Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

Tulsi plant. Holy basil, or tulsi: description with photo, appearance, flowering period, fruits. Useful properties, therapeutic effect, tips and rules for reproduction and care. Rules for collecting and storing this plant

Srimati Tulasi Devi is the greatest devotee with the highest truth. The goddess, who is very dear to Lord Krishna, therefore bestows devotional service to Lord Keshava. The Lord Himself glorifies His purest devotee: “Tulasi trees grow in groves, therefore the pandits call you Vrinda. Praise be to you, dear Tulasi!

Long ago you appeared in the Vrindavan forest, and therefore you became known as Vrindavani. I bow before you, O good and glorious one. You are eternally worshiped by the inhabitants of countless universes, therefore you are known as Visvapujita - the one who is worshiped the whole world. I also worship you, O Vishvapujita!

By contacting you, countless universes are purified and sanctified. Therefore, your name is Vishvapavani - the purifier of the entire universe.

Memories of you burn Me with the fire of separation. Although other flowers are offered to the demigods, they cannot be satisfied unless tulasi is offered to them. Therefore you are recognized as the best of flowers and called Pushpasara. Now I suffer severely and long to see you, O embodiment of purity. Goddess, I pray for your favor.

Because contact with you awakens faith and fills you with joy, you are called Nandini. Be pleased with me! You have no equal in the whole world, and that is why you are called Tulasi. Dear Tulasi, I take refuge in you! O chaste one, you are the life and soul of Krishna. That is why you are known as Krishna-jivani. Save My life, oh goddess!”

Mentions of Tulasi in the Puranas

From Sanskrit, “tulsi” is translated as “incomparable.” The glory of Tulasi is described even in the Puranas (Skanda, Padma, Garuda, Brahma-vaivarta, Shiva, Bhavshaya, Brhan-naradiya, Bhagavata).

Even the shadow of Tulasi Devi is glorified in the Garuda Purana Saroddhara (9.6):

yatrasti bhava-tapaha
Tatraiva Maranan Muktih
sarvada dana-durlabha

“Wherever there is the shadow of the Tulsi tree, which removes the pain of material existence, there is always liberation from death. Such liberation is difficult to achieve by offering gifts.”

Meditation in the shadow of Tulasi will bring incomparable results. Great Tulasi calms our mind, purifies our heart and speech, blesses us with spiritual knowledge and the desire to chant the names of Krishna and glorify His Divine pastimes.

The Gautamiya Tantra also states, “Beads made from lotus seeds bestow perfection in chanting the Gopala mantra, beads made from amalaka fruit are said to bestow all kinds of mystic perfections, and beads made from Tulasi wood provide quick liberation from material bondage.” (Hari-bhakti-vilasa 17.113)

namo namah tulasi! krsna-preyasi
radha-krishna-seva pabo ei abhilasi

O Tulasi, beloved of Krishna, desiring to attain the service of Sri Sri Radha-Krishna, I offer my obeisances to you again and again.

je tomara sharana loy, tara vanchha purna hoy
kripa kori' koro tare brindavana-basi

You fulfill all the desires of those who have chosen you as their refuge. By showering your mercy on them, you make them a resident of Vrindavana.

mor ei abhilash, bilas kunje dio vas
nayane heribo sada jugala-rupa-rasi

Let me also reside in the groves of pleasure of Vrndavana-dhama, and then I can constantly contemplate the beautiful pastimes of Radha and Krishna.

ei nivedana dharo, sakhir anugata koro
seva-adhikara diye koro nija dasi

I pray to you: make me a follower of the cowherd girls of Vraja. Grant me the privilege of serving the Lord with devotion and make me your maidservant.

dina krishna-dase koy, ei jena mora hoy
sri-radha-govinda-preme sada jena bhasi

I, the fallen maidservant of Krishna, pray to be granted the opportunity to swim forever in the ocean of love of Sri Radha and Govinda.

Worship and care of the Tulsi plant

One who worships Tulasi Devi will always be under the protection of the Lord. In Vishnu-dharmottara, the Almighty says: “He who wears Tulasi beads around his neck, even if he is impure or sinful, will find my refuge. There is no doubt about it." (Hari-bhakti-vilasa 4.322)

Caring for the Tulsi plant cleanses our heart and fills it with unconditional love. Sincere Prayer and touching Tulasi frees the body from all diseases and sufferings. By watering this plant, a person is freed from all fears and is not afraid of death. The Tulsi plant has a beneficial effect on all areas of our lives. The house in which Tulasi lives is avoided by all problems, misfortunes and illnesses.

Wearing tulsi kanthimala prolongs a person’s life, as it is said that: “Just by seeing Tulsi beads on a person’s neck, the Yamadutas run away. One who travels wearing Tulasi beads around his neck has nothing to fear from accidents, nightmares or weapons.” (Hari-bhakti-vilasa 4.337-338)

The Tulsi plant is present in all ceremonies of worship of the Supreme Lord. When something is offered to Krishna, it is always done with Tulsi leaves. If you have nothing to offer Krishna, offer him water from Tulasi-manjari.

In the Tulasi Upanishad it is written about Vrindavan: “He is a devotee of Lord Vishnu who knows about Tulasi that:
1) Tulasi refers to women called Shyama;
2) Tulasi’s body is dark in color;
3) Rig Veda - the body of Tulasi;
4) Yajur Veda - mind of Tulasi;
5) transcendental Atharva Veda - the vital air of Tulasi;
6) ritual - hands of Tulasi;
7) Tulasi is described in the Puranas;
8) Tulasi’s joy is everlasting;
9) Tulasi - bud of transcendental tastes;
10) Tulasi is limitless;
11) Tulasi bestows enjoyment of limitless transcendental tastes;
12) Tulasi is devoted to Lord Vishnu;
13) Tulasi - beloved of Lord Vishnu;
14) Tulsi destroys the cycle of birth and death;
15) Tulsi destroys the sins of those who see her;
16) Tulasi saves those who touch her;
17) Tulasi relieves those who respectfully bow before her and offer prayers from illness;
18) Tulasi abolishes death for those who serve her;
19) Tulasi removes the misfortune of those who use its leaves in the worship of Lord Vaikuntha;
20) Tulsi bestows wisdom on those who eat its leaves;
21) Tulasi destroys the poverty of those who walk around her;
22) Tulsi destroys the great sins of those who rub the soil from its roots over their bodies;
23) Tulsi destroys the inner impurity of those who receive satisfaction by inhaling its aroma.

Eight names of Tulsi to worship

Anyone who chants these eight names on the appearance day of Tulasi Devi (the full moon day of the month of Kartika) will get the same result as a person who has performed Ashwamedha Yagya.

Vrindavani, Vrinda, Visvapujita, Pushpasara, Nandini, Krishna-jivani, Vishva-pavani, Tulasi.

Vrindavan - first appeared in Vrindavan.

Vrinda is the goddess of all plants and trees (even if there is only one Tulasi plant in the forest, it can be called Vrindavan).

Visvapujita - whom the entire universe worships.

Pushpasara is the highest of flowers, without which Krishna does not want to look at other flowers.

Nandini - the contemplation of which bestows boundless bliss on the devotee.

Krishna-jivani is the life of Krishna.

Vishva-pavani – purifying the three worlds.

Tulsi – incomparable.

Caring for Tulsi at home

In order for you to have a good Tulsi, you need to know the following:
- there should be no radio, TV, or computer in the room in which the plant is located;
- there should be no shouting, quarrels, ungodly conversations;
- there must be enough light;
- it is better to take seeds for cultivation from a plant grown in your climate, such a plant adapts faster;
- you need to choose the largest and darkest seeds for germination;
- Tulsi should be grown in a clay pot;
- if you plant Tulsi on the waning Moon, the plant will be rich in leaves, if on the growing Moon, it will be rich in seeds and flowers;
- you need to choose a name for the plant that you like, and read the corresponding mantra.

108 names for Tulasi Devi

Sri Tulasi, Nandinya, Devyayi, Shikhinyayi, Dharinyayi, Dhatryayi, Savitryayi, Satyasandhyayi, Kalaharinyayi, Gauryayi, Devagitai, Dravyasyayi, Padminyayi, Sitayayi, Rukminyayi, Priyahushanayayi, Shreyasyayi, Srimatyayi, Manyayi, Gauryayi, chitayay, Third, Tripathagayay, Tripaddyay, Traimutyay . Chakrinyay, Charinyay, Chapaleksanyay, Pitambarayay, Protasamoyayy . Manasayay, Shuchinyay, Shreyyyay, Priticinteksanyay, Vibhutyay, Akrityay, Avirbhutyay, Prabhavinyay, Gandhinyay, Svarginyay, Gadaiyay, Vedaiyay, Prabhayay, Sarasyay, Sarasivasyay, Sarasvatyay, Shravatyay, Rasinyay, Kalinyay, Shreyovyayay, Yamayayay, Brahmapriyay, Shyamasundaryay, Ratnarupinyay, Shamanidhinyay, ay, Shatadiyuthaye, Shitikanthayay, Praiyay, Dhatriyay, Sri Vrindavanyay, Krishnayay, Bhaktavatsalyaay, Gopikakridayay, Harayay, Amritarupinyay, Bhumyay, Sri Krishnakantai, Sri Tulasyay.

When pronouncing the mantra, the sacred sound “Om” is placed at the beginning of the name, and “Namaha” is pronounced at the end.

vrndayai tulasi-deviai
priyayai kesavasya ca
krsna-bhakti-prade devi
satyavatyai namo namah

“Again and again I offer my obeisances to Vrinda, Srimati Tulasi Devi, who is very dear to Lord Keshava. O goddess, you, who know the highest truth, bestow devotional service to Lord Krishna to everyone.”

Friends, I greet you!

Anyone who has been reading me for a long time knows that I have great respect for the ancient Indian science of human health, Ayurveda.

In my life’s “practical piggy bank” there is a lot of interesting and necessary Ayurvedic knowledge. I use them with pleasure myself, and also periodically share them with you.

About two years ago I discovered Indian Tulsi tea. I liked the taste, I liked its effect.

This prompted me to study the beneficial properties of this plant, and I realized that I must definitely tell you, friends, about it!

From this article you will learn:

Tulsi tea - Holy Basil - beneficial properties and uses

To begin with, to interest you☺

Tulsi is:

  • natural natural tonic,
  • antioxidant,
  • analgesic,
  • antiseptic,
  • aphrodisiac.


  • anti-inflammatory,
  • antipyretic,
  • expectorants,
  • antibacterial,
  • antifungal properties.
  • fever,
  • bronchitis,
  • cough,
  • cold,
  • malaria,
  • rheumatism,
  • arthritis,
  • diabetes,
  • relieves spasms.

Fascinating, isn't it? And this is just the beginning, and further - even more interesting!

Tulsi tea - beneficial properties of holy basil

“Holy basil” is the name given to this perennial aromatic plant. Translated from Sanskrit, “tulsi” means “incomparable.”

The homeland of Tulsi is India.

In India, there are two types of tulsi - dark, with purple leaves, and light, with green leaves.

Dark tulsi is used in medicine and cosmetology, and light tulsi is used in religious rituals.

Holy basil should not be confused with its related basil (ocimum basilicum), they can be distinguished by aroma, taste and appearance.

The leaves of holy basil are covered with hairs, while the leaves of sweet basil are completely smooth. Sweet basil has a very strong aroma, similar to the aroma of anise.

The taste of tulsi tea is slightly spicy, somewhat reminiscent of cloves.

Tulsi has been used for thousands of years in Ayurveda as one of the main medicinal plants with great healing power.

The leaves and stems of the plant are used.

Tulsi leaves contain a high percentage of .

The healing properties of tulsi leaves (from which the very tea is prepared, which prompted me to write this article for you, friends☺) have the following effects on our body:

  • antioxidant and anti-inflammatory;
  • expectorant, disinfectant, analgesic, antiseptic;
  • sedative, antispasmodic, antitussive;
  • antibacterial, antispasmodic, anticonvulsant;
  • antibacterial, antifungal;
  • antiseptic, local irritant, anesthetic.

Ayurveda says that tulsi is a powerful adaptogen that harmonizes all functions of our body, perfectly relieves stress and prevents premature aging.

In Ayurveda, tulsi is used in rasayana - a special method of restoring the body, preventing diseases and prolonging life.

Tulsi is included in the “Golden Row” of Ayurvedic plants.

Ayurveda experts call tulsi “a healing balm for the body, mind and soul”, as well as the “queen of herbs”.

The healing properties of holy basil tea

Another name for tulsi is “cool grass,” so tulsi tea is an excellent remedy that relieves “inflammation and heat in the body,” and in our simple terms, it is a temperature-reducing remedy.

By drinking tulsi tea, you can perfectly speed up your metabolism and improve the functioning of your entire body. digestive system and also improve brain function.

The medicinal properties of tulsi are used as follows:

  • how high effective remedy for colds, coughs, headaches, as a diaphoretic, to remove mucus from the lungs and nasal passages;
  • as an effective remedy for the treatment of rheumatism, arthritis and joint pain;
  • for various poisonings, stomach diseases, colic and vomiting;
  • as a means of stimulating appetite and enhancing digestion;
  • as a means of helping to fully absorb all nutrients from food;
  • as a powerful anthelmintic;
  • with spasms and convulsions of the limbs;
  • to effectively lower blood cholesterol levels;
  • to lower blood sugar levels in diabetes;
  • as a remedy that has a beneficial effect on the heart and prevents heart disease;
  • as a natural antiseptic that kills bacteria and germs, capable of healing even ulcers;
  • as an astringent for diarrhea;
  • as a remedy that perfectly tones the entire body: a cup of tulsi tea wonderfully relieves fatigue and stress, excess nervous and physical tension, gently calms, and is considered a strong natural antidepressant;
  • increases immunity;
  • as a means of protecting against radiation sickness, radiation, and cancer;
  • as an aphrodisiac that can significantly increase sexual energy.

Moreover, tulsi tea contains a large amount of nutrients and antioxidants, removes toxins from the body, perfectly warms and strengthens the body's defenses in damp and cold weather, during flu epidemics.

In Ayurveda, tulsi is traditionally used to activate the Fire element in the body.

Anti-aging properties of tulsi leaves

Younger skin thanks to tulsi? Yes!☺

Tulsi is considered the most powerful anti-aging agent in Ayurveda.

In order to obtain a rejuvenating effect, it is necessary to use both internal and external use of this plant.

The most delicious and pleasant internal consumption is, of course, tea ☺

External use for medicinal purposes includes all kinds of ointments, compresses and lotions, and for cosmetic purposes a variety of face, body and hair care products that contain the leaves of this plant: creams, tonics, balms, shower gels, shampoos and many other cosmetic products.

After making yourself a cup of tea, leave a little of the drink to make a homemade mask for the skin of the face, neck and décolleté, adding a teaspoon of honey and a couple of drops of vitamin A in oil to the tea infusion.

Tulsi is especially effective on aging, dry, depleted and thin skin.

By drinking it in the form of a delicious tea, you can get quite noticeable anti-aging changes:

  1. Tulsi perfectly refreshes the skin,
  2. increases its tone,
  3. accelerates the process of cell renewal,
  4. prevents aging,
  5. kills free radicals (the main “provocateurs” of wrinkles),
  6. wonderfully smoothes the skin,
  7. increases blood circulation
  8. and improves cellular metabolism.

As a result, your skin looks healthy and radiant. And all this - thanks only to the fact that you regularly enjoy a cup of aromatic tea! Great, right? ☺

By the way, about the aroma...

Aromatic pleasure.

Tulsi tea owes its aroma to the essential oil contained in its leaves. Tulsi scent is one of the classic scents in Indian aromatherapy.

While enjoying delicious tea, you will also receive an aromatherapy session, friends ☺

Moreover, the therapeutic effect of tulsi aroma has an effect on three levels:

  1. psycho-emotional level: tulsi simultaneously calms and tones the body (that is, you acquire “that” cherished balance that we all strive for), increases mental clarity, imparts a sense of compassion, the energy of love and devotion, improves our memory and sharpens sensory perception of one’s Life;
  2. physical: tulsi cleanses the aura, strengthens the immune system, cleanses the respiratory tract, treats acquired nervous disorders and diseased organs;
  3. magical: tulsi gives divine protection from negativity, strengthens our faith in the best, and drives away evil.

In my opinion, it’s simply magical: there is harmony between soul and body!

Why do I choose tulsi tea?

Tulsi is a very sensitive plant.

It never grows where it is negative energy where there is dirt and stagnation (swamp).

I think this is very valuable information. For me, it plays a really SIGNIFICANT role when choosing, especially if it concerns the products that I will use internally.

What do you think about this, friends?

By the way, since tulsi provides divine protection and cleanses the aura, it is good to keep this plant in your home as a powerful amulet.

If there is no plant, then leaves are used for this purpose, or just a tea bag of tulsi leaves, which can be placed where you need it for protection, and also simply carried with you in your purse or purse or just in your pocket.

I don't have a tulsi plant in a pot, but I do have a tea made from its leaves that works great for this purpose.

And, by the way, such a talisman does not need to be changed very often - only once every six months. So, this method of protection from everything negative is also quite inexpensive.

Almost all healing and healing practices of Ayurveda have traditionally used tulsi for five thousand years, and this is more than justified.

I can personally say that tulsi tea perfectly calms, moderately tones and promotes good health, as it strengthens the body’s defenses.

This is powerfully felt by the pleasant feeling of a surge of strength and vigor, but, you know, not the same vigor as from coffee - nervously exciting, namely CALM and BALANCED vigor, when you have excellent tone, but you don’t want to fly anywhere at breakneck speed .

When you are calm, focused and at the same time ready for achievements ☺

It is important to know!

Doctors of oriental medicine recommend drinking tulsi tea to EVERYONE who lives in environmentally unfavorable areas.

This is especially true for residents of megacities and those who live in small towns near highways and gas stations, since scientists have proven that tulsi can reduce the harm from inhaled harmful gasoline fumes.

I don’t know which of us now lives in ideal environmental conditions, who doesn’t have gas pollution in the city (or even real smog), or who doesn’t have highways and gas stations nearby...

Therefore, I think that a cup or two of tea “for prevention” is a smart move!

Ayurvedic experts advise drinking tulsi tea whenever you feel exhausted. Moreover, not only physical weakness, but also psychological. When, you know, a state in which there is apathy, you don’t want anything, everything is laziness, everything seems complicated, impossible, and in general, “life didn’t work out and wasn’t successful...”... :)

My advice to you from the bottom of my heart: make yourself a better cup of tulsi tea. This is the truth - it will definitely help, friends! I always do this when I feel like my “batteries” are running low...

And you know what I can say? It works!

The tea gently invigorates and restores my mental clarity. After this, that same magical feeling arises, for which you can give a lot: the feeling that “everything is not so bad, however!” and even more - “everything is VERY good!” … ☺

My other great gratitude to this drink is this: due to its properties, it is believed that tulsi tea can improve vision. And I work a lot on the computer, and by the end of the day my eyes get very tired... In order to maintain eye health and relieve stress from them, I use several natural remedies (for example, blueberries) and techniques (in the form of massage and eye exercises), and one of them is holy basil tea.

Tasty, aromatic, healthy, simple and - most importantly - effective!

Which is just very logical: since tea relieves tension and relaxes the muscles and psyche, then the tension in the eye muscles also goes away, right?

Regarding the anti-aging properties, I can say one thing: I like the condition of my skin, and I think that drinking tulsi tea makes a significant contribution to this.

Benefits of Tulsi Tea

By purchasing tulsi tea, you will add variety to your tea ceremony and enrich your taste buds with another excellent drink that can give you real pleasure and tangible health benefits!

In addition to all the above useful and medicinal properties of this tea, I would like to note one more advantage: tulsi tea is produced both pure, without any flavors, and with various natural additives, as well as with a composition that contains tulsi and other herbs or other teas.

Tea is available in the form of leaves and tea bags. You choose what is most convenient for you.

Another advantage of tulsi is that manufacturers produce it in the form of an extract - tablets that are very convenient to take wherever you are.

This will be especially convenient for those who do not have time to organize a “tulsi tea ceremony” every day, but want to get all the useful and rejuvenating bonuses from this herb.

Especially if you use tulsi in your medical therapy for any diseases!

How to choose the “right” tulsi tea?

Be sure to purchase goods from trusted suppliers or directly from the drink manufacturers themselves.

If you want to experience all the benefits of drinking tea, the product must be certified as organic, which will be confirmed in the form of product quality certificates.

Pay attention to the expiration date, production date and the country in which the raw materials were produced (India, Indonesia, Philippines - best).

I buy real Indian Tulsi tea Here

Only this tea can truly relieve stress, strengthen your immune system, saturate your body with antioxidants and vitamins, as well as give you vitality and give you a powerful boost of energy and lift your spirits!

Interesting and important facts, scientific research on holy basil tea.

  1. Hindus say about tulsi that it helps solve absolutely all problems - from “cosmic” to “cosmetic”. A joke in which, in fact, there is only part of a joke, and the rest is true!
  2. This drink, despite its moderately invigorating effect, contains absolutely no caffeine.
  3. It is suitable for use by all age groups, even children.
  4. The calming effect of drinking this tea extends not only to the psyche and nerve endings of the body, but also to the skin: you will immediately see. How the cramped facial muscles relaxed and your skin smoothed out.
  5. If a rash or eczema occurs on the skin, brew moderate strength tulsi tea and regularly wipe the affected areas with this infusion.
  6. Tulsi tea has been proven to heal diabetes. In 1996, one of the University scientists Agriculture and Technology in India, studies were conducted: two groups of people were recruited and asked to drink tulsi tea every day. People in the first group actually drank this tea, and the second group was given regular green tea (this was how the placebo effect was tested). As a result of these studies, it was found that participants who drank tea with holy basil leaves every day had a 22% decrease in blood sugar levels , compared to subjects in the placebo group!
  7. Scientists have proven that drinking tulsi tea or extract protects the body during chemotherapy. Research is still being conducted regarding the treatment method and the exact dosage, but it is already clear that drinks and preparations with tulsi can be taken as an auxiliary support agent during radiation and chemotherapy.
  8. Dentists say drinking holy basil tea ensures oral health, ideal for daily rinsing.
  9. Drinking tulsi tea improves the functions of the cardiovascular system: the antioxidant properties of tea allow you not only to normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system and strengthen blood vessels, but also to avoid heart attacks and strokes IN THE FUTURE!
  10. Drink tulsi tea before meals as an aperitif to improve intestinal motility and prevent post-meal flatulence.
  11. For ear pain, place 4 drops of warm, freshly brewed tulsi tea into the sore ear. This will relieve the pain.

How to drink tulsi tea correctly?

Brew it as directed on the packaging of the tea you purchased.

Take a small saucepan with water and bring it to a boil, then add tulsi tea leaves, a little mint and other spices to your taste. You can add some more loose leaf tea - at your discretion, say, a little green tea. There is no need to boil, just cover the saucepan with a lid and steep the tea for 10 minutes. Strain and pour into cups.

If you want, you can add a little milk (Ayurveda experts recommend, of course, cow's milk, but you can add whatever you use, there are no clear rules).

This drink (if you add spices to it) should be drunk hot.

Drink this drink daily and you will feel much better!

How do you like this information, friends? Will it be useful to you?

I really hope that it will inspire you to regularly drink this healing, rejuvenating and incredibly beneficial tea!

Write in the comments, have you already tried holy basil tea? How do you like him? Share your impressions and results based on your feelings.

And I’ll go and brew myself this magical and rejuvenating drink. I'll be back and enjoy reading and responding to your comments while drinking tulsi tea!

Bye everyone, see you soon, my dears!

Alena was with you, bye everyone!

Holy basil

Tulsi (Holy Basil, Ocimum sanctum) is one of the most famous plants of Ayurveda, used in many common formulations. For thousands of years, tulsi has been used as one of the famous medicinal plants with great healing powers. The power of Tulsi manifests itself both physically and spiritually as it is one of the most sacred plants in India. Many devotees of the Vaishnava tradition even believe that using it as a medicinal plant is disrespectful to it. However, the majority believes that not to use the gifts of the Lord, which he shows people every day in the form medicinal plants
, and especially by such a miracle as Tulasi, would probably mean much greater ingratitude. Therefore, let's talk about its medicinal properties.
Tulsi is a perennial plant or shrub of the Lamiaceae family. It comes primarily from India, but also grows in Arabia, Malacca, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Polynesia. Petals - green or
. The leaves are short-petiolate, oblong-ovate, sparsely toothed, up to five centimeters long.

The stem, leaves and calyxes are covered with hairs. The flowers are two-lipped, white with a purple tint, collected in false whorls.: Tulsi's sister sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) is sometimes incorrectly called holy basil, but the two can be distinguished by their aroma and taste.
Tulsi leaves are covered with hairs, while sweet basil leaves are completely smooth; Tulsi does not have the strong licorice or anise flavor that sweet basil has. In India there are two types of tulasi - dark, called Shyama-tulasi or Krishna-tulasi and light Rama-tulasi. Shyama tulasi is widely used in medicine and religious worship.
Latin name Ocimum Sanctum, Ocimum tenuiflorum
English name: Holy Basil
Chinese name: : che-tak-me, erung Sanskrit
Tulsi is one of the most sacred plants in India. “Simply touching Tulasi purifies the body. Just by praying to her, you can be cured of all diseases.
By watering Tulasi, you can get rid of the fear of death" (from the Skanda Purana).
Places of distribution: Arabia, India, Malacca, Indonesia, Philippines, Polynesia. Cultivated in India, Malacca. Use
: leaves, stems Chemical composition
: The leaves contain a high percentage of essential oil, some of which is present in the stem but not in the roots. The seeds contain a large amount of mucus. The eugenol content in essential oil reaches 70%. Other components have been identified as nerol, eugenol methyl ether, caryophyllene, terpinen-4-ol, decylaldehyde, y-silenin, alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, camphor and carvacrol. The leaves also contain ursolic acid, apigenin, luteolin, apigenin-7-o-glucuronide, luteolin, orientin (anti-inflammatory, antioxidant), and molludistin.
Old tulsi leaves contain 3.15% calcium, 0.34% phosphorus and 4.97 insoluble oxalate.
Cineol – expectorant, disinfectant, analgesic, antiseptic
Methylevgenol – calming (sedative), antispasmodic, antitussive
Linalool – anticonvulsant, bactericidal, antispasmodic
Carvacrol – bactericidal, fungicidal:
Eugenol – antiseptic, local irritant, anesthetic Action in the Ayurvedic tradition
Jvarahara : Reduces fever
Shwedana : Diaphoretic
Svasakasahara : Eliminates shortness of breath, relieves cough
Dipana : Increases appetite and digestion
Hridaya : Particularly beneficial effect on the heart
Kustha : Treats skin diseases
Muthracrichchaghna : Relieves dysuria (especially seeds)
Shothahara : Prevents tumor growth
Krimighna : Reduces helminthic infestations
: Stimulates the nervous system
Therapeutic effect
1. Exhibits strong antiseptic and antibacterial properties due to the content of eugenol and a complex of other substances in the essential oil. It is used to prevent and treat headaches, heart diseases, various forms of inflammation, poisoning, and malaria. The cleansing and disinfecting effect of tulsi also manifests itself on the subtle plane - it is believed that this plant cleanses the human aura, drives away evil spirits, destroys negative elementals, and cleanses the mind and heart.
4. Is a good expectorant, used for coughs and bronchitis (especially in combination with honey, ginger and onions). The dried plant in a decoction (1 to 10) is a home remedy for coughs, bronchitis, colds and diarrhea.
5. Has an antispasmodic effect.
6. Improves nutrient absorption.
7. Has antitumor and radioprotective properties.
8. Strengthens nervous tissue, cures nervous weakness, reduces stress levels, at the central level nervous system acts as an antidepressant.
9. Improves memory; taken in combination with honey restores connection with Brahmimarma.
10. Is an antioxidant and immunomodulator
11. The juice of the leaves is used externally for fungal infections of the skin, for various irritations, ulcers, and exhibits pronounced healing properties.
13. Mixed with a small amount of ginger, the juice of the leaves is given to relieve colic in children. Fresh juice is given as an antiemetic and anthelmintic.
14. A decoction of the leaves with a small addition of cardamom powder is a remedy that increases sexual energy.

In the Ayurvedic tradition, they are used in formulations using metals, where they are ground into a fine powder and taken in microscopic doses.
People with skin diseases such as itching, leprosy, rashes caused by spoiled blood should drink tulsi juice and simultaneously apply it to the affected areas, mixed with lemon (or lime) juice, in the form of a paste for faster healing. The dried plant in a decoction (1 to 10) is a home remedy for coughs, bronchitis, colds, and diarrhea.
A decoction of the roots along with Nightshade jacquinii and Clerodendron siphonantus, Gulancha and ginger, soaked in two tola water, recommended by Chakradatta for coughs and various diseases breasts
The concentrated juice of the leaves acts as rasayana if taken twice a day, half tola or in quantity of one chattaka every morning.
The juice of the leaves applied to the ear relieves ear pain.
Relieves the condition of chronic fever, bleeding, dysentery and dyspepsia.
Mixed with a small amount of ginger, the juice of the leaves is given for colic in children.
Mixed in quantity of one tola and a quarter tola Infusion of black pepper is given for fever and moving fever in the intervals between attacks.
Fresh juice is given as an antiemetic and anthelmintic.
With honey, ginger and onion it is a good expectorant used for coughs, bronchitis, and baby fever. The leaves, sweetened with honey, are given to children with chronic coughs as an expectorant.
For nausea, pills made from the following ingredients are recommended: tulsi leaves, jujube seeds, sugar candies in an amount of 3 Masha, and black pepper in the amount of 1 Masha, And pure water in sufficient quantity. This paste is rolled into pea-sized pills. The juice of fresh leaves, flowers and root bark are used as an effective remedy against snake bites. A person bitten by a snake (as well as one who has been struck by lightning) should take tulsi leaves for 3-4 days.
The same applies to people affected by electric shock. tola A person who is in a critical condition, close to death, losing consciousness, should, if possible, give half
fresh tulsi juice. If not possible, apply it to the ears, eyes, mouth and whole body.

Repeat this until the patient is cured.

The seeds, ground with cow's milk, are given to stop vomiting and diarrhea. This remedy is especially effective for children. Children aged one year are given 2-3 grains of seeds 3-4 times a day.

Tulsi also gives spiritual aspirations and longevity.

Yulia Sorokina Note: Weight and volume measurements can be Increasingly, many gardeners are trying to grow in

room conditions original plants with mysterious names. When choosing planting material, preference is usually given to fast-growing crops with a lush above-ground part that does not require special care. Gaining particular popularity


. Among the well-known thyme, rosemary, mint and lemon balm, tulsi seeds are also found. This new product is fascinating with its name. But what is tulsi?

Tulsi or Holy Basil is a representative of the evergreen tropical shrubs. The birthplace of this culture is India. In this region, the tulsi plant takes pride of place. It is not grown by crops.

The main difference between this variety of basil and other types of crops is the presence of rough leaves covered with thin fibers. The leaf blade is oblong, ovoid in shape. The leaves are small with jagged edges. The length of one leaf does not exceed 5 cm. Lat. Tulasi (photo) The flowers are two-lipped, small,

All parts of the plant are used as raw materials for the preparation of medicinal drinks and dishes. In addition, folk remedies prepared from the tulsi plant help maintain beauty and health.

Dried twigs and flowers of the plant are also used as incense.

This culture has been known since ancient times. With its help, religious rituals were carried out, healthy dishes, natural medicines and cosmetic products were prepared on its basis.

But the special value of tulsi was its ability to purify the energy of a person and his home. Basil bushes in India were planted not only at the thresholds of palaces and temples, but also in the courtyards of ordinary people.

Due to the large number of beneficial properties, tulsi received a second name - Holy Basil.

With the help of this plant you can not only harmonize the atmosphere in your living space, restore your vital energy and improve your health. The rich nutritional composition of the plant allows you to enrich your daily diet with it.

Basil is used in preparing meat and fish dishes. Its aroma will make any cold or hot snack appetizing.

Once you grow tulsi in a pot, you can ensure your supply of fresh herbs for a long time. At proper care such a plant will always have an attractive appearance and increase its green mass.

How to propagate tulsi

Growing basil is not a troublesome task, but it does require preliminary preparation. First of all, you need to purchase:

  • seedlings
  • Soil mixture
  • Planting material

The plant develops well in a mixture of peat and humus in a 1:1 ratio. But special ones are also suitable ready-made mixtures for seedlings.

The speed of development and appearance of the plant is influenced by the quality of planting material. If, when transplanting cuttings, you can visually determine their suitability, then it is usually impossible to examine damage to the seeds.

Therefore, it is necessary to purchase tulsi seeds only in special stores. Particular attention should be paid to the appearance of the packaging. It must not be damaged.

It is necessary to check the expiration date, since the duration of storage significantly affects the germination of basil seeds.

You can increase your basil reserves by propagating the crop. For this, gardeners use the main types of tulsi propagation:

  • Seeds
  • Cuttings

Adult tulsi bush (photo)

To get a full-fledged plant from seeds, seedlings are first grown. Tulsi seeds are planted in prepared containers to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. The distance between them is 2-3 cm.

The substrate is slightly moistened with a spray bottle. The container is covered with a plastic cap and placed in a warm place. You can use it near the radiator or on a sunny windowsill.

After a few days, the seeds will germinate. During this period, it is necessary to remove the shelter and move the container to a place with access daylight for 8-10 hours. If necessary, the sprouts are additionally illuminated with fluorescent lamps.

When the height of the plants reaches 4-5 cm or the second crown of leaves is formed, tulsi is planted in flowerpots of 2 pieces. After the formation of 4-6 leaves, the tops must be pinched. This stimulates the bush to grow wider.

Tulsi can be viewed from two points of view. The first is material or physical, that is, what it looks like, what family of plants it belongs to, where it grows, its benefits, and the like. The second is spiritual.

Let's start with the first one. The botanical name of the plant is Holy Basil (lat. Ocimum sanctum). Perennial herbaceous plant or shrub native to India. The leaves are green or purple, short-petiolate, oblong-ovate, sparsely toothed, up to five centimeters long. The stem, leaves and calyxes are covered with hairs. The flowers are two-lipped, white with a purple tint, collected in false whorls.

It is also worth noting that tulsi is grown not only in its homeland - India, but also in other countries of the world, including Russia. Moreover, many people grow it right at home. Although tulsi is called a bush, its size can reach up to 2 meters in height!

Everything looks much more interesting from a spiritual position. Vedic scriptures and saints of the past give very detailed description Tulasi is not just a tree, but a spiritual personality. So, let's try to take a closer look at this aspect.

The Vishnu Purana (6.7.61) states:

“The sages have divided the energies of the Supreme Personality of Godhead into three categories: spiritual, marginal and material.”

Vishnu Purana (6.7.61)

Spiritual energy is the spiritual world and all its diversity, everything there is full of knowledge, eternity and happiness. Material energy is the opposite of the spiritual world - the material world around us. Borderline energy is living beings, spiritual particles of the Lord, that is, you and me. Borderline energy means that we always have a choice where to be - in the spiritual or in the material world.

Tulasi refers to the spiritual energy of the Lord. She is an expansion (incarnation) of Vrinda Devi (close companion and friend of Srimati Radharani), eternally abiding in spiritual world. Vrinda Devi has the ability to manifest in its entirety here in the material world, like a tulasi tree. Tulasi is the same Vrinda. This is confirmed by the great saint of the Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition, Visvanatha Chakravarti Thakur. In his work "Sri Vrinda-devi-ashtaka" he glorifies Vrinda Devi as follows:

“O Vrinda Devi, I offer my respectful obeisances at your lotus feet. He who has studied Satvata Tantra praises you. You are the energy of Lord Krishna by which He performs His pastimes, and in human society you are known as Tulasi Devi.”

Visvanatha Chakravarti Thakur, "Sri Vrinda-devi-ashtaka"

8 names of Tulasi

There are eight names of Tulasi, which reveal even deeper qualities of her. They are listed in the Padma Purana in the verse “Ashta-nama-stava”. In it, the Lord glorifies Tulasi as follows:

“The tulsi tree gathers in numerous groups, therefore it is called Vrinda. I glorify dear Tulasi. Long ago she appeared in the forest of Vrindavan and is therefore known as Vrindavani. I adore this auspicious and illustrious personality. She is always worshiped in countless universes and therefore she is known as Vishvapujita - the one who is worshiped throughout the world. Countless universes are purified and made holy by contact with her. Therefore she is also called Vishvapavani - the one who purifies the entire universe. Remembering her, I suffer in separation from her. Although many other flowers adorn the Lord, He will not be satisfied unless tulasi is offered to Him. Therefore she is considered as the essence of all colors and is called Pushpasara. Now I am tormented, suffering and longing to see her - she is the embodiment of purity. Since she brings faith and spiritual happiness, she is called Nandini. She has no equal in the whole world, which is why she is called Tulasi. I take shelter of this dear Tulasi. Being very chaste and dear, she is the life of Krishna and is therefore known as Krishnajivani."

"Padma Purana", verse "Ashta-nama-stava"

What does Tulasi (Vrinda Devi) do in the spiritual world?

In all the forests of Vrindavana, Vrinda Devi has her own storerooms. She is constantly busy with her many assistants and forest goddesses, trying to bring the pastimes of Radha and Govinda to their successful conclusion. Vrinda has a unique and very exalted role in the games of the Divine Couple. She arranges Their secret meetings and is a very close friend of Radhika. In Vrndavana there are twelve beautiful forests for pastimes. Following the instructions of Purnamasya (personification of Yogamaya), Vrinda Devi arranges everything necessary for the meeting of Radha and Krishna, since she is in charge of the forests of Vrindavan.

Seeing Sri Krishna enter Vrindavan, Vrinda addresses all the moving and non-moving forest creatures who were suffering from separation from Him.

“O friend forest, wake up immediately from your swoon of separation; your beloved Krishna has come to give you happiness. Rejoice and quickly remind Him of your delightful queen Radha. Having shown your countless opulences, make your beauty useful by arranging everything for the pastimes of Sri Krishna. O creepers, wake up! Oh trees, bloom! O deer, frolic! O cuckoos, sing with the bees! O peacocks, dance happily! O parrots, read sweet poems! O moving and immobile creatures, rejoice: your precious Sri Krishna has come to make you happy."

Sivarama Swami, Venu Gita

Why do people worship Tulasi?

The scriptures show what are the fruits of worshiping Tulasi. Let's list a few of them.

The Padma Purana (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya-lila 11.31) says:

“Although the Vedas advise the worship of demigods, the highest form of worship is the worship of Lord Vishnu. However, even higher is service to Vaishnavas, those who have strong ties with Lord Vishnu.”

Sri Caitanya-caritamrita, Madhya lila, 11.31

And Tulasi is very dear to Lord Vishnu.

“If in Kali Yuga a person keeps wood and tulsi leaves in his home, whether dry or fresh, sin will never appear in his home.”

Hari-bhakti-vilasa, 9.190 (Garuda Purana)

“Even after a hundred years, I cannot accept the worship of a person who does not offer Me tulasi every day.”

Hari-bhakti-vilasa, 7.260 (Garuda Purana)

In Hari-bhakti-vilasa 9.133 (Skanda Purana, Kashi-khanda), Yamaraja (the god of death and religious principles), scolding his messengers, the Yamadutas, said:

“O messengers, do not arrest or bring to me those who are adorned with tulasi beads, who glorify tulasi and maintain the tulasi forest. Keep a long distance from them."

Hari-bhakti-vilasa, 9.133 (Skanda Purana, Kashi-khanda)

The following text (9.134) states:

“Yamadutas never visit houses where the tulsi plant is regularly worshiped. In fact, they do not even have the right to look at such a house or pass near it.”

“All the sinful reactions of one who plants, maintains, waters, touches and looks at tulasi, accumulated through the body, mind and speech, are burnt to ashes.”

In the following text (9.134, 140)