DIY construction and repair

A project on the theme of the earth is the planet of life. The project "Planet Earth is our home" in the preparatory group. Tasks by educational area

Earth is a unique planet! Of course, this is true in our solar system and beyond. Nothing observed by scientists leads to the idea that there are other planets like the Earth.

The Earth is the only planet orbiting our Sun on which we know life exists.

Like no other planet, ours is covered with green vegetation, a huge blue ocean containing more than a million islands, hundreds of thousands of streams and rivers, huge masses of land called continents, mountains, glaciers and deserts, which produce a wide variety of colors and textures.

Some life forms can be found in virtually every ecological niche on the Earth's surface. Even in the very cold Antarctica, hardy microscopic creatures thrive in ponds, tiny wingless insects live in patches of mosses and lichens, and plants grow and bloom annually. From the top of the atmosphere to the bottom of the oceans, from the cold part of the poles to the warm part of the equator, life is thriving. To this day, no signs of life have been found on any other planet.

The earth is enormous in size, about 13,000 km in diameter, and weighs about 5.981024 kg. The Earth is on average 150 million km from the Sun. If the Earth travels much faster, on its 584 million kilometer journey around the Sun, its orbit will become larger and it will move farther from the Sun. If it is too far from the narrow habitable zone, all life will cease to exist on Earth.

If this trip gets a little slower in its orbit, the Earth will move closer to the Sun, and if it moves too close, all life will die as well. The Earth travels around the Sun in 365 days, 6 hours, 49 minutes and 9.54 seconds (a sidereal year), corresponding to more than a thousandth of a second!

If the average annual temperature on the Earth's surface changes by only a few degrees or so, most of the life on it will eventually become fried or frozen. This change will disrupt water-glacial relationships and other important balances, with disastrous results. If the Earth rotates more slowly than its axis, all life will die in time, either by freezing at night due to lack of heat from the Sun or by burning during the day from too much heat.

Thus, our "normal" processes on Earth are undoubtedly unique among our solar system, and, according to what we know, throughout the universe:

1. She is an inhabited planet. It is the only planet in the solar system that supports life. All life forms, right from the smallest microscopic organisms to huge land and sea animals.

2. Its distance from the Sun (150 million kilometers) it is advisable to give it an average temperature of 18 to 20 degrees Celsius. It is not as hot as Mercury and Venus, nor as cold as Jupiter or Pluto.

Planet Earth Project

To expand knowledge about our planet Earth Project goal:

Learn to search for information on a given topic in different sources: encyclopedias, the Internet; - learn to formulate conclusions from the information received; - to learn more about our planet Earth to present the results of our research in the form of a presentation. Research subject: planet Earth Objectives:

This is how our Earth looks in a picture taken from space. Blue is the color of oceans, seas and lakes. White is the color of the clouds. Brown is the color of sushi. The diameter of the Earth is 12,740 km.

Earth is the third planet in the solar system, about 150 million km from the sun.

The Earth is our space home, or, one might say, our common spaceship. She flies in space, revolving around the Sun, and we together with her make a great space journey. The Earth flies in space around the Sun for more than 2.5 million kilometers per year. This was a discovery for us: we are 10 years old, which means that during our 10 years the duration of our journey in space was more than 25 million kilometers.

EARTH is the only planet in the universe where life exists. The first feature, thanks to which life is possible on the EARTH, is the OPTIMAL TEMPERATURE REGIME. The average distance from the EARTH to the SUN is 149.5 million km. It is this, no more and no less, distance that allows our planet not to overheat and freeze.

The second feature is the EARTH ATMOSPHERE. A layer of air envelops the EARTH, like a blanket, thanks to which we can breathe and live. It is oxygen, which is breathed by living creatures and carbon dioxide, which is necessary for plant nutrition. The atmosphere of the Earth protects the surface from cosmic rays and meteorite bodies.

The third feature is WATER. Only EARTH possesses huge reserves of water. Water is part of all living organisms.

The fourth feature is SOIL. Only our planet has soil (the top fertile layer of the earth) The soil contains the substances necessary for the growth and development of plants

Our planet has high mountains and hot deserts, endless oceans and polar regions covered with eternal ice. Our LAND is beautiful, unique and amazing! She lives, breathes, rotates. She is the best of the planets!

Through this project, we have truly expanded our knowledge of our planet. We hope that our project work will be useful for primary school students when studying the topic "Planet Earth" Conclusion:

1.Children's encyclopedia. 1000 questions and answers 2.Big illustrated encyclopedia of knowledge Also used materials from the Internet Used literature:

Aleksandrov Dmitry Kirillova Valeria Ochaeva Alina Pavlov Danil Worked on the project:

Thank you for the attention!

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Our planet Earth was formed about 5 million years ago from a mass of gas and cosmic dust left after the formation of the Sun. Our planet was originally a molten mass. Later, water began to accumulate in the Earth's atmosphere and the surface solidified.

The only satellite of the Earth, the Moon, appeared presumably as a result of the collision of our planet with a celestial body. The moon is located from the Earth at a distance of 384 thousand km. The only satellite of the Earth, the Moon, appeared presumably as a result of the collision of our planet with a celestial body. The moon is located from the Earth at a distance of 384 thousand km.

The diameter of our planet is approximately 12 thousand 742 kilometers. The shape of the Earth is not at all a ball, as many believe, but an oval with a wide part at the equator. The planet's rotation created an equatorial bulge, so the equator's diameter is 43 kilometers larger than the diameter between the planet's poles.

The second layer is the upper mantle. If you move to the center of the Earth, the thickest layer of the Earth is the mantle. No one has ever seen her. Scientists suggest that it is composed of magnesium, iron and lead. The temperature here is about + 2000 ° С! The second layer is the upper mantle. If you move to the center of the Earth, the thickest layer of the Earth is the mantle. No one has ever seen her. Scientists suggest that it is composed of magnesium, iron and lead. The temperature here is about + 2000 ° С!

Project theme: "Our planet Earth"

Project type : cognitive-research, creative-informational, social.

Project type: group, individual.

Duration: month

Age of participants: senior group

Participants: children, educators, parents, specialists.

Relevance of the project:Superficial knowledge of children about space, planet Earth, about the moon, insufficient interest and attention of parents to space and the holiday Cosmonautics Day.

To solve these problems, it was decided to organize the project "Our Planet Earth".

Objective of the project: Expand and deepen the knowledge of children about space, about the Day of Cosmonautics, about the first heroes of space. Provide knowledge about continents and oceans. To cultivate love for nature, respect for it.


  • To give children the idea that the universe is a set of stars. The sun is the closest star to Earth. Clarify ideas about planets, constellations.
  • To give an idea of ​​the uniqueness of the Earth - there is life, plants, animals, people on it.
  • To acquaint with the only satellite of the Earth - the Moon.
  • Introduce the names of the oceans and continents,
  • Expand and deepen children's ideas about wildlife - animals from hot countries and the cold North.
  • Develop the ability to establish causal relationships, learn to draw conclusions
  • Cultivate interest in wildlife, develop curiosity;
  • To form a consciously correct attitude to nature, to human labor;
  • Develop coherent speech, fantasy, creativity, imagination;
  • To foster a caring and respectful attitude towards the surrounding nature.

Forms of project implementation:

  • node;
  • conversations;
  • observation;
  • excursions;
  • play activity;
  • research activity;
  • productive activity of children;
  • reading fiction;
  • guessing riddles;
  • viewing illustrations;

Interaction with parents:

  • To replenish the center of literature and the center of science with encyclopedic and fiction literature.
  • Pick up illustrations on the theme "Space", "Planet Earth", "Moon", "Animals of hot countries and the cold North"
  • Pick up fairy tales, poems, riddles about space, rocket, stars, music.
  • Prepare coloring pages according to age.

The intended result:

  • Expansion and deepening of children's knowledge about space, planet Earth, the Moon, Animals of hot countries and the cold North
  • The idea of ​​the laws of the solar system, the motion of the planets;
  • Knowledge of the first cosmonauts, understanding of their feat and the significance of space flight;
  • Fostering a feeling of love for the native land and the desire to take care of your planet
  • Strengthening patriotic feelings, pride in your country

Final result:

  • Formed stable knowledge about space, planet Earth, the Moon, animals of hot countries and the cold North;
  • Creation of models "Moon", "Earth", paper rockets, models of various natural zones.
  • Creation of encyclopedias "Animals of hot countries", "Animals of the cold North".
  • Final event "Experts".

1. "Space";

2. “Earth. Moon";

3. "Continents and Oceans";

4. "Wildlife"


Systemic web of direct educational activities within the framework of the project "Our Planet Earth"



Physical development

Speech development

Cognitive development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Social and communicative development

Literature and literacy

Physical education, dynamic transitions;

Hatching - the development of fine motor skills, orientation on the sheet.

Memorizing poems: "Some planets in the sky are bored", "One is Mercury", "Who needs water", "Let the rivers not die", "I want to live a hundred years." "On the Land of Oceans 4"

D / and "Restore order in the solar system", "Add a word"

Consideration of images of planets, constellations, illustrations and books on the topic "Space".

D / and "Find superfluous", "Find your home", "Who lives where", "Collect the constellation",

Conversation "The first flights into space","The Earth is our common home", "Animals of other countries and continents"

Reading works of artYa. K. Golovanov "The road to the cosmodrome",
- V. Kashchenko "Constellation of Dragons",
- P.O. Klushantsev "What the telescope told about",
- O. A. Skorolupova "Space Conquest",
- N.Nosov "Dunno on the Moon"
S.Marshak "Children in a cage"

  • Examination of illustrations in books and albums about the planet Earth and the solar system, continents and oceans, animals of hot countries and the cold North.

and drawing up descriptive stories about them.

Inventing riddles.

D / and "Word chain"

Conversations: “What is space?”, “Blue planet - Earth”, “The moon is a satellite of the Earth”, Conversation - reasoning “What can I see in space!” Conversation - communication “Heroes of space!”.

Mathematics and manipulative activities

Development of fine motor skills - "Connect by dots", "Circle", labyrinths

D / and "What has changed?", "What's gone?", "The fourth extra", "Find the differences",

N / A games "What rocket is missing?", "Connect a picture with a number", "Find a number","Where do the rockets fly"Counting up to 10 and back.

D / and "Which one in order", "Find a pair"

Color by numbers;

Kiusner's sticks, "Fold the pattern", Gyenysh's blocks, "Wonderful crosses" - laying out the pattern according to the theme.

Creation and solution of problems for addition and subtraction,

Solving logical problems.

Lotto, dominoes

Theatricalization and musical activities

Staging of the fairy tale "Why the Moon and the Sun do not meet"

Learning the song "Cosmonauts" lyrics A. Passova, music. V. Vitlina

Let's get acquainted with the content of the fairy tale "Why the Moon and the Sun do not meet"

  • Listening to music: space music "Space", Vedischeva "Song of bears".
    Listening to the song "Who Invented You, Star Country?" sl. N. Dobronravova, music. M. Tariverdiyeva

Conversations about listened to works.

Conversations about the dramatization of fairy tales.


Riddles about space, Earth, Moon, continents, oceans, animals

Examining samples

Creation of layouts "Moon", "Earth", making a layout of a rocket from paper, layouts of various natural zones,

Geometric constructor "Spaceships", large constructor "Rocket". Wooden construction set "Cosmodrome"

Conversation about the observance of safety rules when working with scissors, glue.

Safety rules when working with a large constructor.

Science / Nature

"Lay out a pattern of cones, acorns, seeds"

Riddles about space, Earth, Moon, continents, oceansConversation "The sun is the source of life on Earth

D / I "Describe, and we will guess"

Viewing films on the topic. Experiment with a globe and a lamp "Day and Night"; "Without heat, air and water" (is there life on the moon)

Р / и "Find on the globe

Examining the map "Our solar system".

Examination of the "Starry Sky" card.

Conversation "Why is there no life on the moon?" Joint experiments and discussion of the results.

Water / sand

Learning riddles, proverbs and sayings about water.

Properties of wet and dry sand, properties of a magnet.

Experiments "Volcano", "Water cycle in nature"

Sketch of the conducted experiments.

Conversation "Gravity"

Art activity

Physical minutes, speech games with movement.

Conversations on illustrations.


What do aliens look like?




Animals of hot countries.

Drawing in the technique of scratching "Space fantasies", Drawing "Aliens, what are they?",

Application "Flight to the Moon", "Monkeys, sperm whales" (breakaway)

Modeling "Cosmonaut", "Animals of hot countries"

Conversation about the observance of safety rules when working with scissors, a brush, and glue.

Role-playing game

C / r games "Cosmonauts", "Flight into space", "Hospital for astronauts", "Space travel." "Space rescuers", "We study space", "I am a zoologist"

Consideration of plot pictures on the theme "Spaces", "Animals of hot countries and the cold North"

Making homemade books on the topic. Making attributes for games.

Conversation "What do astronauts eat?", "Why do we need a spacesuit?", "Such different animals"

Center for motor activity

P / and “Fast rockets are waiting for us”, “Space relay race”, “Rocket launcher”, “Weightlessness”, “Sun and rain”, “The sun is a champion”.

Learning counting rhymes, chants.

Repetition of the rules of the relay race

Making attributes for games.

Conversations on life safety when handling sports equipment.