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Tamed hamster. Choosing a hamster. Real-life testing

Since rodents have been bought, are being bought and will continue to be bought, you need to know how to choose a hamster. Not everyone and not always can turn to a specialist with such a question. Perhaps there is no specialist himself or he is simply paid, and money is already limited. But if you don’t know the basic rules of selection, you can run into a sick individual or one that is simply untrained or wild. Therefore, read the rules carefully the right choice hamster

Consider the age of the rodent. You cannot buy an animal if it is less than 30-40 days old. If he is not yet 20 days old, then he may not live long at all, since he still does not know how to eat on his own. At this time, rodents should not be handled, much less examined and transported. And when choosing a hamster, an examination is required. Let's say you purchased an animal and it turned out to be a female. Already at 2 months she can be pregnant. If you don’t see this, then both she and her offspring may die. During pregnancy, a hamster requires special care and nutrition.
And finally, the most important thing is that if the pet is already able to eat on its own, it is already 40 days old or more, then it is easy to tame it. The same cannot be said about older individuals. With age, it will become increasingly difficult to tame a rodent. When choosing, consider.

Taming a rodent is not difficult, you just need patience. To tame a hamster, you will need a voice and food. You need to say a certain word (for example, the name of your pet) and give him something to eat. Over time, he will associate this word with food and the pet will respond to it. The Syrian hamster can be trained so much that if he is running around the house and you call his name, he will come running to your feet. But this will not happen with every rodent, although it is quite possible to accustom it to your arms or shoulder.

View . First you need to decide on the look you want. Each type is unique. Requires various conditions and care. There are 4 most popular types, you will learn about them in this article:.

Time of purchase. These are nocturnal animals and are lethargic during the day. If you choose during the day, they can easily slip you a sick individual under the guise of sleeping. Then you won’t prove anything to anyone. If you come to buy in the evening, but while the store is still open, of course, they will be more active. In the evening they begin to live life to the fullest.
A healthy hamster is active. He almost always cannot sit still. Especially females, they are even more active than males. In the evening, all healthy rodents run and play. If evening comes and your pet still hasn’t woken up from its “sleep,” it means it’s sick and you shouldn’t buy it. You can also determine the disease by the eyes and fur. The eyes should be clean and the coat dry.

Promotion . Every store has promotions, and the pet store is no exception. But what are they selling us at reduced prices?! That's right, something that has either been left on the shelves, or something is wrong with it. In the case of hamsters, sellers can make serious discounts on sick, injured, or old individuals. Don't agree to this. A sick pet will not bring you joy and may generally disappoint you. Sick rodents need to be treated, for which money will also be spent. If you do not do this, then there is a high chance that he may die. Although in any case there is a chance, but with treatment it is an order of magnitude poor. Just take my word for it, buy a healthy hamster at full price and it will be cheaper for you. Choosing an old rodent is also not the best thing you can buy at a pet store. Not only will it be extremely difficult to tame him, but it is also not known how long he will live. It is very easy to cure old from young; young rodents have white teeth and hair. With age, teeth turn yellow.

Don't trust the seller completely. It’s good to know how to choose the right hamster. The seller may inadvertently make a mistake with the floor.
We talked about the definition in the article here: how to determine the sex of a hamster.

Examination . How to choose a healthy individual. A healthy hamster is the key to a successful purchase. There should be no moisture or bald spots on the body. The coat should shine and be well-groomed. The butt should also be clean. I'm serious, if he had diarrhea, he might have worms. Unfortunately, worms in these rodents can lead to death. If an animal stops caring for itself, it means it is sick.

Two at once. It happens that people take two or more individuals at once so that the rodents do not get bored. You shouldn't buy two at once. Unless you move them into different cells. Hamsters will not coexist peacefully. There will be division of territory, biting and fighting. But if several animals in one cage is important to you, then pay attention to dwarf hamsters. They are most suitable for living together.

Color . Oddly enough, the color of these animals affects not only appearance, but also on character. Spotted rodents are more aggressive. Females are more active. If you want a wild animal, then take a spotted female. If it’s calm, it’s a male dwarf. This species is the calmest among all domestic ones, has almost no odor and does not require much time.

Newbie. Do not show, and especially do not tell the seller that you do not understand hamsters. I'm not saying that every seller is bad. But often your ignorance can be taken advantage of in order to sell problem individuals or those that are not bought. After reading this article to the end, you will gain basic knowledge that will be enough for you to choose the right hamster.

Tamed hamster. If they tell you that the smaller the animal, the easier it is to accustom it to handling, this is not true. It is easier to handle and train the Syrian hamster; he is the leader in this regard. Moreover, this is the largest of all domestic species. When a pet is small, it is easier for it to slip out of your hand and fall. A careless movement can harm him.

I want it in my arms. If you have decided on a particular hamster, ask him to catch it for you. Then you need to stroke him lightly and check his reaction (maybe he won’t like you). This will show that you come in peace.
If he doesn’t feel safe in your hands, he will twitch, roll over and break free. If he trusted you and froze, it means the hamster will love you.

After the purchase . On the way home, the rodent may chew on the box in which it is traveling. Don't worry, this is completely normal. At home, let him out into the cage and let him get used to it. You shouldn't play with him for a while, because moving is a serious stress for him. Let him get used to it, at least for a couple of days. At this time, you can win his love and trust by hand feeding him. But this does not mean that you need to starve until you eat from your hand.

How to choose a hamster for children

If we are talking about a rodent for a child, then this greatly narrows the choice. In this case, of the four most popular breeds of these rodents, only two are suitable. This is the Syrian and Roborovski's hamster.
The Syrian is suitable for children due to its size, friendliness and trainability. This species is one of the largest. The weight reaches 100 grams and dimensions up to 18 cm. This makes it more difficult for him to inadvertently harm.
The Roborovsky hamster can be chosen due to its character. This is a very cute creature that doesn't bite. That is why it can be given to children without fear. But there is one nuance: its dimensions are only 4-6 cm and it is very nimble. Therefore, if the child does not follow a little or gets scared, the animal may slip away and fall.
Choosing a hamster for a child is not an easy task, but I chose the Syrian one.

Anyone who decides to have a hamster at home undoubtedly wants to buy a healthy animal. Let's figure out how and where to buy a healthy pet so that it will delight you throughout its short life.

You can buy a hamster at the market or in a store. By purchasing an animal from a pet store, you will have a better chance that the pet will be healthy. It should be noted here that stores do not vaccinate small animals. And when purchasing a pet on the market, you will not receive any guarantee at all that everything is in order with its health. But it is best to purchase a hamster directly from the breeder at home, because this way there is a high probability that the animal will be healthy.

At choosing a hamster There are a few things to consider:

  1. Before buying a pet, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for keeping, feeding and caring for it and, if possible, read special literature.
  2. The animal should not be very young or too old, much less old. The best age for hamsters to find new owners is from three weeks to two months. Remember that young animals are better able to adapt to changes in environment, are easier to tame and have more training abilities than adults.
  3. It is better to purchase hamsters in the evening, as they are nocturnal animals and sleep during the day.
  4. When choosing, pay attention to the health of your pet. Healthy animals have smooth fur, lying close to the body, without bald patches. The hamster's eyes should be shiny and his breathing should be even. Also observe the behavior of the animal. A healthy hamster has a quick reaction, he is always on the move, constantly busy with something. Don't buy skinny hamsters. In no case should your pet have protruding ribs, and there should also be no matted fur from feces around the anus.
  5. Do not buy animals at a discount, as they may be sick.
  6. If you are getting an animal exclusively for yourself as a funny and unpretentious pet, then limit yourself to one hamster. For breeding, it is better to take a pair at once - a male and a female. But here it should be taken into account that each animal must have its own separate cage, and they should be kept together for a long time during mating.
  7. To determine the sex of an animal, you need to take it in your hand and carefully turn it tummy up. Pay attention to the distance between the anus and the genital opening. In females there are a pair of holes close to each other on the abdomen, while in the male this distance is greater. Remember that the younger the hamster, the more difficult it is to determine its gender.
  8. The animal must be transported in a special, comfortable and compact carrier. Often such carriers are a small box made of thick cardboard with several holes on the sides and comfortable handles on top. Sometimes they are issued along with the purchase of an animal in a store. If you buy a couple of hamsters at once, then each of them should have its own carrier.
  9. Do not buy a hamster if you already have a cat or dog. These little animals have a weak nervous system, so a hamster may get scared and have a heart attack or faint at the sight of a large animal or, for example, if it hears a dog barking.

If you do get a hamster and you have a dog or a cat, then make sure that they do not get into the cage.

remember, that hamster choice- this is a very responsible undertaking that must be approached with particular seriousness. By following simple recommendations for selection and reading the special literature on keeping this cheerful animal, you will be able to choose, raise and raise a healthy animal that will undoubtedly delight and amuse you for several years.

If you decide to buy a hamster, but you don’t understand anything about them and don’t know how to choose the right hamster so that it doesn’t turn out to be sick or untamed, then you better contact a specialist. If you don't have one, then read some tips below to help you choose your future pet.

Advice one. Don't buy a hamster that is too young or too old. The hamster must be at least 3 weeks old, but not older than 3 months. If your hamster is about two weeks old, then it will most likely die because it does not know how to feed on its own. If you buy a hamster that is already more than two months old, then most likely she will be pregnant. Caring for such a female will bring you more trouble than joy. In addition, it is worth remembering that small hamsters are easier to tame.

Tip two. It is best to buy hamsters in the evening. They are not as active during the day, and many of them generally sleep, so it will be difficult to determine whether the hamster is actually sleeping or is just sick.

Tip three. If you come across a sick or injured hamster and the seller offers to buy it for half price, never accept it. It is better to immediately pay the full amount for a healthy hamster than to spend the same money later on his treatment, especially since he may even die.

Tip four. When buying a hamster, make sure its eyes are clean and its fur is not damp. Otherwise, the hamster is simply sick.

Tip five. It is best to buy one hamster, because when they grow up, they fight with each other. If you want to breed hamsters, it is better to keep the female and male in separate cages. Only dwarf hamsters, which are also from the same litter, can be kept together.

Tip six. Choose a hamster for yourself, do not trust the seller. He may behave dishonestly and sell you an unhealthy hamster or confuse its gender.

Advice seventh. In order to buy the hamster that you really need, remember the following sexual characteristics. The two openings at the bottom of the female's abdomen are located closer to each other than those of the male. Males have a more elongated underbelly and, as a rule, they are calmer than females.

Tip eight. Make sure your hamster's fur is shiny and there are no bald spots on its skin. Hair loss can be caused by lice, mites or fungus. This disease is irreversible. If you notice that your hamster has scars on its tail or along the edges of its ears, it most likely means that the animal has fought a lot. Think about it, do you need such a pugnacious animal?

Tip nine. Check that your hamster's anus and the fur around it are clean. Diarrhea caused by infection and worms can be fatal.

Tip ten. The animal's nose should be clean and free of discharge.

Tip eleven. Before you buy a hamster, wake him up and observe his behavior. If he lies apathetically in a cage or, on the contrary, nervously runs around it, then this, of course, cannot be a clear sign that he is sick. It's just a reaction to the stuffy cage in which he is located. But it can also be a sign of illness. Do not buy such a hamster out of compassion. Sick hamsters that are under stress are more susceptible to disease than others.

Tip twelve. Naturally colored hamsters are less susceptible to disease, but spotted ones are often irritable and nervous. But with proper care, any animal can survive.

By their nature, hamsters are wild and unsociable animals. In fields and meadows, they live in their own separate burrows, fiercely protecting them from predators and even from their fellow creatures. Therefore, if, at the sight of your hand, the hamster suddenly rolls over on its back, sticks its legs forward and squeals, do not worry, this is normal, because the hamster thinks that you are a predator about to attack it. Slowly bring your hand towards it, keeping your palm open upward. If a hamster bites your finger (and this happens, quite rarely, but still), do not be upset. You would probably do the same thing if you saw a huge monster reaching towards you. You just need to act patiently, kindly, but persistently, so that the hamster understands who is boss and does not feel weak. Sooner or later, curiosity will take over, and the hamster will begin to sniff the “hand of friendship” extended to him. Taming will go much faster if you have some kind of delicacy on your palm, such as a walnut or dried apricots. Eventually, the hamster will no longer be afraid of your hand, and you will be able to freely take him out of his home and communicate with him as much as your heart desires.

Treats are also good for helping your hamster learn its name. Yes, yes, hamsters respond well to their nickname, you just need to train them. And the training happens as follows: you give the hamster food, while saying his name, for example: “Homa, Homa, Homa...” After a while, the animal, having heard its name, will crawl out of the hole.

It must be said that hamsters, like people, are different. One thing is certain: it is much more difficult to tame a female hamster than a male, and in life, males are much calmer than females. Everything else is up to you: share your kindness and love with your hamster, and he will reciprocate.

If your baby has expressed a persistent desire to have a pet, then it is better to choose a small pet, for example, a rodent. Before purchasing, you should study information about which hamster is best to get, how to arrange its home, how to make it tame and how to care for it.

Don't forget to consult with your children about what color and size animal they want.

It is best to buy a hamster at a pet store, because its employees will tell you about the characteristics of the breed and the rules of care. But not everyone has this opportunity, so this article will discuss which hamster is best to buy so that it becomes a favorite for the whole family.

Which hamster is better to get: characteristics of popular species

Today, many breeds of the rodents in question are known, but not all of them can be kept at home and allowed near children. Despite their small size, hamsters can be quite aggressive. In addition, they can in some cases cause allergies. Therefore, before buying a hamster, it is advisable to borrow an animal from friends for a few days and check the reaction of the family members.

The most popular rodents that can be kept at home include the following breeds:

  • Djungarian is a common species. They have gray fur with a dark stripe on the spine and are classified as dwarf because they do not grow more than ten centimeters. Compared to other breeds, they are best tamed, but due to small size It is better not to have them in homes with children of kindergarten age - the nimble animal can slip out of children's hands and get injured. Suitable for children from 10 years old.
  • The Campbell breed looks practical in appearance, like the Djungarian, but their character is quite capricious and they bite. Individuals have a more yellow color and a paler stripe on the back.
  • Roborovsky's hamsters are one of the smallest and rarest representatives (adult animals are no larger than 6 cm). A characteristic difference is socialization; they get along with same-sex relatives in the same cage. Kids will have fun watching a bunch of rodents, but they are unlikely to be able to pick them up - they are shy.
  • Among Syrian hamsters, the royal hamster is the largest representative of the breed. Adults can be compared in size to a guinea pig. A distinctive feature is that they respond to the sound of their nickname. They are quite hardy in terms of physical health and life expectancy is 3–4 years. If you want to get a rodent for your home, then choose them, but remember - if handled roughly, they will show retaliatory aggression. The coat has different lengths - Angora with long hair and short-haired. Color - from golden to black. The only inconvenience is that they need a large cage. A 7-9 year old child can handle this animal on his own.
  • The grasshopper (scorpion) hamster is a wild predator that eats even lizards or scorpions, and is solitary by nature. Therefore, zoologists do not recommend purchasing it for children.
  • Siberian (White Russian Dwarf). It differs in that it changes the color of its coat depending on the time of year. It grows up to 10 centimeters and gets along well with people and is friendly.
  • Eversmann's hamster is a wild field animal reaching a length of 16 centimeters. It is extremely rare in captivity and is asocial, so it should not be given to children.

Red-eyed albinos are found in every breed. You should not be afraid of them - the unusual color is explained by genetic changes. Such animals are healthy and no different from other “colored” relatives.

Boy or girl? Character traits

If you don’t know what kind of rodent to get so that it gets along with kids, pay attention to gender. Unlike rats or other small pets, hamsters are not sterilized, so due to hormonal characteristics, the character and behavior of a male or female differs.

  • Boys are larger than girls, they are calmer, more patient and affectionate, but they “mark” their territory, so an unpleasant odor if their home is not cleaned in a timely manner is guaranteed.
  • Hamsters are more mobile and active, but at the same time they are also “hot-tempered”, especially during pregnancy or immediately after birth. They can injure the male, so they should be removed immediately after fertilization. In addition, females sometimes experience health problems related to the reproductive organs (endometritis).

Character, size, habits - all this can influence which hamster would be better suited to kid.

The rodents in question are active at night, so to choose a healthy hamster, you should go to the pet store in the evening. A healthy rodent actively moves around the cage, runs on a wheel, digs in food and bedding, and does not limp. When a hamster is not sleeping, it should not show apathy or freeze in a stupor.

Pay attention to the age of the fluffy. Cubs up to a month old require special care - they need to be provided with enhanced heating and nutrition with special mixtures from a pipette.

After three months, the animal already has formed habits and is difficult to train. That's why optimal age for choosing Syrian or other hamsters – 1 or 2 months.

Conduct a self-examination of the rodent. Take him in your arms - there should be no bald spots or lumps on the body. Signs of a health condition are:

  • Smooth and shiny skin without bald spots.
  • No nasal or eye discharge.
  • Active behavior without obvious signs of overexcitation.

Yellow teeth are normal. This is explained by the characteristics of animal tooth enamel.

Housing and diet of the animal

When buying a hamster, take care of its housing. Depending on the size of the animal, a cage or aquarium is selected, inside which a house is installed where the rodent will rest during the day. The floor of the cage is filled with filler, which should be changed 3 times a week. Fluffies are prone to obesity, so immediately purchase special exercise equipment - a running wheel, tunnels and ladders. Hamsters have teeth that grow throughout their lives, so there should be a chalk stone in their home on which they can be ground down.

When looking for a place to install the cage, choose a warm, secluded corner near the radiator and away from drafts. However, it is not recommended to place small rodents in your or your child’s bedroom, since these babies tend to be active at night, which will disturb your sweet sleep.

The rodent's diet should be balanced - proteins of plant and animal origin, cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits. There are quite a lot of special vitamin mixtures sold in stores at an affordable price. It is not necessary to feed animals often, otherwise they will stockpile food, which can lead to poisoning from stale food.

The well-groomed appearance and life expectancy of a hamster, regardless of breed, is entirely your task and that of your children. Teach them to take care of their “little brothers” and your pets will respond with boundless love.

Svetlana Larina, a columnist for the site, talks about . Next in line are the most popular rodents - hamsters. Read our material on how to care for hamsters, what to feed them, and who should buy them.

Hamsters are funny and cheerful creatures. You can watch them for a long time, they are always on the move: they dig something, eat, rustle, run in circles, stick their nose between the bars of the cage. Their beady eyes sparkle with curiosity: they need to explore every corner of your house and crawl under all the beds.

At the same time, the hamster will happily chew through wires, eat up wallpaper, eat from the dog’s bowl, and hide so reliably from the cat that you will be looking for the animal for several days.

To prevent life with a hamster from turning into endless repairs of wires and pulling the animal out from under the sofa, you need to know the intricacies of keeping it.

How to choose a hamster

The most important thing in choosing a pet for a child, in particular a hamster, is to choose a healthy one. Hamsters are nocturnal animals, so they mostly sleep during the day. When choosing an animal, you will have to wake it up.

Even an awakened hamster should not be lethargic or aggressive. A lethargic, sad, or nervous hamster is a sick hamster, even if the seller explains this behavior as “drowsiness” or “overeating.”

A healthy rodent is active, with a shiny, dry coat without bald spots, clean eyes and a nose.

Note. Scars on the ears occur due to fights with other individuals, this is not scary.

How does a child's age influence the choice of a pet?

The optimal age for purchasing a hamster is 4-5 weeks. If I offer you a female over 7 weeks old who lives in a common cage, there is a high probability that she is pregnant. It is better to refuse such a purchase, even if you are planning breeding. Early pregnancy doesn't benefit anyone.

Hamsters live only two to three years. For this reason, you should not give a hamster as a gift small child, because the imminent death of a pet will be a huge trauma for him. From the age of 10-12, a child can independently care for a hamster, and by the time the hamster “leaves” better world the child will already become a teenager and will have new worries. Perhaps he will bear the loss more easily.

You can also buy a hamster if you plan to send your baby to study in another place in a couple of years. In this case, you won’t have to look after the animal yourself for very long.

You don't have to agree to take in the hamster of friends who are moving. As soon as you have time to get used to it, the animal is no longer there. Buy a young specimen so that it can please you for as long as possible.

Choosing a hamster for a child: male or female

If the seller has only one hamster left, he can, without a twinge of conscience, deceive and give the wrong gender of the animal, just to sell it. Therefore, do not say that you want a male, but ask to name the gender of the animal you like.

You can also determine the sex of a hamster yourself:

    in girls, the necessary organs are located close to each other;

    for boys - at a certain distance.

Choosing a pet for a child: one or more hamsters

Some breeds of animals, for example Chinese or Syrian, prefer loneliness; together they will definitely start fighting.

Djungarian hamsters and Cambellas can get along with each other, although fights often arise between them. If you buy same-sex animals that have been together since the first day, there is a chance for their friendship.

Robovsky's hamsters love communication, but it is still recommended to have another cage in case of “hamster showdowns”.

Important! Individuals of different breeds are prohibited from being kept together; they can fight until one of the opponents dies.

Many people feel sorry for hamsters, believing that they are sad without their brothers. But, as you can see, they are loners by nature and will not get bored at all without communicating with their fellow soldiers. They can live together only until a certain age, when they are still very small.

How to bring a hamster home

There are special carriers on sale for small pets; you can put sawdust or hay in it. This box can serve as a spare cage if you buy two hamsters at once.

An economy option is a regular cardboard box for shoes or a blender. Just choose a smaller one, make holes in it and add hay. In winter, your pet needs to be transported warmly - you will have to tuck the box under your jacket.

First days at home: how to care for a hamster

As soon as you walk into a house with a new resident, everyone will want to pet and cuddle him. Unfortunately, such attention will be harmful to the animal. He's already stressed after the shaking in the transport. Give the rodent a couple of days to get used to its new home, and then start taming it.

    First of all, wash your hands to remove the smell of food, otherwise the little glutton may bite. Rub your palm on his bedding so that your hands absorb the smell familiar to the hamster. Let him sniff you. The next day you can give him a piece of treat.

    The second stage - holding out your hand, wait until the hamster himself wants to climb on it. Don't grab him, he might bite or be scared for a long time. Feed him with your other hand.

    The third stage is to turn the hamster on its back and stroke its tummy, they like it.

Note. On average, taming takes from two to four weeks. If a child is taming, be sure to supervise the process. Children are impatient, they can suddenly grab the animal, and he definitely won’t like it.

How to care for a hamster: accessories

A hamster will be quite comfortable in a cage 60x30x30 centimeters. It can live in a standard cage or in an aquarium (take care of ventilation).

The house should be placed in a quiet place, without drafts. And keep the cage away from the curtains - the hamster will begin to chew them off to build a nest.

You cannot cover the cage floor with newspapers! Use sawdust and hay for this, adding some branches of fruit trees.

To provide the hamster with an active lifestyle, you can put a “house” in the cage, either purchased or made from a clay flower pot.

To prevent your hamster from becoming obese, let him go for a walk, give him a wheel or ball for running. You can buy a separate spacious enclosure for walking - and the hamster feels good, and the cables and wires are intact.

The cage should have a feeder, a drinking bowl and a special stone with vitamins for grinding teeth. You need to clean the cage at least once a week.