Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

Aluminum profile for glass: types, features and installation. Aluminum windows: installation and do-it-yourself installation Video - Aluminum translucent structures

Despite the high cost, aluminum products and structures are widely used in the construction industry. Among other things, aluminum parts are often used as a frame for translucent elements - sheets of glass, plastic or polycarbonate. This popularity of this material is due to the almost complete absence of disadvantages (except, of course, cost) and a number of advantages:

  • Combination of strength and light weight
  • Absolute resistance to corrosion, which means there is no need for special care
  • Relatively low energy intensity of processing processes
  • Attractive appearance

To fix glass and other sheet materials from aluminum, a special profile is made, the characteristic feature of which is the presence of a groove with a width corresponding to the thickness of the glass. The most common aluminum profile for glass is 4 mm (with a 4 mm groove). The simplest of them are used for internal glazing of buildings or vehicles and have a U-shaped, H-shaped or F-shaped cross section.

Each profile has its own purpose:

  • The U-profile is used as a framing frame, through which the glass can be fixed in the opening
  • The H-profile serves as an intermediate element between two adjacent sheets of glass
  • F-profile is a frame to which panels for various purposes can be attached

Types of window profiles

A more complex option is an aluminum profile under glass, used for glazing the external enclosing structures of buildings, balconies or verandas. This is the so-called window profile. There are two types of it:

Warm profile

In the cross section of such a profile, you can see several insulated hollow chambers, the presence of which allows you to reduce the thermal conductivity of the frame. For the same purpose, the warm profile is equipped with a heat-insulating insert made of nylon, nylon, dederon, diene, propylene or ethylene. This type of profile is used for glazing heated buildings.

Cold profile

A cheaper version of a window profile that does not provide any elements - dividing the section into several chambers or inserts - to improve the thermal insulation properties. Used for glazing loggias and balconies, verandas and industrial buildings.

Window profile production

The production of aluminum frames and sashes is carried out using direct and reverse pressing methods.

The main equipment in this case is a gas furnace, in which aluminum billets are heated, and a press extruder. In addition, the profile production line is equipped with a saw for cutting blanks and finished products, feeding devices and annealing furnaces.

Using different technologies and alloying additives, profiles of normal and increased strength are obtained.

If you are looking for a suitable system to create a workplace, a door, a partition, then it will certainly do, the cost of which is very low. Another significant advantage is the ability to install it easily and quickly.

We should also highlight the aluminum profile for display cases, about which you will find very detailed information. Starting from the description of the material, its characteristics and dimensions, and ending with installation technology.

Installation of aluminum window profile

As a rule, an aluminum window is delivered to the customer in the form of two separate elements - a frame and a glass unit. If the window arrived assembled, the glass unit should be removed, after which it is necessary to dismantle the sashes. Next, proceed to the installation of the frame:

  • The frame is installed in the opening and its ideal position is achieved using plastic or wooden wedges. Horizontal and vertical installation is checked using a building level
  • In accordance with the attached instructions, holes for fastening are made in the frame and wall
  • The anchor plates are secured using dowel nails. They have two holes: through one the plate is attached to the wall, through the second - to the aluminum frame
  • If the gap between the frame and the edges of the wall opening is more than 5 mm, additional plates should be reinforced
  • The gap between the frame and the wall is filled with foam and the entire structure is left for two hours.
  • After a two-hour pause, the wedges that were used to level the frame are removed. The resulting holes are filled with polyurethane foam.
  • As soon as the foam dries and hardens, its excess is carefully cut off with a knife.
  • The foam-filled assembly seam is covered with moisture-resistant tape that allows air and water vapor to pass through.
  • From the outside, the ebb is screwed to the bottom of the frame using self-tapping screws; the gaps between it and the frame are also filled with foam.
  • After drying, excess foam is cut off and the seam is covered with sealant.

Let us remind you that polyurethane foam (foamed polyurethane) is destroyed under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, so protecting it from direct exposure to solar radiation is mandatory

  • A window sill is inserted into a special groove in the lower part of the frame from the inside. Using a level, it must be set to a strictly horizontal position. It is permissible to install a window sill with a slight slope to drain any water that accidentally gets on it.
  • The seams between the window sill and the frame, as well as between the window sill and the wall, are “blown out” with polyurethane foam (after drying, it is trimmed and covered with a layer of sealant)
  • After installing the frames, they proceed to installing double-glazed windows in the window sashes. This process begins with fixing the inserts. Their type and quantity depend on the type of profile and manufacturer, so there cannot be any general guidelines on this issue. You must follow the instructions
  • Double-glazed windows are installed on the inserts
  • The glass unit is fixed using glazing beads, which are driven in with a rubberized wooden hammer (mallet). Please note that installing a double-glazed window is a very delicate operation and should only be undertaken if you have the appropriate skill.
  • The handles on the doors are set to the “open” position (most often this corresponds to its horizontal position)
  • The sash fits onto the frame hinge located below
  • The upper hinge-corner is inserted into the upper hinge of the window frame
  • Pressing the sash against the frame, a fixing pin is inserted into the special holes of the hinges (without pressing the sash, it may not fall into place), after which the upper hinge is moved upward until a characteristic click
  • The final stage: checking the working condition of the fittings and fine-tuning the position of the sashes using adjusting screws

Video instructions on working with aluminum profiles

A short video instruction will help you understand the types of aluminum profiles. A specialist will tell you how to work with it using the example of facade assembly.

Covering the loggia with glass is an opportunity to get additional living space. And if you use an aluminum profile, this is a transformation without radically changing the room. For those who want to cheaply but beautifully glaze a loggia, this option is perfect.

What does an aluminum profile give to a loggia?

Glazing is:

  • various colors,
  • beautiful appearance,
  • reliable protection from noise, dust and weather conditions,
  • lightness of designs,
  • silent and smooth running,
  • various execution options,
  • additional sound insulation,
  • use of the loggia all year round,
  • fire safety,
  • preventing debris from getting in from neighbors on upper floors,
  • protection against burglary by installing special glass and locks in the handles,
  • easy movement of blinds or curtains,
  • additional space for work and rest.

Opening sliding systems

The direct part of the structure can consist of several blocks, which, depending on your wishes, can fold like compartment doors or open into the room.


They transmit light well and perfectly protect from precipitation. This method does not take up extra space, which is important for those who want to use the loggia not only for relaxation. But also as an auxiliary room for various needs. For example, in early spring the air temperature will already be high enough to bring out boxes with seedlings for the garden and indoor flowers. In summer you can grow a small garden: cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs.

Seedlings on the windowsill

Tomatoes and cucumbers on the loggia

There are two options: swing and sliding. Hinged glazing is more common, but it is also structurally more complex, so it is always more expensive than sliding glazing.

Glazing using an aluminum profile is seven times stronger than wood and 2.3 times stronger than PVC. It is fireproof, it does not curl, crack, or oxidize.

“Cold” frames are used for it. To do this, take a profile without the use of insulating gaskets at the joints of the sashes and single glass. This type is called “cold aluminum”, which is installed in cases where only protection from atmospheric phenomena is needed: precipitation, wind, but thermal insulation is not required.

The use of sliding doors on a loggia visually increases the area of ​​the room, creates the impression of spaciousness, which has a positive effect not only on the illumination of the loggia itself, but also in the room adjacent to it.

Sliding doors give you more space

They do not require painting, which is a very important point when using the premises. Aluminum is many times more durable than wood. It is not afraid of acid rain, temperature changes, and modern technologies provide high noise-absorbing properties.

As standard, the profile is available in white. The paint, in the form of powder enamel, is applied at the factory. In fact, the profile can be painted in any of 300 colors. At the customer's request, the paint can be applied on one side, on both sides, or each side can be painted in a different color.

Depending on your desire, you can order any combination of opening the doors. With the sliding opening method, the number of sashes will vary from two to eight. Special latching locks ensure that the doors are closed in such a way that it is impossible to get inside the room. All possible options include connecting it at different angles. Various silicone, rubber and pile seals are used along the entire perimeter of the profile to improve sound insulation and a tighter connection of the glass. Video can"t be loaded: Installation of an aluminum loggia (

The movement of the sashes along the guides is ensured by installing special rollers in a hidden technical groove. Silent and soft rolling of the sashes occurs with the help of ball bearings.

Today, two types of aluminum profiles are widely used in the building materials market: Krauss and Provedal. Let's look at each of them.

Krauss profiles. Design features

Aluminum profiles Krauss

Aluminum profiles Krauss

Krauss aluminum profiles are equipped with rubber seals, thanks to which the glass is securely fixed in the sash. Another feature is the presence of felt fillers that run along the entire perimeter of the profile. This method of sealing protects the loggia from dirt, dust and moisture.

Krauss frames have an interesting design and excellent translucency. Their design is such that they provide good protection from the cold and maintain natural ventilation.

Of all the variety of profiles, designs based on the S-640 profile have proven themselves the best. It allows you to glaze loggias of the most complex design.

In typical residential complexes, designs of the R-400 series are used. The sashes of this series are made in different versions: fixed, fixed, hinged. Most often, alternating blind and swing sections is used. Fixed windows are cheaper than casement windows and are easier to care for.

Systems S-640 and R-400 belong to “cold” glazing and the design is made of one glass.

Glazing of loggias with Provedal profile

The Provedal profile system came to Russia from Spanish manufacturers who have been designing aluminum profiles for more than 20 years.

The system is suitable for loggias of all types and sizes. If desired, you can choose any shade of profile color. Including under the “tree”. Additionally, glass tinting is possible.

Wood profile system Provedal

The Provedal profile is available in both “cold” and “warm” versions. The “cold” profile is practically no different from the Krauss system and exists in three types: S-640, S-643 and R-400.

For the warm version, a design with a thermal insert is used. A warm system is selected if you plan to use the loggia in winter. In this case, it will be possible to create a small winter garden or greenhouse indoors. If your dream is to combine a room with a loggia, making a single complex. Insulation becomes necessary. This option also applies in that case. If for technical reasons it is not possible to use PVC frames for such work. It is likely that an aluminum loggia will be the best solution in terms of design. Don't forget to install shelves. After all, you can place many different things on them.

If you decide to install aluminum windows, then during the work process the same technology should be used as when manipulating other types of windows. However, there are still some peculiarities. Compliance with technology will ensure durable and reliable operation of aluminum systems. They are chosen for their durability, because the service life of such systems exceeds 50 years. Repair of aluminum windows will not be necessary during this time.

They are lightweight and highly reliable. Such performance characteristics are due to design features. In the production of frames, a complex of window profiles is used, which includes a bead profile, a glazing bead, a profile for sashes, and also an impost profile. This set allows you to get windows that not only have different configurations, but also with different opening methods. When choosing aluminum windows, you can choose a tilt, turn or turn-tilt system. The last type is the most common due to ease of use. Fixed windows that do not have opening sashes can also be installed. When glazing loggias, multi-leaf windows are used, in which it is possible to combine frame-type sashes. The production of aluminum windows provides for this. If you have to work with limited space, then it is best to choose sliding systems. Aluminum window profiles are produced in the form of a warm profile and a cold one. The first one has thermal insulating inserts, while the second one lacks them.

Preparation before installing aluminum profile

If you decide to install aluminum windows, you first need to carry out the preparatory stage. Before installing the window, you should dismantle the old structure, and then prepare the window opening.

Preparation of materials and tools

You may need to use an electric jigsaw, chisel, and hammer to remove the old frame. But during installation you will need a hammer drill, metal drills, a screwdriver, a drill, a construction knife, a construction level, wooden blades, as well as dowel nails.

Removing the old frame

Before installing aluminum windows, you will most likely have to dismantle the old wooden structure, in which case you can use a saw or an electric jigsaw, using one of these tools you will have to cut the frame in several places, which will make it easier to remove the frame from the window opening. In the place where the cut is made, you need to pry the frame with a crowbar, and then carefully remove it. When carrying out this work, it is preferable to start from the bottom side of the window.

After the old window is removed, it is necessary to remove the window sill; for this it is most convenient to use a hammer and chisel. After dismantling the old structure, it is necessary to prepare the window opening; this work involves removing fasteners, as well as concrete fragments that remain from the old frame. If the opening has been damaged or has uneven surfaces, it must be leveled using traditional mortar. In this case, the installation of the aluminum profile is postponed for 2 days until the solution completely hardens. If you decide to install new windows, an aluminum profile is perfect for this. Before starting, it is advisable to moisten the opening with water and coat it with a primer. In order to avoid damage to the window opening during dismantling, the force must be applied in the window area, and not in the perpendicular direction. With such an impact, fasteners in the form of nails can be quite easily removed from the concrete.

Aluminum frame installation

Aluminum windows are manufactured using the latest technologies, which ensures their high reliability and durability. However, in order for the structure to last for a long time, it must be installed correctly. The window structure is sold in a partially disassembled state, so it is important to know how to carry out the work. The process begins with installing the frame; if the window arrived assembled, then you need to free the frame from the sashes and glass unit. This element must be installed in the opening, and then leveled using wedges. The position of the structures must be checked using a building level. Holes must be made around the perimeter of the frame and wall to install fasteners. should be strengthened using dowel nails. Using one self-tapping screw through the holes in the plate, it is necessary to fix the structure to the wall, while the second self-tapping screw is used for fastening to the frame, which occurs through the second hole.

Assembly seam

The installation seam must be formed in two stages, the first involves sawing the frame around the entire perimeter, then it is important to wait an interval of 2 hours, only after which can you remove the wooden wedges used to level the frame. The resulting holes must be treated with construction foam. After the seam has hardened, excess construction foam must be removed.

If you decide to install windows, an aluminum profile will be an excellent solution. The most suitable distance from the frame to the side walls of the openings is 5 millimeters. If you increase this distance, which may be necessary to level the frame, then additional plates should be used.

and low tide

Along the lower perimeter of the frame, you need to fix a vapor-permeable film that can allow air to pass through and retain moisture. To the bottom of the aluminum frame from the outside you need to fix the ebb using self-tapping screws. The gaps between the ebb and frame must be filled with construction foam. The excess must be cut off and the joint area covered with a layer of sealant. The window sill is placed under the frame, and then inserted into a special groove. At the next stage, you can align the window sill horizontally. It is installed on the junction of the window sill and frame must be treated with sealant. If you install a window sill with a slight slope, this will protect against moisture penetration.

Installation of double-glazed windows and adjustment of fittings

When installing aluminum windows, at the last stage it is necessary to install double-glazed windows, as well as sashes. At the same stage, window fittings are adjusted. The liners must be placed around the perimeter of the frame, and then double-glazed windows must be installed. The latter is fixed with glazing beads. It is important to hammer them in with a rubber hammer. Installing a double-glazed window is quite difficult, so it is recommended to entrust this process to professionals. Before installing the sash, you need to check the availability of the fittings kit, after which the handle on the sash is installed in a horizontal position. The sash fits onto the bottom hinge.

You need to insert a corner loop into the top loop. Afterwards everything is fixed with a pin and pushed until the latch is activated. In order to avoid the need for premature repair of aluminum windows, it is important to correctly adjust the fittings; for this, the mounting screws are tightened or loosened.

Features of installing sliding windows

It will be necessary to drill holes at a distance of 30 cm on the upper and lower parts of the frame. The guides are secured with screws to the frame. The glass unit is installed in the sash. Installation of aluminum windows of this design requires the installation of two rollers at the bottom of the sash; they should be located on both sides. The step from the rollers to the edge of the sash should be 5 cm.

Installing aluminum windows requires ensuring the distance from the outer edge of the frame to the guide is within 5 centimeters, otherwise everything will freeze during the cold season.


Before you begin installing the window, you need to check it for defects such as scratches, bends and cracks. It is unacceptable to use steel plates to adjust such windows. It is necessary to level the position of the window using wooden and plastic wedges. The production of aluminum windows involves the use of the latest technologies, however, during transportation the structure may be damaged; this must be identified at the initial stage.

I decided to glaze the balcony with aluminum profile windows, since I was quite happy with the “cold” glazing of the balcony. And the price is two times less compared to plastic windows.

We installed the aluminum windows ourselves. And the inspiration for installing an aluminum window with your own hands is the price of installation. It was almost half the cost.

What happened, all the installation nuances, what we had to face when installing the aluminum profile, when glazing the balcony is shown below with photographs.

When ordering a window, indicate the size of the opening a couple of centimeters smaller on the left and right (under the mounting foam), and at the bottom minus 2-2.5 centimeters under the window sill.

One important point is that to simplify installation during manufacturing, marks are placed on the back side of the aluminum profile (for their installers) with a marker (left, right, top, bottom, or indicated by arrows). Ask them to do the same for you, since in the absence of these, you can easily confuse the profiles and have to disassemble the entire structure and reassemble it again, since the frames will not fit into place.

It took about 4 hours to glaze the balcony with an aluminum profile (including smoke breaks). The balcony had been glazed previously; dismantling the old, rotten wooden frame took a lot of time.

We begin installation by assembling the aluminum frame (photo 1,2,3,4), twisting the profile with self-tapping screws (included in the kit), do not forget to glue self-adhesive seals in the corners.

Photo. 1 Aluminum frame joint seal.

Photo. 2 Glue the seal.

Photo. 3, 4. Assembling the aluminum frame.

We install the assembled aluminum frame directly on the window sill (aligned level), fasten the top, side profile and bottom to anchor bolts, fill with foam (photo 5, 6, 7, 8).

Photo 5 Mounted frame.

Photo. 6, 7 We fasten the aluminum frame to the anchor bolts and pass through with foam.

Photo. 8 Installation of aluminum frame: 1- aluminum profile; 2-window sill.

The glazing of the balcony with aluminum profile frames is almost complete; all that remains is to insert the frames and adjust the latches.

When installing frames in an aluminum frame, 99% of the latches in the frames will not line up with the striker and will require adjustment.

First, we adjust the window block using a hexagon (photo 9); it should be vertical.

Photo. 9 Adjusting the window block of the aluminum frame.

Then we adjust the strike plate (photo 10), use a hexagon to release the bolt in the middle of the strike plate and move the bar to the required height; the latch lock is adjusted in the same way (photo 11). Installation and adjustment is completed.

Photo. 10 Adjusting the strike plate of the aluminum frame latch in height.

Photo. 11 Adjusting the aluminum frame latch.

All that remains is to secure the ebb outside and install a mosquito net (if ordered).

The ebb is attached to metal press washers, and the place of contact with the frame is sealed with sealant.

Photo. 12 Attaching a mosquito net to a window.

When glazing balconies with aluminum windows, the mosquito net is attached from the inside; a special guide profile is used for fastening, which is also secured with press washers (photo 12).