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Article by lawyer Igor Murzin: sacred sacrifice. Independent investigation into the murder of Nemtsov. Complete reconstruction of the Nemtsov murder scene

Almost every year new versions of the assassination of John Kennedy and new candidates for the role of Jack the Ripper appear. Private researchers not only indulge in fantasies, but also draw the public’s attention to both unwitting mistakes of law enforcement agencies and deliberate concealment of facts. In Russia, such a wave of private investigations was caused by the mysterious death of Dyatlov’s tour group in 1959.

St. Petersburg lawyer Igor Murzin decided to conduct a private investigation into the most notorious political crimes of recent years. He is convinced that the murders of Anna Politkovskaya, Boris Nemtsov and Pavel Sheremet are connected.

In all three cases, according to Murzin, we are talking about so-called “sacred sacrifices.”

This phrase was uttered by Vladimir Putin in 2012, and Boris Nemtsov responded to his words like this: “I take Putin’s words very seriously. If one of the high-ranking security officers (and there are no former security officers), to whom all special services are subordinate, says that “An attempt is being prepared on the life of one of the opposition leaders, this means that, firstly, he has information that this attempt is being prepared, and if he does not prevent such an attempt, then this means that he organized it.”

Igor Murzin is convinced that the version of the murder of Boris Nemtsov, which is now perceived as the main one, is completely false. “Zaur Dadaev, brothers Anzor and Shadid Gubashev, Tamerlan Eskerkhanov, Khamzat Bakhaev. Beslan Shavanov have nothing to do with the murder,” he writes, and “they controlled and ensured the course of the murder at all stages” by Russian special services.

The already published part of Igor Murzin’s investigation occupies more than a hundred pages, and a continuation is being prepared. The author prudently left Russia, fearing for his life.

The reaction to Murzin's article is contradictory. Tens of thousands of people have read it, and many commentators share the author’s conclusions (“This is the most qualified and reliable investigation into the murder of B. Nemtsov. Using just two videos in which an ordinary person sees nothing, the author has reconstructed an almost complete picture of the murder”). “Material about the murder of Boris Nemtsov, answering many questions hanging in the air. The frighteningly vast text is the necessary outline for a detailed presentation of the theory, the confirmation of which could serve as a detonator for the explosion of Putin’s system of rule,” Garry Kasparov is convinced (Murzin’s article “The Sacred Sacrifice” was published on website blocked in Russia). “He came up with an illiterate story, he is leading public opinion somewhere towards a global plan, deflecting the blow from high-ranking officers of the Vostok battalion,” retorts Dmitry Muratov, editor-in-chief of Novaya Gazeta.

So, according to Igor Murzin, “the real perpetrators are the special services, and some of the perpetrators took an active part in both special operations: both in the murder of Politkovskaya and in the murder of Nemtsov.” At the same time, “in the murder of Nemtsov, everything went wrong from the very beginning... In terms of the degree of absurdity and mistakes made, it certainly goes beyond all possible limits and is number one on the list of failures of all special services.”

Igor Murzin proves that up to four dozen people were involved in the operation to monitor Nemtsov and organize the murder. It is curious that a person with completely different views comes to the same conclusion - Igor Girkin-Strelkov. According to the GRU officer, this was a carefully worked out operation in which “a very large support group” participated.

Analyzing the indictment, the testimony of car registrators and the video chronicle of the murder, Igor Murzin reconstructed the tragedy of February 27, 2015 on the Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Bridge. Answering questions from Radio Liberty, he did not hide the fact that he was outraged by the incompetence of journalists who did not want to notice contradictions and blindly trusted the official version.

Igor Georgievich,Why did you take on this investigation?

– I am a lawyer, specializing in road accidents, many of my clients drive with DVRs, I have to dig up these things. I win most cases. I know weapons well, in this case the Makarov pistol, because I served in the army and participated in shooting competitions. All this helped me create a clear picture of Nemtsov’s “sacred murder.” Using my experience, I come to completely different conclusions.

Are you convinced that there is a whole conspiracy of choice?" sacred victims" and eliminating the opposition?

- This is true. It's a long story and it started almost 10 years ago. I have collected a huge amount of material, and I hope all of this will be published. But for now I would not like to anticipate events.

Dmitry Muratov spoke very harshly about your publicationsin particular in the Politkovskaya case.

“But he didn’t deny me anything.” Refute it, present something specific!

Why do you think that Dadaev’s confession cannot be trusted and that the Chechens are not involved in this at all?

– It is obvious that everything that Dadaev said to the investigator was written under dictation. He's not in the video at all. Look carefully: how did he get onto the bridge? He started moving from GUM and then begins to move along the bridge. How did he get on the bridge? After all, he couldn’t get there without passing video cameras, there were at least two: a double camera hanging on the GUM building, overlooking Ilyinka, he had to go there anyway, and there is also a TVC recording. Both there and there he is not. Plus there is a video recorder, from which it is also clear that no one is moving behind Nemtsov and Duritskaya. That is, this is an absolute lie. As they moved across the bridge, the shooter was already waiting there.

If you read the indictment, the dispute between the defense and the investigation is about some kind of abstraction. One states that I was not directly on the bridge, I was busy with something else - an alibi, and the second claims: no, you were driving there, you were driving here. But there is no answer to the main question: where was Mr. Dadaev at 23.31? How did he get on the bridge? That is, the indictment says exactly what I claim: they have no evidence that Mr. Dadaev was directly on the bridge. There were two shooters! I prove that the first shooter fired a shot in the back, and this shot was blind. The next three belong to the second shooter, and they were through. If all the shots were fired from ten meters, how did the first bullet get stuck in Nemtsov’s body, but the others did not? How can it be? Nobody can explain it. I explained everything in detail, with all the details. For example, ask a specialist a question about the nature of the shot in the stomach, any specialist will answer you: this shot could not have been fired further than from a distance of one meter. This is simply impossible, it is directly written in criminology textbooks. I assert that at least 10 of the 50 examinations carried out by the investigation these are complete fakes, including the one that says they were shot from a distance of 10 meters. And the most important conclusion is that Dadaev was not there, and even if he was, he is not a murderer.

Who was it?

– The second person was “witness” Viktor M., I am 90% sure, but only Mrs. Duritskaya can guarantee this 100%, she was there, she saw their faces. I can prove that she saw both the first and second person who shot.

– It seems to me that thoughts about Duritskayaone of the weak links in your constructions. Do you think that she also participated in the conspiracy...

– Not exactly, she did not participate in the conspiracy.

But in your opinionlured Nemtsov to the bridge.

“She’s just a small fry, she was given a task, she had absolutely no idea what would happen,” I declare this with all confidence in my article. If she had known, she would not have participated in this. Strelkov talks about the same thing, we both agree that it was used in secret.

Just to lure him onto the bridge?

“There was no other way he could have ended up there.” Moreover, he also walked on the right side of the bridge, not on the left, and this is also important. If you noticed, at first there was an idea, he supposedly walked from Red Square, but he could not walk from Red Square. It takes longer to go around the bridge on the right side; you walk in a straight line, unless it is blocked. I've been there several times, sometimes it's blocked and you have to walk from Red Square, but that's further. If they are coming from GUM, along Ilyinka, they should go down and go to the left side, because he lives on the left side. All the locals walk this way. But he went down the wrong side. It was necessary not only to drive him onto the bridge, but in such a way that he would walk on this side. Because the snowplow would not be able to complete its task, it would go in the other direction, against his movement, but in this case it was necessary for it to go on his side, but that’s the problem.

INYou want everything to follow logic, but life is full of accidents. For some reason he wanted to go to the other side. You never know what happened, just a coincidence....

“But if you add up all these accidents, there are too many of them.” The probability that I will win a billion dollars two times in a row in Sportloto is zero. Let's gather mathematicians, calculate all these probabilities that turned out so well that a car came, there was no one on the bridge, chance turned up and the killer shot. Such a case cannot pop up like this. Dadaev walked undressed. He's the only one wearing a sweatshirt, and it's winter. And so he had to go from GUM and wait for this opportunity to arise. Do you believe this? I don't believe. There are too many coincidences. You can talk about two, three, ten, but there are a hundred of them! There are too many incredible things. The man was driving a filthy ZAZ, and the cameras recorded that he was driving a brand new Mercedes. How to explain this? Changed cars, ran, and then shot Nemtsov? Why didn't you put on your coat? How did he carry the weapon? Amateurs eat all this calmly, and they digest it quite well. But I can’t digest it, because I can’t imagine how it’s possible. Strelkov-Girkin comes to exactly the same conclusion as I do, only we stand at different poles. He says that this is a sacred sacrifice, also a conspiracy, only by the SBU. I am a bloodhound, my job is to look, and he is a person familiar with the details, we both conclude that there could not be loners, psychopaths, fanatics, 4-5 people there. There are specialists who will shoot six times in a second. At least two or three will hit, no more will hit even from ten meters. And if a simple person shoots, he will never hit from ten meters within one second. However, if you shoot at a target six times in one second, how can you shoot from the same position in the back, in the side, in the stomach? How can you even imagine this?

That is, they shot when Nemtsov fell?

- Of course, but how else? Here they write to you: from ten meters he extended his hand and fired six times. Imagine how he could shoot six times in two seconds (he was gone for two seconds in total)? How can you shoot first in the back, then hit in the stomach, then hit two more under the arm? That is, he had to run up, throw Duritskaya aside, remove his hand from this place, because she was in the way. This is exactly how the shot was reproduced, only not immediately, but three minutes later. Where else did the traces of gunpowder come from?

You can see from the video that people are standing there. Novaya Gazeta claims that they just stood there, like they were watching Nemtsov. Nothing like this! They knew that a murder was taking place at that moment. They didn’t just stand there, they turned their backs, they turned around and looked, because they knew that at that very moment a murder was happening, they controlled it, that’s all. This suggests that there was a conspiracy. The question is whose conspiracy, we can argue about this. Of course, the debate will be that it is the SBU, that it is the CIA, that it is aliens, but the fact is clear that more people participated in the murder than 4-5 people, as they are trying to imagine us. Strelkov has the same idea.

Why do you think that such experienced people were so easily deceived?

– Who do you call an experienced person?

Muratov and his employees.

– Not a single journalist who wrote about Nemtsov’s murder was an experienced person. These articles are amateurish talk; people do not understand what they are writing. They say that everything has been checked there, that all the evidence is known and that I am casting a shadow over the fence...

Why are you convinced that these are Russian special services?

This was done in order to frame Ukraine. How else? Vladimir Vladimirovich gave a definition of what sacred murder is: “to kill,” as he puts it, someone famous. Moreover, in such a way that they think about someone else, so that the authorities are not framed in this matter. The goal is not to kill, but to transfer the arrows to someone else. This is what I see.

– So, according to your version, Putin organized the murder?

It is clear that this could not have happened without the participation of the special services, primarily the FSO. And this could not have happened without the participation of the FSB, and therefore Bortnikov. Logically, the organizers are at least these two people. But could Putin not know about this? I can’t say 100% that he organized it, but who then? We are arguing with Mr. Strelkov about which service organized this. The fact that this is a special service, This is clear, but whose? He claims that it is the SBU, I claim that it is the Russian special service. I believe that today there are two versions - one is mine, the other is Mr. Strelkov. That is, there is a dispute about whose group it was.

– Still, the main version is Chechen.

I believe that there is no such version at all. It is not based on evidence. What evidence do you have that these are Chechens? There isn't a single one. This is all unfounded, a bubble is being created, PR is being inflated. Until they are gone, there is nothing to talk about.

– You are going to develop your version in the next publications and name the customer. Are you afraid to continue your investigation?

Afraid. That's why I left Russia. I'm really afraid, really afraid, and I have every reason to be afraid.

And actually, I was going to publish this material as a final one on the last day of the trial, but now I decided to replay it a little. Firstly, because with the end of the 23rd day of the trial, everything is already clear to me and there are no dark spots left for me. And secondly, I strongly feel that every day of delay in publishing this material cannot promise anything good in terms of personal safety, where the principle “better late than never” is bad because you may simply not live to see “later” and therefore, if you want to broach such juicy topics, it's always better to do it sooner rather than later.

And here, before I name these names, as always, a small digression. First, a small review of the film by Andrei Piontkovsky and Leonid Martynyuk
and where is my main complaint against the authors, that it was made in the absence of any connection with the circumstances of Nemtsov’s murder already known to them at the time of the film’s release (for example, that Nemtsov was killed not in the back, but in the stomach and chest). And the second is the absence of any motivating part for the authors’ assertion that it was Putin who ordered the murder of Nemtsov. For, if he ordered the murder, then what was his interest?

In this connection, let the filmmakers forgive me, but in the absence of these two main components, their conclusions do not seem so convincing, not for me personally (everything has been clear to me for a long time), but primarily for the audience to whom they are appealing. And therefore, by way of constructive criticism, I would like to add my two cents: what is true in this film and what is far from true.

Briefly, for those who don’t know what we’re talking about, I’ll inform you that the website writes about the film, the film is based on the idea that:

“The organizers of the murder of Boris Nemtsov were the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov, the head of the National Guard Viktor Zolotov, close to Russian President Vladimir Putin, and Vladimir Putin himself is the mastermind of this crime.”

While, if compared with my conclusions, then in general I agree with the authors, but only by a third.

  • So, I certainly agree with them that the murder of Nemtsov could not have taken place without the direct participation of the FSO. For it simply could not be otherwise, because this can never happen!
  • Likewise, I agree that Vladimir Vladimirovich is the mastermind behind Nemtsov’s murder.
  • But as for the third question, could Ramzan Akhmatovich have been among the organizers of the murder? My version completely excludes this.

And actually why, let’s start with this third question. Where is the simplest and most obvious answer, this is because Chechens accused of murder have nothing to do with him, i.e. they are not performers. And if there are no Chechen performers, then what could Ramzan Kadyrov organize and with whom? And that means the only thing that could be imputed to him as complicity is that he handed over his name and, above all, to the security officers for long-term use to use it on Instagram to create a certain image of a horror story among the public. Remember? “Kadyrov’s Instagram” threatened Venediktov. “Kadyrov’s Instagram” argued with Russian security forces. “Kadyrov’s Instagram” trolled Yashin about his alleged participation in the murder of Nemtsov, etc., etc. While you must admit, playing the role of the organizer of Nemtsov’s murder and being one are, as they say in Odessa, two big differences.

And therefore, in this regard, the filmmakers and I are at different poles, where, unlike me, they seem to still believe in the official version, according to which Nemtsov was killed with 5 shots in the back, the perpetrators were Chechens, and Kadyrov was the secret organizer.

While I am sure that the image of Kadyrov is cultivated on Instagram, it is cultivated because it is only an image. The image of a kind of “bad guy”, to which you can always turn the arrows in any case in life. Or more simply put in the game of security officers, Kadyrov takes the role of a regular lightning rod, where if plan “a” fails, you can always launch plan “b”.

And from here, if we move on to the customers and the organizer and consider Vladimir Vladimirovich number one, then it’s time to talk about motives: What goals did he set for himself and for the organizers in connection with the murder of Nemtsov? And I see only three of these, and if they were arranged according to priority, then I would arrange them as follows. The first and certainly the main task in connection with the murder of Nemtsov is to prove to everyone (and to some extent to oneself) that the sinister plans "abroad" harm Russia - they exist.

Let me remind you once again that Vladimir Solovyov first announced this topic in 2004, and Vladimir Vladimirovich developed and promoted it in 2006 in connection with the murder of Politkovskaya:

“We have reliable information that some people hiding from Russian justice have long been harboring the idea of ​​sacrificing someone to harm Russia.”

Then he spoke about the same thing again in 2011, and look with what conviction he did it:

“I know this technique. For ten years now, they have been trying to apply it, first of all, those whositting abroad . I'm telling you this exactly. I know this. They are even looking for a so-called “sacred victim” from among some notable people. They will kill themselves, sorry, and then they will blame the authorities. There are such people there, they are capable of anything. I’m telling you without any exaggeration.”

Those. more than 10 years have passed, and Vladimir Vladimirovich talks about sinister plans those who are sitting "Abroad" He keeps talking and talking, but the “sacred sacrifice” still doesn’t come and doesn’t come (you know, like in children’s matinees, the children have already shouted ten times: “Light up the Christmas tree!”, They’re tired of shouting, but it still doesn’t light up and doesn’t light up). And what happens? Is Vladimir Vladimirovich a liar and a windbag? Where is the evidence that the plans "abroad" harm Putin and Russia - do they exist?

And therefore, I repeat, the murder of a politician as proof of the existence of the “Sacred Sacrifice” plans carried out “abroad” - this was task No. 1 that Putin set before the organizers, and all the others were already derivatives of it, which had to be solved in a complex. Where by task No. 2 and the word “abroad” was meant Ukraine and their “American minions”, and by goal No. 3 and the person on whom the choice should have fallen (sacred victim) was meant Boris Nemtsov.

At the same time, what I also drew attention to is the conviction with which Vladimir Vladimirovich says, “ It’s not at all a fact that a person should be killed" For even from his intonation as he says it, it is easy to notice that he is absolutely sincere in his considerations, and that if he gave the order to kill Nemtsov, it was certainly not because of personal hostility, but something like he ordered, in connection With "production necessity". Like that, killing Nemtsov was simply necessary to unite the nation against the machinations of the damned “abroad”, so that they (Russian citizens) would have a better idea of ​​the danger that threatens them, in much the same way as Putin himself imagines this danger.

And hence, when discussing the mental component of GDP, in relation to the murder of Boris Nemtsov, one cannot fail to mention another interesting feature of it, which, unfortunately, the authors of the film also did not notice.

For having said “A” and calling Putin the organizer of the murder, is it strange that the authors completely lost sight of “B”? Have they really forgotten or not understood what Vladimir Vladimirovich meant when he once said: “Come to me, Banderlogs”? But you must admit that not everyone can say this, but only either a very self-confident person, or an overly self-confident one and who knows perfectly well not only his own worth, but, above all, those whom he calls banderlogs. And if anyone hasn’t understood yet, “Banderlogs”, in Putin’s qualification, are not 86% of Russians who are pro-Putinists (he most likely simply calls them cattle), but just the remaining 14%, i.e. this is me, and the late Nemtsov, and the authors of the film under discussion and everyone, everyone, everyone who reads these lines... in short, all of us who are among the 14% are “banderlogs” and the challenge “come to me, I’ll fuck you” - addressed specifically to us!

And if so, does anyone seriously think that VVP, being the organizer of Nemtsov’s murder, if something goes wrong and the slightest danger arises, will not create some kind of PR reason to try to shift the arrows to someone else, or at least take them away from you?

But they didn’t guess right! On the contrary, if such a PR project had not followed, I would have perceived this fact as any lack of participation in the murder of Nemtsov by VVP. Because misleading public opinion is his signature style, one might say, his calling card. He always does this(and the fact that this is so, I can write a book in 20 volumes) and therefore this is the easiest way to calculate his participation or non-participation. There is a big PR project to transfer the arrows to someone else - that means he participated. But no, then sorry, not this time.

And in this case, I am ready to correct this annoying mistake for the authors and present such evidence, as well as indicate the place where such stuffing usually takes place. And if anyone hasn’t understood yet, then this place is Echo of Moscow. This can be said to be a training ground for stuffing and shaping public opinion of Banderlogs. And now we look at the chronology. The murder happened late in the evening of February 27, and already in the morning of the next day there was an information attack on Banderlogs on all fronts with the prevailing opinion that Nemtsov’s murder was the implementation of the long-nurtured “Sacred Sacrifice” plan and the organizers abroad (in Ukraine). But literally one day passes and a video from the TVC appears, and then the video from the recorder and the Internet simply explodes with all sorts of bad guesses, and what’s worst is that Banderlog takes a completely different track than what was so carefully palmed off on it in the first days. And then it was as if someone switched a switch in the media, from discussing the sacred victim and Ukraine, everyone switched to forecasts that the criminals had been identified and that they would be caught.

And then March 8th came, literally from the very morning until the end of the day there was a news flow about the arrested Chechens. In parallel with this, “Kadyrov’s Instagram” started working at full capacity (and let me remind you that “Kadyrov’s Instagram” and Kadyrov himself are not at all the same thing), which stated that, in fact, Chechens are patriots of Russia. And until the end of the day, these two news continued to appear on Echo in a checkerboard pattern. Those. Banderlog from Echo of Moscow received the first hefty dose of injection into the brain.

And then, literally the next day, March 9, a new attack, now from the VVP, about awarding Kadyrov the Order of the Badge of Honor, began on fertile ground. And then there is another one, from Dmitry Peskov, who, as if in secret, informs the Banderlogs that, in fact, the awarding of Kadyrov was planned not for the arrest of the Chechens, but a little earlier, and this coincided.

And further in fact, we read on Echo all 290 comments of Banderlogs and we think, isn’t Vladimir Vladimirovich a genius after this?(perhaps someone gets aesthetic pleasure from rereading "War and Peace", and I am rereading these comments for the tenth time).

And if you are a reasonable person, you understand that the story of awarding Kadyrov an order immediately after the capture of the supposedly “Chechen perpetrators”, the altercation between “Kadyrov’s Instagram” with the security forces and Yashin, the throwing of cake at Kasyanov and other nonsense - this is the very sought-after misinformation , which absolutely proves that Vladimir Vladimirovich is in business. And that means, if you are a real pathfinder, then having discovered such misinformation (which you were looking for and knew that it would certainly follow), you should turn around and start searching in the opposite direction.

And again, to justify the authors of the film, I will once again remind you that it was much easier for me, because unlike everyone else, I already knew on March 1, 2015 that the Chechens had nothing to do with the murder and therefore Under no circumstances can Kadyrov be either the customer or the organizer. And now that we know about Putin how about the customer(and once again I remind the customer not of Nemtsov’s murder, but of a much larger scale action, as the customer presentation of irrefutable evidence that he, Putin, is not an empty talker and plans abroad to discredit Russia, they really exist) it’s time to talk about the organizers who should have first organized such “evidence” and secondly presented it.

And here, if we are talking about the scale of the task assigned to the organizers, then from here we must state again and again that Kadyrov, with all due respect to him, is not one of them. For to kill Nemtsov - yes, in theory he could organize it, but to discredit Ukraine (for example, to find Nemtsov a Ukrainian fashion model, a Ukrainian car, a pistol and other props) is, excuse me, a task not on his scale. And this means that if Putin is the orderer, then only the top officials of the FSO and FSB could be involved in the implementation of such a task, with the involvement of their special forces for execution, and the fact that at least two dozen people took part in the murder of Nemtsov is direct evidence of this.

And in this I see the main contradiction of the film's authors. On the one hand, they see and agree that the scale of Nemtsov’s murder, the number of people involved, definitely does not correspond to Kadyrov’s level. Kadyrov turned off the cameras on the bridge, blocked the traffic of pedestrians and cars, organized a garbage collection vehicle as a screen, forbade Duritskoy to call the ambulance and the police while Nemtsov was being finished off, pushed cars with recorders into the left lane, placed a bunch of observers on all sides, the investigation and He directs the prosecutor at the trial and puts pressure on the witnesses to the fullest, so that more than half of them did not even appear in court? (you can read about all this here)
Of course no. Just as it would also be a big misconception to say that such a grandiose scale action could only be organized by two former FSO officers, Murov and Zolotov, as stated in the film.

Nothing of the kind, the scale of the forces involved clearly indicates that everyone whom VVP trusts should have taken part in the implementation of the “Sacred Sacrifice” plan: the FSO, the FSB, and even the FSIN. And the fact that this is so, that there should be many more people on the list of organizers of Nemtsov’s murder than two, I will now try to prove to you.

In my investigation “The Sacred Sacrifice” I have a part dedicated to the recording from the video recorder and the transcript of radio communications that were strangely recorded at the moment when the owner of the recorder was passing by a garbage truck.

Let me remind you what I first heard there:

48 sec. 1st vote. - Your (nrzb) question (?) .....
50 sec. 2nd voice: - he shot back in plain sight...
51 sec. 1st voice: - well, here..... at the clients?...... it opened there..... do we need something?
56 sec. 3rd voice: - at the seventh side.... shooting

And since the dialogue that I cited sounds like complete nonsense, it is clear that I did not do the decoding very correctly and that is why I turned to specialists on the Internet to help me with this audio recording and with its decoding. And as you understand, such specialists were found and responded. And they helped a lot. Where the first author described in some detail what could happen with the sounds and the most important conclusion that he made was that that the garbage collector contained a very powerful transmitting radio station, which extinguished all the radios around.

As for the details of the conversation, the experts recommended that I turn the equalizer on my own and try different listening speeds. And you know, it helped! If you listen not at normal speed, and at a slightly slower speed, half of normal (0.5 in the settings on YouTube) then the conversation in some places just becomes absolutely clear and this is what I now heard from the conversation:

48 sec. 1st vote. - Your (nrzb) question, report (?) .....
50 sec. 2nd voice: - he shot back out of sight...
51 sec. 1st voice: - well, you go to Kornienko, there will be an opportunity to report, there is one hundred and twelve...

And here is what is important according to the above analysis. What I initially heard was "at clients" - in fact it turned out "to Kornienko", and instead “what do we need”- I heard "there's one hundred and twelve". And that changes everything radically. If earlier the conversation seemed like meaningless gobbledygook, now it becomes quite meaningful. But the most important thing is the surname “Kornienko,” which sounds absolutely clear on the recording. And the fact that this name sounds exactly like this was confirmed to me by readers. And what’s important is that I didn’t choke anyone with questions about whether they heard the name Kornienko there? But he simply asked what they heard on the recording and this dialogue was almost one-to-one confirmed, though only up to the word “ to report" Last three words: " there's one hundred and twelve“No one hears except me.

And then you start working with this name and the very first line of Google in the search for “Kornienko” gives you FSB Colonel General Gennady Kornienko, who at the time of Nemtsov’s murder was in the position of director of the FSIN and he was the same for the period from 2001 to 2002 was deputy director of the FSO, Evgeniy Murov, along with Viktor Zolotov, who had a similar position as first deputy. Those. All these people were not just like that, but were part of the inner circle of Putin’s most trusted people.

And you will tell me here, you will think, somewhere, somehow on the bridge, the name Kornienko was randomly “overlaid” and recorded in the registrar, and why should we believe that this is the same Kornienko, Murov’s former deputy?

And I will answer you that, firstly, not every surname Kornienko can so easily, randomly sound on a bridge in a radio transmitter, which extinguishes all radio receivers around within a radius of 200 m, and even more so sound in a dialogue “he shot out of sight”, and even more so at the time of Nemtsov’s murder, and especially when we ourselves see perfectly well that he shot out of sight.

And therefore, further, we are trying to double-check our guesses, or maybe everything is correct and by definition no other name Kornienko, except Colonel General of the FSB, could appear there? And so we are trying to trace his fate from the date of his appointment as director of the Federal Penitentiary Service in 2012 and remember that he came there for a reason, but after the scandalous dismissal of the previous director, Alexander Reimer, and the initiation of a criminal case against him for misappropriation of the budget. But as we learn from the press, Kornienko, after two years in this position, has the same problems and there are persistent rumors that in the near future he will face resignation, and in the future the same imprisonment as Reimer, since the Accounts Chamber discovered that he was even more thefts in the FSIN

And then we read how the clouds are gathering over Kornienko:

“At the beginning of September 2014, the head of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation, Gennady Kornienko, went on vacation. According to eyewitnesses, immediately after this, Vladislav Tsaturov began telling his associates and some heads of the regional Federal Penitentiary Service that his boss would not return back. They say that on September 30 he will celebrate his birthday "(Kornienko will turn 60 years old), after which he will be retired. And in October, as eyewitnesses predicted, Tsaturov, a new head of the FSIN - his protege - will be appointed."

At the same time, you need to understand what the position of director of the Federal Penitentiary Service actually is and what battles for this position are going on under the carpet. And that in fact this department is like a state within a state with an annual budget that exceeds both the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education and even the budget of some countries, and taking into account the upcoming injections there, according to information

“2.3 trillion rubles will be allocated for large-scale reform of penitentiary institutions within the framework of the state program “Justice” for 2014–2020,”

And this is only officially white money, and the shadow money that is extorted from the inmates and their relatives is no less in scale. From this we can assume that the person who has to master all these gigantic sums will certainly become not just a rich person by the time he retires, but a multimillionaire, not in rubles, but in dollars. And let’s look again, when did all this talk about the speedy removal of Kornienko start? And just in fact, at the same time as Kadyrov’s men allegedly decided to kill Nemtsov, i.e. in October 2014, which means that in addition to just the mention of Kornienko’s name in the video recorder, we found some other amazing coincidences here that are unlikely things just happen in life.

But further, it turned out that General Tsaturov, who managed to buzz the ears of his subordinates that the removal of Kornienko was a resolved issue and that this was supposedly personally announced to him in the highest offices, ended up being disgraced. Exactly 10 days after the murder of Nemtsov on March 9, 2015, or just on the day Kadyrov was awarded the Order of Honor, it turns out that the main prize from Putin’s hands was received not by Kadyrov or Tsaturov, but by Kornienko, because his main competitor was fired was allegedly promised by the presidential administration. And thus, the sovereign owner of the Federal Penitentiary Service, who will master these wonderful 2.3 trillion. rubles - it will be he, Kornienko.

And what do you think, where did Kornienko point his skis immediately after Putin reconfirmed his powers? And just to the city of Grozny to Kadyrov. March 18, 2015, Grozny TV reports this news

about the negotiations between Kadyrov and Kornienko. What could Kadyrov and the head of the Federal Penitentiary Service talk about? Well, of course, not about award weapons, but as I assume about Dadaev and the company, where Kornienko was supposed to act as a kind of mediator and guarantor from the Kremlin and how he could calm Kadyrov, enraged by the arrest of his people. And where I think he should have informed him, firstly, about the implementation of plan “B”, where Kadyrov’s people will be destined for the role of a lightning rod and secondly, to guarantee the conditions of their detention (a detention center no worse than three stars with a TV and a refrigerator) and where the main assurances that Kadyrov should have received under the full responsibility of the new-old head of the FSIN is that Kadyrov’s men will not suffer in any way, and literally the next day after the verdict comes into force they will be sent to Chechnya with good compensation for the inconvenience caused. And actually the whole scenario of how this will happen, I have already described here and, by the way, which was worked out under the same Kornienko.

But the strange coincidences around the name Kornienko again do not end there. If we look at his award lists, we will find out that during his entire service, he received his only order, the Order of Alexander Nevsky, not just once, but in 2015! And here everything would be fine, but at the same time we learn that Viktor Zolotov received exactly the same order, but only issued by Putin’s secret decree without announcing the date. And we somehow immediately build a logical chain from here: the name Kornienko, in connection with the murder of Nemtsov, did not shine or bow anywhere, while the name Zolotov, on the contrary, bowed and continues to bow on every corner, including in the film I mentioned “It’s not at all a fact that a person should be killed” and therefore, if VVP really wanted to thank both, then it is logical to assume that he thanked them on the same day, November 24, 2015, but one officially, and the other had to be formalized by a secret decree so as not to attract increased attention to him.

Similarly, we know about the secret awards of Bortnikov and Patrushev, but no one knows when and for what they were awarded.

Let me summarize. If only the murder of Boris Nemtsov was organized not against him personally, but as a “sacred sacrifice” and as part of a large campaign to discredit Ukraine and the United States, then such a murder would not have been possible to organize either Ramzan Kadyrov or even Viktor Zolotov mentioned in the film and Evgeniy Murov, and such a murder could only be organized at the state level and only in the coordination of all the special services subordinate to Putin, including even the Federal Penitentiary Service (and what would one do without him, if there is an urgent need to include plan “B”?).

As for the version that among the organizers of Nemtsov’s murder could have been Kadyrov, Geremeev, Mukhudinov, or whomever I have not yet listed? So guys, let's be realistic. You grabbed onto this idea precisely because you didn’t notice how it was sold to you... by Putin himself, in order to take the traces away from himself. And by the way, he only succeeded halfway, because in the film he was still called the customer. So re-read this text again and agree that I am right. And if not... then I'm willing to bet.

P.S. This material, like the previous one, is in the order of Art. 205.6 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, on liability for failure to report a committed or impending crime, which is an encroachment on the life of a state or public figure, is drawn up in the form of a statement of crime and sent for review in accordance with Art. 141 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for consideration and decision-making on the merits.

Murder Boris Nemtsov February 27, 2015 under the walls of the Kremlin remains the main event of recent months, and even years, because it is the key to understanding how power works in Russia.

Recently a study by a lawyer from St. Petersburg appeared Igor Murzin“Sacred Sacrifice”, in which he examines in great detail, I would say meticulously, the events of that fateful night, based on two videos that were released into the public space.

The main conclusion from his analysis, with which we can certainly agree, is that the Chechens detained as perpetrators have nothing to do with Nemtsov’s murder. But that is why this text was met, according to the statement Andrey Piontkovsky, “deathly silence of the media,” because this contradicts the main version of the Investigative Committee, that Chechens were involved in the murder of Nemtsov. True, following Piontkovsky’s statement, the Internet community stirred slightly, which, unfortunately, did not go in vain for Andrei Andreevich and the house of his loved ones; Andrei Andreevich himself wisely left Russia, investigators came in with a search.

The second important conclusion in Murzin's text is that all the witnesses who are known to the public - Duritskaya, the driver of the garbage truck, the passerby with headphones who first discovered the body, as well as all the other passers-by whose silhouettes are visible on the videotape - are all in one or the other are otherwise accomplices or perpetrators of a crime. According to various experts, including even Igor Strelkov, the number of participants in this operation ranges from 20 to 40 people. Their functions were to monitor the crime scene, block the flow of cars at the right time, block random passers-by on the bridge, lead the victim to the right place, coordinate all events, and also, I'll add on my own behalf, creating a false cover legends. Nobody mentions the latter anywhere, and it is cover legends that are the main elements of all operations carried out by intelligence services of all countries of the world.

Another conclusion made by Murzin, but many others talk about this - Kremlin intelligence agencies are involved in the murder. Novaya Gazeta writes that the general was involved in the murder Victor Zolotov, who used Chechens close to him and Kadyrov. Writes about this Andrey Piontkovsky, which although does not doubt the involvement of Chechens in the murder, but also states that the matter could not have happened without the Kremlin’s special services. About the same speaks And Igor Strelkov. And many many others. Because we assume that not a single camera located in the zone direct responsibility of the FSO did not record Nemtsov and Duritskaya walking across the square past the Kremlin, nor the very moment of the murder on the Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Bridge, NOT POSSIBLE. This is simply impossible! One can only assume that for some reason these recordings are not shown to the public. But then other questions arise - why? It is the answers and assumptions to these questions that make one doubt the main version put forward by the Investigative Committee, that “the perpetrators are Chechens.”

Cover legend.

But let's return to the concept of "cover legend". What we actually have:

1. On March 27, 2015, Friday, at 8 o’clock in the evening, Nemtsov was on the program “Echo of Moscow” in the program of Ksenia Larina and Vitaly Dymarsky “Spring Revival: will the opposition return to the political field?” The program ended at 21 o’clock.

2. We have a certificate Ksenia Larina, which she made on her Facebook March 2, 2015: “Then the three of us (Borya, Dymarsky and I) went down in the elevator. We went out into the street. On to the dark Arbat. We kissed. And Borya went left - to the paid parking lot.” It was approximately 21:15.

3. At 21.45 Nemtsov gave a telephone interview to the Ukrainian radio station Radio Vesti. He spoke about Nadezhda Savchenko and the upcoming rally in Maryino. From the sound of his voice, with a slight gasp, one can assume that he was walking leisurely, talking as he walked.

4. At 23:31 his dead body lay on the Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Bridge. Literally half an hour later, or even less, it became known in the media that Boris Nemtsov had been killed. We have numerous testimonies from operators who arrived at the scene. In the video clips we see Nemtsov’s body lying on the asphalt of the bridge. From a distance, but quite clearly, we see forensic scientists working around the body. We can clearly see a wound on the body on the chest under the left nipple. We note for ourselves that there was no blood under the body. This can be seen by how the forensic girls move freely around the lying body. The same fact, the fact of the absence of blood, was noted by many commentators who watched the actions of forensic scientists in a live broadcast. Then the body was packed in a plastic bag and loaded into a special vehicle. The place where the body lay was carefully treated with some special compound and washed with a stream of water from a sprinkler.

Actually, that’s all we have from actual data. I think that Ksenia Larina can be trusted and the version that “Nemtsov was dunked in the office of the editor-in-chief of Ekho Moskvy Venidiktov” can be excluded from consideration. (Joke) The Ukrainian radio station is also, perhaps, trustworthy.

Everyone else can't be trusted. No one! Neither Duritskaya, nor the driver of the garbage truck, nor the witness in headphones who first came across the body. All their testimony must be attributed to cover legend, which must exist, and, therefore, which can be isolated and discarded as a deliberately false construction.

Was there blood?
Visually, in the photos and live video clips, there is no blood under the body.
But it began to appear later, during repetitions, on recordings!
In particular, she appeared in the video with Zyuganov’s speech, where, against the backdrop of Gennady Zyuganov angrily branding the enemies of Russia, Nemtsov’s body is shown lying on the bridge, and a blood stain is clearly visible next to him. Blood began to appear in other photos.
That is, the formation of a legend and the simultaneous correction of operation errors began.
That is, someone understands - oh, there’s a mistake, let’s fix it and asks his assistants to work with the editors so that they use Photoshop to correct what is not in the source code. But this only proves that THERE WAS NO BLOOD UNDER THE BODY. And if there was no blood under the body, then the murder itself took place in a completely different place.

How the murder videos came to be

The first video, filmed from an all-weather TVC camera aimed towards the Kremlin, with the Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Bridge in its field of view, appeared online at 21:03 on February 28, 2015. It took the editor-in-chief of TVC, or whoever was in charge, 24 hours to publish this material. At the same time, the source has been significantly edited, accelerated parts are visible on the recording, and perhaps something has been cut out. We also note that this recording is part of the general TVC report from the scene. It was from her, from the presenter’s comment, from his “assumption” that Nemtsov was walking across the bridge, and next to him a figure in white - Duritskaya, we all formed a general picture of the events. This is how it began to take shape cover legend, and people began to slowly calm down.
Then footage appeared from GUM, where Nemtsov was recorded, wearing a winter jacket, with a long black scarf wrapped around his neck. And in another shot, supposedly Duritskaya, in a white coat and black trousers.
A week later, a recording appeared from the video recorder of a certain car driving across the bridge at the same time.

However, all this raises serious doubts.

1. It is unlikely that the heads of TVC would have decided to post this recording online without the sanction of the special services. Most likely, of the many recordings from FSO cameras (what, there wasn’t a single camera on the Kremlin wall? Well, well) that recorded the events on the bridge, this recording is the “safest” from the point of view of the organizers of the murder. A legend that would take root in the minds of ordinary people is needed, you can’t get anywhere without it, and this entry fits perfectly into the main legend - “Nemtsov and Duritskaya” are walking along the bridge, but the very moment of the murder, by a coincidence, is covered by a garbage truck. Eh, like, damn it! And then all the events, with varying degrees of plausibility, are only interpreted by different commentators.

2. Photo facts from GUM, where Nemtsov and Duritskaya allegedly spent the evening, only discredit the main version, because in GUM on Nemtsov we see long black scarf, wrapped around his neck, and in the real photo on the bridge there is no scarf anywhere near it. And the jacket seems to be a little different. Nemtsov’s real jacket was lighter, really winter, in it he had a slightly spherical shape. And on the bridge we see a jacket of a different color, although there is a hood and a black (fur?) lining. But, here you can make a mistake, of course. But this is not the main thing - the main thing is the absence of a long black scarf. In any case, the photographic facts from GUM are an obvious lie and falsification. We do not have any other evidence, excluding from consideration the evidence of the waiters as unreliable. Whether Nemtsov and Duritskaya were in Guma is a big question. But if he wasn’t, then where did they come from?

3. The appearance of a second video from the car's recorder, supposedly confirming the authenticity of the first, raises serious doubts. Where could she have come from? Would the owner of the recording, who happened to be on the bridge at the time of the murder, risk such a thing?! Is he really suicidal?! How did he get the address of Tonya Samsonova, through whom the recording got onto the network? In addition, the hedgehog understands that ABSOLUTELY ALL cars that drove across the bridge at that time were taken under surveillance by the special services that same night just for possible video recordings - you never know what could have been caught on them that is undesirable to show to the public. Murzin, in his research, talks about “strelka” photo-video recorders, which can record with 100% certainty all license plates that come into their field of view. In any case, it is quite obvious that the second recording certainly could not have appeared online without the participation of the intelligence services.

The following conclusions can be drawn from the above:

Both the first and second entries, on the basis of which we make assumptions about the murder, appeared online at the suggestion and with the direct participation of the special services. This does not mean that the recordings are fake or staged, although they could be staged. And perhaps more of these will appear! For example, if I were the special services (hehe, that’s where all the fools are), I would have done something like this long ago - I would have made up the actors and let them walk across the square past the Kremlin on a gloomy autumn evening, like - here come Nemtsov and Duritskaya, like, what else do you need, damn it. The faces would still be indistinguishable, but the figure and gait could be imitated. But those records that were shown to us, with high probability real, because they were published “hot on the heels”. Unlike other records, which are hidden from the public, they were chosen in order to let society through false trail, hiding the key moments of the crime.

It is quite obvious that the killer could not have fired 5 bullets at Nemtsov in those two seconds when the “killer” jumped out from behind the garbage collector and rushed to the car stopped in front of him. However, 5 wounds were recorded on the body, which somehow formed there. This means that the role of the “passerby in headphones” who was doing something with the body - either moving it, or something else (wow, a witness!) - is somehow different. He is not just a witness, but a participant in the operation. Murzin suggests that it was he who finished off the lying Nemtsov with a pistol. In addition, in the photo of Nemtsov lying on the bridge, we do not see traces of bullets on his jacket, and in the “case materials” it is recorded that the traces of bullets on the jacket do not correspond to the traces on the body. These bullets could indeed have been fired at Nemtsov by a “passerby wearing headphones,” but in dead body to correct some mistake made at a previous stage of the operation. For example, Nemtsov could have been shot at his home, with a shot under the heart from close range, as evidenced by a large round wound under the heart, which is visible even in live broadcast videos. And on the bridge to create cover legends fire a few bullets into an already dead body. We don’t have the opportunity to check the data from the video recorder at Nemtsov’s house (there’s probably one at the entrance to the house), so absolutely any murder scenario is possible, and it makes no sense to stick to any version. It’s not for nothing that I put “case materials” in quotation marks, because we will never see the true materials from the criminologists who worked on the spot. And those photos that Murzin relies on are somehow very dubious - they clearly show streaks of blood from the wounds, and the color of the body is somehow strange - photoshopped. That is, all these meticulous arguments by Murzin about wounds on the body make no sense without real, raw photoshop materials; without the photos that the criminalist girl took with her camera - we see this on videos of live reporting from the scene.

Where is the testimony of Nemtsov’s personal driver?
Another fact that raises great doubts and bewilderment is that nothing is said about this in Murzin’s study. Full interviews were organized with the witnesses who were on the bridge - the driver of the garbage collector and the “passerby with headphones”; it is not difficult to find them on the Internet. And there is not a single mention of Nemtsov’s personal driver, whom Nemtsov allegedly let go home when he went to a cafe with his girlfriend. Why? Yes, because this is a real person, with a real name, surname and biography, who has no relation to the special services (I hope), and who CANNOT CONFIRM what is attributed to him. He will also say something good that he took Boris home and parked the car near the house, he didn’t see any Duritskaya that day and didn’t hear anything about her at all. But this is practically the last real person, not counting Duritskaya, who cannot be trusted, who saw Boris alive. What do we know about him? Nothing.

My guesses.
I have already expressed my assumption and it has not yet been refuted by anything, that the corpse was delivered to the bridge later.

Duritskaya, with a high degree of probability, was not on the bridge at all, she is simply playing the role of a banal false witness. To put it bluntly, he plays poorly. I hope they at least paid her well, and of course they also intimidated her thoroughly. For this reason, so that she would not puncture, she was sent away. It is unlikely that she will talk about anything in the Security Council of Ukraine - life is more valuable. We don't even know where she is now and it's unlikely we'll hear anything else about her.


Yes, says my inner opponent in me, but if we assume that Nemtsov and Duritskaya did not walk across the bridge, then what kind of couple then walked across the bridge very similar to “Nemtsov and Duritskaya”, and at the same time?

Don't know. Honestly, I can’t explain everything even to myself. I only express my doubts, in the hope that people smarter than me will appear and explain everything. I hope they don't knock on my door. However, then everything would immediately become clear to me, and I would understand that I was right. Hehe.


The value of Murzin’s research lies in the fact that he questioned and brought to public discussion the main thing - Chechens did not participate in the murder of Nemtsov. Such an operation is beyond the capabilities of the “proud children of the mountains” who are engaged in “collection activities” in Moscow.

I also have great doubts whether Igor Murzin is a real person; the person is taking too many risks by making statements that contradict the official version of the Investigative Committee. It is possible, although I could be mistaken, that this is the work of that part of the security forces on whom the barrel is being rolled. On Viktor Zolotov they roll a barrel, suggesting that he is the organizer of the murder. (Well, nonsense in general! How did Novaya Gazeta even decide to do such stupidity? Under pressure, of course. But still.) After all, it is clear to any person who has a brain that Putin, who is on the threshold of his Kremlin office such a murder has been committed and who is about to be torn to pieces for it ( I stir up passions. No one will tear it up, they will swallow what they give and calm down), there is no need for such fame. The murder of Nemtsov under the walls of the Kremlin is direct and harsh pressure on Putin from a certain part of the security forces. I already spoke about this in previous posts under the tag “murder of Nemtsov.” I assumed and still assume that Viktor Ivanov, which Putin seems to have crushed now. But this is far from a fact. It’s not a fact that he crushed it! It’s not surprising that the other part of the power structure (Putin’s support - Zolotov and whoever else) is on the defensive, trying to get out of the situation. Making noise is not beneficial to anyone, which is why such “brave lawyers” like Igor Murzin appear.
Don’t count me out, I’m anonymous, and I’ll remain that way until the end (until there’s a knock on the door, hehe). So go to hell with all your ratings, congratulations and compliments. I don't need fame, I need it true. For her sake I live and write.

And, by the way, other people suffer from this - Andrey Piontkovsky, who announced Murzin’s text on his Twitter, was attacked by security forces - his house, or rather the house of his grandson, was raided and searched. Although Piontkovsky stated that “the perpetrators have definitely been found,” he himself apparently does not believe this, and like all reasonable people, he believes that the Chechen trace in the Nemtsov case is a false trace. This cover legend.


We, outside observers, should simply question everything that is fed to us and, on this basis, reject the versions associated with it. Therefore, the ICR version of the “Chechen trace” in the Nemtsov case does not stand up to criticism. If you and I were jurors at the hearings, we would have to find the accused Chechens... INNOCENT. And on this basis, the court would be obliged to... RELEASE THEM IN THE COURTROOM. But this is fucked up! I simply cannot express my feelings any other way. What will “friends” like Nemtsov say then? Ilya Yashin, which even Report about Kadyrov wrote. What will he say? Alexey Navalny, which declares Kadyrov’s 100% guilt. To make the fate of the brother sitting in prison easier? Maybe. And what kind of gingerbread does Yashin “play the fool” for? What will the lawyers of the Nemtsov family say when they demand to interrogate Ramzan Kadyrov? And here we cannot help but remember the statement Anatoly Chubais, who is in correspondence with Zhanna Nemtsova said - yeah, what does Kadyrov have to do with it?! Of course, he was quickly shut up and he didn’t speak out on this topic anymore, but we’ll think about it - but Chubais was right, he honestly wanted to warn Zhanna against this useless and stupid step. But lawyers, of course, know better. And to the “friends” of Boris Nemtsov too. God save me from such friends! And what are we all going to do then? Well, okay, the Chechens have nothing to do with it. And then who? Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin? Or another Alexander, who Bastrykin? Oh well. Someone said something there about the “professionals” working in the Investigative Committee, who bloody Puten wrings his hands and does not allow Kadyrov to be interrogated...

Play. A vile, bloody performance by the Karabas Barabas Theater. And we are all big-eared, simple-minded spectators who laugh, cry and are indignant, looking at this booth. A groan will run through the rows - again this bloody Puten is protecting his favorites. Slava Rabinovich will be hysterical on his Facebook, Stanislav Belkovsky covered with purple spots on his rosy-cheeked face, he will grind his teeth about what We pay bloody tribute to Chechnya. Andrey Illarionov will be sternly and prudently silent, contemplating how narcissistic, soft-bodied idiots will float around on his blog. And the most honest Russian court in the world WILL RELEASE “innocent” Chechen bandits from custody. Y-s-s-s. Hmmm.

On the other hand, everyone is happy, everyone remains to their own - after all, the Chechens really didn’t kill Nemtsov. And the audience, wiping their snot with a handkerchief, will calmly go home. Until the next performance. Well, it's okay - and the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe.

Almost every year new versions of the assassination of John Kennedy and new candidates for the role of Jack the Ripper appear. Private researchers not only indulge in fantasies, but also draw the public’s attention to both unwitting mistakes of law enforcement agencies and deliberate concealment of facts. In Russia, such a wave of private investigations was caused by the mysterious death of Dyatlov’s tour group in 1959.

St. Petersburg lawyer Igor Murzin decided to conduct a private investigation into the most notorious political crimes of recent years. He is convinced that the murders of Anna Politkovskaya, Boris Nemtsov and Pavel Sheremet are connected.

Employees of the Russian special services controlled and ensured the progress of the murder at all stages.

In all three cases, according to Murzin, we are talking about so-called “sacred sacrifices.”

This phrase was uttered by Vladimir Putin in 2012, and Boris Nemtsov responded to his words like this: “I take Putin’s words very seriously. If one of the high-ranking security officers (and there are no former security officers), to whom all special services are subordinate, says that “An attempt is being prepared on the life of one of the opposition leaders, this means that, firstly, he has information that this attempt is being prepared, and if he does not prevent such an attempt, then this means that he organized it.”

Igor Murzin is convinced that the version of the murder of Boris Nemtsov, which is now perceived as the main one, is completely false. “Zaur Dadaev, brothers Anzor and Shadid Gubashev, Tamerlan Eskerkhanov, Khamzat Bakhaev. Beslan Shavanov have nothing to do with the murder,” he writes, and “they controlled and ensured the course of the murder at all stages” by Russian special services.

So, according to Igor Murzin, “the real perpetrators are the special services, and some of the perpetrators took an active part in both special operations: both in the murder of Politkovskaya and in the murder of Nemtsov.” At the same time, “in the murder of Nemtsov, everything went wrong from the very beginning... In terms of the degree of absurdity and mistakes made, it certainly goes beyond all possible limits and is number one on the list of failures of all special services.”

Igor Murzin proves that up to four dozen people were involved in the operation to monitor Nemtsov and organize the murder. It is curious that a person with completely different views comes to the same conclusion - Igor Girkin-Strelkov. According to the GRU officer, this was a carefully worked out operation in which “a very large support group” participated.

Analyzing the indictment, the testimony of car registrators and the video chronicle of the murder, Igor Murzin reconstructed the tragedy of February 27, 2015 on the Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Bridge. Answering questions from Radio Liberty, he did not hide the fact that he was outraged by the incompetence of journalists who did not want to notice contradictions and blindly trusted the official version.

Igor Georgievich,Why did you take on this investigation?

– I am a lawyer, specializing in road accidents, many of my clients drive with DVRs, I have to dig up these things. I win most cases. I know weapons well, in this case the Makarov pistol, because I served in the army and participated in shooting competitions. All this helped me create a clear picture of Nemtsov’s “sacred murder.” Using my experience, I come to completely different conclusions.

Are you convinced that there is a whole conspiracy of choice?" sacred victims" and eliminating the opposition?

- This is true. It's a long story and it started almost 10 years ago. I have collected a huge amount of material, and I hope all of this will be published. But for now I would not like to anticipate events.

Dmitry Muratov spoke very harshly about your publicationsin particular in the Politkovskaya case.

“But he didn’t deny me anything.” Refute it, present something specific!

Why do you think that Dadaev’s confession cannot be trusted and that the Chechens are not involved in this at all?

– It is obvious that everything that Dadaev said to the investigator was written under dictation. He's not in the video at all. Look carefully: how did he get onto the bridge? He started moving from GUM and then begins to move along the bridge. How did he get on the bridge? After all, he couldn’t get there without passing video cameras, there were at least two: a double camera hanging on the GUM building, overlooking Ilyinka, he had to go there anyway, and there is also a TVC recording. Both there and there he is not. Plus there is a video recorder, from which it is also clear that no one is moving behind Nemtsov and Duritskaya. That is, this is an absolute lie. As they moved across the bridge, the shooter was already waiting there.

There is no answer to the main question: where was Mr. Dadaev at 23.31? How did he get on the bridge?

If you read the indictment, the dispute between the defense and the investigation is about some kind of abstraction. One states that I was not directly on the bridge, I was busy with something else - an alibi, and the second claims: no, you were driving there, you were driving here. But there is no answer to the main question: where was Mr. Dadaev at 23.31? How did he get on the bridge? That is, the indictment says exactly what I claim: they have no evidence that Mr. Dadaev was directly on the bridge. There were two shooters! I prove that the first shooter fired a shot in the back, and this shot was blind. The next three belong to the second shooter, and they were through. If all the shots were fired from ten meters, how did the first bullet get stuck in Nemtsov’s body, but the others did not? How can it be? Nobody can explain it. I explained everything in detail, with all the details. For example, ask a specialist a question about the nature of the shot in the stomach, any specialist will answer you: this shot could not have been fired further than from a distance of one meter. This is simply impossible, it is directly written in criminology textbooks. I assert that at least 10 of the 50 examinations carried out by the investigation these are complete fakes, including the one that says they were shot from a distance of 10 meters. And the most important conclusion is that Dadaev was not there, and even if he was, he is not a murderer.

Who was it?

– The second person was “witness” Viktor M., I am 90% sure, but only Mrs. Duritskaya can guarantee this 100%, she was there, she saw their faces. I can prove that she saw both the first and second person who shot.

– It seems to me that thoughts about Duritskayaone of the weak links in your constructions. Do you think that she also participated in the conspiracy...

– Not exactly, she did not participate in the conspiracy.

But in your opinionlured Nemtsov to the bridge.

“She’s just a small fry, she was given a task, she had absolutely no idea what would happen,” I declare this with all confidence in my article. If she had known, she would not have participated in this. Strelkov talks about the same thing, we both agree that it was used in secret.

Just to lure him onto the bridge?

Strelkov-Girkin comes to exactly the same conclusion as me, only we stand at different poles

“There was no other way he could have ended up there.” Moreover, he also walked on the right side of the bridge, not on the left, and this is also important. If you noticed, at first there was an idea, he supposedly walked from Red Square, but he could not walk from Red Square. It takes longer to go around the bridge on the right side; you walk in a straight line, unless it is blocked. I've been there several times, sometimes it's blocked and you have to walk from Red Square, but that's further. If they are coming from GUM, along Ilyinka, they should go down and go to the left side, because he lives on the left side. All the locals walk this way. But he went down the wrong side. It was necessary not only to drive him onto the bridge, but in such a way that he would walk on this side. Because the snowplow would not be able to complete its task, it would go in the other direction, against his movement, but in this case it was necessary for it to go on his side, but that’s the problem.

INYou want everything to follow logic, but life is full of accidents. For some reason he wanted to go to the other side. You never know what happened, just a coincidence....

There are too many coincidences. You can talk about two, three, ten, but there are a hundred of them!

“But if you add up all these accidents, there are too many of them.” The probability that I will win a billion dollars two times in a row in Sportloto is zero. Let's gather mathematicians, calculate all these probabilities that turned out so well that a car came, there was no one on the bridge, chance turned up and the killer shot. Such a case cannot pop up like this. Dadaev walked undressed. He's the only one wearing a sweatshirt, and it's winter. And so he had to go from GUM and wait for this opportunity to arise. Do you believe this? I don't believe. There are too many coincidences. You can talk about two, three, ten, but there are a hundred of them! There are too many incredible things. The man was driving a filthy ZAZ, and the cameras recorded that he was driving a brand new Mercedes. How to explain this? Changed cars, ran, and then shot Nemtsov? Why didn't you put on your coat? How did he carry the weapon? Amateurs eat all this calmly, and they digest it quite well. But I can’t digest it, because I can’t imagine how it’s possible. Strelkov-Girkin comes to exactly the same conclusion as I do, only we stand at different poles. He says that this is a sacred sacrifice, also a conspiracy, only by the SBU. I am a bloodhound, my job is to look, and he is a person familiar with the details, we both conclude that there could not be loners, psychopaths, fanatics, 4-5 people there. There are specialists who will shoot six times in a second. At least two or three will hit, no more will hit even from ten meters. And if a simple person shoots, he will never hit from ten meters within one second. However, if you shoot at a target six times in one second, how can you shoot from the same position in the back, in the side, in the stomach? How can you even imagine this?

That is, they shot when Nemtsov fell?

How can you shoot first in the back, then hit in the stomach, then hit two more under the arm?

Of course, what else? Here they write to you: from ten meters he extended his hand and fired six times. Imagine how he could shoot six times in two seconds (he was gone for two seconds in total)? How can you shoot first in the back, then hit in the stomach, then hit two more under the arm? That is, he had to run up, throw Duritskaya aside, remove his hand from this place, because she was in the way. This is exactly how the shot was reproduced, only not immediately, but three minutes later. Where else did the traces of gunpowder come from?

Putin gave a definition of what sacred murder is: “to kill,” as he puts it, someone famous

You can see from the video that people are standing there. Novaya Gazeta claims that they just stood there, like they were watching Nemtsov. Nothing like this! They knew that a murder was taking place at that moment. They didn’t just stand there, they turned their backs, they turned around and looked, because they knew that at that very moment a murder was happening, they controlled it, that’s all. This suggests that there was a conspiracy. The question is whose conspiracy, we can argue about this. Of course, the debate will be that it is the SBU, that it is the CIA, that it is aliens, but the fact is clear that more people participated in the murder than 4-5 people, as they are trying to imagine us. Strelkov has the same idea.

Why do you think that such experienced people were so easily deceived?

– Who do you call an experienced person?

Muratov and his employees.

– Not a single journalist who wrote about Nemtsov’s murder was an experienced person. These articles are amateurish talk; people do not understand what they are writing. They say that everything has been checked there, that all the evidence is known and that I am casting a shadow over the fence...

Why are you convinced that these are Russian special services?

This was done in order to frame Ukraine. How else? Vladimir Vladimirovich gave a definition of what sacred murder is: “to kill,” as he puts it, someone famous. Moreover, in such a way that they think about someone else, so that the authorities are not framed in this matter. The goal is not to kill, but to transfer the arrows to someone else. This is what I see.

– So, according to your version, Putin organized the murder?

There are two versions: one is mine, the other Strelkova

It is clear that this could not have happened without the participation of the special services, primarily the FSO. And this could not have happened without the participation of the FSB, and therefore Bortnikov. Logically, the organizers are at least these two people. But could Putin not know about this? I can’t say 100% that he organized it, but who then? We are arguing with Mr. Strelkov about which service organized this. The fact that this is a special service, This is clear, but whose? He claims that it is the SBU, I claim that it is the Russian special service. I believe that today there are two versions - one is mine, the other is Mr. Strelkov. That is, there is a dispute about whose group it was.

– Still, the main version is Chechen.

I believe that there is no such version at all. It is not based on evidence. What evidence do you have that these are Chechens? There isn't a single one. This is all unfounded, a bubble is being created, PR is being inflated. Until they are gone, there is nothing to talk about.

– You are going to develop your version in the next publications and name the customer. Are you afraid to continue your investigation?

Afraid. That's why I left Russia. I'm really afraid, really afraid, and I have every reason to be afraid.


The circle of persons allegedly involved in the murder was established within a few days, which, perhaps, has not yet happened in the practice of solving such crimes. Arrests also took place quickly - already in early March 2015. Moreover, the suspects confessed to the video camera.

  1. During detention in Grozny, Beslan Shavanov, an accomplice to the crime, was killed/killed.
  2. It turned out that the FSO allegedly does not conduct video surveillance of the territory adjacent to the Kremlin. It is impossible to believe this. Why weren't the records released? Most likely, citing “state secrets”, no one should know where the video cameras are installed. The result is that the investigation did not have a clear record of the moment of the crime.
  3. For a very long time, the Russian Guard did not answer investigators’ questions about the status of its fighters—the alleged killer Zaur Dadaev and the alleged (at that time) organizer Ruslan Geremeev. Neither about the dates of dismissal, nor about the reasons for business trips to Moscow.
  4. The order to bring Ruslan Geremeev for questioning, addressed by the investigation to the FSB Directorate for Chechnya, remained unfulfilled. Apparently the door was not opened for them.
  5. The leader of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, publicly spoke about the innocence of those arrested and hinted that Geremeev was doing the right thing by not appearing for interrogation. The result is that the suspects who confessed refused to testify, and Ruslan Geremeev traveled abroad using forged documents.
  6. The investigator who started this case was removed
  7. The investigation twice tried to bring charges against Geremeev in absentia, in order to go to court, again arresting him in absentia and putting him on the wanted list. But twice the leadership of the Investigative Committee did not support this initiative. As a result, Geremeev is not even a witness.
  8. A huge number of witnesses were not questioned (see below).
  9. A PR campaign began in the media and on social networks aimed at discrediting the investigation, and then at the collapse of the case in court. And this costs money, so we can assume that either the customer himself or the persons covering for him were interested in this.

PR campaign

Almost immediately, as soon as the names of the suspects became known, publications about the case began to appear in various major media outlets. They were of two types. The first, from the words of the suspects’ lawyers, talked about alleged inconsistencies in the investigation, “incorrect” examinations, torture, alibis, and other things that lead to the idea that the investigation is working carelessly. The latter began to bring to the masses the version of the “Ukrainian trace”, which was then actively exaggerated in court by the suspects’ lawyers. At the same time, the opinion of the investigation and the victims’ lawyers was not cited.

As far as Novaya learned, only the non-public intervention of representatives of the Investigative Committee’s press service made it possible to somehow stop the flow of unverified and sometimes completely untrue information.

It is clear that a certain part of society could not follow the “Ukrainian trail”, especially since, as has happened many times, many “experts” began to talk about the “bloody regime” with its special services being guilty of all this. These people fell for something else - the previously unknown blogger Igor Murzin, who emerged like a jack-in-the-box and who suddenly, out of the blue, started “investigating.”

Novaya's dossier

Igor Murzin was born on November 27, 1958 in Leningrad. Since 1994, he managed four small companies that were engaged in wholesale and retail trade: they traded food products and tobacco products. Since 2003, he registered LLC Law Firm DPK, which was engaged in activities in the field of law. From 2014 to 2017, Murzin periodically gave expert comments to the St. Petersburg media, either as a lawyer, or as the head of the legal portal Shtrafa.Net, or in his personal capacity. He appears in the media as the head of the Shtrafa.Net portal, which, however, has not been updated since 2014.

In a commentary to Novaya, Igor Kucherenko, vice-president of the International Bar Association of St. Petersburg, noted that he was hearing the name Igor Murzin for the first time. “I’m quite informed, but maybe I just don’t know him.” Among political strategists, Murzin’s name also means nothing to anyone.

On the Rospravosudie website you can find more than fifty trials in which Murzin acted as a representative. Most of them are disputes with the traffic police, some are violations of migration laws. The first court decision was dated 2011, the last - 2015.

Somehow he got hold of the materials of the criminal case, and he himself - not a criminologist, not a criminal lawyer, not an expert - began to very smartly analyze the most complex examinations. The bottom line is that the investigation is all lies. This is a well-known technique, especially in jury trials, when lawyers divert the jury’s attention from important things, occupying their minds with narrow professional trifles that have little impact on the essence.

On the Blogger platform, Igor Murzin maintains several blogs, the main one of which, “Fight,” is dedicated to the murder of Boris Nemtsov. The first post appeared in July 2016, in which Murzin outlined his idea of ​​killing Nemtsov as a “sacred victim.” According to Murzin, the murder was organized by Russian special services, and this is supposedly evidence of a conspiracy against Putin, Kadyrov and Russia. In his posts, he developed this version, analyzing the indictment, citing evidence from car registrators and video footage. There are 57 posts in the main blog as of May 16, 2017. The investigation was also published on the website, blocked by Roskomnadzor. Murzin’s activity on Facebook began in September 2016: he began posting links to materials published on Blogger.

Temirlan Eskerkhanov. Photo: Vlad Dokshin / Novaya Gazeta

In August 2016, in an interview, Igor Murzin said that he left Russia due to fears for his life in connection with the investigation.

Mikhail Amosov, a member of the St. Petersburg parliament from the Yabloko party, told Novaya that he studied with Igor Murzin at the same school - No. 99 in St. Petersburg. This biographical fact became the formal reason for Murzin’s meeting with the deputy in 2006. “He came to me and offered to help, not even with PR activities, but with thinking through moves,” Amosov said. “I realized that Murzin was promoting commercial brands, and he was interested in me as a political brand.” According to Amosov, Murzin told him how to use promotion technologies in politics, and made it clear that in the future he “sees an opportunity to make money from this.”

The head of the United Civil Front branch in St. Petersburg, Olga Kurnosova, has a different assessment of this meeting with Murzin. “The concept he proposed was on the verge of a foul, so his services were refused. It was black PR. I know him as a PR specialist, but I don’t know him as a lawyer,” she told Novaya.

Murzin did not give us an answer to Novaya’s question why he decided to conduct an alternative investigation, promising to “explain it later in a big article.” In a similar way, Murzin answered the question about his education: “a very interesting publication is being prepared, I would not like to anticipate it.” However, he promised to publish his diplomas soon. Later in the conversation, Murzin explained the secrecy as a tactical move - “there must be a certain understatement.”

“I did both this and that,” Murzin vaguely answered the question about his professional path, clarifying a little later that PR was not among the areas of his professional activity, only “political technology.” “I was involved in the promotion of Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko to the post of governor,” he said. “But, as they say, it didn’t go any further.”

According to Murzin, he began investigating the circumstances of the murder as soon as he became aware of the tragedy. “On the first of March I was already in Moscow.”

When asked where Murzin got the case materials, the interlocutor reacts sharply: “There is no answer, no comments on this question. Why on earth would I tell you about this?” When we clarified who the materials were received from, Murzin replied: “The person who gave them to me did not give the right to this.” We ask if he is afraid that he might use him for his own purposes? Answers negatively.

Shadid Gubashev. Photo: Vlad Dokshin / Novaya Gazeta

Let us clarify whether he is afraid that he may put pressure on the jury? “Why should I be afraid? - notes Murzin. “If I don’t tell this, everyone will be sure: the killer is Dadaev, and that’s it, goodbye.”

At the end of the conversation, Murzin noted that he did not consider his investigation a version: “It has not been a version for a long time. I'm telling you again. The version is when all sorts of clowns sit on sofas and write all sorts of nonsense, including on my Facebook. I am a lawyer, I participate in courts, all the judges know me.”

Expert opinion

Boris Kuznetsov, Russian lawyer: — I did not study Igor Murzin’s “research” for the following reasons. I do not comment on cases that are pending in court, especially when it comes to a jury trial, as this may affect their verdict. Forensic science as a science makes certain demands on evidence, namely: it must be relevant, admissible and reliable. When Murzin publishes tables, videos and other documents, their origin, as well as the methods for obtaining them, are unknown to me. The reliability of the evidence is very important. First, reliable evidence must come from a benign source. If we talk about the expert’s conclusion, then not only the chosen research methodology and the possibility of obtaining a final, rather than probabilistic conclusion are important, but also the expert’s competence, education and specialization. All this is being examined in court and, I believe, is not available to Murzin. He puts forward the thesis that Nemtsov was shot with two pistols. An examination of bullets and cartridges gives a categorical conclusion: shooting was carried out from the same or from different barrels. I asked Murzin about this, he brushed it off: “This examination was carried out by the FSB, and if they shot, then the examination will be appropriate.” I fully admit that the “FSB ears” are sticking out in the Nemtsov case, but to confirm this, evidence is needed. In particular, if there is reason to doubt the conclusions of FSB experts, then there are procedural mechanisms for checking them. The reliability of the information is checked by comparing several pieces of evidence. The discovery of contradictory, mutually exclusive information indicates the unreliability of some of the evidence. Murzin told me that there was a lot of waste paper in the case, and therefore he took the most important documents from the case. Several questions arise: where did Murzin get the case materials? Does he have all the materials of the criminal case, or are these separate materials? And also how competent is Murzin himself in assessing the materials of a criminal case? On his FB page he writes about himself that he is a lawyer, but does not indicate the university from which he graduated. I asked him where he studied to become a lawyer, he could not remember the name of the university. I have four pistols in the US that use 9x19 Parabellum cartridges. There was one cartridge case in the bag where the cartridges were. I decided to determine Murzin’s competence, and he was mistaken when he said that it was a cartridge case from a Makarov pistol. Anyone can make a visual mistake: the caliber of these pistols is the same, the length of the cartridge case differs by only 1 mm. But any expert will ask for the sleeve, look at the bottom where there are markings, or say that he needs to measure the sleeve. Murzin's approach itself indicates his incompetence.

Be that as it may, the trial was discredited in the minds of many, and many began to consider those sitting in the dock as innocent “victims of the regime,” and the obvious “Chechen trace” in the murder was thoroughly trampled on. Which, it seems to us, was what needed to be proven.


The trial of the murder of Boris Nemtsov, which took place over eight months, has ended. It was a strange process. The victims - Zhanna Nemtsova's lawyers - were the only party for whom it was important to establish the entire chain - from ordinary perpetrators to the organizers and customers of the crime.

It was important for the prosecutors to prove - within the narrowed framework of the indictment (the minimum that the Investigative Committee decided to submit to the court) - the guilt of only those sitting in the dock. Without asking them for what purposes they communicated so closely with Chechen security officials close to Kadyrov’s entourage that they even lived in their Moscow apartments

The court followed the same principle, having absolutely no interest in either the motives of the crime, or its customer, or the fate of the money - but there had to be money, since the murder was recognized as a crime committed for hire. The only point is that the Gubashevs’ mother said in court that they returned with the amount of money to buy the plot. All.

Temirlan Eskerkhanov, brothers Anzor and Shadid Gubashev, Zaur Dadaev and Khamzat Bakhaev. Photo: Vlad Dokshin / Novaya Gazeta

Presiding officer Yuri Zhitnikov either “lost” important witnesses, or the judge himself refused to call them (due to “irrelevance” to the prosecution).

In their repeated requests to subpoena high-ranking Chechen witnesses, the victims were left alone.

The court and prosecutors tried to convey to the jury that the motive in the case was simple: the murder of a federal politician was organized by an ordinary young driver from Chechnya, who took 15 million rubles for this purpose and put together a whole group of his comrades older in age and military rank. Organized it just like that. And everything that the defense and its witnesses from among Nemtsov’s close friends say—about the threats of Kadyrov and Kadyrov’s men—is lyrical and “irrelevant to the case.”

What turned out in court

  1. That the defendants in the fall of 2014 - winter of 2015, during the period when, according to the investigation, preparations for the murder were carried out (surveillance, collection of information), lived in Moscow in two apartments on Veernaya Street: one was purchased, the other was rented by a major of the Chechen battalion “North” of the Russian National Guard by Ruslan Geremeev, the direct superior of the alleged killer Zaur Dadaev, also a serviceman of this battalion at the time of the crime.

    Buying one apartment cost 19 million rubles, renting a second one cost 63 thousand a month (which is confirmed by documents and witness testimony). Why did Geremeev buy and rent? Why exactly in the fall of 2014? For what money, is it really the major's salary? What did he talk about during meetings with Temirlan Eskerkhanov, Zaur Dadaev, one of the Gubashev brothers and other persons involved who were not his relatives or close friends who lived there for some reason? There are no answers to these questions. Geremeev himself never came to court (“I didn’t receive a summons,” the judge reported), and the presiding judge refused to bring him in.

  2. That in the apartment on Veernaya, 46, where the defendants lived (experts found their biological traces and personal belongings there, with the exception of those of Khamzat Bakhaev), investigators found electronic cards (keys) for rooms in the President Hotel in the name of their uncle Ruslan Geremeev — Senator Suleiman Geremeev. It is also known that Ruslan Geremeev himself lived quite often in these rooms. The defendants could not explain under what circumstances these cards ended up in their home. Suleiman Geremeev was also unable to clarify such sensitive points; he was not questioned by the investigation, and the court simply refused to summon him, finding no reason to do so.
  3. That a video was found on the phone in the WhatsApp application of the defendant Temir-lan Eskerkhanov, in which Nemtsov makes an impartial statement about the President of Russia. The defendant could not say who sent him this video, and called it all “a joke to make you laugh.”
  4. That Eskerkhanov, the day before Nemtsov’s murder, appeared twice at the Ukraine Hotel together with Ruslan Geremeev, during the day and in the evening, which was confirmed by footage from surveillance cameras. The defendant said that he simply “ate” there, but what Geremeev did and with whom Geremeev communicated is unknown.
  5. That the defendants hastily began to leave Moscow the day after Nemtsov’s murder. On February 28, 2015, Beslan Shavanov and Anzor Gubashev flew to Grozny; they were escorted to Vnukovo airport by Geremeev’s driver Mukhutdinov. On March 1, Geremeev and Zaur Dadaev flew away, and Mukhutdinov also saw them off. On March 3, Mukhutdinov flew to Grozny. Also, Shadid Gubashev left for Chechnya in his BMW car on March 1 (in his car they will find things on which traces of the product of the shot will be found).
  6. That at the time of the murder of Boris Nemtsov, the alleged killer Zaur Dadaev served under the command of Alibek Delimkhanov, commander of the Sever battalion, who is the brother of State Duma deputy Adam Delimkhanov, known for his closeness to Ramzan Kadyrov. And Delimkhanov’s deputy in the battalion was his close relative, Ruslan Geremeev. In May 2015, that is, three months after the murder of Nemtsov, Delimkhanov was promoted to deputy commander of the 46th separate operational brigade of internal troops named after. Akhmat Kadyrov. Now he holds the title of Hero of Russia, is a colonel of the Russian Guard and a student of courses at the Academy of the General Staff.

    In court, Alibek Delimkhanov (the only one of the Chechen security officials who was interrogated in court) did not remember anything at all that happened in his regiment in 2014-2015. In particular, he was unable to identify Zaur Dadaev’s travel certificate (found on Veernaya) and confirm or deny his signature on it. A person who served for nine years in the Sever battalion, and then in the operational brigade of internal troops, it turns out, may not know either how the shooting of weapons is carried out before dismissal (by the serviceman himself or a special person), or about how the shooting itself takes place. dismissal, nor about the orders and instructions issued in his battalion during his own command. He also could not explain why Dadaev returned to Grozny on March 1, and the document about dismissal dated 28 February.

  7. That the suspects were detained in four regions of Russia: Zaur Dadaev, Anzor Gubashev and Shadid Gubashev - in Ingushetia, Temirlan Eskerkhanov - in Moscow (on Veernaya), Khamzat Bakhaev - in the Moscow region in the Odintsovo district, Beslan Shavanov - in Chechnya. The latter died during arrest. Moreover, the same regiment under the command of Alibek Delimkhanov, whose servicemen were Ruslan Geremeev and Zaur Dadaev, took part in the arrest. At the trial, Dadaev himself said that Beslan Shavanov did not die, but that he was killed during his arrest; there was no goal to take him alive. Why? Nobody could answer this question. Alibek Delimkhanov did not tell the details of Shavanov’s detention in court.

Anzor Gubashev is led into the courtroom. Photo: Vlad Dokshin / Novaya Gazeta

What remains unclear

  1. Why is there no key video from surveillance cameras in the case - a recording of the immediate moment of Nemtsov’s murder on the Bolshoy Moskvoretsky Bridge. There is only a recording from the TVC weather camera, which was located at the Balchug Hotel, but it turned out to be of very poor quality. From the very beginning, the victims demanded that the authorities monitoring the bridge provide video footage. First of all, they made a corresponding request to Evgeniy Murov, who at the time of Nemtsov’s murder headed the FSO. The first investigator in the case, Krasnov, also addressed the FSO with the same request. The FSO response (not signed by Murov) stated that the territory of the Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Bridge allegedly “is not a protected object” of the FSO, and the agency allegedly does not have video recordings. And who has it is unclear.
  2. Why did the investigation in the case file, nor the prosecutors in the jury trial, begin to explain why suddenly and under what circumstances Ruslan Mukhutdinov, Ruslan Geremeev’s driver, was inflamed with hatred and experienced personal hostility towards a federal-level politician. And finally, how did Mukhutdinov single-handedly find weapons and 15 million rubles?
  3. Why did the court dismiss the victims’ questions about Geremeev over and over again? But he could, at least as a witness, clarify a lot about the life and connections of his driver - who, according to the official version of the investigation, is the sole organizer of the murder.
  4. Why did the investigation show such reluctance to interrogate Ruslan Geremeev, whom the Investigative Committee itself initially suspected (and then suddenly stopped) of being one of the organizers of the murder, and even issued an investigative order to FSB officers to find and bring in for interrogation. The investigator’s explanation in court “we knocked on his house in Chechnya, they didn’t open it for us” and “he doesn’t respond to subpoenas” (to the court) are simply ridiculous.
  5. Why was Geremeev removed from the list of suspects so quickly?
  6. How another perpetrator of the murder, Beslan Shavanov, died during detention in Grozny on March 7, 2015. The circumstances of his death/murder have not been investigated, and even if they were investigated, they were not made public.
  7. Why did the court refuse to question the following persons in front of the jury: via video link, a witness to the murder - ​Anna Duritskaya; the politician’s press secretary Olga Shorina, who knew about the politician’s plans and movements; the editor-in-chief of Ekho Moskvy, Alexei Venediktov, with whom Nemtsov spoke 3-4 hours before the murder and shared that the threats from Kadyrov’s men had intensified; persons who were on Veernaya along with the defendants (Shamkhan Tazabaev, ex-employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Chechnya, and Aslanbek Khataev, an active Chechen police officer; who held senior positions in the Chechen Republic - ​the head of the police department for the Shelkovsky district of Chechnya Vakha Geremeev (the defendant Temirlan Eskerkhanov worked in this department ), State Duma deputy Adam Delimkhanov, Senator Suleiman Geremeev and the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov (who, after the arrest of the alleged killer Zaur Dadaev, publicly called him the best fighter of the North battalion and a “patriot of Russia”, saying that he did not commit murder); the head of the National Guard Viktor Zolotov, who headed the FSO for a long time (the victims wanted to ask him where the video recordings from surveillance cameras on the bridge could have gone).
  8. Why the judge throughout the entire trial demanded that witnesses and victims not speak to the jury about the social and political activities of Boris Nemtsov is “irrelevant to the case.” But maybe the jury themselves, having weighed everything they heard and saw in the deliberation room, would decide what is relevant and what is not?

Bottom line

The Nemtsov murder case cannot be called solved. The executors will go to jail or not – ​the jury will decide, but it seems that in any case, the case about the customer and organizers, which has been separated into a separate proceeding, will gather dust on the shelves in the Investigative Committee. Just like the case of the person who ordered the murder of Anna Politkovskaya. In this process, the evidence base for the same performers was strong (with the possible exception of Khamzat Bakhaev). If there was a desire, we would collect the same database for customers. Not allowed.

Novaya Gazeta's appeal to the police general, head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov

Mister General!

Due to the fact that neither the RF IC, nor the RF FSB, nor the court were in able to interview a resident of the Chechen Republic, Ruslan Geremeev, who lives in village of Dzhalka, Gudermes district, we ask for your assistance in that this person, whom we think is known to you, answer questions that are of key importance for establishing the truth in the case of the murder of Boris Nemtsov, in how And we have no doubt about this you are definitely interested. We are ready to publish his answers in in full and without any editing.

Questions for Ruslan Geremeev:

  • What position did you hold in the Sever battalion in January-March 2015?
  • For what purpose did you go on a business trip to Moscow and who signed the travel order for you?
  • For what purpose did you buy and rent apartments on Veernaya Street in Moscow?
  • Why did those people who are now suspected of murdering Boris Nemtsov live in these apartments?
  • For what purpose and by whom was Zaur Dadaev, your subordinate, sent to Moscow?
  • Who did you meet with at the Ukraine Hotel on the day of the murder?
  • Did you know the travel routes of your car, which was driven by your driver Mukhutdinov?
  • Why did you leave Moscow immediately after the murder along with the now defendants?
  • Do you know how your driver Mukhutdinov could earn 15 million rubles?
  • What did Dadaev, Gubashev, Bakhaev and Eskerkhanov who lived in your apartments do in Moscow?