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The most terrible toy in the world. The strangest toys for children. Erwin – a patient for small surgeons

Psychologists do not give a clear answer to the question of why children like scary toys. From a number of released scary toys, a top list of the most terrible and disgusting ones has been compiled.

Why do children love scary toys?

Adults have noticed more than once that children enjoy playing with scary toys. For them, they sometimes become the most beloved. Psychologists believe that with the help of scary toys, a child can play out negative emotions, overcome his fears, and throw out aggression.

It is known that monster toys have existed at all times among different peoples. They were depicted as evil fairy-tale and mythical characters. In Rus', children made wolves, bears, Leshy, Snake-Gorynych, etc. from clay. Such toys were devoid of detailed parts, thanks to which the child’s imagination developed. During the game, the kid came up with almost everything himself, and the toy was only a symbol of a scary character.

Classic scary toys include Baba Yaga, Snake Gorynych, and the wolf. With modern scary toys the situation is more complicated, because parents need more knowledge to choose them. Modern monsters are detailed, they can easily be mistaken for living ones. On store shelves we see robots, huge insects, monsters, and wild animals. Such toys are not particularly useful for children. In addition, they confuse the child with their technology and versatility. Basically, modern toys are all aggressive, both positive and negative characters.

Top scariest toys

Many toys no longer serve their purpose. They are not healthy or necessary for children. We are talking about scary toys that can harm a child’s psyche and negatively affect the formation of his character.

In order not to harm the child, according to experts, one should abandon various types of shooting toys (machine guns and pistols), which make children aggressive, as well as games such as Darts. It is from Darts that the largest number of children have suffered; even deaths have been reported.

The list of the most dangerous toys for our children includes numerous obscene toys. It’s simply amazing what the manufacturers were thinking about and what goal they were pursuing when they released a vibrating broom, a doll dancing on a pole, a smoking doll gnome or a toy Hitler. It is known about the existence of soldiers who have a machine gun instead of a causal place. It is surprising not only that such terrible toys appear on the market, but also that someone buys these monsters for their children, without thinking about what effect this game or toy will have on the child’s psyche that has not yet formed.

A saddle for a person has gone on sale. This is a toy with a 5+ rating. The packaging depicts the father on all fours, wearing such a saddle. I wonder what she can teach the baby?

Toys with scary faces

There are many toys that manufacturers have “awarded” with terrifying and even frightening grimaces. Particularly susceptible children are afraid to sleep in the same room with them, they are afraid to even be close to them. Thus, it can be argued that these children are in a constant stressful situation.

Toys with scary faces and monster toys should serve as visual aids of what children's toys should not be. Are they capable of causing positive emotions in children? An example of such a scary toy is Cheburashka zombie. He is released with different grimaces that cannot be called cute. We also know about a two-headed monster tearing off the head of a teddy bear.

Toys that disgust you

Among the children's toys that stores offer to purchase, you can find truly terrifying toys that can cause disgust even in an adult. For example, a child is asked to play with toy poop and urine. There is a young troll doll, covered in sensitive places (and not only) with thick red hair. The child is asked to shave it.

No less disgusting is a toy in the shape of a pregnant baby in a diaper. What is also amazing is that the fetus itself, located in his stomach, is also pregnant. There is a game where a child is asked to play as a cat that has been run over by a car, because of which its ribs are already rotting, and its intestines have fallen out of its stomach and lie nearby.

The most terrible dolls

Manufacturers have not forgotten about monster dolls. Many of them are produced in small batches or to order. In 1959, a Maribel doll appeared in America, which came with a plaster, plaster casts, bandages and crutches. She was also called the recovering doll. In 1972, a doll released by Mattel went on sale. She has slanted eyes and a distorted face. By moving it with your left hand, you can see how the doll makes faces.

Artist Shane Erin creates dolls that represent ghosts, monsters, skeletons and mummies. One of these dolls is a doll named Cecilia. We know about the site “Susan to Order”, which offers extremely scary dolls. They are created by a taxidermist and former undertaker. She left her job and began producing collectible monster dolls. One of the creepy dolls she created is called “Feed Me.”

Twilight dolls have become very popular lately. They are purchased mostly by those who are fans of the saga of the same name. A vampire child doll costs at least six hundred and fifty dollars. She has vampire eyes and fangs protruding from her mouth.

According to the site, scary ones are among the top most popular dolls, but the leader there is another toy.
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There are many wonderful children's toys in the world: these are teddy bears, elegant dolls, and cars for children. But sometimes in stores you come across completely unimaginable and terrible toys that a child definitely should not buy.

WuzzUp brings to your attention 10 terrible and shocking children's toys.

10. A doll with a lot of hair on its body

In 10th place of the strangest toys for children is a doll with an abundance of hair on its body. The child is asked to shave it in the right places himself. Why is this necessary? Thus, the manufacturer wants to accustom children to the shaving process. The question is: is this really necessary for a child?

9. Cabbage Patch Snacktime Kids Dolls

Cabbage Patch Snacktime Kids dolls are number 9 on our list of the most shocking and strange toys. In fact, these cute dolls are very funny and touching. They were born in 1987.

They were invented by designer Xavier Roberts. Coleco then acquired the rights to produce soft, adorable dolls with round faces.

They were released into mass production in 1982 and instantly gained immense popularity among children. In 1996, a new series of dolls was released, which shocked parents who managed to buy this toy. The fact is that the new dolls could eat the plastic food that came with them. But the chewing mechanism built into the toy, which could not be turned off, ate everything indiscriminately - plastic food, children's hair, and fingers. In the end, the toy was considered dangerous and was banned from production.

8. Pregnant Barbie

Mothers of little girls are happy to buy charming Barbie dolls, and no little girl can resist the desire to receive such a gift. This doll has long become a symbol that is imitated and copied. Over the half-century of its existence, it has changed, and the strangest and most unusual varieties of these famous dolls have been born.

Pregnant Barbie, ranked 8th in the ranking of the most shocking children's toys, is no longer as amazing as when it first appeared. The creators of the doll decided that everything in children's toys should be as in life. That's why Barbie has a folding belly that hides a tiny baby.

7. Plump Barbie

Manufacturers also responded to one of the pressing problems of our time - obesity and a sedentary lifestyle. This is how a fairly plump Barbie appeared, sitting comfortably on the bed with a laptop. It ranks 7th on our list of the strangest toys for children.

6. Zombie Barbie

Shocking children's toys are often found among collectible Barbies and dolls created in honor of some event. For example, Barbie Zombie, which can scare not only a child, but also an adult. It ranks #6 on the list of shocking and frightening children's toys.

5. Adolf Hitler

In position 5 is a doll depicting Adolf Hitler. It is unknown what the manufacturer was guided by when releasing a toy that unpleasantly surprised many parents.

4. Jibba Jabbler

Jibba Jabbler is one of the strangest and most shocking toys. She looks pretty cute and doesn't arouse any suspicion until someone grabs her by the neck and starts shaking her. At this moment she starts screaming.

To make the doll stop making terrible screams, you need to squeeze its neck as hard as you can. It is unknown what skills the manufacturer of this shocking toy is trying to teach the child. Jibba Jabbler is on the 4th line of our rating.

3. Erwin, the little patient

Many educational children's toys are made with humor, but you need to buy them with caution. Not every child can calmly relate to a soft doll called “Erwin, the little patient.” It looks funny and is a textbook on the anatomy of human internal organs. If you pull the zipper on Erwin's belly, it will open, allowing your child to see what's hidden inside. Multi-colored organs made of soft material are fastened together with Velcro.

By pulling one of them, the child can take out all the others and examine them. Erwin's skeleton is painted on the inner surface of the toy's abdominal cavity. The most difficult and interesting thing is the process of returning the organs to the right place. Not every adult is strong enough to cope with this task the first time. The idea as a whole is not bad, but the toy should not be bought by impressionable children who may be frightened by such an “opening” of the doll. Erwin with a set of realistic internal organs is in third place in our rating.

2. Pee and Poo

Coming in second on the list of the most shocking children's toys is a pair of soft plush creatures Pee and Poo. Many parents welcome the early development of their children and strive to instill in them a healthy interest in the world around them. Some manufacturers, in an effort to create realistic educational toys, often go too far. An example of this is Pee and Poo. They depict a drop of urine and another familiar waste product human body. What did the manufacturer of these extravagant soft toys want to teach kids?

Treat the products of your life with care, love and care for them? And are there any children who want to receive such a “gift”?

1. Zombie Bear

As a child, almost all of us had a favorite teddy bear, soft, warm and cozy. Creative toy manufacturers managed to get to these cute creatures. On sale you can find terrifyingly realistic zombie bears with eaten out entrails, grinning bloody mouths and severed limbs. Giving a child such a bear, which ranks first on the list of the most shocking children's toys, is a real crime.

Since prehistoric times, our ancestors have made toys for their children. True, then these were the bones of killed animals, carved from wood or carved from stone figurines of animals and birds. But any craft for a child should bring joy, with its help he would learn something new or acquire the necessary skills. Since then, toys have changed a lot and not always for the better. The strangest toys that appear on the shelves of children's stores from time to time are not only not worth buying for your child, but even showing them.

Toys in the form of internal organs

One might assume that the creators of these plush toys in the form of internal organs had a very good goal. Heart, liver, pancreas, kidneys - instead of the usual plush bunnies and bears. Who knows, maybe children who had to play with such a miracle of human thought will grow up to be brilliant pathologists.

American Wendy Bryan, who invented these toys, says that this is what the internal organs of the characters from the favorite children's cartoon “Hello Kitty” could look like. But it’s unlikely that a small child is all that interested in what’s in the belly of his favorite cartoon character.

Despite the absurdity of such toys, they are extremely popular in the USA. Moreover, they are given not only to children, but also to respectable adults who have diseases of internal organs. Americans give their friends who have lost an organ after surgery a plush, smiling analogue. It is difficult to say to what extent such a toy can replace a real heart or gall bladder, but one thing is clear - children should be protected from such toys.

Ugly dolls - we get to know beauty from childhood

IN Soviet times The choice of toys for children was small, but you certainly wouldn’t find a doll in Children’s World that you would hate to even pick up. The uglydolls series of dolls is available for sale only on special websites; it’s clear that craftsmen don’t dare put their masterpieces on store shelves.

The main thing among these freaks is Jiro - an incomprehensible creature of a dirty green color with an otherworldly look. In total, the collection contains about a hundred types of different dolls, each more beautiful than the other. Some do not have eyes and a nose, others, on the contrary, are the happy owners of three eyes at once. One common detail that unites all these incomprehensible creatures is a look that does not express any emotions. Typically, this facial expression occurs either in mentally ill people or drug addicts.

The creator of the strangest toys is American David Horvath. He invented his first freak for his bride and convinced her that Weig (that was the name of the drawn character) would be their talisman, who would help make all their dreams and desires come true. Oddly enough, the Chinese woman Sun-Min Kim was very happy about this gift and made the first plush freak based on the sketch. So, gradually, the couple began making custom toys and expanding the number of characters. And it should be noted that they have quite enough customers for such toys.

Erwin – a patient for small surgeons

Maybe your child dreams of becoming a great surgeon? The Little Patient Erwin doll will help your child learn in practice all the intricacies of the medical profession. There is a zipper under the hospital gown the doll is wearing. If you unfasten this “snake”, then the plush internal organs will fall out of Erwin’s stomach.

All the insides can be taken out of the doll and examined properly. But to push them back, you need to have an idea of ​​how they are located in the human body. If you fold them incorrectly, they will simply fall back out. There may be some part of the cognitive process in this, but not every child will like to delve into the belly of such a doll.

And these toys are more suitable for future microbiologists and geneticists. Although in infancy, for which plush giant microbes are intended, children do not even know such words. But the developers of the line of such toys believe that their creations are very useful for the development of a child.

Cells, viruses, microbes that are real life can only be seen under a microscope, magnified several hundred times, and now your baby can play, for example, with the plague virus. Among them there are also quite harmless ones - DNA cells.

Baby dolls

If only a few become famous scientists, then almost every woman will be a mother. Manufacturers of baby dolls believe that breastfeeding should be learned from early childhood.

Now any girl can try herself as a nursing mother. Using a special nipple that is attached to the baby's clothes, you can feed a doll that is not much different from a living newborn baby. The only question is, do the children themselves need this, and how will such toys affect the fragile child’s psyche?

Toys - food chains

In nature, there is such a thing as a food chain, when stronger individuals dine on their weaker neighbors. Since 2008, this principle can be seen by any child who comes across plush creatures from the planet Daro.

The strangest toy can be a single whole, or you can play with them separately. The smallest and weakest of the set easily fit into the mouths of the larger characters in the story. This principle is somewhat reminiscent of our nesting dolls, but with a more cruel twist.

Any designer or artist is creative person. But sometimes such creativity does not fit into the understanding of normal people, and especially children. The strangest toys of designer Joshua Ben Longo live in the country he invented - Longoland. These are strange monsters that lack eyes, nose and limbs, but always have a huge mouth with ugly teeth.

Judging by the fact that the designer himself claims that when creating each such toy, he sings songs to them and talks to his creations, the question of the sanity of this person remains open.

The question is, why are children now so..."unusual"?

Japanese cyber animals. Something like the infamous Tamagotchi that made the world go crazy in the second half of the nineties. But "rocobo" are very emotional animals - they react to the intonation of the owner's voice. If the owner covers them with Japanese profanity, the faces on the LCD screens wrinkle; if he praises them, on the contrary, they break into a smile. Kannichi Ryotsu is a character in Japanese humorous series and manga comics. A slightly dull and slightly frostbitten policeman. And what stupid, frostbitten Japanese policeman can do without his own Tamagotchi?
Purely Japanese gadget. It connects to the computer via a USB port and winks at the owner every time the owner presses the H key on the keyboard. What is the point in this in general and the Japanese flavor in particular? It's simple - the Japanese use the letter H to shorten the concept of ecchi (aka "hentai", aka just Japanese porn). So this little guy winks at his owner - I see what you're doing there, you old pervert.
If you have an extra two hundred dollars, then in Japan you can order a doll in the shape of... yourself. You can just look at yourself, you can play with yourself. But voodoo rituals don’t seem to be practiced in Japan.
Tolerance and political correctness should be in everything. Children's toys are no exception. Meet the transvestite doll.

What is natural is not ugly. So it is quite possible for children to play with urine and poop. The heroes of “South Park” became friends with Mr. Shit, worse than your child.
All parents in all countries of the world teach their children to use the toilet. But Japanese parents have an assistant - the toilet tiger cub Shimajiro. It exists not only in the form of a toy; cartoons are also dedicated to it, capable of causing hysterics in those who live outside the Land of the Rising Sun.
This miniature golf club is sold in children's toy departments in some countries. Although it belongs in stores of completely different goods. Japanese children love to play with a doll depicting the President of the United States - Pearl Harbor is a thing of the past, Japan and America are now friends. But in Japan, even the toy American president takes on a Japanese flavor.
And this is the creation of Japanese designer Yoskay Yamamoto. The name of this toy can be translated as “fish out of water.” Apparently, leaving the water did not have the best effect on appearance unfortunate fish.
One of the most cruel toys that I have ever seen in my entire life is a snow-white children's cap with bloody stains on the top of its head and a far from toy ax sticking out of it. This is a kind of entertainment for bloodthirsty children. By the way, for those for whom an ax is just light fun, we offer the option of a hat with a dummy of a disgusting caterpillar, which, literally tearing apart the child’s brain and the hat itself, crawls out in the area of ​​the crown. In general, the spectacle is not for the faint of heart. First you need to stick one of your fingers into this thing. Then you need to move your finger. The movements of your finger are tracked by a special sensor, digitized and displayed on the LCD screen. This thing has several games built in - you can mock a little man, a panda, or poke your fingers in a little girl's face. This is such an unusual, purely Japanese entertainment.
Today only the Japanese can become the owner of a plush herpes. Obviously, only in the inflamed consciousness of the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun could such a strange association between children's toys and biological atavisms be born. Beatle bears. The inspiration for Chinese manufacturers appears to have been psychotropic drugs and the cover of Sergeant Pepper.
Standing hamster. Radiation destroyed people, and it also made hamsters grow to such sizes. The same manufacturers offer everyone a life-size collapsible plush camel.
Every little girl, as we know, dreams of becoming a stripper when she grows up. In the meantime, you can play with a small folding stripper pole. In Japan, there may be no cockroaches left - the faithful life companions of many Russians. So they have to release these robotic cockroaches. Japanese cyber cockroaches are smart creatures. They are equipped with sensors that allow them to avoid obstacles and run away when they hear loud sounds.
Giving small children, especially girls, something that sticks, sorry, between their legs and, sorry again, vibrates is not the best best idea. The authors of a toy called Harry Potter Vibrating Broom have a different opinion. They think they just made a cool copy of the broom that witches fly on. A taser, also known as a stun gun, is a common police tool in most countries of the world. The authors of a toy gadget called Police Electric Baton Shock apparently reasoned as follows - since children love to play policemen and bandits, then such a thing will definitely not bother them. Fortunately, it does not give an electric shock, but if you do not calculate the force of the blow, you can leave quite good bruises on the ribs. Just $3.50.
Buzz Lightning is the hero of the popular cartoon "Toy Story", a brave space ranger and devoted friend all children, suddenly appears before us in an unexpected light. From a technical point of view, this is just an attachment for a Coca-Cola glass. But the location of the drinking straw, in our opinion, is not entirely successful. Keep in mind that if your child drinks from such a glass, people will look at him strangely, point and laugh, as if they were in a Comedy Club or on a program with Petrosyan. If you are a fan of the movie “The Deer Hunter” with De Niro or just a big fan of Russian roulette, you can play this game with your offspring without much harm to your health. The only difference between this gadget and a real revolver is that it will not make a hole in your head, but will only give it a good click with a plastic piston.
If your children are pestering you with requests to “get a puppy,” buy them this little animal called Peeing Dog first. It's not that pleasant to iron because it's made of smooth plastic. He also cannot bark or wag his tail. But he can do one thing and does it very well and very often. He's peeing. Not dog urine, but ordinary water, but this is often enough for your children to change their minds and start wanting something simpler - for example, an aquarium with fish. The Playmobile Security Checkpoint kit will help you prepare for a career as a security guard at a major airport. True, it costs a lot - 175 dollars. Consider this an investment in your son's future.
This plastic replica of a breastfeeding baby can not only “ask for a boob,” but also imitate the process of sucking it. It gets by just fine with the included rubber nipple, but it still prefers live flesh. If the sight of your own five-year-old daughter, who has such a cybernetic leech attached to her breast, does not drive you into a stupor, get ready to part with $118.
Drop a handful of this wonderful powder into a bathtub filled with water and the contents will turn a deep blue color and turn into a gel. Liquid enough to splash around in, but at the same time thick enough to smear yourself with like healing mud. But that’s not all - as soon as you add another powder (supplied in the kit) to the resulting gel, the bath will return to normal water. These keychains seem to be aimed at Japanese vegetarians. With the help of these gizmos, you can study in detail the anatomical structure of animals and fish, which are eaten by bloodthirsty lovers of stew, sausage and canned fish. The only thing that stands out from this lineup is the keychain in the shape of a skinned panda - these bears, as far as I know, are not eaten in the East. But maybe such a keychain was made specifically to annoy the Chinese - Japan has had very strained relations with China since the thirties of the twentieth century.

Hand on heart, we must admit that the greatest thing that shines in this life for the children of poor people from the black neighborhoods of New York is the position of a janitor in a large skyscraper. So why not accustom them to this position from childhood? The Cleaning Trolley Kit includes everything you need, from a trolley and mops to aerosol cans. This pig head made of very flexible and plastic material. The pork can be rolled into a pancake, but then it will still take its original shape.
If this puppet doll did not have legs, vulgar thoughts would not arise when looking at it. Why does a clown need a syringe? Do not know. Ask the manufacturers. But such a clown belongs in low-budget horror films. The sooner a child learns to cut fish, the better.
And this doll can become the best friend not only of your child, but also of your cat. This toy toilet shoots you know what.
This gun is much more harmless - it shoots teddy bears.
Yes, there are such toys. It's just a sled, and not at all what you think. You need to hold on to the thing in the center while going down a steep hill.
In fact, she’s the same Barbie, only not with a slender waist, but with a big belly. In which there is a small plastic baby. At any time, you can perform a “birth” and end up with a mother with a baby. The cost of the set is $100. Barbie for future drug addicts.
Obese Barbie.
Barbie zombie.
Barbie with anorexia. This is, if a child likes to play in a cemetery, probably...
The following are just pictures without description.

A distinctive feature of these new products is modern interactivity.

TOP – 10 best toys of 2014 according to Americans
Makey Makey Kit

So, let's start our top with a toy called Makey Makey. It looks like a very strange, incomprehensible toy in the form of a circuit board. You won’t immediately understand what to do with it.

In fact, this thing will remind people from the 90s of a joystick from a console. In reality, the functions are approximately the same: this device is connected to a computer, and control takes place through it. Using this joystick, you can create a variety of music, control your computer, and so on.

Unusual children's toys have always been in demand. And this invention can attract the attention of children - you can attach any control objects to the board, be it strawberries, bananas or other improvised materials.

The toy is already available for purchase. In an online store, such a joystick costs $50.

Modarri finger clippers

It would seem that these are simple cars for boys. But this is only a superficial glance. There's a lot more hiding behind these finger cars. In fact, not only children, but also adult men who remain the same little boys at heart will be interested in these cars.

The fact is that these cars are printed on a 3D printer and inside they even resemble a real car, since they have a suspension and steering system that are a smaller copy of real auto parts.

There are three models in the collection of these unusual children's toys, and you can control them with just two fingers. When handled skillfully, the cars can compete in tricks with the once popular finger skates.

You can admire the toys presented on the pages of the catalogue.

Playable Art Helicone

In the age of computer technology, it is very important to pay at least a little attention to relaxing, educational and surprising toys and puzzles.

In appearance, this thing resembles a work of art, a piece of furniture, and therefore has earned an honorable place in the top 10 unusual toys.

We invite you to take a closer look at the presented invention and see the toy in action:

Already in June of this year, Playable Art Helicone should go on sale for free, and then you will be able to surprise your child, or please yourself.

I Heart Guts

Developmental Stuffed Toys are different, but have you ever come across the same unusual toys for children?

Now admire this invention. Plush organs are so cute - what can we say about children, even an adult cannot resist the charms of such attractive creatures! Manufacturers claim that the child will easily master the parts and organs of the human body through an exciting game.

I wonder in what way, according to the Americans, this educational game should be built?

Plush organs are extremely popular in America. For an unusual purchase, follow the online store.

Although the invention will not go on sale until the winter of this year, talk about it does not subside. This is not just a toy, but a device that will help develop the most basic skills in managing various equipment and software.

There are robots on the panel, and the child’s task is to control them by drawing various lines. It seems that the toy is aimed at entertainment, but at the same time it perfectly develops your child. And, by the way, it will be good entertainment for you.

How this invention works, watch the video from CES 2014:

Commonwealth Toys wiki Bear

At the beginning of the year, the American corporation Commonwealth Toys introduced its new toy - a teddy bear.

All children probably love bear cubs. But this is not just a soft friend, but an interactive toy that can talk and even answer the child’s questions, maintaining a conversation with him.

The head of the toy contains a complex program that will teach the child to speak and conduct a dialogue well. Agree, a very useful development. For full operation, the toy is synchronized with a smartphone through a specially developed program. The good news is that it filters the conversation and your child will not receive unnecessary, unnecessary information.

Do you want to hear a funny bear?

You will be able to buy an unusual talking toy this summer.

Light Stax

Construction sets have always been extremely popular among both children and adults, but today it is very difficult to surprise anyone with this toy. However, in our top 10 unusual toys there are no usual gizmos - we present only the most original and interesting inventions!

One of the companies somehow decided to give new life to an old designer. Now the blocks have become very light, and one of the blocks makes all the others glow beautiful flowers. So, by making some figure from the construction set, you will get... an original lamp!

You can choose three glow options, like in a garland: constant light, flickering and smooth fading. Both adults and children will be happy with this toy.

Available in the online store

Nerf N-Strike Elite Demolisher 2-in-1 Blaster

The blaster will go on sale next fall, and today we can tell you a little about it.

This is the second version of the blaster, which the developers have been working on for a whole year. So far, the company hasn't even revealed what to expect from the new toy, but experts say it will likely shoot dart-type projectiles and foam.

Hexbug Aquabot 2.0

Real aquariums require care and attention from the owners, but you must admit that children do not really like to do this. That is why the developers created micro robots in the form aquarium fish, which will delight you and your children.

The fish can live both in an aquarium and bathe with a child in the bathtub, while swimming and delighting him with its “livelyness”. The advantage is that the fish do not need to be fed or specially cared for! You yourself can set the operating mode of this unusual toy for children and control its actions.