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Literary and musical composition "May 9". Scenario of literary and musical composition for Victory Day Report of literary and musical composition for May 9

Target: to cultivate love for the Motherland, a sense of patriotism, pride in one’s country, gratitude and respect for WWII veterans.


Sounds joyful cheerful melody. Children play, read books, jump, play with toys, whisper (5-6 people).


If they say the word "Motherland"

Immediately comes to mind

Old oak, currants in the garden,

Thick poplar at the gate.

A modest birch tree by the river

And a chamomile hillock...

And others will probably remember

Your native Moscow courtyard.

The first boats are in the puddles,

With a jump rope stomping feet

And a large neighboring factory

Loud joyful horn.

Or the steppe is red with poppies,

Virgin gold…

Homeland is different

But everyone has one!

A recording with Levitan's voice plays:“Today, at 4 o’clock in the morning, without presenting any claims against the Soviet Union, without declaring war, German troops attacked our country, attacked our borders in many places and bombed our cities from their planes... The recording of the song “Holy War” is playing. (A. Alexandrov, V. Lebedev-Kumach). Children dressed in military uniforms enter and read poetry.

1 student.

June. The sunset was approaching evening
And the sea overflowed during the white night,
And the sonorous laughter of the guys was heard,
Those who do not know, those who do not know grief.

2 student.

June. We didn't know then
Walking from school evenings,
That tomorrow will be the first day of the war,
And it will end only in 1945, in May.

3 student. 41st! June.
A year and a month of national struggle.
Even the dust of time
This date cannot be delayed.
The country was rising
And she went to the front in company
Red stars
Carrying away banners on canvas.

A recording of the song “Holy War” is playing.

4 student.

Oh, war, what have you done, you vile one?
Our yards have become quiet.
Our boys raised their heads
They have matured for the time being.
They barely loomed on the threshold
And they went after the soldier - soldier,
Goodbye boys
Boys, try to go back.

Teacher: Our entire people rose up to fight the Nazi invaders. Both old and young went to the front, straight from school. “Everything for the front, everything for victory” - the motto sounded everywhere. And in the rear there were women, old people, children. They faced many trials. They dug trenches, stood at machine tools, extinguished incendiary bombs on the roofs. It was hard.

5 student.

Can you really tell me about this?
What years did you live in?
What an immeasurable burden
It fell on women's shoulders!
That morning I said goodbye to you
Your husband, or brother, or son,
And you and your destiny
Left alone.
You walked, hiding your grief,
The harsh way of labor.
The entire front, from sea to sea,
You fed me with your bread.
I chopped, transported, dug -
Can you really re-read everything?
And in letters to the front she assured,
It's like you're living a great life.

Teacher: The soldiers fought for peace. In the respites between battles, in cramped dugouts and cold trenches, they wrote letters home. Letters were sent without envelopes, folded into a triangle.

The song “Zemlyanka” (K. Listov, A. Surkov) is played. Three boys depict fighters at a campsite near a “bonfire” who write “letters.”

6 student. Dear mommy!
Don't remember me in tears,
Leave your worries and worries.
The path is long, the native land is far away,
But I will return to the familiar threshold!

7 student. My love is still with you
The Motherland is with you, you are not alone, dear.
You are visible to me when I go into battle,
Defending your great happiness.

(The boys fold the letters into triangles, get up and leave)

Teacher: Very young fighters fought on the front lines and in partisan detachments along with adults. Next to the names of the legendary war heroes Panfilov, Karbyshev, Gastello and many others, we name the names of young heroes who gave their lives for victory.

(A group of children line up, each holding a poster with a portrait of a pioneer - a hero. Children pronounce the hero’s surname)

9 student. Young beardless heroes,
You remain young forever.

We stand without raising our eyelids.
Pain and anger are the reason now
Eternal gratitude to you all,
Little tough men
Girls worthy of poems.

10 student. How many of you? Try to list
You won’t, but it doesn’t matter,
You are with us today, in our thoughts,
In every song, in the light noise of leaves,
Quietly knocking on the window.

11 student. And we seem three times stronger,
As if they too were baptized by fire,
Young beardless heroes,
In front of your suddenly revived formation
We are walking mentally today.

Teacher: The exploits of Soviet soldiers at the walls of the Brest Fortress, near Moscow and Leningrad, Stalingrad and Sevastopol, and on the Kursk Bulge have become unforgettable pages in the history of the war. It was difficult. And the song helped me survive. Songs of the war years are especially dear to us.

Children perform a medley of wartime songs. "Katyusha"(M. Blanter, M. Isakovsky)

Apple and pear trees bloomed,
Fogs floated over the river,
Katyusha came ashore,
On a high bank, on a steep one.

"On a Nameless Height"(V. Basner, M. Matusovsky)

The grove under the mountain was smoking,
And the sunset burned with her...
There were only three of us left
Out of 18 guys.
There are so many of them, good friends,
Left to lie in the dark
Near an unfamiliar village.
At an unnamed height.

"Oh, roads"(A. Novikov, L. Oshanin)

Eh, roads... Dust and fog,
Cold, anxiety
Yes, steppe weeds.
Is it snowing in the wind?
Let's remember, friends...
These are dear to us
It is impossible to forget.

"Cranes"(Ya. Frenkel, R. Gamzatov)

Sometimes it seems to me that the soldiers
Those who did not come from the bloody fields,
They did not once die in our land,
And they turned into white cranes.
They are still from those ancient times
They fly and give us voices.
Isn’t that why it’s so often and sad
Do we fall silent while looking at the heavens?

Teacher: The war lasted 4 terrible years - 1418 days and nights. On May 9, 1945, Berlin, the last stronghold of fascism, fell. The entire sky exploded with fireworks of the long-awaited victory.

12 student.

On the ninth day of jubilant May,
When silence fell on the ground,
The news rushed from edge to edge:
The world has won! The war is over!
In the name of the Fatherland -
In the name of the living -
In the name of the future -

Teacher: More than 20 million Soviet people died during the Great Patriotic War. A minute of silence is announced. Let us honor the memory of the fallen.

Through the centuries, through the years -
About those who will never come again.
Do not Cry!
Hold back the moans in your throat,
Bitter moans
Be worthy of the memory of the fallen!
Eternally worthy!

The song “Victory Day” sounds” (D. Tukhmanov, V. Kharitonov)

13 student.

We need peace - you and me,
And to all the children in the world.
And the dawn should be peaceful,
Which we will meet tomorrow.
We need peace, grass in dew,
Smiling childhood.
We need peace, a beautiful world,

14 student.

Who is bothered by this world - with flowers on the edge?
Who is in this world, wonderful world
Aimed the cannon?
I'll be happy…
You will be glad...
And we will all be happy...
When all the bullets and shells disappear on the ground!
Why are they scaring us again?
With hidden anger
That terrible atomic war,
Is it a neutron bomb?

15 student.

"No!" - we declare to war,
To all evil and black forces.
The grass should be green
And the sky is blue - blue.
Do you hear, friend, the streams are ringing,
Birds sing on the branches,
On a wonderful land
We were lucky to be born.
So let it always bloom,
Let the gardens rustle,
Let people look at her
With loving eyes!

16 student.

We are here with you not because of the date,

The memory burns in my chest like an evil shard.

To the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Come on holidays and weekdays.

He protected you on the battlefield.

He fell without taking a step back.

And this hero has a name -

The Great Army is a simple soldier.

17 student.

The sun is shining on Victory Day

And it will always shine for us.

In fierce battles our grandfather

They managed to defeat the enemy.

The columns are marching in an even formation,

And songs flow here and there,

And in the sky of hero cities

Festive fireworks are sparkling!

18 student.

Let there never be war!

Let the peaceful cities sleep.

Let the sirens howl piercingly

Doesn't sound over my head.

Let no shell explode,

Not a single one is making a machine gun.

Let our forests ring out

And may the years pass peacefully,

Let there never be war!

19 student.

The war has passed, the joy has passed,

But pain calls to people:

"Come on people, never

Let's not forget about this.

Let her memory be true

They keep about this torment,

And the children of today's children,

And our grandchildren's grandchildren.

Children perform the song “Sunny Circle”.

Patriotic education in literature lessons and in extracurricular activities.

Today there is no more important idea than the spiritual, moral, patriotic education of students. Historical memory is important and necessary at all times and in any state. In the last decade, there has been a loss of spiritual, moral and social values: respect for history is lost, one’s roots are forgotten. Hence the lack of principles, immorality, and servile attitude towards everything foreign. It is especially alarming when an entire generation of young people is brought up on someone else’s ideals.

The most important task of the school is to develop the personality of students, the ability to express their own moral and civic position on vital issues. Preserving traditions and continuity of generations, developing a sense of patriotism and love for one’s Motherland, our school pays special attention to patriotic education: education of a citizen and patriot of Russia.

The tradition of holding Lessons of Courage and meetings with veterans has been preserved.

Literary and musical composition

« From that wars nothing Not will tear off ,

We With by her merged memory And with my heart . »

Today our country celebrates one of the most significant holidays - VICTORY DAY over Nazi Germany. On this day, we bow our heads low to the blessed memory of the heroes who died in the struggle for our freedom and the freedom of the peoples of Europe.

WAR is our unabating pain. No matter how much is said about the Great Patriotic War, the time will probably never come when it will be possible to say: enough, everything has already been said.

It will never be possible to say everything, because there is no measure of the heroism of people shown in the war, there is no measure of bitterness and suffering.

WAR still disturbs the mind and feelings. More than 70 years have passed since the thunder of the Great Patriotic War fell silent, and our people never cease to mourn their losses. There is not a single family in our country from which the war has not claimed someone’s life or maimed it with bullets and shrapnel.


I don’t know when this will be:

In the land of white-legged birches

Victory on the ninth of May

People will celebrate without tears.

The ancient marches will rise

Army pipes of the country,

And the marshal will go to the army,

Not having seen this war.

And I can't even think of it

What kind of fireworks will strike there,

What tales will they tell?

And what songs they will sing.

Presenter 1.

On this day, every family remembers those who remained on the battlefields, THOSE WORKED IN THE REAR,

and those who established a peaceful life after the war.

Presenter 2.

They also congratulate those war veterans of the Great Patriotic War who are alive today, and there are fewer and fewer of them. Today, young soldiers of the last military conscription are already well over seventy. Many veterans have not only grandchildren, but also great-grandchildren...

Presenter 1.

War is a terrible, tough time of terrible trials, incredible strain of all the forces of the people fighting against a merciless enemy. War is a terrifying disaster caused by the evil will of people.

Presenter 2.

War is also the fearlessness of the defenders of Brest, it is the 900 days of besieged Leningrad, it is the oath of Panfilov’s men: “Not a step back, Moscow is behind us!” This is the victory at Stalingrad won by fire and blood, this is the feat of the heroes of the Kursk Bulge, this is the assault on Berlin.

It is impossible to forget how vast expanses of our land became the scene of bloodshed.

Presenter 1.

Ordinary fascism was flooding Europe with blood, implanting a new order. Czechoslavakia was torn to pieces, Belgium was captured. The fall of Paris shocked the world! The Nazis plundered Europe, burned and destroyed cities. The military power of Adolf Hitler increased unprecedentedly, and soon its tip was directed at our country.


Suddenly there was a roar,

And everything got dark.

It was like a huge bird took off.

Shells are exploding. The fire is burning.

A fiery enemy is attacking the country.

Ordinary peaceful people are dying.
No one will forget who survived;

The native land groaned in pain.

I learned a terrible word - war


The longest day of the year

With its cloudless weather

He gave us a common misfortune

For everyone, for all four years.

She made such a mark

And she laid so much on the ground,

That twenty years and thirty years

The living can't believe they're alive...


Presenter 1

The roar of the treacherous shelling of Brest reached every city and village of our country. Our whole country began to lament and groan. The wounded Motherland began to cry out. And her sons and daughters stood up and rose to defend her. They had different names and different nationalities. And they all became brothers and sisters by blood, because they shed it on one great battlefield. They shed it for the salvation of their common homeland. Everyone went to the front, young and old. Yesterday's schoolchildren were walking, almost the same boys and girls as us!

Scene “Boys going to the front.”



The rye sways, not compressed,

The soldiers walk along it,

We girls are walking too,

Look like guys!

No, it’s not the houses that are burning -

So, my youth is on fire.

Girls go to war.

Look like guys.


We know what is currently on the scales.

And what is happening now.

The hour of courage has struck on our watch.

And courage will not leave us.

It's not scary to lie down dead under bullets,

It's not bitter to be left homeless, -

And we will save you, Russian speech,

Great Russian word.

We will carry you free and clean,
We will give it to our grandchildren and save us from captivity.


Presenter 1.

It is difficult for us now to imagine what would have happened on earth if the Soviet people had not survived then. One feat of Matrosov would be enough to immortalize his entire generation.

The story goes: the feat of Matrosov, who closed the embrasure of an enemy machine-gun bunker in battle, was repeated in Soviet wars more than 200 times, and the feat of the pilot Gastello, who directed a burning plane into an enemy column, 70 times.

Presenter 2.

None of them gave up their lives easily or thoughtlessly. But they still took risks, heroic deeds, because the duty, honor and conscience of a soldier, a Soviet soldier, told them this path. The war still disturbs the mind and feelings. A thousand streams - messages, documents, books - merge into the deep river of MEMORY.


Did you promise us to die, MOTHERLAND?

Life promised, love promised, MOTHERLAND!

Are children born for death, MOTHERLAND?

Did you want our death, MOTHERLAND?

The flame hit the sky - do you remember, MOTHERLAND?

She said quietly: “Rise up to the rescue, MOTHERLAND.”

Nobody asked you for fame, Motherland.

Everyone simply had a choice: me or the Motherland.

The best and dearest thing is the Motherland.

Your grief is our grief, Motherland.

Your truth is our truth, Motherland.

Your glory is our glory, Motherland.


Presenter 1.

The history of the war is quite well known. The Nazis were going to defeat us in six weeks. At first it seemed to them that this would be the case. They won, took prisoners... Less than a week had passed since they were in Minsk.

In August we found ourselves at the walls of Leningrad.

In November - at the walls of Moscow.

In the fall of next year we reached the Volga.

Presenter 2.

And yet everything turned out differently than they thought.

Leningrad did not fall. Moscow did not fall. Stalingrad did not fall. It was not us who capitulated, but the Germans. Then there was the Kursk Bulge, the liberation of Ukraine and the Baltic states. Then there were Bucharest and Belgrade, Warsaw and Budapest, Vienna and finally Berlin.

Presenter 1.

On this day of the unconditional surrender of the fascist army, which each of us who remembered how this war began wanted to live to see.

The question is, what did it take from a soldier to force the surrender of the very enemy who believed that he would defeat us in six weeks?

Presenter 2.

What did this require from a soldier during four years of war, or as the soldier himself says from bell to bell?

It was necessary to fight! From the first day of the war, from the first minute, no matter what. How long to fight?

They didn’t know how much. We knew one thing: we’ll do as much as it takes. And the soldier went to war. And he walked for four long, endless years - in dashes, on his bellies. ..One thousand four hundred and eighteen days...

Bulat Okudzhava “And you and I are the brother of their infantry...”


1. The battalion commander was ordered on this day

Take the height and aim at the hills.

He can die on high

But first I have to climb it.

And the height was taken,

And the surviving soldiers know -

Everyone has heights in life,

Which he must take sometime.

And if we die along the way,

With his death, tearing apart the pillboxes,

Then let them bury us on the heights,

Which we still take.


2. Attack at dawn.

We meticulously cleaned the machines.

They left their addresses.

If something happens, don’t let them wait,

No one knows the difficult fate of soldiers,

Maybe many won’t come to the dugout to warm up anymore.

3. They buried him in the globe,

And he was just a soldier,

In total, friends, a simple soldier,

No titles or awards.

The earth is like a mausoleum to him

For a million centuries,

And the Milky Ways are gathering dust

Around him from the sides.

The clouds sleep on the red slopes,

Blizzards are sweeping,

Heavy thunder roars,

The winds are taking off.

The battle ended a long time ago...

By the hands of all friends

The guy is placed in the globe,

It's like being in a mausoleum...


3. Let's go to mortal combat with enemies

Her eagles, her sons.

Their mother waits for them for years:

Perhaps they will still come back from the war...

Sleeping near Mamayev Kurgan,

Near Stalingrad, one son,

Another - in the middle of the sea-ocean,

Among the gloomy Baltic depths.

And the youngest is near the Danube:

The medals say...

And the mother still believes, waiting,

That the children will return to the house.

Sits motionless by the road

With a frozen stone face...


Presenter 1.

But war is not only pain and suffering, it is a test of loyalty, friendship, love. People will probably never be as loyal and loving as during the war years.

And, if not for love, faith, and the prayers of loved ones, who knows how this war would have ended?

Mothers, wives, girlfriends - they were the support in those terrible days!


1.Mom! I am writing these lines to you,

Mom, I send you my son’s greetings,

I remember you, so dear,

So good, there are no words!

You read the letter, and you see a boy,

A little lazy and always on time

Running in the morning with a briefcase under his arm,

Whistling carefree, to the first lesson.

You were sad, if I was a physicist, it happened

The diary was decorated with a stern deuce,

I was proud when I was under the arches of the hall

I eagerly read my poems to the children.

We were careless, we were stupid,

We didn't really value everything we had,

But they understood, maybe only here during the war:

Friends, books, Moscow disputes -

Everything is a fairy tale, everything is in a haze, like snowy mountains...

Let it be so, we’ll come back and appreciate it doubly!

Now there's a break. Gathering at the edge of the forest,

The guns froze like a herd of elephants,

And somewhere peacefully in the thick of the forests,

For life, for you, for your native land

I'm walking towards the leaden wind.

And even though there are kilometers between us now,

You are here, you are with me, my dear!

In a cold night, under an unkind sky,

Leaning over, you sing a quiet song to me

And together with me to distant victories

You walk the soldier's road invisibly.

And no matter what the war threatens me on the way,

You know, I won’t give up as long as I’m breathing!

I know you blessed me

And in the morning, without flinching, I go into battle!

2.Wait for me and I will return.

Just wait a lot

Wait when they make you sad

Yellow rains,

Wait for the snow to blow

Wait for it to be hot

Wait when others are not waiting,

Forgetting yesterday.

Wait when from distant places

No letters will arrive

Wait until you get bored

To everyone who is waiting together.

Wait for me and I will come back,

Don't be sorry for the good

To everyone who knows by heart,

It's time to forget.

Let the son and mother believe

In the fact that I am not there

Let friends get tired of waiting

They'll sit by the fire

Drink bitter wine

In honor of the soul...

Wait. And at the same time with them

Don't rush to drink.

Wait for me and I will come back,

All deaths are out of spite.

Whoever didn't wait for me, let him

He will say: - Lucky.

They don’t understand, those who didn’t expect them,

Like in the middle of fire

By your expectation

You saved me.

We'll know how I survived

Just you and me, -

You just knew how to wait

Like no one else.

Presenter 2.

Those letters were and are still kept in many families. These lines, scorched by war, are a legacy. A reminder to the future of terrible, difficult days. In simple lines is the history of that war. And we must remember it.

A young man reads a poem .

I'm reading a letter

which has already turned yellow over the years,

On the envelope in the corner

The postal number is field.
This is in forty-two,

My father wrote to my mother

Before you go

To the last decisive battle.

My dear,

At the front we have a break,

Friends are sleeping in the trenches,

Silence on the steep bank.

My darling, kiss

You are stronger than my son,

Know that you are out of trouble

I will always save.

I'm reading a letter
And it seems closer and closer

That disturbing dawn

And the beating of soldiers' hearts,

I'm reading a letter

And it’s as if I clearly hear

Like those words now

What my father said before the fight.

My dear,

At the front we have a break,

Friends are sleeping in the trenches,

Silence on the steep bank.

My darling, kiss

You are stronger son,

Know that you are out of trouble

I will always save.

I'm reading a letter

The sun is laughing outside the windows,

The day begins

And hearts continue to love.

I'm reading a letter

And I'm sure that if necessary,

Everything that father did

I can always repeat it!

My dear,

At the front we have a break,

Friends are sleeping in the trenches,

Silence on the steep bank.

My darling, kiss

You are stronger than my son,

Know that you are out of trouble

I will always save.

Presenter 1.

I've only seen hand-to-hand combat once,

Once in reality. And a thousand - in a dream.

Who says that war is not scary?

He knows nothing about the war.

These four lines by Yulia Drunina show the condition of everyone who was in this terrible war.

Presenter 2.

Our beloved city has another name - Leningrad. It was preserved in the memory of descendants as a symbol of courage, perseverance, and insubordination.

Contemporaries are not given the opportunity to know what of their experiences history will select for centuries, what will decay in a newspaper file, and what will turn into a legend. We know for sure that the 900-day siege of Leningrad will remain in the memory of peoples for a long time, because in the feat of the Leningraders there are such heights of the human spirit that cannot be lost.

Presenter 1.

Panic over hunger, hungry madness and painful dying often destroyed people before death. Death is more likely to be afraid of us than we are of death. These words of the workers of the Kirov plant became a prophecy; Leningrad was not afraid of death. Death was afraid of Leningrad!


1.Instead of soup -

Burdock of wood glue,

Instead of tea-

Welding pine needles.

It would be nothing

Only my hands go numb

Only legs

They suddenly become not yours.

Only the heart

Suddenly he shrinks like a hedgehog.

And dull blows

They'll go wrong...


Even if you can't.

Don't stop talking!

After all, on our hearts -


Beat, heart!

Knock, despite your fatigue,

Do you hear;

The city swears that the enemy will not pass through!

The hundredth day was burning down.

As it turned out later,


There were still eight hundred left.

We were digging ditches - we were thirsty.

They bombed us - we wanted to live.

No big words were spoken.

There was a pillbox on each of the corners.

There was a house - no light, no water.

There was additional bread of trouble.

The dream turned into oblivion.

Life was reduced into being.

There was one fate for everyone.

We lost our bright laughter.

We pacified the dark fear.

We died at our posts.

We were dying...

The city lived and was full of our small forces.

Presenter 2.

And the girls, how much they went through during the war! After all, they worked not only as nurses. Real girls' battalions were created.


The rye sways, not compressed,

The soldiers walk along it,

We girls are walking too,

Look like guys!

No, it’s not the houses that are burning -

So, my youth is on fire.

Girls go to war.

Look like guys.

Presenter 1.

Children of war... This is our eternal pain. Who saved, warmed, comforted them then? There are too many names to count, but the memory will retain everything. This is the diary of Tanya Savicheva, cat. known all over the world, cat. became one of the indictment documents against Nazi crimes at the Nuremberg trials.



The enemy spared neither women, nor the elderly, nor children. The war claimed millions of lives of Soviet people.

1st reader:

They drove the mothers with their children
And they forced me to dig a hole, but they themselves

They stood there, a bunch of savages,

And they laughed in hoarse voices.

Lined up at the edge of the abyss

Powerless women, skinny guys.

A drunken major came with copper eyes

He looked around the doomed...

2nd reader:

muddy rain
Hummed through the foliage of neighboring groves

And on the fields, clothed in darkness,

And the clouds descended over the earth,

Chasing each other furiously...

No, I won't forget this day,

I will never forget, forever!

I saw rivers crying like children,

And Mother Earth wept in rage.

I saw with my own eyes,

Like the mournful sun, washed with tears,

Through the cloud it came out into the fields,

The children were kissed for the last time,

Last time...

3rd reader:

The autumn forest rustled. It seemed that now
He went crazy. raged angrily

Its foliage. The darkness was thickening all around.

I heard: a powerful oak suddenly fell,

He fell, letting out a heavy sigh.

1st reader:

The children were suddenly seized with fear -
They huddled close to their mothers, clinging to their hems.

And there was a sharp sound of a shot,

Breaking the curse

What came out of the woman alone.

Child, sick little boy,

He hid his head in the folds of his dress

Not an old woman yet. She

I looked, full of horror.

How can she not lose her mind?

I understood everything, little one understood everything.

2nd reader:

Hide me, mommy! Do not die! –

1st reader:

He cries and, like a leaf, cannot stop trembling.
The child that is dearest to her,

Bending down, she lifted her mother with both hands,

She pressed it to her heart, directly against the muzzle...

2nd reader:

I, mother, want to live. No need, mom!
Let me go, let me go! What are you waiting for? –

1st reader:

And the child wants to escape from his arms,
And the crying is terrible, and the voice is thin,

And it pierces your heart like a knife.

Adult reader:

Don't be afraid, my boy. Now you can breathe freely.
Close your eyes, but don't hide your head,

So that the executioner doesn't bury you alive.

Be patient, son, be patient. It won't hurt now. –

And he closed his eyes. And the blood ran red,

A red ribbon snakes around the neck.

Two lives fall to the ground, merging,

Two lives and one love!

Thunder struck. The wind whistled through the clouds.

The earth began to cry in deaf anguish,

Oh, how many tears, hot and flammable!

My land, tell me what's wrong with you?

You have often seen human grief,

You have bloomed for us for millions of years,

But have you experienced at least once

Such a shame and such barbarity?

My country, your enemies threaten you,

But raise the banner of great truth higher,

Wash its lands with bloody tears,

And let its rays pierce

Let them destroy mercilessly

Those barbarians, those savages,

That the blood of children is swallowed greedily,

The blood of our mothers...

2nd presenter: There were no equals to the Soviet man in perseverance, courage, and skill.

Presenter 2.

During the war, along with adults, children and teenagers fought against the fascist invaders. They became front and rear guards; They were on duty on the roofs of houses, preventing the fall of enemy aircraft, helping to build defensive lines, extinguishing fires from incendiary bombs, providing medical assistance to the victims, and producing ammunition. They became messengers and scouts, miners.

Presenter 1.

With funds collected by the pioneers, tank columns and aircraft squadrons were built and sent to the front. They helped during the harvest season. Many of them were awarded medals and orders. But not everyone managed to live to see the Victory.


Young fallen heroes

You remained young for us.

You are a living reminder

That the Fatherland has not forgotten you.

Life and death and there is no middle

Eternal gratitude to you all,

Little tough men

Girls worthy of poems.

How many of you, cheerful and in love,

Buried in your native land?

Today you are in the light noise of maples,

Quietly knocking on the window.


On the day the war ended

And all the guns were firing at the count of the fireworks,

At that hour I was alone at the celebration

A special moment for our souls.

At the end of the road, in a distant place,

We said goodbye for the first time under the thunder of gunfire

With everyone who died in the war,

How the living say goodbye to the dead.

Until then, in the depths of my soul

We didn't say goodbye so irrevocably.

We were kind of on an equal footing with them,

And only the registration sheet separated us.

And only here, in this special moment,

Filled with greatness and sadness,

We separated forever from them;

These volleys separated us from them.

Instilled in us the trunks of roaring steel,

That we will no longer be counted as losses,

And, covered with haze, he goes into the distance,

A shore filled with comrades.


Do you think the fallen are silent?

Of course, yes, you say.


They're screaming

While they're still knocking

Hearts of the living

And the nerves are palpable.

They're not screaming somewhere

And in us.

They shout for us.

Especially at night

When there is insomnia in the eyes

And the past crowds behind you.

They scream when there is peace,

When the field winds come to the city,

And the star speaks to the star

And the monuments breathe as if alive.

They're screaming

And they wake us up alive,

Invisible, with sensitive hands.

They want a monument to them

There was a land with five continents.

Presenter 2.

To forget the past means to betray the memory of the people who died for the happiness of the Motherland. No, neither we nor future generations can forget about this. If a minute of silence was declared for every fallen soldier, the world would be silent for fifty years.


Two old photographs, two grandfathers,

It's like they're looking at me from the walls.

One died almost before victory

Another disappeared in German camps.

Defenders of the native Fatherland,

Two different lives, but with the same destiny.

They look again from old photographs,

Those who gave their lives for you and me.


We are here with you not because of the date,
Like an evil splinter, the memory burns in the chest,
To the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Come on holidays and weekdays.
He protected you on the battlefield
He fell without taking a step back,
And this hero has a name:
The Soviet army is a simple soldier.

Presenter 1.

In Moscow, at the Kremlin wall, at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the Eternal Flame always burns. The words are written there: “Your name is unknown, your feat is not forgotten.” In any city of our great country, the Eternal Flame always burns in memory of those who did not spare their lives for the sake of millions of lives of others - our lives.

Presenter 2.

Let's remember everyone by name,
Let us remember with our hearts.
It's not the dead who need it,
This is necessary - alive!

Let us honor the memory of those killed during the Great Patriotic War with a minute of silence.


Reader 7:

Fewer and fewer veterans every year
We meet at the eternal flame,

Which were mined in 45
Victory for you and for me.

Gray-haired veterans go to the fire,

To honor fallen front-line friends,

And many of the wounds of that war ache,

Over the years, more and even stronger.

Congratulations to everyone on the Victory Day,

After all, seventy have passed since then,

When fathers and even our grandfathers,

The Nazis were given a memorable rebuff!

Attention! The site administration is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development with the Federal State Educational Standard.

The material is selected in accordance with the age category. The development includes poems by Soviet writers about the war, historical information about the course of the Second World War, and additional material for dramatizing poems. The combination of sound and literary accompaniment helps children get into the mood of those events.

Goals and objectives:

  • Formation of the foundations of a worldview and interest in social phenomena;
  • Fostering a sense of patriotism and pride in the Soviet people.
  • Ideas about the active role of man in the life of society.
  • Nurturing cognitive activity.
  • Education of political consciousness.
  • Development of the desire to learn more about the Motherland, about its defenders and their exploits.
  • Development of inclinations towards artistic creativity.

Equipment: Audio recordings: the voice of I. Levitan about the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the end of the Great Patriotic War, P.I. Tchaikovsky “Waltz of the Flowers”, Mozart “Requiem Lacrimosa”, the song “Victory Day”, “Farewell of the Slav”, backing track of the song “Darkie” ; movement of the clock's second hand, a candle, leaves from Tanya Savicheva's diary, imitation of a fire.

Progress of the event

The “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​by P.I. Tchaikovsky sounds. A girl in a dress and with braided pigtails and a boy in shorts and with a fishing rod come out.


An apple tree blooms over a quiet river.
The gardens stand thoughtfully.
What an elegant homeland,
She herself is like a wonderful garden!

The river plays with riffles,
The fish in it are all made of silver,
What a rich homeland,
You can’t count her goodness!

A leisurely wave is flowing,
The vastness of the fields is pleasing to the eye.
What a happy homeland
And this happiness is all for us!


In the morning the sun rises,
He's calling us to the street.
I leave the house:
- Hello, my street!

I sing in silence too
The birds sing along with me.
The herbs whisper to me on the way:
- Hurry up, my friend, grow up!

I answer to herbs,
I answer the wind
I answer the sun:
- Hello, my Motherland!

Teacher. It was a fine summer day. The school year has ended. Graduation parties were held at schools. Tenth graders said goodbye to school and prepared to enter the big world. Everyone had their own plans...

Children come on stage and recite poems.


It seemed cold to the flowers
and they faded slightly from the dew.
The dawn that walked through the grass and bushes,
searched through German binoculars.


A flower, covered in dewdrops, clung to the flower,
and the border guard extended his hands to them.
And the Germans, having finished drinking coffee, at that moment
they climbed into the tanks and closed the hatches.


Everything breathed such silence,
it seemed that the whole earth was still asleep.
Who knew that between peace and war
Only about five minutes left!


I wouldn't sing about anything else,
and would glorify my journey all my life,
if only a modest army trumpeter
I sounded the alarm for these five minutes.

The children sit down. “Farewell of the Slav” sounds. The boys on stage put on their caps, say goodbye to the girls and march off the stage. The girls wave their handkerchiefs after the departing “soldiers.” Wiping away tears.

Teacher. On June 22, 1941, the most terrible war in human history began - the Great Patriotic War. The Great Patriotic War was the most deadly and destructive. She took with her millions of lives, did not spare either the elderly or children, and wiped out thousands of cities and villages from the face of the earth.


The regiments are concentrated against us,
The enemy attacked a peaceful country.
White night, the whitest night
Started this black war!
Whether he wants it or not,
And he will get his from the war:
Soon even days, not just nights,
They will become, will become black for him!


The longest day of the year
With its cloudless weather
He gave us a common misfortune
For everyone, for all four years.
She made such a mark
And laid so many on the ground,
That twenty years and thirty years
The living cannot believe that they are alive.
And straightened the ticket to the dead,
Someone close to you is coming
And time adds to the lists
Someone else, someone else not...

Teacher. The Great Patriotic War lasted 4 long years - one thousand four hundred and eighty days. From Moscow to Berlin 2600 kilometers. If you travel by train, then it’s more than two days, if you fly by plane, it’s three hours, and if you dash and jump, it’s four years.

27 million dead over 2600 kilometers. This is almost 10,400 killed per kilometer, which is 10 people per square meter of land.

27 million dead in 1418 days. That's 19,000 killed every day, that's 800 people per hour, that's 13 people every minute.

27 million deaths in relation to the entire population of that time, this is one in six. Every sixth resident died.

Teacher. After heavy battles, in those moments when our valiant warriors were resting, songs were heard very often.

Children come on stage and perform the song “Darkie”.

Teacher. For every warrior, “news” from family and friends was important. With what impatience they awaited news from home! Often in the evenings, between battles, sitting by the fire, they wrote home.

Boys dressed as soldiers come on stage, sit around the fire and write letters. An audio recording of Mozart's Lacrimosa Requiem is played.

Boy(imitates writing a letter)

Wait for me and I will come back.
Just wait a lot
Wait when they make you sad
Yellow rains,
Wait for the snow to blow
Wait for it to be hot
Wait when others are not waiting,
Forgetting yesterday.
Wait when from distant places
No letters will arrive
Wait until you get bored
To everyone who is waiting together.
Wait for me and I will come back,
All deaths are out of spite.
Whoever didn't wait for me, let him
He will say: “Lucky.”
They don’t understand, those who didn’t expect them,
Like in the middle of fire
By your expectation
You saved me.
We'll know how I survived
Just you and me, -
You just knew how to wait
Like no one else.

Teacher. Not only adults, but also children stood up to defend the Fatherland. They helped in the rear and at the front. Twenty thousand pioneers received the medal "For the Defense of Moscow." Fifteen thousand two hundred and forty-nine young Leningraders were awarded medals for the defense of Leningrad.

Girls dressed as soldiers appear on stage.


Uncompressed rye swings.
The soldiers are walking along it.
We too, girls, are walking,
Look like guys.


No, it’s not the houses that are burning -
My youth is on fire...
Girls go to war
Look like guys.

Teacher. Children and war are incompatible concepts. Boys and girls who ended up in the war had to give up their childhood.


A boy and a girl perform a skit. The sister, wrapped in a shawl, plays with a doll.


So cold! And mom doesn't come.
Perhaps she will bring us some bread?
Well, at least where to find a tiny one,
I'm afraid to go to bed hungry.
Brother is repairing a stool.


Don't I want to eat?
But I still remain silent.
After all, where our dad is now,
Heavier than ours.
The shells don't explode here,
And you and I have a home.
And most importantly, the Nazis are far away.
And who has it easy in the country?


Do you remember pancakes with jam?
Tea with mom's cookies
Which she baked on holidays.
Now I could eat it all by myself!


You're talking about food again
It would be better not to poison my soul!
The more often you remember her,
The more hungry you feel.
And I don’t need these memories.

Sister: And now mother’s steps can be heard.


Don't you dare whine in front of her.
Let her rest first.

Teacher. Yes, there was nothing to eat. An adult working person was given 250 grams per day, those who did not work and children were given 125 grams of bread made from a mixture of sawdust and flour per day. People were dying of hunger. Whole families died. People could not stand hunger and terrible frosts in winter.

Much has been written about how scary it was to live in besieged Leningrad. But the heaviest narrative contains only seven lines. This is the diary of a twelve-year-old resident of Leningrad, Tanya Savicheva. The child's hand, losing strength from hunger, wrote unevenly and sparingly. The fragile soul, struck by unbearable suffering, was no longer capable of living emotions. Tanya simply recorded the real facts of her life - the tragic “visits of death” to her home

Children appear on stage holding in their hands “pages” from the diary of Tanya Savicheva, a resident of besieged Leningrad. The children read out and show the girl’s notes.

Student 7."Everyone died." "There's only Tanya left"

The children leave the stage.


Behind loss is loss,
My peers are fading away.
Hit our square
Even though the battles have long passed.
What to do?-
Pressed into the ground,
Protect your mortal body?
No, I don't accept this
That's not what we're talking about at all.
Who mastered the forty-first,
Will fight to the end.
Oh charred nerves,
Burnt hearts!..

Teacher. Yes, the war brought a lot of grief. There were dead in every house, the ground was drenched in blood. But our people survived. Soviet soldiers drove the Nazis out of our land and drove them all the way home. And then the Germans realized that it was impossible to cope with such a strong people. And they gave up and admitted defeat. On May 8, 1945, an act of unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany was signed in the city of Potsdam. And on May 9 they announced the victory of the Soviet people over German Germany.


War is over,
But singed by the song
Above every house
She's still circling
And we won't forget
What's twenty seven million
Gone into immortality
To live with us.

Teacher. In memory of the victims, I ask everyone to stand. Let us bow our heads before the greatness of the Russian soldier’s feat. Let us honor the memory of all those who died in the war with a minute of silence.

The teacher lights a candle, a recording of the movement of the second hand of the clock sounds. The children stand up and bow their heads.


For everything that we have now,
For every happy hour we have,
Because the sun shines on us,
Thanks to the valiant soldiers,
That they once defended the world.

The song “Victory Day” is played.

Teacher. The symbol of VICTORY DAY is the carnation. The carnations, blazing with a red flame, seemed to remind passers-by: a lot of blood was shed for the Victory, a lot of lives were given... And these carnations are given to those who won this victory and freedom for us - veterans, and those who did not return from the battlefields - they are placed at the monument and eternal fire.

Children present carnations to veterans present at the celebration.

“We must not forget this date...”

Purpose of the event: To develop historical literacy and a sense of patriotism among the younger generation, to develop a sense of belonging to the historical events that took place during the war.


1. Show the scale of the tragedy of the Great Patriotic War and the greatness of the feat of the Soviet people.

2. Convey the idea of ​​the need for continuity of generations.

Compiled by an elementary school teacher

first qualification category MBOU Stolbischenskaya secondary school

Gorchakova Tatyana Aleksandrovna

Leading . Dear Guys! Dear veterans!

Today we will mentally return to the past of our Motherland, to the year 1941. A peaceful Sunday summer day. .June 22...And suddenly terrible news came from the loudspeaker . Levitan's voice. Ved . Without declaring war, fascist troops attacked our Motherland. The Great Patriotic War began. The threat of loss of independence and freedom loomed over the country. Rallies and meetings were held at factories and factories. And everyone vowed as one to stand up for their native country. 1.The longest day of the yearWith its cloudless weatherHe gave us a common misfortuneFor everyone, for all 4 years!1. Song “Get up, huge country...” Ved. One of the first battles took place at the border Brest Fortress. Its defenders fought an unequal battle for about a month and inflicted great damage on the Nazis. 2. Reflection at the Brest Fortress.I knew that it was possible to burn out a brick,It's not steel.I knew that I might not save it,And there will be rubble and battle.I knew that it was possible to tearDrive a land mine point-blank.When the brick cannot be taken apart -So the masonry was baked.But here he was melting in fire,It flowed like glass.I'm afraid to touch him,So that your fingers don't get burned.And yet a wall is a wallShe has grown into the sand.What about those soldiers during the war?Couldn't you move it here?(A. Smolnikov)Ved . The army was forced to retreat in the first months of the war. Hitler attached exceptional importance to the capture of Moscow. He believed that as soon as his troops entered Moscow, the Soviet people would be conquered. The Nazis called their capture plan “Typhoon.” But these plans were not destined to come true. 3.The Motherland sent its best sons and daughters to the front. Thousands of people voluntarily joined the army, partisan detachments, and people's militia. 2. Song "March of the Slavyanka". 4. Instead of men who went to the front, old men, women, and children stood at the machines in factories. They made weapons. Collective farms supplied the army with food. Hundreds of thousands of people became heroes of the home front.5. It was already deep autumn. But as always, on November 7, 1941, there was a parade on Red Square. And immediately from the parade our troops went to the front. And here is the first victory near Moscow!6.Capital.Here every house stands like a pillbox and stretches in the darkness,Anti-aircraft guns from the roof to the sky,Like the spiers on the Kremlin,As a sign that at this hour we are dearerWith the Kremlin is my Land,
And they even seem closer
Houses around the Kremlin.White crosses on the windowsThey flash in a hurry,You, Moscow, will put up the same cross,On all enemies!Ved . Our soldiers fought heroically with the enemy near Smolensk. The most glorious participants of the Smolensk battle - 4 divisions - were the first to receive the title of Guards . 7. "Courage"We know what's on the scales todayAnd what is happening now.The hour of courage has struck on our watchAnd courage will not leave us.It's not scary to lie dead under bullets,It's not bitter to be homeless,And we will save you, Russian speech,Great Russian word.We will bring you free and cleanAnd we will give it to our grandchildren and save us from captivity,Forever!(A. Akhmatova)8.Brilliant victory in the Battle of Stalingrad. Then the summer of 1943 - the Battle of Kursk. And again victory! But the enemy is still strong. And many of our people, soldiers, and civilians have died. Many have lost their family, loved ones, and friends.3. Song "In the fields beyond the sleepy Vistula..." 9. Every day of the Great Patriotic War at the front and in the rear is a feat of boundless courage and fortitude of the Soviet people, loyalty to the Motherland. Everything for the front! Everything for Victory!10.What kind of conversations might there be?That everyone suffered, everyone fought?He froze in the trenches, he climbed mountains,He fell to the dew with his burnt mouth.Malnourished - and waist-deep in snowLack of sleep - and chest-deep in water,Minutes without worrying about yourself,He trusted the high star.And he went out in battle to more than one border, dispelling the thick darkness on the earth.What can compare with this truth?He saved you...So bow to him!(V. Subbotin)He walked towards victory, out of breath,I didn't think about myself on the way,So that it would be like this:Take a look and don’t look away.(S. Orlov)Ved . And now this long-awaited day has come. People waited 1418 days for this holiday. The war continued for so many days and nights. 12. Before our Motherland, we will be considered glory.All who have their own bloodHe became related to her.There was a great war going on,There was a bloody war for 1418 days!13. The war marked us with a special mark.In life there is no and never wasNothing more difficult!Metina's special one - the highest breakdown - 1418 days!14. She rewarded us with front-line cooperation.There was no stronger and dearer community,Under fire, under bullets, courage was tempered - 1418 days!Ved . From the memoirs of Marshal of the Soviet Union K. Rokosovsky. "Victory! This is the greatest happiness for a soldier - the knowledge that you helped your people defeat the enemy, defend the freedom of the Motherland, and return peace to it. The consciousness that you have fulfilled your soldier’s duty, a difficult and beautiful duty, higher than which there is nothing on earth! The Great Patriotic War was a national war. And the victory over the enemy was also a national victory. The army and the people celebrated it as one friendly family. And this made our soldier’s happiness even more complete, even greater...” 15. There is no family in our country that has not experienced the pain of loss. The Motherland remembers the names of its sons and daughters.16.Remember! Through the centuries, through the years -Remember! About those who will never come again.Remember! Do not Cry!Hold back the moans in your throat, the bitter moans.Be worthy of the memory of the fallen!Eternally worthy!Ved. We will honor those who will never return with a minute of silence. . MINUTE OF SILENCE 17. I don’t know when this will beIn the land of white-legged birchesVictory on May 9People will celebrate without tears.The ancient marches will riseArmy pipes of the country,And the marshal will go to the army,Not having seen this war.18.And I can’t even think of itWhat kind of fireworks will strike there,What tales will they tell?And what songs they will sing.But we know for certainWe happened to know in our family,What happened on May 9th in the morning in 1945.19. Homeland is harsh and sweetRemembers all the fierce battles,Groves grow over the graves,Nightingales glorify life through the groves.They live with her, loving, suffering, rejoicingFalling and rising up.A rainbow triumphs over the storm,And life triumphs over death!4. Song “Birch Dreams” 20.On the ninth day of jubilant MayWhen silence fell on the ground,The news rushed from edge to edge,The world has won! The war is over!The lights were no longer dimmed anywhereIn the smoky cities of Europe.Victory was bought at the price of blood,May the globe always remember this!

5 .Song “Victory Day” 21. Let the sun drownThe whole earth is in rays,Let the peaceful stars shine above her!Let you breathe deeper, calmer, freer!May there always be sunshine!May there always be heaven! May there always be mother!May there always be PEACE!22. “I have never seen a war...” I've never seen warAnd I can’t imagine her horror,But the fact that our world wants silence,Today I understand very clearly.Thank you that we didn't have toImagine and recognize such torment.It was all your share:Anxiety, cold, hunger and separation.Thank you for the bright light of the sun,For the joy of life in every moment of ours,For the trills of the nightingale, and for the dawn,And beyond the fields of blooming daisies.Yes! The terrible hour is behind us.We only learned about the war from books.Thank you! We love you very much!Bows to you from girls and boys!6.Song “Childhood” Ved. May this day The sun shines brighter for you, Flowers fall like a carpet under your feet! We wish you health, happiness, light, All that is called good!


1st presenter:

Every year on May 9 we turn to the fact that every family will be sacred forever. The Great Patriotic War... It affected every family. And we will always remember the terrible price paid for victory: millions of human lives, and there is nothing more valuable in the world than human life.

2nd presenter:

Every year on these May days, our people remember the terrible years of war, we honor the memory of fallen heroes, and we bow to the living. Although more than half a century has passed since Victory Day, time has no power over the memory of people of different generations. That is why we have gathered here today.

1st reader- To those who went into battle for their homeland, survived and won.

2nd reader- To those who froze in the trenches on cold nights.

3rd reader- To those who sank at river crossings.

4th reader- To those who have sunk for centuries nameless in fascist captivity.

5th reader- Dedicated to everyone who went into immortality, survived and won...

1st presenter: The last minutes of peaceful life passed.

1st reader:

June...The sunset was approaching evening.

And the sea overflowed during the white night,

And the sonorous laughter of the guys was heard,

Those who do not know, those who do not know grief.

2nd reader:

June. We didn't know then

Walking from school evenings,

What's between peace and war

Just five minutes left!

Attention! Attention! Moscow speaks! Today, at 4 o'clock in the morning, without a declaration of war, German troops attacked our country!

On stage, a young man and a girl freeze standing and holding hands, then read poetry)

When will I see you again

Your trembling eyelashes...

When will I see you again

Your sad eyes...

Why are you silent, say a word,

The war tells us to be separated.

Why are you silent, say a word.

Trains go into flames.

Why did you call me beloved?

That long-awaited bright night?

Why did you call me beloved?

Now my path cannot be changed!

Love must be indivisible.

She, like starlight, is immortal...

Love must be indivisible

War cannot divide love!

I'm leaving to come back...

Look, the sky is already on fire.

I'm leaving to return

A sword is raised above our happiness.

I believe the meeting will be repeated.

I'll be with you, wherever you are...

I believe the meeting will happen again,

How thousands of happy meetings!

(The song “Dark Night” plays in the recording. Against the background of music, they move in different directions.)

2nd presenter:

Such young, completely foolish graduates met yesterday's German invaders and stood up to defend their homeland. The only thing they were surprised by was that they had suddenly become adults since the beginning of the war. Of the 1941 graduates, only 7% remained alive by the end of the war.

1st presenter:

War does not have a woman's face. But where the men cried, the woman did not cry. Women stood up throughout our vast country: in a factory workshop, in a rye field, at a child’s cradle, at the operating table... and the front did not waver.

3rd reader:

We know, like no one else in the world,

Wars are despair and darkness.

More and more women and children

Then we worked in the rear.

2nd presenter:

Fulfillment of production tasks was then the law. Just as at the front, the order was unquestioning, so in the rear it was obligatory to fulfill its norm: the rear worked for the front, the rear worked for Victory.

4th reader:

Palms with abrasions and cracks

Long accustomed to work,

And I carry it on a woman’s shoulders

People cannot measure it.

1st presenter:

The soldiers fought for peace. In the respites between battles, in cramped dugouts and cold trenches, they wrote letters home. Letters were sent without envelopes, folded into a triangle.

The song “Zemlyanka” (K. Listov, A. Surkov) is played. Three boys depict fighters at a campsite near a “bonfire” who write “letters.”

1 child:

Dear mommy!

Don't remember me in tears,

Leave your worries and worries.

The path is not close, the native land is far away,

But I will return to the familiar threshold!

2nd child:

My love is still with you

The Motherland is with you, you are not alone, dear.

You are visible to me when I go into battle,

Defending your great happiness.

And I will respond to concern with heroism,

I'm far away, but I'll be back.

And you, dear, will come out to meet me.

(The boys fold the letters into triangles, get up and leave)

2nd presenter:

The war lasted 4 terrible years - 1418 days and nights. On May 9, 1945, Berlin, the last stronghold of fascism, fell. The entire sky exploded with fireworks of the long-awaited victory.

8th reader:

On the ninth day of jubilant May,

When silence fell on the ground,

The news rushed from edge to edge:

The world has won! The war is over!

In the name of the Fatherland -

In the name of the living -

In the name of the future -

1st presenter:

More than 20 million Soviet people died during the Great Patriotic War. A minute of silence is announced. Let us honor the memory of the fallen.

2nd presenter:

The path to victory was long and difficult. A low bow to the soldiers who fulfilled their duty to the Motherland with honor. To those who returned home and to those who fell on the battlefields. Many years have passed, but people remember this significant date and celebrate it solemnly.

5th child

For the native country people

Gave their lives

We will never forget

Those who fell in valiant battle.

6th child

Get up early this morning

Go out into the city and take a look:

How veterans walk

With orders on his chest.

7th child

Our grandfathers remember

About the old days

Worn in honor of Victory

Military orders!

Song "Great Grandfather"

1st presenter:

We, the young generation of Russia, will always remember the heroic exploits of our people during the Great Patriotic War. The names of the heroes who gave their lives for our future will forever remain in our hearts.

2nd presenter:

We will never forget those who, without sparing their lives, won freedom and happiness for future generations. We promise to study hard in order to be worthy of our great Motherland, our heroic people.

1st reader.

The Victory Banner is scarlet - a symbol of friendship and happiness of people!

2nd reader.

The scarlet Victory Banner means peace for the planet of people!

3rd reader.

Happy spring holiday!

Happy Victory Day!

The song “Victory Day” is performed