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Training on conflict prevention in kindergarten with presentation. Training for teenagers. Conflict resolution Training for teenagers on effective ways to resolve conflicts

Lesson with elements of training “Conflict”

Panchokhina Pavlina Aleksandrovna

Teacher-psychologist, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 6

Explanatory note

Purpose of the event: formation of an understanding of the nature of the conflict, development of the ability to adequately respond to various conflict situations.

Methods and techniques: gaming methods, discussion, reflection, verbal and non-verbal techniques for establishing contact.

Necessary equipment: -

Requirements for the organization of space: a room in which there is space sufficient for the active movement of the group; chairs (according to the number of participants) must be arranged so as to form a spacious circle; There must be a blackboard in the room.

Duration: 1.5 hours.

Materials used: stickers, cards with wishes

Scenario plan

I. Introductory part

10 min

Ex. "Swap places..."

II. Acceptance of rules.

5 minutes

III. Practical part.

60 min

Ex. "Greetings"

Ex. "Alphabet of Emotions"

Ex. "The concept of conflict"

Ex. "Shipwreck"

Ex. "A worthy answer"

Ex. "Toptyzhka"

Ex. "Present"

IV. Lesson reflection

15 minutes

Ex. "Applause in a circle."

Event summary

I. Introductory part.

I am glad to welcome everyone. Today we are having a psychological lesson on the topic “Conflict”.

But first I would like to get to know you better. I already know your name, but, unfortunately, I don’t know anything else about you, what you like to do, what your hobbies are, etc.

Exercise “Swap places…”

I offer you this game.The person standing in the center of the circle (for starters, it will be me) offers to change places to all those who have some common characteristic. For example, I will say: “Change seats, those who have a sister,” and all those who have a sister change places. In this case, the one who stands in the center of the circle must try to have time to take one of the vacant places, and the one who is left without a place continues the game.

II. Acceptance of rules.

Guys, let us establish work rules today's lesson. I have already compiled some of them, if you agree with this rule, we accept it, and if you do not agree, we reject it, you can propose your own rules.

Respect for the speaker, do not interrupt the speaker, do not make noise when someone is speaking;

Respect other people's opinions;

Start your speech with the word “I”;

Speak one at a time.

III . Practical part.

Exercise "Greetings"

Target : warming up, greeting each other.

Participants are invited to form a circle and divide into three equal parts: “Europeans”, “Japanese” and “Africans”. Then each of the participants walks in a circle and greets everyone “in their own way”: “Europeans” shake hands, “Japanese” bow, “Africans” rub noses.
This exercise is usually fun, emotional, and energizing to the group.

Exercise “Alphabet of Emotions”

The task is to remember and write down in a few minutes what arises in a conflict situation - one emotion for each letter of the alphabet. A single data bank is created in the general circle (orally or on the board)

Exercise “The concept of conflict”

Target: find out what “conflict” means for each participant.

Each participant is given a sticker. They should write on it the answer to the question “What is conflict for you?” and hang the sticky note on the board. The facilitator reads out all the statements and gives a scientific definition of “conflict.” Together with students, he finds out the causes and consequences of the conflict.

According to science, a conflict is a collision, an extreme aggravation of contradictions, a situation where one side opposes the other.

What are the causes of the conflict? (different characters, different opinions on the same issue, inability to listen, unwillingness to give in)

What consequences might there be? (quarrel, fight, a person may be offended)

How can the conflict be resolved? (agree among themselves, ask for help from elders)

Now that we have learned what a conflict is, why it arises, and what the consequences may be, we will try to apply our knowledge.

Exercise "Shipwreck"

Target: develop the ability to make decisions together, Learn to defend your opinion and listen to the opinions of others.

Imagine that you are flying in a hot air balloon, there is not a cloud in the sky, you are flying and enjoying the flight. But suddenly the sky is covered with black, black clouds, and a thunderstorm breaks out, lightning strikes the ball and you are shipwrecked. You have a lot of heavy and light things on board. You have to throw away all the things according to their weight to reach the desert island, but remember the last 3 things you throw away will float to the island. You must make decisions together, and if even one person disagrees, the decision is not made.

You did an excellent job. Tell me, was it easy for you to make decisions? Of course, making a collective decision is a difficult task, as there are so many people and so many opinions.

What was easier, defending your opinion or agreeing with others? Did you manage to take what you really needed to survive? What caused conflicts (disputes) more often? How did you come to a consensus?

Brainstorming “Conflict. Solutions"

- Apologize if you are truly wrong.

- Learn to calmly listen to your partner’s complaints.

- Always maintain a confident and level position, and do not resort to criticism.

- Try to switch the conversation to another topic (say something kind, unexpected, funny).

But no matter how diverse the strategies for behavior in a conflict situation may be, an indispensable condition for its constructive resolution are:

the ability to understand your opponent, to look at the situation through his eyes;

the desire to objectively understand the causes of the conflict;

willingness to contain your negative feelings;

the willingness of both to find a way out of a difficult situation.

It is necessary to focus not on “who is to blame?”, but on “what to do?”

Do not forget that a sense of humor often helps to get out of a conflict situation.

Exercise “Worthy answer”

Target : Practicing the skill of constructively getting out of a situationconflict situations.

All participants sit in a circle. Everyone gets fromholding a card containing any remark about the appearance or behavior of one from the participants.

All listeners in a circle (one at a time) pronounce the phrase written on the card, looking into the eyes of their neighboron the right, whose task is to adequately answer this"lunge". The responding participant then turnsgoes to his neighbor on the right and reads out a phrase from hisher cards. When everyone completes the task, that iswill serve both as a “striker” and as"victims", the exercise ends and the group re-goes to discussion.

Discussion: The trainer asks the participants if it was easy for themperform the task, did they take close to serdzu unflattering remark about oneself. As a rule, it isChatels say that rude remarks do not excite themcomplained because they did not perceive them asdirected specifically against oneself. Then everything beforelay out various options for constructive searchka, which will help in real life situationswe also perceive negative informationfrom communication partners.

You think too highly of yourself. You act like you're the boss here.

You never help anyone

When I meet you, I want to cross to the other side of the street.

You don't know how to dress nicely at all.

Why do you look like a wolf at everyone?

We cannot have any business relations with you.

You are out of this world

You have such a scary look.

It is useless to negotiate anything with you. You'll forget everything anyway.

You have such a raspy voice, it gets on my nerves.

Look who you look like!

You talk too much nonsense.

Why are you always yelling at everyone?

You have absolutely no sense of humor.

You are too poorly brought up.

Exercise “Stomping”

Target: Formation of tolerance and constructive behavior in conflict situations.

This exercise will help you learn not to be offended or hold a grudge against people who accidentally caused you pain or created inconvenience or discomfort for you.

There are situations in life when objective conditions for conflict arise by chance. For example, a tired person rides in a crowded trolleybus. The trolleybus swayed and the neighbor, unable to maintain her balance, stepped on his foot. The response is a caustic, unrestrained remark and a negative value judgment of the neighbor’s personality. Then an unpleasant dialogue and quarrel arises.

Agree that sometimes it is very important to restrain the irritation and desire to act aggressively through an effort of will, tact, and tolerance. Smile, joke, say kind words and you will feel that your irritation has disappeared and the pain has passed. It is necessary, if possible, to prepare yourself for such situations.

The coach gives instructions: “Starting with me, we perform the task in a circle. With our right foot we will step on the left foot of our neighbor. The one who has been stepped on will try to justify the offender by calling him by name. For example, I step on Inna’s foot. Inna says: “I forgive you, Tatyana, because you were in a hurry to get to work,” and steps on Marina’s foot. Marina says: “I’m not offended by you, Tanya. This trolleybus is so crowded and everyone has to go,” etc.

Explanations can be any, but should not be repeated.


Note: It is necessary to step on the foot purely symbolically, without effort. Participants may remove their shoes.

Exercise "Gift"

Target: finishing work with a positive attitude.

Now please stand in a circle and pay your billsin order and remember your number. Great. Here in this room, for each of you there is a smallgift. Remember your number, under the same numberyou will find your gift. And remember that it's likelyNothing is by chance. What your gift says is beforeassigned specifically to you.

Everyone finds a piece of paper in the room (in the form of a star, a flower, etc.) with their number, on the back of which a wish is written.

Examples of wishes:

    To control the situation, you need to remain calm.

    Defend your point of view during a conflict, but do not put pressure on your interlocutor.

    In a dispute, be able to listen to your interlocutor to the end.

    Respect other people's feelings.

    Any problem can be solved.

    Be more attentive to the people you communicate with

    Don't be angry, smile.

    Start your day with a smile.

    Look at others: there is so much in you and those around youth general.

    Look at your Offender - maybe he justneed your help.

    Open your heart and the world will open its arms.

12. Always listen carefully to your interlocutor.
After everyone found their “gifts”, guys

return to the circle. Invite everyone to read whatwritten on their piece of paper, and present these words to everyone present.

Thank you for your wishes. Our lesson has come to an end for today.

I V. Lesson reflection:

Clap your hands if you enjoyed the activity.

What was your mood during class?

What exercises and games did you especially like and remember?

What do you think was missing?

What did you learn that was new or interesting?

Exercise "Applause in a circle."

We did a good job today, and I would like to offer you a game in which the applause sounds quiet at first, and then becomes stronger and stronger. I start clapping my hands, gradually approaching one of the group members. Then this participant chooses the next one from the group, whom they both applaud, the third chooses the fourth, etc. The last participant is applauded by the whole group.

Thank you all for your active work in class. Goodbye!!!


    G.B.Monina, E.K. Lyutova-Roberts“Communicative training”, S-P “Rech” 2007.

    I. Avidon, O. Goncharova“Training of interaction in conflict”, S-P “Rech” 2008.

    I.A. Ageeva"Successful teacher: training and correctional programs", S-P "Rech" 2007.

    V. Sheinov“Conflicts in our lives, the emergence, development and resolution of conflicts,” online article.

    8. Kichanova I.M. Conflict: pros and cons. M., 1978.

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Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus

Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank

Psychology faculty


Social and psychological training “Conflict resolution and prevention”


Litoshik A. M.

Minsk - 2015

Conceptual introduction:

The word "conflict" in Latin means "clash." The English dictionary of synonyms gives the following concepts for the term “conflict”: struggle, clash, disagreement, hostility, opposition, etc.

Based on an analysis of a large number of domestic and foreign works, N.V. Grishina proposes to define a socio-psychological conflict as a clash that arises and occurs in the sphere of communication, caused by conflicting goals, modes of behavior, and attitudes of people, in the context of their desire to achieve certain goals. The determining factor in the origin of conflicts is the appropriate combination of objective and subjective factors.

Conflict is the opposition of subjects regarding a contradiction that has arisen, real or imaginary. The cause of the conflict may be a difference in goals, insufficient awareness of the parties about the event, incompetence of one of the parties, low culture of behavior, etc.

Unfortunately, there is no generally accepted theory of conflicts that would unambiguously explain the nature of their occurrence and their impact on the development of society, and there is no single classification, however, most authors (Grishina G.V. 2002; Pochebut L.G., Chiker V.A. and a number of foreign authors) distinguish the following types of conflicts: personal, interpersonal, intergroup, intragroup conflicts.

1) conflicts, which are a reaction to obstacles to achieving the main goals of work activity (for example, difficulties in completing a given business task, not correct solution any production problem, etc.);

2) conflicts that arise as a reaction to obstacles to achieving personal goals of employees within the framework of their joint work activities (for example, a conflict over the distribution of business tasks considered “profitable” or “unprofitable”, dissatisfaction with the proposed vacation schedule, etc.);

3) conflicts arising from the perception of the behavior of team members as inconsistent with accepted ones social norms joint labor activity (for example, a conflict due to violation of labor discipline by one of the members of the advanced team with a common high level attitude towards work);

4) purely personal conflicts between employees, caused by the incompatibility of individual psychological characteristics - sharp differences in needs, interests, value orientations, and level of culture as a whole.

Purpose of the training: developing an understanding of the nature of the conflict;

developing the ability to adequately respond to various conflict situations.

Principles of the group:

1) "Here and now"

This principle directs training participants to ensure that the subject of their analysis is constantly the processes occurring in the group at the moment, the feelings experienced at this particular moment, the thoughts that appear at the moment. Except in specially specified cases, projections into the past and into the future are prohibited. The principle of focusing on the present promotes deep reflection of participants, learning to focus on themselves, their thoughts and feelings, and the development of self-analysis skills.

2) Sincerity and openness

The most important thing in a group is not to be a hypocrite and not to lie. The more frank the stories about what really excites and interests, the more sincere the presentation of feelings, the more successful the work of the group as a whole will be. Sincerity and openness contribute to receiving and providing others with honest feedback, that is, that information that is so important to each participant and which triggers not only the mechanisms of self-awareness, but also the mechanisms of interpersonal interaction in the group.

3) Principle I

The main attention of participants should be focused on the processes of self-knowledge, introspection and reflection. Even assessing the behavior of another group member should be done through expressing one’s own emerging feelings and experiences. It is prohibited to use reasoning such as: “we believe...”, “we have a different opinion...”, etc., shifting responsibility for the feelings and thoughts of a particular person to the amorphous “we”. All statements must be constructed using singular personal pronouns: “I feel...”, “it seems to me...”. This is all the more important because it is directly related to one of the objectives of the training - to learn to take responsibility and accept yourself as you are. Already the first group discussions reveal how different thoughts and feelings are different people, which is the defining argument for introducing the said rule.


There is no opportunity to passively “sit out” in the group. Since psychological training refers to active methods of training and development, such a norm as the active participation of everyone in what is happening during the training is mandatory.

Most exercises involve the inclusion of all participants. But even if the exercise is of a demonstration nature or involves individual work in the presence of a group, all participants have the unconditional right to speak at the end of the exercise. In the case of marathon trainings, absence from even one session and leaving the group is highly undesirable.

5) Privacy

Everything that is said in the group regarding specific participants must remain within the group - a natural ethical requirement, which is a condition for creating an atmosphere of psychological safety and self-disclosure. It goes without saying that psychological knowledge and specific techniques, games, psychotechnics can and should be used outside the group - in professional activities, in studies, in Everyday life, when communicating with family and friends, for the purpose of self-development. conflict adequate response contact



Exercise "Greetings"

Target: welcoming participants, enhancing group cohesion and creating an atmosphere of openness.

Time: 5-10 min.

Materials: No

Progress of the exercise: Group members sit in a circle; Everyone should have paper and pencil ready.

1. Invite participants to write three sentences that apply to them personally. Of these three phrases, two must be true, and one must not.

2. One by one, each participant reads out their phrases, everyone else tries to understand what is said is true and what is not. At the same time, all opinions must be substantiated. Advise the authors of phrases not to rush with their comments and listen carefully to the guesses of different players. After all, this is a great opportunity to understand how a person is perceived from the outside.

Exercise “Alphabet of Emotions”

Target: greeting the participants, energizing the group.

Time: 5-10 min .

Materials: No

Progress of the exercise: in a few minutes, remember and write down the emotions that arise in a conflict situation - one emotion for each letter of the alphabet. A single data bank is created in the general circle.

Exercise “I am in conflict”

Goals: express your vision of yourself in a difficult situation, provide an opportunity to free yourself from accumulated emotions.

Time: 10-15 min.

Materials: sheets of paper, pencils.

Progress of the exercise: Participants are given sheets of paper and all the materials necessary for drawing, and they occupy any private place. Within 10 minutes they will need to draw a picture, main idea which is expressed in its title - “I am in conflict.” It could be a self-portrait or an abstract piece. The main thing is that the work conveys the emotions that the author most often experiences in conflict situations, speaks about his ways of responding to conflicts and his abilities to behave in them. In the process of drawing, it is important not to evaluate yourself from the outside, but to convey the real state of affairs. When all the drawings are ready, the presenter collects them and mixes them so that it is impossible to guess where whose drawing is. Participants sit in a circle, and then they must discuss who is the creator of this or that work. The drawings are presented to the presenter one by one. Naturally, the author tries not to give himself away in any way. He, and with him the other participants, since authorship is often incorrectly established, have the opportunity to receive feedback about what the group thinks about their behavior and experiences in conflicts, how they see them in overcoming a difficult situation.

Issues for discussion:

1. Was it easy for you to perform this exercise?

2.What emotions do you experience?

3. Was it easy for you to discuss your drawing?

Exercise “Compliment”

Goals: Conduct negotiations, make sure that a positive tone of communication is more effective than an aggressive one.

Time: 10-15 min.

Materials: No.

Progress of the exercise: Divide into pairs. One participant “attacks” for 3 minutes, and the second responds only with compliments, but essentially, in the here-and-now and in accordance with the feedback rules. For example: “I am pleased to speak in your person with a person who knows how to formulate his desires so clearly!” or “When you speak so loudly, I admire your self-confidence!” and so on. The trainer ensures that the rules are followed when giving “compliments”.

Then the pairs switch roles and/or pair members.

As a result, almost all those who attack come to a clear understanding that it is impossible to maintain an aggressive attitude against a positively minded opponent with his compliments.

As a result, motivation for a positive attitude towards clients and compliments increases sharply. In addition, people initially learn to use psychologically intelligent compliments.

Issues for discussion:

1. Was it easy for you to do this exercise?

2. In which role did you feel more comfortable?

3. Was it easy for you to give compliments to an aggressive person?


Exercise "Vienna Diagrams"

Target: searching for common ground between opponents.

Materials: sheets of paper, pencils.

Time: 10-15 min

Progress of the exercise: Participants are divided into threes. Next, draw circles and at the intersection of the circles write what unites them. The part of the circle that does not intersect with others reflects the individual characteristics of each partner. It is necessary to write as many abstracts as possible. Then present the result in front of the group.

Issues for discussion:

1. Was it easy for you to find common ground between partners?

2.What helped you find points of interaction?

3. In life, too, are you looking for something in common with the people you communicate with?

Exercise "Web"

Target- receiving feedback from participants, creating favorable atmosphere at the end of the lesson.

Materials: a ball of thread.

Travel time: 5-10 min.

Progress of the exercise: The presenter holds a ball of thread (ball) in his hand and says that he was given classes in a group, talks about his impressions of the classes. Then he throws the cup to the next participant and so on. A web is formed. The presenter enters the center and cuts the web so that each participant is left with a piece of thread as a souvenir.

Issues for discussion:

1.What impressions did you have while completing this training?

2.Have you learned anything new for yourself?

3. Was it easy for you to communicate in the group?

WITHlist of literature

1) Vachkov I.V. Fundamentals of group training technology. - 2007. -256 p.

2) Osipova E.A. Conflicts and methods of overcoming them (socio-psychological training) / Osipova E.A.: educational method. allowance / Author-comp., - Mn., 2004. - 54 p.

3) Emelyanov S. M. Workshop on conflict management. - St. Petersburg: 2000.

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Target: promoting participants’ awareness of their behavior, developing the ability to positively resolve conflicts.


Update students' knowledge about conflict;

To familiarize participants with strategies for exiting a conflict situation;

Develop the ability to find mutual understanding with people;

Promote mutual understanding in the classroom;

Teach children to adequately evaluate themselves.

Leading. The famous French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry called human communication the greatest luxury in the world. Communication between people is a delicate and complex process. Each of us learns this throughout our lives, gaining experience often through mistakes and disappointments. Unfortunately, we often find ourselves in situations defined as conflict. They add tension to relationships, deprive them of peace and joy, and prevent them from working fully. The fewer conflicts that arise, the better people can find warm and trusting relationships.

Exercise “I don’t want to brag, but I...”

Goal: to develop the ability of self-presentation in adolescents.

All participants sit in a circle, each in turn says their name and continues the phrase beginning with the words: “I don’t want to brag, but I am... a wonderful friend.”

All participants speak out.

Exercise “Repetition of rules”

Goal: consolidation of rules and development of a sense of responsibility.

Each participant takes turns naming one rule and explaining its meaning.

Exercise “My idea of ​​conflict”

Goal: updating participants regarding the concept of conflict. The psychologist suggests drawing a picture on A4 sheet of paper on the topic “My idea of ​​the conflict.” After completing the work, the psychologist offers to take turns telling what he drew.


How did you feel while drawing?

Did you like the drawing?

Exercise “Conflict is...”

Purpose: to clarify the essence of the concept of “conflict”.

The psychologist addresses the group participants with the question “What is conflict?” All answer options are written on whatman paper. After this, everyone together finds out the positive (+) and negative (-) sides of the conflict.


Information message "Conflict"

The word “conflict” is of Latin origin and means clash. This refers to a clash of opposing goals, interests, and positions. At the heart of the conflict is a conflict situation. For a conflict to begin to develop, an incident is necessary, i.e. for one of the parties to take action. The causes of conflicts are very diverse: inability to understand another person, intolerance to the opinions of others, selfishness, a tendency to gossip, divergence of opinions and desires.

Exercise “Box of Misunderstandings”

Goal: developing skills for successful conflict resolution.

Small groups are formed (associations of choice various types sweets). One participant from each team draws from the “box of misunderstandings” a description of a certain situation. Each situation is a situation where a unique conflict arises. Find the right way out of the situation without provoking a conflict.

1st situation. One student says to another: “I will never sit at the same desk with you: you will lie down like an elephant, and it’s uncomfortable for me to write! " The other one answers... (fill in). Comment on the situation.

2nd situation. The lesson is going on, students are doing assignments. Suddenly one student starts banging his pen on his desk. The teacher makes a remark: “Sergey, please don’t knock on the desk, complete your assignments.” Sergei replies: “Why me again? Extreme again! What, did you see? "

What is the teacher’s reaction to Sergei’s words?

What would you do in this situation?

3rd situation. Mom came home from work and said to her daughter: “How long can you talk? Clean up after yourself, you scattered everything, as if a tornado had swept through the apartment! Not a girl, but some kind of misfortune! You say, but she feels like she’s hitting a wall!”

What is the girl's reaction?

What would you do if you were your mother?

4th situation. The teacher checks homework. It was Oleg’s turn. Andrei Ivanovich, checking the student’s work, said: “What is this? This mediocrity again did not do as it should, he wrote in a notebook so that you can’t make out anything! "

What is the student's reaction?

What would you do if you were a teacher?

Leader's conclusion Among the habits that give rise to conflicts between people, the most common are excessive emotionality, aggressiveness, demandingness, inattention to the needs and interests of others, and inability to listen to others.

A destructive way is to solve your problems and conflicts through violence and aggression. To think destructively means to work towards self-destruction, not self-improvement. If you want peace and love for yourself, then your path is conscious control of negative thoughts and actions.

Exercise “Australian Rain”

Goal: reducing the psychological burden of the participants.

The psychologist invites all participants to stand up and repeat the movements:

The wind has picked up in Australia (the presenter rubs his palms);

Rain begins to fall (claps palms on chest);

A real downpour begins (claps on thighs)

And here comes the hail, a real storm (foot stamping);

Drops fall to the ground (finger snapping);

Quiet rustling of the wind (rubbing palms);

Sun (hands up).

Exercise “Your mood and wishes”

Goal: creating a positive mood. All participants join hands and talk in a circle about their positive emotions and express wishes to others.

The lesson is aimed at familiarizing students with the concept of conflict. Identification of one’s own style of behavior in a conflict situation, development of personality traits necessary for constructive resolution of conflict situations



Lesson with elements of training “Conflict. Conflict resolution"

Target: High school students’ awareness of their own behavior strategies in conflict situations and the formation of effective behavior skills in conflict.


  • Introduce the concept of conflict.
  • Identify your own style of behavior in a conflict situation.
  • To promote the development of personality traits and qualities necessary for constructive resolution of conflict situations.

9th grade students

Equipment: computer, lesson presentation, handouts


1. Soft toy.

2. Bowl of water.

3. 2 Whatman paper, markers.

4. Answer form for the test"Assessment of one's own behavior in a conflict situation."

5.Prepare images of animals: fox, owl, bear cub, turtle, shark (for each participant).

6. Stand boards (for each participant).

7. Paper for the exercise “My capabilities”

8. Music for the “Relaxation” exercise

Progress of the lesson

Setting up the group for the lesson.

Exercise 1 Greeting + wish.

The purpose of the exercise: to create a friendly atmosphere and a mood for fruitful work.

Educational psychologist:"Hello guys. I am glad to welcome you to our lesson. Today our lesson will be devoted to the problem of conflicts. And I propose to start the meeting with a statement - wishes to each other for today. It should be short, down to one word. You throw a toy to someone to whom you want to wish something, and at the same time say this wish. The one to whom the toy was thrown, in turn, throws it to the next person, expressing his wish for today. We will carefully ensure that everyone gets the toy, and we will try not to miss anyone.”


How did you feel when you expressed your wishes to someone else?

What feelings and states did you have when you were approached with wishes?

Educational psychologist:School is a space where hundreds of people - children and adults - meet every day. It is no wonder that many conflict situations arise in their joint activities.

Agree that in everyday life we ​​are witnesses to, and often participants in, various conflicts.

Exercise 2 “Give the concept of conflict”

(Work in groups)

Now we will divide into 2 groups: to do this, calculate the first second, Think and write answers to the questions in each group:

What do you think conflict is?

What most often causes conflict?

Discussion: what is conflict?

1 group

2nd group

Educational psychologist:

And so, let's move on to the very concept of conflict.Conflict (from Latin conflictus) means collision. Or conflict can be understood as a confrontation between subjects regarding a contradiction that has arisen, real or imaginary.

“Conflicts are the fear of at least one side that its interests are being violated, ignored, or infringed by the other side.”

According to sociologist V.A. Yadov: “Conflict is a normal state of society; in any society, conflict situations have always existed, exist and will exist at all times.” Conflicts are inevitable, even if relationships with other people are built on peace and harmony.

Parable. The sages and the elephant

Once upon a time, in a small town there lived six blind wise men. One day an elephant was brought into the city. The sages wanted to see him. But how? “I know,” said one wise man, “we will feel it.” " Good idea“, said others, “then we will know what kind of elephant he is.” So six people went to see the elephant. The first one felt the large flat ear. It moved slowly back and forth. “An elephant looks like a fan!” - shouted the first sage. The second sage touched the elephant's feet. “He looks like a tree!” - he exclaimed. “You're both wrong,” said the third, “he looks like a rope.” This man felt the elephant's tail. “An elephant looks like a spear,” exclaimed the fourth. “No, no,” shouted the fifth, “an elephant is like a high wall!” He said this while feeling the elephant's side. The sixth sage tugged at the elephant's trunk. “You are all wrong,” he said, “an elephant is like a snake.” - “No, on the rope!” "Snake!" "Wall!" "You are wrong!" "I'm right!" Six blind men shouted at each other for an hour. And they never knew what an elephant looked like.

What do you think is at the root of this conflict?

(This is a misunderstanding, a dispute, a difference of opinion... The reasons that cause conflicts are so diverse that they do not yet lend themselves to strict classification).


Tell me, what are the causes of conflicts? Read

Educational psychologist.In your life, you have probably encountered conflicts and conflict situations. Describe them and how you felt.

Children give examples from their lives.

Educational psychologistJudging by your answers, you experienced negative emotions, mainly anger, irritation, and resentment. Could the conflict have been avoided? How?

Educational psychologist. In other words, it was necessary not to get angry and shout (or even rush to fight), but to remain calm. What does it mean?

Educational psychologistKeeping calm means:
Treat others with respect, listen to the other person's point of view to the end.
Control yourself! Don't let anger or fear of violence overcome you.
Speak quietly, do not insult.
Give the other person a chance to back down.
To restrain yourself, for example, it is better to leave, apologizing.
Compromise (give in on something).
Use humor whenever possible.

What is the source of conflicts?First of all, this is the inability to control one’s emotional state; secrecy;misunderstanding; aggressiveness; difference in goals, interests, etc.

a person must have the ability to determine the moment of conflict and effectively resolve disputes and disagreements. Conflict can be used as a source of life experience, self-education and self-learning. Such knowledge will help you make the right decision in the future and avoid conflict.

The types of conflicts are varied and include:

Intrapersonal conflict, where the participants in the conflict are not people, but various psychological factors the inner world of a person, often seeming or being incompatible: needs, motives, values, feelings. This is the so-called ability to “live in harmony with oneself.”

Examples of intrapersonal conflict

Interpersonal conflict - this is the most common type of conflict- represented by two sides.

Interpersonal conflict can happen EVERYWHERE.
Interpersonal conflict manifests itself in interactions between two or more individuals. In interpersonal conflicts, subjects confront each other and sort out their relationships directly, face to face. This is one of the most common types of conflicts. They can happen both between classmates and between the closest people.
In an interpersonal conflict, each party strives to defend its opinion, to prove the other wrong, people resort to mutual accusations, attacks on each other, verbal insults and humiliation, etc. This behavior causes acute negative emotional experiences in the subjects of the conflict, which aggravate the interaction of the participants and provoke them to extreme actions. In situations of conflict, it becomes difficult to manage your emotions. Many of its participants experience negative well-being for a long time after the conflict is resolved.

Examples of Interpersonal Conflict

Intergroup conflict.The participants are different groups, between which conflicts may arise.

Examples of Intergroup Conflict

Between the individual and the group. The group sets its own standards of behavior and communication. Each member of such a group must comply with them. The group views deviations from accepted norms as a negative phenomenon, and a conflict arises between the individual and the group.

Conflict between individual and groupmay be due to the fact that the expectations of the group are in conflict with the expectations of the individual.
Conflicts of this kind include “adaptation conflicts”" They arise between newcomers and the established rules and norms of interpersonal communication in a given group.

Conflict functions:


  • détente between conflicting parties;
  • obtaining new information about the opponent.


  • large emotional and material costs;
  • deterioration of relationships;
  • loss of contacts.

Thus, conflict cannot be viewed only as a negative phenomenon.

What are the stages of conflict?

  • stage - emergence of conflict (emergence of contradiction)
  • stage - awareness of this situation as a conflict on at least one side. In a conflict situation, the parties have a biased perception of reality and see only facts that confirm their interpretation of the conflict.Let's give an example from ancient Chinese literature: “One man lost an ax. He thought about his neighbor’s son and began to look closely at him: he walks like someone who stole an ax and looks like someone who stole an axe, speaks like someone who stole an axe. In a word, every gesture, every movement they give him away as a thief. But soon that man began to dig up the ground in the valley and found his ax. The next day he looked at his neighbor’s son: neither in his gesture nor in his movement did he resemble a thief.”
  • stage - conflict behavior.
  • stage - outcome of the conflict (constructive, destructive, freezing of the conflict)

Test. "Assessment of one's own behavior in a conflict situation."

Instructions: Guys! Try to sincerely answer the question: “How do you usually behave in a conflict situation or dispute?” If this or that behavior is typical for you, put the appropriate number of points after each answer number that characterizes a certain style of behavior.

If you behave this way:

often - give 3 points;

from time to time – 2 points;

rarely – 1 point.

Question: “How do you usually behave in a dispute or conflict situation?”


  1. I threaten or fight.
  2. I try to accept the enemy’s point of view and treat it as if it were my own.
  3. I'm looking for compromises.
  4. I admit that I am wrong, even if I cannot completely believe it.
  5. I avoid the enemy.
  6. I wish you to achieve your goals no matter what.
  7. I'm trying to figure out what I agree with and what I absolutely don't agree with.
  8. I'm making a compromise.
  9. I give up.
  10. Changing the subject.
  11. I persistently repeat one thought until I achieve my goal.
  12. I’m trying to find the source of the conflict, to understand where it all started.
  13. I will give in a little and thereby push the other side to make concessions.
  14. I offer peace.
  15. I'm trying to make a joke out of it.

Answer form













Processing test results: Calculate the number of points for lines A. B, C, D, D - respectively. Each letter corresponds to a specific type of behavior, put the number of points on each line and determine your leading type of behavior. The largest amount indicates individual characteristics behavior.

Raise your hands those who scored the most points on scale 1 and hands out pictures of a shark to them; on scale II - pictures with the image of an owl; on the III scale - pictures with the image of a fox, on IV - a bear cub, on V - a turtle.

If you scored the most points under the letters:

"A" - This is a “hard type of resolution of conflicts and disputes.” You stand your ground until the last moment, defending your position. At all costs, you strive to win. This is the type of person who always thinks he is right.Type 1 "Shark" - a power strategy of the target, the conflict is resolved by winning only for oneself (dominance).

Focusing only on one’s own interests and ignoring the interests of one’s partner, that is, the desire to achieve one’s interests to the detriment of the other.

Advantages: negative emotions do not accumulate; suitable for extreme situations.

Disadvantages: the conflict is not resolved fairly; constant conflict with everyone

"B" - this is a “democratic” style. You are of the opinion that it is always possible to reach an agreement. During a dispute, you try to offer an alternative, look for solutions that would satisfy both sides.Type 2 “Owl” is a wise bird, values ​​both goals and relationships, openly defines positions and ways out working together to achieve goals, strives to find solutions that satisfy all participants (cooperation)."

Advantages: fair, final resolution of the conflict.

Disadvantages: It is difficult to be an “owl”, since you have to think not only about yourself, but also about others.

"IN" - this is a “compromise” style. From the very beginning you agree to compromise. Compromise is a concession in opinions or actions on both sides. By and on the basis of mutual concessions, a resolution of conflicting provisions between the parties is achieved. Can also mean mutual agreement between representatives of different points of view and interests based on mutual concessions.

Type 3 "Fox" - a strategy of cunning compromise; with good relationships, it achieves its goals (compromise).

Advantages: quick conflict resolution, but not always fair.

Disadvantages: people may become dissatisfied

"G" - “soft” style. You destroy your opponent with kindness. You readily take the enemy’s point of view and abandon your own.Type 4 “Teddy Bear” - smoothing corners: such people love to be understood and appreciated, for which they sacrifice success (compliance).

Advantages: Relationships between people are preserved.

Disadvantages: conflicts are not resolved, accumulate and return again

"D" - “outgoing” style. Your credo is “leave on time.” You try not to aggravate the situation, not to bring the conflict to an open clash.”Type 5 "Turtle" - withdrawal under the shell, refusal to achieve goals and participation in relationships with other participants, one of the options for self-sufficiency (avoidance).

Advantages: it is “safe style in danger”; A person does not create conflicts himself.

Disadvantages: the conflict is not resolved and may arise after some time.

Now you know your style of behavior in conflict.

Exercise 3.

A palette of strategies for behavior in a situation.

Instructions: you have alreadywere divided into 2 groups. Each group receives 1 situation. The group’s task is to illustrate the 5 existing response styles in the proposed situation.

Situation for the first group. Your classmate borrowed 30 rubles from you for lunch yesterday and promised to return it the next day. You relied on his honesty and didn’t take any money with you today.

Group situation. Your desk neighbor looks at your notebook during a test and gets you into trouble.

Discussions: Which response style is the most successful, resourceful.

Educational psychologist:The following algorithm will help you resolve the conflict:

Step 1: Why?

Find out why the parties to the conflict want what they want.

Step 2: Why?

Establish the needs of participants, not just their goals

Step 3: How?

What are the possible solutions?

Step 4: What?

Which solution will suit everyone?

To prevent conflict from arising, you need to know the rules of conflict-free communication:

  1. Do not use conflicting words: these are words that can lead to conflict.
  2. Do not respond with a conflictogen to a conflictogen
  3. Show empathy (emotional sensitivity, empathy) towards your interlocutor.
  4. Send as many positive messages as possible

If, nevertheless, a conflict has matured, there is effective ways its permissions:

  1. The resolution of an urgent conflict cannot be postponed.
  2. If conflict is inevitable, initiate it yourself.
  3. Seek sincerely and seriously to understand the other's point of view.
  4. Acknowledge your mistake or wrong step quickly and get ahead of possible criticism.
  5. Keep the initiative, dictating emotions, first of all - calmness.

How to get out of a conflict situation?!

1. It is important not only to remember your position and understand the position of the other side.

2. Seek understanding, not victory.Calmly discuss the reasons that caused the conflict.

3. Watch what you say.Sometimes it is better to remain silent.

4. Talk about the problem, not the person.

5. Be sincere with yourself and your interlocutor.

6. Manage your emotions.

7. If the conflict subsides, get out of it. Forgive yourself and your opponent.Forgiveness liberates, restores relationships, eliminates negative emotions.

Thus, conflict resolution is not about reconciling positions, but about clarifying interests that allow you to sort out options for resolving the situation.

Helps relieve emotional tension in conflict

Psychologists offer many options for getting out of stress or relaxing. One of them is to look at a burning candle and relax.

Mental self-regulation- this is the control of one’s psycho-emotional state, achieved by a person’s influence on himself with the help of words, mental images, control of muscle tone and breathing.

Spontaneous (unconscious) methods of self-regulation:

Laughter, smile, humor;

Reflections on something warming the soul, pleasant;

Various movements such as stretching, muscle relaxation;

Observing the landscape outside the window;

Looking at flowers in the room, photographs, other pleasant or dear things to a person;

Mental appeal to higher powers (God, the Universe, a great idea);

Breathing fresh air;

Expressing praise or compliments to someone just like that;



Tasty food;



Self-regulation can be carried out using four main means, used individually or in various combinations:

1. Methods related to breathing control;

2. Methods related to the control of muscle tone and movement;

3. Methods related to the management of mental images;

4. Methods associated with verbal influence.

As a result of self-regulation, three main effects can occur:

Calming effect (elimination of emotional tension);

Recovery effect (weakening of symptoms of fatigue);

Activation effect (increased psychophysiological reactivity).


Understand what natural mechanisms you have for relieving tension, relaxing, and increasing tone;

Become aware of them;

Move from the spontaneous use of natural methods of regulation to the conscious one in order to manage your condition;

Exercise 4 Relaxation.

Let's take a little rest and do an exercise that you can later do any time you feel offended by someone. It gives an outlet to the accumulated negative energy. Will help you get out of conflict situations.

Instructions: While standing, tense all your muscles and take a deep breath. Hold your breath and muscles in a state of tension for a few seconds. Exhale! Feel the tension leaving you from head to toe. Repeat your steps several times. While doing this exercise, keep thinking about the person who made you angry and irritated. You feel how negative emotions, resentment, bad mood, aggressiveness leave you: they reach the tips of your toes and come out through the sole of your shoes. Take a step forward, leaving the “anger” behind.

Close your eyes and remember everyone with whom you were offended for something. Try to mentally forgive them.

The following exercise will help you get rid of accumulated resentment and anger.

Exercise 5 “Caricature of the enemy.”

Draw your “enemy” in the form of a fairy-tale animal. Yes, worse! With horns, fangs, hooves.

Time to complete this task – 5 minutes .

And then you can play with it. For example, you have conflicts with a classmate. So draw her (him) in the form of a fire-breathing dragon. And then “put” him in a cage with huge locks. Or send her (him) to another planet in a huge rocket. That's it, the conflict is over!
Now listen to your emotions. Why do you think, after drawing a caricature of your enemy, and even sending him to a cage or to a distant planet, it became easier for you?

Exercise 7

Self-reflection "My capabilities"

  1. Draw your own palm on a piece of paper.
  2. In the center of your palm write the most main reason, which prevents you from behaving constructively in conflict situations.
  3. In the outline of each finger, write something new that you have learned and that may be useful to you in resolving possible conflicts.

High school students complete the proposed task within 5 minutes. After this, those interested voice their answers.

Exercise 8. CUP OF CALM

Target: caring and attentive attitude towards each other.

I suggest that you take turns passing this cup to each other, which is filled to the brim with water so as not to drop a single drop.

Final part

Please tell me your opinion about the lesson

What did you learn about the conflict?
What interested you most?
What did you like most?
General opinion about the lesson?

“As we live our lives, we again and again find ourselves in a conflict zone, but we should not be afraid of this objective circumstance. We need to resolve conflicts so that no one sees that there were conflicts. And in conclusion, I would like to tell you that using constructive ways to resolve the conflict will help you keep friends and not make enemies.”

receive instructions on “How to resolve conflicts”

Number of persons: 12.

Duration: 1 hour – 1 hour 30 m.


1. Increase teachers’ motivation for conflict-free communication.

2. Search for new ways of behavior in contacts with colleagues.

3. Development of skills of perception and understanding of yourself and your colleagues in the process of communicating with them.

4. Development of verbal and non-verbal means of communication.

In the training program:

1. Greeting.

2. Well-being survey.

3. Psychological component of conflict, techniques and methods of conflict prevention;

4. Exercise 1: “Carousel”.

5. Exercise 2: “The circle of our life.”

6. Exercise 3: “Walking with a compass.”

7. Exercise 4: “The sun and the cloud.”

8. Methods of effective self-regulation;

9. Test “Are you a conflict-ridden person”;

10. Feedback;

11. Applause.

Equipment: sticky note paper, sheets of paper, markers or pencils, colorful squares for dividing people into groups, a poster with a picture of a tree, a ball, blindfolds.

There are certain traditions in training sessions that I want to tell you about: “here and now”, “sincerity and openness”, “confidentiality”, “I-principle”, “activity”.

“Greeting” - passing the ball in a circle and saying the name and patronymic and hobby, how each of the group members feels; what to expect from the training (poster with a picture of a tree).

This is not only out of a sense of politeness, but as the American psychologist D. Carnegie said: “The sound own name for a person it is the most pleasant melody.”

And so, we begin!

We devote a significant part of our lives to professional activities, so the desire to feel comfortable and confident among colleagues is understandable. But, unfortunately, there are not very many people who go to work as if it were a holiday. This is often due to our work environment. Like any human communities, work collectives cannot exist without conflicts - this is how the world works. What is conflict? Psychologists are considering conflict as a natural condition for human interaction, which is based on confrontation between subjects, caused by intractable contradictions, accompanied by acute emotional experiences, lack of agreement, difference of opinion, clash of opposing views and desires, positions, opinions, goals, etc. The subjects of the conflict are called opponents. The following components of a conflict can be distinguished: conflict situation, opponents, subject, object, incident.

Conflicts make a person unhappy, they work poorly, feel bad and can even get sick. Conflicts accompany us all our lives, but this does not mean that someone must always win and someone must lose. You need to respect the feelings and desires of other people, be attentive to them, and then you can find a way out of the conflict. Understanding the actions and actions of other people is sometimes hindered by our excessive pride, the desire for revenge, the pain caused to us, feelings of anger, resentment and the desire to always be right in everything, a jealous attitude, envy.

How to bring the team closer together, create an atmosphere of trust and cohesion? How to combine different types people within the same team, preventing serious disagreements from flaring up?

Firstly, conflict can be avoided. To do this, you need to try to avoid situations that provoke disputes and not discuss issues that give rise to disagreements.

Secondly, it is possible to smooth out problems. It is important here to prevent the manifestation of aggression and bitterness, calling for professional solidarity. The motto of this method is: “We are all one team, so why rock our boat?”

Thirdly, you can compromise. In this case, the alien point of view is accepted only partially, to the extent that the conflict is suspended. But all these methods do not solve the problems that provoke interpersonal clashes.

It is best to prevent the negative consequences of psychological incompatibility. The compatibility of employees (we are talking about a female team) consists of several factors that can become decisive at critical moments: temperament, performance, physical endurance and emotional stability. It is in women's groups that rivalry, intrigue, and role conflicts with personal implications most often arise.

Important factor psychological compatibility– age of people working together. Friendly relationships, sympathy and mutual understanding are more likely to be formed among employees, especially young ones. The key to conflict-free work in a team is also the teacher’s ability to win people over.

When communicating, saying out loud the name or first and patronymic of the person you are talking to, looking into the eyes to understand how the person feels about what we are saying.

Exercise 1: Carousel

Statistics show that more than 90% of people improve their performance if they are given compliments. The mechanism of a compliment is based on the effect of suggestion and, as a consequence, the need to look better. When expressing compliments, it is necessary to take into account a number of rules:

A compliment should reflect only the positive quality of the person;

You need to avoid double meaning: listening to your conversations with people, I am surprised at your ability to subtly and wittily avoid answering;

Be without hyperbole: the compliment should have a slight exaggeration. For example, exclude: “I am always amazed at your punctuality and accuracy” (and the person does not have these qualities);

Sarcastic additions to a compliment are unacceptable: “Your hands are truly golden. But the tongue is your enemy.” Avoid the fly in the ointment.

We often hear how important it is to be able to compliment people in a timely manner. This is correct, but it is often forgotten that the ability to accept compliments is no less important. In the “carousel” you can learn both.

Exercise: The group is divided into two teams. One team forms a small circle (back to back). The second team makes a large circle, with each member of the large circle facing the member of the first team.

Everyone standing in the outer circle has to say something good for that the person who is opposite him. For those in the inner circle, be sure to thank your partner for his kind words. The inner circle remains in place, and the outer circle participants take a step to the side - they find themselves face to face with another member of the inner circle. And again - kind words from both sides. And so on until you go around the entire circle and find yourself opposite the one you started with.

And when the circle is completed, the participants in the outer and inner circles must change places and start all over again. It would be nice to exchange opinions at the end of the lesson: what turned out to be more difficult - coming up with compliments or responding to them?

Exercise 2: “The Circle of Our Life”

This game makes us think about both our own and the lives of people around us.

The presenter draws a large circle and offers the following task: - this is a slice of your life, one typical day. First, we divide the circle into four conventional parts with dotted lines. Each quarter is six hours long. Let someone now show how much time he spends: on sleep, on friends, on work, on family, on loneliness, on housework, on everything else?

As you look at the circle of your life, ask yourself: Are you happy with how your day is going? Let it be ideal, but what boundaries would you like to change in this circle? What is easy and what is difficult to change in your life? What was missing to accurately reflect your life (creativity, music, etc.)? Why do we still wait and strive for change?

Exercise 3: “Walking with a Compass”

Another game of trust. The group is divided into pairs, where there is a follower (“tourist”) and a leader (“compass”). Each follower (he stands in front, and the leader behind, with his hands on his partner’s shoulders) is blindfolded.

Exercise: Walk the entire playing field forward and backward. At the same time, the “tourist” cannot communicate with the “compass” on a verbal level. The leader (compass), with the movement of his hands, helps the follower to keep the direction, avoiding obstacles - other tourists with compasses.

Information for discussion: describe the sensations of a blindfolded person who is forced to rely on his partner. What contributed or hindered the feeling of trust? How did leaders help their followers?

Exercise 4: “Sun and Cloud”

On the left we draw a sun with rays, and on the right – clouds. Along the rays of sunshine, write all the good things that you think about yourself, Anna Cloud - those negative character traits that you have and that you need to work on.

In conclusion, I want to repeat once again that the main goal of conducting such trainings is to prevent conflicts in the teaching staff, as one of the factors of unity, so that you will take as much experience and knowledge here as you want. For some, all the information obtained here will be useful, while for others, only part of the information will be needed. In any case, take as much as you want.

Let us at first have a forced smile, a clumsy compliment, an increased interest in personal matters - over time this will polish and begin to look natural.

Know how to manage your emotions and feelings. After all, in a fit of anger, a person can say a lot of bad things.

To extinguish this negative feeling, psychologists suggest doing the following:

1. Breathe evenly. When you realize that you have lost control of yourself, your pulse quickens, you begin to breathe quickly, and your blood circulation accelerates. Breathing evenly can bring you back to normal.

2. Try telling yourself: “I can overcome my anger. When people are angry, they say things that are not what they mean.”

3. Call your friend and tell her what annoys you. If someone listens to you and tries to understand, you will feel much better.

4. Build a plan in your head for your next actions and statements. When a person is angry, his actions and actions are spontaneous. By making a plan, you can take control of your anger.

At the end of the work, feedback is provided on the entire lesson:

  1. How do you feel?
  2. Has the feeling changed compared to the state at the beginning of work?
  3. How comfortable was it to work with others?
  4. During the training, did you experience a feeling of discomfort, perhaps anxiety?
  5. What did you gain from the training group?
  6. What topics would be interesting to consider?
  7. Did the training live up to your expectations? (Poster with a picture of a tree.)

He who knows humanity is not deprived of intelligence;

He who knows himself is doubly smarter.

He who defeats another is strong,

He who has conquered himself is a hundred times stronger.

To live long, live in harmony with yourself,

To live forever, enter the hearts of people.

Chinese philosopher Loo Izy.

Test “Are you a conflict-ridden person?”

To find out, take the test, choosing one answer for each question.

1. A loud argument broke out on public transport. What's your reaction?

a) I do not participate;

b) I briefly speak out in defense of the side that I consider to be right;

c) I actively interfere, thereby “causing fire on myself.”

2. Do you speak up at meetings and criticize management?

b) only if I have every reason for this;

c) I criticize on any occasion not only the authorities, but also those who defend them.

3. Do you often argue with friends?

a) only if people are not touchy;

b) only on fundamental issues;

c) controversy is my element.

4. How do you react if someone jumps the line?

a) I’m indignant in my soul, but I’m silent: it’s more important to myself;

b) make a remark;

c) I go forward and begin to observe order.

5. At home, an unsalted dish was served for lunch. What's your reaction?

a) I won’t make a fuss over trifles;

b) silently take the salt shaker;

c) I cannot resist making caustic remarks and, perhaps, I will demonstratively refuse food.

6. If someone steps on your foot on the street or in public transport...

a) I will look at the offender with indignation;

b) I will make a dry remark;

c) I will speak out without mincing words.

7. If someone close to you bought something you didn’t like...

a) I will remain silent;

b) I will limit myself to a short tactful comment;

c) I will cause a scandal.

8. Unlucky in the lottery. How do you feel about this?

a) I will try to appear indifferent, but in my heart I will promise myself never to participate in it again;

b) I will not hide my annoyance, but I will treat what happened with humor, promising to take revenge;

c) losing will ruin your mood for a long time.

Now calculate the points scored based on the fact that each

a) 4 points; b) 2, c) 0 points.

22 – 32 points– you are tactful and peaceful, deftly avoiding disputes and conflicts, avoiding critical situations at work and at home. The saying “Plato is my friend, but the truth is dearer!” has never been your motto. Maybe that's why you are sometimes called an opportunist. Take courage if circumstances require you to speak out on principle, regardless of faces.

12 – 20 points– you seem to be a conflicted person. But in fact, you only conflict if there is no other way out and other means have been exhausted. You firmly defend your opinion, without thinking about how this will affect your job position and friendships. At the same time, do not go beyond the bounds of correctness and do not stoop to insults. All this gives you respect.

Up to 10 points– disputes and conflicts are the air without which you cannot live. You love to criticize others, but if you hear comments addressed to you, you can be “eaten alive.” Your criticism is for the sake of criticism, and not for the benefit of the cause. It is very difficult for those who are close to you - at work and at home. Your intemperance and rudeness push people away. Is this why you have no real friends? In a word, try to overcome your absurd character!