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The most vulgar phrases. How to excite a man with words: let's work with the tongue. You might be interested

Hi all!

In addition to vulgar words to a guy, spoken in your own words, there is another option - these are sexual SMS with a special meaning. You can evoke emotions for a sensual relationship right now. And what words to use to do this is your choice.

Vulgar words for a guy

Presenting vulgar words to a guy will excite his mind and will not allow him to calm down in the near future. Play with him, but in moderation.

  • How about practical classes on the Kama Sutra?)
  • The actress in me has awakened - I want to be a goldfish in bed)
  • I invite you to nature in the forest and to find pleasure there to the skies!
  • You are my ideal, but only when we are under the covers)
  • It would be nice to give you my best and do it sexually)
  • Just your call and there will be one more vice!
  • I got caught in the rain and got my feet wet... to avoid catching a cold you should sweat a lot!)
  • I dreamed that I was a working bee and sat on a pestle... was the dream prophetic?)
  • Will you introduce me to your hero today?
  • I love experiments so much, especially at night and when paired with a man!
  • I want bliss all night until the morning... do you think it’s time?
  • Pounce on your baby like a cat on a mouse!
  • I want to whisper in your ear: “I am yours without a fight and all zones are available!”
  • I don’t want a fairy tale, but I want your intimate caress!
  • I really need wings now... I want to fly into your bed!)

My whole body is trembling, but not from the cold, but from desire for you!

  • I want to be your favorite cat and for you to stroke my fur!
  • The night is given to sin... I hope you think the same?
  • How nice it is to remember the creaking of the bed... maybe we can repeat the melody?
  • Would your mosquito like to fly under my flashlight today?

If you want a guy to think about you all night, send him, or better yet, say vulgar words in your own words in a languid voice. From such words, your boyfriend will have erotic fantasies at night in which you play the main role.

  • I want to cheer you up and more)
  • Do you mind measuring my moisture level below the waistline?)
  • I know that you are very amenable to one thing... my body is at your disposal)
  • Yesterday my neighbors didn’t let me sleep with their partying... let’s give them a night without sleep!
  • In my building, the elevator began to break down often... how about being stuck in it together?)
  • Someone’s voice came to my subconscious and told me to be yours today)
  • The best remedy for headaches are intimate calluses... let's check?)
  • My hole howls for your wolf... when will he come and disappear in its depths?
  • I want to wake up all your reflexes this night!
  • May the embrace of darkness be sweeter for us than Turkish persimmon!
  • Explore my lowlands and hills today at sunset!

The wide bed is already blushing from my decisive intimate mood for the night)

SOS! I feel weak for you, but I can’t undress myself... I need your help!

I want you to stroke my hair, and then where it is not now)

  • I dream of hearing you breathing rapidly over my body and doing this thing!
  • My vicious desires make me sink into the ground with shame, but I need this pleasure!
  • Let's reveal all our secrets about passionate desires!
  • Forget about dinner, but rather think about your club and a pleasant death)
  • Satisfy your desires with me... I’m ready to give you an entrance ticket!

To tell a guy something in your own words, you just need to choose ready-made words with a vulgar meaning depending on your mood. At the same time, you should not repeat the selected phrases exactly; supplement them with your own thoughts, because this will be more natural and sincere. The words presented will help you direct your thoughts and diversify your vocabulary.

I wish you explosive and sincere relationships!

Many women underestimate the power of their own words. Exciting a man, ladies use the capabilities of the body in the old fashioned way, demonstrating their charms. Over time, the passion subsides, the studied contours are beautiful, but no longer cause mind-blowing excitement. A woman strives to buy erotic lingerie and clothes, but a man reacts poorly to innovations. Psychologists advise in such cases to switch to conversations, because a phrase said at the right time can turn out to be a reliable sexual stimulant. So how to excite a man with words?

How to say

Before listing expressions that can excite guys, let's talk about how to say them. Often this is the mistake of many women. A suitable list of words has been compiled, but in order for the phrases to have an exciting effect, they need to be pronounced in a special way:

  • Start with the tone of your voice. Intonation can change significantly depending on your mood. It is better to speak without excessive pathos or tension. Men hate artificiality. It’s better for a lady to get confused than to try to chant her speech as if she were making a report to an audience.
  • Various volumes of spoken words are allowed: from a barely audible intimate whisper to a fairly loud phrase if you are at a distance from your partner. The main thing is organicity.
  • "Double Promise" More often, girls search for the hidden meaning in spoken words, but certain phrases spoken at the right moment can have subtext for a guy. Your boyfriend will love the comparison of his hands to those of a musician. At the same time, the representative of the stronger sex will definitely present the female body as an instrument. The phrase “Let’s get down to business!” works flawlessly. Even a stranger can react to this phrase with an intimate smile. Apparently it's a matter of stereotypes.
  • Personal approach. Not everyone likes open vulgarity, although among men there are lovers of strong words spoken by an incensed lady. A guy can be aroused by both sophisticated speech patterns and the most vulgar obscenities. Refer to the history of your relationship, listen to everyday speech. This will help you place the right emphasis.

There is no universal advice on how to excite your beloved guy with words. Which phrases are more effective and which are ineffective or cause rejection can be understood by experimenting and catching your partner’s reaction. The only correct advice is to speak with feeling.

What will it bloom from?

Let's get down to the most important thing - what to say. The list of expressions and words that can excite a representative of the stronger sex has long been known. Ladies are happy to use proven “recipes”. But, of course, a woman can go her own way, remembering that there are topics identified as universal triggers:

  • Name. Yes Yes, given name men, spoken with the necessary intimacy and aspiration, will excite a guy better than a stimulant. You should not abuse “babies, bunnies and cats.” Rarely does a representative of the stronger sex like it when a lady in bed suddenly calls her partner “baby.”
A woman can go her own way, remembering that there are topics identified as universal triggers.

However, you should not forget about gentle nicknames. Call a man “loved”, “sexy”, “desirable” - these are words that work correctly.

  • Intimate compliments. Phrases that include praise for a partner’s intimate qualities can excite anyone:
    1. "He is beautiful".
    2. “How powerful you are.”
    3. "You are big".

Laudatory hints about the excellent length of the penis and the sexual power of a man work flawlessly.

  • Sexy stories. Erotic fantasies rarely leave a guy indifferent, and it won’t be difficult to effectively excite a man with the help of a frivolous story told at the right time. If you are embarrassed to tell your fantasies as your own invention, pretend that you saw a dream that has erotic content. Believe me, a man will frankly not care where the fantasy comes from in a pretty woman’s head, because he will immediately rush to fulfill the intimate desires of the lady of his heart.

Gradually you will understand which words work flawlessly on a man. Combine, do not overuse individual phrases, and the question of how to excite your partner will disappear.

Little by little you will understand which words work flawlessly for a man.

What works flawlessly

Of course, no one has analyzed the effectiveness of individual stimulating phrases. It is useless to collect statistics on such subtle issues. Just as there are no identical men, there are no universal expressions that can excite them. Therefore, we will present several of the most effective ones, and you decide whether they will be good for your loved one:

  • "I want you". Perhaps the undisputed leader. Nothing will excite you better than the open, sincere desire of your partner.
  • "Take me". Some may find these words too frank, but the experience of women has proven that the phrase is infallible.
  • “I want to feel you.” A woman will not need to specify where and what exactly she wants to feel; any representative of the stronger sex will understand without explanation.
  • “I want you to caress me” is a chic phrase that will excite a man and push him to take action.
  • “Darling, I am all yours.” These words will not only excite a man, but will also show the degree of your trust and emotional intimacy.
  • "Adore you".
  • “I’m going crazy looking forward to the evening.” A man can hardly wait to meet you if you tell him this phrase, and you will remember the passionate night.

Sometimes a woman has to try several seductive phrases at once to understand their effectiveness. Any man loves experiments, although representatives of the stronger sex do not always admit this, so he will like your game.

To prevent words from leading to a scandal, it is better not to laugh at him in bed.

To prevent words and phrases intended to excite a man from leading to a scandal, it is better to refrain from certain intonations and actions. It’s good if you have known a man for a long time and know how such behavior can turn out, but if the relationship has recently begun, then avoid:

  • Laughter during sex and jokes about male sexual dignity, otherwise sex may be the first and last. Humor doesn't excite everyone.
  • Empty chatter. If you said how much you want a guy, and a minute later, during passionate caresses, you remind him that he didn’t wash the dishes, then the impressions of the evening may be ruined.
  • Telephone. Forget about communications! If the call is not vital, don't even think about answering. The man will appreciate the priority and get even more excited.
  • The enemy of any woman is sports channels. Either turn off the TV completely, or don’t be offended if your man tries to glance at it. Girls also should not be distracted by such unnecessary things during sex.

Take time for each other, remain sincere and natural - this is the key to ideal sex. Exciting a man with an effective phrase or words is half the battle; you need to maintain the proper attitude the entire time. Every representative of the stronger sex is an egoist at heart. Say and do everything exclusively for your loved one, desire a man, then the results will please you.

I asked my husband what words can excite a man? Without hesitation, he answered: “The borscht is ready!” Would you like a cold beer? Maybe we should buy new tires?” At first I laughed, appreciating my husband’s sense of humor, and then I thought about it, because there is some truth in every joke. Somehow it happened... What to hide, intimate relationships after 10 years life together, to put it mildly - not the same. You take care of him, try to share his interests, endlessly sacrifice something for his sake, and he begins to look at you with completely different eyes, in which, alas, all desire has long dried up...

Elena K.

Well, okay, let's not go into the details of this difficult case. I hope things aren’t as bad for you as one of my clients! I would like to chat about what words can excite a man. And is it even possible to arouse desire in him with the help of a word?

Scientists have long established the fact that a man is visited by thoughts related to sex at least 8 times a day. And in order for him to be visited by these very sexual fantasies, neither pictures of naked women, nor exciting sounds or smells are needed. He begins to think about this involuntarily. How can you make him think not just about sex, but about sex with you? And it’s even better not only to think, but also to act...

Most women underestimate the power of verbal action. The Internet is teeming with information on how to excite a man using sign language. Seduction experts recommend bringing back your former passion with new erotic lingerie, role-playing games, aphrodisiacs and love potions. By the way, read it, and a lot about this will become clearer in your head.

In general, what not a woman is walking to seduce a man! Of course, you can also jump half naked in front of him, performing dirty dances, but I advise you to still consider a simpler and no less virgin way.

What should I say

The list of phrases and words that excite a man has been known for a long time. Many women often resort to his help. And although all guys are individual and require a unique approach, there are still universal verbal “stimulant recipes”:

His name

Better than any stimulant, his own name, pronounced in a breathy, languid voice, can excite a man. And remember, there should be no “bunnies, cats or babies” in bed!

Intimate compliments

Hints about the guy's great length and sexual power are 100% effective. Praising words and phrases addressed to the intimate dignity of a partner can excite anyone:

  • “so powerful”;
  • "simply huge"
  • "big and bouncy."

Sexual fantasies

Stories of an erotic nature will not leave any man indifferent. If you are embarrassed to tell him your fantasies, cheat and tell him that you dreamed it all. Believe me, it doesn’t matter to him where these frivolities came from in your head. The main thing is that they appeared at all.

How to say

It is very important not only what you say to him to turn him on, but also how you say it. This is where many women make mistakes, thereby delaying the moment of intimacy. A list of words that can make him aroused has been compiled, now you must pronounce them in a special way.

An exact answer to the question: “How to excite your partner with words?” - No. Which phrases are effective and efficient, and which ones cause negativity and rejection, you can only find out by experimenting. There is only one universal piece of advice - speak with feeling.

Voice timbre

Start with your tone. Intonation during conversation changes significantly and often depends on your mood. When arousing a man with words, or rather during the pronunciation of certain phrases, the main thing is that the speech does not sound forced. Remember - no pathos, falsehood or artificiality! It’s better for you to get confused than to start rattling off a prepared speech, as if you were giving a report to an audience of a thousand.

Voice volume

The volume of pronunciation of words is no less important. The main thing is to evaluate the relevance. Loud phrases are also acceptable, unless, of course, you are sure that no one will hear your “loud conversation.” A barely audible languid whisper is also possible if your partner is not deaf. It is important that it sounds organic.

Double meaning

Women, of course, are more likely than men to search for hidden meaning, but some phrases, if you say them at the right moment, may also please a guy. For example, tell him that his hands are comparable to those of a musician. And believe me, the result will not be long in coming - at today’s concert he will “play” a breathtaking melody. And the main role of the instrument is your naked body...

By the way, there is one phrase that works flawlessly: “Let’s get down to business!” Apparently, this is some kind of male stereotype, since even an unfamiliar man will definitely react to these words.

Without the art of ambiguity there is no true eroticism. The stronger the ambiguity, the more intense the arousal.

Milan Kundera

Personal approach

Not everyone may like outright vulgarity. Of course, there are connoisseurs of strong words uttered by a heated woman. There are also men who are excited by sophisticated speech patterns. In order not to make a mistake, you just need to listen to his everyday speech. Never forget about individuality.

Unfortunately, no one has ever analyzed the effectiveness of various stimulating phrases. And, of course, there are no statistical data, the issues are too sensitive. There are no identical men, just as there are no universal expressions that excite them. Therefore, I will give some examples of the most effective and common phrases, and you can decide for yourself whether they are suitable for your partner.

    "I want you". I consider this phrase to be the undisputed leader in comparison with all other phrases. After all, what can excite more than a woman’s sincere desire.

    "Take me". Some will say that this phrase is too frank, but experienced ladies are confident that these words always work flawlessly.

    “I want to feel you.” There is no need for any clarification, he will definitely understand everything himself.

    “Caress me” are gorgeous words that can not only excite, but also push you to action.

    “Darling, I am yours.” With this phrase you will emphasize not only your desire, but also your feelings, trust and emotional intimacy.

    "I can't wait for tonight." If you call a couple of hours before the end of the working day and say this phrase, you will be guaranteed a passionate night.

You can blow his mind by telling him that you're not wearing underwear. It is this phrase that has a lightning-fast effect. In any case, in order to choose the right phrase that will influence your boyfriend, you must be guided by his interests and secret desires.

To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed phrases, you may have to use more than one phrase. I think he will like your game, because after all, most men really like experiments.

What to Avoid

If you have known a man for a long time and are well versed in his desires and preferences, then it will not be difficult for you to excite him. But how can you use words to awaken desire in him if your relationship is only gaining momentum in its development, or rather, what should never be done?

    Avoid laughter and jokes during lovemaking. Humor does not promote excitement! And if you joke about his sexual dignity, you risk alienating him once and for all.

    It's easy to ruin sex with idle chatter. If you just admitted to him that you want him, and a couple of minutes later, already in bed, you voice that he didn’t wash his plate after dinner, the evening can be considered ruined.

    The key to good sex is sincere desire and love for your partner. Exciting a man with words is half the battle; the main thing is to maintain passion for many years. Say and do everything possible and necessary for the sake of your partner and never be selfish in bed.

Many women believe that the man should take the initiative in any area of ​​the relationship. A lady's behavior should be like that of an unapproachable queen.

On the one hand, the approach is correct and corresponds to stereotypical ideas about relationships, but on the other hand, men with such ladies become bored.

Any man likes it when a lady starts flirting with him, but how to do this if your dear one constantly disappears at business meetings and business trips.

For this purpose, short SMS messages were invented that excite the imagination of a man at a distance.

Exciting SMS to a man in your own words

Most women who are inexperienced in sexual correspondence often make a common mistake - they try to overwhelm a man with vulgar messages.

Due to his assertive behavior, the young man does not know whether to continue communication further. Of course, there are men who love this behavior, but many representatives of the stronger sex prefer to keep the intrigue.

Home The girl’s task is to interest the guy and arouse interest in the person so that he instantly wants to be next to his beloved.

Therefore, it is better to start correspondence with an unobtrusive declaration of love in your own words. Next, it is recommended to move on to more explicit messages, supported by intimate photographs.

Examples of short phrases and mind-stirring SMS:

  1. Day all day long, thoughts about you do not leave my head. I dream of being close to you, hugging you tightly and kissing you passionately!
  2. Can't you imagine how much I miss you. It seems to me that your scent accompanies me everywhere.
  3. Now morning, but I'm looking forward to the evening with great impatience. I dream of relaxing my body as gently as I did yesterday.
  4. Going to I’m going to bed and can’t decide: to take off the cute black stockings that delicately fit my slender legs?

    Or don’t touch them - will you rush over and help pull them off? – a challenging phrase can be written at night.

  5. I wanted fall asleep, but it didn’t work out. I close my eyes and see your pumped up beautiful body: various vulgarities arise in my head.
  6. Want caress your body and enjoy passionate kisses.
  7. Come tonight if you want to see a sweet and long striptease performed by the priestess of love.
  8. Darling, let's take a shower together today? Me and you, and a minimum of clothes!
  9. Eat great idea to strap you to the bed and do whatever I want!
  10. Want see your naked body on a soft bed.
  11. Imagine me in my favorite black lace lingerie. I'll meet you like this today!
  12. When you caress my body, I go crazy. I have never met big, strong and gentle hands.
  13. So I want you so much that I’m going crazy now.
  14. Want at night to extend the pleasure that we started this morning.
  15. I'm now completely naked. It's boring at home and I'm alone.
  16. Darling, I was cooking your favorite dish, and I realized how much I missed you. I’ve already rented a Japanese schoolgirl costume and cognac – I’m waiting for it in the evening.
  17. I read it an article about how you can please a guy. Come and let's try it!
  18. Bought new underwear – a man’s assessment is needed.
  19. I decided I don’t want to wear clothes at home anymore – I’m waiting for a reaction.
  20. Today I signed up for yoga so I can touch my heels to my head – I think you don’t mind.

It is worth noting: the longer a couple is in a relationship, the more varied the words you will have to invent.

On initial stage meetings, a young man only has to imagine a girl without underwear - and he is ready to run to her.

Dirty SMS for a guy to cheer him up

To cheer up your loved one, you don’t have to call him every hour. It is enough to write depraved or vulgar SMS to the guy.

After reading the exciting text, he will immediately want to be next to his chosen one. Candid messages can be written in prose or poetry - it depends on the girl’s imagination.

Note! To lift your mood and not only that, you can reinforce the message with an erotic photograph - it will come in handy during a hard day at work.

The proposed short messages will delight your loved one, he will have a desire to do what is indicated in the text.

Don’t be surprised if the SMS is followed by a call with passionate words:

SMS Description
Don't worry, I can handle all your wishes Suitable if the guy should come to visit or when the husband returns home
If you need a sex slave, call! This SMS is optimal at the initial stage of dating, if both partners know why they are meeting
I feel very excited. I want to make love with you Suitable for married women, for girls who are in the role of a bride - a man is unlikely to refuse a tempting offer
I'm not in the mood for sex right now, but we can have it quickly and passionately Suitable as a wish Good night if people live separately. The man will immediately want to come visit
I want him to hug me under my light robe Inviting words will make even a married husband pay attention to his wife
I’ll wear any erotic clothes you tell me! If experiments are constantly happening in a couple, it is worth trying to send this SMS
Maybe you want to take my virginity? I'm ready! The message should be sent after careful consideration of a serious decision
There are only thoughts in my head - to lie with you in a warm bed Suitable for new acquaintances and married couples
I want to see, hear and touch you An ambiguous message will help excite a guy's imagination
Rule over me, I want to submit to strong male hands Characterizes a woman as a passionate lover. Men are crazy about loving ladies

Carefully select messages if there was a minor quarrel the day before. Romantic correspondence and a delicious dinner combined with lovemaking will help you establish a connection.

Become available to the man you love, then he will be able to appreciate your feelings and continue a long, fascinating conversation in the bedroom.

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It's no secret that men love conversations with sexual overtones, but women often do not support conversations on carnal topics with their men and do not start them themselves either.

Trust me: your men are dying for you to whisper something erotic to them. But I understand that sometimes it is difficult for women to do this.

If you like the idea of ​​turning on your man through sex talk, but feel awkward and embarrassed about how to initiate it without sounding stupid, then this article is for you! I've compiled a list of turn-on phrases you can say to your boyfriend, husband, or the new guy you just started dating. I'll arm you with the knowledge on how to turn on your man so that he remembers you (and sex) all day long, even when you're not around.

And just because this is a list of phrases that some might find obscene, doesn't mean you can't use them in texts or emails.

Tell him what you like about him:

  1. I love looking at you in those tight jeans.
  2. You're so sexy when you move something heavy from place to place, you have such muscles...
  3. You turn me on so much when you're angry...
  4. I'm literally blown away when I see you right after training, when your entire T-shirt is sweaty... it's just incredible.
  5. When I look into your blue/green/brown eyes, I feel my knees shaking.

Tease him with what you have planned for today:

  1. I need you to come home as quickly as possible!
  2. I wish so much that all these people weren’t around, that we were alone; Well, you know what I mean, right? (accompany these words with a sly smile)
  3. I can't wait to show you what I wore today. I think you'll like it!
  4. If you behave well until the evening, then I will give you what you love so much (again, with these words, try to smile at him promisingly).

Mention something he might do to you:

  1. I love it when you're on top...
  2. When you take possession of me, it makes me feel hot!
  3. I really wish you wouldn’t let me out of your arms all day!
  4. For me, the most erotic sight is the expression on your face when you are focused.
  5. Yesterday was simply amazing!
  6. I like it when you put your hands on my head...
  7. I'm shaking when you grab my hair...
  8. When I touch you, it burns me like fire.

Tell him what to do when you're in bed together:

  1. Yes, yes, do exactly that!
  2. Do not stop!
  3. Now turn over!
  4. Kiss Me!
  5. Let's go back to bed, now!
  6. I really want to see what magic you will create for me tonight. (Simply the perfect SMS for different occasions).

Now that you have some examples of these inflammatory phrases, think about what turns you on, and then try to turn him on with your own creations.

Here are four simple ways come up with something of your own:

  1. Think about what personally attracts you to him.

What about your man turns you on the most? It could be his butt, arms, face or even legs. Use the answer to this question as a starting point to come up with a turn-on phrase that will make him feel how you feel about her firsthand (and forget about any restrictions).

  1. Let him present in detail what will happen a little later.

Tease your man with verbal foreplay - describe (in great detail) what sexual activity you have planned for tonight. And use the most intimate timbre of your voice for this!

  1. Tell him what turns you on.

Use your imagination to describe to him what you would like him to do to you, and add how long he will have to do it. If you are planning an evening of love, then let your man know how much you like it!

  1. Just tell him what to do.

The easiest way to use your sexual vocabulary while you're rocking is to command him and tell him exactly what he should do. Be confident and don't be afraid to act aggressively; he will be turned on by your very attitude towards this activity.