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Mummies found in Peru are. Alien mummy in Peru? What scientists actually found. Mummy body proportions

All inventions were hidden under the carpet, where they are all now.

What will we “eat”?

It’s a paradox, but despite the enormous progress that electronics has made over the past 30 years, all mobile devices are still equipped with lithium-ion batteries, which entered the market back in 1991, when the pinnacle of engineering in portable technology was a regular CD player.

Many beneficial features new models in electronics and gadgets are offset by the scanty time of power supply for these devices from a mobile battery. Scientific wisdom and inventors would have stepped forward long ago, but they are held by the “anchor” of the battery.

Let's look at what technologies can transform the world of electronics in the future.

First, a little history.

Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries are most often used in mobile devices (laptops, mobile phones, PDAs and others). This is due to their advantages over the previously widely used nickel-metal hydride (Ni-MH) and nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cd) batteries.

Li-ion batteries have significantly better parameters. However, it should be taken into account that Ni-Cd batteries have one important advantage: the ability to provide high discharge currents. This property is not critical when powering laptops or cell phones (where the share of Li-ion reaches 80% and their share is getting larger), but there are quite a lot of devices that consume high currents, for example, all kinds of power tools, electric shavers, etc. P. Until now, these devices have been the domain of almost exclusively Ni-Cd batteries. However, at present, especially in connection with the restriction of the use of cadmium in accordance with the RoHS directive, research on the creation of cadmium-free batteries with high discharge current has sharply intensified.

Primary cells (“batteries”) with a lithium anode appeared in the early 70s of the 20th century and quickly found application due to their high specific energy and other advantages. Thus, a long-standing desire was realized to create a chemical current source with the most active reducing agent - an alkali metal, which made it possible to sharply increase both the operating voltage of the battery and its specific energy. While the development of primary cells with a lithium anode was crowned with relatively quick success and such elements firmly took their place as power sources for portable equipment, the creation of lithium batteries encountered fundamental difficulties, which took more than 20 years to overcome.

After many tests during the 1980s, it turned out that the problem with lithium batteries revolved around the lithium electrodes. More precisely, around the activity of lithium: the processes that occurred during operation ultimately led to a violent reaction, called “ventilation with flame emission.” In 1991, a large number of lithium batteries, which were first used as a power source for mobile phones, were recalled by manufacturers. The reason is during a conversation, when the current consumption is maximum, from battery a burst of flame occurred, burning the face of the mobile phone user.

Due to the inherent instability of lithium metal, especially during charging, research has moved towards creating a battery without the use of Li, but using its ions. Although lithium-ion batteries provide slightly lower energy density than lithium batteries, Li-ion batteries are safe when properly charged and discharged. However, they are not immune to explosions.

In this direction, too, everything is still trying to develop and not stand still. For example, scientists from Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) have developed a new type of lithium-ion battery that has record performance. Firstly, it charges in 2 minutes to 70% of its maximum capacity. Secondly, the battery operates almost without degradation for more than 20 years.

What can await us next?


According to many researchers, it is this alkali metal that should replace expensive and rare lithium, which, moreover, is chemically active and fire hazardous. The operating principle of sodium batteries is similar to lithium batteries - they use metal ions to transfer charge.

For many years, scientists from various laboratories and institutes have struggled with the shortcomings of sodium technology, such as slow charging and low currents. Some of them managed to solve the problem. For example, pre-production samples of poadBit batteries charge in five minutes and have one and a half to two times the capacity. Having received several awards in Europe, such as the Innovation Radar Prize, Eureka Innovest Award and several others, the company moved on to certification, building a factory and obtaining patents.


Graphene is a flat crystal lattice of carbon atoms one atom thick. With its enormous surface area in a compact volume capable of storing charge, graphene is an ideal solution for creating compact supercapacitors.

There are already experimental models with a capacity of up to 10,000 Farads! Such a supercapacitor was created by Sunvault Energy in collaboration with Edison Power. The developers claim that in the future they will present a model with enough energy to power an entire house.

Such supercapacitors have many advantages: the possibility of almost instantaneous charging, environmental friendliness, safety, compactness, and low cost. Thanks to new technology By producing graphene, akin to printing on a 3D printer, Sunvault promises a battery cost that is almost ten times lower than that of lithium-ion technologies. However, industrial production is still a long way off.

Sanvault also has competitors. A team of scientists from Swinburne University, Australia, also presented a graphene supercapacitor, which has a capacity comparable to lithium-ion batteries. It charges in a few seconds. In addition, it is flexible, which will allow it to be used in devices of various form factors, and even in elements of smart clothing.

Nuclear batteries

Nuclear batteries are still very expensive. A couple of years ago there was Here is some information about a nuclear battery. In the near future, they will not be able to compete with the lithium-ion batteries we are used to, but we cannot fail to mention them, because sources that continuously generate energy for 50 years are much more interesting than rechargeable batteries.

The principle of their operation is, in a sense, similar to the operation of solar panels, only instead of the sun, the source of energy in them is isotopes with beta radiation, which is then absorbed by semiconductor elements.

Unlike gamma radiation, beta radiation is practically harmless. It represents a stream of charged particles and is easily shielded by thin layers of special materials. It is also actively absorbed by the air.

Today, the development of such batteries is carried out in many institutes. In Russia about working together NUST MISIS, MIPT and NPO Luch announced in this direction. And earlier, a similar project was launched by Tomsk Polytechnic University. In both projects, the main substance is nickel-63, obtained by irradiating the nickel-62 isotope with neutrons nuclear reactor with further radiochemical processing and separation in gas centrifuges. The first prototype of the battery should be ready in 2017.

However, such beta-voltaic power supplies are low-power and extremely expensive. In case of Russian development the estimated cost of a miniature power source could be up to 4.5 million rubles.

Tritium-based nuclear power source NanoTritium from City Labs

Nickel-63 also has competitors. For example, the University of Missouri has long been experimenting with strontium-90, and miniature tritium-based beta-voltaic batteries can be found commercially. At a price of around a thousand dollars, they are capable of powering various pacemakers, sensors, or compensating for the self-discharge of lithium-ion batteries.

Luminous keychain with tritium

Experts are still calm

Despite the approach to mass production of the first sodium batteries and active work on graphene power sources, industry experts do not predict any revolutions for the next few years.

The Liteko company, which operates under the wing of Rusnano and produces lithium-ion batteries in Russia, believes that there are no reasons for a slowdown in market growth yet. “The steady demand for lithium-ion batteries is due, first of all, to their high specific energy (stored per unit mass or volume). According to this parameter, they have no competitors among rechargeable chemical power sources currently mass-produced,” the company comments.

However, if the same poadBit sodium batteries are commercially successful, the market may reformat in a matter of years. Unless the owners and shareholders want to make a lot of money on the new technology.

A strange mummy was found in Peru. What could it be? June 29th, 2017

And so, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the National Research University in St. Petersburg, Konstantin Korotkov and Natalya Zaloznaya, radiologist, computed tomography specialist at the International Institute of Biological Systems, recently returned from Peru, where they became witnesses and participants in supernatural events.

As part of an international expedition, they examined a mysterious mummy discovered in a cave near the famous Nazca Plateau. Video under the cut:

The body proportions of the mummy are generally human. In a straightened state, her height would be 168 centimeters. A very strange head with an elongated, elongated back skull. The nose is tiny, there are no ears. Instead, there are barely noticeable holes in the skull.

And the limbs look completely inhuman. The mummy has three very long fingers on his hands and feet.

The mummy looks like a plaster sculpture, sprinkled with some kind of white powder. But, as X-rays and computed tomography showed, this is by no means a sculpture. Inside there is a skeleton and the remains of internal organs. Through radiocarbon dating, it was established that the mummy's tissues are 2300 - 2500 years old. The powder, according to scientists, has embalming properties. The mummy is sprinkled with it for preservation.

“I have no doubt that this creature was once alive,” said Professor Korotkov. - We took tissue samples - they were preserved. Now the samples are being analyzed by geneticists at a large medical center in St. Petersburg.

Preliminary results indicate that the creature's gender is female. Conclusions about who this is - an unknown species of people, a mutant or a representative of an extraterrestrial race - can be made after deciphering the genome.

Experts do not name the place where the mummy was found, but they report that stones with drawings were found nearby. The drawings show a three-fingered creature.

Research on the mummy continues. Professor Korotkov expects to receive sensational results that may force us to look at the history of mankind differently.

There is only one thing that darkens the story: the acquaintance with the mummy was organized by the Mexican ufologist, host of the television program “The Third Millennium” Jamie Maussan, who in 2015 passed off the mummy of a two-year-old child kept in the museum as an alien.

But who knows, maybe now he has finally “obtained” a real alien? More precisely - an alien. According to rumors, Mausan bought it for a lot of money from a local resident, who found the mummy.


By chance, Konstantin Korotkov, a professor at the St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO University), ended up in the group of documentary filmmakers. The professor was lecturing in the USA at that time and the head of the Gaia film studio, who was assigned to film in Peru, turned out to be his friend and offered to join the trip.

In addition to three long inhuman fingers and toes, the mummy had an elongated skull without ears from birth. Instead of ears there are just holes. Samples of fabrics also went to Mr. Korotkov, the rest were taken by foreign specialists.

The humanoid has an elongated skull, but not artificially extended, but of natural origin. Photo:

The age was determined in the USA by radiocarbon dating - about 1800 years.

Upon arrival in Russia, the professor began vigorous activity in order to study the samples. To do this, we had to connect several laboratories in St. Petersburg. DNA analysis was carried out in one, X-rays and tomograms were studied in another, chemical analysis in the third.

So, the results:
— genetic analysis: the DNA belongs to a female person. Then the name appeared - Maria, and what else;
— chemical analysis: the elemental composition of tissues corresponds to human, which is understandable.

But the skin contains an increased content of cadmium chloride, a substance obtained artificially and having bactericidal properties. That is, those who rubbed Maria with an antiseptic were well versed in chemistry and medicine. In addition, the mummy was sprinkled with white powder in abundance - the entire cave was also sprinkled with this powder, very finely ground diatomite. In nature, diatomite is a mineral, the calcified remains of blue-green algae, so grinding requires advanced technology.

The appearance of the mummy is clearly different from that of a human, especially the fingers, which you immediately notice. According to Korotkov (source)
“-Maria also clicked her toes,….They have preserved nail plates, which are located not horizontally, like ours, but vertically, resembling the claws of an animal. They probably made sounds when they walked.”

Maria was not left alone. The black archaeologist, Mr. Maussan, brought another mummy, claiming that he had found it in the same cave.

Both Vavita (left) and Maria had three fingers. Clearly they were creatures of the same species. Photo:

The second mummy is a copy of the first, only much smaller. According to scientists, this is a girl who died at the age of 9-10 months. She was named Vavita. She did not die herself, she was killed - pierced through with a spear or knife.

It will be possible to determine who is in front of us only after the complete decoding of the genome of the mummies. Then it will be possible to determine which species Maria and Vavita belong to: homo sapiens, Neanderthal or Denisovan. Or maybe they don’t belong to anyone. Maybe they are aliens?

On the rocks of Peru you can find images of three-toed creatures. Photo:

In an interview on February 9 of this year, Professor Korotkov said that four new mummies were recently found in the same cave. " They were allegedly found in the same cave as Maria and Vavita. But for some reason different results came from the American laboratories in which radiocarbon analyzes were carried out. According to one, these mummies are about 6500 years old, another gave about 4000 years. It turns out that they are at least twice as old as their neighbors.”

The mummies belong to creatures 70 cm tall and resemble “little green men”.
“- Small mummies have two arms, two legs, heads, eyes, mouths... Skeletons are visible on tomograms. Body tissues are biological, chemical composition- human. And human mummies have 23 pairs of chromosomes. All four are males - carriers of the male Y chromosome. One word - people. But they are not people. The anatomical structure is completely different.”- K. Korotkov continues to tell.

The bones of the limbs are not paired, like ours, but single; the joints bend only in one plane. Three fingers and toes, elongated skulls. There is no nasal cavity, weakly defined brow ridges, the lower jaws are motionless - they could not chew, only suck.

The “face” of the 70-centimeter humanoid is the spitting image of an alien. Photo:

In the preliminary report, Konstantin Korotkov noted other oddities: “ ...there are no intervertebral discs. The vertebrae are fused into a single spinal column. But there are intervertebral foramina. The sternum is missing. The large collarbones are connected to each other. The chest in the upper part is keel-shaped, represented by a few ribs, shaped like a semicircle...«

It seems that Maria and Vavita are descendants of these “little men”. According to Korotkov
“- Almost all of the predecessors died as a result of some kind of cataclysm such as a flood or comet impact, .... A small number of survivors met the ancestors of people - wild tribes, and began to teach them crafts and agriculture. They began to interbreed. And they themselves were three-fingered. This genetic trait could manifest itself in subsequent generations."

Or maybe quite the opposite? They interbred only with themselves, and so they became extinct.

Domestic scientists who participated in the examination of a mysterious mummy found in one of the caves of the famous Nazca Plateau returned to Russia from Peru.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the National Research University in St. Petersburg Konstantin Korotkov and Natalya Zaloznaya, radiologist, computed tomography specialist at the International Institute of Biological Systems, recently returned from Peru, where they witnessed and participated in supernatural events.

As part of an international expedition, they examined a mysterious mummy discovered in a cave near the famous Nazca Plateau.

The toes, three of them, long, as if for clinging. The hands also have three fingers. The body proportions of the mummy are generally human. In a straightened state, her height would be 168 centimeters. A very strange head with an elongated, elongated back skull. The nose is tiny, there are no ears. Instead, there are barely noticeable holes in the skull.

The mummy looks like a plaster sculpture, sprinkled with some kind of white powder. But, as X-rays and computed tomography showed, this is by no means a sculpture. Inside there is a skeleton and the remains of internal organs. Through radiocarbon dating, it was established that the mummy's tissues are 2300 - 2500 years old. The powder, according to scientists, has embalming properties. The mummy is sprinkled with it for preservation.

“I have no doubt that this creature was once alive,” said Professor Korotkov. - We took tissue samples - they were preserved. Now the samples are being analyzed by geneticists at a large medical center in St. Petersburg.

Preliminary results indicate that the creature's gender is female. Conclusions about who this is - an unknown species of people, a mutant or a representative of an extraterrestrial race - can be made after deciphering the genome.

And the limbs look completely inhuman. The mummy has three very long fingers on his hands and feet.

Experts do not name the place where the mummy was found, but they report that stones with drawings were found nearby. The drawings show a three-fingered creature.

Image of a three-toed creature on the rocks near the Nazca plateau

Research on the mummy continues. Professor Korotkov expects to receive sensational results that may force us to look at the history of mankind differently.