. Constantly emerging information that the couple has officially legalized their relationship or is going to do so still remains only rumors.

Zhenya still operates abroad, where he has lived for the past 15 years. Ermakova is still in Russia, and it is still unclear whether she will move in with the football player, or maybe he will get comfortable in Moscow, which is unlikely. The celebrity couple meets on weekends, they consider such relationships harmonious, their development occurs smoothly.

Work is an obstacle to living together

Despite their busy work schedule, Evgeniy Levchenko and Olesya Ermakova find time to constantly communicate by phone or via the Internet. During the last interview, the handsome man talked about how life is going with the winner of the “Bachelor” project.

He said that the relationship is currently quite serious, the couple is really thinking about getting married, they just don’t want to advertise it yet. Distance is not a hindrance for them, the main thing is that the feelings are real. Evgeniy Levchenko, whose photo can be seen in many magazines, was pleased with his choice. “This is exactly the kind of life partner I wanted,” says Zhenya. My parents also like Lesya, they liked her at first sight.

After the project, the star couple gained a huge number of fans who are interested in their personal lives. Therefore in in social networks a group dedicated to lovers was created. Information about Evgeniy and Oles is updated there regularly.

Unhappy ending

The romantic relationship between Ermakova and Levchenko was going well up to a certain point. When it came time to move in together, things slowed down a bit. The famous football player admitted to such events in an interview with “We tried to build a relationship, and at first everything was great. But there comes a moment when the realization comes that the distance still makes itself felt,” said Evgeniy Levchenko.

As it turned out, Olesya was comfortable living in Moscow, she had her own business there and she did not want to leave it. Zhenya is used to living abroad and moving to the territory Russian Federation I didn't intend to. Conversations about living together began almost immediately after the project, but everything was somehow postponed. And when the issue became an issue, the couple decided that it was better for them to separate. Information about the end of the relationship between the star couple appeared recently.

5 minutes to read. Published 04/19/2013

The shooting of the popular international TV show “The Bachelor” has ended, the main character of which was the Ukrainian football player Evgeniy Levchenko.

The final of the mega-popular international show “Bachelor” will soon be on Russian television. The main character of the program was the popular Ukrainian football player Evgeniy Levchenko. What made Zhenya agree to filming?

“I was in serious relationship with the most famous Dutch TV presenter Victoria Koblenko. But we broke up - she was not ready to take the next step. My heart is broken, I haven't felt strong feelings for a long time.

I want love, family... - Express Gazeta quotes Zhenya, “I really wanted to find someone with whom I would be ready to live my life, for me this is not just an entertainment show, I really expect to find my love.”

According to Lechenko, he did not always feel comfortable during filming.

“I feel a little uncomfortable about this - in life I’m used to feeling like a hunter, I’m used to winning a woman. But here it’s the other way around, but it was a pleasant and useful experience...”

“All the dates that I organized were very interesting,” Levchenko admits. – They often had a dose of adrenaline, which I really like. And I tried to drag girls into this world. There was everything: car racing, bungee jumping, and flying in helicopters and airplanes.”

According to the producers of the Russian “Bachelor”, Evgeny managed to choose his beloved from a large number of contenders for his heart. But, for obvious reasons, they will keep her name secret until the broadcast premiere of the last episode of the show.

Evgeniy Levchenko football player - biography

A graduate of Donetsk football, Evgeniy Levchenko moved to CSKA Moscow at an early age, from which he moved to the Dutch Vitesse Arnhem at the age of 17. This club can be called one of the leaders of Dutch football, which fought for a place in European competition with varying degrees of success. Of course, this club is far from giants like PSV, Feyenoord or Ajax, but its level is clearly higher than the average. He failed to immediately break into the first team and was loaned to Helmond (either the 2nd or 3rd league), where he spent the entire first round. He didn’t get lost there and was returned to the team for the second round.

The following year, he again fought for a place in the base; he was not the main team, but he made his contribution to the club winning 3rd place. In general, Levchenko did not have a very good time on the team. Sometimes even the coaches didn’t greet each other, not to mention the partners. That’s why he took the lease at Kambur as a relief. In “Kambur”, a team with less ambitions, but with constant playing practice, Levchenko managed to earn a name for himself. Constant playing practice as an outsider is better than being on the bench as a leader.

His performances were noticed by the management of Vitesse and brought him back from loan, but Evgeniy, as before, failed to catch on at Vitesse. And then there are the injuries. As a result, he was the main player only in the 02/03 season, but the club clearly did not shine that season (14th place). Although this season Levchenko even made his debut in European competition (6 games, 1 goal). People still knew little about him in his homeland, sometimes involving him in the Ukrainian national team. And Russian journalists were surprised in interviews when they learned his nationality. Along the way, Levchenko received a Dutch passport, but still had the right to play for the national team. Fortunately, things worked out for Levchenko a good relationship with the coach of the second team, Mike Snuiy, who later headed the first team (perhaps a normal relationship with the coach played a role in his success at Vitesse).

When you constantly play, you are visible. And so in the summer Levchenko decided to change the club. Utrecht and Heracles (second division) were interested in his services, but ours chose Sparta Rotterdam. And as time has shown, it was right choice. Although the club played in the second division, it always fought for promotion, being eliminated in the play-offs. And Levchenko had constant playing practice. His confident play interested the management of Groningen and in the summer of 2005 he moved to this club. Interestingly, in the same season he helped his “Sparta” reach the major league, so he would still start the next season in the “tower”. “Groningen” is not a leader club; it does not fight for the championship, but is constantly fighting for a place in the UEFA Cup. Here Levchenko immediately became the main one. And coach Ron Jans even described him this way: Put Levchenko in any position, and he will direct the game in the right direction.” Perhaps it was thanks to this “workhorse” that the club managed to get into the European competition.

In the 06/07 season, the club did not start as successfully as the year before. Apparently it was difficult to fight on two fronts, and the opponents already treated Groningen differently. This season, in the UEFA Cup match against Partizan Belgrade, regular penalty taker Cornelisse did not score and this responsibility passed to Levchenko. And he successfully fulfilled these duties, setting his personal scoring record - 8 goals.