Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

Stand for grapes made of plastic pipes. Types of grape supports. How to make simple trellises for grapes with your own hands

Many Russian gardeners grow grapes on their plots. This delicious berry is filled with vitamins and beneficial microelements. With the right choice of varieties and providing them with proper care, you will be able to harvest a good harvest every year for the whole family. The construction of a trellis for grapes is a mandatory process. Thanks to these structures, the vine develops well and does not sag. In addition, with the help of trellises, the shadow necessary for the plant is created. Making a support for grapes is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. You need to carefully understand all the intricacies of its design and get to work.

The vine cannot grow upward on its own. To do this, it needs support that will not allow the bush to spread along the ground and the clusters to rot from the dampness emanating from the ground. In addition, a properly constructed trellis:

  • improves the quality of vine heating;
  • promotes the rapid onset of the fruiting period;
  • saves seat space;
  • provides good illumination of foliage by sunlight;
  • Thanks to the support, the vine develops well and produces a high-quality harvest.

Since trellises improve the quality and intensity of plant ventilation, the risk of disease damage to the vineyard is significantly reduced. This eliminates the use of chemicals to combat pathogenic microorganisms.

A little about the features of growing crops

Grapes were initially actively cultivated in countries with warm climates. The peculiarity of these territories is that the bushes here do not need to be covered for the winter, because they are not threatened by low temperatures. The vine was located on the surface of the ground and did not need support.

Gradually, the crop began to be grown in regions with more severe climatic conditions. There was a need to help the vine preserve its natural strength for fruiting. It was then that gardeners began to create additional supports.

Design features are directly dependent on:

  • landing schemes;
  • pruning technology carried out at the end of the season.

Immediately after planting, the bushes can be held in the desired position by ordinary stakes. And the trellis itself is installed immediately before the first fruiting. In most cases, this occurs in the 3rd year of the vine's growth.

If such support does not appear until the bush is finally formed and the root system is formed, then its further installation may harm the grapes, which will lead to a decrease in the amount of harvest.

When installing a stationary trellis, the main direction of the location of the skeleton of the grape bush is formed. As a result, the vine will curl in the given direction. This is convenient because:

  • the load is evenly distributed throughout the bush;
  • leaves receive the required amount of sunlight;
  • the plant is easy to care for;
  • leaves are removed from the ground and well ventilated;
  • the risk of developing fungal diseases, rot on leaves and bunches is reduced.

Features of choosing a site for planting grapes

Once you decide to grow grapes, you should carefully consider the choice of site. Grapes grow well only in illuminated areas. It is important to take into account that a trellis will also be installed there, which is a permanent structure, and it will not be possible to remove it later. This means that a considerable area is needed to implement the idea.

So, between the grape rows it is necessary to leave at least a two-meter distance.

Note: if your plot is not large enough, you should not leave this empty space idle. The row spacing can be planted with vegetables or herbs. Of course, this option is only relevant for those who have a single-plane trellis designed and nothing interferes with the beds below.

Types of trellises

Permanent supports are not required for grapes that are just planted. The first 2 years of its growth can be successfully managed with stakes and rope. Using available materials you can quickly construct a shaky trellis. Necessary:

  • dig in the stakes a little;
  • stretch a rope between them, along which the young vine will weave.

Remember that this structure is temporary, therefore, you need to understand exactly how and what kind of permanent trellis will then be installed on the site.

A trellis of this type is the easiest to make. For this you need to prepare:

  • pillars in the required quantity;
  • metal wire.

The supports should be placed in a row.

To do this, you need to make depressions in the ground and immediately concrete them, introducing elements of the support being built inside.

The optimal design parameters will be as follows:

  • the distance between the pillars is from 2 to 2.5 meters;
  • support height 220-230 centimeters;
  • and the diameter is 3.5-6 centimeters.

Straight columnar trellises can be:

  • single-plane;
  • two-plane.

The supports must be strong because they are designed for a long period of operation. It's best to take:

  • metal pipes with square and round cross-sections;
  • metal corners that have shelves 4-7 centimeters;
  • channel from 4 centimeters;
  • blocks of wood that have been previously treated with antiseptics and agents that prevent the material from rotting in the soil.

A more budget-friendly, but rarely used material for making trellises is plastic. So, instead of iron pipes or wooden beams, you can use plastic supports. This type of material is quite durable and quite affordable, which, of course, attracts novice gardeners.

Installation of double-cavity structures is justified if the area is large. The main difference from a single trellis is the V-shaped concreting of the supports used. In this case, it is necessary to carefully calculate the distance between the grape rows. The advantage of the two-plane structure is that it creates good shade, which ensures that more moisture necessary for grape growth is retained in the soil.

Between the supports you can stretch a wire with a diameter of 2-3 millimeters made of:

  • become;
  • copper;
  • stainless steel

Semi-arch trellis

To create an interesting, aesthetically attractive structure that will provide good support for the grapes, it is worth spending more time and money, and also taking into account all the circumstances of planting. So, semi-arches are best used when grapes with different ripening periods are planted. The trellis looks good in a single-row version. It can be used to zone the space near the house.

The semi-arch will form a living green canopy under which you can place a table. To protect the structure and living area from precipitation, you can construct an additional plastic covering on top.

Arched trellis

The design, the shape of which is most similar to an arch, looks aesthetically pleasing in a large courtyard. At the same time, the grapevines climb well, creating all the conditions for the growth and ripening of fruits.

You can create the design yourself in 2 versions:

  • from concrete pillars, supplementing them with lathing;
  • from concreted metal pipes, pre-bent into the desired shape.

If you need to create a functional, aesthetic arch, it is better to purchase bent pillars or metal pipes. Often similar designs are made in areas with a warm climate, if the grapes are not additionally covered for the winter.

How to make a simple trellis yourself

The simplest design option is suitable for beginner gardeners. Having understood the features of installing such a trellis, you can then move on to more complex structures. Despite its apparent simplicity, this type of trellis serves a functional purpose, helping to adjust the growth of the vine and the entire bush in the right direction.

Step 1 - preparing the necessary material

At the first stage, it is necessary to prepare all the required material to build one block. The number and volume of items must be calculated based on what the vineyard will be like. Have to take:

  • metal pipe 4*2.5 meters;
  • sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • cement;
  • wire (aluminum, stainless steel) – 30 linear meters;
  • wooden beam.

Step 2 - assembly of the structure

On the site where the vineyard will be located, you need to draw a rectangle. Its parameters will be as follows:

  • length 3 meters;
  • width 0.8 meters.

You need to place beams at the corners of the figure, and in this place dig recesses for future pillars. The bottom of the constructed recesses must be filled with crushed stone.

Step 3 - finishing work

When the cement has completely hardened, you will need to:

  • drill several holes in the posts;
  • pass a metal wire through the holes.

To increase stability, the material can be welded to the posts using a welding machine, then in the future it will not be deformed under the weight of the vine.

Single-plane trellis

The grape vine on this support develops on one plane, which explains its design name. Externally, it is a structure of several pillars with wire stretched between them. It has a number of advantages and disadvantages that you should be aware of before installing it on your site.

Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of single-plane design

Independent design of a single-plane trellis

Step 1 - preparing the material

During the work to construct the trellis you will need:

  • pillars;
  • wire.

Posts for supports are made of different types of materials. This should be taken into account and options from:

  • become;
  • reinforced concrete;
  • tree.

The length of the supports is selected based on the desired height of the trellis. Most gardeners prefer poles from 2 to 3.5 meters. When choosing wire, it is better to give preference to galvanized steel. The optimal thickness is 3 mm.

Step 2 - installation of pillars

Wooden poles are often used for arranging structures, however, this is not the most durable material, unlike the same metal pipes. The pillars can also be made square.

On high trellises the grape harvest is much larger. Frost-resistant types of bushes are suitable for these structures.

The support is dug into a hole measuring 0.6 * 0.6 meters. Initially, its depth should be 0.8 meters. The bottom of the pit must be filled to 20 centimeters with the mixture:

  • sand;
  • and crushed stone.

You also need to supplement the pillars with thrust bearings. They prevent the structure from loosening.

All supports are installed at intervals of 4 meters. To make the structure more rigid, the tops of the pillars are connected with thin pipes (1.5 centimeters in diameter). This crossbar helps maintain the shape of the structure throughout its use.

Step 3 - attaching the wire

Horizontal crossbars promote the formation of vines on the trellis. Winegrowers advise working with copper wire. During its oxidation, substances are released that prevent the development of diseases on the vine. However, if it is not possible to regularly be in the garden, it is better to purchase stainless steel. This measure will protect the vineyard from “hunters” for non-ferrous metals. This is a budget, but no less effective material.

The first crossbar is installed at a distance of 40 centimeters from the ground. Each subsequent one is raised 50 centimeters up. The last line is attached approximately 5 centimeters below the upper fixing crossbar.

Note: To secure the wire in the posts, you need to drill 5 mm holes.

Two-plane trellises

The dimensions of the structure are quite substantial. On one row of grapes you need to place several vertical supports. The distinctive characteristics of a two-plane trellis are as follows:

  • grapes receive the energy they need from the sun;
  • air circulates well between the green mass of plants;
  • It is possible to create many sleeves (more than 15 pieces).

A vineyard with such supports requires a large amount of:

  • places;
  • time to care for him.

During installation, you must maintain a distance between rows (no more than 3 meters). The design allows you to add bushes, thereby increasing the size of the vineyard.

On a two-plane trellis, grapes develop better. The inclined surface allows the bunches to fall down freely. In addition, this provides good protection for the grapes from the effects of:

  • wind;
  • sun rays.

Since the inflorescences are open, natural pollination occurs more efficiently. The use of two-plane structures helps create a shadow that protects the ground from drying out.

Video - Construction of a two-strip grape trellis

A few tricks for gardeners

1. Load-bearing supports are best made from metal, asbestos-cement pillars.

2. The use of wood is also welcome, but even if it is treated with an antiseptic and copper sulfate, its service life is much shorter than that of metal, and the structure must be used for a long time.

If you still decide to use wood, it is better to work with:

  • chestnut;
  • oak;
  • acacia;
  • ash

3. It is best to make horizontal crossbars from wire; if you use ropes, they need to be re-stretched every year.

4. Iron wire rusts quickly. It will be successfully replaced by a cable from:

  • aluminum;
  • stainless steel

5. The trellis structure can be made into a gazebo. It is quite common, however, it complicates the care of grapevines, therefore, before planting them, you need to saturate the soil with useful substances for a long time.

To do this, you need to prepare holes for planting grape bushes and fill each hole:

  • 2-3 buckets of humus;
  • 0.25 kilograms of fertilizers with potassium;
  • 2 liters of ash, which is obtained from burned plants;
  • up to 0.5 kilograms of superphosphate.

All components should be thoroughly mixed with the soil, compacted, then watered abundantly and fertile soil should be added, filling the hole 15 centimeters deep. Then plant the seedling and water it again.

Carrying out this work is mandatory for those who want the grapes to take root well in the chosen area and begin to bear fruit.

Note: Do not exceed the recommended amount of fertilizer, otherwise you can damage the root system of young seedlings.


Growing grapes is a long and painstaking process that requires the right approach. Installing trellises is an important part of working with this unusual plant. Simple structures can be assembled independently even by beginners, and the result will be active growth of grapes and an annual increase in vine productivity.

Video - DIY grape trellises

Flowering vines, grapes, even tomatoes and cucumbers sometimes require garter support. The trellis was created precisely for these purposes. Compared to other supports, it not only allows you to support the plant, but also gives a certain aesthetics to the plantings, and if you apply imagination to their creation, then a certain design. A trellis for grapes has a number of subtleties and difficult moments during construction. In fact, similar structures appeared in our gardens precisely from vineyards. They began to be used for roses, large-leaved vines, creeping and climbing plants to create vertical green compositions. But let’s focus specifically on grape trellises, which you can make with your own hands using drawings and photos.

When planting the first grape bushes, it is also worth thinking about erecting trellises. Such structures will not only serve as supports, but will also increase the yield of the vineyards. Today, gardeners are offered several types of trellises for grapes, which can be built with their own hands.

So, we list the main types of supports for grapes:

  • Single-plane trellis;
  • two-plane trellis for grapes;
  • L-shaped;
  • Arched.

In order to help you decide on the type of design, we will present the advantages and features of each separately.

Single-plane trellis

The main advantage of this design lies in its efficiency. The latter applies not only to the materials for its manufacture, but also to the space that it will occupy. So, if there is not much space on the site, then the choice should be made in favor of a single-plane support for grapes.

A number of other advantages of this design should also be highlighted:

  • Simplicity and ease of installation;
  • Convenience when processing grape bushes, harvesting, pruning and spraying against insects;
  • Aesthetics - the structure will perfectly complement the overall composition of the garden.

This type of support is suitable for the northern regions of the country. It is recommended to install it with the front side facing south, and it is better to cover the end with a fence, or install it in front of a fence facing south. The fence will protect the vineyard from the northern winds, and on the southern side it will always be illuminated by the sun.

An L-shaped trellis is a type of single-plane structure. It is used if it is decided to make a garden screen from the vineyard. Also present:

  • T-shaped;
  • V-shaped options.

As for the advantages, it lies in the fact that the yield increases by 2-2.5 times. The latter is due to the fact that 2-3 sleeves are formed on the bush at once, which makes it possible to obtain more ovaries. In this case, it is worth taking into account the grape variety, or rather its ability to allow such a number of ovaries to ripen. As a result, the result may be the opposite - the grapes will be sour and unripe. Such trellises are suitable only for varieties with increased productivity, as well as for strong mature plants. In this case, abundant regular watering and frequent fertilizing with organic compounds are important.

Arched trellises or useful decoration

Having a fairly large area, you can pay attention to the type of arched trellises. Making such a vineyard, which also serves as a gazebo for relaxation, with your own hands is not very easy. The question is not only the correct choice of materials and drawings, but also the availability of construction skills.

The arched type of trellis for grapes is primarily attractive for its decorative effect.

With the help of such a design, you can create holistic compositions and art objects in the garden, which also carry a practical meaning. So, you can do it this way:

  • Open-type gazebos or pergolas;
  • Alleys of several arches;
  • Garden rooms and screens.

From the point of view of choosing the grape variety itself, you should choose crops with high growth vigor and productivity. It is important to take into account the speed of fruit ripening and disease resistance.

In regions with a cool climate, decorative grape varieties are used in such compositions, the yield of which is not particularly high. And the fruits are small, sweet and sour.

Materials for the trellis

When choosing materials for a vineyard with your own hands, it is worth taking into account the varietal characteristics of the crop, the size of the plot and the characteristics of the soil.

So, for such structures the following are used:

  • Wooden posts or beams;
  • Metal pipes or profile;
  • Reinforced concrete support pillars;
  • Asbestos pipes.

It is possible to use materials that have already been used, but it should be taken into account that over time they may require repair or replacement.

When using lumber, it is worth considering treating it with antiseptics and anti-rotting solutions. This can be drying oil, kerosene, machine waste, resin, copper sulfate solution.

In order to add aesthetics, you can apply coloring. To ensure that the structure remains visible at night and does not lose its appearance, many people use fluorescent paints and pebbles.

If metal materials are used, costs may be higher, but the service life of the structure is increased.

When installing structures, the height is selected depending on the growth of the bush itself, but the distance between the trellises must be at least 3 meters. The dimensions of the trellis, meaning the length, are selected based on the characteristics of the plantings. Design features largely depend on its type.

Single-plane trellis: design features

This trellis device has one base dug into the ground and supports angled away from it. The height of the supports is at least 2 m, the length of the base is 3 m. Reinforcement or a metal rod of at least 0.8 mm can be used as supports. in thickness. The profile must be at least 25/25 thick. The latter ensures the strength and reliability of fastening, as well as long service life of the structure.

Vineyard formation

Of no small importance when choosing trellises is the principle of formation of the vineyard: fan or sleeve. The most profitable option is the fan formation of bushes. The shoots diverge at an angle in different directions, which simplifies their insulation for the winter, processing of the plant, and harvesting. The sleeves are lined with massive grape bushes. For beginning gardeners, the correct form of distribution on the trellis is recommended. It is also noted that in this option for placing vines, the load is evenly distributed along the trellis structure.

There are different types of hedges. Of course, to make them faster, a variety of artificial materials are used. But structures made from living plants are much more pleasing to the eye. Conifers and evergreens are especially attractive. Original from clematis, blackberry or raspberry bushes raised on supports. Such barriers are beautiful at the time when flowers are blooming and clusters of juicy berries hang on the bushes. Some winegrowers or simply summer residents improve their plots by constructing pergolas, gazebos, trellises, arches, and various frames made of grapes. Of course, it is not only beautiful, but also practical. Since for this they use not only decorative grape varieties, but also table grapes. And this is also a harvest of amber berries. How to properly create grape structures on supports will be discussed in this article.

Features of living and decorative hedges

Nowadays, few people pay attention to beautiful and high fences, made according to the latest fashion or from some valuable and beautiful materials. Another thing is a hedge. Not only are such “buildings” in which nature took part beautiful in description, they also have many useful properties:

  1. Protection from prying eyes.
  2. Noise reduction.
  3. Dust retention.
  4. Wind protection.
  5. They hide other outbuildings and create a recreation area.

If the hedge is from a fruit-bearing vineyard, then during its ripening season you can enjoy delicious berries. And if these are ornamental grape plants, such as, for example, Juliana, Italy, Prirechny, Valiant, Giant, then they do not need shelter and can be grown in areas with low winter temperatures.

A hedge made of grapes will not only give the fence a second life, but will also make it the envy of all neighbors.

Grape varieties

If the hedge is from a fruit-bearing vineyard, then during its ripening season you can enjoy delicious berries. Ornamental plants are also used.

Maiden or wild

An ornamental plant that is used to decorate fences, walls of houses, and open verandas. Growing virgin grapes is not difficult. It reproduces by seeds, pieces of roots, and possibly by layering. In the wild, there are more than ten varieties of maiden grapes, but in garden plots near houses, three main types can be found as decoration:

  • attached;
  • five-leaved (virginian);
  • ivy-shaped (triacute).

At the moment, dozens of species of this plant have been bred, the seeds of which can be purchased in specialized gardening stores and on the Internet. Maiden grapes are widespread in Russia and other post-Soviet countries.

The leaves of this ornamental plant are large with jagged edges. Bright green in summer. In the autumn season, the leaves that are on the sunny side become red. Closer to winter, the foliage turns yellow. The leaf length is approximately ten centimeters. The main decorative feature of the maiden grape is its beautiful ornamental foliage, especially in the fall, when it turns a dark crimson color. Perhaps no garden plant can produce such a beautiful shade of autumn foliage. Maiden grapes have a very powerful root system, growing in depth and to the sides. This plant pleases not only with its aesthetic appearance, but also performs a useful function. near the house it will collect excess moisture from under the foundation and walls. Thereby preventing mold from developing.

Maiden grapes are able to climb vertical walls and pillars with the help of tendrils on which adhesive pads are located.


Another interesting ornamental plant is the couanier grape. Or as it is also called, Japanese. Kuanye is a beautiful frost-resistant vine native to Japan. The leaves of the plant are large, heart-shaped and round. Three-five-lobed, dark green above, grayish or reddish-pubescent below. Kuanje is a fast-growing plant. Over the course of a year, growth can be up to 4.5 meters. This decorative grape is propagated by layering, cuttings, and seeds.

Even an inexperienced gardener can create a hedge on the site from such an unpretentious plant, because the variety takes root well in any conditions and requires minimal care.

Kuanye is used for landscaping arches, canopies, gazebos, pillars, trellises, and trees. You can find out about planting grapes using cuttings at home.

Ornamental grapes can tolerate drought for quite a long time, but they still need to be watered at least once a month. Using 8–10 liters of water for this.

Some plants, especially those that climb, require a sturdy structure to create a hedge.

Types and description of grape supports: gazebo, canopy, pergolas

Grapes are a perennial plant. From about two to three years of age, he needs strong, reliable support. The support consists of concrete, wooden or metal stakes driven vertically into the ground, with wire stretched between them at a distance of 25–40 cm from each other. For fruit-bearing grapes growing on a personal plot, from which you only plan to collect fruits and do not perform a decorative function, it is enough to make the simplest straight columnar support. If the vineyard will also serve as a decorative element, a canopy from the sun, or a wall protecting the area from prying eyes, more complex structures will be required. Let's look at some of them.

Pergolas for vines

A pergola is a structure of arches connected to each other by a lattice ceiling. This is a structure or canopy that is covered with climbing plants. Pergola has long been used in various southern countries as protection from the scorching sun. Also, these designs were very popular in the 18th and 19th centuries. These days, pergolas are gaining popularity again. They ennoble personal plots, decorate parks and squares, and they are also decorative buildings near houses. Pergolas are made of wood, plastic, metal or stone. The most popular material from which pergolas are made is wood. It's all quite simple to explain. To make wooden structures, you do not need a special tool, wood is not difficult to process, and products made from it have an attractive appearance. Pergolas fit into almost any landscape near buildings.

It is enough to come up with or choose the design you like, take correct measurements, make drawings and calculations.

Giant bars

Wooden and metal trellises for grapes are an excellent support for ornamental plants, and also allow you to grow fragrant bunches on them. This type of structure can be used to separate one area from another and decorate paths near the house. Most often, gratings are made by hand. The process is not complicated and does not take much time. This will require a minimum of material and tools. Wooden flat slats are knocked down with nails or twisted with self-tapping screws in such a way that diamond-shaped or square-shaped cells are formed. Their width can vary from 20 by 20 to 40 by 40 centimeters. The vine entwines such structures. The leaves of the plants receive even sunlight, which allows the berries to ripen completely. Decorative grapes, braiding a checkered structure, create a reliable and attractive wall that performs many useful functions. It does not allow dust to pass through, serves as a shelter from the sun on hot summer days, and fences off the area near the house from prying eyes. Also read about sweet, non-covering grape varieties for the Moscow region, in.

It is better to paint wooden gratings or treat them with special anti-rotting solutions for a longer service life.

Arches for the vineyard

An arch for grapes can be not only a landscape decoration for a private house or cottage, but also a structure in which you can hide from the hot sun on summer days. This design perfectly holds the vines, which bear heavy bunches during the season. Building an arch is not difficult. Almost anyone can make this from wood. Wooden arches have a rather attractive appearance; their manufacture does not require expensive tools or welding experience. The only disadvantage of such structures is that they are not as durable as those made of metal. Metal arches, if properly treated with anti-corrosion paints, can last for tens or even hundreds of years, but they are quite expensive. Arches made of plastic pipes do not rot or corrode, but under heavy loads from pouring grapes they can sag.

Frames: size and placement

Before mounting the frame, you need to decide on its dimensions, where it will be located, how many inputs and outputs there will be, and also calculate all the parameters. After planning, you can begin to implement your plans:

This one will tell you how to make trellises for grapes.

When making frames as supports for planting grapes, you need to know that the crop is susceptible to diseases and therefore it will have to be treated with various chemicals, including fungicides. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a variety that can withstand pathologies. In addition, if the frames are small in size, then it will be enough to plant 1-2 bushes and then form them correctly so that they are not thickened and completely cover the material from which the frame was made with their vegetative mass.

After completing the work, it is imperative to varnish or paint the metal structure.

How to make a trellis with your own hands according to the scheme: from metal, pipes, wood

For good development and fruiting of the vineyard, it is necessary to constantly care for it. Also, grape plants need strong support that will hold the vines and ripening bunches. Trellis, pergolas, trellises, arches are made from various materials:

  • tree;
  • metal;
  • plastic pipes.

Supports for grapes are classified according to several criteria:

  • single-plane. The simplest type of grape supports. Making them will not take much time and money spent if everything is made from scrap materials. To do this, you will need wooden, metal or reinforced concrete posts dug into the ground, between which wire is stretched in one plane, in several rows;
  • two-plane. Supports that have two flat frames connected into one structure. To make them you will need 2.5 m metal pipes, wire, cement with sand and crushed stone. A rectangle 3 meters long and 80 cm wide is marked with pegs. At the marking site, four holes 0.5 m deep are dug. Metal pipes are placed in them at such an angle to form the English letter V. The width at the bottom should be 80 mm at the top. The pipes are then filled with concrete. After complete hardening, the wire is stretched along the pillars. The first tier is 50 cm from the ground, the distance between the next ones should be about 40 cm;
  • pergolas, trellises and other decorative supports. What such a structure will look like, and what it will be made of, everyone must choose for themselves. Guided by your preferences and availability of materials.

It is necessary to secure the pipes as best as possible so that they do not tilt under the weight of the future harvest.

The need for construction: where to place an ivy-shaped

Along with the use of grapes as very healthy and tasty berries, their bush can also be used for landscaping. But you can find out why greenhouses for grapes are so popular.

Nowadays, grapes are grown near the walls of houses for the construction of various galleries, gazebos and other structures. Growing grapes in this way has its positive aspects:

  • decoration of the home landscape;
  • creating coolness in hot summers;
  • serves as protection against dust.

This is especially beautiful when grapes wrap around the balconies of the lower floors and also when constructing hedges. Usually, decorative varieties are used for these purposes, which either do not produce a harvest at all or are inedible fruits. Meanwhile, table varieties have now begun to be used for these purposes. And grapes are grown for fresh consumption. And also for making juices, wine, liqueurs, jam and other products.

The bushes are planted so that they are not covered for the winter, and so that they do not freeze, their trunks must be tied with some kind of material. This must be done in the central regions of the country. But table varieties, such as and others, are planted only where there is enough sun, that is, on the south side of the structure. The northern parts of the building are planted with decorative frost-resistant varieties. The most important thing is to protect the perennial parts of the vineyard from frost. With this method of cultivation, the crop needs careful green operations to avoid thickening of the shoots, irrigation and fertilizing.

You can plant seedlings of a wild frost-resistant variety, and when they reach a certain height, regraft them with a table variety.


In this video you can see how to build a support for grapes with your own hands.


Grapes can be grown not only to produce tasty and healthy berries. But also for landscaping the surrounding landscape. For this purpose, pergolas, trellises, arches, and frames are constructed. Features of growing grapes on supports:

  1. If these cultivated grapes are successfully placed (placement) according to the scheme, then you can get a good harvest of berries from the bushes.
  2. Structures and stands serve as a factor in protecting the area from wind, dust and hot sun in summer. They create coolness.
  3. Hedges will protect the estate from the prying eyes of neighbors.

You can find out what vitamins are contained in grapes.

But it happens that decorative grapes, for example, maiden grapes, are raised on supports. It has its own characteristics:

  1. The fruits are inedible.
  2. Does not require shelter in persistent frosts.
  3. You can also plant seedlings of wild grapes for gazebos, and when they reach the required height, plant a table variety that is resistant to fungal diseases.

It must be remembered that plants on supports need the same operations as a fruit-bearing vineyard on a personal plot. This includes irrigation, fertilizing and the obligatory removal of green shoots. Operations are needed for growing table varieties; virgin varieties are less demanding.

Planting grapes and installing a trellis must be done in a spacious place with sufficient sunlight. The location should be convenient for watering, since at least 2 times a year you will have to fill the bushes with water.

Rows with trellises can be installed in several stages, but they are always located from north to south. The distance of the pillars from each other can be made as large as possible, since over the years the grapes will grow and will lack the initially limited area for them. The minimum distance between adjacent pillars is 2 m.

The free space can be filled with vegetables that love dark areas. This is only possible in the case of single-plane design- the simplest in design and compact in installation. The plant will grow and develop in only one plane. This arrangement is performed most often.

Two-plane design requires maximum space between rows, and it is almost impossible to use the free space for anything else. Arched trellises are preferably installed over small recreation areas, walking paths or gazebos. They help decorate the appearance of buildings and lift the mood of their owners. Grapes can grow in them both vertically and horizontally.

Types, designs

Trellis for grapes vary in material, which is used for supports. It is possible to use wooden posts, metal pipes or corners. In order for the gardener to conveniently care for the grapes, the support needs to be placed at the height of average human height or slightly higher. The installation step of the columns is 3 meters, sometimes it is larger.

If it is initially assumed that the grapes will be dense, at the construction stage it is necessary to install additional columns between the main ones. If this is not done immediately, after several years the need for their installation will be obvious, but it will be more difficult to implement it, since the mounting points will be blocked by the grown grapes.

Quality construction It is characterized by high rigidity, which is achieved by correct tension of the wire and the creation of additional connections. Under a large mass of fruit-bearing grapes, the columns should not lose strength and balance. The upper ends should be completely surrounded by small-diameter pipes; if not available, slats can be used, but their reliability must first be checked. Wire made from metallic material is highly susceptible to corrosion. Copper or aluminum options are ideal.

Sometimes you can find tall trellises that reach a height of 3 meters, and sometimes higher. These design dimensions are intended solely to increase productivity and the full development of grapes. The supports are made using especially durable types of metal, from thick, stable pillars. They must withstand heavy loads, especially during the fruiting period.

Photo of trellises for grapes.

Single-plane trellis

The simplest option, if properly developed, is quite reliable, but is used for relatively small bushes. The entire plant is located and continues to grow in only one plane.

The variety has several benefits:

  1. Easy production and quick installation.
  2. Easy care of plants, access to them is provided from all sides.
  3. The ripening of grape bunches occurs evenly along the entire length of the bush.
  4. Other plants, such as fruit crops or flowers, can be planted between the rows.

Single-plane grape trellises can be installed in a short period of time; self-installation is possible. To make such a design, must be used according to choice: asbestos-cement, metal pipes or corners, wooden poles. Usually just over half a meter goes down into the ground, and the height of the visible part is about 2 m. In general, posts of 2.5 m or more are required.

The installation step is approximately 3-4 m. The wire is pulled over each support; it must be installed as firmly as possible.

Two-plane trellis

The dimensions of a grape trellis can be very impressive, depending on the current or expected maximum area of ​​the vineyard. One row of bush contains several supports located vertically. The ground part must be distributed absolutely evenly.

Main differences This type of trellis is: the location of the maximum number of grape leaves in the sun, from which they receive the maximum of vitamins, the quality of ventilation meets all standards, it is possible to create sleeves in the amount of 15 pieces or more.

To create two-plane trellises, you should have a large area and the ability to care for a large vineyard. It is advisable to make the distance between rows greater than 3 m.

Main advantages:

  1. You can increase the size of the vineyard by the number of bushes. The strength of their development does not change downward. If there is free space on the site, it can be used rationally.
  2. Improved assimilation and development. Inflorescences and bunches of grapes receive more nutrition, since they have access to a lot of light and air.
  3. Thanks to the tilted position, the grapes can freely fall down. Fruits and leaves are better protected from the possibility of sunburn and are less susceptible to strong winds.
  4. Thanks to easy access to inflorescences, the quality of natural pollination improves, and the use of artificial pollination technologies is also very easy.
  5. Double-plane trellises help to shade the ground as much as possible, which is necessary to preserve the moisture contained in it for a longer time.

And here is a video on how to make a two-plane trellis for grapes with your own hands.


Trellis height for grapes it can be from 2 m; if it is necessary to increase the area of ​​the vineyard, the base pillars can be extended to 3 m or more. The size assignment depends on two factors: ease of care and the required amount of harvest. The lower the trellises, the easier it is to care for the grapes, since workers can reach the top branches without any extraneous devices.

If a trellis is created in the form of an arch, its height should be greater than the height of tall passers-by. When the creation of upper transverse partitions is not planned, the height can be any, the main thing is to provide a reliable foundation. Metal or wooden poles must be massive.

The upper, horizontal mounts are made of thin pipes or beams, so you can save a little on their parameters.

Forming grapes on a trellis

Fan-sleeve formation considered one of the most convenient. It is necessary to plant the seedlings correctly so that the upper eye is 7-10 cm deep into the ground. If you use this method, the formation of a trunk is excluded, the vine will easily bend to the soil.

Correct grape formation achieved by several years of periodic work on it.

In the first year the main goal is to obtain four high-quality shoots from the seedling. Weak shoots must be removed immediately so that the bush does not waste additional energy on them. In autumn, the plants are shortened to 80-100 cm. If no standing shoots have grown, you can remove them all and leave 5-7 buds on the bush, and repeat the steps next year.

Next year In spring, the shoots are tied to a wire like a fan. On these plants you need to grow 2 new shoots. All eyes break off after swelling, leaving only the top two. All other shoots, which may sprout periodically in the summer, break off. The first harvest may appear, but you should not leave more than half a bunch on the sleeve. The main goal is to form a powerful bush, so all the loads from the fruit should be applied to it gradually. Fruiting links are expected to appear in the fall. On the lower shoot, 2-3 buds are removed, the next one loses 7-10 buds. Before the winter cold, the vine is covered with earth.

In the third year During the life of a grape bush, all resulting shoots are tied horizontally to a wire on a trellis. On the replacement shoot, cut off all the inflorescences except two, one of which should be placed away from the center; it will become the replacement shoot next year. In autumn you can get a harvest of 5 kg or more.

Every year you need to remove the fertilized vine, this will ensure a constant increase in yield.


The wire for grape trellises must have increased zinc content over the entire surface. Thanks to its spraying, it can last 3 times longer than a regular one. Zinc with a density of about 230 g/m² improves the anti-corrosion properties of the material.

The relative elongation of the wire for trellises is about 5%. This is a good indicator, unlike other options. The negative impact of temperatures does not manifest itself clearly, the wire sags less, so it needs to be tightened less often. The increased carbon content makes the wire stronger, which extends its service life.

Following all the rules for creating trellises for grapes and making the correct formation of shoots, you can create a wonderful composition with your own hands, which will become a decorative part of the garden path, gazebo, while simultaneously providing a good harvest of fruits every year.

Until recently, having your own vineyard at your dacha was considered a curiosity. Today this vine will not surprise anyone. But it’s not enough to just plant a plant, you need to surround it with care.

An important point in care is the construction of a trellis. Let's talk about what it is and how to build it.


A trellis is a wooden or metal support for grapes. It is needed to maintain and direct shoots. The device prevents the vine from dragging along the ground and prevents damage and disease. Space is saved significantly, leaves and fruits receive more light. All this leads to increased productivity.

Modern supports are not only functional, but also decorative. Landscape designers use them as a tool for zoning and creating hedges.


Structurally, columnar and arched types are distinguished. They are made of metal, wood or plastic. By experimenting with style, you can come up with supports that match the surrounding objects or stand out from the general background.

Straight columnar

This is the simplest option, requiring a minimum investment. It is a chain of steel pipes (channels, logs) dug into the ground at a certain pitch. Copper and stainless steel wire, nylon cords, and fishing line are pulled between them.

A smart solution might be to purchase a special plastic mesh for grapes. It is easy to install and can be used for any climbing crops.

Such devices are divided into:

  • Single. Positive aspects - low cost, good ventilation of foliage, uniform ripening of bunches, free access for work (pruning, crown formation). There is also a drawback - the emergence of powerful sleeves that are difficult to handle.
  • Double. Such supports for grapes are made in the form of parallel, V-shaped, T-shaped or Y-shaped posts. They are suitable for large grape plantations and contribute to better pollination.


The arched, semi-arched shape allows you to simultaneously grow several varieties of grapes. The green mass grows under conditions of optimal illumination and ventilation. A recreation area is often placed in the shade under cover, with tables, seats, and swings installed.

Despite all its beauty, there is one caveat - to harvest from the top you will need a stepladder.


It is better to start arranging a trellis for grapes with your own hands by sketching the design. Schematically draw columns on a sheet of paper, maintaining a distance of 3 m between them. This will immediately make it clear the amount of consumables.

The height of the vertical elements should not exceed 2-2.5 m. If the grape varieties are distinguished by large berries and massive clusters, then it is worth taking care of reliable horizontal crossbars.

Selecting a location

Once the sketch is drawn, it's time to think about where to place the pergolas. Please note the following:

  • The area needs light. Ideally, it is oriented to the south, southwest and protected from the wind.
  • The root system should not be drowned out by the roots of nearby trees or shrubs.

We build it ourselves

Beginner winegrowers will be puzzled by the question of how to make a trellis at home. We offer step-by-step instructions:

  • We cut a water and gas pipe with a diameter of 32-57 mm into 2 m pieces. We clean the ends from burrs, cover them with bitumen or paint them to protect them from corrosion.
  • We dig holes 60x60x80 cm. Try to make them resemble trapezoids expanding upward.
  • We fill the bottom with a sand-crushed stone cushion 5-15 cm thick. Fill the recess with the posts with cement mortar.
  • Let's move on to the remaining details. We saw the 10 mm reinforcement to the required length. We weld the bottom row at a level of 40 cm from the soil. Subsequent ones are 35-40 cm higher than the previous ones.


In the first couple of years, pergolas successfully replace ordinary rods and pegs. But we can’t do without full-fledged frames. When the structure is ready, the vine must be tied up.

In the spring, “dry” tying is carried out. Carefully bend the branches to the supports and tie the knots. During the summer months, green tying is required. Young, regrown shoots are tied to the frame.

Photo trellises for grapes