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Table of the influence of outstanding people on social development. A person who influenced the course of history: examples. People who changed the course of world history. Other historical figures

Many great reformer rulers, generals, scientists and even philosophers can lay claim to being called the greatest people in human history. But it is difficult to consider a person’s achievements in isolation from the era. The Renaissance and Enlightenment eras, as well as the scientific revolution of the 20th century, changed the face of the world, but these breakthroughs in human history were associated with the activities of many outstanding people.

The achievements of some talented people do not survive them. Many reached heights in conjunction with others, and their merits are not shared. Let's try to highlight several personalities in world history whose actions and ideas influenced the further course of the historical process. The consequences of their actions are being felt even now.

At the origins of European science: Aristotle

Aristotle is a rare example of a student who surpassed his brilliant mentor. He did not hesitate to criticize the teacher’s views, and his saying dedicated to this went down in history. Plato was a brilliant philosopher, but his views concerned issues of philosophy, ethics and political science. Aristotle went further.

A native of the insignificant town of Stagira, he came to Athens, where he created his own philosophical school. Its students included many philosophers and even famous politicians, but none of them made a contribution to history comparable to the founder.

Aristotle created the doctrine of the first principles of existence. He introduced the principle of development into world philosophy and created a system of philosophical categories and levels of existence. Stagirite was the founder of logic as a science. He studied ethics and developed the doctrine of virtues. In the field of cosmology, he defended the idea of ​​a spherical Earth.

In his essay “The State,” Aristotle studied the strengths and weaknesses of different forms of government and put forward his own realistic idea of ​​the state. His work on the history of the Athenian government is an example of historical writing.

In addition, the scientist from Athens wrote works on all areas of knowledge available at that time - biology, zoology, poetics (where he studied theater arts). The works of Aristotle were studied by philosophers of the Middle Ages in Europe and the Muslim world. He can rightfully be placed at the origins of modern science.

Alexander the Great: Creation of a New World

In world history there have been many commanders whose victories numbered in the dozens. Alexander defeated the army of the largest empire in several battles, took the most fortified cities of that time and reached Punjab. The empire he created collapsed a few decades after his death, but new states emerged from its fragments.

The King of Macedonia was obsessed with the idea of ​​uniting the West and the East under his rule. The idea was partly a success. After his campaigns, the Mediterranean became a different world. The Greeks had served eastern rulers before. But now the heart of Greek civilization began to beat in Asia and Egypt. The Alexandria Museum became the greatest center of intellectual life - philosophers, scientists and poets from all over the Mediterranean lived here. The library contained the most important scientific works. Here the Old Testament was translated into Greek. Pergamon, whose library also became a scientific center, did not lag behind him.

Hellenism brought about revitalization and changes in Hellenic literature, sculpture and architecture. New traditions and ideas associated with Eastern influence appeared. Later, the Roman Republic would join this world, whose culture would be formed under the influence of the Hellenistic one.

Alexander was not directly involved in most of the processes. But it was his conquests that created a world in which the appearance of the Alexandrian Museum and the Pergamon Library was possible.

Prophet Muhammad: the creation of a new religion

Mohammed and the religion of Islam can be viewed in different ways. For many centuries, Arab tribes roamed the vast expanses of Arabia. They were vassals or allies of powerful empires. The nomads staged bloody wars among themselves, composed original and complex poems, and worshiped many gods.

In the first half of the 7th century, Muhammad began preaching in Mecca. He managed to overcome the enmity of his fellow tribesmen and gather a group of supporters. He went with them to Medina, but after a series of battles he defeated the enemies and achieved the unification of the two cities under his authority.

Muhammad's enemies accepted his religious teachings and became his companions. The creed of Islam assumed expansion - after the death of the Prophet, the Arab armies left Arabia. Led by the teachings of Muhammad, the Arabs destroyed the Sasanian Empire and conquered vast territories of the Byzantine Empire. They did not stop there and subjugated the territories of Spain, Central Asia and the Mediterranean islands.

Now Islam is professed by about 1.5 billion people on the planet. It is the state religion of 28 countries, and communities of followers of the Prophet are located in 122 states. This is proof of the influence of the Prophet Muhammad on history, whose actions changed the lives of not only his fellow tribesmen, but also many distant peoples.

Charlemagne: at the origins of modern Europe

After the slow decline of the Roman Empire in the west, Europe plunged into the darkness of the Early Middle Ages. The population has decreased: some regions have become depopulated. Several epidemics and destructive wars swept across Europe.

Even under these conditions, the heritage of Roman civilization and science was not forgotten. But the eras of the 5th - 8th centuries stand out as difficult and dark times. In 768, Charles, who went down in history under the nickname the Great, became king of the Frankish kingdom. He was a decisive sovereign who fought a lot with his neighbors and expanded the borders of the Frankish kingdom, and in 800 he was crowned emperor.

His empire included parts of eastern Spain, Italy to Rome, and the territory of modern Germany. Avars and numerous Slavic peoples were dependent on him: Moravians, Czechs, Obodrites, Serbs.

The emperor became famous not only for his victorious wars. He attracted educated people to his court and built schools. An Academy was organized, whose members were the smartest people of his era - the monk Alcuin, the historian Paul the Deacon, the biographer Einhard. Alcuin's student was the author of one of the medieval encyclopedias, Rabanus the Maurus.

Children of nobles and clergy studied in schools organized in the empire of Charlemagne. They studied the seven liberal arts, the canon of which had been formed earlier. "Carolingian minuscule", a method of writing letters that became the basis of the modern alphabet of most Western countries. At Charles's court there was an admiration for Roman literature, and copies of works in Latin were made.

The death of Charlemagne was followed by the collapse of his empire. The division of the empire into three states, formalized in 843, laid the foundations of modern Italy, Germany and France.

The Ideology That Changed History: Karl Marx

One of the greatest (according to many) thinkers of the 19th century is Karl Marx. He was born in Prussia, but spent most of his life in Great Britain and died in London. The ideas and works he developed determined the course of history of the next century.

The formation of Marx as a thinker was influenced by the philosophy of Hegel. Marx criticized his predecessor, but, relying on his dialectical method, formed his concept of dialectical materialism. He introduced his own materialistic understanding of the course of the historical process, which continues to be used in modern science.

Finally, Marx created the work “Capital”, in which he examined the contradictions of his contemporary capitalist society. He showed the essence of conflicts between capitalists and workers, as well as within these classes. He substantiated the inevitability of the replacement of capitalism by socialism.

Marx's ideas influenced all left-wing thinkers of the 20th century. The practical application of these ideas was made by the builders of the USSR and other socialist states. In the 21st century, socialist states continue to exist, and supporters of this ideology believe in the final victory of socialism. At the basis of this historical process were the ideas of Karl Marx.

The greatest people in human history are individuals who, alone or with the participation of fellow performers, changed the course of history or directed it in the right direction. This influence was manifested in various ways - the development of science, the creation of a new religion or ideology, changes in the political map of the world, which created new conditions for the development of civilization. The results of the activities of these individuals were able to fully manifest themselves years and decades after their death.

1. What conditions are necessary to become a person? 2. What, in your opinion, is the role of the family in the life of a person and society? 3. Name and

characterize the main forms of relationship between man and society. 4. What is the historical process? 5. How do you understand the connection between the past, present and future in the history of countries and peoples? Give examples. 6. Based on knowledge of history, literature, and other subjects, give examples characterizing the role of the people in the historical process. 7. Is it true that a worldview can be had not only by an individual, but also by a social group, a nation, or a historical era? Explain your opinion, confirm it with examples. 8. Russian historian V. O. Klyuchevsky (1841-1911) wrote that knowledge of the past is “not only a need for the thinking mind, but also an essential condition for conscious and correct activity,” because it gives that eye of the situation, then sense of the moment, which protects a person “from both inertia and haste.” And then he gives advice: “When determining the tasks and direction of our activities, each of us must be at least a little historian in order to become a conscious and conscientiously acting citizen.” What significance do these thoughts of V. O. Klyuchevsky have for our days? 9. The word “civilization” and its derivatives can mean: a) good manners, the ability to behave in society (“he was a completely civilized young man, with excellent manners and behavior”); b) the stage of social development following savagery and barbarism; c) the state of a society that recognizes the values ​​of peace, economic prosperity, freedom, legality (“in a civilized society there is no place for violence, crime, violation of the law, disrespect for human rights”); d) a set of manifestations of culture (“ancient civilization is a unique culture that underlies the European culture of subsequent eras”); e) a set of unique economic, social, political, spiritual, moral, psychological, value and other structures that distinguish one historical community of people from others (“the economy, system of power, values, lifestyle and psychology of the people of the Middle Ages distinguished this civilization from ancient or modern"). Which of these meanings are directly related to the characteristics of the historical process? Apply these principles to the analysis of specific societies known to you

Task No. 12. Choose one answer:

The social structure of society is:

A) the basis of society;

B) organization of society;

C) types of social communities and relationships between them;

D) the structure of society as a whole.

Task No. 13. Choose one answer:

Social community is:

A) speculative abstraction,

B) a set of individuals;

C) an independent subject of social action, formed on the basis of essential characteristics.

Task No. 14. Choose one answer:

Social status is:

A) the degree of recognition by society of the dignity of the individual,

B) the position of an individual or group in the social system, associated with a certain set of rights and obligations;

C) the integrity of human social properties, the result of the social development of the individual.

Task No. 15. Which of the following statuses is ascribed and which is achieved?

Specify the types of social statuses:

A) Nobleman D) Tsar E) Negro

B) Economist D) Criminal G) Deputy

B) President E) Unemployed

Task 16. Which of the following applies to social institutions?

B) Labor collective E) Education system

B) Duel E) Shipping Company

D) Health care system G) Gardening society

D) State

Task No. 17. Choose one answer:

What is a social role:

A) a pattern of behavior corresponding to social status;

B) what a person would like to do in life;

C) the desire to appear before others in a certain image.

Task No. 18. Choose one answer:

What is a change in a person’s social status called?

B) career;

B) social mobility.

Task No. 19. What basic sociological concepts is associated with the concept of a social institution?

Asocial stratification. D) The set of social statuses and

B) Social processes. roles.

B) Social mobility E) Social movements.

D) Social organizations. E) Socio-demographic

Characteristics of people.

Task No. 20. Choose one answer:

Social conflict is

A) social tension,

B) struggle of opinions;

C) people’s subjective awareness of the contradictory nature of their interests,

D) conflict

Task No. 21 Choose one answer

The object of the conflict is

A) household items, cultural items,

B) a fragment of material, social, political reality that serves as the basis for this problem (territory, mineral resources, distribution of power, language, etc.);

B) a clash of interests regarding the distribution of material and other goods and benefits.

Task No. 22 What is meant by “sampling” in sociology?

A) selection of respondents,

B) choice of research methods,

C) selection of objective information.

The word “civilization” and its derivatives can mean: a) good manners, the ability to behave in society (“he was a completely civilized young

a person with excellent manners and deportment"); b) the stage of social development following savagery and barbarism; c) the state of a society that recognizes the values ​​of peace, economic prosperity, freedom, legality (“in a civilized society there is no place for violence, crime, violation of the law, disrespect for human rights”); d) a set of manifestations of culture (“ancient civilization is a unique culture that underlies the European culture of subsequent eras”); e) a set of unique economic, social, political, spiritual, moral, psychological, value and other structures that distinguish one historical community of people from others (“the economy, system of power, values, lifestyle and psychology of the people of the Middle Ages distinguished this civilization from ancient or modern"). Which of these meanings are directly related to the characteristics of the historical process? Apply these principles to the analysis of specific societies known to you

Name 6 outstanding people of our time. Explain what their merits are. I started with Tyra Banks, the famous model and TV presenter, I think that’s right

It would be nice to write JK Rowling, an outstanding writer, and then... Please help.

There are a great many people who changed the world. These are famous doctors who invented cures for diseases and learned how to perform complex operations; politicians who started wars and conquered countries; astronauts who first orbited the Earth and set foot on the Moon, and so on. There are thousands of them, and it is impossible to tell about them all. This article lists only a small part of these geniuses, thanks to whom scientific discoveries, new reforms and trends in art appeared. They are individuals who changed the course of history.

Alexander Suvorov

The great commander who lived in the 18th century became a cult person. He is a figure who influenced the course of history with his mastery of strategy and skillful planning of war tactics. His name is written in golden letters in the annals of Russian history; he is remembered as a tireless, brilliant military commander.

Alexander Suvorov devoted his entire life to battles and battles. He is a participant in seven wars, led 60 battles without knowing defeat. His literary talent manifested itself in a book in which he teaches the younger generation the art of warfare, shares his experience and knowledge. In this area, Suvorov was many years ahead of his era.

His merit lies primarily in the fact that he improved the tendencies of warfare and developed new methods of offensives and attacks. His entire science was based on three pillars: pressure, speed and eye. This principle developed the soldiers' sense of purpose, development of initiative and a sense of mutual assistance in relation to their colleagues. In battles, he always walked ahead of ordinary military men, showing them an example of courage and heroism.

Catherine II

This woman is a phenomenon. Like all other personalities who influenced the course of history, she was charismatic, strong and intelligent. She was born in Germany, but in 1744 she came to Russia as a bride for the Empress’s nephew, Grand Duke Peter the Third. Her husband was uninteresting and apathetic, they hardly communicated. Catherine spent all her free time reading legal and economic works; she was captivated by the idea of ​​the Enlightenment. Having found like-minded people at court, she easily overthrew her husband from the throne and became the full-fledged ruler of the Russian Empire.

The period of her reign is called “golden” for the nobility. The ruler reformed the Senate, took church lands into the state treasury, which enriched the state and made life easier for ordinary peasants. In this case, the influence of an individual on the course of history implies the adoption of a mass of new legislative acts. On Catherine’s account: provincial reform, expansion of the rights and freedoms of the nobility, the creation of estates following the example of Western European society and the restoration of Russia’s authority throughout the world.

Peter the First

Another ruler of Russia, who lived a hundred years earlier than Catherine, also played a huge role in the development of the state. He is not just a person who influenced the course of history. Peter 1 became a national genius. He was hailed as an educator, a “beacon of the era,” the savior of Russia, a man who opened the eyes of the common people to the European style of life and government. Remember the phrase “window to Europe”? So, it was Peter the Great who “cut through” it in spite of all the envious people.

Tsar Peter became a great reformer; his changes in state foundations at first frightened the nobility, and then aroused admiration. This is a person who influenced the course of history in that, thanks to him, progressive discoveries and achievements of Western countries were introduced into “hungry and unwashed” Russia. Peter the Great managed to expand the economic and cultural borders of his empire and conquered new lands. Russia was recognized as a great power and its role in the international arena was appreciated.

Alexander II

After Peter the Great, this was the only tsar who began to carry out such large-scale reforms. His innovations completely renewed the appearance of Russia. Like other famous personalities who changed the course of history, this ruler deserved respect and recognition. The period of his reign falls on the 19th century.

The tsar's main achievement was in Russia, which hampered the economic and cultural development of the country. Of course, Alexander the Second’s predecessors, Catherine the Great and Nicholas the First, also thought about eliminating a system very similar to slavery. But none of them decided to turn the foundations of the state upside down.

Such drastic changes occurred quite late, since a rebellion of dissatisfied people was already brewing in the country. In addition, reforms stalled in the 1880s, which angered revolutionary youth. The reformer Tsar became the target of their terror, which led to the end of the reforms and completely influenced the development of Russia in the future.


Vladimir Ilyich, a famous revolutionary, a personality who influenced the course of history. Lenin led a revolt in Russia against the autocracy. He led the revolutionaries to the barricades, as a result of which Tsar Nicholas II was overthrown and the communists came to power, whose rule spanned a century and led to significant, dramatic changes in the lives of ordinary people.

Studying the works of Engels and Marx, Lenin advocated equality and strongly condemned capitalism. The theory is good, but in reality it was difficult to implement, since the representatives of the elite still lived in luxury, while ordinary workers and peasants worked hard around the clock. But that was later, during Lenin’s time, at first glance, everything turned out the way he wanted it.

The period of Lenin's reign included such important events as the First World War, the Civil War in Russia, the cruel and absurd execution of the entire royal family, the transfer of the capital from St. Petersburg to Moscow, the founding of the Red Army, the complete establishment of Soviet power and the adoption of its first Constitution.


People who changed the course of history... On their list, the name of Joseph Vissarionovich glows in bright scarlet letters. He became the "terrorist" of his time. The establishment of a network of camps, the exile of millions of innocent people there, the execution of entire families for dissent, artificial famine - all this radically changed people's lives. Some considered Stalin to be the devil, others to be God, since it was he who at that time decided the fate of every citizen of the Soviet Union. He was neither one nor the other, of course. The intimidated people themselves put him on a pedestal. The cult of personality was created on the basis of universal fear and the blood of the innocent victims of the era.

The personality who influenced the course of history, Stalin, distinguished himself not only by mass terror. Of course, his contribution to Russian history also has a positive side. It was during his reign that the state made a powerful economic breakthrough, scientific institutions and culture began to develop. It was he who stood at the head of the army that defeated Hitler and saved all of Europe from fascism.

Nikita Khrushchev

This is a very controversial personality who influenced the course of history. His versatile nature is well demonstrated by the tombstone erected for him, which was simultaneously made of white and black stone. Khrushchev, on the one hand, was Stalin’s man, and on the other, a leader who tried to trample on the cult of personality. He began radical reforms that were supposed to completely change the bloody system, released millions of innocent prisoners from the camps, and pardoned hundreds of thousands of those sentenced to death. This period was even called the “thaw”, as persecution and terror ceased.

But Khrushchev did not know how to bring big things to the end, so his reforms can be called half-hearted. His lack of education made him a narrow-minded person, but his excellent intuition, natural common sense and political instincts helped him stay in the highest echelons of power for so long and find a way out in critical situations. It was thanks to Khrushchev that it was possible to avoid a nuclear war during and also turn the bloodiest page in the history of Russia.

Dmitriy Mendeleev

Russia gave birth to many great generalists who improved various areas of science. But Mendeleev is worth highlighting, since his contribution to its development is invaluable. Chemistry, physics, geology, economics, sociology - Mendeleev managed to study all this and open new horizons in these fields. He was also a famous shipbuilder, aeronaut and encyclopedist.

The person who influenced the course of history, Mendeleev, discovered a way to predict the appearance of new chemical elements, the discovery of which continues to this day. His table is the basis of chemistry lessons at school and university. Among his achievements is also a complete study of gas dynamics, experiments that helped to derive the equation of state of gas.

In addition, the scientist actively studied the properties of oil, developed a policy for injecting investment into the economy and proposed optimizing the customs service. Many ministers of the tsarist government used his invaluable advice.

Ivan Pavlov

Like all individuals who influenced the course of history, he was a very smart person, had a broad outlook and inner intuition. Ivan Pavlov actively used animals in his experiments, trying to identify common features of the life activity of complex organisms, including humans.

Pavlov was able to prove the diverse activity of nerve endings in the cardiovascular system. He showed how he could regulate blood pressure. He also became the discoverer of the trophic nervous function, which consists in the influence of nerves on the process of regeneration and tissue formation.

He later became involved in the physiology of the digestive tract, as a result of which he received the Nobel Prize in 1904. His main achievement is considered to be the study of the functioning of the brain, higher nervous activity, conditioned reflexes and the so-called human signal system. His works became the basis of many theories in medicine.

Mikhail Lomonosov

He lived and worked during the reign of Peter the Great. Then the emphasis was placed on the development of education and enlightenment, and the first Academy of Sciences was created in Russia, in which Lomonosov spent many of his days. He, a simple peasant, was able to rise to incredible heights, run up the social ladder and turn into a scientist, whose trail of fame stretches to this day.

He was interested in everything related to physics and chemistry. He dreamed of freeing the latter from the influence of medicine and pharmaceuticals. It was thanks to him that modern physical chemistry was born as a science and began to actively develop. In addition, he was a famous encyclopedist, studied history and wrote chronicles. He considered Peter the Great an ideal ruler, a key figure in the formation of the state. In his scientific works, he described him as an example of a mind that changed history and turned the idea of ​​the management system upside down. Through the efforts of Lomonosov, the first university in Russia was founded - Moscow. Since that time, higher education began to develop.

Yuri Gagarin

People who influenced the course of history... It is difficult to imagine their list without the name of Yuri Gagarin, the man who conquered space. Star space has attracted people for many centuries, but only in the last century did humanity begin to explore it. At that time, the technical base for such flights was already well developed.

The space age was marked by competition between the Soviet Union and the United States. The leaders of giant countries tried to show their power and superiority, and space was one of the best options to demonstrate this. In the middle of the 20th century, competition began over who could send a person into orbit the fastest. The USSR won this race. We all know the landmark date from school: April 12, 1961, the first cosmonaut flew into orbit, where he spent 108 minutes. This hero's name was Yuri Gagarin. The day after his journey into space, he woke up famous throughout the world. Although, paradoxically, I never considered myself great. Gagarin often said that in those hour and a half he did not even have time to understand what was happening to him and what his feelings were.

Alexander Pushkin

He is called "the sun of Russian poetry." He has long become a national symbol of Russia, his poems, poems and prose are highly valued and revered. And not only in the countries of the former Soviet Union, but throughout the world. Almost every city in Russia has a street, square or square named after Alexander Pushkin. Children study his work at school, devoting him not only during school hours, but also outside of school hours in the form of themed literary evenings.

This man created such harmonious poetry that it has no equal in the whole world. It was with his work that the development of new literature and all its genres began - from poetry to theatrical plays. Pushkin is read in one breath. It is characterized by accuracy and rhythm of lines, they are quickly remembered and easily recited. If we also take into account the enlightenment of this person, his strength of character and deep inner core, then we can say that he really is a person who influenced the course of history. He taught the people to speak Russian in its modern interpretation.

Other historical figures

There are so many of them that it would be impossible to list them all in one article. Here are examples of a small part of Russian figures who changed history. How many others are there? This is Gogol, and Dostoevsky, and Tolstoy. If we analyze foreign personalities, we cannot help but note the ancient philosophers: Aristotle and Plato; artists: Leonardo da Vinci, Picasso, Monet; geographers and discoverers of lands: Magellan, Cook and Columbus; scientists: Galileo and Newton; politicians: Thatcher, Kennedy and Hitler; inventors: Bell and Edison.

All these people were able to completely turn the world upside down, create their own laws and scientific discoveries. Some of them made the world a better place, while others almost destroyed it. In any case, every person on planet Earth knows their names and understands that without these individuals our life would be completely different. Reading the biographies of famous people, we often find idols for ourselves, from whom we want to take an example and be equal in all our deeds and actions.

He defended a dissertation in which he tried to find the “laws of generation” of all organic bodies, and in accordance with this, he successively considered in it “the generation of plants,” “the generation of animals,” and, finally, “the general laws of the generation of organic bodies.” Wolf made an important discovery while studying the development of stems, leaves and flowers. He discovered that at the top of each growing shoot there is a special "point or surface of growth." Before Wolff, the process of “unfolding” (evolutio) of bud, flower and leaf was a classic example of preformation. Wolf's assertion that inside every leaf bud there are no noticeable leaves, but only the “internal substance of plants”, which gives rise to the rudiments of leaves, was the starting point of a new principle of development. Another important discovery is made by K.F. Wolf, tracing the development of the flower. His doctrine of plant metamorphosis was completed in his work of the St. Petersburg period (1767), in which he states: “In the entire plant, the parts of which at first glance are so unusually diverse, I see, after a mature examination, nothing more than leaves and stems... "All parts of the plant, with the exception of the stem, are therefore only modified leaves." This doctrine of plant metamorphosis is the indisputable historical merit of K.F. Wolf. He also observed the development of an incubated chicken egg. He discovered the formation of "blood islands", which then turn into blood and blood vessels; he described the formation of limbs, primary kidneys and a number of other organs. These are Wolf's observations in brief, which allowed him to reject the theory of preformation and put forward the idea of ​​​​the true development of plants and animals. In 1767, Wolf came to Russia, and in September of the same year he presented his new work “On the formation of the intestines in the chicken” for publication. This is the most mature work of K.F. Wolf - a strictly scientific treatise, in which he refrains from hasty natural-philosophical generalizations; he formulates the general principle of the development of organs: “The part which, when completed, has an internal cavity or represents a tube or reservoir, in its original state was open and stretched in the form of a certain kind of simple plate, the edges of which were forced to fold together to form whole channel." K.F. Wolff tirelessly repeated that the patterns he discovered were “the main evidence of epigenesis.” Thanks to the collection of the Kunstkamera, he wrote numerous anatomical works, published annually for 25 years in the proceedings of the St. Petersburg Academy and wrote at least 1000 pages of descriptions of monsters that were particularly interesting, from his point of view, still unpublished.

per society:

- What place does religion occupy in your life, the life of your family, and society as a whole??

(The role of religion increases every year. We understand this when we see in the media communication between the president and the patriarch, their interaction on some issues, the presence of the president at services, the appeal of young people to religion, etc.);

Since the influence of religion on society is so great, we need to understand and see the positive and negative sides of this phenomenon.

Look at the screen. Now we will fill out the table together. I will read the thesis to you, and you will determine which column to include it in. Don't forget to fill out the table in the supporting notes. There you only need to enter the abstract numbers. Abstracts:

1 Thanks to religion, man stood out from the natural world and began to be perceived as “god-like.”

2. Religious activity can reach the point of fanaticism, religious wars aimed at exterminating infidels (Inquisition), terrorist activities justified by the laws of religion (Wahhabis).

3. Religion gives humanity moral standards, and culture, traditions, and politics are based on this.

4 . Religion helps a person find purpose and meaning in life, and find solutions to his problems.

5. Currently, many charlatans have appeared around religion who speculate on superstitions (clairvoyants, magicians), as well as sects that promote antisocial ideas, in which, for example, the family can be called “the offspring of evil.”

6. at turning points in history, when old ideals in society are destroyed and new ones have not yet taken hold, religion comes to the rescue, with its eternal, unchanging commandments

7. Religion often imposes a ban on a certain type of activity, science, or art. It fetters the creative power of people and calls for resignation to evil.

8 .Religious activity can reach the point of fanaticism, religious wars aimed at exterminating infidels (Inquisition), terrorist activities justified by the laws of religion (Wahhabis)

Conclusion: (Screen)

The role of religions in modern society is controversial, because Can

find both positive and negative sides of religious beliefs. Philosophers see the future of religion in two ways: either its role will increase, or religion will be replaced by science.

6. Consolidation of acquired knowledge.( screen)

Questions for consolidation: You have blitz survey cards on your desks. You need to answer 5 questions within three minutes.

Why are there many different religions?

Which religions are world religions and why?

What is the basis of religion?

What is the role of religion in modern society?

What is the future of religion?

I will ask you to hand over all the blitz survey cards to me.

7. Homework: (screen)

1. Understand the lecture materials.

2. Logical task:

8. Summing up. It was a pleasure to work with you, goodbye.

Basic notes for lecture No. 14 “Religion as a cultural phenomenon”

1. The concept of religion, a brief description of world religions.

2. Positive and negative influence of religions on society.

Exercise. Fill out the table by reading the abstracts (only the numbers of the proposed abstracts can be entered into the table).