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Signs: Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. Which zodiac sign is better: Capricorn or Aquarius? Two zodiac signs: Capricorn and Aquarius get along.

Compatibility is not the best. Representatives of different elements are absolutely different from each other. Rather, they can be called opposites. But they are known to be attracted to each other. Therefore, they are guaranteed mutual attraction at the first stage of the relationship, which cannot be said about the formation of a harmonious, promising union. This will require a lot of effort from both signs.

Compatibility of Aquarius and Capricorn signs suffers greatly due to the fact that Capricorn is the embodiment of calm, practicality and caution. Aquarius is so reckless and fickle that it is difficult for them to understand and accept each other. The element replacement representative does everything consistently, without jumping from one task to another, because he is convinced that this is the only way to obtain a high-quality result. Aquarius today still does not know what he will do tomorrow, and his love of shocking others brings his partner to the point of a heart attack. Everything is complicated by the fact that Capricorn lives according to generally accepted moral laws and sacredly honors any traditions. Aquarius, in all his actions, relies only on himself, guided by his own feelings and conclusions. Therefore, it will not be easy for Capricorn to come to terms with the fact that the chosen one constantly puts him in awkward situations.

The compatibility of Aquarius and Capricorn characterizes a painful relationship. Capricorn needs to realize the value and stability of their union, while for a representative of the Air element, the very concept of “love” is not constant enough. Now he loves, and in a moment there is no trace of him. This traumatizes the vulnerable soul of an earthly person, developing a melancholy-depressive attitude towards life.

Perhaps the only area in which the compatibility of the signs Capricorn and Aquarius is characterized on the positive side is general career aspirations. Having a joint business, partners will do everything possible to ensure that it always prospers.

To achieve, if not harmony, then at least a state of balance, Aquarius should be more attentive to the Capricorn family and not provoke others with harsh statements and extravagant antics. Capricorn will have to come to terms with the inconstancy and love of freedom of his partner, enjoying those rare moments of true spiritual intimacy that he will give him.

Sexual compatibility between Aquarius and Capricorn

The innovative approach of Aquarius rests on the strict conservatism of Capricorn. Aquarius is an excellent lover, but his indefatigable ingenuity is not to the taste of a practical partner. Sexual compatibility signs of Aquarius and Capricorn does not have the best effect on their relationship as a whole. A representative of the air element will quickly get bored with this routine connection, and, being a freedom-loving person, he will quickly rush towards new adventures.

Compatibility: Capricorn man - Aquarius woman

The Capricorn man greatly values ​​his family and the traditions that have developed in his home over the years. A woman born under the sign of Aquarius is not one of those ladies who will adapt to conditions; she would rather dictate her own. And at the same time, she can afford a couple of unpleasant remarks to her man’s friends, acquaintances and parents. Capricorn will be furious, although he will try not to show it outwardly.

The compatibility of Aquarius and Capricorn in this ratio rarely has a basis rich in deep feelings. Most often they are united by common business or spiritual aspirations. These partners are so different in their worldview that they are unlikely to be able to experience serious mutual feelings. If this happens, their love will be crushed by the deliberate extravagance of Aquarius and that constant feeling of shame and fear that will be caused in Capricorn by the actions of his lady.

In such relationships, Capricorn does not feel security and stability, as well as respect for his way of life. Although the Aquarius lady admires her partner’s determination and success, she perceives his conservatism and pragmatism as something destructive to a real, living feeling. She gets bored. In addition, such a man is inclined to limit her freedom, not giving her the opportunity to build her own career.

There is a lot of misunderstanding in this union, and both partners will have to try hard to preserve their feelings and make the relationship long-lasting and strong enough.

Compatibility: Capricorn woman - Aquarius man

He is eccentric and has a highly developed personality. In addition, every man of the air element highly values ​​his freedom.

The Capricorn woman is the ideal wife. She is capable of devotedly loving and extolling her chosen one, but even she considers Aquarius crazy.

In this union, Capricorn will probably have a harder time. Aquarius is very sociable, quickly switches from one person to another, and treats many people very well. His lady is not able to understand such openness to strangers; she is overcome by attacks of jealousy, although outwardly she will not show her weakness.

These two live in different worlds. Her world is practical and real, she clearly knows what she wants and gradually builds her environment. The world of Aquarius is a world of crazy fantasies and dreams that are beyond comprehension for an ordinary person. Therefore, he will not be able to reward the Capricorn lady with what she really deserves - real family relationships and the warmth of a home.

Business compatibility between Capricorn and Aquarius

Since both signs pay great attention to mental development, joint success awaits them in their respective fields of activity. Compatibility of Aquarius and Capricorn in business requires noticeable zeal and coordinated work in projects related to planning, design and development of new areas of the company's activities. Their common tenacity, along with extraordinary intellectual abilities, will make this union invulnerable to competitors.

Zodiac position: Approximately 26° Capricorn – 4° Aquarius

Basic Concepts: Mystery and Imagination

Season: Midwinter

Dominants: Feeling / Thought

The Capricorn-Aquarius cusp represents the overlap and displacement of the tenth sign of the Zodiac - Capricorn with the eleventh - Aquarius. Symbolically, he can be compared to a man of seventy years old; in nature, it coincides with the middle of winter - a time when the days, although getting longer, are still harsh and cold (in the Northern Hemisphere). In fact, at night there is a strong frost, and you can only hide from it in a warm room.

The Capricorn-Aquarius cusp is shrouded in Mystery and Imagination. A person gradually gets used to the thought of death. He is in a hurry to complete urgent matters so that the remaining years pass in comfort, are productive and bring satisfaction. Although a person’s external activity at this time is clearly on the decline, the pace of spiritual life increases immeasurably.

The world of imagination, dreams and fantasies becomes dominant, and features of similarity with a child begin to appear more and more clearly in the individual’s behavior. In addition, at this time, worldly wisdom, mixed with deep knowledge and experience, can manifest itself with particular force.

The days covered by the Capricorn-Aquarius cusp illustrate the manifestations of Mystery and Imagination as the practicality and conservatism of Capricorn collides with the unpredictability and unconventionality of Aquarius.

Capricorn–Aquarius cusp. Personality Features

Possessing a rich imagination, Capricorn-Aquarius undoubtedly lead a non-boring lifestyle. The brightest representatives of this zodiac period, as a rule, already from birth carry a charge of fun and enthusiasm and are able to light up any company. The source of such energy should be sought in the inner world of Capricorn-Aquarius, where Mystery and Imagination reign. Even those of them who outwardly give the impression of being quiet are in fact extremely active in their dreams and fantasies; it is likely that when alone with themselves they experience no less excitement than most of their sparkling fellows.

The personality of a person born during any cusp combines conflicting elements and is influenced by two opposing signs. If we talk specifically about individuals of the Capricorn-Aquarius cusp, the earthly stability of Capricorn can be destroyed at any moment by the lightning speed and chaos of Aquarius. Thus, a conflict between conservative and radical tendencies is inevitable, which have no chance of reconciliation.

Being influenced by Sensation and Thought as dominant qualities, Capricorn-Aquarius can sometimes experience a lack of thoroughness, completely surrendering to emotional impulses. Capricorn-Aquarius, like no one else, tends to enjoy vivid virtual images. The most gifted individuals of this period turned their rich imagination to the service of creativity - be it commercial or artistic - and successfully translated images born in fantasy into a language of symbols and ideas that was completely understandable to their friends and like-minded people, and to the world as a whole.

Choosing Capricorn as a partner is not uncommon for Aquarius. Especially in young years, when alliances of this type of compatibility, such as “Best friend and best enemy,” are most easily formed. In their youth, it is easier for Aquarius and Capricorn to get used to the characteristics of each other’s characters, and then adapt to them. In adulthood, this is much more difficult to do, because for the sake of this you will have to make compromises, stepping over yourself every time.

Who are they to each other, these so different, but at the same time somewhat similar people? Aquarius is the one who will break Capricorn's patterns and give long-awaited inspiration. He bursts into the measured and even boring life of an earth sign like a real whirlwind, scattering all his plans. Capricorn, in turn, is the one who can bring the brilliant ideas of Aquarius to life. Rationalism, common sense and the ability to act according to a plan - all these seemingly simple things are more developed in Capricorn. But Capricorn is quite conservative and stingy with ideas. Perhaps he is drawn to Aquarius out of a desire to simply learn something new and have fun. And Aquarius is truly capable of not only cheering up Capricorn, but also truly expanding his horizons.

Usually the first step in this pair is made by earthly Capricorn. This is due to the fact that he, as the sign behind him, is the “best enemy” of Aquarius and gravitates towards him, wanting to adopt the experience, useful qualities and gain the intellectual abilities of Aquarius at his disposal. Aquarius may believe that he has always been the leader in this pair, but he should think: would he have paid attention to Capricorn at all if he had not declared himself? After all, the Capricorn type is not quite to his taste. As a result, love for Capricorn does not awaken too quickly in Aquarius.

But Capricorn is keenly interested in the multifaceted personality of Aquarius, is inspired by his ideas and is ready to help in their implementation. All this flatters Aquarius. Of course, Capricorn’s intelligence does not reach his level, but Aquarius feels reliable next to him. The earthly responsibility, stability and penetrating ability of Capricorn's forehead force Aquarius to look at him differently, to see in him a partner who brings benefits. And now Capricorn seems not as uninteresting as he looked at first.

As you know, Aquarius always goes through life in his own way. Often contrary to society and established traditions. Without a doubt, Aquarius can be called an extraordinary personality. And, oddly enough, this is respected by Capricorn, who has the image of a conservative and one who successfully copies other people's ways, rather than inventing his own. And here Aquarius would have to think: is Capricorn with him in order to copy his path too? But Aquarius remains superficial, not noticing Capricorn’s true attitude towards himself. And he overlooks one more point: how jealous Capricorn is of his successes - business, social or creative.

What is important is that both most often strive for the highest goals and sometimes even for world domination (this can be understood if you delve well into the subconscious of your partners). They may have a million inconsistencies, but as long as the common big goal is alive, they are able to live only by it and be above problems. Unfortunately, in most cases, after some time, partners discover that their goals are illusory. And then it turns out that everyone imagined everything in their own way: feelings, love, family values, and the foundation of relationships in general.

The main problems in the relationship between Aquarius and Capricorn

Having accumulated fatigue from the heavy earth stone in the form of Capricorn on his neck, Aquarius begins to radically reconsider all relationships from the very beginning. Why is everything turning upside down in this couple, if in friendship the partners completely complemented each other? The answer, it would seem, lies on the surface: the different elements of the signs - Air and Earth - endow their representatives with different qualities. And often these qualities turn from complementary to conflicting.

For example, let's take intelligence. This is the dominant sphere for air signs and for Aquarius in particular, and one of the important spheres for Capricorn. Here the partners once had brilliant compatibility: Aquarius was an inspirer and a brilliant strategist, and Capricorn a rational tactician. And this could work great when they crossed paths to resolve business issues in the allotted time, discussed everything, separated the wheat from the chaff and got down to implementation. But this doesn't work at all when partners see each other every day. Aquarius thinks in too wide a range of categories, jumping from one sphere to another, changing goals and priorities. Capricorn, naturally, simply cannot keep up with all this. And the once flow of brilliant ideas on the part of Aquarius turns for Capricorn into sheer empty talk, devoid of any justification, much less real prospects.

And earthly Capricorn is pragmatic by nature and far from the transcendental ideas of Aquarius. Material well-being and financial aspects of relationships are much more important to him than the high, but inaccessible matters of Aquarius. It is not surprising that because of this, Aquarius begins to consider Capricorn slow-witted, fixated on material things, boring, mundane and even primitive - and this is still an incomplete list of epithets with which Aquarius can characterize Capricorn after years of daily everyday communication. And the funny thing is that despite the fact that Capricorn will eventually stop believing in the ideas of Aquarius, he will easily continue to steal them, passing them off to other people as his own.
And this is called gratitude to Aquarius for everything he did for Capricorn? Because Aquarius helped him gain faith in himself, find goals in life, get out of difficult situations - all this is quickly forgotten by Capricorn. And Aquarius, like all “best friends,” sooner or later comes to the conclusion that in relations with the “best enemy” he gave much more than he gained himself. But it was a good experience and it’s good that Aquarius does not dwell on failures and continues to move on.

Another important problematic point is that no matter how Capricorn hides his dictatorial nature, over time he will reveal it. The reason for this is that he likes to plan his life, and for this he needs stability and predictability. It goes without saying that both of these concepts are not about Aquarius, who has natural inconstancy coupled with a willingness to take off, inspired by a fleeting idea.

Friendly Aquarius, the owner of universal sympathy, cannot imagine life without new sensations, acquaintances and colorful events. Capricorn will pursue a policy of dictatorship, imposing its own conditions. He will try to limit the countless interests of Aquarius to the confines of the home, which is impossible for an inquisitive and sociable sign. Being close to the “best enemy”, Aquarius gives much more than he receives, which hinders his personal growth. While staying with the active " best friend"opens up good development prospects for Capricorn.

Capricorn will regard this behavior of Aquarius as frivolous. Which means “wrong”. Wrong by his standards. And then Capricorn’s formula of action is extremely simple: if someone doesn’t want life right, then they must be forced. For example, by placing it in artificially created frames. Or better yet, four walls. And preferably with bars on the windows. What is the outlook for the independent and freedom-loving Aquarius?

The last problem is the sensory sphere. The conflict in this couple manifests itself in many ways: in tastes, in the choice of things, in raising children. Simply put, Aquarius romance is not as interesting to Capricorn. But Capricorn often lacks passion, and sometimes even animal passion, in these relationships - that’s how he is built. For Aquarius, this, of course, is unacceptable. Alas, half of the relationships of these couples end with Capricorn cheating. He is too dependent on his base physical impulses, not finding their satisfaction with the too elevated and cold emotionally Aquarius.

Aquarius woman and Capricorn man

The combination is initially very problematic. No Capricorn man would want to be inferior to a woman in a relationship, and this is exactly what happens in a relationship with an Aquarius woman. In addition, none of them will want to accept the rules of the other for the sake of formality and turn a blind eye to shortcomings. Sharp injections in the most painful places during arguments are a common occurrence for this couple.

Moreover, the Aquarius woman is able to easily outshine a Capricorn man with the help of her intellect, knowing that he will not use force. And this will cause real rage in him. Of course, this couple does not always lead to open confrontation. Much more often, over time, partners realize that they are becoming strangers to each other. The Capricorn man wants a simpler companion, both intellectually and physically, and the Aquarius woman, on the contrary, wants someone more interesting.

Aquarius man and Capricorn woman

The relationship between an Aquarius man and a Capricorn woman is like a flash of passion. The quickly emerging sympathy of the Capricorn woman for the charismatic Aquarius man gives way to disappointment. After all, she, like all earthly women, has a whole list of requirements for a partner. And you have to guess that only a few of them are satisfied by the Aquarius man.
The Capricorn woman will be perplexed by her partner’s reluctance to take on family obligations, devote herself to a career or business in order to financially provide for both, and get bogged down in everyday life and other routine issues. At the same time, no matter how hard the Aquarius man tries at first, he will see that the Capricorn woman’s list of desires and demands is only growing. The question of the appropriateness of this relationship will arise for him quite soon. And it is unlikely that the Aquarius man will be ready to sign up for this seriously and for a long time.

There is a category of Capricorns who not only go through life on their own difficult path of work and victory over themselves, but also want to somehow express themselves, to be original, going against society. But it’s one thing to seem original and quite another to be one by nature, which Aquarius is. His extraordinary personality can be extremely interesting to the described type of Capricorn. And Aquarius is able to become his “best friend”, setting the right example. But the sign of Capricorn, located next door to Aquarius, in an attempt to understand both the chaos and the genius of a partner, becomes his “best enemy.”

Mutual sympathy can quickly arise between Capricorn and Aquarius, which often begins with a seemingly ordinary conversation about common interests or problems. From the first phrases, Aquarius is able to reveal to Capricorn something completely new that will completely discourage him, present some kind of hypothesis that will turn his entire earthly world upside down, or show an example of some action that is common for Capricorn, but brings a much greater effect performed by Aquarius. Capricorn will envy such extraordinary intellectual and creative potential in his soul. But Aquarius will also show respect for the rationality and wisdom of Capricorn. By the way, this is a rather funny moment of manifestation of the eternal youthful nature of Aquarius and, from birth, the senile and sophisticated nature of Capricorn.

It will be a rather difficult decision for Capricorn to enter into a relationship with Aquarius, going beyond friendly compatibility. After all, this means to some extent bending under it. In addition, without completely understanding what is in Aquarius’s head and soul, it is difficult to predict his behavior. And Capricorn, like any earth sign, needs stability. How to find it with an initially changeable air representative? After all, Capricorn will inevitably have reasons to doubt the reliability of the freedom-loving Aquarius, although for this purpose loyalty to a partner is an indicator of the nobility of his personality.

However, communication will be easy and interesting for them. At least for Capricorn. Aquarius, of course, would not mind finding a more elevated and versatile interlocutor, but Capricorn, who is nearby, listens to everything with such interest, tries to realize, and then even try to realize that this “friendship” looks very useful. The secret of ease is also in Aquarius’s sociability and the breadth of his interests. Those. he can communicate without problems with almost anyone and find at least some overlap in interests with anyone. For Capricorn this seems like incredible compatibility, while for Aquarius it’s a completely familiar moment.

Both partners have a good sense of humor and can smooth out rough edges in communication with irony. Although this will not eliminate all disagreements. Self-confident and forward-thinking, Aquarius will always look down on the down-to-earth Capricorn, unwilling to accept his position if their argument goes too far. And the tactics of force and psychological pressure typical of Capricorn will fail with Aquarius, who easily parries any of Capricorn’s arguments. How can one imagine what such scenes will lead to in family life?

The main conflicts in a pair of Capricorn and Aquarius

Capricorn will never be able to accept the fact that Aquarius is trying in every possible way to avoid specific responsibilities and rules, but prefers open relationships without regulations. And I am ready to accept restrictions just for the sake of formality. For Capricorn, such a lack of framework undermines the whole essence of relationships and understanding of family values. But in fact, Aquarius is only like this with him. Perhaps because his strong intuition tells him that Capricorn is not his hero.

Here Capricorn should think: what is important to each of them in a relationship? Capricorn knows the answer to this: he needs stability, confidence in the future, material security, fidelity, honesty and predictability. Which of these does Aquarius have? Perhaps not so much. And for Aquarius himself, the best partner is the one who will share with him freedom, experiments, flights of thought, give new reasons for inspiration, and become a fan of his ideas, in the end. Which, except for the latter, is also weakly traced in the earthly partner.

Another reason for the development of the “best enemy” in Capricorn will be envy of the successes of Aquarius, which are not rightfully deserved, as Capricorn believes. Much in the eyes of Capricorn comes too easily to Aquarius. And the way he throws around ideas without bothering to evaluate them and test them for viability is complete irresponsibility.
The compatibility of the couple in the sensual and emotional spheres is a big question. There is a high probability that it will be completely cold there. Capricorn is too closed, and airy Aquarius is not too hot by nature. It will be difficult for them to truly open up to each other.

Capricorn woman and Aquarius man

The Capricorn woman is looking for a stable and long-term relationship. The quickly emerging interest in the owner of a bright head - the Aquarius man - soon gives way to disappointment from the realization that he has turned the heads of many more people, and his reliability is in great doubt. And, probably, it would be worth checking better how well off he is. Otherwise, the stories about his brilliant prospects were too beautiful.

The Aquarius man, despite such mistrust, is able to show his best side for the Capricorn woman. But for how long? Will he be able to be the male breadwinner and exemplary family man that the Capricorn woman is counting on?

Capricorn man and Aquarius woman

The Capricorn man is pragmatic and it seems to him that the Aquarius woman complicates the relationship too much with her baseless claims. And her desires and moods change unpredictably and too often even for a girl. Capricorn simply cannot keep up with her.

But she is able to experience the true charm of him strong spirit and stubbornness in achieving goals. Perhaps she will become a muse for him, and he will become a hardworking embodiment of her ideas?

Despite the fact that January is a cold winter month, people born at this time are very warm and sympathetic by nature. Especially those born on January 20 on the border of Aquarius or Capricorn. The zodiac sign of those born on this day often raises doubts, because it is not clear under which particular constellation a person was born, and what kind of influence of the stars on his destiny he will receive. Officially, astrology shows that those born on this day belong to Capricorns, and only on the 21st are Aquarians born.

General information

All men and women born between December 23 and January 20 belong to Capricorns, but from January 21 to Aquarius are born. Capricorns are usually successful and hardworking; even from childhood, boys born during this period attract the attention of the opposite sex with their courage, determination and justice. But because of these distinctive features character, guys often get into fights and troubles.

Capricorn men and women

Representatives of the fair sex born under this constellation are particularly tough in character. Due to their special strength and masculinity, which is not typical for women, ladies very often have difficulty finding a partner. After all, their natural desire to be dominant in the family provokes them to either choose very weak men or look for a stronger companion than themselves.

In turn, men born in January 20 Aquarius or Capricorn are also very conflicted. It usually doesn’t matter to them about their date of birth, the main thing is to defend justice and prove that they are right. Although with age this ardor cools down, and they become calmer and non-conflict. As life partners, Capricorns are a good match for ladies who do not like scandals. But with age, shyness may appear; in addition, be prepared for the fact that such a man will often grumble. And from the outside it may seem that they are silent and gloomy.

General Character Traits of Capricorns

For representatives of the zodiac sign Aquarius or Capricorn, on January 20 it is very difficult to forget old quarrels or forgive grievances. Therefore, there is a huge chance that even years later they can remind their offenders of what act he committed in the past. These are very material people, so until they have a good, well-paid job, a high position in society and respect, there is no point in talking about happiness. In addition, for representatives of this sign it is very important that they are surrounded by comfortable conditions at home, and to achieve this convenience they will conquer any heights in society and in the service.

Very often, women born on January 20 get married at an early age. The zodiac sign of Aquarius or Capricorn depends on what time of day they were born. If the stars were still in the constellation Capricorn, then they are impulsive and follow their instincts, which is why they enter into early marriages. Due to the fact that at a young age, representatives of the fair sex do not see the difference between love and passion, they mistake any emotions they experience for men as high feelings. The realization that the wrong person appears next to you over the years, so it is not surprising that Capricorns often remarry.

But men in this matter constantly experience a feeling of lack of love, it seems to them that the partner with him is not sincere, although when it comes to showing emotions, due to self-doubt, they push away any attempts to show their feelings. At the same time, representatives of this sign often attract the opposite sex with their shyness and calmness. To understand what zodiac sign is Aquarius or Capricorn, on January 20 you need to find out exact time birth. After all, starting from January 21, it is Aquarians who are born, and they are not at all like their predecessors.

Aquarius character

According to many astrologers, people born under this zodiac sign appeared on earth ahead of their time, and their thoughts and ideas will be useful in at least half a century. These are very strange and special people, each representative of Aquarius is unique and unusual. Therefore, development in society and arrangement of life is difficult for them. People born after January 20 according to the zodiac sign Aquarius. Capricorns are calm and material, but their followers, on the contrary, are impulsive and spiritual in nature.

In family relationships they are very lazy and are often irresponsible in building normal relationships. At the same time, these people have strong nerves, so they often work with people who are not all right with their health. mental health. The thoughts of Aquarius are occupied with global and important issues, so they don’t care about everyday life, they are unlikely to make repairs and strive for comfortable conditions. This problem often destroys marriages if the husband is not at all concerned about the material aspect of family life.

Aquarius women

Representatives of the fair sex born under this sign are distinguished by rigor and balance. The main thing in their life is creativity. For marriage they choose strong and calm men. As for the intimate sphere, representatives of this sign are quite conservative and do not perceive base instincts; sex for them is a special ritual, and the mental aspect of this process is much more important than the physical.

- what zodiac sign: Aquarius or Capricorn?

On the night of the 20th to 21st month of the year, a transition occurs between two completely different signs of the Zodiac. People born at the junction of these dates can combine features of both signs. This will depend on how Uranus and Mercury were positioned at the time of the person's birth. According to astrologers, only those people who were born between the 1st and 18th of the month have a clear relationship to a specific Zodiac type.

All the rest belong more to the mixed type. This is why people are so often interested in the 20th of January. It is difficult to determine the Zodiac sign Aquarius or Capricorn, taking into account the character, behavior and worldview of a person, because it combines parts of both signs.