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How does running in the evening help? How to run properly in the evenings: useful tips. How to lose weight by running in the evenings

Running in the evenings is much more beneficial than in the morning. Evening running promotes fat burning, relaxation, and helps relieve stress. Regardless of your goals, you need to know some features and rules regarding how to run in the evenings.

Finding time to run regularly in the morning is quite difficult. It is difficult for a working person to overcome himself by getting up one to one and a half hours earlier to go for a run. Only a few are capable of performing such feats every day. In addition, the evening is ideal for getting rid of all the negativity and stress that has accumulated during the day.

Morning jogging can cause excessive fatigue, which will affect performance. The fact that it is better to run in the evening is evidenced by the possibility of getting rid of excess calories consumed during the day. And even if such physical activity causes muscle fatigue, it goes away overnight, and the recovery process during sleep occurs simultaneously with the expenditure of energy.

Where is the best place to go for a run in the evening?

You should not run on busy highways, highways, or freeways, but you should also beware of dark alleys. The presence of large amounts of traffic will minimize the benefits of physical activity, and unlit nooks and crannies can be extremely dangerous. Exhaust fumes from cars will not only negate the benefits of training, but also cause harm.

When running, a person exhales much more oxygen, which increases the amount of harmful substances entering the body. And for jogging to bring maximum benefit, it is best to run in a park area, on playgrounds and football fields, which are often located close to home.

Duration of jogging in the evening

It is not recommended to overexert the body before going to bed, as this will negatively affect your well-being and sleep. The first runs should not be long. It is best to start with ten or fifteen minutes, and then regularly increase the time.

The maximum duration of a jog in the evening should not exceed half an hour. It's better to take short breaks. You can't stop suddenly. If you want to take a break, you first need to slow down and then take a step at a fast pace.

When is the best time to run?

Most beginners make a similar mistake. They run after dinner and rest, which is fundamentally wrong. Time spent in an inactive state after a long working day transfers biorhythms to a passive state. If you go for a run, they will start up again, which leads to a lot of stress.

The best time to run is between seven and ten o'clock in the evening. The body is calm at this time, but has not yet switched to passive mode, which allows you to quickly get rid of stress.

Is it possible to eat before evening runs?

You should run in the morning on a healthy stomach. It’s better not to do this in the evening, but you shouldn’t have a heavy dinner either. The ideal choice would be a salad, soup, or light lunch. The menu must include proteins with carbohydrates, which promote faster recovery after jogging.

You can prepare a steam omelet, which will perfectly complement boiled chicken or beef. When you don’t want to have dinner, you can have a snack by eating fruit, for example, bananas or apples. Homemade yogurt can satisfy your hunger and maintain your strength.

Do you need to warm up before running?

Before running, be sure to warm up properly. This allows you to minimize possible risks and injuries and obtain maximum benefits. It is enough to warm up for a couple of minutes. It is necessary to warm up mainly the legs.

It is best to practice with a ball or a rolling pin. The muscles on the legs should be rubbed and massaged, which increases blood circulation. It is best to start jogging with a brisk walk, and then gradually increase your speed.

Does it matter what surface you run on?

It is strongly not recommended to overwork yourself at night, so it is best to choose a flat place for jogging. A bad choice would be a strong slope or jumping up. You need to run on a flat surface. Finding a flat area in a small park area is not difficult.

It is not recommended to run in the stadium, as you will have to run in a circle. If the area is large, then everything is fine. When the stadium is small, your head will start to spin. The ideal option would be a straight, flat, long road.

Proper breathing during evening runs

Maintaining the correct breathing rhythm is of utmost importance. Physical activity increases the body's need for oxygen. When a person stops gasping for air, he usually starts gasping for air, which is wrong. You need to breathe only through your nose. This saturates the body with the maximum amount of air. Thanks to this, the rhythm is maintained and the pulse does not lose momentum.

For people who start running in the evenings in order to lose weight, it is especially important to breathe through their nose. The more oxygen the tissues and muscles receive, the faster the metabolism occurs. Breathing must be constantly monitored. Involuntary loss of rhythm should not be ignored. When you start gasping for air, you need to gradually reduce your speed, but not stop suddenly.

How do you know if your run was done correctly?

For every novice runner, this question is of paramount importance, since only the right physical activity brings results. Otherwise, no effect will be achieved. Those who have never run before or started training after a long break feel muscle pain the next day. If this is not the case, then either they are overtrained or something was done incorrectly.

You shouldn't stop running. You need to adhere to the basic rules and be able to recognize the needs of your own body. It should be remembered that muscle pain will torment until the tissues become sufficiently trained, that is, they get used to the load. After some time, the painful sensations will be replaced by pleasant fatigue, which helps you fall asleep quickly.

If you overcome yourself and find time to jog in the evenings, after two to three weeks you can see positive changes. Thanks to half an hour of running in the evening, weight is reduced and work is normalized. nervous system, the heart muscle is strengthened.

Running at night or late in the evening, when visibility drops to almost zero, is not viewed positively by everyone, but in vain. In more “running” countries, on popular routes, when darkness falls, you can see from afar on the suburban hills strings of lights mixed with the play of reflectors. These are the night runners out for training.

One way or another, all residents of the Northern Lands will have to face the predominance of darkness with the onset of winter. This, however, should be considered as a benefit for the development of one’s skills and even partly superpowers.

The benefits of night running

Without beating around the bush, I will list the main advantages of night running.

1. In most cases, the body reacts more positively to evening exercise than to morning exercise. By the end of the working day, body temperature is always higher than in the morning, and the levels of the hormones cortisol and thyrotropin reach their maximum in the evening, greatly affecting energy metabolism.

It is important to understand that, for example, temperature, like many other biorhythms, follows the daily cycle of the Sun, and not our level of activity. People who work at night and sleep during the day exhibit the same temperature cycle as others.

2. Most people finish work in the afternoon. Moreover, it seems that the majority of workers apparently do not like their jobs. Why do something you don't like is another question. But the fact is that employees, after leaving the workplace, tend to discard all problems and issues related to work.

And now it’s time for mental relaxation and a meditative jog, which will greatly improve your mood and remove all the chaos from your head.

3. Based on some studies, including personal ones, it can be stated that darkness has a miraculous effect on sensory perception, reduces the feeling of fatigue and increases the pace of running, while making it easier.

This is probably due not only to the evening increase in body activity, but also to psychological factors. They are formed when moving in a pseudo-closed space, the boundaries of which are defined only by a ray headlamp .

4. Some people believe that running before bed has a negative impact on the subsequent process of falling asleep. Not at all, quite the opposite. Jogging can be compared to taking a warm bath; it calms and normalizes blood pressure, and also eliminates stress received during the day.

When talking about the negative impact of evening training on sleep, we mean exclusively stressful (team) sports that have a large gambling and competitive component. It promotes surges of the hormone adrenaline, which maintains a high level for a long time.

5. With the onset of darkness, the number of distractions decreases: pedestrians with their cigarettes and dogs, cars with their noise and exhaust.

6. Running in the dark with a flashlight is great for development. proprioceptive skills. In other words, the sense of body parts and their position in space becomes more accurate, and coordination increases, making movement safer and the nervous system more responsive.

7. Darkness trains reaction speed. After all, logs, stones, cats and holes that suddenly appear on the running surface require the body to immediately correct the course or completely mobilize the spring properties of the musculoskeletal system, including the active mode of avoiding tree branches. This factor can also be considered as training for the development of intuitive abilities.

Fortunately, the thin reflective layer of clear cells in most animals' eyes reflects light from an external source and penetrates the retina, causing their eyes to glow. Therefore, unlike an ordinary classic pedestrian, at night the animals can be seen clearly and far enough away.

Reflective clothing items are no less important than a flashlight. It is thanks to them that every driver or cyclist will notice you from afar if they have any external lighting turned on. And also, of course, another runner with a headlamp. Today, reflective inserts on running equipment are the generally accepted norm and self-respecting manufacturers do not skimp on them.

Otherwise, you can get a mesh running vest with wide reflective stripes, in which you will definitely be noticed by everyone from a great distance.

Particularly prudent and cautious runners in urban environments additionally attach a red one to their backpack flashing light. It is better to buy such beacons for dual purposes, so that they can be attached equally well and comfortably to both a backpack and a bicycle seatpost.

In general, the rule here is exactly the same as in cycling: the more you look like a Christmas tree, the more grateful drivers and pedestrians will be for you.


In uninhabited wild areas, as in former times, there remains a danger of being attacked by people with a wide variety of mental disorders. In this regard, it is advisable for women to take with them for a run at least one physically developed man who can maintain the given pace and topic of conversation.

Everyone has known about the benefits of running for a long time. This is the most affordable and universal look sport, which has a healing effect on the entire body and helps maintain good physical shape. We hear a lot about the benefits of morning running, but is evening jogging beneficial? It all depends on the individual, but experts insist that some people are better off running in the evening. Let's try to figure out what this is connected with.

Is it good to run in the evening? Definitely yes. First, we note that regardless of the time of day, running always helps to activate metabolic processes in the body, helps enrich cells with oxygen, and helps to lose weight. There are also positive features that evening running has:

  • It's easier to make time for it. Many people, especially those who are night owls, find it difficult to get up early in the morning and go for a run - they would rather spend a little more time in bed than exercise. But in the evening there will always be time for yourself, and a person can feel more active and energetic, which will have a positive effect on the results of a run.
  • It helps relieve stress. One of the benefits of running in the evenings is that it helps relieve the stress and negative emotions that have accumulated throughout the day. During running, a large amount of endorphins are released, which provokes an elevated mood. Thus, evening running is an excellent way to combat bad mood, neuroses and a number of other psychological problems.
  • Evening running is useful for those who have problems sleeping. The right amount of exercise will help you sleep like a baby. The only thing is to let at least a couple of hours pass between training and going to bed, otherwise you may achieve the opposite effect.
  • Evening jogging actively burns the calories eaten during the day. It is advisable not to eat after them. You can drink a glass of kefir before bed or have a light snack a couple of hours before bed.
  • It has been proven that in the evening, the human excretory system works more actively. If you run at this time, you can significantly enhance metabolic processes and cleanse the body of waste, toxins and other negative elements.

A little about the harm

We’ve figured out the benefits of running in the evenings. But not everything is so good - it also has negative aspects:

  • Even minor physical activity in the evening It is recommended to avoid if you have problems with the spine. The fact is that in the evening the compression of the vertebrae is maximum. “Sagging” them can cause discomfort and sometimes pain.
  • The effect of evening running on people suffering from insomnia can be not only positive. The fact is that physical activity provokes a powerful release of hormones into the blood, which provokes excitement of the body and its attempts to find a way out of the energy received. Therefore, during the first 1.5 hours after running, you are unlikely to be able to fall asleep. But in a couple of hours you will sleep like a log.
  • Running in the evening is not recommended for early risers. for whom the evening in itself is a biological night. It’s better for them to run in the morning and just get ready to rest in the evening.
  • An important point regarding running in the evenings for weight loss is the air. In the evening, the concentration of harmful components in the air is much higher than in the morning, so the effect on the lungs may not be the best. But this problem can be easily solved by choosing a wooded or park area with clean air for evening jogging.

Regardless of the running time you choose, you need to make sure there are no contraindications. These include serious problems with the heart, blood vessels, joints, blood pressure and a number of other conditions. In any case, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

When is it better to run - morning or evening

There is no clear answer to this question. It all depends on the peaks of physical activity that you have different people are different. Some people find it comfortable to run in the morning, but for others, early jogging may not only not bring benefits, but will only overly exhaust the body.

Experts believe that running in the morning immediately after waking up, when a person is still half asleep and his body is not yet prepared, can bring serious stress. For early risers, on the contrary, a morning jog will give them energy for the whole day, help improve their psychological state and mobilize energy resources. In addition, the air is clean in the morning and there are fewer cars and people on the streets, which can affect the productivity of your run.

Simultaneously “night owls” are not recommended to expose themselves to serious stress in the first couple of hours after waking up. For such people, the optimal time is 11-12 noon, but not everyone can go jogging at this time due to their schedule. Therefore, evening hours are optimal. In general, it is recommended to run at a time when you feel comfortable. It is only important to adhere to all recommendations, rules and technical features.

How to lose weight by running in the evenings

Evening jogging for weight loss is a great option for losing weight. But keep in mind that if you have a significant degree of obesity, it is contraindicated.

You should approach this sport with caution, especially if you are a beginner. To prevent negative effects on joints, you can start training with walking. At first, you can take regular walks at least three times a week. And after a couple of weeks, include elements of running in them and move on to full-fledged jogging. It is important to be able to correctly distribute the load on the body. It should be such that you have time to regain strength for the next classes.

Running in the evening for weight loss will only be effective if you run for a long time and regularly. Jogging for 15 minutes a couple of times a week won't do much for you. It is recommended to run 5-6 times a week. Many people are interested in whether it is possible to run in the evening every day. In principle, there is nothing wrong with this, but it’s better to leave one or two a week as a day off or devote it to another type of activity so that the body can rest a little.

Please note that To lose weight you need to run for at least 40 minutes. The fact is that in the first half hour the body draws energy from the food received during the day, and only then energy reserves in the form of fat are consumed. Workouts lasting about 20 minutes will not help you lose weight, but they can be used to keep fit and feel good.

To lose weight you need to run at least five kilometers. But such distances can be difficult for beginners, so for starters you can limit yourself to 1-2 kilometers.

It is important to monitor your breathing. Correctly inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. If you begin to have difficulty breathing, take a quick walk. Everyone can determine their running speed for themselves. Everything is determined by age, physical condition and other factors.

To achieve good results in losing weight, running at different paces, known as interval running, is useful. For example, you can alternate a fast step with jogging, and then accelerate to the maximum.

In addition, to properly start running in the evenings, consider the following points:

  • Choose the right place to run. Try to avoid highways, highways and busy roads. By the end of the day, the air near such places is saturated with harmful components and negatively affects the body. For running, it is better to choose parks, nature, wooded areas, and a stadium.
  • It is believed that optimal time for evening jogging - 19-22 hours. Beginners may make a common mistake - starting a run after a heavy dinner. However, keep in mind that this is harmful to the body, since evening meals contribute to the transfer of biorhythms into a passive state, and expose yourself to physical activity No need. The best option- go for a run after work and an hour's rest. You can eat something light, for example, a banana or drink a glass of yogurt.
  • Before the run do a little warm-up- walk around, do bends and turns. This will help prepare the body for stress and reduce the risk of injury.
  • Choose comfortable clothes according to the weather, which does not restrict your movements, and high-quality sneakers designed specifically for running.
  • If you are running when it is already dark, remember basic safety - choose smooth and well-lit roads.
  • Having finished running, don't stop abruptly. Reduce speed smoothly, take a step and only then stop.

A little about nutrition

We have already figured out how to start running in the evenings and how to lose weight with its help. But keep in mind that not only physical activity is important for weight loss, but also a proper diet. And he offers the following points:

  • Try eliminate high-calorie foods from the diet, which do not provide any benefit to the body. These include various chips and crackers, sweets, baked goods, mayonnaise and other sauces, fast food, and carbonated water.
  • Eat grains- they provide complex carbohydrates, which are irreplaceable sources of energy.
  • Eat vegetables and fruits. They have few calories, but a lot of useful substances.
  • Eat Protein- they are necessary for the body, especially if you play sports. Their sources are lean meat, fish, fermented milk products, boiled eggs.
  • Be sure to have breakfast- This is the most important meal that will help prevent overeating during the day and keep your metabolic processes working properly.

Rules for evening jogging on video

As daylight hours get shorter, experienced and new runners alike find it difficult to run in the dark. Running in the dark certainly has its challenges, but that's not a reason to give up on your competition or fitness goals. WITH proper preparation and with the right attitude, you can make your evening runs no worse than your daytime ones.


Coming home from work and finding it dark outside is what makes fall and winter runs a real challenge. Only the most determined and motivated continue to run regularly throughout the dark months. And as we'll see later, running in the dark will require purchasing some additional equipment to make your workout safe and comfortable. You need to be sure that you will actually be running in the evenings before you spend money and time on these purchases.

Safety first

Without a doubt, the most important thing when running in the dark is your safety. No workout is worth the risk to your health and safety. If you think things through, you can get the running workouts you need with minimal risk. Here are a few things to think about:

Well lit route

You may not have to run on the most interesting route, but it is more important that you run in the most lit area. This way, you'll not only be able to see other people (and them you), but you'll also be able to see the surface you're running on.

The simpler the better

Instead of painstakingly completing a 15-kilometer loop, run the 5-kilometer loop 3 times. Or even along a 3-kilometer route. This way you will be as close to home as possible if you suddenly want to finish your workout early. In addition, you will be familiar with every corner, every hole and crack on the road. And let your friends and family know where you'll be running so they can easily find you if needed.

Be visible

When running in the dark, you can't afford to dress inconspicuously. Bright, flashy colors with reflective elements - that's what it should be. You can add a flashing flashlight (white light in front, red light in back), and then you will definitely be visible in the dark.

The right gear for an evening run

Running in the evening also means you need to prepare for lower temperatures later in the night and harsh weather conditions. You should have a set of clothes and equipment that will ensure comfort and safety throughout your run.

Vest with reflective elements

Preferably lightweight, a vest with a zipper will help keep your body warm and also make you visible. By unzipping and zipping, you can control how warm the vest keeps you warm.


An optional, but very useful piece of equipment. It will illuminate your path in the dark, helping you choose the safest road. It will also make you very visible. Modern models of flashlights are quite light, they can be worn over a hat or cap and do not feel much discomfort on the head.

Flashing lights

Similar to those used by cyclists at night, these simple flashlights are inexpensive and effective method increase your visibility in the dark. Remember that the red flashing light should be on the back and the white/clear flashing light should be on the front. Thanks to this, drivers and pedestrians can easily and in advance understand which direction you are moving.

What not to bring: headphones

Even if you run close to home, running with headphones significantly increases the risk of injury and other problems. Leave the music until better times and daylight.

In addition to the right equipment and route, there are a few more important points that will make your evening runs more productive:

Snack before a run

Chances are good that your evening run will happen at your usual dinner time. If so, be sure to eat well in the afternoon to replenish muscle glycogen stores. Most athletes can safely not eat from lunch to dinner, but eating immediately before going for a run is a recipe for discomfort in the stomach. So have a snack beforehand.

Eating after a run

Ideally, immediately after an evening run, eat “real food” rather than recovery formulas/drinks. Try to include foods that help recovery and contain a lot of protein (meat, fish or dairy products) in your diet. Be sure to drink several glasses of water with this meal. The sooner you eat after a run, the better: not only will you replenish your body's calorie needs and help it recover, you will also increase the time between eating and going to bed.


You won't have much time to warm up and cool down during your evening run, so try the following options. First, try being more active in the time leading up to your run. This could be a walk home from work or active games with your children. This will be enough to improve blood flow and make the first minutes of the run easier. Another option is to plan your workout so that you start at a slow pace. Remember, it's not just about warming up your muscles - your eyes and ears also need to adapt to moving in the dark.

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In the summer you want to do more active movements, and everyone will enjoy playing sports in the fresh air. Take out your sneakers and start your evening jogging, because there are five important reasons for this.

Stress relief

Firstly, evening jogging will help relieve the stress that has accumulated throughout the day. After training, you will feel relaxed, calm, tired and in a positive mood. Morning jogging, on the contrary, can only tire you out if you have a hard day of work ahead. Therefore, at the beginning of the day, it is better to do simple exercises or gymnastics to wake up, and in the evening go for a run.

Efficiency in losing weight

Another benefit of running in the evening is that losing weight with it is much more effective than jogging in the morning. Evening exercise helps you quickly burn calories accumulated throughout the day. Therefore, if you allowed yourself too much at lunch, an evening jog can solve this problem.

Benefit for health

Scientists also support the idea of ​​evening running and argue that it is from 18 to 20 in the evening that a person is at the peak of his activity. Therefore, the benefits of running during this period of time will be one hundred percent, and the effectiveness is much higher than that of morning “analogues”. In addition, evening jogging will give the body the opportunity to replenish oxygen reserves in the blood and improve circulation, and muscles that were not actively used during the day will be able to tone up. Thanks to this, it will be much easier to keep your figure in shape.

No rush

It’s incredibly convenient to run in the evening, since you don’t have to rush anywhere and you can afford an extra circle or a couple of exercises on the machines, if there are any nearby. Don’t worry about having time to wash, get dressed, put on makeup and get to work on time.