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Flat stomach in a week at home. Effective exercises for a flat stomach at home Simple exercises for a flat stomach

Do these exercises 10 minutes a day every day for two weeks and your stomach will become flat.


Birch improves the flexibility of the spine and strengthens the muscles of the upper body, and the back itself, helping to acquire a flat stomach and even posture.

Lay a blanket on the floor. Lie on your back so that your head is on the floor and your shoulder blades are at the very edge of the mat. Push through your legs, squeezing your lower abs to lift your body. As you exhale, lift both legs together, bringing them to right angle with the body. Toes point up. Breathe calmly. As you exhale, raise your legs higher by lifting your hips and back from the surface. Support your lower back with your palms.

  • Do 20-30 lifts.

Elbow-knee twist

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Keeping your body straight, lift your leg bent at the knee and reach for it with the elbow of your opposite hand. Raise your leg by working your abdominal muscles, not your back. The faster you do it, the more calories you will be able to burn.

  • Do this exercise 20 times.

Upper abs with obliques

IN Everyday life the lateral press is almost not loaded, and the depth of its location does not allow you to work on it together with other muscle groups. Given that proper nutrition and proper load on the entire body, the “sides” disappear, folds are eliminated, and the lumbar region loses weight.

Lie on your left side, body straight, legs pressed to the floor, top hand behind your head, and bottom hand straight ahead. Raise your head and shoulders up, performing lateral twists (small amplitude, pause at the top point). Then lower yourself back.

  • Perform the exercise 10-15 times on each side.

Oblique lifts

This is a great abdominal exercise that mainly targets the rectus abdominis muscles.

Lie on your back. Place your hands behind your head, raise your legs and bend your knees slightly. The hips should be in a vertical position. Inhale and lift your shoulders off the floor, while moving your knees towards your head and twisting your torso. At the end of the movement, exhale.

  • Perform the exercise for 15-25 repetitions in 3-4 approaches.


Classic squats are especially effective in the fight against extra pounds. With their help, you can improve the course of metabolic processes in the body, gradually forcing all fat reserves to transform into muscle tissue. Squats also strengthen the muscles of the back, lower leg and abdominal muscles, as well as the internal and external muscles of the thighs.

Place your feet hip-width apart and squat until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Keep your back straight and look ahead without turning, head, neck and back in the same plane. Make sure your knees don't go past your toes. But don't overexert yourself: when severe fatigue and decreasing the pace, calorie consumption slows down and the effectiveness of exercise decreases. It is important to breathe correctly - inhale on the descent, exhale on the ascent.

  • Perform the exercise 15 times in three approaches.


The plank exercise is the best thing that was invented for lazy, unathletic women who dream of a good figure. Just 5 minutes a day will give you a boost of energy. In a week the results will be noticeable.

First, fix your shoulders by pressing them as tightly as possible to your body and slightly pulling them towards your waist, bringing your chest forward. Then, squeezing your abs and buttocks, lift yourself off the ground, pulling your body into a line and pointing your tailbone back. Focus your weight on your toes and bent elbows. During the plank, you need to breathe so that your navel tends to touch the spine. This is if you want to get rid of your belly.

  • Perform the exercise by doing 4 sets of 10-30 seconds, gradually increasing the time.

Set yourself a goal and take small steps closer to achieving it every day. Also watch your diet: reduce your intake of carbohydrates and foods containing fats. Such foods promote the rapid formation of a layer of fat just under the skin.

Observe drinking regime regime. The body needs to consume 1.5-2 liters of plain water per day. Drinking 150-200 ml. water just half an hour before meals will help you say goodbye to 2 to 5 kg. excess weight.

Do you want to have a toned figure and healthy digestion? Then it’s time to finally find out everything about how to make your stomach flat at home, is it real, and how difficult is it, if so. If you set out to like yourself and be a healthy person, and are determined, then you should realize and accept the following: the faster you need results, the more effort will be required from you.

It happens that some exceptional event is planned and you need to look attractive in tight clothes, and you can achieve this by losing a couple of kilograms. Or maybe you just don’t like to wait a long time, are upset that you don’t see results and are not sure that you can cope with tedious exercises and diets, then the “flat stomach in a week” option is for you.

In any option for eliminating abdominal looseness, it is necessary to combine a certain type of proper nutrition with exercise. Without this, unfortunately, there is no way. Are you ready to reclaim beauty from fat? Here is your battle plan for the next week, starting today:

1. As is

  • Slowly. Realize eating as a ritual: food should be well prepared, laid out in beautiful, intact dishes. Even if you don’t do a full table setting, set aside one place for food, focus on the process, sit straight at the table and don’t be distracted by anything. Breathe evenly and deeply. The slower you eat, the more accurately your brain will detect the moment of satiety and the more it will be absorbed. valuable substances from food. We really often eat more than our body needs, and once we start tracking our condition, we will be surprised at how little we need.
  • Chewing each piece thoroughly. Already in the mouth, special enzymes are released that speed up digestion, which means that food will lie less in the intestines (that is, in the stomach), crushed food will move through the gastrointestinal tract faster, and excess air will not enter the intestines - thanks to all this you will not be tormented bloating, the stomach will not stretch. Doctors recommend chewing hard foods at least 30 times, soft foods – 10 times. The last meal is no later than a couple of hours before bedtime (preferably 3-4 hours).

2. What to eat and drink

Nutritionists are almost unanimous on one thing - you need to drink a lot of water (at least 2 liters of clean, cool water without anything), eat a lot of fiber and protein. This is where foods with so-called “negative calorie content” come to the rescue:

  • celery
  • cabbage
  • greens (parsley, iceberg lettuce, onion, spinach)
  • cucumber
  • radish
  • tomatoes
  • seaweed
  • eggplant
  • zucchini
  • a pineapple
  • grapefruit

It is better to eat fruits, berries and greens raw, and vegetables and mushrooms are better digested after heat treatment. You don’t have to limit yourself to the amount you eat from this list during the day, but the portions should be small. Do not season with vegetable oil (maximum only 2 tablespoons per day), mayonnaise, or sour cream more than 10%. You can add a lot of pepper, especially red, 1 tbsp. l. a day of soy sauce.

In addition, eat protein-rich foods that are low in carbohydrates and fats:

  • mushrooms (for example, dried mushroom soup with buckwheat, stewed mushrooms with cabbage, omelette in the oven with mushrooms, mushrooms stewed in low-fat sour cream or yogurt)
  • fish and white meat (boiled, steamed or baked with citrus fruits and herbs), low-fat cottage cheese, protein shakes (in moderation),
  • egg white (give the yolk to someone for a week or throw it away),
  • soy (tofu cheese, soy milk, asparagus, sprouts)
  • nuts (no more than 5 pieces per day).

Add fresh ginger and mint to all drinks, and prefer loose leaf green tea to any tea. Eat cereal (no sugar or butter) and fruit for breakfast, and protein foods for dinner.

Of the microelements and vitamins for a flat stomach, calcium, magnesium, and potassium are especially important. It is very useful for healthy digestion and, accordingly, a flat stomach, to consume flaxseed (or oil) and bran.

3. What not to eat or drink

  1. No alcohol. You can definitely hold out for a week. Any alcohol is pure sugar, carbohydrates and empty calories.
  2. Forget about sweet sodas, and better not for a week, but forever. Replace with iced tea or compote, fruit drink (brewed with a minimum of sugar, and if you can’t do without it at all, it’s better with a sweetener added after cooling). Delicious “ice tea” can be made herbal with lemon or black bergamot with basil, orange, etc., there are many recipes.
  3. Eliminate baked goods, pasta, and baked goods made from flour in general. premium. If you don’t have the strength to endure life without bread, eat rye, with bran, whole grain with cereals, slices, but not more than 100 g per day.
  4. Say no to sugar for a week. Unsweetened tea and coffee, or better yet, water. A sweetener won't do any harm in a week if you don't overdo it. Naturally, no cakes, pastries, milk chocolate, dried fruits in sugar, marshmallows. If you are very sad, you can brew yourself cocoa (with sweetener and skim milk 1-2 times a week, with water without sugar - as much as you like) or 2-3 square slices of dark chocolate.
  5. In the case of a sweetener, prefer a natural one, for example, stevia. Sorbitol is cheaper, but is poorly absorbed and harms digestion. It can be hidden in chewing gum, cheap “diet” and diabetic products.
  6. Try giving up salt for a week. Minimize the soy sauce and do not add any extra salt. Excess fluid and swelling will go away.
  7. Sausage, sausages and smoked meats, along with beer, are the worst enemies of a flat stomach.

4. How and how much to train

To begin, stand up straight. Always remind yourself to tighten your stomach and straighten your shoulders. You can create an “anchor” for yourself - for example, set an alarm clock, or agree with yourself that every time you look at the clock, you will take the correct posture and tense your abdominal muscles (or something similar). A habit will soon appear.

You can train your abdominal muscles at any time. Use this in line, in public transport, at a bus stop, at work: inhale - relax, exhale - tighten.

Self-massage will be useful to tighten the skin and improve metabolism. With your palms clenched into fists, move clockwise across your stomach and from side to side for 5-10 minutes, apply significant pressure, but without hurting yourself.

Alternate aerobic and strength training. According to, for example, the principles of the “bodyflex” system, oxygen breaks down fats: the deeper and more evenly we breathe during exercise, the more oxygen the tissues receive with the blood, the better the training. Strength training – actively burns fat and gives beautiful relief.

Aerobic training includes running, cycling, skiing, skating, swimming, ball games, dancing and of course aerobics itself. Equipment in the gym includes a rowing machine, an exercise bike, treadmill and stepper (ellipsoid). Choose one of these every day, as a warm-up for 30-40 minutes, then start strength training (exercises to work the abs), of the same duration, no less.

Exercises for a flat stomach and sides

You can exercise with your own weight, or you can use weights (for example, dumbbells, water bottles, sand bags) for faster results. One or two days a week (not the first and not the last), give your muscles a rest: for example, do only warm-up and stretching exercises or run a little. Important principles of abdominal training:

  • regularity;
  • thoroughness;
  • there is no deflection in the lower back (on the contrary, the back needs to be slightly rounded);
  • take breaks between approaches: for example, a 5-10 minute series of approaches, 1-5 minutes of rest, after training - a good long rest;
  • We don’t start or finish without warming up;
  • alternate muscle groups during a series of approaches: obliques, lower, lateral (transverse), upper (straight).
  • pay attention to the principles and method of Pilates (stabilization, tense center, tracking the breath, take your time, heels together if possible).

1. Leg raises are effective for the lower abs. Lie on your back, press your lower back to the floor. Raise your straight, tense legs until you feel your lower back begin to lift off the floor. Slowly bring your legs straight back down. Start with 15 reps of 3 sets (rest 20-60 seconds).

You can also perform bent leg raises while lying on the floor or hanging leg raises on a bar.

2. Upper abs love variations of upper body lifts. Lying on the floor with your lower back pressed, bend your knees, stretch your arms along your body. Slowly raise and lower your body without lifting your shoulder blades from the floor.
By doing the same thing sharply and with straight legs (catching on the edge of the furniture with your toes, for example), you will improve the elasticity and strength of the muscles.

3. Crunches train the oblique abdominal muscles. Perform diagonal leg raises while hanging or lying on the floor. In a lying position with your legs bent, lift your body, twisting alternately left and right, or raise your opposite arm and leg and reach them towards each other (bending the knee), while turning your body towards the bent knee.

4. A bicycle for the upper and lower abs will be more effective if the lower back is pressed and the legs are moved away from the stomach to the floor. Fully straightening your leg, move it slowly with your heel to the floor, pulling the toe towards you without touching the floor.

How to give a woman a flat stomach at home

Women have a larger abdomen, they have a greater hormonal and genetic predisposition to store adipose tissue in the lower abdomen (for the safety of the fetus); after childbirth, stretched muscles will need to be toned for more than one month.

All these features of the body lead to the fact that it is many times more difficult for a woman to achieve a flat stomach than for a man; accordingly, it will be necessary to follow all the tips listed above more diligently and for longer. But everything will definitely work out, even at home.

If it is very difficult to take on everything at once, set yourself a deadline and start small, step by step adding a new principle of nutrition and training to your usual life, developing a habit. Don't worry and sleep at least 8 hours a day.

How to remove belly fat at home for a man

Men tend to “accumulate fat” in the upper abdomen; they are more susceptible to the formation of visceral fat (located between organs), which is dangerous for the risk of heart attacks. The stronger sex, on average, is more often exposed to stress, which affects the nervous and digestive system in the form of fat deposits on the abdomen.

  1. A man will need to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract by eating properly and eliminating bad habits: alcohol (especially beer) and cigarettes; and also exercise at least three times a week.
  2. The daily routine is very important - accustom your body to regular, nutritious meals, without skipping a hearty breakfast, a hearty lunch and a light protein dinner, and it will respond to you with a toned belly.
  3. The nutritional principles are the same as for women, just take into account the daily dose of calories (about 500 more) and dietary supplements (also more for women). A lot of protein, water, vegetables, little fat, microscopically little fried, flour, sweets, zero smoked meats, semi-finished products, sausages, carbohydrates - only slow ones (cereals).
  4. Dedicated to bath lovers. If you want a flat, young, sexy belly, drink herbal tea in the bath and after it, rather than beer and kvass; for worthy girls, this looks more attractive and more successful.
  5. An excellent start to training is a 30-minute evening run (before dinner). If you love the plank exercise and push-ups, if you haven’t done it for a long time, start with 30 times (seconds) in the morning and 30 in the evening (increasing the duration every day). The upper body will be unrecognizable in a couple of months. Do not stop!

Flat stomach - diet

  • The basics of diets for a flat stomach are natural and dietary foods, small meals 4-6 times a day, exclusion of harmful foods (see above), a good daily portion of protein, fiber (fibrous foods), improving digestion, a lot clean water. Fast diets are characterized by diuretic and bowel cleansing effects. The strictest no-carb options are not recommended for use longer than two weeks.
  • Pay attention to the labels of the products you buy: we are interested in the composition (where sugar is, chemical additives), the nutritional value in calories, protein, vitamins. Think about it: do you need this pack of muesli in honey with candied fruits if you have an excellent mixture of 4 grains at home for a hearty morning low-calorie porridge.
  • For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (as well as the nervous, cardiovascular system, pregnancy), ask your doctor for permission to use this or that method of nutrition).
  • Counting calories and reducing the amount consumed by 200-500 units effectively promotes weight loss. There are many free applications for smartphones and PCs that greatly simplify this task. Try it, read the reviews and choose the right application; besides, many of them contain interesting recipes.
  • Cheeses are either hard (such as Parmesan) or young curds. Not melted, not smoked, not braided, no more than 100 g per day. It is better to eat a pack of cottage cheese with natural yogurt.

Sample menu for the week, according to the recommendations listed:

Breakfast: porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, pearl barley, mixed cereal) without sugar and butter, preferably in water and soaked in the evening, if with milk, then no higher than 2.5%. Green tea or black coffee without sugar. Rye bun toast with tofu and herbs or egg and fruit.

Dinner: a large portion of salad (without mayonnaise, mainly from raw vegetables, maybe with boiled beans, peas, soy asparagus) or low-fat soup, or steamed (baked) fish/lean meat.

Dinner: cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir or steamed, (boiled, baked) fish/lean meat/shrimp. Add spices to kefir: cinnamon, ginger, pepper, turmeric (one or all at once), the effect is bomb (in a good way )

How to get a flat stomach at the salon

The beauty salon provides the following procedures for a flat stomach:

1) Manual massage or using various devices and preparations (vacuum, press, rollers, radio waves, honey massage, coffee massage, etc.). A professional massage therapist uses various techniques that provide drainage, stimulating blood circulation, and detox effects. The procedure will give results if you use it at least twice a week, for at least 4 weeks.

2) cedar (phyto) barrel. By visiting a sauna three times a week or a cedar barrel a couple of times a month, you can remove excess fluid and toxins, renew and tighten your skin.

3) wraps. Thermal wraps with seaweed, chocolate, honey, clay and special cosmetic compositions will help draw out toxins and waste, make the skin beautiful, accelerate blood circulation and metabolism.

4) liposuction. Leave this surgery for extreme case. The fact is that the number of fat cells (adipocytes) in an adult does not change throughout life. When we talk about burning fat, we are only talking about reducing the size of bloated cells. During liposuction, this system is destroyed, fat cells are pulled through the device, which can be a huge stress for the body. After some time, the cells will begin to actively grow, both in the operated and in other places, in order to replace their dead brothers, then even more strict nutritional control will be necessary.

5) cavitation. This is the effect on fat cells of ultrasound, which destroys the membrane of the adipocyte and it decreases in volume, and everything that comes out of the cell is removed from the body by lymph. Cosmetologists promise the same effect as from liposuction in no less than 5 procedures, but it doesn’t come cheap.

6) cryolipolysis. Fat is not resistant to cold – the action of this procedure is based on this principle. The device vacuum draws in part of the skin and adipose tissue underneath and cools it to -5, as a result of which the adipocytes are destroyed and die. The effect is noticeable after 2-4 months or 3-4 procedures.

Disguising a hanging belly

While you're just at the beginning of your weight loss journey, there are a few things you can do to make your belly look more attractive now:

1. Remember about posture and do not walk with a “loose” belly, watch this.

2. Dark bottom, light top

3. No shiny or tight

4. Ladies - low-waisted skirts and trousers and a pencil skirt will not suit you to disguise your belly. If your belly is large, avoid wearing a belt in trousers and skirts.

5. Baggy clothes won't help. Clothing should elongate the silhouette, choose cardigans, jackets that reach the hips, with a deep V-neck.

6. Dresses and blouses with a yoke, a wrap under the bust, and a bra with wide straps mask the belly well.

7. Don’t neglect shapewear

8. High heels make us look slimmer

9. Avoid large patterns and ornaments in clothing

10. Distract attention to something else: maybe you have beautiful legs or face, highlight your best part of the body with accessories (shoes).

And this is understandable, because everyone wants to calmly walk along the beach in the summer in open swimsuits and feel confident. But some people don’t care about this for a long time, but understand that it’s time in a few days. But getting it in a week is just as possible as getting it in a few months.

A beautiful belly is just the beginning of the journey. After all, the press is a whole group of muscles, each of which has its own exercise. This article will help those who do not want or are not able to spend money on fitness centers, because all at home are completely doable. The main thing is patience, and again patience.

Exercise one: lie on your stomach, stretch your arms in front of you, leave your legs straight. Raise your head slightly off the floor and look forward. After this, raise your legs about thirty degrees and do not lower them for twenty seconds. Then lift your left leg and right arm. Do this at least fifteen times, alternating arms and legs.

Another exercise that will help you get a flat stomach in a week: lie on your back, place your arms along your body. Then lift your straight legs about ten centimeters from the floor and hold them. Slowly raise your torso and at the same time pull your bent elbow left hand to the right leg bent at the knee. Return to the starting position. The exercise must be repeated twenty times, changing the position of the arms and legs each time.

Third exercise: lie on your back and spread your straightened arms to the sides. Raise your legs so that they are perpendicular to the floor. Having taken the correct position, begin to slowly lower your legs to the left so that no more than twenty centimeters remain from your feet to your hands, while making sure that your back does not leave the floor. Then lift your legs back up and lower them to the other side. Repeat the exercise fifteen times.

Exercise four: You will need a towel and a chair. But it is precisely this that is one of the most effective for getting a flat stomach in a week. . To begin, lie on the floor, on your back, with your feet on a chair. You need to roll up the towel, take it in your hands and stretch them out in front of you. Then lift your upper body off the floor, straining at the same time. Try to pull your hands with a towel to your feet, as if taking a sitting position. Then turn right, then left. To ensure that your actions are correct and bring as much benefit as possible, try to ensure that both your arms and body turn. The exercise must be repeated fifteen times.

Exercise five: it targets the oblique muscles of your abdomen. You need to kneel down and move your right leg to the side, it should remain straight and your toe should point forward. Place your hands behind your head and spread your elbows to the sides. Lean to the left and return back to the desired position without bending. Repeat the exercise fifteen times, then turn in the other direction and do the same number of bends to the right.

And now some tips for exercises to surely get a flat stomach in a week:

1) first you need to remember that without food restrictions you will not achieve anything. Alone physical exercise they won’t change anything, but if you support them with a small diet, then everything will definitely work out;

2) it is very important to exercise regularly: at least three times a week for thirty minutes a day. However, if you want to achieve results as quickly as possible, it is better to exercise four or five times a week.

3) try to do all the turns, bending and lifting while exhaling, because when inhaling it is inconvenient to do this, since the air in the lungs will interfere.

4) if you feel pain in the lower back while performing an exercise, then replace it with something else. Never do anything through pain.

If you follow all these rules, then “flat stomach” exercises will definitely help you.

Want to show off a trendy swimsuit on your stunning figure? Before the start of the holiday season, which you will undoubtedly spend on the seaside, there is exactly as much time left as you need to get your figure in order. Adopt a suitable diet, exercises for a flat stomach, slender legs and begin the fitness program. Lazy people, please do not worry, because the admiring glances of men, serenades and romantic walks go to not only the most beautiful, but also the most purposeful girls.

With proper training, you can get rid of belly fat in 4 to 12 weeks. The effectiveness of training will increase significantly if you combine it with appropriate diets. In pursuit of a beautiful figure, you need not only to choose which exercises to remove belly fat, but also to remember about your health, so in case of diseases of the spine or cardiovascular system, before starting training, you need to consult a specialist doctor. Having good physical fitness, you can perform up to 6 exercises at once with two to three approaches of up to 15 repetitions in each, but for the rest, 2-5 exercises with one approach are enough.

Before each workout, you need to warm up different muscle groups; for this you can do jumping, bending, and turning. After training, stretching is mandatory.

Exercises to lose belly fat in 2 weeks

Sitting on the floor, pull your legs towards your chest without touching your forward-facing toes to the floor. The arms are bent at the elbows, and the palms lie along the body. As you exhale, tilt your body back, leaning on your elbows, and straighten your legs slightly forward so that your shins remain parallel to the floor.

  1. Strengthening the upper abs

Lying on your back with your knees bent, place your hands under your head. As you exhale, lift up, straining your abs and stretch your chin forward. In this case, the elbows should be spread to the sides, and the feet should be pressed to the floor. As you inhale, relax and return the body to its original position.

  1. Strengthening the lower and upper abs

Raise your knees bent while lying on your back so that your shins remain parallel to the floor. Relaxed arms lie along the body, palms down. As you exhale, lower your legs bent at the knees without touching the floor with your feet. While inhaling, return the body to the starting position.

  1. Strengthening the oblique abdominal muscles

Lying on your right side, lean on your forearm and bend your knees. Tightening your abs, raise your hips until a straight line is formed from the top of your head to your heels. Repeat the exercise for the left side.

  1. Strengthening the obliques and upper abs

Lying on your right side, focus on your forearm. The body is positioned perpendicular to the legs. Now we bend our knees. Tightening your abs, raise your hips until a straight line is formed. The left hand needs to be raised up. Then lower it and stretch to the right side of your chest, your head also stretches after your hand. The pelvis is motionless.

Return to the starting position, lie on the other side and do the exercise for your right arm.

  1. We strengthen the upper and lower abs, as well as the oblique abdominal muscles

Lying on your back, place your hands under your head, raise your legs and bend them at the knees, maintaining an angle of 90 degrees. As you exhale, straighten one leg, but do not place it on the floor. Raise your body and reach your opposite elbow toward your bent leg. Perform the exercise for each side.

  1. Strengthening your upper abs and obliques

Lying on your back, place your hands under your head and raise your legs bent at the knees to 90 degrees. As you exhale, lift the body (head and shoulder blades), while with outstretched arms you need to reach first to the outer side of one thigh, and then the other.

  1. Strengthening the oblique abdominal muscles

Lying on your right side, extend your right arm forward perpendicular to your entire body, palm down. Place your free hand, that is, your left, on the floor. As you exhale, lift your body (shoulders and legs), trying to connect your shoulders and straight legs. Repeat for the left side.

  1. Strengthening the abdominal muscles (obliques, upper and lower)

Lying on your side, rest on your lower arm (the arm lies palm down, perpendicular to the body), and place the upper arm under your head. As you exhale, lift your body and at the same time pull your legs towards your chest. Do this as many times as possible and repeat for the second side.

  1. Strengthening the oblique muscles and upper abs

Lying on your back, place your hands under your head, bend your legs at the knees and turn onto your right side. As you exhale, tighten your abs and lift your body (head and shoulder blades), while pulling your chin forward. As you inhale, lower your body to the starting position.

  1. Strengthening the lower abs

Lying on your back, place your hands under your head and bend your knees, lightly touching your toes to the floor. As you exhale, tighten your abs and straighten your legs only at the knees, maintaining an angle of 45 degrees.

  1. Strengthening the oblique abdominal muscles

Lying on your back, rest your feet on the floor with your knees bent, clasp your hands and extend them forward. As you exhale, lift your body and stretch your hands to the outside of your thighs. Relax your abs, but do not touch the floor with your body, then tighten your abs again and stretch. Perform a “spring” by stretching your palms between your knees. Perform a “spring” by pulling your arms to the left.

  1. Strengthening the upper and lower abs

Lying on your stomach, lean on your bent arms. The position of the hands is above the shoulder joints, the toes rest on the floor, the legs are straight. As you exhale, lift your body off the floor, resting on your elbows and toes.

Exercises that give diligent and not lazy girls and women a flat, elastic tummy!

  1. Position yourself on your back. Place your arms along your body (palms down). Stretch your legs up (at a right angle to your body). Move your feet to the floor to the left. Return them to their original position. Move your legs to the right side. Repeat the movements a hundred times.
  2. Get on all fours. Do your best to draw your tummy in as much as possible (while exhaling). Hold it in the same “state” for four to seven seconds. Take a deep breath. Lower your tummy (gradually). Repeat the exercise seven to ten times.
  3. Get on your knees and hands. Inhale gently and draw in your stomach. Imagine that you are playing the role of a cat and arching your back. Freeze for ten seconds in this position. Bend your back down (as you exhale).
  4. Cross your legs at the knees to form a right angle. Place both arms behind your head. Perform lifts (with a full lift of the upper body from the surface on which you are performing the exercise). Repeat five or six times.
  5. Stand on your legs with your knees bent. Lower yourself onto your back in this position. Carefully lift your torso, touching your left heel with your hand, then your right. Repeat eight times on each side.
  6. Lie on your right side. Lean on your right forearm (place it perpendicular to your torso). Bend your left arm at the elbow. Place your palm on your left thigh. Bend your knees and keep them together. Tighten your abs and lift your hips. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise on the other side.
  7. Lie on your back. Place your hands on your chest. Lower onto your chest and chin. Sit down (as you exhale), trying to reach your chest with your knees. Raise your entire body, turning your body slightly (to the left, then to the right). Lie down on the floor, do not lower your head (as you inhale). Repeat this exercise exactly eight times.
  8. Perform approximately one hundred body tilts. First - to the left, then - to the right. If you have enough strength, then bend over even more (breaking your own records).
  9. Lie down on the mat. Raise your legs to form a right angle. Lower them. Repeat the exercise several times.
  10. Lie on your tummy. Place your feet on a ball (for fitness). Place your palms on the floor. Raise your straight (right) leg (twenty centimeters from the ball). Stay in this position for exactly four seconds and lower your feet onto the ball. Repeat this exercise five times on one leg and the other.
  11. Lie down on the ball (face up). Spread your feet. Lightly support your head with your hands. Raise your shoulders (as high as possible). Lower your body so low that you can feel the stretch in your abs. Repeat the exercise six times.
  12. Sit down on a chair. Stretch your legs (in front of you). Raise them very slowly and very high. Spread your legs and hold this position for at least eleven seconds. Bring them together again. Repeat the exercise until you get tired.
  13. Lie on your side. Stretch your entire body into a line (from heels to crown). Move the leg that is on the surface forward, and rest the elbow of the “lower” handle on the floor. Stretch your tummy. Using the strength of your waist muscles, lift your waist and hips off the floor. Take a pose that resembles the letter “T”. Slowly lower yourself down. Perform twenty repetitions (several approaches on each side).
  14. Place your hands on your shoulders. Gently get down on your knees. Start squatting to the left, then to the right. Make sure your back area is as flat as possible.
  15. Final exercises for a flat stomach. Take a weight or heavy dumbbell in your hand. Stand (straight). Raise the hand in which you took the weight (dumbbell). Start bending your body to one side. Lower your free hand until you touch the floor. Return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise for the opposite side.

Additional exercises:

  1. Wear loose clothing that will not restrict movement. For example, a tracksuit will do.
  2. Eat plenty of calcium to keep your bones and muscles strong. Those people who are already thirty years old need calcium the most.
  3. Try to completely avoid salt, sugar and sweetener. If you can do this, your belly will shrink in size in just a few days! You want to have a flat stomach in a very short time.
  4. Cleanse your liver and intestines. Carry out the cleansing procedure under the supervision of specialists.
  5. Relax! Forget about stress! Scientists have proven that it is stress that accumulates belly fat. Think about it.
  6. Watch your posture! Slouching makes your belly more visible! Learn to walk gracefully.
  7. Stop smoking! Do it slowly, not all at once. It’s better not to start “grabbing” a cigarette at all if you haven’t done this before.
  8. Be persistent while doing the exercises. Don't give up if you don't succeed and don't be nervous. The number of attempts (in your case) is unlimited.
  9. Between fruit and fruit juice, choose the former, since fruit contains much more fiber.
  10. Stop enjoying food a few hours before your “journey” into dreams. Wait until morning!
  11. Do not try to do exercises by force! If you feel pain, rest a little and try to start performing another gymnastic complex.
  12. Perform exercises on a wool or rubber mat. Choose your favorite place in the room for these purposes.
  13. Do each exercise without forgetting to rest! Proceed as follows: two exercises - six minutes of rest, one exercise - four minutes of rest. You can rest longer if you feel the need for it.
  14. Don't exercise immediately after meals! This will not only have a negative impact on your health, but will also cause pain throughout your body. We'll have to look for creams and ointments to save the situation.

“Flat, firm stomach in just a week!” - this is real for diligent, not lazy girls and women. If you really want your tummy to become flat and elastic, you will have to try! I would even put it more specifically - you will have to sweat...!