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Strong teacher. Professional and personal qualities of a teacher. What should a teacher be like? Or maybe this is a calling

A teacher is a person who teaches and educates students. But, of course, such a definition cannot reveal everything that a teacher needs to do and what he is responsible for during the educational process. And not everyone can become one. It is necessary for a person to have a special type of personality. What qualities of a teacher help him in passing on knowledge to other generations?

Professional readiness

If we briefly list the qualities of a teacher, they will be as follows:

  • love for children;
  • humanism;
  • intelligence;
  • creative approach to work;
  • high civic responsibility and social activity;
  • physical and mental health.

Taken together, they constitute professional readiness for teaching. It distinguishes psychophysiological and theoretical-practical aspects. They describe the requirements for determining teacher competence. Pedagogical competence is a definition of the theoretical and practical preparedness of a teacher to carry out his professional activities. At the same time, the requirements for the teacher primary school somewhat different from other teachers.

Qualities of a first school teacher

In the modern education system, the concept of “primary school teacher” has begun to be used more widely than before. If once his functions were limited only to the fact that he gave basic knowledge to children, now his field of activity has expanded significantly.

Therefore, the requirements for the qualities of a primary school teacher are now as follows:

  • he is not only a teacher, but also an educator;
  • must know the psychophysiological characteristics of children;
  • he must be able to organize the activities of his charges;
  • the teacher actively interacts with children and their parents;
  • readiness for constant self-development;
  • the teacher must create optimal conditions for training;
  • helps students interact with the environment;
  • owns modern teaching methods.

A primary school teacher is not comparable to teachers at the middle and senior levels. His functions are even broader, since he is always the class teacher and teaches several disciplines. Of course, the qualities of a teacher, both professional and personal, are important.

What skills and abilities does the teacher have?

What should a teacher be like? This is determined by the standards that are prescribed in the Federal State Educational Standard, as well as by the qualities listed by other famous personalities in pedagogy. For example, such an employee must constantly educate himself and improve his skills. The professional qualities of a teacher are the following:

  • broad outlook and ability to present material competently;
  • training taking into account the individual characteristics of students;
  • competent, delivered speech and clear diction;
  • ability to use facial expressions and gestures during performances;
  • focus on working with students;
  • ability to quickly respond to situations, resourcefulness;
  • the ability to correctly formulate goals;
  • must have organizational skills;
  • quality control of students' knowledge.

Important qualities of a teacher are his knowledge and skills acquired during his studies and during his professional activities. He must also be able to apply them in his work as a teacher.

Personal qualities of a teacher

It is very important that the teacher has a theoretical basis, which is the basis of the educational process. But even if a person knows everything about raising and teaching children, he may not become a good teacher. What should a teacher be like from a personal point of view? A qualified specialist is determined by the following qualities:

Leading abilities in teaching activities

  1. The activity of a teacher is of a continual and forward-looking nature. Having the knowledge of past generations, he must master modern techniques and follow new trends. Also, the teacher must see the personal potential of students.
  2. Interactions between teacher and student are subjective in nature. The “object” of a teacher’s activity is a group of students or a pupil, who at the same time are the subject of their own activity with their own needs and interests.
  3. IN educational process It is difficult to appreciate the contribution made by everyone involved in the upbringing and education of a child. Therefore, pedagogical activity is collective in nature.
  4. The process of upbringing and education takes place in the natural and social environment, in which it is difficult to take into account all factors. Therefore, the teacher has to constantly create optimal conditions for learning.
  5. Pedagogical activity is creative in nature. The teacher has to constantly look for non-standard solutions to the assigned tasks, various ways increasing the motivation of students. Also, the mentor must be proactive, observant, and strive for excellence.
  6. All professional activities of a teacher are built on humanistic principles: respect for the individual, a trusting attitude, the ability to empathize with students, faith in the child’s abilities.
  7. The teacher cannot immediately see the result of his work.
  8. The teacher is constantly engaged in self-education and improves the level of his qualifications, i.e. continuous learning occurs.

The profession of a teacher involves constant interaction with a large number of people, namely children. He must be able to organize their activities and maintain attention in class. The teacher must know the psychophysiological characteristics of each age period of children and apply them in practice. Also, the teacher must be able to cope with large amounts of information.

Or maybe this is a calling?

It is difficult to determine what is more important: to receive a pedagogical education or to love children and have a sincere desire to teach and educate them. For many, a teacher is not a profession, it is a calling. Because if you want to build a trusting relationship with your child, you need to stay a little small yourself.

A teacher should be like a child who is always interested in everything, who is always looking for something new. And being a teacher is a great talent; you need to be able to discern the potential in each student and help realize it. Also, the teacher must be highly spiritual and cultured person, in order to instill in their wards the correct life guidelines.

There are a huge number of ways to find a competent teacher, and the most popular among them are asking for help from a neighbor whose child has already passed the necessary exams, or looking for a teacher through an advertisement. Unfortunately, the considered approaches to solving this problem do not always work, and very often it happens that only a specialist working on the Unified State Examination Tutor ru Internet portal can provide truly worthy assistance. An experienced manager will find you a strong tutor who will be able to provide your child with all the necessary knowledge, while even the most complex material will be explained in an understandable language. When it comes to lessons with a good teacher, you should remember that not everything depends on the teacher and a high school student must be ready for decent work. If your child is not deprived of such skills as discipline, desire to study new material, and he is also goal-oriented, that is, he knows how to achieve his goals, then you can be sure that together with a worthy teacher they will achieve impressive results.

A strong tutor, what skills should a teacher have?

An experienced teacher has professional skills and qualities, which will be discussed below:

  • An important quality for a teacher is to assess the strengths and weaknesses of his student, which allows him to find an individual approach to him;
  • Knowledge control must be carried out, because otherwise it is difficult to think about what success the student will achieve. Therefore, a good tutor is able to promptly identify gaps in a high school student’s learning and eliminate them in a timely manner;
  • Determination. You can't move blindly, it's important to know the direction. A lesson schedule is developed, and the teacher does everything possible to ensure that both he and your child adhere to it.

What qualities should a teacher have? This question opens up an abyss of others: which teacher? Why and to whom should it? Personal or professional qualities, and which of them are more important? For example, can a teacher be required to love children, or is it enough that he treats them with respect and teaches his subject well? Should a teacher be a sociable leader? Which teacher is better - kind or strict? Which will be more successful - a rebel or a conformist?

We can endlessly reason, argue and prove. This is because there is no “spherical teacher in a vacuum.” Each teacher exists in a specific social, economic, cultural situation, where he has certain goals and needs certain qualities to successfully achieve them.

What should an ideal teacher be like? Maybe like this? Still from the film “The School of Rock” (2003)

And if you don’t argue, but ask others: what qualities of a teacher do they consider important? Such a conversation will help some participants in education look at others in a new way.

We were once again convinced of this by a small study undertaken in 2015 by eleventh-grader Gohar Sargsyan. Goar conducted it among high school students, their parents and teachers of the Shchelkovo gymnasium (city of Shchelkovo, Moscow region), where she herself studied. The purpose of the study was to compare “the requirements of the state, reflected in the professional standard of a teacher, and the needs of society to identify the priority qualities of a teacher.”

Or like this? Still from the film “We’ll Live Until Monday” (1968)

There is a document that defines a list of professional and personal requirements for a teacher in the Russian Federation - this is the professional standard for a teacher, which came into force on January 1, 2015. Based on these requirements, we can identify the qualities that the state would like to see in a teacher.

It's always interesting to compare official expectations with real life. This is what Gohar Sargsyan decided to do.

The idea for the study came from observing students and teachers in different schools. At that time, I had already decided to become a teacher myself and wanted to learn more about the profession. Seeing that sometimes even the most talented and inquisitive children lose interest in learning, I decided to find the root of the problem and, as a future teacher, model the image of an ideal teacher. The image of a teacher who will help students become better.

More than a hundred high school students, 40 parents and 25 gymnasium teachers - elementary, middle and high school teachers - took part in the survey. All respondents were asked to freely answer the question: “What qualities should an ideal teacher have?”

Respondents independently named or wrote down the qualities and explained what they meant. The answers were systematized in summary tables.

The ideal teacher from the students' point of view

100% of students who took part in the survey believe that an ideal teacher should be strict and patient. Also, all student respondents were unanimous that the teacher should be able to interest students in the material.

80% of respondents - for an unbiased attitude on the part of the teacher and an individual approach (“everyone wants to be assessed fairly and helped to achieve better results”).

Students explained the word “fairness” as grading based on knowledge rather than nationality, appearance, and so on. Approximately the same words are used to describe tolerance in the answers of other respondents.

The ideal teacher from a parent's point of view

For all parents surveyed, the ideal teacher is one who knows his subject perfectly. 100% of parents identified “love for their profession and children” as a separate quality.

In the parents' questionnaires, an item appeared that the students did not identify for themselves: caring.

Indifference was explained by parents as a sympathetic attitude towards students. A caring teacher, firstly, always makes sure that the children have mastered the material, and secondly, provides emotional support when necessary.

The ideal teacher from the point of view of... teachers

But the teachers seem to be sure that patience and work will grind everything down. 100% of surveyed teachers at all levels - for excellent knowledge of the subject and patience.

But the main thing is that the survey of teachers, according to Gohar, turned out to be the most interesting part of the study for her.

After talking with teachers and learning about their feelings, I saw them from a new side. What struck me most were the teachers who, instead of using the “correct” words appropriate to the situation, spoke honestly and openly about all the difficulties of this profession. It turned out that in teaching practice there are many situations in which an inexperienced person simply becomes confused. And all that can make a good teacher out of a person is caring. “If you have a desire to make the world a better place, then this is for you,” this is what a computer science teacher told me about the teaching profession.

Gohar Sargsyan

student at Moscow State University

Goar compared all the answers of her respondents with the requirements of the professional standard. The result was consistent. Unless, of course, no standard can require a teacher to have a sense of humor, caring, love for children and patience. But people in their non-standard, living human relationships have the right to expect this from each other.

My research did not provide a fundamentally new answer, but it showed me how important personal qualities are for this profession: it was personal, not professional qualities that my respondents spoke about.
Now I’m studying to become a teacher, I chose my specialty foreign language. What qualities of a teacher do I highlight now? The ideal teacher is not a template model. This is an interesting, charismatic, educated person, charged with creative energy, who raises the same active, caring and thinking children.

Gohar Sargsyan

student at Moscow State University

And we propose to continue the conversation on the given topic. What teacher qualities are valued in your community? Which ones are necessary for you?

It's been a while since I've been this high after watching an anime.
Because it’s been a while since I’ve seen really interesting characters.
So, wait, I only finished watching Durarara a month ago... Well, a month hasn’t been lying on the floor, so...
Hmm. Let's start with cast of voice actors. To be honest, I came across this anime when I was looking through the list of Persian seiyuu Hiroshi Kamiya. My favorite voice, I love it. I can just listen to him all day long and never get tired of it (for two years now). And then, by good luck, after Durarara (and a couple of relatively average animes), I came across

Well, in Japanese it's 電波 dump these are "electromagnetic waves", and 教師 kyoshi- teacher.

As usual, before watching the anime, I studied

list of characters

And checked the cast of voice actors. Guys, this thing will give a head start to even such masterpieces in terms of seiyu composition as Durarara (yes, I talked about her often), nogenora, cell work, two onmyoji stars, gatari and so on.
Well, first of all, as I said, Hiroshi Kamiya is the voice of Mr. Junichiro Kagami. In fact, you could watch the anime just for him.
Secondly, the second master of voice actors is Yoshitsugu Matsuoka! Damn, how long have I dreamed of hearing the dialogue between their characters! True, Matsuoka’s character only appears in one episode, but even that’s cool! And the Persian himself perfectly suited the voice of his voice actor (so, wait, shouldn’t it be the other way around?).
Thirdly, Hana-chan! The number one female voice actor for me (though she’s not the only one, but let’s not talk about that). And again in my repertoire! Even before viewing, having read the description of Reiko, I was immediately intrigued. Oops, what do we have here? Isn't it Shiro? Plus, there will probably be something dirty with her.

Well, it wasn’t really that unclean, but he’s still a gorgeous Persian, especially as portrayed by Hana-chan.
Fourth, of course, Ten-chan (another number one female voice actor)! Ahh, it's been so long since I heard her voice in anime! And then there’s the hot future seiyuu! Beauty!
Fifth, Mao with Kansai dialect! And so seasoned that even I was surprised! Thank you, I had a blast!
Also worth mentioning are Risa Taneda, Yoshimasa Hosoya, Ayahi Takagaki and Aya Hirano! You've done these two days!
Now about a few of the most striking characters. By and large, almost everyone was amused, but there was too much time and space for everyone.
Junichiro Kagami. Best character. I put him on the same level with such eagles as Izaya Orihara,

, Keima Katsuragi and so on. How I want to have such a teacher! And how I wish I could become like that myself!...

well, OK. In fact, I also have a YD in some way... But I’m sooooo far from being a genius. Because too quickly my “yaritai” disappears and is replaced by another, therefore, I started a lot of different things, but, unlike “wakuwaku” (as Reiko called it), I did not finish any of them.

They revealed him quite well, but I would have liked more cool moments when the viewer seemed to get into his head. But this is so, the desire of a loser who only knows how to scratch his tongue and tap on the keyboard.
And they gave him a cool name. The surname "Kagami" means "mirror" or "lens". This can be assumed if you only hear the surname without seeing its spelling. But. In fact, with its hieroglyph it means “model, example.” Yeah, confirmation of Azuma-sensei’s agreement with the views and methods of his hero, isn’t it? Although there is something in the “mirror”... The name Junichiro... Ah, let’s discard -ichiro, a typical suffix male name“eldest son” (I don’t like him, to be honest, he looks like an excuse). The remaining character jun means “pure, unalloyed.” Probably about his position. Pure from trifles and prejudices (although depending on which side you look at).
The second most interesting character is Koyomi. No, not Arara

Sorry, my fingers slipped

gi, and Hiiragi. Instead of "orchid" we have "holly". I wonder if Azuma-sensei set this up on purpose? If so, what's the joke? Oh, okay. In general, the main puppeteer of the entire work. Even the “vacuwaku” dances to her tune. I’m very happy for her, she uses her capabilities as correctly as possible (IMHO).
And with Yamato it’s even somehow offensive. However, as with Madoka. Honestly, in my eyes they are the living embodiment of the author's main mistake. THEY DID NOT REVEAL THE "VACUVACA" IN ROMANCE! And it’s so interesting what his position is and what methods he has in this area! (It’s not hard to figure it out, but I’d like to see it!)
Speaking of birds, there is romance in genres! Oblomicus...
Bottom line. 10 Kamiya out of 10. Definitely. It’s a pity, I can’t download this masterpiece, otherwise I would watch it every month, like a nogenora...

I started watching: there seemed to be good dynamics, characters, funny situations, but then: these stupid repetitive cliches, lazy plot writing techniques, excessive exaggeration of some things, and as a result, all the magic and charm of the series that was at the beginning collapses like a house of cards - it’s just not interesting to watch. As a result - drop...

7 out of 10. Not bad, light and watchable, but nothing more.
A comparison with teacher Onizuka suggests itself, such nuances as grade 2-3 and so on, for example, but Onizuka is much cooler, although Onizuka is not my type.
Onizuka's advantages are his physical strength and the fact that he knows how to enjoy life and loves people. Disadvantages - it’s a bit silly, but it creates a natural and organic look.
Kagami is a genius in physics, programming and a super player + enjoys manga. A typical Merisue. It is impossible to make a discovery in physics even if you are a genius without studying it closely, after scrolling through something for a couple of years. A super player means vegetating in the game for hours, and so does a hacker programmer. All these skills in one person are simply impossible. Apparently the manga was drawn by a high school student who did not go to school. The entire plot line is of the same type of level of elaboration. GG kind of helps children, but in fact the whole plot is tied to his figure. For example, he gives a second chance to an athlete to start from scratch in another sport - captain obvious? you say, change your sport if you have a disc, no, this is like a brilliant solution. The way he helps difficult teenagers is also beyond the bounds, the conflicts are either weak or far-fetched. For example, when he helped the appraiser girl, he essentially again pulled the plot onto himself, not on her problems, not on the fact that she should cope with problems, but he himself solved everything brilliantly by winning the first time playing the game. Level of development - kindergarten. And he himself has no friends. The image is very unrealistic and far-fetched, so the anime, although light, is weak. The same Onizuka, for example, helped socialization, but he had a bunch of friends and understood what it was. There was an emphasis on de-escalating the problem and making life easier. Here, in essence, the teacher teaches you to do what is interesting, in fact, it’s a so-so idea. After all, if main character If he wasn’t interested in physics, he wouldn’t even be hired as a teacher. The reality is that self-indulgence is bad, and the teacher is obliged to create interest in his subject. The fact that GG is not able to be interested in anything other than anime is not something worthy of imitation. Finding interests and maintaining them is also a valuable skill. It is impossible to achieve success in physics and programming without doing the most boring routine. What hit me the most was the ending of the title)