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Impromptu table tales based on roles for a cheerful company: for the birthday of a woman and a man. Role-playing games for two adults: scenario with words Role-playing games scenarios for a large company

Role-playing games are a kind of mirror of the soul that reveals all your hidden desires. It gives you the opportunity to get to know yourself and your partner. If in life you are meek and shy, then choosing the image of a ruthless vampire or femme fatale will reveal your true essence in bed. A cynical man, who is domineering in life and is used to showing strength, can choose the image of a meek and submissive person when playing with his soul mate.

How can role playing help your relationship?

An interesting role-playing game scenario for two adults will help you understand your relationship. You just need to delve into your hidden desires and listen carefully to each other. To find an original role-playing game scenario for two adults with a photo, you don’t need to visit numerous sites on the Internet. All the necessary information is in our article.

If the partners are very tired of everyday life, turn the house into a massage parlor where a prostitute works. Please your man. Offer him sex for money.

During role-playing games for two adults, according to the scenario, you can make peace after a strong quarrel. What young man can resist a sexy, scantily clad libertine who did something wrong the day before?

Variety of games you can play in bed

Every girl dreams of her man being happy with her. If you are bored with your daily environment and life in life together, it has become incredibly boring to have sex with your loved one, then it’s time to turn on your imagination! If nothing comes to mind, a photo and a role-playing game script for two adults with words can be found in this article.

To give your lover and yourself a lot of pleasure, to keep him from cheating and flirting with other women, be different every day, learn to surprise and delight. Try to try on different roles during sex, play a role-playing game for two adults with the scenarios proposed in the article.

Nurse or sexy beauty in white

The scenario of the role-playing game “Nurse” for two adults involves the transformation of a girl into a medical worker. Is your loved one tired after work or has a cold and urgently needs care? Quickly put on a medical mask, a white robe and stockings. The main thing is not to forget that there is nothing unnecessary under these outfits.

Once the uniform has been successfully donned, it is necessary to announce that your partner is now a patient and must obey the medical professional. Put on a serious and stern face, and take your significant other to an impromptu treatment room. First you need to measure the patient’s blood pressure, because this is the most important procedure in medical practice. According to the game scenario, start the following conversation:

Nurse: “Hello, patient! I am your nurse, whom the patient must obey and do all the procedures.”

Patient: “Hello! What should I do?".

Nurse: “Come on, lie down on the bed.”

Be prepared for the fact that the scenario of the role-playing game “Patient and Nurse” for two adults involves the use of various medical devices. First you need to check the patient's condition. To do this, a tightening belt (cuff) is placed on the shoulder so that it does not move, and its lower edge should deviate from the bend line of the arm by 3 cm. The patient’s arm is placed on the bed with the palm up. A phonendoscope is applied to the place where the brachial artery pulsates. Using a balloon with a closed screw, you need to pump air into the cuff through a pressure gauge.

While measuring blood pressure, the nurse should ensure that her loved one lies still in bed while her phonendoscope listens to where the patient's blood best pulses.

In the role-play scenario for two adults with the words “nurse” there is a place for water procedures. After measuring blood pressure, it’s time to move on to hydrotherapy, which is widely used as a prevention and treatment for colds, as well as for hardening. To a medical worker You should announce the following to your significant other: “It’s good that you sought medical help on time. You urgently need to go to the bathroom with me to treat your illness. A pleasant surprise awaits you there!”

A short douse of cool water on the human body increases metabolic processes, tones and stimulates muscles, nervous system and heart. Taking warm baths relaxes and calms the body. Hot water helps you sweat and improves metabolism. A couple in love taking a bath together makes them want to have sex even more.

After such procedures, you need to put your significant other in bed and, if he is not warm enough, the nurse can warm her beloved with her own body.

An innocent child named Little Red Riding Hood

The role-playing game scenario for two adults “Little Red Riding Hood” involves the transformation of a couple into a wolf and an innocent girl.

We all remember a wonderful fairy tale from childhood, which began with the following words: “Once upon a time there was a little pretty and kind girl in the world. Her parents loved her very much, and her grandmother loved her even more. One day, on her birthday, they decided to give the girl a red riding hood, and since then the birthday girl has never parted with it. The neighbors, seeing her skipping along, said so, look, Little Red Riding Hood is running!”

For this role-playing game, the girl should wear a light summer dress and a mandatory attribute - a red cap. The guy doesn’t have to dress up at all, the main thing is to play the role of the wolf who ate grandma. He also needs to wrap himself in a blanket so that the heroine of the fairy tale does not suspect anything.

To have a lover, Little Red Riding Hood needs to go straight to the final part of the fairy tale, announcing the following: “The girl entered her grandmother’s house,” and the wolf, hiding under the blanket, replies: “Hello, granddaughter! Put your basket on the table and come closer to me.”

Trusting Little Red Riding Hood lay down next to the wolf on the bed. The following dialogue begins:

Little Red Riding Hood: “Grandma, why are your hands so big?”

Wolf: “They are there to hug you, baby.”

Little Red Riding Hood: “Why are your eyes so big?”

Wolf: “This is to get a better look at you, granddaughter.”

Little Red Riding Hood: “Grandma, what is that lump under your blanket?”

Before the girl had time to finish speaking, the wolf suddenly couldn’t restrain himself, pounced on Little Red Riding Hood, began to undress her and……

The Tamer and the Wild Beast

In this role-playing game, a young man will have to choose who he wants to be - a dangerous lion, a formidable bear, an agile tiger or something else. His partner will need the trainer's main attribute - a whip.

For a new bed game, you need to turn on bright multi-colored color music, hang up theatrical decorations, and try to be formidable in order to control the wild beast, and for him to be tamed.

Helpful waitress in revealing outfit

Imagine that your kitchen or room is a small cozy restaurant. A smiling waitress in stockings and a short dress approaches the visitor, writes down the client’s wishes in a notebook and goes to the kitchen to prepare the dish. What the visitor orders is your business, act according to the circumstances.

Desired flight attendant

A role-playing game scenario for two adults with words called “The Desired Flight Attendant” involves turning a house into a passenger plane.

What man can resist a charming girl stewardess in a miniskirt that hides only her hips? Plus, she speaks many languages, including her own! A passenger, sitting in a business class seat, must receive everything he wants from the flight attendant serving him.

To make the game much more interesting, read the following short script:

Flight attendant: “I am glad to welcome our only passenger on board the plane! I will be happy to serve you and fulfill your every whim.”

The passenger, seated in the chair, says the following words: “First, I want them to bring me something to drink.”

The flight attendant brings a glass of your favorite drink and asks: “What else can I do for you?”

Passenger: “I want you to give me a massage and dance a striptease.”

After some time, your love liner will smoothly move to bed, where you can make love to your heart's content. Or this can be done directly on the passenger seat.

Dressing up as a geisha

A role-playing game for two adults with a scenario that involves dressing up and your significant other will really like it. Such petite ladies from Japan are usually considered corrupt, but in fact this is not the case. The Japanese geisha is a repository of ancient knowledge, which has accumulated a lot during the long reign of powerful emperors on the island. Since childhood, she has been trained in the art of charming men, knows the mysteries of touch, and she also skillfully dances the traditional dances of her people.

Eastern men are attracted to these petite women because they have learned to control their private parts.

With the help of her body, a geisha is able to give a man incredible pleasure that he will remember for a long time. Girls were taught such ancient knowledge for several years. Unfortunately, a modern woman does not have time for such a long training. However, before you start the game, you have to prepare to create an atmosphere, namely, dress up in a traditional Japanese outfit and put on makeup like a Japanese priestess of love. If time permits, you can learn how to give your man an erotic Thai massage. Every woman who rightfully calls herself a geisha is obliged to do this type of massage to perfection. Your husband needs to dial the phone number of an impromptu massage parlor and set up a time to meet a geisha. At the appointed time, the man knocks on the door. An elegant Japanese girl greets the guest, chirping affectionately: “Hello! Come in, I've already been waiting for you. We haven’t been here for a long time.” The guest needs to be helped to undress, make him sit comfortably on the sofa, and give him a light massage. The rest of the game depends on your hands and imagination!

Millionaire and the maid

To bring to life the scenario of the role-playing game "Maid" for two adults, the lovers will have to convert the house into a luxury hotel.

It all starts with how a rich man suddenly decided to stay in a luxurious room. He was wearing an expensive suit, his wallet was full of cash, and he smelled of expensive perfume. Such a man can afford everything - waste money, live in expensive hotels, buy any woman.

When he glances at you, it becomes clear that soon you will find yourself in his room on the floor, making out passionate sex. While he is throwing money away, you will please him in every possible way, fulfilling any desires.

How can you ruin a role-playing game?

Many couples fail to diversify their family life, because bed games are sluggish and uninteresting. Try to avoid common mistakes made by lovers:

  • during games, both partners should be relaxed;
  • it is forbidden to laugh at each other during the process;
  • you cannot scold or criticize your partner, no matter what happens;
  • the main thing in a role-playing game is to pay attention to the process itself, rather than to the details of the outfit or the surrounding interior;
  • try to behave confidently in any role you choose.

How to enjoy games in bed?

You and your partner will enjoy role-playing and will certainly want new experiments if:

  • you will fantasize about what the chosen hero in whom you reincarnated would do;
  • you will forget that you are adults who suffer from complexes, are afraid of going too far, remember principles when making love;
  • try to add some details of your own to make the game with a partner even more interesting.

Role-playing games are built on the principle of theatrical performances, in which each participant needs to play a role. The only difference is that in the game the player himself chooses this role, coordinates it with the plot of the game, he is given much more creative freedom and opportunities to improvise, as a result the game becomes more interesting. This is not even a game in the usual sense of the word: participants are given the right to create a certain story themselves. As for the plot, it only sets the main direction of the game, the outcome of which is unpredictable. In each specific case, the game can develop differently. Even if the games have the same scenario and the same conditions, they are not similar to each other. We can say that role-playing games are very individual.

The main thing in a role-playing game is not victory, but participation, from which all players get a lot of pleasure.

Role-playing games are divided into tabletop, computer, office and field games. In Western countries, the latter are also called live role-playing games. Computer games They are not suitable for parties as they are online entertainment.

The specificity of tabletop role-playing games is that the main events take place in an imaginary world created by the participants themselves. A small number of guests take part in the game. They come up with characters for themselves with certain characteristics, qualities, skills, abilities, etc. One of the participants can be the leader and comes up with the rules of the game, and also describes a situation in which the player characters speak and perform some actions. In some games, the presenter’s task also becomes a kind of refereeing: he determines the results of the participants’ moves and communicates them to everyone. Typically used for this definition dice. Great freedom of action and the opportunity to show imagination make tabletop role-playing games very popular.

Doing some role-playing games will allow friends to have an unforgettable party and help them get to know each other better.

To conduct office role-playing games, they usually occupy a separate room or room. It should be determined in advance general outline plot, write the rules, assign roles. These games can last a very long time. Costume games can be organized in which participants dress up and behave in accordance with what the role dictates. These games make a strong impression because all the events happen as if they were real. True, this also depends on how skillfully the elements of the game are composed and how seriously the participants themselves approach the matter. You can come up with historical, modern or fantasy stories. However, these games only at first glance look like a performance. The roles of the participants become more lively, interesting and exciting, because they really feel like one or another character due to continuous improvisation in actions and words.

Field role-playing games are usually carried out in nature. This requires a large area and many participants. Sometimes up to a thousand people can take part in the game! Special literature presents the most popular plots and themes for role-playing games. As a rule, these are spectacular and dynamic productions. Best suited for this historical events late Middle Ages, fantastic literature, fantasy, some modern works that allow you to create an environment and experience real adventures.


This is the name of one of the most famous role-playing games in Russia. Its advantages are that it has simple rules, which do not require special training. It hosts teams, each of which can gather from 5 to 40 people, depending on the number of invited guests.

The game setup is that all players live in the same city. Everyone can choose a role from among the required and optional ones. Mandatory roles: mafia (criminals of all stripes), civilians and commissioner. Optional roles include doctor, poisoner, maniac, prostitute, etc.

The time plan of the game is divided into day and night. The presenter announces: “Night. The mafia is waking up." After this, the players representing the mafia become active. “Civilians” close their eyes and don’t peep. Mafia participants choose one of the “civilians”, try to coordinate their actions, and if within 5 seconds they point at the same person, he is considered “wounded” and by the morning “dies”.

The host's next command announces the day. At the same time, the mafia must “fall asleep” - close its eyes. Everyone else, on the contrary, wakes up and performs actions that correspond to their roles: a maniac kills, a poisoner poisons, a doctor treats, etc. When the presenter’s command announces morning, he at the same time reports the presence of those killed, but does not say who exactly killed. All participants are looking for mafia members and may even kill one person from this group of players. True, before this it is necessary to bring an accusation and choose a victim by popular vote. After this, his role can be announced.

Role-playing often awakens creative abilities in the participant that they may not have known they had, and allows these abilities to be fully expressed.

When the second night comes, the “commissar” gets the right to open his eyes and slowly monitor the mafia. He can announce his role during the day. There is a catch here: any other player can also call himself a commissioner, and declare the real commissioner a deceiver. The mafia can give false testimony. So, when voting, “civilians” must decide which of the participants to believe, and this turns out to be not at all easy.

As a result of the game, either all civilians or all criminals become “killed”. Those who remain alive are declared winners. But in fact, the goal of the game is not to win, but to make the game interesting and enjoyable for all participants.


In order to play this game, you need to prepare several separate rooms. Each of them becomes a planet that has its own legend: history and traditions. Players can come up with the indigenous inhabitants of these planets themselves. For one “planet” you need no more than 10 players. The goal of the game is survival. The distribution of resources between the “planets” is provided in such a way that none of them will be able to survive on their own. The goal can be achieved only through active and necessarily friendly interaction with other “planets.”

The plot of the game is that each “planet” is visited by “aliens” with an encrypted message containing information on how to save all the “planets”. The inhabitants of the “planets” must decipher this message.

The message is divided into several parts, according to the number of “planets”. Residents receive different parts, which talk about different possibilities of salvation: through the mutually beneficial distribution of resources of the “planets” or with the help of a powerful reactor, and also indicate the location of the reactor and what needs to be done to start it. Another part contains codes for all messages.

The result of the game and victory in it depends on the decisions made by its participants.


This game is rightfully considered one of the most exciting. In order for it to take place at the proper level, serious preparation must be carried out, which will require good organization and proactive leaders. True, even preparing for the game is fun. It's worth a try to see for yourself!

The adventures of the game can take only an hour, or can last several days. Moreover, the game does not depend on whether it is planned to be played on a holiday or on weekdays; it can serve as excellent entertainment and distract from the routine of everyday life.

The goal of the game depends on the imagination of the organizers. Most often this happens either by finding a treasure, or a criminal, or missing jewelry, or a person who suddenly disappeared.

First, the presenters draw up a script. The treasure needs to be hidden somewhere. It should be something tempting, such as a supply of condensed milk or beer. It’s great if the game takes place outdoors or at least in the courtyard of a private house. In this case, the treasure can be truly buried.

After this, you should draw a map to help in the search for the treasure. There are clues for searchers, each of which indicates where the next one is located.

All participants are divided into “good” and “evil”: treasure hunters and pirates. These groups compete with each other to see who can find the treasure the fastest. Several players are declared to belong to one of the groups. The rest from time to time go on reconnaissance into the enemy camp.

Both groups have their own territory and headquarters. They must also elect the highest military leadership and design their own flag.


This game does not regulate the number of participants, but if there are many of them, more than 10 people, the game becomes much more interesting. The places where the shelters will be located are discussed in advance. Participants make up two teams: “Cossacks” and “robbers”. The “Cossacks” also choose a room - a “prison” for the caught “robbers”.

At the beginning of the game, the “robbers” run away and hide. The “Cossacks” must not only find the “robber”, but also try to escort him to the “prison”, which in practice is quite difficult to do, since the “robbers” actively resist. In the “prison” they are looked after by “guards” while the “Cossacks” are busy catching the next “robber”. For “security” you need to choose not weak participants, otherwise they will not be able to prevent escapes.

“Robbers”, naturally, do not leave their brothers without help and try to help them out. The game strictly prohibits assault, so participants must make a lot of effort to make do with other methods of influence.

"Knight Tournament"

This unusual game involves couples. If it is possible to use stage costumes, the game can become a kind of performance, but this is not the main thing. The point of the game is a romantic idea.

Participants are divided into pairs, which include a guy and a girl. The competition is held in several rounds.

First, the pariahs must show eloquence, pronouncing the most heartfelt compliments in honor of the lady of the heart. The winner will receive an intermediate prize. By the way, you should select jury members from among the guests to eliminate bias.

Then the situation is set: a young man accidentally met his lady love, only she is on the other side of the street and is going for a walk. Cars are constantly driving along the road that separates them. Of course, the young man intends to invite the girl on a romantic date (to the skating rink, to the circus, to the disco, to the cinema, to the forest, to a ski trip, etc.), but she does not hear him because of the noise on the street. Therefore, he can only explain to her with gestures what he wants from her and where exactly he is inviting her. The jury determines whose invitation was the most affordable and beautiful (and decent, I should add), for which the winner receives a prize. However, if the girl does not understand her “knight,” there can be no talk of any victory.

Sometimes it’s even a pity that it’s impossible to hold a real knightly tournament now. However, this does not mean at all that in modern world There are no men left who are ready to treat women like knights, and for this there is no need to organize battles. It is enough just to demonstrate your feelings, to show that they are sincere.

The next round should show whether the guys are attentive to their girls. To do this, they must stand with their backs to each other, and the presenter begins to ask questions to the “gentleman” about what his girlfriend looks like, what clothes, hairstyle, jewelry she is wearing, etc. The more accurate the answers, the closer the guy is to victory and well-deserved prize.

The next round should reveal the most economical guy. The idea of ​​cooking, which is seen as a woman's job, may initially frustrate participants, but it is worth reminding them that great chefs are men.

Competitions for this round must be food related. For example, young people must, blindfolded, determine what kind of cereal they have been given. It doesn't matter whether the participant tries to do it with his fingers or by taste. If he answers correctly, he still gets a prize.

The next round determines the most artistic guy in the company. To receive a prize, it is enough to perform some number: a song or a dance, funny story from life, anecdote, game musical instrument. The participant’s task is to convince the jury that

it is his number that is worthy of a prize. The girl’s task is to help her knight win if possible.

The sixth round determines whether the participant is a true gentleman. The competition consists of presenting your girlfriend with a bouquet of flowers, making this gift from the bottom of your heart and convincing the audience and, most importantly, the jury, which distributes the prizes among the participants. You can set the preparation time, for example 3 minutes. This time is quite enough for successful improvisation.

The seventh round involves the participation of both a guy and a girl who demonstrate their dancing skills. The dances should be different - first fast, after 2 minutes slow. It is best if the recordings allow you not to repeat the repertoire. The couple must also be well oriented, that is, changing the accompaniment should not confuse the dancers, they successfully adapt to the sound of the music, show artistry and a harmonious, pleasing to the eye dance. To do this, each pair of participants should play a melody that has not yet been played. In this case, repetitions will be avoided. The task of the jury is to choose the couple that coped with this difficult competition better than others.

After this, the jury can sum up the results with peace of mind, because the competitions reveal various aspects of the relationship in the presented couples, and this allows us to judge how suitable the guy and the girl are for each other, how strong their feelings are. Thus, the winners are announced: the perfect couple. They receive a well-deserved prize and can perform a slow dance to conclude the competition.


Card file No. 1


Goals: development of the ability for non-verbal communication, concentration of auditory attention.
Objectives: fostering a caring attitude towards each other, developing the ability to hear others.
Form of work:
Lesson form: gaming.
Time: 20 minutes.
progress of the game.

Literature: Obraztsova T.N. Psychological games for children / Tatyana Nikolaevna Obraztsova - M.: IKTU Lada 2010. - 57 p.




Form of work:
Lesson form:
Time spending:
10 minutes.
Progress of the game.
Each participant chooses a thing (ice cream, lampshade, chair, pen, etc.) and immerses himself in its world, imagines himself as this thing, feels its “character”. On behalf of this thing, he tells how it feels in the world around it. About her worries, her past and future. When talking about an extraneous random object, participants involuntarily talk about themselves, which leads to self-disclosure and the formation of skills to manage their emotions.

Literature: Makartycheva G.I. Training for teenagers / Makartycheva G.I. – S.: St. Petersburg “Rech”. – 192 p.

Target : development of communication skills, figurative and logical thinking.Tasks: learn to defend your professional choice with arguments to your parentsGame material: not required Age: 15-17 years old Form of work: each participant is individualLesson form: gaming Time spending :15-20 minutes Progress of the game: Stage 1.
Stage 2. The presenter reads out the instructions.

Stage 3.

Stage 4. Discussion of the game.
If the game is used in “Professional Consultation”, you can do without any discussion at all. When used independently, you can clearly formulate the arguments of both sides and discuss them in detail, trying to connect them with the correct construction of your personal professional plan.

Literature : Pryazhnikov N.S. Career guidance at school: games, exercises, questionnaires / Pryazhnikov N.S. - M.: VAKO, 2005. - 288 p.




Form of work:
in pairs
Lesson form:
Time spending:
10 – 20 min.
Game material:
Progress of the game.

Issues for discussion:

What are the disadvantages?
What are the benefits of equality?

Literature. The practice of fairy tale therapy / Ed. N. A. Sakovich - St. Petersburg: Rech, 2004. - 224 p.


with him.


Form of work:
in pairs
Lesson form:
Time spending:
25 – 30 minutes.
The group is divided into pairs. The situation of a teenager being late from a walk is played out. Within the pair, one acts as an accuser; he must formulate every sentence as an accuser; the other is the accused, whose task is to silently listen to complaints, listening to his experiences. Then the partners change roles. At the end, participants share their experiences in the role of the accuser and in the role of the accused. As a result, parents must come to the conclusion that both lose in both positions: relationships are disrupted, and the level of trust in each other drops.

Literature: Makartycheva G.I. Training for teenagers / Makartycheva G.I. – S.: St. Petersburg “Rech”. – 192 s


Target : getting rid of complexes.
Tasks Game material : hairpins, elastic bands, comb.
Age Form of work : in pairs.
Lesson form : gaming.
Time spending :15-20 minutes.
Progress of the lesson : Players are divided into pairs, each pair has a “client” and a “hairdresser”. The “hairdresser” must give the client an original hairstyle. To do this, you can use different elastic bands and hairpins, foams, gels, and mousses. But all products should be easily washed off with water. It is not recommended to use hairspray - it can get into your eyes, and its smell is not always pleasant. Scissors are prohibited - a bad haircut is difficult to fix. When all the hairstyles are ready, you can hold a competition of hairdressers and models and determine the most unusual hairstyle, or you can encourage each couple. Then the players in pairs change roles.

Literature : Obraztsova T.N. Psychological games for children / Tatyana Nikolaevna Obraztsova - M.: IKTU Lada 2010. - 57 p.


Target: nurturing trust.

Game material:

from 7-12 years old.
Form of work:
in pairs
Lesson form:
a game.
Time spending:
from 5 minutes.

Exercise Analysis:

- When were you better: when you led or when you were led?

Literature: Fopel K. How to teach children to cooperate? Psychological games and exercises. Volume 3 / Fopel K.; lane from German – M.: Genesis, 1998. – 160 p.


Goal: Objectives : absent. Age Form of work : 3 people each. Lesson form: gamingTime spending: 8 min Progress of the game.



Goals: developing
Tasks: No
Age: Jr school age
Form of work: 3-4 people
Lesson form: gaming
Time spending: not limited

Progress of the game : A presenter is selected. The rest serve as "builders". They must tell what kind of house they are going to build. Everyone’s task is to come up with a description of a beautiful house without repeating itself. At the same time, you need to tell in detail what rooms will be in this house, how best to furnish them. The author of the most original and interesting story becomes the winner.

Literature: Obraztsova T.N. Psychological games for children / T.N. Obraztsova – M.: IKTU Lada 2010. – 57 p.


Target: nurturing trust.
learn to trust team members.
Game material:
from 8 years old.
Form of work:
3 people each.
Lesson form:
a game.
Time spending:
10 minutes.

Exercise Analysis:

- Did you trust the Sculptors?

-Which Statue did you like the most?

Literature: Fopel K. How to teach children to cooperate? Psychological games and exercises. Volume 3 / Fopel K.; lane with him. – M.: Genesis, 1998. –160 s.

Game materials: gymnastic hoop.
Form of work:
6 people each.
Lesson form:
from middle preschool to middle school (5-10 years).
Time: 20-25 minutes.


Literature: Caduson H. “Workshop on play psychotherapy” / H. Caduson., Ch. Schaefer - St. Petersburg. : Peter, 2001.- 416 p.


Target: leadership development
Age: 10-13 years
Form of work: 6 people each
Progress of the game:

Literature: Obraztsova T. “Psychological games for children.” Part 1/ Obraztsova T.N.; Lada, 2010


Objectives: learn to control your emotional state, develop coordination of movements, dexterity.
junior school age (6-10 years).
Form of work: 6 people each.
Lesson form:
Time spending:
15 minutes.
Description and methods of playing the game.

Literature: Obraztsova T.N. Psychological games for children / Tatyana Nikolaevna Obraztsova - M.: IKTU Lada 2010. - 57 p.

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Goals: development of the ability for non-verbal communication, concentration of auditory attention.
Tasks: fostering a caring attitude towards each other, developing the ability to hear others.
Age: junior school age (6-10 years).
Form of work: Each participant is individual.
Lesson form: gaming.
Time spending: 20 minutes.
progress of the game. The presenter says: “Please stand in a wide circle. I will go up to everyone and whisper the name of the animal in their ear. Remember it well, because later you will need to become this animal. Don’t tell anyone what I whispered to you.” The leader whispers to each child in turn: “You will be a cow,” “You will be a dog,” “You will be a cat.” “Now close your eyes and forget human language. You should only speak the way your animal “speaks.” You can walk around the room without opening your eyes. As soon as you hear “your animal,” move towards it. Then, holding hands, the two of you walk together to find other children who “speak your language.” An important rule: do not shout and move very carefully.” The first time you play the game, you can play it with your eyes open.

Literature: Obraztsova T.N. Psychological games for children / Tatyana Nikolaevna Obraztsova - M.: IKTU Lada 2010. - 57 p.


Target: Formation of self-disclosure skills.
Tasks: development in adolescents of communication skills, awareness and expression of their feelings, activation of mechanisms of self-knowledge and self-expression.
Age: senior school age (14-17 years old)
Form of work: Each participant is individual.
Lesson form: gaming
Time spending: 10 minutes.
Progress of the game. Each participant chooses a thing (ice cream, lampshade, chair, pen, etc.) and immerses himself in its world, imagines himself as this thing, feels its “character”. On behalf of this thing, he tells how it feels in the world around it. About her worries, her past and future. When talking about an extraneous random object, participants involuntarily talk about themselves, which leads to self-disclosure and the formation of skills to manage their emotions.

Literature: Makartycheva G.I. Training for teenagers / Makartycheva G.I. – S.: St. Petersburg “Rech”. – 192 p.


Target: development of communication skills, figurative and logical thinking. Tasks: learn to defend your professional choice with arguments to your parents

Game material: not required

Age: 15-17 years old

Form of work: each participant is individual

Lesson form: gaming

Time spending:15-20 minutes

Progress of the game:

Stage 1. Roles are distributed between schoolchildren: the “student” (plays himself), his “parents” or “relatives” (father, mother, grandmother, older sister, etc.).
Stage 2. The presenter reads out the instructions.
Instructions: “Imagine that a student comes home and declares his professional intentions (if a profession has not yet been chosen, the student can state that he doesn’t care and is not going to think about it at all). Parents do not agree with the student’s position and try to dissuade him "A domestic conflict plays out, and the one whose arguments are more convincing wins. Try not to resort to violence, because violence is a sign of weak arguments."
Stage 3. The presenter sits down from the players and invites them to start the game. The presenter's interventions should be even less than in the game "Professional Consultation", because the home scene is simulated, not professional consulting assistance.
Stage 4. Discussion of the game.
If the game is used in “Professional Consultation”, you can do without any discussion at all. When used independently, you can clearly formulate the arguments of both sides and discuss them in detail, trying to connect them with the correct construction of your personal professional plan.

Literature: Pryazhnikov N.S. Career guidance at school: games, exercises, questionnaires / Pryazhnikov N.S. - M.: VAKO, 2005. - 288 p.


Target: improving mutual understanding in the group, correcting the behavior of some group members.
Tasks: correction of students' self-esteem; stress relief; team building.
Age: junior teenager (from 13 to 15 years old).
Form of work: in pairs
Lesson form: gaming
Time spending: 10 – 20 min.
Game material: absent
Progress of the game."Sometimes we feel better than others, and sometimes worse. But real heroes feel equal to those around them. Now we will try to feel this. We are in an enchanted forest and wandering in it. Let everyone now imagine that all other heroes are worse than him ... They are all weaker than you, not as smart, not as beautiful as you... You are the only real hero. And not just a hero, but a Prince or even a King of a magical land. How do you walk, what do you feel? (1 minute)
Now freeze for a moment. Let each of you imagine that he is worse than others. You are now wearing a donkey skin. The witch put it on you. It's not that easy to remove. And everyone around you sees you like this and laughs. They are much stronger and smarter than you. How do you walk and how do you feel? (1 minute)
Now stop and shake your arms and legs and break the spell. We are in a magical clearing. Break into pairs. One of you must become the King, and the other must become the Donkey Skin. Let the King tell his partner what gives him a feeling of superiority, what he feels in this state (1 - 2 minutes).
Now let “Donkey Skin” talk about his feelings (1 – 2 minutes).
Now the spell has subsided, and all the heroes are equal again. No one is better or worse than others. What do you see in each other? What can you do in this state? What do you feel? Tell each other about it" (1 – 2 minutes)
Issues for discussion:
What does it feel like to be a King?
Is there something unpleasant about superiority?
What are the advantages of Donkey Skin?
What are the disadvantages?
What are the benefits of equality?

Literature. The practice of fairy tale therapy / Ed. N. A. Sakovich - St. Petersburg: Rech, 2004. - 224 p.


Goals: modeling the situation of a teenager’s experiences at the time of accusation and identification
with him.
Tasks: determination of the range of problems in relationships with a teenager.
Age: senior school age (15-17 years).
Form of work: in pairs
Lesson form: gaming
Time spending: 25 – 30 minutes.
Description and methods of playing the game. The group is divided into pairs. The situation of a teenager being late from a walk is played out. Within the pair, one acts as an accuser; he must formulate every sentence as an accuser; the other is the accused, whose task is to silently listen to complaints, listening to his experiences. Then the partners change roles. At the end, participants share their experiences in the role of the accuser and in the role of the accused. As a result, parents must come to the conclusion that both lose in both positions: relationships are disrupted, and the level of trust in each other drops.

Literature: Makartycheva G.I. Training for teenagers / Makartycheva G.I. – S.: St. Petersburg “Rech”. – 192 s


Target: getting rid of complexes.
Tasks: creating a positive attitude in the group, self-disclosure, stress relief.
Game material: hairpins, elastic bands, comb.
Age: middle school age (9-11 years)
Form of work: in pairs.
Lesson form: gaming.
Time spending:15-20 minutes.
Progress of the lesson: Players are divided into pairs, each pair has a “client” and a “hairdresser”. The “hairdresser” must give the client an original hairstyle. To do this, you can use different elastic bands and hairpins, foams, gels, and mousses. But all products should be easily washed off with water. It is not recommended to use hairspray - it can get into your eyes, and its smell is not always pleasant. Scissors are prohibited - a bad haircut is difficult to fix. When all the hairstyles are ready, you can hold a competition of hairdressers and models and determine the most unusual hairstyle, or you can encourage each couple. Then the players in pairs change roles.

Literature: Obraztsova T.N. Psychological games for children / Tatyana Nikolaevna Obraztsova - M.: IKTU Lada 2010. - 57 p.


Target: nurturing trust.
Tasks: learn to trust team members.
Game material: blindfolds for every second child and a bell.
Age: from 7-12 years old.
Form of work: in pairs
Lesson form: a game.
Time spending: from 5 minutes.
Instructions: Separate in twos. I want to offer you a game called "The Path of Trust". It consists of the following: one of the two of you takes the role of a blind man and puts on a blindfold so as not to see anything, and the second will be the leader. When you are the presenter, you must guide the “blind” child around the room so that he feels calm and confident. Pause from time to time so that your friend can touch different things: big and small, smooth and rough. You can lead him to a place where an object makes a sound or smell. Just don't say anything at the same time. In five minutes I will ring the bell - then you will switch roles. And in another five minutes I will call again - and then you return back to the circle, and we will talk about what you experienced during the walk. Before you start, agree with your partner how he will lead you: by the hand or in some other way.
For older children, you can lengthen the intervals to ten minutes.
Exercise Analysis:
- How did you feel when you were “blind”?
- Did your “guide” guide you carefully and confidently?
- Did you know where you were all the time?
- Did you find anything interesting that is interesting to touch, smell or listen to?
- How did you feel in the role of a guide?
- Did you try to bring your partner to those places where he would definitely like something?
- What did you do to gain and strengthen the trust of your partner?
- When were you better: when you led or when you were led?

Literature: Fopel K. How to teach children to cooperate? Psychological games and exercises. Volume 3 / Fopel K.; lane from German – M.: Genesis, 1998. – 160 p.


Target:developmental, communicative.

Tasks: unity, creating conditions for more complete mutual understanding and receiving feedback - the opportunity to look at your movements “from the outside,” through the eyes of other people.

Game material and visual aids: absent.

Age: senior school age (15-17 years old)

Form of work: 3 people each.

Lesson form:gaming

Time spending: 8 min

Progress of the game. Participants form groups of three. The music turns on, and one person from each trio begins to make any movements that he wants to it. Two other participants act as a “living mirror” - they repeat all his movements (1.5-2 minutes). Then the roles are changed so that each of the participants is in the active position.

Literature: Gretsov A.G. Psychological games for teenagers / Andrey Gennadievich Gretsov, Tatyana Nikolaevna Bedareva. – L: Nauka, 2000. – 157 p.


Goals: developing
Tasks: development of cognitive abilities
Game material and visual aids: No
Age: junior school age
Form of work: 3-4 people
Lesson form: gaming
Time spending: not limited

Progress of the game: A presenter is selected. The rest serve as "builders". They must tell what kind of house they are going to build. Everyone’s task is to come up with a description of a beautiful house without repeating itself. At the same time, you need to tell in detail what rooms will be in this house, how best to furnish them. The author of the most original and interesting story becomes the winner.

Literature: Obraztsova T.N. Psychological games for children / T.N. Obraztsova – M.: IKTU Lada 2010. – 57 p.


Target: nurturing trust.
Tasks: learn to trust team members.
Game material: absent.
Age: from 8 years old.
Form of work: 3 people each.
Lesson form: a game.
Time spending: 10 minutes.
Instructions: Break up into threes. Two of you will be Sculptors, and the third will be a "large piece of marble." He lies down on the floor and closes his eyes. The Sculptors' task is to make a beautiful Statue out of it. You yourself must decide what this Statue will look like, how it will hold its head, in what position it will stand. The child from whom the Statue is made must try to maintain the position that is given to him. When the Sculptors finish their work, it will be necessary to put the Statue on its feet. At the same time, the Statue must strain its body very much so that it is hard and strong, like marble. The sculptors carefully lift the Statue from the top and place it on its feet. Then you can call me so that I can admire this “work”.
Since everyone will not be able to finish the work at the same time, you can give the freed children the role of the audience so that they examine the “works of art” with you. Ask the children who were Statues to memorize their uniform so they can show it to the whole class. When all the figures are ready, you can walk around the “workshops” and examine each Statue separately. Repeat this game later so the children can play different roles.
Exercise Analysis:
- How did you feel when you were the Statue?
- Did the Sculptors treat you carefully?
- Did you trust the Sculptors?
- Did you like the shape they gave you?
- How did you feel when you were a Sculptor?
- Did you enjoy working with “marble”?
- Was it easy for you to work with your partner?
-Are you happy with the Statue you got?
-Which Statue did you like the most?

Literature: Fopel K. How to teach children to cooperate? Psychological games and exercises. Volume 3 / Fopel K.; lane with him. – M.: Genesis, 1998. –160 s.


Goals: overcoming stubbornness and negativism
Game materials: gymnastic hoop.
Form of work: 6 people each.
Lesson form: gaming
Age: from middle preschool to middle school (5-10 years).
Time: 20-25 minutes.
Description: Children entering the circle (hoop) take turns showing the capricious child. Everyone helps with the words: “Stronger, stronger, stronger...”. Then the children are divided into pairs “parent and child”: the child is capricious, the parent persuades and calms him down. Each player must play the role of a capricious child and a persuading parent.
Note: only for mentally healthy children!

Literature: Caduson H. “Workshop on play psychotherapy” / H. Caduson., Ch. Schaefer - St. Petersburg. : Peter, 2001.- 416 p.


Target: leadership development
Age: 10-13 years
Form of work: 6 people each
Progress of the game:
A “director” is selected. The rest will be his “subordinates”. The “director” must come up with a job for each of the players. Then the game itself begins. Everyone plays their role, and the “director” controls the “subordinates.” In “work” some kind of trouble must constantly occur: for example, the “company” is on the verge of ruin or it is attacked by “racketeers”, or “equipment” breaks down, etc. The “Director” will have to solve all the problems that arise. Then each player gives his assessment of the actions of the “director” on a five-point scale. The game continues with another “director”. After each participant in the game plays this role, the results should be summed up. The winner is the player who scores the most points. As a rule, it is this child who has the most developed leadership qualities.

Literature: Obraztsova T. “Psychological games for children.” Part 1/ Obraztsova T.N.; Lada, 2010


Goals: promote team unity and relieve aggression.
Tasks: learn to control your emotional state, develop coordination of movements, dexterity.
Age: junior school age (6-10 years).
Form of work: 6 people each.
Lesson form: gaming
Time spending: 15 minutes.
Description and methods of playing the game. Children are divided into two teams: sailors and sharks. A large circle is drawn on the floor - this is a ship. There are many sharks swimming in the ocean near the ship. These sharks are trying to drag the sailors into the sea, and the sailors are trying to drag the sharks onto the ship. When the shark is completely dragged onto the ship, it immediately turns into a sailor, and if the sailor gets into the sea, then he turns into a shark. You can only pull each other by the hands. An important rule: one shark - one sailor. Nobody interferes anymore.

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To ask questions.

The fairy tales “Turnip” and “Kolobok” are familiar to us from childhood. Now we will try to remember them, but we will do it “in an adult way.” Interesting scenes with familiar characters will decorate any holiday and amuse all guests.

Try these remakes of fairy tales for a drunk company of role-players!

A funny fairy tale “Turnip” for adult holidays

First you need to select seven people who will participate in the skit. One leader is needed.

Participants must learn their roles, but don't be discouraged - the words are very simple and easy to remember. Guests of almost any age category can participate in the skit.

The presenter must say the name of the hero, and he, in turn, must say his words. In this competition, participants can sit at a table. The exception is the turnip, which must be located on a chair and constantly do something.

During the skit, the presenter should not remain silent, but, if possible, comment on what is happening.

The scene requires musical accompaniment. It is advisable to choose Russian folk music. If you wish, you can give prizes to the best actors.

Turnip - Hey, man, put your hands away, I'm still underage!
Grandfather - Oh, my health has already become bad.
Now there's going to be booze!
Baba - Somehow my grandfather stopped satisfying me.

Granddaughter - I’m almost ready!
Hey, grandpa, grandma, I'm late, my friends are waiting for me!
Zhuchka - Are you calling me a bug again? I'm actually a bug!
This is not my job!

Cat - what is the dog doing on the playground? I’m going to feel bad now – I’m allergic!
Mouse - How about we have a drink?

Modern fairy tale “Kolobok” for a fun company

What other fairy tales have roles for drunken company? This tale should also involve about seven participants. Accordingly, you need to choose actors who will play the roles of grandmother, grandfather, hare, fox, bun, wolf, and also bear.

Grandfather and grandmother had no children. They were completely disappointed, but the bun changed their whole lives. He became their salvation and hope - they doted on him.

For example:

Grandfather and grandmother were already tired of waiting for the kolobok and constantly looked into the distance, hoping for his return, but he never came.
The moral of this fable is this: You shouldn’t hope for the love of a bun, but it’s better to have your own children.

A funny fairy tale for active guests of the celebration

We select five actors who will play the role of a chicken, a king, a bunny, a fox and a butterfly. The text should be read by the presenter:

“The fairy-tale kingdom was ruled by an optimist king. He decided to take a walk through a beautiful park and jumped up and down all the way, waving his arms.

The king was very joyful and saw a beautiful butterfly. He decided to catch her, but the butterfly only mocked him - she screamed obscene words, made faces, and stuck out her tongue.

Well, then the butterfly got tired of mocking the king and flew away into the forest. The king was not really offended, but only became more amused and began to laugh.

The cheerful king did not expect that a bunny would appear in front of him and got scared, standing in the ostrich pose. The bunny did not understand why the king was standing in such an inappropriate position - and he himself was scared. The bunny stands, his paws are trembling, and he screams in an inhuman voice, asking for help.

At this time, the proud fox returned to work. A beauty worked at a poultry farm and brought home a chicken. As soon as she saw the bunny and the king, she was scared. The chicken did not waste a moment and jumped out, hitting the fox on the back of the head.

The hen turned out to be very lively and the first thing she did was peck the king. The king straightened up in surprise and took a normal position. The bunny became even more scared, and she jumped into the fox’s arms, taking her by the ears. The fox realized that she needed to move her feet and ran.

The king looked around, laughed and decided to continue on his way with the chicken. They took hold of the handles and walked towards the castle. No one knows what will happen to the chicken next, but the king will definitely treat her to delicious champagne, like all the other guests of the celebration.”

The host invites the listeners to pour glasses and drink to the king and the chicken.

A humorous fairy tale for a group of adults

First of all, you need to select heroes. Both animate and inanimate objects will take part in this tale.

You need to select characters to play the role of a kitten and a magpie. You need to choose guests who will play the role of the sun, wind, paper and porch.

Participants must depict what their hero needs to do.

“The little kitten went for a walk. It was warm and the sun was shining, showering everyone with its rays. The cute kitten lay down on the porch and began to look at the sun, constantly squinting.

Suddenly, talkative magpies sat down on the fence in front of him. They were arguing about something and had a very loud dialogue. The kitten became interested, so he began to carefully crawl towards the fence. The magpies did not pay any attention to the baby and continued to chatter.

The kitten had almost reached its target and jumped, and the birds flew away. Nothing worked out for the kid, and he began to look around, hoping to find another hobby.

A light breeze began to blow outside - and the kitten noticed a piece of paper that was rustling. The kitten decided not to waste the moment and attacked its target. After scratching and biting it a little, he realized that he was not interested in a simple piece of paper - and let it go. The piece of paper flew further, and out of nowhere a rooster suddenly appeared.

The rooster was very proud and raised his head high. The bird stopped and crowed. Then the chickens came running to the rooster and surrounded him on all sides. The kitten realized that he had finally found something to entertain himself with.

Without hesitation, he rushed to the chickens and took one of them by the tail. The bird did not allow itself to be offended and pecked painfully. The animal was very scared and began to run away. However, everything was not so simple - the neighbor’s puppy was already waiting for him.

A small dog began to jump on the kitten and wanted to bite. The kitten realized that he needed to return home and hit the dog painfully with his nails. The puppy got scared and let the kitten pass. It was then that the kitten realized that he was a winner, albeit wounded.

Returning to the porch, the kitten began to lick the wound left by the chicken, and then fell asleep stretched out. The kitten had strange dreams - and he kept twitching his paws in his sleep. This is how the kitten met the street for the first time.”

The scene ends with thunderous applause from the guests. If you wish, you can reward the most artistic actor with a prize.

An interesting scene for birthdays and other adult holidays

I knew that Kudryavtsev had not forgotten my shot and did not trust me. Even though we spent the night in secret, he is wary of me. He could not trust an intelligent youth who knew nothing about the war.

Until I met Kudryavtsev, I did not know that I was such a bad soldier. After all, I couldn’t even wrap my footcloths properly and sometimes, when given the command “left,” I turned in the opposite direction. Besides, I was not at all friendly with a shovel.

Kudryavtsev did not understand me when, while reading any news, I commented on it and made spatial comments. At that time, I was not yet a member of the party - and for some reason Kudryavtsev was already expecting some kind of trick from me.

Very often I caught his gaze on me. What did I see in his gaze? It’s probably because I’m untrained and inexperienced, but he forgives me for now, but one more mistake and he’ll kill me! I wanted to become a better person and promised myself that I would definitely be a disciplined soldier and learn everything that was necessary. I had the opportunity to show all my abilities in practice.

We were sent to guard the bridge, which was often shelled. A lot of reinforcements, as well as literature, were constantly sent to the place of work...

My job was to check the passes of people who crossed the bridge. The Whites often opened fire on the post where I was. The shells hit the water and splashed me. The shells fell close to me, and the bridge ceiling was already destroyed. Any minute could have been my last, but I gave myself a condition that I still wouldn’t leave the bridge.

How did I feel? I did not feel a sense of fear - I was already ready for death. I saw beautiful landscapes in the distance, but they did not make me happy. I felt that I would never leave this post. However, one thought forced me to stand further - Kudryavtsev sees me and approves of my actions.

It seemed to me that I had been standing at this post for several hours, but in fact it was only a few minutes - as long as it took Kudryavtsev to run to me. I didn’t understand what Kudryavtsev needed from me. Then he pulled my belt forcefully, and I came to my senses.

- Get out of here quickly! - said the man.

As soon as we left the bridge, a strong shell hit him.

- Do you see what's happening? Why were you standing there? You could have killed me too!

I sighed, but Kudryavtsev did not finish.

- However, you are still doing well, because you showed that you know the charter and were inviolable. You deserve praise. But even if this is a thing of the past, I would like you to use your brain. The bridge was destroyed a long time ago, why were you standing there? What was the point of this? Was everyone ready to check passes? If you had been smarter and had not gone to office yourself, I would not have punished you!

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