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How to check a man’s feelings, how to understand that he loves you? The best ways to test a guy's fidelity How to test a man's love for a woman

The most important thing for any girl is to feel that she is loved, to be the center of the universe for someone. But sometimes in a relationship a girl doubts the feelings of her partner, and then the question arises, how to test a guy’s feelings?

Today, the women’s portal “Queen of Dates” will try to give a comprehensive answer to this topic.

Do you want to know how a young man feels about you? Try to simply observe his behavior and then evaluate it objectively. If you are afraid of missing something important because of the rose-colored glasses of love, involve one of your close, trusted friends in this process.

Any guy is always interested in what is happening in the life of the object of his adoration. He will listen with sincere interest to how you are doing at work or school, what your mother fed you for dinner and what your dog has learned to do. When you talk to a guy, always pay attention to his reaction.

Does he change his plans because of you, does he pay much attention to you when you are in big company, does he remember your date of birth? All these little things matter.

Feigned indifference

To make sure of the guy’s feelings, let’s pretend to be indifferent. Just know when to stop, without fanaticism.

To check if a guy loves me, try a couple of times not calling him at the agreed time or being late for a date.

A guy who is interested in you will get in touch himself, ask what happened and treat the situation with understanding.
The main thing is not to abuse this method, since each person has his own limit of patience.

Severity check

We evaluate how seriously the guy takes your relationship. If he has sincere feelings for you, then he will not be afraid of a serious relationship.

This means that he will be happy to introduce you to his circle of friends, acquaintances and even relatives.

True, if you have just begun to wonder whether a guy loves you, you should not immediately try to meet your parents. Many men do not do this for personal reasons, for example, it is not customary in the family to meet before marriage. The main thing is that he is not afraid of meeting people in the near future.

Expressing feelings

Analyze the young man’s behavior towards you, how often he shows his feelings. Of course, many people are restrained in expressing their emotions in public - which in this case will not be an indicator.

It’s better to observe how often he admires you, does he try to inadvertently touch you, hug you? Spending time together in the evening is very indicative. Tenderness and affection directly indicate that the question “loves or does not love” should disappear by itself. It is care and affection, and not passionate kisses in public, that indicate that the guy has serious plans for you.

Field testing

During illness or difficult life situation It’s the easiest way to understand whether a guy loves you; of course, you shouldn’t pretend on purpose, but if such an opportunity presents itself, I advise you to take advantage of it.

A person who cares about you will sincerely care about you, buy medicine and find out about your well-being. He will do his best to help solve the problem.

If your boyfriend tends to stay away when you are experiencing any difficulties, then it is safe to say that his feelings are more than superficial.

What should you not do?

Extreme checks

All people are different! This means that all men cannot be lumped with the same brush. Just because one guy was willing to risk his life for you doesn't mean another will do the same, especially the one you want to test. All people have different degrees of love, and not all people are ready to sacrifice their lives for the sake of another person.

Check by jealousy

Using jealousy to determine whether a guy loves you is not only stupid, but also dangerous. A representative of the stronger sex who is too obviously jealous of his girlfriend most often experiences either a sense of ownership or sexual attraction towards her.

Temptation check

Many girls try to check whether a guy loves me by showing up with a third person, for example a friend. Every man is a hunter by nature, and there is always a chance that his instincts will kick in and the guy will turn his attention to his girlfriend.

If you test your significant other’s feelings in this way, you can end up without a boyfriend or a girlfriend, especially if it was your friend who initiated the test. Yes, yes, such stories are not uncommon in life.

To understand whether a guy loves you, you don’t need to weave cunning intrigues and put on performances. The main thing is to be sincere in relationships and then, believe me, it will not be difficult to discern the reciprocal sincerity in the soul of your loved one!

A man has enough mysterious and secret sides, just like a woman. Do you want to know how a man tests a woman’s feelings for him?

Then today’s review is just for you!

There are no naive men

The thoughts swirling in his head might not have delighted a woman if she could read them. If two partners love each other, it most often follows that they should get married. Most likely, a man will begin to check his chosen one when, after a few months of communication, she admits the idea that it would be nice to wear White dress and walk down the aisle.

It is quite difficult to find a rational grain in such actions of a man.

It would seem, why bother and determine how dear you are to your passion? But we should disappoint you, since these manipulations will help not only evaluate your true feelings, but also determine the comfort of your stay together. Quite often, living in a “civil marriage”, a woman relaxes and becomes... But this may not happen until you pass a kind of exam that the man prepared for you. Here are seven of the most common tests you'll likely have to go through.

Method one, very important

A man is quite concerned about the question of how faithful his chosen one is to him. Therefore, you will definitely undergo a serious test of loyalty. But what about love and trust between partners? This will not play a role for a man, since his decision to marry you should be strengthened by his confidence in the right choice.

Loyalty check

How will this test take place?

One obvious way would be to meet friends, after which expect that the most important playboy from his social circle will hit on you. But the most dangerous thing is the hidden check. You may have an appointment somewhere in a cafe, to which the man may be late, or even not come at all.

At this time, a cute “charming guy” may sit down at your table with an offer to continue acquaintance in another place and at another time. If you agree and exchange phone numbers with your new acquaintance, the trust of your chosen one will be lost forever. The Internet is also a great helper for a man. Offers from social networks are tempting, beautifully designed and in your opinion may not mean anything. However, the outcome of such communications is just as disastrous.

Method two, similar

Has your chosen one suddenly become concerned about your past encounters with other men? Did he suddenly start asking you detailed questions about your previous relationships? Is this really evidence of his love for you and jealousy of your past?

A man's jealousy of the past

Perhaps, but this is also one of the tests you must pass. So remember to choose your words carefully when talking about past hobbies. A man may assume that you were previously too available, and his woman should be the personification of purity and inaccessibility. If previously you really enjoyed success with the stronger sex, then your current chosen one does not need to know about it.

Men tend to constantly draw parallels between themselves and your former boyfriends, and this results in unmotivated outbursts of anger and aggression.

You don't need this at all. Therefore, it would be best to remember past hobbies in passing, putting the reliability and uniqueness of your loved one in the first place, by doing this you will only strengthen his male ego.

Method three, combined

Subjecting his supposed chosen one to all sorts of tests, the man himself, without expecting it, becomes hysterical and tense. In this case, sex becomes an outlet for him. No one will argue with the statement that sexy is the ideal for most men. What are Italian women worth, who have a loud voice and are capable of throwing a huge scandal both in public and in private? Perhaps the very thought of a stormy reconciliation following this pushes a man to rash actions.

Tolerance Test

He will definitely try to make you unhappy with his behavior. A gift given for a holiday may not be what you expected. Flirting with one of your best friends may happen in front of your eyes. You may wait for him in the cafe for too long a period of time.

The man will look forward to your violent reaction after these tricks.

All these actions are aimed by your chosen one not only to check how scandalous you are, but also to see what kind of punishment you can come up with for him. Therefore, feel free to use your main weapon - sex. Try to behave wisely and do not try to refuse him, even if you harbor a grudge against the gift of perfume, and not the expected gold necklace. A huge scandal should definitely end with a stormy reconciliation in bed. This action of yours will add advantages to you and will be appreciated by your chosen one.

Method four, financial

If a man has his finger on the pulse and controls your financial expenses, this does not yet prove that he is greedy. Perhaps he doesn’t like wasteful and useless spending. If you have it in your hands bank card and you will be asked to use it, approach this from a reasonable point of view. This can also become one of the tests of the strength of your relationship.

A woman's thriftiness or a test for greed

A man will most likely want to understand whether you are a rational housewife, whether you can manage your finances wisely, whether you buy enough food, or whether you will remember to please your loved one with some little thing.

It will be useful for you to remember that there really are no small things, even for a man. The most best advice in this case, you will purchase fairly necessary things, but when saving, remember that you should not buy discounted goods, as they may be of poor quality. Rich men have this peculiarity - they can reduce their income to make sure that a woman cares about him and not his money. Remember this. Direct his dreams of selfless love in the right direction and react normally to an inexpensive car, furniture or clothes. Perhaps this is one of the tests for you, so do not fall for such an elementary trick of your loved one.

Method five, economic

If you and your chosen one each have their own living space, then sooner or later you will have to meet in a common area. You will either go to visit him or invite him to your place.

Test what kind of housewife are you

In your home, first of all, a man can pay attention to how efficient you are, whether your place is clean, comfortable, and whether you keep the rooms in proper order. Most likely, it will not be difficult for you to present yourself at the proper level. Once in a man’s apartment, also try to offer your help in everyday matters.

Apartment renovation, washing, ironing are not necessary in this case.

It will be enough to wash the dishes together after dinner. Most likely, this will present you from a positive side, and the chosen one will be satisfied.

On its territory you can also conduct a kind of test for a man. If he does not have serious intentions towards you, then your attempts to interfere in his own comfort and life will be nipped in the bud. Assuming that your relationship will not last long, the man will not allow anything to be changed in his “den”. Therefore, in order not to goof off and not show yourself from an ugly side, it is better to clarify whether he really needs your help with the housework. Don’t rush to pretend to be zealous; only women who have low self-esteem do this. Remember that you are self-sufficient, just offer your services without rushing around the house with a mop and broom.

Method six, drunk

A man wants to see a worthy life partner next to him. Therefore, you most likely have to go through also. Cohabitation presupposes the presence of children, which means a woman must be impeccable in many matters.

Alcohol tests

You yourself know your body, you know how predisposed you are to alcohol, the state of your health. Therefore, it will be useful to control the situation. Do not give in to the persuasion and various attempts of a man aimed at getting you drunk. The most ideal option would be to drink half as much as he does. Only in this case will you be guaranteed a decent time and a successful evening. And your man will receive confirmation of your adequacy and calm attitude towards strong alcoholic drinks.

Method seven, bonus

Another test that your chosen one can secretly offer is to test your intelligence and sense of humor. But do not rush to be loudly indignant at vulgar jokes or stories that are invented by a man and do not correspond to reality. Stay calm, not aggressive.

Men marry smart people

Yes, of course, they appreciate it, but being too smart is another question. You should not show your superiority in front of a man, he will not appreciate it. Your jokes must be adequate, then the IQ test will be passed successfully.

Let the man know that he is a really good storyteller, but you also know when to stop. Rudeness and anger will not help you; it is better to stay in an even mood, without emotional overtones. Only in this case is there a high probability that you will pass all the tests with dignity.

Bottom line

If you have become the object of careful scrutiny by a man, this most likely means that he intends to propose marriage to you in the future. Perhaps, subconsciously, a man understands that he is doing something ugly, but he immediately finds hundreds of excuses in his favor. Most likely, in the past he had the sad experience of making a hasty decision. This will be evidenced by his actions, namely how a man tests a woman’s feelings for him.

And in the case of you, he will definitely want to make sure that he will have a reliable rear at home. If you feel tested, then make sure that you are ready to see so many suspicious chosen ones next to you. Only a man worthy of you can arrange it so that you will never know about her. The decision to start married life together should be made by you together so as not to regret your choice in the future.

Even if it seems to you that when choosing women, men rely only on feelings, giving everything to the power of love, you can be sure that in most cases this is not so. Of course, love plays a very important role when choosing, especially a life partner, but personal qualities and outlook on life remain no less important factors.

In the process of communication, a man will recognize most of them sooner or later. But if he has already had a bad experience, or he is simply a very distrustful person and knows how to keep his emotions under control, then he will definitely arrange more than one test for his chosen one, using methods that she will never even guess about.

How men check the woman they love

Having fallen in love, a man loses his head. He makes every effort to conquer and subdue the woman he loves. But, despite all the strength of his love, sooner or later, even when in the depths of his soul he decides to propose marriage, he will decide to arrange the most important test - a test of fidelity.

Loyalty is the most important quality for a man in his chosen one. It is more important than appearance, intelligence, experience and all other qualities. A woman’s fidelity provides him with self-confidence, gives him the strength to reach and overcome heights, protect his family and ensure peace and tranquility within. But if a man suspects that his beloved is unfaithful, then the world begins to collapse for him.

In addition to fidelity in a relationship, the number of affairs before meeting him is very important for men, so that he does not talk. He will definitely try to find out all this information by asking about it. Even if it seems to you that he will calmly listen to information about your exes, do not succumb to such a provocation. Any memories of other men involuntarily make him compare himself with them. Therefore, if you hear an inappropriate question about how many men you have had, you can safely answer that it doesn’t matter, because he is the best in everything. For a man who deserves you, this will be enough not to raise such a topic again.

Sometimes some men can specifically test it by asking a friend to court you. Even if they do not stoop to this, they always very carefully monitor how the woman they love behaves with his friends, the men around him and those who are trying to get her attention. To pass the test, it is enough not to deviate from your principles and views. Only this will help you pass the test with the only man who will become a worthy life partner. And all the other representatives of the strong half of humanity, who are trying to convict you of something, in their opinion, reprehensible, simply do not deserve you to waste time on them.

List of clever tricks.
To know about all the tricky tests that a man can arrange for his chosen one, you should pay attention to the list compiled by psychologists. It was created on the basis of the answers that were received from the men themselves.

If a man wants to check girl intelligence , he will immediately begin a conversation about the meaning of life. If the girl could not support her or was frankly bored, then the first date will automatically become the last. In such a situation, the girl can only thank fate for not wasting time on a person with whom she has no common topics of conversation and communication.

Having invited him to bowling or billiards, a man is able to carefully observe how a girl reacts to her loss. If she gets too upset because of a bad game, he concludes that she is too emotional and will not be able to withstand the blows of fate. In such a situation, it is best to pay attention to whether you need a man who is not ready to take responsibility for his beloved, wanting her to cope with everything herself.

Having a large number of fans and as a result, in their opinion, men check their tendency to cheat by simply sending a bouquet of flowers with a note without a signature. If the chosen one does not rush to call him and thank him for the gift, and even more so does not say anything during the next date, then he is not alone with her. In such a situation, a man can make a variety of decisions, from a complete breakup to the desire to win his beloved.

Men love to check women and having a sense of humor . Using the most unusual ways from anecdotes to suggestive commentary on relationships. If a girl has a healthy sense of humor, she will react calmly to such jokes. But at the same time, men forget that deep down, every woman will draw her own conclusions about the upbringing of this man and the possibility of further communication with him.

Men don't forget to check the girls and to commercialism . The main reason for this is not male greed, as one might think, but simply the desire to check whether they can satisfy the needs of their chosen one. Very often they can come pick up a girl in an old car or give simple wildflowers. The reaction of their chosen one will be the main factor in deciding whether to be with her or not.

They also watch what are her friends talking about . It’s really bad if all conversations come down to discussing only the cost of certain items, the success of other men and the manifestation of too much interest in those who come in expensive cars.

Men pay attention on the girl's housekeeping . They may ask, while in a restaurant, what the dish served is made from, or make a slight mess at home, scattering things and adding that they have not eaten for 2 days. Such men are too clean and are accustomed by their mothers to total cleanliness.

Many men test the girl they like and each time they find a hundred excuses for this, realizing that this, to put it mildly, is simply ugly. But such is their psychology, which requires them to immediately understand whether their girl is worthy and whether it is worth spending time on her. And usually the desire to check out the girl they like arises when in the past there have already been problems in personal relationships due to a hasty choice that turned out to be truly unsuccessful. After all, no matter how strong a man is, at home he wants to feel a reliable rear in the person of the woman whom he called his wife, which is why it is so important for him to make sure in time that you are exactly the one he has been looking for for so long. And before many girls begin to be offended and indignant, it is worth recalling that when a man is truly worthy of you, if he wants to arrange a test, then you will never know about it.

How to test a guy for cheating in such a way as to find out as much information as possible, get a reliable result and at the same time leave no traces? We offer several options with tips, secrets and instructions.

Surely every girl, even the most self-confident, would like to test her boyfriend’s fidelity. It’s just that some people consider this a humiliation of their own and their dignity, while others are fans of the process itself, because every time the second one is left with an intrigue - yes or no.

The most important thing here is to act using the right methods and, of course, accuracy. Below are current tips for different situations.

How to check a guy for cheating

On distance

You can easily find out the truth even if he is in another city. To do this you need to use a telephone connection or the Internet.


In order for your plan to work and the guy not to recognize you in correspondence, adhere to the following rules, which often simply do not come to mind:

  • it is better if you use a new, unused SIM card, not registered to anyone;
  • change your writing style (for example, if you always write “wha” instead of “wha” or “what”, your boyfriend will immediately think of you);
  • do not use your own speech patterns (it is better if you ask your friend to write an SMS, simply conveying the main content to her);
  • do not mention your name (for example, with questions like how you feel about her, etc.);
  • Don’t screw up on little things that only you know (his preferences, favorite foods, clothing style, music, etc.).

How to write an SMS in such a way as to check IT? It should start with the basics with which any acquaintance begins (say hello, ask how you are, if he wants to chat). You can reinforce your intentions by the fact that, supposedly, you have been watching him for a long time, or one of his friends gave his number (but do not say who exactly, otherwise there is a possibility of a mistake). If the guy makes contact, don’t drag out the foreplay for too long, ask if he has a girlfriend. The answer will either please you or disappoint you.

Through the Internet

If you want to find out the truth through the VK, Odnoklassniki or any similar service, prepare for this in advance:

  • create a page a month before your plan, otherwise a “zero” account will make him wary;
  • gradually add photos there, copied from any first page of a pretty girl you come across (look for a completely different city);
  • add personal plausible information that will be difficult for him to verify;
  • make friends with fifty friends (it is not necessary to correspond with them, but so that you do not get burned by the comments on photos that strangers will leave for you, either hide them or delete those that clearly indicate that you are strangers).

After some time, your account will be ready for the “dirty businessman”. You can start communication by simply writing to him privately, on his wall, or by unambiguously commenting on his photo.


For this you need a good friend who clearly should have entered the acting department. To make everything look believable, use the following tips:

  • let the acquaintance take place in a relevant place (in a club, in an educational institution, at a bus stop, next to his car, etc.);
  • prepare possible dialogues in advance (the friend should not be stunned by his questions);
  • it is better if your accomplice is extremely proactive and relaxed;
  • Give her all the details (age, name, school, etc.).

BUT! You must be 100% sure that your friend cannot betray you by simply telling your boyfriend about your plan.

There is another simpler option that will help you get your guy to clean water. Here, any friend of yours with whom you communicate should begin to “drive” him: “Why do you need her, I can give you more, if you’re interested, let me know,” and everything in that style. However, there is one “but” here. This game can go too far and you will simply start their relationship by staying on the sidelines.

Scan phone/mail/social networks

His correspondence can say a lot about him. Watch him at a time when you are absolutely sure that he will not catch you.

After you've done your job, don't forget to cover your tracks:

  • erase the pages you visited from your browser history;
  • return everything to its original position (remember in advance which page the tab was opened on, whether the browser was launched at all, mark open messages again as unread, etc.).

Don't frantically check his phone every day. To reveal betrayal, it is enough to occasionally observe your chosen one in this way.

Interesting information!
You can also find out a lot of “tasty” things about your boyfriend by looking through the history of visiting pages in his browser (on a computer or phone).


This is the most honest, but often ineffective way. It’s just that inveterate cheaters can so easily get out of the most biased interrogations that you will only be touched by his “honesty.”

But, if you are a sensible and wise girl, it will not be difficult for you to recognize deception: inconsistencies will be identified, pauses will appear that he will use to think, and if you lead him into a dead end, he will immediately begin to get irritated.

So, to ensure your conversation is as productive as possible, apply the following tips:

  1. It's worth approaching him with a conversation only when he is in a good mood.
  2. Use a calm and friendly intonation to mislead him about your intentions in advance.
  3. Start from afar.
  4. Have a superficial conversation so that he does not understand that you suspect him, but simply thinks that you are interested in his opinion.
  5. It's better to split your question into several parts.(in a day, a week, two, etc. - the longer the interval, the less suspicion he will have, and it will be easier for you to identify inconsistencies, because he will quickly forget the lies).
  6. Take him for a show-off and watch the reaction (lie that you saw him with a girl, you learned some information about him, etc.).

Bring in the detectives

This method is suitable for the most desperate. You should not resort to it just like that, but only in cases where your suspicions were previously confirmed by various facts (ambiguous correspondence, his disappearance from your life, etc.).

Find out the cost of this service in advance and make sure that the specialists you choose are good at what they do.

However, you should take into account that excessive jealousy will set your relationship up for failure in advance. If he feels a huge crush now, every day it will depress him even more.

And yes, think carefully before testing his loyalty, because if he finds out about your actions, it may offend him to the core so much that he will no longer want to stay with the doubting chosen one.

For every girl, the most important thing is to feel loved. But sooner or later, each of them wonders how to test a guy’s feelings. To find out the answer to a question of interest, many girls use all sorts of methods, some of which are best not put into practice.

According to statistics, men are less likely to wonder how to check a girl’s feelings. This is explained primarily by the fact that men are more confident in themselves. Women have doubts about their feelings in the following cases:

  • The girl has low self-esteem, she constantly needs proof of love;
  • The acquaintance of a guy and a girl lasts quite a long time, but on his part there are no hints of more serious relationship;
  • The girl is not sure about the feelings of her boyfriend and wants to know whether to continue the relationship or end it;
  • In case the guy behaves ambiguously, not showing affection, but also does not break off the relationship.

How to check a young man's feelings

Do you want to know how the man you like feels about you? Look at him as if from the outside. Take a closer look at how he treats you, how he shows his feelings. Every little detail is of great importance, for example, he is interested in whether you are dressed warmly, what you ate for breakfast, how you are doing at work or at university. If you are eager to know how to test a man for the sincerity of his feelings, listen to the advice of psychologists.

Show feigned indifference

To find out how a guy feels towards you, act out some coldness and indifference, but don’t overdo it! This can be done in the following ways: being late for a meeting, not calling a couple of times at the appointed time, or not answering correspondence. If a young man really likes you, he will want to know the reason for your indifference. But don’t forget, each person has his own limit of patience, don’t get carried away.

Check how serious his intentions are

If a guy is committed to a long-term relationship, he will not be afraid to introduce you to his friends and parents. Inviting you as a couple to a birthday or wedding clearly shows seriousness.

Take a closer look at how seriously a guy takes your personal life

When a young man pays attention to everything that happens in your life, this is good sign. He will rush in when you suddenly fall ill, he will come to see you off on a business trip, in a word, he will not stand aside during serious events in your life. Sudden surprises also indicate strong feelings towards you.

The guy remembers your phone number by heart and all your joint memorable dates.

A person remembers only information that is very important to him. If a young man remembers your favorite color, the date of your first meeting or the moment of your first kiss, then he is not indifferent to you.

The young man does not ignore any change in your appearance.

An excellent sign of the sincerity of a man’s feelings is increased attention to a girl’s appearance. A new piece of clothing or a changed hair color do not go unnoticed, and this clearly indicates increased interest in the girl. Agree, only a man in love pays close attention to any little details related to the object of his adoration.

Manifestation of jealousy

Male psychology is structured in such a way that each representative of the strong field feels like an owner in relation to the woman with whom he has a certain relationship. Manifestations of jealousy are difficult to ignore - a guy’s face changes if you turn your gaze to other men.

The combination of some of the listed signs clearly indicates that the young man has tender feelings for you. Be observant, and if you notice that a guy constantly wants to touch you, hug you, you often catch his eye on you - most likely, you will hear a declaration of love in the near future.

How not to check your feelings

However, there are a number of actions that should not be used to test the feelings of a young man.

Extreme checks

Don’t come up with stupid tasks, like if you walk on this roof, it means you love me. Each person has his own degree of manifestation of love, and not every guy is ready to risk his life in order to prove something to you.

Check by jealousy

Another stupid idea to test a man’s feelings. A young man who is too jealous of his girlfriend most likely feels a sense of ownership towards her, rather than a trusting relationship. Therefore, you should not arrange a “sudden” meeting with ex-boyfriend, or writing love SMS from another number, this is not only stupid, but also dangerous.

Temptation check

Many girls try to find out the feelings of a young man with the help of a friend, and in the end they risk being left without a boyfriend and without a girlfriend. Every man is a hunter by nature, and there is always the possibility that he will be led by other prey.

To find out how a man treats you, you don’t need to weave cunning intrigues, be sincere in your relationship, and you will receive the same attitude in return. Love is always visible from a distance; truly close people do not need to test their feelings.

When not to continue a relationship

So, you are dating a guy, or are just planning to do so, but you don’t know how he feels about you. If you don’t have the time and patience to observe his behavior for a while, but you really want to find out, come up and ask directly. It's up to you to decide whether to be in the unknown or hear the bitter reality. You can also find out information of interest from mutual friends and acquaintances, someone will be in the know.

A guy has no serious intentions towards you if:

  • When he meets you, he continues to wander his gaze around. He feels free and pays attention to all female representatives.
  • The tone of his conversation does not change when you communicate, that is, he does not distinguish you from the crowd.
  • A man spends little free time with you. From friends and acquaintances you often hear about his adventures in clubs, but he does not invite you with him.
  • A young man does not give you flowers and nice trinkets.
  • In your presence, he devotes too much time to other pretty girls.
  • The guy doesn’t want to communicate with you by correspondence - in in social networks or by phone.
  • In a difficult situation, you have to rely only on yourself, your beloved, there is not even a hint of help from the young man.

If you find several matches on the list, do not be under any illusions, the young man is absolutely indifferent to you, and he does not plan to start a serious relationship with you. Try to forget about him, and then a truly worthy person will appear on your horizon who will love you and provide all possible support.

Every woman always wants to know what the young man she likes thinks about her, what feelings he experiences. Sometimes it’s enough to take a closer look at it, and everything immediately becomes clear. If the situation doesn't seem so simple and you want to use additional techniques to check feelings, be careful not to overdo it. Attempts to cause excessive jealousy, seduction by a friend, or correspondence on someone else's behalf from a dating site can only harm your relationship. Be honest and sincere with your chosen one and then in return you will receive the same feelings and emotions.