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Acrobatic exercise: types, classification. Acrobatic exercises in physical education classes. Gymnastic acrobatic elements Why modern acrobatics is a universal sport

Acrobatics is a very beautiful form of physical activity. The ease of movement of acrobats fascinates and delights. But behind this beauty and seeming lightness are years of training and the hard work of athletes. This type of physical activity is not available to everyone, because in order to engage in it you need to be completely healthy, physically prepared and train regularly under the guidance of a professional mentor. Meanwhile, some elements of acrobatics can be mastered at any age and with different levels physical training, as they say, there would be a desire.

What is acrobatics:
Acrobatics is a type of gymnastics that includes exercises for agility, flexibility, jumping, strength and balance. As a rule, begin to engage in acrobatics in early childhood. Skills acquired during acrobatics cannot be retained for a long time without constant training. If a person has learned in childhood, then even after a thirty-year break, he will be able to swim and ride a bicycle. But with acrobatics, this will not work. Even a short break in the training process significantly reduces the level of training of an athlete.

Types of acrobatics:
Acrobatics can be divided into the following types:

  • Sports acrobatics. This is a separate sport. In sports acrobatics, there are several types of programs: jumping, pair and group. In jump acrobatics, an athlete performs acrobatic jumps on a special track 30 meters long. In pair and group acrobatics, athletes perform acrobatic exercises of varying complexity in pairs or groups. Couples and groups can be male, female or mixed.
  • Circus acrobatics. Includes several genres of circus art: aerial acrobatics, jump acrobatics, power acrobatics and others.
  • Special acrobatics. This type of acrobatics is used to train athletes various kinds sports or different directions. That is, in fact, these are various acrobatic elements (jumps, rolls, somersaults, falls, and others) used in a particular sport or dance.

Health benefits of acrobatics:

  • Acrobatics perfectly trains all muscle groups, develops strength and endurance.
  • Makes the body flexible.
  • Strengthens the vestibular apparatus, improves coordination of movements and orientation in space.
  • Acrobatics favorably affects the work of almost all organs and systems of the body.
  • Helps strengthen immunity.
  • Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Improves metabolism in the body.
  • Like other types of physical activity, acrobatics helps keep your figure in great shape and does not allow you to gain excess weight. Beautiful posture and smartness of the whole body - that's distinguishing feature acrobats.

Acrobatics for children:
Acrobatics not only strengthens the child's body and promotes harmonious physical development, but also helps to develop character. Diligence, perseverance, self-confidence, responsibility - this is only a small part of what this sport gives to children. It is very important, before starting to do acrobatics, to undergo a complete medical examination of the child and consult a doctor for contraindications and any restrictions.

Acrobatics for adults:
More recently, acrobatics was available only to children or adult athletes who began to practice at a young age. Nowadays, everything is much simpler and in many cities you can find sections of acrobatics for adults. Most likely, in such training it will not be possible to become a professional acrobat, but doing this beautiful view physical activity for yourself is quite real. In addition, there are many sports available for people of all ages, in which various acrobatic elements are learned and used.

Contraindications for acrobatics:
Acrobatics has a lot of contraindications. Therefore, only healthy people should do acrobatics. In any case, before starting classes, it is necessary to consult a doctor. In addition, acrobatics is considered a traumatic sport, so you can’t start performing complex elements without sufficient training, classes should be conducted under the guidance of an experienced coach, all safety measures must be observed.

Do acrobatics with pleasure and be healthy!
Do not forget that - this is not only sufficient, but also, and other components.

Sports acrobatics- a kind of sport, competitions in the performance of acrobatic exercises associated with maintaining balance (balancing) and body rotation with and without support.

The competition includes: acrobatic jumps for women and men, exercises for women's, mixed and men's pairs, group exercises for women (three) and men (four). In each type of program, athletes perform two or three compulsory and optional exercises: in acrobatic jumps - tempo (includes a somersault with a turn of no more than 180 °) and screw (includes a somersault with a turn of at least 360 °); in pair and group exercises - static (with balancing) and tempo (voltage). Athletes' performances are evaluated according to the system adopted in artistic gymnastics. All partners in a pair or group must belong to one of the age categories: 11-16 years old, 12-18 years old, 13-19 years old, 14 and older (senior categories)

As an Olympic sport, sports acrobatics originated in 1932 at the 10th Olympic Games, when men's acrobatic jumps (English)(tumbling) were included in the gymnastics competition program as a separate sport (demonstration competitions were held at the Olympics and years). Since that time, competitions have been held in the UK, the USA and other countries. In the USSR, as an independent sport, it was formed in the late 1930s. The first All-Union championship in sports acrobatics took place in 1939. Women's competitions have been held since 1940, youth competitions since 1951. The first personal championship world in sport acrobatics took place in Moscow in 1974. The first competitions for the World Cup in sports acrobatics were held in Switzerland in 1975. Group acrobatics has never been an Olympic sport.

Such teachers and coaches as V. N. Bushuev, V. N. Kochergov, A. K. Bondarev, G. T. Trizin, V. I. Leonov, athletes Yu. V. Strakhov, V. I. Arakcheeva, P. M. Antonov.

In 1985, at the USSR acrobatic jumping championship in Tbilisi, E. Bugaeva performed for the first time the most difficult element - a triple back somersault in a tuck. Her jump was complicated by E. Chabanenko at the World Championships in Glasgow, where she was the first to demonstrate a triple somersault with two pirouettes and a double Arab side somersault. For a long time, one of the world leaders in track jumping was A. Korobeynikova, who successfully jumped two or three double blanges and double somersaults with screws in one performance. Only in 2011, the Chinese Jia Fanfan performed even more difficult exercises (double somersaults with three pirouettes, two blanges with two pirouettes) and became the world champion. According to experts, both could qualify for prizes even in men's competitions. Until now, the championship title belongs to her.

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Acrobatics is a complex coordination sport, which is one of the most spectacular sports today.

This sport develops all muscle groups, strengthens the musculoskeletal system, and also educates children in moral and volitional qualities and teaches discipline. The complexity of acrobatics lies in the technical performance, which includes the versatility of body movements, both in the supporting and unsupported position of the body, accompanied by the coordination of arm-leg movements and control of the body in space.

The basis of acrobatic jumps are support coups and unsupported (somersaults).

Acrobatic exercises: somersaults, flips, racks, wheels, rondats, somersaults, flasks and many other elements performed alone, in pairs and in groups, are distinguished by a large number of complex forms and require a high level of general physical development. Therefore, a significant part of the training is given to strengthening all muscle groups with the help of general and special physical exercises.

In the process of mastering the technique of acrobatic exercises, first of all, flexibility and coordination of movements develop, and secondly - speed qualities. Over time, the emotional states of the child stabilize, i.e. with each studied element, uncertainty in one's abilities disappears. Such qualities will not only help in sports, but will also be applied in everyday life in the future.

Acrobatics today is divided into such areas: pair-group acrobatics and jumping on an acrobatic track, jumping on a trampoline and on a double mini-trampoline.

Pair-group acrobatics - men's and women's pairs, mixed pairs, women's three and men's four.

Pair-group acrobatics

Jumping on the track (trampoline) - women's and men's jumps.

Jumping on the acrobatic track

The psychological preparation of an athlete involves cultivating his ability to overcome various difficulties that appear in training and competitions, the formation of conscious courage and determination, fine calculation of actions, self-control, endurance.

The skills acquired in the classroom are spectacular and are used in the most unpredictable sports and life situations.

How an acrobatics training for children is built

IN modern world we come to the need to change the methods of education. The old Soviet education system no longer works. It is impossible to raise children in the same way, a purely individual approach is needed. It is necessary to take into account not only the physical abilities of children (and they are different for each child), but also their mental state, emotional mood.

All children are different. And they differ from each other, first of all, according to the properties that nature gave them from birth, and this must be taken into account in training in sports acrobatics for children.

The effectiveness of the training process, first of all, depends on the coach. First, this is the establishment of discipline, adaptation of the group to the situation, familiarization with physical exercises, gradual familiarization and development of the basic (initial) program of acrobatic elements. Therefore, training should take place according to a well-established scheme, and its final result is the performance of discharges according to the program.

Discipline in a group is the key to quickly achieving results in sports acrobatics, as in all other sports without exception. And for this, the coach must seek maximum attention and silence from the children.

The study of acrobatic elements requires increased attention from children, and the coach, in turn, must control all the movements of the student - point out mistakes and provide high-quality insurance to avoid possible injuries.

The coach uses everything possible methods when studying acrobatic elements: first explains, then shows, arranges mini-competitions between children, calls someone the best in the group (the “carrot” principle) or punishes if he sees that the child is not trying in the form of a sparing stretch for splits (the “principle” whip"). Moreover, each workout should not be repeated, so at the end it is “diluted” with outdoor games or trampolining, for example.

Of course, at first it's more like a general physical education than on sports, but this is necessary condition so that children get used to and withstand future loads. Unfortunately, not all parents understand this, demanding quick results from the coach, which not only is not necessary for the child, but can also harm him.

The acrobatics lesson is structured as follows:

Part 1 is a warm-up, common to all children.

2nd part - the study of acrobatic elements, when the coach works with each child individually.

3rd part - general and special physical training (strengthening of all muscle groups). The whole group does it together.

The result is directly related to such factors as regular attendance at classes, the attitude of parents and, of course, the qualifications of the coach. But first of all, the result depends on the desire of the child himself. Coaches and parents should do everything possible to ensure that this desire to train is constant in the child.

Sergei Rachek, coach

Acrobatics is a strength sport. Both girls and boys can do it. There are several varieties of acrobatics. It can be done by amateurs and professionals. Acrobatics gives a person a general physical development, strength and endurance. Before practicing this sport, you must visit a doctor to confirm the possibility of practicing acrobatics.

- this is one of the most difficult sports, since the athlete must be able to control the position of his body in space, whether it be jumps, somersaults, exercises with or without support. Of course, there are very high requirements for athletes and adults cannot do some of them because of their physiological nature, so gymnast athletes are mostly teenagers or young people no older than 25-30 years old.

But do not confuse professional sports with ordinary non-professional activities. Exercise stress with a professional approach, it is many times more than in an amateur one, in which it can be reasonably dosed in accordance with the characteristics of an acrobat.

Acrobatics is best view sports to strengthen the body. During the exercise, almost all muscles are involved, and at a different angle of action, intensity of performance and dynamic load.

In addition, this sport perfectly stretches the muscle fibers, they become more elastic, durable. Of course, the joints also work within their capabilities, which means that they are not threatened by the deposition of salts or any other joint diseases.

In addition to the body, acrobatics trains nerve endings and helps the brain build additional neural connections, thanks to which you feel your body better, can keep balance at any point, and perfectly coordinate your movements in space.

Like any other sport, acrobatics also trains willpower, because in order to achieve the first results, you will have to go through pain, falls, failures, but if you do not stop, you will be rewarded with a beautiful toned figure and iron willpower.

In addition, acrobatic exercises are so versatile that they can be found in one form or another in other sports and dances. And, based on this, you can be sure that if you get tired of this sport, or you want to do some other kind, then you will already have a knowledge base and physical fitness.

In addition to single acrobatics, there is a pair and group acrobatics. With such training, the ability to work in a team, feel your partner and trust him perfectly develops.

It is allowed to practice acrobatics from the age of 4, which means that if you decide to send your child to this sport, you can be sure that the level of his physical, moral and mental development will be slightly higher than that of other children.

As with any other sport, there are downsides. This sport may frequent bruises, muscle strains, joint subluxations, but this happens only if the training program is incorrectly drawn up, or you yourself wanted to pump up at an accelerated pace or become a master of sports.

Therefore, listen to your body, it will tell you which exercises you can already do, and which ones you should wait.

This type of competition, like acrobatics, is a beautiful and spectacular view. sports games. It is worth considering in more detail such a type of sports competition as acrobatics, what it is, what rules apply.

What is this sport?

According to the electronic resource Wikipedia, it is a kind of gymnastics. Will combine certain exercises. In them, athletes will demonstrate such qualities as: agility, body flexibility and jumping ability. They will need physical strength and excellent balance. To achieve the desired result, professional athletes begin their training from early childhood. . And since 2016, acrobatics, as a sport, is among Olympic sports sports.

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Special entertainment to the competition, gives:

  1. special lightness
  2. movements
  3. professionals.

And such exercises will not only fascinate, but also delight all those who are spectators of this colorful show.

At the same time, few people know that numerous and complex workouts follow external beauty. However, for children, all this will be more like a game, because children's body more flexible and easier to adapt to loads.

It is worth saying that this sport has its contraindications, limiting the number of young athletes. First of all, the list of requirements includes not only, but also the desire to devote a lot of time to training. After all, in order to win, it will be necessary to demonstrate your physical fitness. And it is achieved only through numerous training sessions, under the supervision of an experienced coach.

Saying what acrobatics is, it is worth saying that this sport does not tolerate training stops, since even the slightest break can negatively affect the results.

Main types

Considering what kind of sport it is, acrobatics is divided into the following types:

  • sports- is special kind competitions with its own classification. Moreover, athletes work out several types of programs. Jumping - held on a 30-meter track, where the athlete is required to make a series of special jumps that comply with the rules of acrobatics. The steam room, as well as group acrobatics, requires athletes to obligatory perform specially designed acrobatics exercises with varying degrees of complexity;
  • circus- includes the performance of exercises of various genres related to circus art. It can be power, air and jump acrobatics;
  • special- is an exercise that combines elements of sports, as well as dance. As a result, it turns out that athletes are required to be able to perform various rolls and rolls that differ in their complexity. In addition, they must be able to do somersaults, competently fall, and other elements.

What gives acrobatics?

Acrobatics itself makes the body give all the best, it has a positive effect on the general condition of the body. Such people are not in danger of becoming fat, but retain their shape. Now let's look at the benefits it brings:

  • for children - not only improves health, but also gives harmonious development. The most important thing is to undergo an examination for general health;
  • for adults - if earlier only children could start doing acrobatics, now they are opening sections for adults. Of course, it will be difficult to become a professional acrobat, but nevertheless improve your figure by getting rid of excess weight Can.


Now you know about such a sport as acrobatics, what it gives a person and what kinds of sports there are.

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