Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

Sports sections for children from 5 years old. Sections for boys: how to choose a sports activity. How character changes in sports

There are many components to a child’s health. This includes nutrition, daily routine, and fresh air. And also, of course, movement and optimal physical activity. And if the teenager already knows which section to enroll in, then the kids go to the gym “at the behest” of their parents.

Where should you give your 4-7 year old child so as not to harm his health and awaken the athlete sleeping in the child?

Figure skating

Age limits. The optimal age is from 4-5 years (if you want to study professionally). It’s possible after 6, but raising a professional athlete will be more difficult.

What's the benefit?

  • Training of coordination of movements, eye, ligaments, flexibility.
  • Strengthening all muscle groups.
  • Increased endurance, immunity, performance.
  • Improving blood circulation, respiratory and cardiovascular systems.


  • The risk of injury is unfortunately very high.
  • Figure skating is an expensive sport! Get ready for serious expenses if you decide to send your child to professional sports.
  • Finding a good coach is not an easy task. But it depends on him exactly how the child will “get on” the ice (it will be impossible to correct the mistakes of an illiterate coach later), whether the child will like the lessons, and whether he will want to overcome difficulties, of which there will be a lot.


  • Serious stage of flat feet or club feet.
  • Problems nervous system.
  • Visual impairment.
  • Disorders of the vestibular apparatus.
  • Asthma, lung diseases.
  • Recent illness.

  • Tracksuit (for skating on an indoor skating rink).
  • Thermal underwear, overalls (for outdoor riding).
  • Gloves, socks.
  • Directly skates and covers for them.
  • Additional/protective equipment. That is, knee pads, elbow pads (thin, not restricting the child’s movements) and a helmet. This point is only for kids taking their first steps on the ice. For training, these protective equipment are superfluous.
  • If desired: protective shorts (note - protection of the tailbone, hips due to special inserts).
  • For performances: costume.


Optimal age to start - from 4-10 years. Moreover, at 4-6 years old, training is more likely to be health-improving and developmental activities with “elements” of tennis. Starting from the age of 7, tennis is played in pairs and more seriously.

What's the benefit?

  • Strengthening the cardiovascular system.
  • Development of speed, coordination, reaction, flexibility and endurance.
  • Prevention of the development of myopia.
  • Improving blood circulation and activating the respiratory system.
  • Development of intuition, attentiveness, strategy and tactics.
  • Minimum trauma!


  • The presence of problems with the spine (especially in the cervical region), intervertebral hernia.
  • Myopia, other visual impairments.
  • Peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Disturbances in the development of connective tissue.
  • Problems with joints, musculoskeletal system, blood vessels and heart.
  • Problems in the field of neuroscience.
  • And flat feet.


  • High cost of classes. And even more so with a personal trainer.
  • Difficulties finding a professional trainer.
  • The risk of developing scoliosis due to illiterate distribution of the load on the child’s body.

Equipment - what should you buy?

  • Sports uniform. Usually a T-shirt and shorts (T-shirt and skirt). Lightweight, cotton, not restricting movement.
  • Sneakers.
  • Headdress.
  • Racket and case.
  • Additional equipment: balls (for training outside the gym), racket strings, wristbands, etc.


Optimal age to start - at 4-5 years old. It’s possible earlier, but for such little ones, activities are not a sport, but pleasure and overall health improvement. It is better to go into sports at a more or less conscious age. The pool is indicated for obesity and scoliosis, diabetes and myopia.

What are the benefits:

  • Prevention of spinal diseases.
  • Prevention of colds.
  • Hardening, increasing immunity.
  • Strengthening the immune system and developing all body systems.
  • Improved blood circulation.
  • Treatment of injuries and assistance with rehabilitation after operations.


  • Unfortunately, not all swimming pools are perfectly clean and safe. Water purification is taking place different ways, and not always of high quality.
  • Chlorinated water can lead to allergies.
  • At first, you experience a runny nose and cold (especially if you don’t follow the rules of the pool - for example, when you jump out into the street after a workout with undried hair).
  • Chronic rhinitis (approx. - professional “sore”) or skin problems often develop from constant contact with chlorinated water.


  • Heart problems (such as heart disease).
  • Intestinal disorder.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Viral infections.
  • Allergies and ind/contraindications.
  • Dislocation of the hip/joint, as well as joint diseases.
  • Kidney and heart failure.
  • Cramps.

Equipment - what should you buy?

  • Swimsuit or swimming trunks.
  • A swimming cap is a must.
  • Washable flip-flops with non-slip soles and (to avoid eye irritation) swimming goggles.
  • Well, in addition - soap with a washcloth and a towel.


Optimal age to start - 5-6 years. But you can put your child on skates and train endurance from the age of 3-4 years.

What's the benefit?

  • Development of endurance, coordination of movements, sense of balance.
  • Strengthening the immune system, bones, ligaments and musculoskeletal system.
  • Nervous system training.
  • Increased blood circulation.
  • As well as the formation of responsibility, discipline, self-organization.


  • High risk of injury.
  • High cost of equipment.


  • Visual impairment.
  • Heart disease.
  • Instability of the cervical vertebrae.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases.
  • As well as flat feet and club feet.
  • Asthma.

Equipment - what should you buy?

  • Hockey stick.
  • A set of special skates.
  • A helmet with a mask and leg protection are required.
  • Elbow pads.
  • T-shirt with leggings.
  • Special gloves.
  • Pants and a shell (note - to protect the chest).
  • Thick gloves.
  • Thermal underwear.

Martial arts

Optimal age to start - 6 years. It is at this age that the child will be ready to listen and obey. There are groups of younger ages, but they involve more of an easy game program for general training.

What's the benefit?

  • General hardening of the body and active physical development.
  • Gaining self-defense skills (which is extremely useful in our time).
  • Overcoming fears, phobias, timidity.
  • Cultivating courage and bravery.


  • The choice of a coach is the most important point! It depends on him whether the child will become a pugnacious and aggressive blockhead or a self-possessed, courageous and strong leader who understands the essence of martial arts.
  • Not every type of martial arts is suitable for a child who has never played sports.
  • There is still a risk of injury. Most often these are sprains and torn ligaments.


  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Any “sores” are in the acute stage.
  • Diseases of the spine, vision and kidneys.
  • Problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Equipment - what should you buy?

  • For starters, a tracksuit that does not restrict movement.
  • Then everything depends on the chosen sport. For example, a kimono, special trousers and a belt. The investment is small.


Optimal age to start - 5-6 years. From this age they are already accepted into sections. And at 3 years old you can start with rhythm and play dancing.

What's the benefit?

  • General development of the body, coordination of movements and increased immunity.
  • Development of flexibility, musicality, plasticity, grace.
  • Development of taste.
  • Formation of beautiful posture and figure.
  • An excellent opportunity to lose excess weight.
  • Development of the respiratory system and prevention of colds/diseases.


  • Risk of injury. Usually these are sprains, dislocations and fractures.
  • Strong competition. Not always healthy. Alas, there is a lot of envy and anger among competitors in dancing.
  • Extremely high (almost sky-high) prices for costumes, as well as for participation in competitions.


  • Severe flat feet.
  • Vertebral hernias.
  • “Advanced” problems with the spine.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Equipment - what should you buy?

  • High quality shoes.
  • Suits for training, Czechs.
  • Costumes and shoes for performances.

general physical training

Optimal age - from 4-5 years old. These classes (note: general physical training) are conducted in many schools and clubs.

What's the benefit?

  • Development of flexibility and endurance.
  • Prevention of many diseases, strengthening the immune system.
  • Strengthening muscles, spine, improving the functioning of all body systems.
  • Excellent preparation for school.

General physical fitness is indicated for problems with posture, hyperactivity and frequent colds.


It is worth noting that there are practically no contraindications to general physical therapy. And if they are available, instructors simply reduce the load and select the desired program with elements of exercise therapy.

Equipment - what should you buy?

A comfortable tracksuit and quality shoes will suffice.

Exercise therapy

Children are sent here from the age of 5 according to indications. As a rule, with disorders of the neuromuscular or musculoskeletal system.

What does exercise therapy provide - what is the benefit?

  • Proper development of the body, increased immunity.
  • Activation of metabolic processes.
  • Development of the respiratory system, as well as improvement of the functioning of the heart and gastrointestinal tract.
  • Relaxation and calming effect.
  • Increased mobility in joints.
  • Prevention of scoliosis and flat feet, gastrointestinal disorders and bronchitis, developmental/growth retardation.


They are usually short-term and/or relative:

  • Muscle clamps due to curvature of the vertices/axis of the body.
  • Nerve root entrapment.
  • Severe pain syndrome.
  • Diseases in the acute stage.
  • Impaired blood supply in the cerebral/vertebral vessels.
  • Oncology.
  • Progressive pathologies of irreversible nature.

What to buy?

You will need comfortable cotton clothing that does not compress organs and does not restrict movement at all.


Children are usually taken into kickboxing after 10 years of age. But if the child is really interested, and the coach is loyal, and health allows, then you can come to classes from 6-7 years old.

What's the benefit?

  • Cardio and strength training.
  • Successful fight against excess weight.
  • Building strong muscle mass.
  • Improving the condition of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Reducing the risk of fractures.
  • Improved flexibility, posture, reaction, coordination.
  • Relief from stress, negative emotions, fears and timidity.


  • Joint problems.
  • Spinal diseases.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Equipment - what should you buy?

  • Shorts and T-shirt. Cotton, comfortable, loose.
  • Helmet (approx. - with reinforced top/part).
  • Boxing gloves and elastic bandages.
  • Inguinal concha (approx. - regardless of gender).
  • Protective bandage - for girls.
  • Footwear with a closed heel (rarely sneakers).
  • Protective jersey/knee pads, plus elbow pads and definitely shin braces.


Optimal age to start - 6-7 years. However, there are no strict limits here. This martial art can be practiced at the age of 5 or 20.

What's the benefit?

  • Muscle development through stretching, acrobatics, martial arts and gymnastics.
  • Necessary cardio and strength training.
  • Development of endurance, coordination, flexibility, plasticity.
  • Stretching of joints, spine, whole body.
  • Active fat burning.
  • The opportunity to play sports at any weight, height and physical fitness, and even with the whole family!
  • Martial arts without aggression and anger! A lot of positive emotions, a game, a unification of rivals!
  • Fighting fears, timidity, shyness.


  • Low percentage of professional trainers.
  • It's hard to find the shape. You have to order it and “catch it.”
  • Professional sports involve not only studying martial arts, but also playing music/instruments, etc.
  • Traveling outside the country will require a lot of money.


  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Diseases for which physical activity is not recommended.
  • Injuries.

Equipment - what should you buy?

  • For starters, a regular sports or “fitness” suit.
  • Comfortable shoes with thin soles.
  • You will need the form later, and the coach will tell you where to get it.


What's the benefit?

  • Harmonious and correct development of the body.
  • Increased metabolism.
  • Improvement of mental and mental activity.
  • Optimal use of children's excess energy and activity.
  • Training all muscle groups.
  • Getting rid of childhood clumsiness, training the vestibular apparatus.


  • High risk of injury. Usually - sprains, bruises from a fall.


  • Scoliosis.
  • Severe myopia.
  • Problems of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Asthma and epilepsy.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.

Equipment - what should you buy?

Nothing special is required. The main thing is that the clothes “breathe” and do not hinder the child’s movements.

From the age of 4 you can already visit the pony club. And for serious horse riding - only after 6 years.

What's the benefit?

  • First of all, this is “hippotherapy,” which many people don’t even know about. Riding a horse and the very communication with the animal contributes to rapid recovery from injuries and strengthening of a stable mental state. There are many disabled children and children suffering from autism and cerebral palsy in equestrian sports.
  • Improved balance, gait, and well-being.
  • Relaxing powerful effect.
  • The ability to exercise even with physical limitations.
  • Strengthening the activity of the nervous system.
  • Development of back and leg muscles, balance and coordination.

As for the disadvantages sports - there are none.

But there are still contraindications:

  • Heart diseases.
  • Thrombosis.
  • Diseases of the OMT and groin area.

Equipment - what should you buy?

If you decide to go into professional sports, then look for...

  • Tight-fitting leggings (approx. - with a flat inseam).
  • Shoes with small heels and smooth soles.
  • A jacket or sweater that helps the coach control the child’s position.
  • Helmet.
  • Gloves.
  • Protective vest.
  • Special/equipment for the horse (not immediately, but will be needed).

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Good day, dear parents. You will be interested in this article if the question arises: where should a 5-year-old child be sent to study? We will look at acceptable options for boys and girls, and you will also learn general recommendations when choosing institutions.

Intellectual circles

Five years is an age when it is time to think about the intellectual development of a child.

  1. Your child can be sent to study foreign languages. Now is the time favorable time for active absorption of new information.

I studied English starting from the age of five. It is not surprising that I sent my son to study foreign language at the same age. This allowed me to better prepare for the first grade and more easily perceive information.

  1. Activities for the development of thinking and logic have a beneficial effect on preparation for the first mathematics lesson and will be useful to the child throughout life.
  2. . This intellectual game will develop children's imagination, analytical thinking, teach the child to concentrate, and also concentrate on one type of activity. Chess will contribute to a better understanding of the exact sciences.
  3. Technical clubs allow you to develop modeling and design skills and clearly explain to kids the basic mathematical and physical laws.

Creative direction

  1. The dance club combines both a sport and an art form. The baby will develop plasticity, grace, correct posture will be formed, the child will learn to feel the rhythm, and become artistic. In addition, classes allow you to get a lot of positive emotions.
  2. School of Music. Practicing music or vocals promotes the development of voice and hearing. It is worth considering that children who participate in such circles grow up to be affectionate, sociable and kind; they do not have shyness when speaking in front of the public.
  3. An art studio or art school gives a child the opportunity to develop imaginative thinking, visual skills and imagination. Classes will help improve fine motor skills and will influence the development of the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

Choosing a sport

At the age of five, a child has many opportunities and options where it is permissible to realize himself. Mom is given the opportunity to choose among the following sports:

  1. Athletics. Helps keep the child in good shape, affects the harmonious development of the muscular skeleton. You will raise a resilient child with a strong cardiovascular and respiratory system. If your little one happily jumps and runs, then this is the ideal choice for him.
  2. Gymnastics. When sending your child to this sport, it is necessary to take into account the presence of strong physical fitness. Not every child will be accepted into gymnastics. Before adoption, they will definitely check your baby, ask him to do pull-ups, do squats, and see how flexible he is. This sport will be useful for hyperactive children, as well as for children with spinal problems.
  3. Swimming. Suitable for most children, however, it is not recommended for children with frequent diseases of the ENT organs. When choosing a pool, you need to take into account the temperature and quality of the water to avoid hypothermia and an allergic reaction. Swimming helps strengthen the musculoskeletal system, and also improves blood circulation and the nervous system. It has a positive effect on children with excess weight problems, scoliosis or myopia.
  4. Dancing is recommended for both boys and girls. They will be especially useful for children with excess weight and scoliosis. They will strengthen respiratory system, straighten the spine, form correct posture, the child will have an excellent figure.
  5. Figure skating, as well as skiing, have a positive effect on strengthening the immune system through hardening and developing endurance. When sending a child to this sport, it is necessary to take into account his susceptibility to cold. Parents should be aware that there is a high risk of injury, and you will also need to purchase expensive equipment for classes.
  6. Martial arts are suitable for a child who has nowhere to put his energy. Classes are suitable for both boys and girls. Will contribute to the development of coordination, dexterity, and reaction speed. Thanks to breathing exercises the child will receive prevention of colds, and it will also have a calming effect on the nervous system.
  7. Team sports. A five-year-old child can be sent to football, hockey, and basketball. All these sports will have a beneficial effect on the development of endurance, physical health and communication skills.

Features of choice

If, after discussion at the family council, a decision was made to send the child to the sports section, then a number of points must be taken into account. The physical development and health status of the baby is of great importance. If your choice is informed and final, it is recommended to go for an examination with a doctor, preferably a specialist from a sports school.

  1. If a child has been diagnosed with serious pathologies of the respiratory or cardiovascular system, active sports will be contraindicated for him.
  2. It is important to take into account the presence of chronic pathologies in the baby. If a child has vision problems, team sports will be contraindicated for him, as well as martial arts.
  3. If your child often has colds, then activities that require prolonged contact with cold air, such as hockey or figure skating, are not recommended.
  4. Classes in the pool will be contraindicated for children suffering from frequent tonsillitis, as well as sinusitis and pathologies of the genitourinary system.
  5. Children under the age of five are generally not recommended to engage in sports such as badminton, tennis or cycling. This is due to the fact that there is a high risk of improper formation of skeletal muscles.
  6. When sending your child to a sports section, choose a good coach too. It is very important that this person also has pedagogical skills and has a good knowledge of child psychology and developmental physiology.
  7. It is important that the child has a minimum of physical activity; do not allow too much training, this will negatively affect the growing body.
  8. If your baby gets tired very quickly or sleeps poorly, think about reducing the load, changing the coach or sport.

Activities for boys

When wondering where to send a 5-year-old boy, you need to take into account the need for both physical and emotional development. It is a mistaken opinion that a male child has no need to learn to draw or sing songs. Five years is an age when it is important to comprehensively develop a child. To the surprise of the father, the son may happily play football in the yard, but refuse to devote himself to this sport and happily go to the art studio. It is important not to interfere with this.

According to parents, the best places to send a child at this age are:

  • football;
  • drawing;
  • hockey;
  • martial arts;
  • modeling;
  • theatrical skill.

Mugs for girls

If you are wondering where to send your child at 5 years old, a girl, you should consider that little princesses also need to develop physically, and not just emotionally.

If boys are sent to play football to strengthen their muscles and endurance, then for girls the best activities will be to develop plasticity and flexibility. So, it is preferable to send babies to dancing, figure skating or gymnastics. But we should not forget about the creative development of the child.

The following clubs will be ideal for girls aged five:

  • gymnastics;
  • drawing;
  • dancing;
  • swimming;
  • vocals;
  • figure skating.

My classmate has been dancing since she was five years old. Now she is 24 years old, and she is still a member of the same dance group and happily goes to participate in competitions. For her, dancing has become the meaning of life, thanks to it Alena has a beautiful figure and excellent posture. It was in her team that she met her future husband; they have been studying together for nine years.

  1. Consider the wishes of the child, and not just your unfulfilled dreams.
  2. Do not force your child to go where he does not like, for example, force him to play the violin. This activity will only cause negative emotions and can lead the child to the development of neuroses.
  3. Adequately assess your baby's capabilities. You shouldn’t push him into a football section if he has difficulty running a few meters.
  4. It is important to monitor the child and assess his state of mind in time. Some parents, when sending their toddler to play, for example, a team sport, believe that there the child will become relaxed and sociable. However, being in a new team, the child may, on the contrary, become withdrawn. The task of parents is to identify this in a timely manner and help solve the current situation.
  5. It is very important that the institution in which the baby will study is located as close to home as possible. If the child gets tired while getting to class, no positive effect will be achieved.
  6. When choosing a circle, it is very important to take into account the characteristics of your baby. You should not send a child with increased sociability to individual lessons, but a child who loves solitude, for example, to team sports.
  7. When choosing a sports section, pay attention to the physical characteristics of the baby. So basketball is perfect for a tall child, gymnastics for a flexible child, football or dancing for a toddler with increased activity.
  8. If your main goal is the all-round development of your child, then it may make sense to sign up for both sports clubs and a creative club. It is important that the baby develops both physically and emotionally. But here it is worth considering whether he can bear such a load.

Experts are sure that optimal age to start creative and physical development– this is 3-4 years. It is during this period that the child shows interest in one or another type of activity. Parents can reveal the talents of their child, the main thing is to listen to his wishes in time and correctly assess the possibilities. All children are talented: some draw beautifully, others show good results in sports, and others have excellent hearing. But many parents do not know where to send their child at 3 years old. The variety of different clubs and sections is both amazing and delightful.

Parents should reveal the child’s talents from childhood and develop the baby in directions that are interesting to him.

Basic principles for choosing a mug for a small child

The main thing that loving parents must do is to do right choice. Many sections begin accepting children from 3-4 years old. There is no need to rush to enroll your child in the first club that comes along. Ask your child what he wants to do.

You should choose a club for a small child close to home, otherwise the long, tiring journey will discourage the little one from any interest in visiting it. Some sections provide trial lessons. As spectators, observe what is happening around you, and then ask your child his opinion.

Sometimes kids, after a couple of workouts, refuse to attend the class again. Parents shouldn’t force him to go against his will, you need to talk to the child and find out the reason for his whims. If the coach makes a lot of comments or the baby doesn’t always succeed, you need to encourage him and let him know that over time the desired result will be achieved.

Selection by temperament type

A 4-year-old child sometimes cannot independently make a choice in favor of one section or another. Take a closer look at his character, it will be easier to determine his direction. Quiet, calm children will not be entirely comfortable in the acting studio; overly active kids should try their hand at dancing or sports. A thin, puny boy will not be able to fully train along with everyone else in wrestling classes.

Psychologists tend to argue that the type of temperament influences a child’s success in a particular activity:

  • Excessively active children, constantly on the move and often coming into conflict with other children, are classified as choleric.
  • Sanguine people are able to control their emotions, they are strong-willed and purposeful.
  • Calm, balanced and slightly slow children are phlegmatic; they can concentrate on a particular type of activity for a long time.
  • The fourth type is melancholic; such children are often capricious, quickly get irritated and are unable to overcome difficulties.

Is it necessary to send a child to a section between 3 and 5 years old?

At the age of 3-5 years, everything comes easy to a child: any information is perceived as a game

We all know from history that a mandatory attribute of the education of young nobles was their all-round harmonious development. Children from noble families attended music and dance lessons and studied foreign languages.

According to physiologists, visiting any section by a child aged 3-5 years allows him to intensify physical activity. At this age, any training is easy for the child. Many famous athletes began their sports careers from an early age, but you need to understand that a child can get injured during training. His physical data may not meet the necessary criteria in the chosen sport.

Sport sections

Most children love active games, so they are happy to attend sports sections. During training, they improve their health and receive positive emotions. Sport develops such useful qualities in a child as:

  • endurance;
  • strength of will;
  • dexterity;
  • desire to achieve a set goal.

Each child is individual, so it is necessary to take into account his developmental characteristics.

It is better for parents to show their baby to the doctor before he starts classes. If there are no contraindications to playing a particular sport, and the child is ready to start training, you can safely entrust him to the hands of professional trainers.

Team sports

Playing basketball, football, volleyball, hockey and any other team sports is good physical activity for a child. Such games allow children to quickly adapt to society; they learn to interact with each other and work as a team.

Visiting such sections will allow stressed children to loosen up and find good friends. If, on the contrary, the child is active and sociable, then team play will give him many positive emotions. He will be happy about the new opportunity to prove himself.

Martial arts for kids

Martial arts such as karate, aikido, wushu, taekwondo, etc. increase reaction speed, train strength, endurance and agility. In addition to physical activity, martial arts introduce children to the philosophy of combat. Children learn the basics of its management:

  • the use of force is possible only in case of defense;
  • the weak must be protected;
  • You can't be the first to get into a fight.

Martial arts train children's strength and agility and develop character

If it is difficult for a child to stand up for himself, then such activities will help him feel confident. An active baby will learn to control his emotions and will be able to direct his energy in the “right direction.”


Gymnastic exercises can give a child flexibility and plasticity. By training, the baby develops endurance, sharpens coordination of movements and maintains good posture. Children can start classes as early as two years of age.

Speaking about professional sports or rhythmic gymnastics, parents need to understand that in this sport the child needs to be prepared for serious physical activity. He will have to train often and a lot, and injuries are inevitable. At the same time, it will be useful for all children to attend sections where general warm-up is carried out, and trainers develop body flexibility in the child.


Perhaps the only sport that is suitable for both boys and girls, regardless of their age and physique, is swimming. During training, the baby uses all muscle groups, and the risk of injury is minimal. Contact with water hardens the body. Parents can safely take a child who has learned to swim with them to the river or sea.

Swimming is a sport that uses all muscle groups

If a child is a professional swimmer, then over time some muscle groups, in particular the shoulder girdle, develop disproportionately. Girls become “broad-shouldered,” but if training is carried out no more than twice a week, then there is nothing to worry about.


When attending a choreography club, children get a lot of pleasure from the classes. They communicate, perform special exercises, develop creative thinking and learn how to properly control their body. If training takes place on an ongoing basis, then the child develops an elegant posture, he becomes graceful and flexible. Regardless of the chosen choreographic direction, the baby develops a sense of rhythm.

Developmental clubs

The child can be sent to developmental clubs starting from 3-4 years old. There are many directions:

  • modeling;
  • drawing;
  • applique;
  • music and singing;
  • acting skills.

Many kids are seriously interested in singing

By attending such clubs, the child will be able to develop his creative and cognitive abilities. By studying singing and music in depth, you can achieve good results in the future. Such children often grow up to be creative individuals.

Vocals and music

Music accompanies each of us from birth. In every preschool institution From an early age, children are taught not only to listen, but also to hear music. A pleasant pastime develops in 3-5 year old children an understanding of beauty, develops hearing, a sense of rhythm and mathematical abilities. In classes, the child improves not only his creative skills, but also learns discipline. Attending music and vocal lessons will leave an indelible mark on the life of a young talent.

Arts and crafts clubs

Most children love to draw. In this way, kids develop imagination, spatial thinking and fine motor skills. Applique and modeling can also interest a child.

Arts and crafts clubs help children quickly learn to distinguish shapes and determine the shape and color of objects. Painstaking work makes the child become more attentive and careful. Children’s hidden talents “awaken” during classes.

Theater Club

As a rule, theater clubs accept children from 5 years old. By this age, the child should speak well.

In acting classes, children are taught to relax and not be afraid of the audience. By participating in theatrical productions, the young actor learns to control his emotions and express his own thoughts and feelings. Personality is formed, memory and attention are trained.

Does the choice of a club depend on the gender of the child?

One of the main issues for caring parents when the baby reaches the age of five is the choice of sports activities, clubs or sections. In this matter, the opinions of the parents and the abilities of the child often differ, and then conflicts may arise.

Children must choose for themselves what they want to do, and you can only offer educational clubs for children over 5 years old or sports sections and activities. Sometimes it’s worth going around several different sections, trying a trial lesson, so that you and your child understand whether you can handle such classes both physically and sometimes financially. So, playing hockey or football requires a large investment of money for uniforms and accessories, and it is important to know that the child will not get tired of this activity in a couple of months. If you are deciding where to send your child at 5 years old, you need to soberly assess the child’s physical abilities, flexibility and endurance, his character and many other conditions. It is important to understand what you want to achieve, a general strengthening effect or Olympic sports victories. You will need to drive or take your child to classes often, this is also an important factor when choosing.

Sections for children from 5 years old

If you don’t know where to put your baby’s energy and what to do with a 5-year-old child, sports clubs will do. Classes can be selected based on age and initial physical fitness, gender and many other characteristics. Initially, when choosing sports activities for children aged 5 years and older, talk to the child himself about what sports he would like to do and why. Explain to him what will happen during training, that they will be frequent and you need to work there, weigh the pros and cons with him. You can preview videos of training and competitions, talk with other children and parents who are already involved in this sport. If you and your child are serious, it is important to find out which sports clubs for children over 5 years old are located near you geographically. Initially, for basic training it is not necessary to attend an Olympic reserve school on the other side of the city; you can go to the nearest recreation center or stadium. If your child likes it and wants to achieve great success, you should think about transferring to a more serious trainer and moving on to a more serious level of training. However, it is worth remembering that not all sports are suitable for a five-year-old, due to physical characteristics. Therefore, win sections by age.
For example, judo or karate for children from 5 years of age develop fortitude, moral qualities, and train the will. A dance club for children from 5 years old will help develop an ear for music, a sense of rhythm and flexibility. Often, dance classes for children over 5 years old are the first section that a child begins to attend. Becoming popular today gymnastics for children from 5 years old, children often become more resilient, get sick less and become more responsible and collected.

Where to send a girl at 5 years old

It is also important to take into account gender characteristics, since they are suitable for girls and boys different types classes. The main children's sections from the age of 5 for girls are dancing, rhythmic or artistic gymnasts, and figure skating. If you are deciding where to send your child to a 5-year-old girl, initially talk to your doctor, consult with other parents and coaches to choose the most suitable activity.

Children's sections from 5 years old for boys

It is somewhat easier to decide which section to send a 5-year-old boy to. There are many options for activities for boys today. These can be team or individual sports. So, where to send a boy at 5 years old? This could be swimming, judo, gymnastics, football or hockey, figure skating. When deciding which sport to enroll a 5-year-old boy in, proceed from his physical capabilities, character and wishes. Sometimes it’s worth trying yourself in several sections to understand what suits and likes the boy the most.

Remember your childhood? Our parents taught many of us to do morning exercises and sent us to various sports sections and creative clubs. And those who have gone through such “tests” are now largely grateful to their fathers and mothers. We learned to swim, run, dance, skate, and today we must help ensure that our children are not left without happy emotions.

Sport is an activity not only for gentlemen, but also for little ladies. Training will strengthen your baby’s muscles, help develop correct posture, and increase stamina and health.

Important! Scientists have proven that at the age of 5-8 years the risk of developing diseases such as atherosclerosis and heart attack is determined. The more actively a child trains, the less likely it is that illnesses will occur in adulthood.

The benefits of sports for children

What are the benefits of sports sections for girls? It's very simple: training helps:

  1. Improved health: Regular exercise not only prevents the risk of a number of diseases, but also treats some diseases.
  2. Character formation: sport increases endurance, “tempers” nerves, teaches you to make decisions at crucial moments and never give in to difficulties.
  3. Maintaining tone: daily exercise will help your child stay alert, energetic and cheerful.

However, which section should the girl be sent to? First of all, you should ask the baby what she would like to do. If a little athlete is confused and cannot choose a specific preference, the responsibility falls on the parents.

Important! When choosing a sports section for your daughter, focus on the baby’s inclinations and preferences. An important factor is the age of the child.

The table shows the main requirements for the age of future athletes, put forward by coaches of different sections:

Kind of sport

Girl's age

Sports and rhythmic gymnastics, aerobics, sports dancing, swimming

Martial arts, athletics, figure skating, tennis, team play (volleyball, basketball, football)

Skiing, sports tourism, golf, biathlon

Horse riding, cycling, fencing, kayaking, weightlifting

Mountaineering, bobsled, triathlon, rock climbing

Popular children's sections

Here is the TOP 8 best sports sections for girls. The most structured information will provide comprehensive information: at what age is it better to send a child to training, what are the positive and negative aspects of a particular sport, indications and contraindications for classes.

Option #1. Gymnastics, sports dancing

You should start training between the ages of 3 and 4 years.

Gymnastics and dancing contribute to:

  • development of grace, flexibility, accuracy and confidence of movements;
  • formation of a fit figure and correct posture;
  • manifestation of the child’s creative potential.

Another advantage of training is relatively cheap equipment. But the disadvantage is serious and lies in the high probability of injury.

Indications and contraindications. Gymnastics and dancing are suitable for any girl, regardless of body type, character, or temperament. It is prohibited for children suffering from myopia, scoliosis, or heart disease to engage in such sports.

This is interesting! World champion in gymnastics Alina Kabaeva first visited sports sections at the age of 3.5 years.

Option #2. Swimming

Swimmers are first introduced to the pool at around 3-4 years of age. At the same time, future athletes can count on:

  • strengthening the musculoskeletal system;
  • stabilization of blood circulation and nervous system;
  • obtaining a hardening effect.

Swimming is useful for girls with myopia, diabetes mellitus, scoliosis, obesity. You cannot train in the pool if you have eye or skin diseases.

Option #3. Figure skating

  • strengthening the cardiac system, musculoskeletal system;
  • formation of endurance, grace, artistry;
  • providing a hardening effect on the body.

Indications and contraindications: Ice skating is suitable for active, agile girls who can easily tolerate the cold. The sports section is useful for osteochondrosis and scoliosis, but is prohibited for asthma, myopia, and some lung diseases.

Important! Another “winter” type of training is skiing, where you can take your baby as early as 7-8 years old.

Option number 4. Tennis

Girls from 5 years old can get acquainted with tennis. This sport promotes:

  • development of dexterity, speed of reaction;
  • desire for victories;
  • improving coordination, stabilizing the functioning of the respiratory organs.

Tennis is indicated for girls with osteochondrosis and metabolic disorders. The section is suitable for ambitious, energetic little ones. Contraindications include diseases such as asthma, flat feet, and myopia.

This is interesting! “The first racket of the world” Maria Sharapova, who came to tennis at the age of 4, was distinguished by a very gentle, calm character. However, despite the coach’s doubts, she achieved unsurpassed results in sports. The main thing is to have a solid inner core.

Option #5. Athletics

A set of sections covering classes in athletics, numerous. This includes running, walking, javelin throwing, and jumping.

The age “start” of athletes is 5-6 years. Classes in the sports section guarantee strengthening of the musculoskeletal system, increasing the child’s agility, speed, strength and endurance.

Contraindications to athletics diseases covered:

  1. Of cardio-vascular system.
  2. Kidney.
  3. Diabetes mellitus.
  4. Progressive myopia.

This is interesting! World-famous track and field athlete Sergei Bubka joined the sports section at the age of 11 and until the age of 40, he took victories one after another.

Option number 6. Team sports

There are different team sports - volleyball, football, basketball, hockey, etc. It is better to start training at 5-6 years old, counting on:

  • development of endurance, speed and reaction;
  • strengthening the visual and respiratory organs, normalizing heart function;
  • gaining skills in teamwork and peaceful conflict resolution.

Contraindications to sports: asthma, flat feet, ulcers, instability of the cervical vertebrae.

Option No. 7. Martial arts

The best martial arts for girls are karate, sambo, judo, aikido. Different sections have their own age requirements. On average, training begins at 5-6 years of age.

Martial arts:

  • build endurance, good reaction, accuracy of movements;
  • teach self-defense skills;
  • have a healing effect.

Contraindications to sports are quite extensive, including chronic diseases of the spine and cardiac system, as well as acute diseases.

This is interesting! Jean-Claude Van Damme gave up ballet at the age of 11 and joined the karate section, subsequently taking a worthy place among Hollywood action movie actors.

Option No. 8. Horseback riding

It is required to start horse riding training no earlier than 10 years of age. The advantages of such an aristocratic sport are described:

  • receiving vivid emotions;
  • the possibility of treating mental disorders in cerebral palsy.
  • Equestrian sport is suitable for reserved, insecure girls, as well as children who love animals.

    Contraindications for horse riding include asthma, scoliosis, cervical instability, and horse hair allergies.

    This is interesting! World-famous rider Rodrigo Pessoa has won fifty grand prix races throughout his career and won more than 6 million euros.

    Be careful when choosing a sports section. There is no need to send your girl to figure skating just because it is your unrealized childhood dream. Observe the baby, study her preferences. IN as a last resort- take your child to several sections at once, and then give the girl an independent choice of training.