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How long can you wear knee pads? Orthopedic knee brace for arthrosis: types, cost, rules of selection and use. Operating principle and design features of knee pads

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint is a serious pathology accompanied by severe pain. In addition to medications and folk remedies, special orthopedic knee pads are extremely popular. The devices have a beneficial effect on the course of the disease, reduce pain, and prevent further development of the disease.

It is important to choose the right product from quality material. The size and other features of the knee pad play an important role. The following material will help you not to get lost in the huge range of products for the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint. Follow the helpful tips described below and your doctor's recommendations.

general information

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint has been studied in detail by doctors. Research has revealed that the initial stages are best treated with special devices, such as knee pads. The use of drugs and other methods of treatment sometimes lead to negative consequences. Orthopedic knee pads protect the joints and prevent them from being damaged.

The main cause of the disease is trauma and wear and tear of the knee joints. Constant overexertion has a negative impact on the musculoskeletal system. That is why the knee brace is aimed at providing support and proper distribution of the load on all components of the knee joint. This aspect ensures the physiological stability of the knee and the therapeutic effectiveness of the device.

The period of use of the knee brace is quite long. Maximum effectiveness is achieved by constantly wearing a medicinal product, this allows you to maintain the functional ability of the knee joint. Only a properly selected bandage can fully cope with the task.

Pros and benefits of knee pads

Why should you choose an orthopedic knee brace? The main function of the product is to fix the knee joint and all adjacent areas. Knee bandages (another name for the product) are used not only for treatment, but also for preventive purposes:

  • during professional sports;
  • for better transfer of serious loads on the legs.

If a patient has been diagnosed with arthrosis of the knee joint, an experienced specialist will recommend wearing an orthopedic bandage without fail. The knee brace copes with many problems, and there are no side effects after using it.

How to wear it correctly

Each knee pad comes with detailed instructions for use, When using, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Avoid squeezing the knee or circulatory problems. At the slightest discomfort, be sure to loosen the bandage;
  • It is recommended to wear the bandage for up to three hours a day, be sure to take a break;
  • The product must fit; first measure the fixing knee pad with an orthopedic effect.

In most cases, patients are satisfied with the therapeutic bandage. It is easy to use, the effect is noticeable from the first use. Only a correctly selected accessory will bring the expected effect.

Based on the above material, it should be concluded that you cannot select a knee brace with an orthopedic effect on your own; trust an experienced specialist. Follow the instructions, useful recommendations, listen to your feelings.

In the following video, Anton Leonidovich Brovarnik, a rehabilitation specialist and developer of a unique innovative method for the non-surgical treatment of fractures and restoration of the musculoskeletal system, talks about the benefits and harms of knee pads for arthrosis of the knee joint:

Arthrosis is a dystrophic, destructive disease of the joints with damage to cartilage tissue. It often develops in people who regularly experience increased stress on their legs. These are mainly elderly people, athletes, people with excess weight and a sedentary lifestyle. If arthrosis is not treated in time, then noticeable pain appears in the area of ​​the affected joint and leads to its complete destruction and the need for surgical intervention. Medications and physical procedures provide good therapeutic assistance. But the effect will be much better if you resort to the use of special orthopedic knee pads.

Why do you need a knee brace for arthrosis?

Knee pads for arthrosis of the knee joint are devices for its fixation. These orthoses are necessary to reduce pain during the rehabilitation period. Wearing them regularly contributes to the flow of blood and nutrients necessary for the restoration of cartilage to the knee joint.

For arthrosis, the knee brace is used to achieve certain goals:

  1. Reduction of swelling due to the outflow of synovial fluid.
  2. Relieving inflammation.
  3. Normalization of blood circulation.
  4. Removing restrictions on movement of the affected limb.
  5. Reducing the sensitivity threshold.

Deciding on the choice of bandage

Before choosing one or another bandage to maintain the health of the knee joint, you need to familiarize yourself with their features. It is important to pay attention to the material from which the bandage is made.

The table shows the main advantages and disadvantages of the materials from which the bandages are made.

Cotton.Very comfortable to use and pleasant to wear.Wears quickly and requires frequent washing.
Neopropene.Long service life.They do not allow moisture and air to pass through. The leg under such a bandage will constantly get wet. They solve the problem by wearing cotton underwear under the knee pad.
Wool.It warms up the sore joint very well and has a pronounced therapeutic effect. Dog hair is highly hygroscopic and contains certain surfactants that penetrate the skin and have anti-inflammatory effects. When using a knee pad made of dog hair, blood flow significantly increases, an anti-inflammatory effect is exerted, and active restoration of cartilage begins.The bandage must be washed by hand and dried in the open air while unfolded. Otherwise, the wool will simply mat.
Elastane, spandex, lycra and polyester.Advantageous in terms of long-term use and ease of maintenance.Quite a high cost.

It is best to choose a knee brace from several types of fabrics, since it is impractical to use an orthosis (bandage) from only one type. Cotton is hypoallergenic, but has no elasticity. Nylon is very durable, spandex and lycra are elastic, they fix well, but do not allow air to pass through.

There are the following types of knee pads:

Hypoallergenic cotton knee pad

  • Open

They are worn for severe pain under the knees. This bandage provides rigid fixation with the possibility of physical activity. It is indicated for arthrosis, combined with lateral instability of the joint. The open type allows you to adjust the tension. It is used for rehabilitation with mild pain. If a person experiences pain when climbing stairs, it is advisable to use an open type with spiral stiffeners.

  • Closed

Used if the diagnosis has not been established. They help relieve pain due to the large area of ​​support for the knee.

  • Warming

They warm up the joint and relieve pain when moving.

  • Magnetic

They have the ability to relieve overload from the ligaments and ensure uniform heat distribution.

Hinged provide reliable fixation for post-traumatic arthrosis

  • Articulated

Provide reliable fixation for post-traumatic arthrosis. Prescribed after operations when arthrosis is caused by traumatic damage to intra-articular structures. They provide a moderate amount of flexion and extension of the knee joint.

  • Mineral

The mineral tourmaline is placed in their core, which has the ability to penetrate deeply into the joint, affect blood circulation and restore cells. Used for damaged cartilage to increase intra-articular fluid. Tourmaline must be left in sunlight for several hours for it to start working, in which case it will work for up to 2 weeks.

Important nuances when buying a bandage

It is better to purchase joint bandages after consulting an experienced orthopedist and only in a special salon. When purchasing, it is important to try on the knee pad to more accurately select the size. If the joint is correctly fixed externally, then the loads on it are distributed correctly, which ensures knee stability and a healing effect. Movements are performed with less pain and more confidence. The articular surfaces do not put pressure on each other and the surfaces do not rub, which means it prevents premature dystrophy and degeneration of the joints.

To determine the size, you should grab your knee in the middle. If the girth is 30-35 centimeters, you should choose size S, that is, small. Average size 36-39 cm (M), 40-44 cm - large size (L) and 45-49 cm - size (XL).

Rules for wearing a knee brace

  • The orthosis should be worn more than 3 hours a day.
  • It is better to wear it when increased load on the leg is expected.
  • The bandage should not press too hard on the knee so as not to interfere with blood circulation. If the compression is strong, swelling will form around the knee.
  • The product must be selected according to size. A loose bandage won't do any good.

The duration of use of the knee brace is determined by the orthopedist. If the pain does not subside, then most likely he will recommend a different type of bandage. Knee pads for arthrosis of the knee joint are selected individually so that they do not move out, but also do not pinch the joint, while reliably fixing the joint and evenly distributing the load on the knee.

An orthopedic knee brace is an indispensable aid in the fight against arthrosis of the knee joint. This bandage is part of a therapeutic joint rehabilitation program. The product is manufactured taking into account all the anatomical features of the knee joint. The choice should not be made thoughtlessly; you should definitely consult with an orthopedic doctor.

Almost everything is known about osteoarthritis of the knee joint (gonarthrosis). The pathogenesis and triggering mechanisms of this disease have been described for a very long time. But despite this, new approaches to treatment are formed and revised by each generation of specialists.

Modern orthopedists have come to the conclusion that it is advisable to minimally use medication in patients with the initial stages of gonarthrosis. They should be replaced by lifestyle correction and measures aimed at protecting joints from factors that provoke the onset and progression of the disease. Using knee pads for arthrosis, this goal is achieved. But even in such a simple treatment, there are a lot of subtleties that must be taken into account to ensure maximum effectiveness from its inclusion in the treatment complex.

Rationale for the feasibility of using knee pads

Numerous scientific studies and many years of medical practice have clearly established that in the occurrence of most cases of arthrosis of the knee joints, the leading role belongs to their constant overexertion and traumatization. Loads on the articular cartilage that do not correspond to its actual capabilities and endurance cause premature aging of the structures that form the knee joint.

By means of external fixation and additional strengthening of the joint, correct and uniform distribution of loads on all its components (hyaline cartilage, capsule, menisci, ligamentous apparatus) is achieved. This provides therapeutic effects and physiological stability of the knee joint. Movements are performed more confidently and less painfully or are not accompanied by pain at all.

Important to remember! Gonarthrosis can be one of the consequences of any traumatic and inflammatory changes in the structures that form the knee. Fixation with a knee brace reduces the pressure of the articular surfaces on each other. Such medical measures support microcirculatory and trophic processes in hyaline cartilage at the proper level, which prevents its premature degeneration and dystrophy!

Principles of external fixation for gonarthrosis: what are the benefits of knee pads

Any diseases of the osteoarticular system require a certain type of immobilization of the affected segment. This will ensure the fastest possible restoration of damaged structures. Bone, cartilage and connective tissue formations related to the knee joint have weak regenerative abilities.

Therefore, the fixation period for their restoration must be quite long. Since gonarthrosis is a chronic disease with a long course, fixing devices must ensure maximum preservation of the functional abilities of the knee joint. Naturally, rigid plaster and adhesive tape bandages do not meet these requirements and cannot be used for a long time.

The first way to strengthen knee joints affected by osteoarthritis was the use of elastic bandages. The method was used for quite a long time and successfully, but during everyday observations a number of shortcomings were noticed:

  • difficulties with correct application of the bandage;
  • the need to re-apply the bandage due to its poor fixation;
  • uneven distribution of compression to different areas of the joint;
  • impaired mobility;
  • tissue compression;
  • formation of edema of the lower leg and foot.

Special knee pads and orthoses do not have all the listed disadvantages of rigid bandages and elastic bandages. Patients with osteoarthritis of the knee joints of any stage can use these orthopedic products in everyday life for a long time.

The presence of different types of knee pads provides the possibility of individual selection of the product

How to choose the right type of knee brace

Before choosing knee pads for arthrosis, you need to familiarize yourself with their existing types. The second rule that allows you to choose the right product is to take into account the stage of the pathological process and the degree of required fixation. Compliance with these two conditions in combination with taking into account the individual anatomical and functional characteristics of each patient will ensure maximum benefit.

Important to remember! The use of a knee brace for arthrosis of the knee joint is the same therapeutic measure as other components of complex treatment. Therefore, it is better to select a suitable product in consultation with your doctor or a knowledgeable specialist!

Companies producing orthopedic products have made sure that the products meet all possible requirements and necessary options for fixing the knee joint. The range of retainers is so wide (magnetic, elastic, rigid, etc.) that even experts cannot trace all their varieties. Therefore, the main thing is to know their fundamental differences from each other, their direct purpose and fixation-functional capabilities. Another important point: choosing the right knee pad size depends on the circumference of the knee area.

The main types of knee pads for arthrosis of the knee joint and their brief description are given in the table.

Type of knee pad depending on the materials and design of the product Description and purpose of the product

Bandages - a group of knee pads designed for soft fixation

Simple circular elastic knee brace of closed type A universal product that can be used for any manifestations of gonarthrosis. Strengthens the joint when performing any range of movements.
Knee pad made of open elastic materials Due to the ability to adjust tissue compression, it provides easy fixation. Indicated for arthrosis with periodic intensification of pain and preserved stability of the knee joint.
Open elastic bandage, additionally reinforced with metal inserts (stiffening ribs) Used for arthrosis, accompanied by point pain when performing a certain type of load (transition from a sitting position to a vertical position, squatting, walking up stairs, running)
Orthoses are devices that provide rigid fixation with the possibility of physical activity. Elastic, reinforced with rigid plates The design resembles a reinforced elastic bandage. They differ from the latter in a more rigid fixation. Indicated for arthrosis combined with lateral instability of the joint.
On a hinged or mixed basis Provide movement in the knee joint exclusively in the amount of moderate flexion and extension. Prescribed after surgical interventions, for arthrosis caused by traumatic damage to intra-articular structures (menisci, cruciate ligaments).
Splints are special products for rigid fixation of the knee joint Consist of dense and elastic fabric, reinforced with rigid fixed plates with the ability to adjust the fixation density For arthrosis they are used extremely rarely. Indications may include severe exacerbations in the form of arthrosis-arthritis, the early postoperative period, severe pain with minimal movements, any traumatic injuries of the knee due to gonarthrosis.
Special types Warming knee pads with infrared source Both types of knee pads, in addition to fixation, have additional healing properties in the form of a thermal effect. This reduces the severity of pain and protects the joint from hypothermia.
Containing fibers from animal hair (dog or camel)
Magnetic knee pads They are elastic orthoses reinforced with metal and magnetic plates. The magnetic field they create provides a constant beneficial effect on the affected joint tissues, similar to magnetic therapy.

What determines the cost of products

The price of knee pads varies widely and depends on the manufacturer, the quantity and quality of the materials from which the product is made. The most common models cost between 27-30 and 250-300 dollars.

Practical advice! When choosing a knee brace, preference should be given to either branded companies or those that are the most popular. It is not advisable to purchase products that are too cheap, but in appearance resemble expensive ones. Their service life is much shorter, and the quality of fixation leaves much to be desired!

A knee brace should be used if you experience increased stress on your knee joints, during therapy or if you are undergoing rehabilitation. A knee brace can also serve to protect you from injuries if you constantly train or are engaged in physically demanding work. Those who have difficulty moving in icy conditions should also pay attention to it. Indications for wearing an orthopedic knee brace: arthritis, arthrosis, injuries and the postoperative period. Please note that this medical device may have different functionality. Available in various sizes, so it can be worn by both adults and children.

Knee pads used for arthrosis can be made of different materials. Soft components are made from stretch fabrics, cotton, wool, spandex and neoprene. The composition is stitched with copper threads or threads of other metals in order to increase the tension force. To increase rigidity, the manufacturer can strengthen the mechanism with components made of rubber, metal, plastic, as well as other components of high density. The fixative may be reinforced with magnets, minerals and other components that have a healing effect.

For joint diseases, the following types of fixators are used:

  • open;
  • closed;
  • warming (made from wool and having built-in elements for conducting heat);
  • adjustable (the owner can independently change the degree of tension);
  • sports (joint, post-operative);
  • reinforced with rigid ribs.

Orthopedic products are divided into medical And sports.

Medical knee pads are designed to relieve the patient from joint pain. They are used directly during the treatment period or during the recovery period after surgery.

They are products of complex design and have several functions:

  1. serve for temporary immobilization, but with the option of adjusting the knee bend;
  2. the caliper is not only designed to maintain the joint in the desired position, but also helps it function correctly;
  3. has a healing effect.

Sports The knee brace provides the optimal balance between fixing the knee and maintaining mobility, as well as ensuring the integrity of the joint. This support does not constrain the leg, as it contains soft, semi-rigid and hard parts. However, the injury protection function is retained. In addition, in the presence of inflammatory processes in muscles, tendons and ligaments, pain is reduced, which is a prevention of arthrosis.

Application area

Closed type clamps. They are able to hold the limb in place of the damaged joint, as well as stabilize the soft tissue around it. Thanks to this, pain is reduced. Closed orthotics should be worn if you are just starting to experience pain. To make a diagnosis, you should visit a doctor.

Clamps reinforced with rigid ribs. Suitable for eliminating pain if you move over difficult, rough terrain, as well as when moving up and down flights of stairs.

Clamps with adjustable tension force. They are used in the postoperative rehabilitation period or directly during the therapy itself.

Sports knee pads. The most versatile orthopedic product. They have a complex structure. They have a higher cost. They are used at any stage of the disease in complex therapy.

Magnetic and mineral knee pads. Use for gonarthrosis

They are therapeutic fixatives designed to immobilize and warm at the same time. The mineral component and magnetic field have a beneficial effect on blood circulation in the joints, reduce pain levels and improve muscle nutrition in the damaged area. Magnetic, tourmaline and tourmaline-magnetic fasteners have these properties.

These orthopedic products have a number of contraindications:

  • skin diseases around the knees;
  • temperature rise above 37° C;
  • wounds or loss of sensation in the knee bend.

The wearing time should be changed gradually upward. To begin with, they should be worn for 15 minutes, 2 times every 7 days. The skin may turn red and there may be a burning or tingling sensation. However, there is no need to be alarmed. These processes are the effect of mineral-magnetic influence. The reaction on the skin goes away within 6 hours after removal. After just 30 days, tourmaline magnetic retainers are suitable for longer wear.

If you have intolerance, or complications have appeared in the tissues surrounding the joint, the knee pad should be removed and consult a doctor.

The size chart of manufactured orthopedic products depends on the classification adopted in the country of the manufacturer. When choosing calipers, you should look at the unit of measurement. It is indicated either in inches or centimeters. It is better to choose imported knee pads with the assistance of a consultant.

Possible markings of orthopedic products:

  • Small, Medium, Lagre;
  • S, L, JR, M, SR, XL, XXS, XXL, XS, 3XL;
  • numbers from 1 to 18 or I–VII.

A specific knee pad corresponds to a specific joint circumference. To find out the required size, straighten up and stand straight. Have someone use a tape measure to measure the circumference of your knees at the center of the joint. Next - the circumference of the leg 5-15 cm below and above the diseased joint. Height is measured along the inside of the leg.

How to choose a knee brace for arthrosis of the knee joint

For persons under 3 years of age, orthopedic products are manufactured in special orthopedic salons according to individual patterns.

Before purchasing an orthopedic product, you must make sure that it is fits true to size and does not cause discomfort, and also corresponds to the structure of the diseased joint. We should not forget about checking the serviceability of the entire mechanism as a whole.

Arthrosis occurs in 4 stages. For each of them, a knee pad of the appropriate level of rigidity should be used:

  • 1st degree – basic fixation support;
  • 2nd degree – moderate fixation support;
  • 3rd degree – high fixation support;
  • 4th degree – complete immobilization.

Knee brace for gonarthrosis

Follow your doctor's instructions for all necessary functions. Choose a product from the best manufacturer. Evaluate the product's performance, then order what you need. When choosing a size, follow the manufacturer's grid. For borderline indicators, focus on what kind of orthopedic product you need.

Elastic components tend to stretch, so choose a smaller size. Rigid structures do not have such properties. Remember that the product should hold well, but not press in any way.

How to choose a knee brace for arthritis

Arthritis is an inflammatory disease of the joints and intra-articular tissues. Therefore, before purchasing a product, you should study all its characteristics and pay special attention to the material from which it is made.

Types of fabrics and their properties:

  • wool, cotton, crushed tourmaline– warming effect;
  • neoprene– possible allergy, not breathing;
  • lycra(elastane) – no warming effect;
  • nylon– the most durable material;
  • spandex– the most elastic material.

Magnetic and mineral knee pads, heated knee pads, medicinal herbs, and animal wool inserts (camel, dog, sheep) are the best for reducing pain. They prevent the damaged area from getting too cold and also eliminate the inflammatory process.

With arthritis, joint deformation occurs, so the orthopedic product must align the joint capsule and help it perform the necessary functions.

If you have varicose veins, remember that tight bandages are contraindicated for you. They compress the blood vessels. For varicose veins, it is better to use compression bandages or spandex knee pads.

Pressure dressings are suitable for synovitis. It can be replaced with a fixing knee brace with a low percentage of immobilization.

Patella and sports knee injury

In case of sports injuries to the knee, you should first consult a doctor and then follow his recommendations.

The ratio of injuries and orthopedic products:

  • meniscus, sprain, postoperative period – hinged knee pads with a frame structure;
  • sprains, synovitis, bursitis, joint diseases - moderate fixation supports with reinforced rigid ribs;
  • bruises – elastic knee pads;
  • fractures and cracks - complete immobilization.

Some sports orthopedic products can be used instead of medical ones. Therefore, before purchasing, carefully study all the indicators of the product or check the characteristics with a consultant, but only after a visit to the doctor.

Correct use of knee pads

Some orthopedic products are removed after an hour of wearing, others only under the guidance of the attending physician. The latter are used until the very end of the rehabilitation period or before osteotomy, arthroscopy or endoprosthetics.

    When considering issues of sports equipment, you need to remember the two main things that athletes most often injure. These are the back and legs. And, if it’s quite easy to protect your back, you can just wear a good fixing weightlifting belt, but with your knees everything is a little more complicated. If athletic belts are allowed in almost any competition, since they do not affect the actual effectiveness of the exercise, then knee pads that allow you to fix the leg cannot be used everywhere. Let's consider the question in more detail.

    General information

    Knee pads are sports and medical equipment that is designed to fix the knee joint. They can be used in three main cases:

  1. Treatment – ​​that’s actually what they were invented for. The main task of such a knee brace is to fix the joint in the correct position for further fusion.
  2. Sports - designed to prevent injuries during heavy lifting.
  3. Preventative daily. Used by overweight people to minimize stress on joints.

At the same time, they all have a similar structure and shape.

Despite the great popularity of knee pads with hinges, there are several facts worth noting that no one usually tells you about. Hinged knee pads – designed for strong support. They initially have a medical direction. Free movement of the knee along one axis is ensured by a special hole. Their main task is to fix the ligaments in order to avoid disability. They are not intended for heavy loads (lifting a barbell more than 100 kilograms), since in this case excessive fixation will be harmful, and the joint will begin to wear out completely.

These are knee pads for daily wear. Well, and most importantly, like elastic bandages, knee pads with hinges are prohibited by most federations, as they allow you to gain an advantage in a squat.

How to choose?

When choosing knee pads, you need to take into account your price capabilities. So, as usual, the quality of the knee pad does not at all depend on the manufacturer. At the same time, popular manufacturers have additional advantages in the form of a larger grid of sizes. Select according to the following characteristics:

  • for knee injuries
  • material
  • size


Knee pads

Type Type of knee injury Material Size Manufacturer User rating
TITAN YELLOW JACKET KNEE SLEEVESFixingPeriod after dislocationElastic fabricSelected according to the tableTITAN8 About 100 USD
SBD KNEE SLEEVESCompressionShattered jointElastic fabricSBD7 About 100 USD
Sling Shot Knee Sleeves 2.0DepreciationProphylacticElastic fabricSelected according to the tableSling9 About 100 USD
Rehband 7051FixingPeriod after dislocationElastic fabricSelected according to the tableRehband6 About 100 USD
reinforced crossfit knee pad Rehband 7751CompressionShattered jointElastic fabricSelected according to the tableRehband7 About 150 USD
Rehband 6052DepreciationProphylacticElastic fabricSelected according to the table by 1 lessRehband5 About 100 USD
Rocktape Red-5 mmFixingPeriod after dislocationElastic fabricSelected according to the table by 1 lessRocktape8 <50 у.е
Rehband 105333 Pink for womenCompressionShattered jointElastic fabricSelected according to the table by 1 lessRehband7 About 100 USD
Knee pads ELEIKODepreciationProphylacticElastic fabricSelected according to the table by 1 lessELEIKO9 <50 у.е


As we said earlier, knee pads are usually divided according to their directions. But in reality the division is deeper. They are all divided into:

  • Compression. This is the type of knee pads when it is too late to do any prevention. They are suitable for people who already have knee injuries and need to prevent them from spreading further. They are most often used in, since lifting huge weights injures almost all lifters sooner or later.
  • Depreciation. These are the same knee pads that were originally intended for overweight people. However, the range of their applications is somewhat wider. In particular, shock-absorbing knee pads, due to their elasticity, reduce the impact on the knee while running. They are used by professional runners during training, football players, basketball players, rugby players and crossfitters.
  • Fixing. This type of knee pads is available in almost every gym. It is recommended to wear it before heavy approaches. Knee pads for fixing the knee joint are needed not only in, but in almost all exercises that involve the legs and have a large weight category. Even thrusters need them.

By material

You don’t have to worry too much about the material. The main thing is that the sports knee pads are comfortable and tight enough. Those. When choosing, pay attention not to the material itself, but to its tightness and elasticity.

Thus, very rare models are prohibited by the federation, due to the fact that their rigidity makes it easier to squat, compared to sports bandages.

To size

The size of the knee pad is determined depending on the mesh provided by the manufacturer. The thing is that they are all quite elastic, which means they can easily fit on a foot that does not fit them in size. However, you need to understand how to determine the size of the correct knee brace, so that later you do not experience excruciating pain while walking or performing exercises.

The dimensions of all knee pads are presented in centimeters. In order to determine your size, it is enough to measure the circumference around the knee. For trained weightlifters, this figure ranges from 45 to 50. It is very rare that larger knee pads are needed.

Knee pads need to be taken a size smaller. And everything is simple here. They must be taken in accordance with the manufacturer's grid. Moreover, the determining factor in choosing a knee pad may not be their quality at all, but the width of the mesh, which allows you to determine how much more accurately you can choose a knee pad for yourself.

As for companies and manufacturers. Here, unfortunately, everything is about the same. The division is made solely by type, sometimes by durability. You can focus not on the brand, but on forum reviews. Although there are custom-made items there, you can still easily run into plausible reviews about a bad product.


Sports knee pads, unfortunately, are not intended for constant wear. They have a number of contraindications, which are especially sensitive for people over 30 years of age.

First of all, it is osteoarthritis. Especially with regard to the bone apparatus. If you have increased bone fragility, then it is quite possible that constantly wearing sports knee pads will lead to the fact that your bones themselves are deformed. This is an extremely low probability. And it concerns only fixing sports knee pads. However, if you are wondering how to wear knee pads correctly, then the answer is simple - do not wear them all the time.

The second is varicose veins. In the case of varicose veins, there is such a thing as swelling of the legs; it is caused by the fact that more blood flows into the legs than flows out per unit time. So, wearing knee pads can easily lead to the formation of a venous plug and worsening the condition. In this case, knee pads are worn only during the adaptation period after the injury. And preventive knee pads are worn exclusively before the approach itself.

Important: this is a very controversial contraindication to wearing knee pads, for one simple reason. People suffering from varicose veins usually have little to do with heavy squats over 20 kilograms.

Bottom line

Remember that forewarned is forearmed. Most knee pads are approved by federations, which cannot be said about elastic bandages. In turn, this gives enormous advantages to competing athletes, since they may not suffer from severe pain syndromes, and the knee pads themselves perfectly fix the trajectory, which, purely theoretically, allows for a slight improvement in the performance of the exercise, and, therefore, a more likely victory.

Knee pads for CrossFit are either shock-absorbing or shock-absorbing-compression. Very often, athletes, if the WOD complex allows, change them between approaches - since running in a shock-absorbing knee brace is not always convenient.

Remember that knee pads are not everyday wear. They are worn only in two cases:

  • for fixing the joint and ligament during recovery after injury;
  • For prevention, so as not to twist the joints.

What can we say finally regarding which knee pads to choose and which ones are better? Unfortunately, everything is individual here. Remember that a preventative knee brace is selected according to size, but a sports knee brace is taken one size smaller, this is the only way it can protect you from additional injuries. Now you know how to choose knee pads and what to look for when purchasing in order to protect yourself as much as possible from low-quality equipment that threatens you with disability.