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How to use a Sberbank visa gold credit card. Visa Gold credit card: reviews, conditions and features. Conditions for receiving, how to apply online

Plastic cards in “gold” status are a symbol of the privilege of its holder. For this reason, most banks have such cards in their product line. Sberbank is no exception and provides clients with the opportunity to obtain a credit gold card in two payment systems - MasterCard and Visa. The latter is the most common, as it offers favorable lending conditions and other advantages over similar cards from other banks. In this article we will take a detailed look at all the pros and cons of the Sberbank Visa Gold credit card and reviews.

Card design

Holding a gold card is indeed beneficial if you are a wealthy person. Such cards not only make it possible to pay for purchases and services, but also provide additional bonus programs. In addition, the card is beneficial for traveling outside the country, since it is easier to pay with it than to look for an exchange office. In addition, the conversion occurs at a fairly favorable rate. You can also add the “Thank you from Sberbank” bonus program to it. Conditions and reviews of the Visa Gold credit card are of interest to many.

Requirements for the borrower

It is issued with a certain limit of funds as a loan. The bank imposes requirements on the borrower, namely:

1. The client must be at least 21 years of age and not older than 65 years. Russian citizenship is required.

2. Permanent registration in the region where the card is issued.

3. Confirmation of income with a 2-NDFL certificate.

4. The period of work must be confirmed with a copy of the work book.

Application online

The preliminary application can be filled out online via the Internet without leaving your home or office. The form is located on the bank's official website. If the decision on the application is positive, you must contact the bank with documents to issue a card. The received documents will be checked for authenticity by the bank's security service, so consideration of the application may take several days.

There are a lot of reviews about the Visa Gold credit card from Sberbank.

Card service

The bank promotes individual lending conditions for each client who issues a Visa Gold credit card. However, there are approximate tariffs for this product:

1. The loan limit is 600 thousand rubles.

2. Annual maintenance in the amount of 3000 rubles.

3. The grace period for refunds is 50 days.

4. Interest rate - 33.9% per annum.

5. Penalty for late payment up to 36% of the total debt.

This General terms However, when approving a credit card, individual loan parameters are selected. The bank sets the interest and limit on the card in advance. The advantage of bank clients is that they are not charged an annual service fee. Thus, for those who already use Sberbank products, the Visa Gold credit card (according to reviews, the risk of fraud is minimal) seems really profitable. SMS notifications are also provided free of charge.

Use of grace period

Many cardholders do not know all the features of the cash back grace period. If you know exactly the terms of the grace period, you will be able to use the loan without paying interest to the bank.

Credit card Visa Gold provides a grace period for refunds of 50 days. From the moment the agreement is signed, the first month of using the card is considered a billing period. You can pay for purchases and services within a month. In the next 20 days, you can return the funds spent without paying interest for using the loan. This period is called the payment period.

You need to carefully calculate the grace period so as not to miss the moment of paying the loan. When applying for a Visa Gold card, the agreement with Sberbank will necessarily indicate the start date of the grace period. 30 days after it is the period for using credit funds. Moreover, it does not matter at all which day out of these 30 you started using the card. After this period, you have exactly 20 days to fully repay the debt. Otherwise, after 50 days, the bank will charge interest on the amount borrowed. Reviews about the Visa Gold credit card from Sberbank are mostly positive.

If the holder does not manage to return the funds taken in the first month of the grace period, interest is charged. In this case, the minimum acceptable payment is 5% of the debt amount. The bank promptly notifies clients of the need to pay debts. One more important point is that the grace period is valid only for non-cash payments. That is, when withdrawing cash from the card, you will have to pay interest in any case.

Visa Gold from Sberbank - conditions

It is advisable to use a credit card only for non-cash payments. It is highly not recommended to withdraw cash from it; for this purpose it is easier to apply for a consumer loan. If you withdraw cash from a gold card from Sberbank, you will have to pay a commission of at least 390 rubles or 3% of the amount. In addition, interest will begin to accrue from the next day after the operation.

Thus, if you need to withdraw, say, 10 thousand rubles, then the commission will be 390 rubles. If you withdraw 100 thousand, then a commission of 3 thousand rubles will be debited from the card. If the client’s own funds are on the credit card, a commission will still be charged when withdrawing cash.

Individual lending conditions when applying for Visa Gold are determined by several factors. First of all, the choice of conditions depends on the information provided by the client for obtaining a loan. The higher the income according to the 2-NDFL certificate, the higher the limit you can get and the lower the annual interest rate will be.

Before announcing a decision to issue a credit card, the bank determines all the conditions for the loan individually. It will be easier for those who are participants in the salary program from Sberbank to receive a gold credit card. In this case, the main factor that the bank will pay attention to when making a decision is the borrower’s credit history.

Let's consider the positive and negative qualities of the Visa Gold credit card from Sberbank of Russia.

Advantages and disadvantages

There is a common belief that only a financially wealthy person can get a gold credit card. However, this opinion is wrong. Absolutely anyone can do this, regardless of income. However, before you formalize it, you need to weigh the pros and cons.

The unconditional advantages of the Visa Gold card from Sberbank are:

1. Grace period up to 50 days.

2. Reduced loan rates.

3. Receiving cash abroad.

4. Payment for purchases while traveling.

5. Bonus programs from the bank and payment system.

6. Increased card limit.

7. Online services that are convenient to use.

8. The client is over 21 years old.

9. Free use of mobile banking.

A significant disadvantage of a gold card is its expensive service (this applies to clients who have not received pre-approval from the bank). Also, the disadvantages include the fact that the grace period does not apply to cash withdrawals, as well as a large commission for this operation. The fine for late fulfillment of obligations to repay borrowed funds is also high.

Sberbank offers its clients a wide range of bank cards. One of the most popular is Visa Gold, which can be debit or credit. The reason for its popularity is simple - it makes the owner solvent in any situation throughout Russia and abroad, it is easy to register. This card has other advantages as well. Let's find out everything about the Sberbank Visa Gold card - conditions in 2018, annual service fee, etc.

Gold in Sberbank - card advantages

For clients who have issued a gold card, Sberbank offers the following additional benefits:

  1. High degree of security - even if this card is stolen, they will not be able to use it.
  2. If you lose your Visa Gold abroad, you can withdraw cash as soon as possible.
  3. A wide network of ATMs and Sberbank branches allows you to have easy, convenient access to funds.
  4. The bank does not charge a fee for cash withdrawal (up to the limit).
  5. Impressive bonuses. The bank, on its own behalf, returns from 0.5% for purchases, and its partners - up to half the cost of the service or product.
  6. Same conditions when using the card in different countries.
  7. Various options for replenishing the card make this procedure always simple.

Significant advantages of the card are convenient conversion and the ability to receive additional cards.

The bank gives you the opportunity to replace any card ahead of schedule, without commission.


Service is perhaps the most significant drawback of the Sberbank Visa Gold card - the conditions in 2018 require payment of 3 thousand rubles annually, and for each additional card another 2.5 thousand rubles. Another possible drawback could be the monthly limit, which is 3 million rubles, the daily limit is 300 thousand. But Sberbank is ready to provide any necessary amount and in excess of the limit, only a commission of 0.5% will be charged. If money is withdrawn from ATMs of other banks, you will have to pay a commission of 1%.

How to get a Visa card Gold in Sberbank

Such a card can be issued by:

  • has reached the age of majority;
  • a Russian citizen who has a registration mark in his passport.

Foreigners can also apply for Visa Gold, but the decision to issue a card at the bank is made on an individual basis.

The card itself provides the following features:

  • rubles, euros, dollars are used as currencies;
  • cashing and servicing are carried out under the same conditions abroad and in Russia. The same applies to all promotions held by Sberbank;
  • receive bonuses under the Thank You program, which allows you to significantly save on purchases;
  • protect your money as much as possible, because All cards are equipped with an electronic chip.

Also, the bank allows you to issue additional cards, and each parent has the right to order one for their child who has reached the age of seven. Visa Gold can be used as a salary card.

To receive this card you must:

  • submit an application at the nearest Sberbank branch, taking your Russian passport with you. The application can be submitted online, but the only advantage of this method is that you will receive a personal invitation to visit the branch;
  • After receiving the bank's consent, you should come to the branch to sign the agreement and receive the card.

Actually, a fairly high fee and limit are the only disadvantages of this banking program. But this is compensated by a number of significant advantages.

VISA Gold with original design

Sberbank gives clients the opportunity to receive a Visa Gold with an original design, which can be a photograph of the owner (even an image from social networks) or a picture from the Sberbank database. You can order this service online on the bank’s website.

Top up your card account

Topping up Visa Gold is easy. You should choose one of the many options:

  • the required amount will be credited to an account at any Sberbank branch. To do this, just hand over the money to the cashier, provide your passport and indicate the card number. If you do not have documents with you, you can indicate the account number and details of the representative office where the service agreement was signed;
  • you can use the terminal - this is one of the most common methods of replenishment;
  • from any account, Sberbank card. The operation can be performed in Personal account Sberbank Online using a mobile application. If there is another card, then the money will be easily transferred using terminals and bank ATMs;
  • from an account in any other bank. This procedure is the most labor-intensive, since you need to know the details of Sberbank, card number, account number. In addition, money is not credited instantly, as in most cases, but within 24 hours;
  • using the Visa Direct service - this procedure is available all over the world. The transfer of the required amount is carried out online, using a computer, smartphone or through terminals and ATMs of banks working with this service. The process of crediting money is instant, but there are delays.

Details on debit gold cards at Sberbank

All opportunities and conditions for VISA Gold cards at Sberbank are on the official website page.

Gold Visa Credit Card Gold

The main feature of the Visa Gold credit card and its advantage is a long grace period (50 days), during which you can use the money for free, that is, interest will not accrue. At the end of the month, a bank statement will arrive and there are still 20 days left to repay the entire withdrawn amount. If you cannot repay the entire amount within the specified period, the interest rate will be 23.9 - 27.9%.

Card servicing can be free, but this applies only to citizens who have received a personal offer from Sberbank; the rest will have to pay 3 thousand rubles annually. The maximum limit on this card is 600 thousand rubles.

Who can get a Sberbank Visa Gold credit card? The conditions in 2018 are as follows: an employed Russian who has reached the age of 21 can receive it. The work experience should not be less than 6 months at the last place of work and one year in general. To apply for a credit card, you must provide a document confirming your income - a 2-NDFL certificate, which indicates your salary for the last six months. Sberbank can replace the specified document with a certificate in its own form - this simplifies the task somewhat.

The client is also required to provide the following documents:

  • passport;
  • a copy of the work book, which indicates that the person works and has sufficient experience. The bank also accepts copies of employment contracts, individual entrepreneur certificates (necessarily certified by a notary).

To get a credit card you need to do the following:

  1. Submit an application. This can be done online.
  2. Wait for pre-approval.
  3. Come to the bank branch and provide the above documents.
  4. It may take two days to wait for the final decision.
  5. Get a card.

Benefits of a Visa credit card Gold

Sberbank Visa Gold credit card - conditions in 2018 provide the following opportunities:

  • discounts, bonuses from Sberbank, its partners, the Visa system can reach 50% of the cost of a service or product;
  • use all services of the lender (Sberbank Online, etc.);
  • if the card is lost outside the Russian Federation, the bank guarantees that the required amount will be received as soon as possible;
  • many options for cashing out and repaying debt;
  • control over operations, cash balance; obtaining any information, and in various ways.

Using a credit card is easy, just present it at any point of sale, indicate the SecureCode, and when transacting online, the details and money will instantly be credited to the seller’s account.

Receiving a salary on a Sberbank plastic card is a familiar procedure for many Russians. Sberbank is a leader among issuers, has the widest network of ATMs, and this justifies the choice of corporate clients in its favor. As a rule, classic options are used for salary projects. Who is the salary gold card intended for, how much does it cost and how to use its advantages - this is what our article is about.

About the salary project

The contract for the transfer of employee salaries is concluded by the employer organization. According to this agreement, Sberbank issues personalized plastic cards for each employee, according to the list provided by the organization. In case of hiring new specialists, an additional list is sent to the bank.

After the cards are issued, employees are given them along with personal PIN codes.

It is important to know that as part of the salary project, all cards are issued and serviced free of charge. The commission for transferring money is paid by the employer company.

The cardholder does not bear any costs, except for paid services activated on a voluntary basis. For example, a user can order paid SMS notifications from a bank.

The fact that a card is issued as part of a salary project does not relieve its owner of responsibility for fulfilling obligations to the bank. For example, having received an overdraft, you need to pay interest and fees on time to avoid penalties.

When an employee is fired, the company sends information to the bank, and the card is excluded from participation in the salary project. This means that the cost of maintenance must now be paid by the owner. If you wish to keep the card for personal use, the former employee of the company can simply continue to use it until the expiration date. If there is no such need, you need to write a statement to the bank.

For those who already have a Sberbank card, its pros and cons are obvious. Salary card holders have all the rights of users of bank services and can manage their card accounts through mobile applications. Sberbank gives participants in salary projects advantages when considering loan applications, processing consumer loans using two documents.

As salary options, the bank issues only debit cards. If an employee already has a credit card and wants to receive his income on it, this can only be done privately by writing an application to the accounting department.

Sberbank salary cards

Let us immediately note that the bank bears the costs of issuing and servicing cards. The higher the status of the plastic and the more options it has, the more expensive it costs the bank. These expenses are compensated by cardholders by paying the cost of annual maintenance and other fees.

The fee for servicing the salary card is included in the tariffs for companies. But at the same time, the calculations take into account indicators for cards of the mass segment, standard and classic statuses. Among them:

  • Classic Visa and MasterCard cards - these products are offered as salary cards to corporate clients of Sberbank, commercial and manufacturing companies;
  • The MIR card is the most popular offer for salary projects for public sector employees.

At the same time, the options of classic cards allow owners to fully use them without fear for the security of payments. Except standard features, cardholders have access to bank bonus programs, for example “Sberbank-Spasibo”.

A salary card can also be plastic with a higher status: gold or platinum. As a rule, such issues are resolved on an individual basis; we will talk about this below.

Gold cards: advantages and disadvantages

The bank's line also includes premium products. The Sberbank gold card is associated with the high status of its holder. The bank gives it an extended package of privileges, let’s look at what it is:

  • The holder of Visa Gold Sberbank automatically participates in promotions of payment systems. The terms of the promotions can be read on the Visa and Mastercard website;
  • The bank provides 24-hour concierge service. You can get help and advice from contact center specialists at any time;
  • In cases of loss or theft of the card, the owner is guaranteed emergency cash withdrawal, in Russia and abroad;
  • Possibility of settlements using electronic services (Yandex Money, etc.);
  • Accrual of miles for free flights and hotel payments (service available to Aeroflot Visa Gold holders);
  • Additional information security systems (electronic chips and 3D-Secure technologies).

In addition to the above preferences, the owner of gold plastic has full access to standard products and bonus programs of the bank. For example, for each non-cash payment, bonus points from the “Thank you” program will be credited to his account for subsequent exchange for discounts from partners.

Does the Sberbank gold salary card have advantages for its owner? Of course, the bank traditionally treats gold Visa or MasterCard holders with a loyal attitude. This is expressed not only in the prompt resolution of all emerging issues, but also in the offer of benefits and reduced tariffs. If an employee has a gold visa salary card, he can be issued a credit card with an approved limit and without an annual maintenance fee.

The disadvantages of gold salary plastic will appear for the owner in the event of his dismissal: all expenses for maintaining the card will have to be paid independently.

Conditions of receipt

For clients receiving Sberbank Gold plastic under normal conditions, its annual maintenance will cost from 3,000 to 3,500 rubles, depending on branding and product options.

It is clear that such prices do not allow the bank to massively distribute “gold” for salary projects.

Therefore, the Visa Gold salary card is rather an exception and the bank’s loyalty to its corporate partners. How can I get it? The bank will answer this question by analyzing the salary project of a particular company.

In practice, the bank issues gold cards as salary cards to managers and top managers of companies participating in the project. Specialists who have a high income and are valuable to the company can also receive gold. The number of bonus cards is approved at the stage of negotiations on the salary project with the bank.

Thus, the conditions for receiving premium plastic as a salary entirely depend on the employing organization.

Note that an employee has the opportunity to include a personal gold Visa or MasterCard card in the salary project. But the decision on this issue must be approved by the bank.

Assessing the pros and cons of the Sberbank card, we can draw an unambiguous conclusion in its favor. Convenience of payments, Internet services, security and pleasant bonuses - all this together provides a high rating for Sberbank plastic. As for the choice between gold and classic options, an individual decision is made here.

In the ranking of credit cards that meet the maximum requirements of clients, the leading place is occupied by the Sberbank Visa Gold credit card. It provides a convenient and understandable service, is easy to use, and its coverage area is not limited to the territory of the Russian Federation. It is convenient to make both urgent trips for a day and long trips abroad for several weeks.

Page content

The Sberbank Visa Gold card makes a person solvent in almost any situation, emphasizes status and position, opens doors to any shops, salons, cities and countries. Receiving and issuing a Visa Gold credit card from Sberbank, as well as a debit card, is very simple, and the requirements for clients are minimal. The pros and cons of the Sberbank Visa Gold gold card are not so easy to discern, even if you delve into the study of tariffs. Some nuances become clear already in the process of using the product.

Conditions for obtaining a Visa Gold card

The Sberbank Visa Gold card comes in two types: debit and credit. The rules for obtaining are not too different, but there are still some differences. The basic requirements are the same, but the bank can accommodate you and approve individual terms and conditions. In order to receive individual advice, you should contact the nearest Sberbank branch. Basic conditions for receiving a Sberbank Visagold debit card:

These conditions must be met, otherwise such a product cannot be obtained. You need to submit documents for issue at the place of registration, that is, to your regional Sberbank. You can do this in two ways:

  • when visiting a Sberbank branch in person;
  • through the Internet.

A Sberbank Visa Gold debit card is issued as quickly as possible. If you receive a Gold Visa at a branch, you must have a passport with a registration mark. A bank employee will issue an application that must be filled out on the spot. The maximum period for consideration of the application is two days, after which the client is invited to sign the contract.

If the application is submitted via the Internet, then the application review process takes place before the client is called to the Sberbank branch. After the verification is completed, you are invited to sign additional papers and clarify the data. Such verification also takes no more than two days.

Sberbank clients have a unique chance to receive an individual Visa Gold card with an original design. To obtain such a card, you must submit an application online; such applications are not accepted in branches.

Pros and cons of the Sberbank Visa Gold card

The bank's policy implies that each client has the right to decide what his ideal card will be. Sberbank offers a huge range of opportunities to Visa Gold owners; its advantages are obvious:

  • Possibility of use as a salary card;
  • convenient conversion and the ability to choose currencies: rubles, dollars or euros;
  • the conditions for withdrawing cash in the Russian Federation and abroad are completely identical;
  • modern protection using a chip;
  • the opportunity to issue a daughter card for a child;
  • operation of bonus programs in Russia and abroad.

Important! To issue a subsidiary (additional) Sberbank card for a child, the latter must be 7 years old at the time of registration.

The disadvantages may seem minor to some, but for many clients they are significant:

  • expensive maintenance (3,000 rubles per year);
  • short validity period (after three years the card must be reissued).

Terms and conditions of Visa Gold credit cards from Sberbank

In difficult times of the economic crisis, credit cards have become a real salvation: you don’t have to worry about not having enough money to pay in a store or restaurant, especially when you have the most popular Sberbank product in your hands. Lending has reached the level where the Visa can be used not only for its intended purpose, but also participates in various promotions and bonus programs. Like the Visa Gold debit card, the credit card has certain conditions for obtaining:

  • the individual is a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • a citizen of the Russian Federation has reached the age of 21;
  • he has permanent registration;
  • the minimum work experience over the last five years is 12 months;
  • The work experience at the time of receiving the card must be at least six months.

The registration procedure also takes no more than two days. You can apply for a card either in person when visiting a Sberbank branch or via the Internet. Sberbank can sometimes check data for longer than two days, since this operation requires careful determination of the client’s creditworthiness.

Important! Unlike a debit card, you cannot issue an additional, daughter card for a credit Visa Gold.

Advantages and disadvantages of Visa Gold credit card

Sberbank, having studied the lending market for many years, has created a product that meets the maximum requirements of clients. Visa Gold from Sberbank is an ideal assistant in Everyday life and at work. In order for using the card to be convenient and not disappointing, you need to carefully study all the nuances that are clearly stated by the bank in the tariff plan. A huge number of negative reviews about this product makes you think about the advisability of purchasing the product. But if you read the reviews more carefully, it will become clear that the problem is only in insufficient familiarity with the information about the card. Advantages of Visa Gold Sberbank:

  • high monthly limit (three million rubles per month);
  • high daily limit (three hundred thousand rubles per day);
  • interest-free period;
  • no interest for non-cash payments;
  • action of the “Thank you” program;
  • participation in the Aeroflot Miles program.

Visa Gold is protected by an electronic chip, which makes it impossible to hack it, and if it is lost or stolen, an attacker will definitely not be able to use it.

If lost, you must urgently contact the Sberbank contact center to block it. After this, the bank employee will issue. The service is free.

Disadvantages to watch out for:

  • interest on cash withdrawals;
  • high interest rates for cash withdrawals from ATMs of other banks;
  • expensive maintenance (3,000 rubles per year);
  • problems with using the card abroad.

clients who have deposits with Sberbank;

  • borrowers who previously had a loan from Sberbank and a good credit history.
  • Details of receiving benefits can be obtained directly from a bank employee by contacting the nearest branch.

    You can top up Visa Gold in any convenient way:

    • through payment terminals;
    • through ATMs of any bank;
    • using the Mobile Bank service;
    • using the Visa Direct service;
    • using the Sberbank Online program;
    • with the help of an employee at the bank's cash desk.

    Credit Visa Gold holders are given a unique opportunity to link their account to electronic wallets and subsequently replenish the card remotely using them.

    Bonus programs and promotions

    For each client, preferential conditions are individual: each has its own minus and plus, but the dignity of this bank product cannot be diminished.

    The presence of Visa Gold opens up new opportunities for its holders. With it, various preferential offers are available abroad, so it will become indispensable. With it you can accumulate “miles” and pay with them when purchasing a ticket (a joint program of Aeroflot and Sky Team), and use “Thank You” bonus points from Sberbank. When you apply for the Gift of Life Visa Gold, you have the opportunity to help a children's fund: 0.3% of the amount of each purchase is transferred to a charity fund that helps children with serious illnesses.

    31.08.2017 0

    Sberbank of Russia is one of the largest banks in the country. Today, its clients use a large number of banking services of various types. However, the most popular is the issuance of a plastic card to pay for goods and services. different meanings. The Sberbank Gold Card (Gold Visa, MasterCard) deserves special attention - what is it, what are its positive and negative sides? We propose to understand these nuances in more detail.

    Visa Gold from Sberbank - what kind of card is it?

    A large number of users are wondering what the Sberbank gold card is, what its characteristics are and how it is beneficial for the owner.

    Well, we should start with the fact that it belongs to the “elite” category. Sberbank does not offer a Gold Card to every user, but only to respectable borrowers and active depositors.

    A gold card is beneficial for several reasons:

    1. It is serviced 24 hours a day at the Sberbank Contact Center.
    2. Due to the electronic chip, the money on the card is well protected.
    3. If lost, it can be restored from any country in the world.
    4. The gold card can participate in the “Thank you” bonus program from Sberbank.
    5. It is possible to enable the “Autopayment” function.
    6. If necessary and desire to control the flow of finances, you can use the services of the Sberbank Online and Mobile banking».
    7. Holders of a Sberbank gold card can participate in programs of privileges and discounts conducted by MasterCard and Visa.
    8. There are several ways to replenish your account.
    9. With such a card you can pay for services and purchases not only within Russia, but also far abroad.

    The logical conclusion suggests itself that this map Suitable for those who travel a lot around Europe. A Sberbank gold card anywhere in the world will allow you to get a discount on hotel stays, meals in restaurants, air tickets and other services.

    Sberbank gold credit card

    A bank credit card allows you to use not only your personal funds, but also borrowed funds. At the same time, all privileges that one or another type of product used remains in force.

    Sberbank Credit Gold Card (Gold Visa, MasterCard) - what is it?

    Today, Sberbank issues four types of gold cards. This:

    • MasterCard Gold card.
    • Visa Gold card.
    • Gold visa “Gift of life”.
    • Aeroflot Gold visa.

    And they are used under the following conditions:

    • the maximum loan amount can be 600,000 rubles;
    • the interest rate does not exceed 33.9%;
    • duration of validity is three years;
    • the duration of the grace period is 50 days;
    • connection to Mobile Banking services is free of charge;
    • The price of annual maintenance costs 3,500 rubles.

    The main difference between them is that the MasterCard and Visa systems differ in bonus programs and privileges. For example:

    • Sberbank Visa Gold Aeroflot credit card allows you to make profitable purchases and accumulate miles that can be exchanged for airline tickets of this company;
    • The Gift of Life Visa Gold card involves transferring funds to a charitable foundation. As a rule, the contribution is 0.3% of the funds spent by the user.

    How to apply for a gold credit card?

    In order to get a Sberbank credit card, you must meet the following requirements:

    • age should not go beyond 21 - 65 years;
    • have a residence permit in the region where you are applying for a loan;
    • The length of work experience cannot be less than a year, and at the last place of work - at least six months.

    The form must be filled out both at a bank branch and online. However, in any case, you will need to come to Sberbank and provide:

    • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
    • certificate issued in form 2-NDFL;
    • a copy of the work book.

    The submitted application will be reviewed within two working days. And the maximum possible credit limit and the interest rate on it is determined by the lender individually.

    Only the following can receive the largest amount at a loyal percentage:

    • salary card holders;
    • bona fide borrowers,
    • active investors.

    At the same time, past credit history, in conjunction with monthly real income, is also necessarily studied.

    What does the Visa Gold card provide?

    Having a Sberbank gold credit card opens up all standard options in the form of the ability to pay for goods in all stores in Russia, abroad and on the Internet. In case of foreign purchases, conversion into euros and dollars occurs automatically.

    You can withdraw money from a Sberbank gold credit card at ATMs of any bank. The commission of the native Sberbank is 3%; ATMs of other banks will charge 4% for cash withdrawals.

    The limit for withdrawing cash from a Sberbank gold credit card is 300,000 rubles per day.

    The grace period for using a credit card is 50 days. During this time, you can return the entire amount borrowed without paying interest. However, this does not apply to cash withdrawals. It is typical that it is possible to withdraw credit funds from a gold card even if it is lost (in Russia or abroad).

    Pros and cons of a gold card

    The main advantages of a gold card from Sberbank are as follows:

    1. Contactless payment technology is supported.
    2. Secured high level protection.
    3. A high limit has been set.
    4. Free Mobile Banking available.
    5. There are bonus programs from the worldwide MasterCard and Visa systems.
    6. The grace period is 50 days.
    7. Issued to clients of different age categories.

    Negative features of the Sberbank Gold Card:

    • a high loan rate limit has been set;
    • annual maintenance is more expensive than other cards;
    • There is no interest-free cash withdrawal for transactions.

    Sberbank Gold Debit Card

    The next question for consideration: Sberbank debit gold card - what is it, what advantages does it have? The card provides good protection for personal savings and a number of other useful advantages, both from the bank itself and from the MasterCard and Visa systems. At the same time, it remains available in design for anyone.

    How to get a Visa and MasterCard gold card?

    The list of mandatory conditions consists of two items:

    1. You must have permanent or temporary registration of the Russian Federation.
    2. Reach 18 years of age.

    At the same time, the possibility of issuing the product to foreign citizens is not excluded. The bank reserves the right to make this decision.

    To apply for a debit card, you can come to a bank branch in person or submit an application through the online service. Providing income certificates and other proof of solvency is not required. Details are on the bank's page.

    At the moment, you can use Visa and MasterCard Gold cards.

    Holders of a Sberbank gold debit card have the right to additionally issue other cards. Moreover, any citizen of the Russian Federation who is 7 years old can become such a user. This service is paid. The activation fee is 2,500 rubles, and annual maintenance costs 3,000 rubles. After the expiration date, the card can be restarted without additional payment.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    There is a reason to start by listing the shortcomings. They consist in the high cost of annual maintenance. In all other respects, only advantages can be seen. This:

    • the opportunity to receive discounts and privileges from banking partners;
    • the ability to use hotline support around the clock;
    • good protection of savings;
    • the ability to use the card not only in Russia, but also abroad;
    • the ability to issue an additional card;
    • If the card is stolen or lost, funds are issued on an emergency basis.

    Who can get gold cards for free?

    The Sberbank gold card is considered very attractive for any client, but the cost of service is a deterrent. As a regular customer of the bank, there is every chance to get a Gold card for free and maintain it for free too.

    A loan issued by Sberbank under a special offer offers a reduced rate - from 17.9 to 23 per annum.

    This offer can only be received by those Sberbank clients who:

    • receive salaries through Sberbank;
    • took out loans here before and successfully repaid them;
    • previously opened personal deposits.

    In order to receive a gold card for free, you must:

    • receive a personal offer from a lender;
    • personally visit a Sberbank branch;
    • provide the appropriate package of documents.

    For non-salary clients, the list of papers includes a certificate of income and confirmation from a permanent place of employment.

    Co-branded gold cards

    The Sberbank series of gold cards has included co-branded plastic in its line. These are two types of cards:

    • "Gift a life";
    • Aeroflot.

    They are issued not only on generally accepted grounds, but also according to a special offer from Sberbank. The “Gift of Life” card allows its owner to provide assistance to a charitable foundation of the same name. For this purpose, the bank transfers 0.3% from each amount spent to the fund’s account. The minimum loan rate is 25.9 per annum, and the price of annual servicing varies from 0 to 3,500 rubles.
    The card was provided by the Visa system, so it allows holders to appreciate all the benefits of Sberbank Visa Gold services.

    The Aeroflot product is suitable for those who often use the services of this airline. You have the opportunity to accumulate miles and exchange them for tickets. The cost of maintenance is 3,500 rubles per year. And the lending rate is 25.9%.

    How to order a Visa and MasterCard gold card online from Sberbank - details of receipt

    The page of the official website of Sberbank provides complete information on the details and conditions for obtaining a card, as well as a form for online application for a gold card. In addition, you can find additional information about the Sberbank gold card (Gold Visa, MasterCard) - what it is, how to apply for it - in this video.