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Report on herbaceous plants of the forest. Perennial herbaceous plants near the house. The best types of herbaceous plants

More than 20,000 wild and ornamental crops are found in the vast Russian expanses. This includes 2,000 shrubs and trees, as well as 18,000 herbs, or herbaceous plants.

Herbaceous crops: description, varieties

Herbaceous plants have a soft above-ground stem and tolerate cold throughout the year or several years in a row. The structure is different:

  • roots;
  • flower part;
  • foliage.

Among the vegetation there are both dwarf and giant species: duckweed - from 4 to 15 mm and bamboo, reaching 35 m.

Depending on their lifespan, types of herbs are divided into:

  • annuals;
  • biennials;
  • perennials.

Annuals crops grow, bloom, ripen and die during one growing season. Reproduction method is by seed. TOherbal representatives of this group include:

  • chamomile;
  • dill;
  • peas.

In biennial plants, flowering does not occur in the first year of development. The roots, leaves and stem are improved. This class includes:

  • pansies;
  • mallow;
  • bell.

The lifespan of perennial crops is more than 2 years. Perennials are endowed with a root system with renewal buds in the form of a tuber, bulb or shoots. They are divided into early and ultra-early, middle and late. These include:

  • peonies;
  • daffodils;
  • delphinium.

Herbaceous annuals are planted in the soil in the spring by seedlings or seeds. Warm-season grasses are planted when the threat of spring frost has passed.

Most annual grasses can be replanted with the arrival of the summer season and at the budding stage.

Perennials are propagated by divisions into a permanent bed in spring or early autumn. A crop that blooms in the spring season requires replanting in the fall. Replanting grass is accompanied by a period of rest and adaptation and requires special care. For annual grasses, the period is 7-14 days, for perennial crops - 1 or 2 growing seasons.

Types of herbs

The diversity of herbs does not allow us to single out the best representatives, which bloom actively for a long period of time and, in addition, are distinguished by their undemandingness to environmental conditions, immunity to diseases and harmful insects. Herbaceous crops respond to mineral fertilizing with growth and beautiful flowers.

Cornflower blue

The herbaceous annual crop grows on lands that are saturated with minerals and reaches 0.5-0.6 m in height. Cornflower has an erect trunk with developed roots and lobed lower leaves. Often grows in fallow fields. Blooms from late spring to mid-summer.

The plant serves as a raw material for the manufacture of pharmacological drugs:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diuretic;
  • antivirus.

Also fights digestive disorders.

Field mustard


  • Black Earth Region and Ciscaucasia;
  • southern regions of Siberia and the Far East;
  • European zone of Russia.

The annual plant belongs to the cruciferous family, reaches 60 cm. Mustard has a branched stem with yellow buds. When ripened, a fruit is formed - a pod.

Field mustard

Mustard seeds have medicinal properties, thanks to the chemical composition:

  • vitamins and proteins;
  • carbohydrates and essential oils;
  • flavonoids and phosphorus;
  • magnesium and calcium.

Powder from grass seeds is used in the manufacture of mustard plasters. In the beauty industry, mustard is an integral component of anti-aging creams.

Interesting. In alternative medicine, the drug will cure colds. Hot foot baths with a pot of mustard are just in time.

Great celandine

The perennial grows up to 0.9 m. The branched trunk has green-gray leaves with rich yellow inflorescences and capsule-shaped fruits. Distinctive feature herbs - milky orange juice. The peak of decorativeness occurs in May and continues until August.

Reproduction is carried out by seeds carried by ants or the wind. Grows:

  • in landfills and near housing;
  • near roads and in ditches;
  • abandoned parks and gardens.

Celandine has found application in veterinary medicine, folk medicine(for removing warts), as an insecticide in gardeners' garden plots. Blackening of metals cannot occur without celandine juice; the grass dyes wool red and yellow and is toxic.

Bergenia thickleaf

Bergenia thickleaf

The herbaceous perennial grows in Russia and is often found in the Irkutsk region. The plant likes damp slopes, forests, and river valleys. Distinctive features of the grass:

  • branched and powerful roots;
  • leathery foliage with shine;
  • red bell-shaped flowers;
  • fiery coloring of leaves in autumn;
  • preserving leaves in winter.

Badan has beneficial properties. Used in cooking and alternative medicine for therapy:

  • seborrheic dermatitis and erosion in gynecology;
  • rheumatism and hemorrhoids;
  • gastritis and whooping cough.

Geranium Rosana

The hybrid variety will delight gardeners with the blueness of its large flowers and the massiveness of its soft leaves. Rozanne blooms all summer. Individuals are not very tall - they reach 50 cm. Regular watering and growing in a sunlit front garden will ensure excellent flowering. In dry conditions, partial shade is required.


This elegant plant continually brings joy with its abundant yellowish flowers that change each other throughout the summer season. The perennial belongs to long-flowering crops. Requires sunlight and not very moist soil. The height of an adult flowering specimen is a maximum of 60 cm.


The meter-long, long-lived variety is not demanding on environmental conditions. The duration of flowering is comparable to that of annual plants. Planting is preferable in partial shade; soil moisture is carefully monitored.

Veronicastrum virginiana

Veronicastrum virginiana

A simple inhabitant of the prairies is popular among gardeners. Ideal for creating a naturalistic design in the garden. The demand for plants is the reason for the development of new varieties. Diana is considered a classic. Requirements for agricultural technology: loose soil, sunlight. The height of adults is 120 cm.

Short-haired reed grass

As autumn approaches, the fields are filled with numerous cereals, among which reed grass stands out. The herbaceous plant looks impressive against the background of other crops, thanks to its neatness and decorativeness. The culture grows well in the sun and moderately fertile soil. A semi-shaded bed is also to the liking of short-haired reed grass. The maximum grass growth is 120 cm.

Features of herbs and scope of application

Herbal plants are used in various fields, depending on personal characteristics:

  • spices: basil and coriander, celery and rosemary, thyme and dill to improve the taste of foods;
  • medicinal crops: plantain and nettle, chamomile and dandelion, calendula and sage - for the production of medicines and in alternative medicine;
  • forage grasses for feeding livestock;
  • decorative flowering herbaceous plants are indispensable in landscape design.

Poisonous crops

In addition to beauty and benefits, some individuals threaten the health of humans and animals. Therefore, it does not hurt to familiarize yourself with the descriptions and names of such plants. Meetings with herbs often occur in the forest:

  • raven eye and belladonna;
  • lily of the valley and euonymus;
  • swamp hemlock and spotted hemlock;
  • henbane and sedum.

Certain types of poisonous plants are cultivated in dachas to decorate the area. This refers to aconite, or fighter. It grows everywhere in central Russia, in Asian and North American regions.

Interesting. The famous Khan Timur, whose skullcap was saturated with poison, died from aconite.

Agricultural plants

The variety of herbs distinguishes crops that are grown for narrow practical purposes. Usually they are grown separately on the site. The convenience of the location makes it easier to care for and protect against plant diseases and pests. The plants have a pretty appearance. When planting, the decorative properties of herbs are taken into account. They construct walls, slides, spirals and other structures.

Climbing grass

Planting dwarf vines will add elegance to the structure. Example bygreen architecture serves:

  • decorative arcs and grilles;
  • hedges;
  • trellises.

Reservoir cultures

  • deep-sea and swamp;
  • oxygenators and coastal;
  • floating.

Oxygenators lead an underwater lifestyle. They sometimes lift flowers onto the surface of the water. Roots deep sea plants are at the bottom of the soil, foliage with flowers is at the top. Floating plants live on water. The root system of coastal flora is located in the ground under water, shoots with leaves are in the air. Prerequisite coexistence of varieties of marsh grasses - constant presence in moist soil.

Reservoir cultures

Important! Each group has specific functions that affect the general condition of the pond or lake.

Pests and diseases

There are several categories of harmful insects and diseases that affect ornamental and agricultural crops. Damage to foliage, seedlings, shoot bark, and the sucking of nutritious juices provoke growth inhibition and sometimes death of plants.

The protection of crops begins with the arrival of spring and ends in the fall. With the help of prevention (an effective and reliable method) they fight pests and diseases.

Attention! When walking around the garden, be sure to look closely at suspicious plants and take immediate action.

Often herbaceous plants suffer from:

  • aphids and scale insects;
  • leafhoppers and earwigs;
  • mollusks and nematodes.

Diseases are conventionally divided into:

Plants most often get sick:

  • bulb rot and powdery mildew;
  • clubroot and rust;
  • black spot and stalk.

Garden decor

Ornamental grasses

Ornamental grasses are used to decorate a garden plot. Thanks to the variety of herbaceous plants, gardeners create unique flower beds:

  • borders and flower beds;
  • group and single plantings;
  • bosquets and parterres;
  • themed gardens.

The selection of species is determined by: soil composition, area illumination, close occurrence of water, and weather conditions. Pay attention to the color of the flowers and the budding period.

Note! Purple geranium buds look great, which will delight summer residents. The striking appearance of oak sage will not leave anyone indifferent. When the buds are trimmed, the lowly sage will bloom again.

Herbaceous plantings in the garden are in demand to create luxuriouspresentations:

  • carpet planting;
  • color spot;
  • decorative wall;
  • decorating the tree trunk area;
  • flower towers;
  • registration of loggias.

Ornamental crops are conventionally divided into beautifully flowering and decorative-leaved ones. When selecting the assortment, the emphasis is on meadow grasses and large flowers. Among foliage and ornamental plants there are:

  • cereals;
  • ferns.

Herbaceous plants differ in diversity, properties, development, and habitat. Areas of application: cooking and medicine, agriculture and cosmetology, crop growing. In addition, the greenery of herbs and flowering bring not only aesthetic pleasure, but also improve your mood.

Herbs consist of a root system, stem, leaves and flower parts. Unlike trees and shrubs, they, as a rule, have lush green non-lignified stems, which, together with the leaves, are not able to survive an unfavorable season and die off after the end of the growing season, falling to the soil surface. The only exceptions are the tropics, where grasses have perennial above-ground parts, sometimes reaching very impressive sizes.

Herbaceous plants usually grow in open areas and provide easily accessible food for a variety of animals. Their flowers are inconspicuous, small, with tiny scales, and grow in inflorescences. They are located on long stems, exposing them to the wind, which serves as an excellent pollinator. The fibrous roots of these plants grow so much that they form a tangled layer in the soil - turf, the thickness of which is several centimeters. It strengthens the soil, does not allow strong winds to carry it away, and a day or two after the rain it gives life to new leaves.

Many of these plants have medicinal properties - these are the so-called medicinal herbs. They create a gentle and effective effect on the human body without side effects, are able to maintain him in good tone, increase efficiency and improve the quality of life. With their help, many diseases have been successfully treated since ancient times.

Herbs are very unpretentious plants and only need plenty of light. They are not at all able to exist in the deep shade of the forest, but they can easily withstand the lack of rain, the scorching sun, cutting with a lawn mower and constant plucking by grazing animals. They are even able to survive a fire: if the fire devours their leaves, the root system remains intact. Such remarkable endurance of herbs is explained by the characteristics of their growth. Their vessels, unlike trees and shrubs, do not form a network, but stretch along the entire length of the leaf. The leaf growth point is located at its base and is active until the end of the plant’s life. Therefore, if the upper part of the leaf is damaged or torn off, it continues to grow from the base.

All herbaceous plants are divided into annual, biennial and perennial. Annuals(millet, tomato, aster, cornflower, etc.) after the end of the flowering and fruiting season, they die completely and then grow again from seeds. They go through their full life cycle in one season. In spring annual grasses, seeds germinate in the spring, and the plants die in the fall. In winter annuals, the seeds begin to germinate in the fall, then the plants overwinter as shortened shoots, and over the next year they bloom, bear fruit and die.

Biennial herbs(carrots, cabbage, parsnips, caraway seeds, burdock, etc.) live for two years. In the first year, a taproot and a shoot with basal leaves develop from the seeds, and a flowering shoot is formed the next year. After the flowering and fruiting season, biennials also die off. In addition, they are distinguished from annuals by the presence of remnants of last year's leaves at the base of the stem, and from perennials by the absence of rhizomes, bulbs and tubers.

U perennial herbs(peony, mint, dahlia, clover, tulip, etc.) creeping on the ground or underground shoots live for several or many years, and above-ground ones - only one year. Many of them only reach the flowering period five to ten years after seed germination, which can repeat for up to two decades. The above-ground parts of these plants do not become lignified and die off completely, and new shoots grow annually from renewal buds located on underground shoots.

Growing herbs from seeds is now as widespread as growing ornamental or potted plants, even though many varieties of herbaceous plants are bred through selective breeding and propagated vegetatively. The collection of herbs cannot be carried out completely (plucking every single plant). It is imperative to leave 1/5 of the plants so that they can further reproduce and develop.

Nature spoils us with a variety of ornamental plants. We use many of them to decorate our personal plot. And if you look closely at them, you will find that most of them are flowering herbaceous plants. They add bright colors to our garden and make it attractive.

A distinctive feature of herbaceous plants or simply herbs is the absence of a permanent woody trunk or shoot. They have leaves and stems that die above ground at the end of the growing season. This is how they differ from bushes, trees and tree-like vines. Although this distinction is unclear. There are intermediate forms, for example, soft-trunked trees and shrubs or herbaceous plants with partial lignification.

Herbaceous plants can be divided into annual, biennial and perennial.

- Annuals grasses go through their entire life cycle in one season. They grow, bloom, bear fruit and die, only to sprout again from seeds.

- Biennials herbaceous plants, true to their name, live for two years. In the first year, a root and shoot with basal leaves sprout from the seeds, and in the second year a peduncle grows. After flowering and fruiting, the biennial, like the annual, dies.

- Perennial grasses have underground shoots that live for several years. And above-ground ones exist for one year, do not become lignified and completely die off at the end of the season. Young shoots grow from special buds located underground or very tightly pressed to it.

Perennial non-herbaceous plants have an aboveground part that does not die off, from which young shoots grow every year.

Thanks to the accelerated vegetative period, herbaceous plants have the opportunity to be the first to colonize new territories, as well as to form the main vegetation in various natural habitats.

Clematis Manchurian
Clematis Texas

Very common in our gardens morning glory or Farbitis (Ipomea). In the wild tropical nature, morning glory is a herbaceous perennial, but in our area it is cultivated as an annual. The color of its gramophone flowers is very diverse; in addition to single-colored ones, there are varieties with an eye, striped and even double. Grows well in bright sunny areas. When fertilizers are applied, it blooms poorly, as the leaf mass increases. Requires vertical supports in the form of wire or mesh. Suitable for decorating various shapes and structures, as well as vertical gardening.

morning glory

Is a herbaceous vine and winged thunbergia (Thunbergia alata), its stems reach 2.5 m. The shoots can either curl along a vertical support or spread below. Among the green mass of leaves, medium-sized flowers with a black eye in the middle stand out beautifully; because of this eye, thunbergia is also called “black-eyed Suzanne.” The color of the flowers can be yellow, cream, white, bright orange. Since the birthplace of this plant is South Africa, you need to choose sunny places, protected from the wind. Blooms from July to September. It is used as an ampel plant, as well as in the form of pyramids in flower beds and against walls.

Thunbergia winged

Simple and popular is sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus). This is an unpretentious annual plant, but prefers to grow in a sunny place. The ribbed stem grows up to 3 m. The flowers are very fragrant, have a beautiful exotic shape, and are collected in a multi-flowered raceme. It blooms all summer and early autumn until frost. The color depends on the variety and can be very diverse, both single-color and two-color. Needs vertical support. Gives a good cut. In landscape design it is used to decorate gazebos, fences, windows, and also to create openwork hedges.

Sweet pea

Plants for ponds

Another group of herbaceous plants is used to decorate artificial ponds.

The most famous of this group is water lily or nymphea (Nymphaea). A perennial herbaceous plant with unusually beautiful flowers that have a delicate aroma. The color of the flowers can be soft cream, white, purple, pink, yellow and even violet-blue. Water lilies begin to bloom in July and bloom until the end of summer. In the morning the flower rises from the water and blooms, and in the evening it closes. He lives for 4 days. They like to grow in the sun, but may not bloom in the shade. They prefer standing water, so fountains should not be placed in a pond with water lilies. Winter-hardy plant. They reproduce by seeds and division of rhizomes. Used to decorate reservoirs with stagnant or slow-flowing water.

The closest relative of the water lily is egg capsule (Nuphar). This is also a perennial herbaceous plant with characteristic bright yellow flowers on thick peduncles that rise slightly above the water. The egg pod blooms in May and can bloom until the coldest weather. Has a delicate aroma. Loves sunny places so the water warms up. For successful wintering, the reservoir should not freeze completely, since winter-hardy species sink under water in the fall. Propagated by dividing the rhizome. Used to decorate ponds.

Can decorate your pond eichornia or water hyacinth (Eichornia). This plant reproduces very quickly, which is why in its homeland in South America it is called the “green plague.” In our climate with cold winters, it can be safely used to decorate ponds. This plant floats on the surface of the water, and in late summer blooms lilac, yellow or blue flowers resembling orchids. He needs a lot of sun and warmth. Eichornia is planted in June, and before the first frost, it is brought indoors for wintering and stored in an aquarium with water. Used both for decoration and for cleaning water bodies.

Nymphea Kubyshka Marigold Rogoz

Based on the great diversity and magnificent decorativeness of herbaceous plants, they can confidently be called the avant-garde in landscape design. Almost no composition or flower garden is complete without their participation. As can be seen from our brief overview, you can choose herbaceous plants suitable for shady or sunny areas of the garden, stone compositions, vertical gardening, Moorish lawns, and decorating ponds. They serve as a wonderful addition and go well with a variety of trees and shrubs. They don't need much space. Flowering herbaceous plants give us their beauty and pleasant aromas. Only with their help can you create a unique atmosphere of comfort and harmony in the garden.

Owners of dachas and personal plots use their properties differently. Some cultivate a vegetable garden and reap rich harvests, others prefer a lawn instead of beds. But it's rare to find garden plot without a flower garden or flower bed. The word “flower garden” seems to speak for itself and implies a place where flowers grow and smell fragrant.

Main characteristics

In landscape design, there is a special class of herbs that either do not bloom at all or bloom unnoticed. These are ornamental herbaceous plants. Some look so impressive that it is no longer possible to imagine a modern flowerbed or front garden without them. There are a great many herbaceous plants in nature. There are about 18,000 of them in Russia alone. But of course, not all herbs can be classified as ornamental.

Herbaceous plants are plants that do not have perennial above-ground characteristics, they do not have woodiness of the stem, and at the end of the growing season they die off. Herbs form a root system and shoots: leaves, stem and flower part, if any.

Classification of herbaceous plants

Herbaceous plants are classified according to various criteria. But grouping plants by lifespan is considered the most convenient. Their examples:

Decoration of the world

Decorative plantings are widely used to improve the landscape: near houses, grasses are displayed in flower beds and front gardens, they decorate squares and park areas in cities. Thematic compositions and modular flower beds, porters and borders are created from annuals, biennials and perennials.

Conditionally ornamental plants divided into deciduous and flowering:

  • decorative deciduous - mosses, cereals and ferns;
  • beautifully flowering - flowering plants and meadow grasses.

Today, the range of herbs is diverse, which makes the choice much more difficult. But the decision should be made based on more than just appearance. It is important to know the growing conditions and other characteristics, which may differ significantly depending on the type of plant.

Decorative deciduous grasses

Plants with decorative foliage delight the eye with splendor and variety from spring until the first frost.

Sagebrush- biennial or perennial herbaceous plant. There are many types of wormwood, and some are even listed in the Red Book of Russia.

Most types of wormwood grow up to 60-70 cm in height, but there are also those whose growth can exceed 1.5 m. The stems of the plant are straight and branched, pubescent. The leaves are elongated and pointed, silvery in color. The flowers are small, collected in inflorescences, usually white or yellow. Wormwood has a pleasant aroma with a slight bitterness.

To grow decorative wormwood, you need well-drained soil and a site located on the sunny side.

Mint- not only a useful and fragrant herb, it also has decorative properties. Mint is a perennial plant with many species, but the most common are fragrant and peppermint.

The stems of fragrant mint reach a height of up to 40 cm, they are straight and stable. The leaves are green with a light edge, wrinkled, and exude a pleasant aroma.

Peppermint can reach a height of 120 cm. Its stems are straight, tetrahedral, branched, and well-leafed. The leaves are green with a purple edge, elongated-ovate, pointed and jagged.

Mint unpretentious plant, but grows and reproduces better on fertile and well-moistened soil. More illuminated areas are optimal for growing.

Sheep fescue- decorative grass. The plant does not form a rhizome and differs from other fescue trees in its softer foliage.

Sheep fescue grows in a dense bush, growing from 20 to 140 cm in height. The leaves are bristly and can be different in shape: from wide to especially narrow. Fescue blooms with oblong panicles of light green spikelets.

Beautiful flowering plants

Beautifully flowering herbs will enliven and decorate any corner of the garden, and the name itself already speaks for itself.

Adonis- a flowering herbaceous plant, in summer this beautiful flower can be found in the European part of Russia and in Western Siberia. There are two types of Adonis: spring and summer.

A plant often has more than one stem; they can be simple or weakly branched, erect or deflected. They grow up to 40-50 cm in height. The leaves are very thin and stick out in different directions, because of this it seems that the stem of the flower is shaggy. Sunny places are preferred for growing.

Spring adonis is a perennial and therefore more popular than summer adonis. The flowers are solitary, bright yellow, quite large - up to 8 cm in diameter. Thanks to its early flowering, it looks very impressive against the background of coniferous plants.

Summer adonis is an annual that blooms all summer until September. It differs from its counterpart not only in the flowering period, but also in color. The flowers of summer adonis are fiery red with black spots. Outwardly it resembles a poppy.

Delphinium- a fast-growing and unpretentious herbaceous plant. But despite their exquisite appearance and stunning beauty, even wild species take root well in gardens and do not require special care.

There are many types of delphinium. From dwarfs, whose height does not exceed 20-30 cm, to giants, capable of growing up to 3-4 meters. The leaves are separate, dissected, slightly hairy. Inflorescences are in the form of panicles or racemes; only some species form single flowers. The color of delphiniums is often blue or purple, but the most popular flowers are red and yellow.

Delphiniums should be grown in shaded and windless areas with moderately moist soil. They respond well to organic fertilizers. Delphinium is drought resistant and low temperatures, there is no need to cover them for the winter. Upon completion of flowering, it quickly loses its attractive appearance, so gardeners advise choosing neighbors with a long flowering period.

Iris- perennial with large beautiful flowers of various colors and shades. Irises are a real decoration for any flower bed or alpine hill; they get along well and combine effectively with many other plants.

The growth of irises is from 40 to 60 cm. The leaves are flat, thin, sword-shaped. The flowers are solitary, of unusual shape. They usually bloom from May to July.

To date, 280 species of irises are known. Most of them are unpretentious and grow equally well in both shade and sunny areas. Irises do not tolerate excess moisture, so they should be watered sparingly. But they do not need frequent replanting and can grow in one place for more than five years.

Evergreen herbaceous

Evergreen herbs will become the main decoration of the garden in late autumn, and in the spring they will welcome you with living green foliage.

Heuchera- ground cover perennial herbaceous plant. Through the efforts of breeders, many varieties have already been developed that differ in the shape and color of the leaves. For example, purple heuchera has bright and rich purple leaves, while green heuchera has variegated leaves with light green veins.

It reaches a height of 40-60 cm. The leaves are medium-sized, lobed, rounded-heart-shaped. During the flowering period, the plant is covered with small inflorescences of red, white and pink shades, but is valued precisely for the beauty of the leaves.

Heucheras prefer more shady places and do not require special care. When growing, excess is undesirable organic fertilizers and abundant watering.

Aubrieta- ground cover beautifully flowering plant. Its shallow root system makes it ideal and indispensable for creating a fluffy green carpet.

The plant is rather short-growing, on average, the height does not exceed 12-16 cm. The leaves are small, with dense pubescence of a gray-green color. At the end of May, the flowering period of aubrieta begins, and by the beginning of June, all the foliage becomes hidden under a bright blanket of small flowers.

Aubrieta is undemanding about its habitat, but it takes root better in well-drained areas and loves the sun.

Badan- a unique perennial from the Saxifraga family, which can be found in almost every garden. Today, many hybrid varieties of bergenia have been bred; they are distinguished by their lushness and exotic appearance. This unassuming plant looks great in shady gardens and on the banks of ponds.

A low plant grows from 20 to 50 cm in height. Bergenia has large, dark green, shiny leaves in basal rosettes. Small flowers with a bell-shaped corolla are collected in inflorescences and have a variety of colors - from white and soft pink to bright red, purple and dark lilac.

Bergenia does not require a lot of light; it grows and develops well in shaded areas. In this case, it is necessary to monitor soil moisture, since this herbaceous plant does not tolerate prolonged stagnation of water. But bergenia can grow without replanting for ten years.

By skillfully selecting decorative plantings, even an inexperienced gardener will be able to add zest to his garden and make it unique.

This is the name given to the life form of higher plants. Among them there are poisonous varieties and those that can be eaten. Tea is brewed from individual herbs and infusions are made for internal and external use. IN different types contains various beneficial substances (in the root or in the shoots), extracts of which are also used in perfumery, the production of cosmetics, household chemicals, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.


(lat. Gratiola officinalis) is a poisonous herbaceous plant common in Central and Eastern Europe. There are many common names for avran: God's grace, grace, fever grass, horse tinder, moknets, deer grass, draciolia, bloodworm. The Russian-language name is of Turkic origin and translated means “to be sick.”


To get the maximum benefit from aloe, you need to know some tricks for biostimulating the leaves of the plant. But if you manage to carry out the preparatory procedures correctly, aloe will clearly demonstrate its anti-inflammatory, antifungal, bactericidal and other therapeutic properties.


Marshmallow (or rather, the root of the plant, which is often used in medicine) in some cases can easily replace drugs for treating the digestive and respiratory organs, serve as an expectorant and anti-inflammatory agent, and become the basis for medicinal cosmetics. But for this you need to know and follow several simple rules procurement and processing of raw materials.


The eastern guest - tricolor violet - also known in our country as “pansy” in the plant world “specializes” in the treatment of cardiovascular, skin and gynecological diseases. In addition, pansies can help with problems with the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system. But there are also quite serious restrictions on the use of pansies in therapy.


Flowers, roots, stems, and leaves of the plant are used in medicine. Each of these aster plant elements contains a specific set of substances that are used to treat various diseases - from bronchitis to uterine bleeding. But for herbal medicine to help, you need to know how to prepare a healing remedy from aster correctly.

Astragalus wooliflorum

Astragalus wooliflora attracts the attention of those who think about eternal (or at least very long) life. Legends claim that the ruling elite regularly turned to Astragalus wooliflora in search of a way to prolong life. The plant can truly solve a number of health problems if you know how to use it and are careful.


For respiratory diseases, use wild rosemary herb in the form of infusions; it is also a diuretic, disinfectant and antiseptic.

Oil from the wild rosemary plant is an ideal remedy for a runny nose.


There are many beautiful legends about periwinkle, emphasizing the importance of this plant in folk culture and medicine. And modern research only confirms the powerful healing potential of periwinkle, which can manifest itself as a vasodilator, soothing nervous system, which lowers blood pressure and relieves a number of other health problems.


Valerian in herbal preparations is usually responsible for the calming effect, diuretic function and restoration of the gastrointestinal tract. However, its capabilities are much wider. In both scientific and folk medicine, valerian is successfully used in the complex treatment of diseases thyroid gland, asthma, epilepsy and some other serious diseases.


Decoctions and infusions of cornflower are used for: inflammatory and chronic kidney diseases, inflammation of the urinary tract, edema, urolithiasis, blepharitis, conjunctivitis, urethritis, cystitis, pyelitis, nephrosis, decreased vision, liver and biliary tract diseases. Helps resolve problems with the gastrointestinal tract.


Elecampane preparations improve expectoration of sputum, reduce intestinal secretory activity, normalize metabolism, stimulate bile formation, increase diuresis, and have antimicrobial and anthelmintic properties. Elecampane preparations are used internally for chronic and acute bronchitis, enterocolitis, functional diarrhea, colitis, chronic and acute pharyngitis, gingivitis, tracheitis, difficult-to-heal wounds, and periodontal disease.

St. John's wort

This is an unsafe plant. Allergies, conflict with a number of medications, adverse reactions and other “troubles” threaten those who have not understood the specifics of using herbal remedies. But with a reasonable approach to therapy, St. John's wort can improve the condition of cholecystitis, hepatitis, gastritis, correct bile duct dysfunction and many other, even quite rare, pathologies.

Blooming Sally

In Ivan tea, both leaves, shoots, and roots have medicinal properties. In folk medicine, it is used to treat ulcers, colitis, prostatitis, insomnia, headache. To this list, when using a medicinal plant externally, conjunctivitis, bedsores, and psoriasis are added. The success of fireweed in the treatment of these and other diseases has given rise to scientists to more seriously engage in scientific study of the healing potential of this herb.


Tinctures, decoctions and teas that produce a therapeutic effect are prepared from the inflorescences, petals and leafy tops of calendula. In folk medicine they are used for inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, hypertension, angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, neuroses and a number of other diseases. But medicines are also made from calendula, which are prescribed for anemia, stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, and tumors. However, caution is needed when using medicinal calendula.


There are hundreds of types of clover, and most of them are used in medicine due to the formation of vitamins E and C in the leaves, the “antimicrobial” trifolirizin in the roots of the plant and a whole “bouquet” of useful substances in the inflorescences of clover. An overdose and ill-conceived combination of clover with medications can cause a negative reaction, however, with a rational approach, clover can significantly facilitate the treatment process and make it more effective.


It grows in Western Siberia, the Volga region, and Altai in the European part of Russia. Nowadays, this plant is cultivated in almost all countries. Officially, the plant is allowed to be grown and consumed only in Colombia. In other states, cultivation, consumption, distribution or possession is criminally punishable.


Despite the fact that nettle leaves are more often used in folk medicine, rhizomes, seeds, and inflorescences also have a healing effect. Substances from nettle roots, for example, can be found in pharmaceutical antitumor drugs, means for treating burns, and choleretic drugs. However, the full list of therapeutic possibilities of nettle is much wider.

Red brush (rhodiola)

Not everyone in our area has heard of Rhodiola (red brush) - the plant thrives in cold climates and/or mountainous areas. However, it is not without reason that it is called “Siberian ginseng”. Scientific medicine experimentally proves the ability of Rhodiola to prevent the oxidation of red blood cells, suppress lymphosarcoma metastases, have a neuroprotective effect, normalize metabolic processes and more. In folk medicine, the healing potential of this herb is used even more widely.


There are about 27 types of burnet, but not all are the most famous and useful. Burnet preparations help with various types of bleeding, such as uterine bleeding, hemoptysis, gastric, heavy menstruation, hemorrhoids, etc. Burnet is used externally as a means to promote the healing of wounds, abrasions and cuts.


Lavender is a subshrub, up to 60 cm high. It is widespread in India, Arabia, southern Europe, northern and eastern Africa, and even the Canary Islands. There are about 30 varieties of this shrub. Lavender is widely used in cooking, household chemicals, production of soft and alcoholic drinks, toilet soap, deodorants, air fresheners, perfumes and cosmetics.


A beekeeper will say about burdock that it is an excellent honey plant. Culinary - that burdock can be added to salads, broths and made into drinks. But the most “useful” list possible application A representative of traditional medicine will have burdock. It will contain dozens of diseases in which burdock improves the condition of patients. And recently, scientists have also become interested in the therapeutic potential of burdock.


The harvesting of poppies for medicine today is carried out on an industrial scale. Scientists are working to identify the characteristics of the therapeutic effect various types plants and the search for new ways to use them. Poppy alkaloids, morphine, codeine, papaverine are included in antispasmodics, analgesics, and sedatives. But poppy is even more widely represented in folk medicine.


When preparing plant raw materials, coltsfoot leaves, due to inexperience, can be confused with burdock leaves, and flowers with dandelion flowers. And although healing effect While the use of all these plants may overlap, the therapeutic effect produced by coltsfoot is specific and unique. Its main target is diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, which is reflected even in the Latin name of the herb.


Not every medicinal plant You can grow it at home on a windowsill or balcony, but you can grow lemon balm. However, is this herb worth such work? If we consider that it can only be taken as a mild sedative, then probably not. But in folk medicine, lemon balm is also effectively used as a laxative, antispasmodic, antiemetic, stimulator of biliary tract motility and gastric secretory function, a cure for hypertension, atherosclerosis, toxicosis and many other diseases.


Mint is grown on an industrial scale, which is not surprising, given the rich historical experience of its use, the number of diseases for which it helps and the number of useful substances in the composition. Moreover, new and unexpected possibilities for using mint in medicine, dietetics and cosmetology are only now being discovered by scientists in the course of scientific research.


The name itself comes from the Czech or Polish word “pizmo”, which means “musk”, that is, the smell is of organic origin. In fact, all plants of this species have a very strong, rich aroma, and the smell is emitted by every cell of this plant.


For many children, it is with plantain that their acquaintance with herbal medicine begins. A plantain leaf applied to the wound stopped bleeding, relieved inflammation and relieved pain. Unfortunately, knowledge about plantain is often limited to this “childhood” experience. Meanwhile, the biologically active substances contained in its leaves cope with gastrointestinal problems, skin pathologies, and respiratory diseases. And this is not the entire list of the capabilities of this plant.


A type of herbaceous annual plant. The stem grows up to 3 m high, straight, covered with hard hairs. The leaves are oval-heart-shaped, dark green, up to 40 cm long, covered with hard, short, pubescent hairs. Flowers have large diameters of 30-50 cm; during the day, young sunflowers turn towards the sun .


“God's tree” - wormwood - can both cure and poison (some types of wormwood are deadly for herbivores). But people have been interested in the capabilities of this plant for so long that they have learned to take the best from wormwood and use it to treat the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, skin diseases, etc. And in last years scientific interest in the active substances in this herb is only increasing, which leads to opening new, sometimes unexpected, properties of the plant.