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Ancient civilization of Lemuria. Hypotheses about Lemuria. Descriptions of Lemuria by V.Ya Rasputin

The Lemurians are representatives of the third root race that lived on Earth. They are the direct ancestors of humanity. So say the ancient legends, the source of which is the “Akashic Chronicles” - the repository of the entire history of the Universe. Now this is called the information field of the Universe. The Lemurian era lasted from approximately 4,500,000 BC to 12,000 years ago.

It is believed that the Lemurians lived on the island or mainland of Lemuria, located in the Indian Ocean. Part of this continent is the island of Madagascar, where indigenous myths say that an island inhabited by giants once extended to the east. The territories that belonged to the giant continent of Lemuria included the lands now under the Pacific Ocean, as well as Hawaii, the Eastern Islands, the Fiji Islands, Australia and New Zealand. And also, lands in the Indian Ocean and Madagascar. The eastern coast of Lemuria extended to California and parts of British Columbia in Canada. For a long time before the fall of consciousness, the Lemurians lived in the frequency of the fifth dimension or in fifth-dimensional space and were able to move back and forth from the fifth to the third dimension without problems, at will. With the help of intention and the energies of the heart, this could be done at any time.

But the most complete description of Lemuria and the Lemurians is given by Helena Blavatsky in her book “The Secret Doctrine”. She talks about the continent of Lemuria, which was destroyed as a result of fractures in the earth's crust, earthquakes and fires.
From her works it became known that during their evolution the Lemurians changed qualitatively. The early Lemurians were hermaphrodites, twenty meters tall, with a soft and plastic body, in which a bone skeleton gradually began to appear. After further densification of the bodies of ghost-like people, the early Lemurians appeared, who were about 20 meters tall and were four-armed and two-faced. Two hands in front served two eyes that saw in the physical world (light), and two hands behind served the eye that saw in the subtle world. The early Lemurians could no longer pass through walls, but with the help of four hands they could carry out active actions in the physical world. They could fully use the energy of the subtle world (influence on gravity, psycho-impact on animals, etc.), but they could already quite effectively use the energy of the physical world (muscle strength, fire, water, etc.). They had no memory, they communicated telepathically and expressed their feelings by singing. The formation of their genetic apparatus had reached such perfection that they were divided into men and women, and childbearing began.
It appears that the early Lemurians lived during the time of the dinosaurs.
In the process of evolution, the Lemurians became bisexual and two-armed. The process of body compaction continued, and therefore the later Lemurians (Lemur-Atlanteans) became smaller (about 10 meters). The third rear eye went into the cavity of the skull, but continued to retain its functions as an organ of tuning to the waves of the Other World. U modern man it became known as the hypothalamus, which now performs other functions. The two back hands that served the real third eye disappeared. Late Lemurians led a semi-aquatic lifestyle; small gills helped them breathe underwater. They built huge cities, achieved the highest level of technology (aircraft, space exploration, etc.), created first-class science, and healed their bodies with internal energy. Their life expectancy reached 1000-2000 years.
The later Lemurians learned to comprehensively use the energy of the physical world, but their technologies were based primarily on knowledge of the laws of the subtle world. Every Lemurian had a connection with That Color, drew knowledge from there, and his activities (science, good deeds) replenished That Light with knowledge. They could enter the state of samadhi relatively easily. The most advanced of the later Lemurians learned to dematerialize and rematerialize. They mastered levitation (overcoming gravity and raising their own body above the ground) and instant transfer of their body in space. Even dematerialization and materialization of aircraft and other vehicles was achieved.
That Light that created man had something to be proud of - during the period of Lemurian civilization, man not only mastered the physical world and established the physical form of life, but also, through his research and good deeds, enriched the torsion fields of the Universal Information Space with new information. The goal was achieved - a high level of life was created in the physical world, which contributed to the improvement and progress of life in the subtle world.
Late Lemurians are called Lemur-Atlanteans. They were sharply different from their ancestors - the early Lemurians and their descendants - the Atlanteans. They were more perfect than both. The Lemuro Atlanteans had no religion, for they did not know dogma and did not have beliefs based on faith. Their “third (mental) eye” fully opened, and therefore the Lemuro Atlanteans felt their unity with the eternally existing, as well as with the eternally incomprehensible and invisible All, the One Universal Deity. This was the “golden age” of those ancient times, an age when gods walked the earth and freely communicated with mortals. When this age ended, the gods left, i.e. became invisible and later generations began to worship their Kingdoms - the elements.
The Lemuro Atlanteans built huge cities using marble, lava, black stone, metals and rare soils. They carved their own images from stone, in size and likeness, and worshiped them. The oldest remains of Cyclopean structures were the work of the Lemuro Atlanteans. They used huge monoliths weighing up to 500 tons for construction. There is an assumption that the “hanging stones” in the Salisbury Valley (England) and the Egyptian Sphinx are the works of the Lemuro Atlanteans.

Their height has decreased to 6-8 meters. But as a result of the cataclysm that happened to the Earth, Lemuria perished, leaving fragments of the Lemurian civilization on the miraculously surviving islands of the large continent.
It is not known whether the Atlantean lemurs died completely. Although, with their intellectual power, the Lemurians should have foreseen the coming cataclysm and done something to save themselves.
For the Lemurians, not only their size mattered, but also how they moved on the Earth. The Lemurians did not make a single movement that did not have meaning. When they ran, for example, they ran not to reach a place as quickly as possible, but to feel the emotion that came with it. They began to feel an emotional uplift. When their feet touched the ground, there were almost no footprints left on the ground. The Lemurians learned how to use forward motion itself, which carried them to the desired location at a much faster pace.

It is known that the Lemurians could run faster than anyone else on Earth. They could outrun any animal because they ran using their full sensory ability to run. They projected the path using their senses, and chose the path of least resistance. They didn't waste a single move.

No one could challenge their strength. In this sense, they were equal and made no distinction between man and woman or who was the stronger of the species living on earth. Their power was limited only to the use of the six senses, because, as you remember, it was these six senses that, when necessary, weaved everything that was needed into a single plan of meaning. If they needed to move a rock or a huge stone, they did not use their hands or push the stone, but simply listened to the stone or rock. They tried to understand how strong a stone or rock was, and then, using their senses, determined what they would need to move the stone from its place and then used all their abilities. They never tensed up in such situations, but simply used their awareness to, for example, move a stone to another place.
From an emotional point of view, we can say that the Lemurians were almost unemotional, because in their world the Lemurians were almost never very excited. They never seemed to get really angry. They simply began to unfold every thought as if it had meaning, smell, taste and feel. Every thought brought them to a new level of awareness.

If a Lemurian experienced something like a strong emotion, he immediately began to “savor” it. The Lemurians used emotion to train all their senses. They tried to fully understand what caused a particular emotion, where that emotion could lead, and how it would affect their life “journey.”

They weren't angry because they tripped and cut their toe on a fallen tree. They simply took this “text of meaning” and began to examine it, particle by particle, stream by stream, until they fully understood why they stumbled. They never turned to the Creator for clarification because they knew that the Creator had given them a gift.

If the Lemurians suddenly became very excited or lost their emotional balance, they tried to quickly realize their sensations. They considered all the possibilities of what caused such a strong emotion. They never thought it was bad, but they had to recognize the emotion. Do you understand? The Lemurians never considered anything as an accident and did not let things happen to chance. They owned everything; it all made sense; and each new meaning brought them closer to understanding the Power of the Creator.

All that we call emotions remained in the beauty of understanding. Every emotion was viewed in the context of a complete "plane of meaning" and within that plane they approached a higher level of clarity which they used to their advantage.

The Lemurians used astrology, but it was the astrology of the star systems in the crystals of their own circulatory systems, the human circulatory system. They were looking for their own astrology in their physical reality, which was in the blood crystals circulating in the circulatory system. This astrology also magically turns into power for your astrological signs.
The civilized peoples of the Third Race, under the leadership of their Divine Rulers, built vast cities, planted arts and sciences, and knew astronomy, architecture and mathematics to perfection. The Lemurians built their huge rock-shaped cities from rare soils and materials, from erupted lava, from the white marble of the mountains and black underground stone. The first large cities were built in that part of the mainland that is now known as the island of Madagascar.
The Creator, in his infinite wisdom, made sure that the Lemurians did not experience any special need, that everything was provided to them in the most beautiful way. Don't forget, my friends, that they only needed the experience of being human, breathing, eating and evolving. Food was not a problem, since the Lemurians lived off their land itself, from interweaving plants, if you will. This same interweaving provided them with medicines, but not to treat the disease, for they were, in the literal sense of the word, free from diseases. Oh, they could touch a plant that gave them an itchy skin or something, but they used that same plant to produce antibodies. They might even accidentally encounter a creature from the animal weave, and they might have a territorial dispute. Someone could have been bitten or something like that would have happened, and these medicines brought about healing in the most dynamic way.
The Lemurians had six senses, which they used very differently from how you use yours today. For example, they had very specific vision. Simply put, they could be transported mentally using particles. They could simply line up the particles one after another. They could, without exaggeration, use their vision to travel along some road or path and, as long as these particles were lined up, travel for miles by visual experience.
Although the Lemurians' vision could not see every particle by "particleization"*, visual perception was always sufficient to know exactly what the Lemurians should do and how they should do it. They then traveled, following these particles, and continued on their way until they reached a certain place and began to unfold a certain part of their journey there. In this sense, my friends, their field of vision was limitless.
This They used another remarkable feature of their unfolding visual perception. The Lemurians waited until the earth was plunged into darkness, and then they lay down and studied the stars. They not only studied them, they reflected them in their memory. They caused a strong, very strong vibration of each star and its interaction with the rest of the universe. became their nightly travels
. Compared to modern people, the Lemurians heard completely differently. They listened with such deep intensity to the flows, the interweavings of sound itself. These sounds were as simple as the sound of a heartbeat, for they recognized each other in their own etheric existence by the sound of the heart.
The closer they got to the other Lemurian creature, the better they could hear its heartbeat.
. They could literally tell by smell that someone might be a little upset or imbalanced. They could smell the energy before it even began to appear.
The sense of smell was so sensitive that the Lemurians could even sense by smell that someone was telling a story and was leaving out some part of it or exaggerating something. The sinuses were wider and gave more complete knowledge of everything that was happening around. You see, although in all his splendor the Lemurian at that time was much like you, his internal structure was used to generate the highest vibration.
To feel the sense of taste means to allow the energies, the vibrations of the plant to pass through the palette, through the tongue. The Lemurians did not put it in their mouth to taste it. They simply opened their mouth and breathed through it, and when they inhaled, they could tell about every single particle contained in this plant. Therefore, for food they found the best they could, the best that helped them continue their evolution.
It is a widely known fact that when the Lemurians wanted to know about weather conditions, they simply tasted the air around them. The air released a certain element of energy, and they knew whether there would be precipitation - rain, as you call it, or whether there would be another dry day.
It is becoming obvious, my friends, that the Lemurians did not use their mouths to speak that often. They used it specifically to determine what was happening around them. When the Lemurians inhaled through their nose, they used the energy of smell or the energy of pranic breathing. When they wanted to recognize something, they simply inhaled through their mouths, which allowed them to smell the aroma of their immediate surroundings.
The Lemurians used the sense of touch to learn the history of various things they encountered. If they wanted to find out the age of a tree, they simply very carefully placed the very tips of their fingers on it. When the Lemurians did this, they could count the rings inside the tree, which gave them an idea of ​​how long the tree had already been in existence.
If the Lemurians picked something from an interweaving of minerals, they held it in their hands and felt the vibration until the deepest awareness came, and then they understood how best to use it as a particular tool.
In Lemuria everything happened differently. The Lemurian had only what he needed at that particular moment, for he never felt the fear that he would find himself in space and time in which he would not find everything he needed. He knew that by using all six senses at the same time, he could bring himself to the realization that there was food, there was clothing and everything that he needed at that particular time. He never doubted that he could do all this. He used his senses to manifest everything he needed.
When they ran, it was not to get to some place as quickly as possible, but to experience a feeling of great emotion. They were starting to feel fun. When their feet touched the ground, they barely even exerted any pressure on the Earth plane.
They learned how to use the jerk movement to maintain their fast pace. It is said that they could run faster than any other creature on the Earthly plane. No animal could outrun the Lemurians because when they ran, they used all their sensory capabilities. They mentally passed the path through their feelings and chose the path of least resistance. Everything they did had a purpose. They didn't have a single wasted move at all.
The strength of the Lemurians was beyond doubt. It is not a question of man or woman, or who was the strongest of their kind, since in this respect they were equal. The powers of the Lemurians were limited only by the extent to which they used the six senses, for do not forget that it is these senses that weave together everything that is needed. If they needed to move a huge stone or block, they didn't just pick it up with their hands and start pressing or pushing on it. They clasped this stone and listened to it. They learned how deep and strong it was, and then determined through their own senses what it would take to literally move it. The Lemurians used all available means. They never tired themselves out doing something like that. To move this stone, they used their state of awakening.
If you look at the emotions of a Lemurian, many would say that he is practically emotionless, for in his world, it would seem, he never got into a state of excessive excitement. The Lemurians apparently never really got angry. Instead, they would simply begin to unfold each thought as if the thought had meaning, smell, taste, and could be touched—everything about the thought that would lead them to a new awareness.

If the Lemurians really unexpectedly entered into some great space called “emotion,” they immediately took possession of this emotion and enjoyed it at that very moment. The Lemurians used emotion to train all their senses. They tried to fully understand what had caused it, where it would lead, and what impact it would have on their journey. All emotions were reduced to the beauty of understanding. No emotion could be generated without the opportunity to look at all its interweaving and, within that interweaving, come to a clearer understanding that they could use it to their advantage.

The Lemurian period was the longest and most progressive period in the history of mankind: for millions of years the cult of goodness and the cult of knowledge triumphed, which led to progress and for the sake of which humanity was created by That Light.
Nevertheless, in the depths of the highest level of Lemurian civilization, the cult of knowledge began to gradually be replaced by the cult of power. Knowledge began to be used for the sake of achieving power, for the same reason the great cult of good began to be violated and evil appeared. Weapons began to be produced, the Lemurians divided into groups and began to threaten each other. A negative mental aura hung over the earth. From the Lemurians to the Universal information space not only knowledge and positive mental energy began to flow from Good creative deeds, but also negative mental energy, which had a destructive effect on the torsion fields of the Other World. The “database” about life on earth, created over the entire period of human evolution and contained in the torsion fields of the Other World, began to collapse.
Why did the cult of knowledge among the Lemurians change to the cult of power? "It is difficult to say why this happened. But one can think that the Lemurians, who had reached unprecedented heights and perfectly knew the laws of functioning of not only the physical, but also the subtle worlds, began to feel like absolute masters of nature and wished to gain power over it. In other words, the Lemurians committed the greatest sin - they began to feel like gods, forgetting that God and the Light he controlled gave birth to them. And since of all the Lemurians only one could be “God,” a struggle for power began.
The most developed of the Lemurians (who mastered the phenomena of dematerialization and materialization, levitation and transfer in space) understood that God would not allow the long-term destructive influence of negative psychic energy, which “erases the database” about life on earth in the torsion fields of the Other World. They understood that the subtle and physical worlds originated from a single beginning - the Absolute, that the subtle world progressed before the physical and therefore could have a great influence on the Absolute, which would result in a change in the position of cosmic objects (planets, asteroids, etc.) with a subsequent global catastrophe on earth.
Realizing the inevitability of a catastrophe, many of the Lemurians went into caves, entered a state of samadhi and organized the Gene Pool of humanity. The most developed of the Lemurians, using the phenomenon of dematerialization and materialization, also went underground along with their apparatus and mechanisms and organized Shambhala and Agarti in order to preserve and develop the technologies of Lemurian civilization in conditions of underground life and protect the Gene Pool of humanity.
A cosmic catastrophe was not long in coming, resulting in the destruction of the Lemurian civilization on the surface of the earth. Such was the price of changing the cult of knowledge to the cult of power; The Supreme Mind could not allow the complete destruction of the “database” about life on earth in the torsion fields of the Other World. Just before Lemuria sank, many of the priests and priestesses returned to their homes on the continent and voluntarily went with the earth and Her people, providing relief from radiation, maintaining comfort and fearlessness. They offered their help in confronting the fear that always accompanies disasters. Through the emission of God-controlled energies and their sacrifice, these loving benefactors, figuratively speaking, wrapped the auras of people in the sheets of peace and helped in creating freedom from fear so that the etheric bodies of the life streams would not be so severely frightened, and therefore saved people for future incarnations from experiencing more tragic consequences. The purpose behind this action was that every experience of fear leaves a very deep scar and trauma in the etheric body and cellular memory of people; and it takes several incarnations to heal them. Through the actions and sacrifice of the priesthood, who chose to remain in groups and sing until the very end, much of the fear was alleviated and some level of harmony was maintained. Thus, the damage and trauma of the lost souls was greatly reduced. It is said that the priesthood and the musicians sang and prayed until the waves and water rose to the level of their mouths. Then they died too. During the night, while the masses slept under the starry blue sky, it was all over; beloved Motherland disappeared into the waves of the Pacific Ocean. None of the priests left their post, and no one showed fear. Lemuria left with a feeling self-esteem! “Old Lang Sign” was the last song that the land of Lemuria ever heard. The song they sang has come down to this day through the Irish, with these prophetic words: “Old acquaintances must not be forgotten.”
But long before the catastrophe, people of smaller stature and different appearance began to be born in Lemurian society. The number of such small people (only 3-5 meters) gradually increased. These were the first representatives of the next race on earth - the Atlanteans. Some of them survived on the surface of the earth after the Lemurian catastrophe and remained in the form of a few tribes.

Mysterious disappearances. Mysticism, secrets, clues Dmitrieva Natalia Yurievna


Lemuria is a civilization that was located on an entire continent and disappeared from the face of the Earth, presumably as a result of natural disasters. Another name for this civilization is My (although some researchers consider My to be a continent on the site of the modern Pacific Ocean, while Lemuria is assigned only to the present Indian Ocean). Hypotheses about its existence are not accepted by all scientists, but there are many different detailed assumptions about how the Lemurians lived, why they became extinct and whether they died out at all.

The height of interest in the legendary civilization came in the 19th century, when scientists noticed the similarity of the flora and fauna of the southeastern regions of Asia and the southeastern part of Africa (including Madagascar). In particular, the name of the hypothetical civilization was given by lemurs - representatives of the order of primates. Around the same time, in the state of California (USA), eyewitnesses living in settlements near Mount Shasta began to talk about unusual creatures living on the mountain and appearing in cities only to stock up on food. These creatures looked like people and called themselves the last surviving representatives of a civilization that died under water. According to eyewitnesses, these strange guests appeared out of nowhere and disappeared in the same way, as if dissolving into thin air. Among people, there is an opinion that these creatures have the ability to penetrate other dimensions and control the laws of nature. One of the eyewitnesses claimed that he was able to see through binoculars a gray marble temple standing on a mountain in the middle of a forest. But as soon as the mountain began to be thoroughly explored, the appearance of hypothetical Lemurians among people stopped.

The most convincing are the “Lemurian” hypotheses of Edgar Cayce (1877–1945), an American predictor. In his notes, the civilization of Lemuria is presented as spiritually elevated at the time of its disappearance (compared to the Atlanteans, who, according to Cayce, were kept on Earth by bad karma). Because of this, the American predictor very rarely identified the descendants of the Lemurians among modern people: according to him, there was no need for them to stay on Earth, since they no longer needed to correct their karma.

Edgar Cayce's territorial descriptions of the country My were largely confirmed by geological and archaeological research. He believed that the Pacific coast of South America was the western part of Lemuria at the time of the emergence of homo sapiens (our species). Already in the 1990s, 60 years after Cayce’s assumptions, the underwater Nazca mountain range was discovered, which was once dry land and connected the coast of modern Peru with an archipelago that had also now gone under water, which corresponded to Cayce’s descriptions. According to the predictor, Lemuria began to partially submerge under water 10,700 years ago, that is, at the end of the Ice Age closest to our time, when the melting ice caused the water level of the world's oceans to rise sharply. But the My civilization continued to flourish after that on the “ruins” of the former giant continent. Cayce considered the period of its decline to be the time before the disappearance of Atlantis.

The Russian contact scientist Vasily Rasputin was guided in his description of Lemuria by information allegedly received by him from Space and closely intertwined with esotericism. Rasputin in his revelations operates with fairly accurate figures, which, however, have not yet been confirmed. From his descriptions one can glean some territorial and chronological details: Lemuria existed in 320–170 centuries BC. e. in the territory from the modern Aegean Sea to the shores of Antarctica. The population was 107 million. According to Rasputin, the Lemurians did not have a physical and etheric body (which are among the bodies a person has), which is why people could not see them, with the exception of those people who had special energy. If desired, the Lemurians could materialize or disappear, moving into other dimensions. In the process of evolution, this race acquired the missing physical and etheric bodies. This hypothesis explains the mysterious disappearances and appearances of Lemurians near Mount Shasta. But geographically, according to Rasputin, the inhabitants of Lemuria lived mainly south of modern Madagascar. In 170 BC e. Due to natural disasters, the most populated part of Lemuria was buried under the waters of the ocean, and at the same time almost its entire population died. The surviving Lemurians, who already had physical bodies, began to be called Atlanteans and settled a new continent (Atlantis), which existed for the next 150 centuries and sank for the same reason as Lemuria. Rasputin's hypothesis coincides with Cayce's assumptions in that the Lemurians were considered a spiritually exalted race: according to Rasputin, they were long-lived, had no material wealth, fed on cosmic energy and reproduced by self-copying (without gender division). Having acquired a physical body, the Lemurians degraded and became ordinary people.

Another hypothesis regarding Lemuria was formed in the Theosophical Society of Helena Blavatsky (1831–1891), who was engaged in religious philosophy and occultism. Occult experiments and predictions in this case also became the basis for conclusions about the disappeared civilization. According to the conclusions of the Theosophical Society, on our planet during the entire period of its inhabited existence, in total, simultaneously or in different eras, there will be seven main races (each race has seven subraces): supreme invisible beings; Hyperboreans; lemurs; Atlanta; People; a race descended from humans that will in the future inhabit Lemuria; the last earthly race to fly from Earth to Mercury. Lemurs, or the extinct inhabitants of Lemuria, in this hypothesis are huge (4-5 m tall) ape-like creatures without a brain, but with a mental will and the ability to communicate telepathically, had three eyes (two in front and one behind) and feet that allowed them to walk equally back and forth. Geographically, Lemuria, according to the Theosophical Society, was located in the southern hemisphere and occupied the southern part of Africa, the Indian Ocean, Australia, part of South America and other lands. Towards the end of their existence, lemurs evolved into a civilization and became more like humans. But by this time, their continent was flooded, and the lemurs themselves in the surviving territories gave rise to the Atlanteans, as well as the Papuans, Hottentots and other ethnic communities of the southern hemisphere.

An interesting hypothesis about Lemuria belongs to the Russian artist, philosopher, archaeologist and public figure Nicholas Roerich (1874–1947). According to the “myth” he compiled, which largely coincides with the conclusions of the Theosophical Society, Lemuria is the continent of the Third Root Race, which developed from the Second Race, created, in turn, from the First Race. Until the middle of the Third Race, people and animals were asexual and did not have a physical body (they were ethereal beings). They did not die, but dissolved, and then were reborn in a new body, which each time was denser than the previous one. Gradually their bodies became denser and became physical, all creatures evolved, and a separation of the sexes occurred. Having received a physical body, people began to die rather than be reborn. At the same time (about 18 million years ago), people were endowed with reason and soul. The continent of the Third Race was located along the equator, on the site of most of the modern Pacific and Indian oceans. It included the present Himalayas, South India, Ceylon, Sumatra, Madagascar, Tasmania, Australia, Siberia, China, Kamchatka, the Bering Strait, Easter Island, ending in the east along the slope of the central Andes. The Nazca Ridge (now underwater) supposedly connected the Andes with the later flooded part of Lemuria. In the south, the continent's border did not reach the Antarctic Circle, in the west it went around South Africa from below and bent north to modern Norway (the mainland included modern Sweden and Norway, as well as Greenland and the middle part of the Atlantic Ocean). The first representatives of the Third Race who lived on Lemuria had a height of about 18 m, but gradually it decreased to 6 m. This assumption of Roerich has indirect confirmation in the statues of Easter Island, which, according to this hypothesis, was part of Lemuria. Perhaps the Lemurians erected statues the size of their height (from 6 to 9 m), with their characteristic appearance features. The high growth and physical strength of the Lemurians explain the possibility of their coexistence with large animals of those eras. With the development of their civilization, the inhabitants of Lemuria began to build rock-shaped cities: the remains of these cities are the Cyclopean ruins on the island of Madagascar and Easter Island.

The decline of the Lemurian civilization coincided with the immersion of their continent under water, its fragmentation into separate continents and islands, which occurred as a result of natural disasters accompanied by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. All hypotheses about Lemuria agree on this.

The death of Lemuria, according to Roerich's hypothesis, came at the very end of the Secondary geological period: the continent went under water 700 thousand years before the beginning of the Tertiary (Eocene) period. Western researchers of the hypothetical continent also agree with this date. Like Blavatsky, Roerich believed that the Lemurians did not disappear without a trace: their descendants are representatives of the Negroid race, Australians, Bushmen, and aborigines of a number of Pacific islands.

Various information about Lemuria given above formed the basis research work William Scott-Elliot, who described in detail the life and evolution of the Lemurians, the development and death of their civilization, as well as geological and biological confirmation of existing hypotheses about Lemuria. Among the confirmations is the scientific fact that modern land was previously covered by ocean waters, and in place of modern oceans, on the contrary, there were continents. This fact, together with the available data on the modern geology of the Earth, indicates the existence in early times of a vast southern continent.

Studies of fossil and modern flora and fauna roughly identify land areas that were connected by the ancient continent and are now located on different continents and islands. At various periods, the southern continent was connected either with Australia or with the modern Malay Peninsula. Thus, in the Permian era, India, South Africa and Australia were supposedly parts of a single continent. It is the southern continent that in the above studies is considered the “cradle of the human race.”

Among the archaeological finds that confirm the existence of a mysterious ancient civilization are the following artifacts: the ruins of the stone port and city of Nan Madol on the island of Ponape (Caroline Islands, Pacific Ocean); statues and buildings of Easter Island; remains of buildings and statues on Pitcairn Island (2 thousand km west of Easter Island); mummies and ruins of high walls in the form of a semicircle on the Gambier Islands (west of Pitcairn Island); monolithic stone arch on the island of Tongatapu (Tonga archipelago); columns on the island of Tinian (Northern Mariana Islands); cyclopean structures and the remains of paved roads on the seabed near the islands of Yonaguni, Kerama and Aguni (Japanese archipelago); megalithic temples on the island of Malta; remains of the skeletons of giant people (found in the USA, Australia, South Africa, Georgia and other places).

Currently, anthropological scientists admit the existence of descendants of the Lemurian civilization in little-studied wooded areas, including outside the probable territory of the lost continent: a new race could displace the Lemurians into more harsh habitats. However, so far only the legends of various peoples of the world serve as confirmation of this assumption.

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Gondwana and Lemuria The final answer to the question of the reality and fate of Gondwana will only be given by the future. For in modern earth sciences, as he believes - and not without reason! - Canadian geophysicist H. Wilson, a scientific revolution is taking place, commensurate with what the theory has accomplished

From the book Address - Lemuria? author Kondratov Alexander Mikhailovich

Indo-Lemuria The relationship of the fauna and flora of India, Madagascar, Mascarene, Comoros and Seychelles serves as one of the strong arguments in favor of the hypothesis of Lemuria. But the same fauna and flora data say that the continent in the Indian Ocean, if it existed, was not there all the time

From the book Address - Lemuria? author Kondratov Alexander Mikhailovich

Sunda, Sahul... and Lemuria? In 1869, near the capital of Tasmania, Hobart, on the shores of Oyster Bay, William Lanny, the last Tasmanian, the last representative of a people who used stone tools, surprisingly reminiscent of those used in Europe during the era, died.

author Kondratov Alexander Mikhailovich

Lemuria in the description of the mystics “Under the turbulent, restless sea lie the secrets of forgotten civilizations. Washed away by the waves, half-buried under the sands, crushed by enormous pressure, the remains of a culture little known today. Where now the mighty Pacific Ocean is majestic

From the book Secrets of the Three Oceans author Kondratov Alexander Mikhailovich

Gondwana and Lemuria According to a large number of geologists, hundreds of millions of years ago in the southern hemisphere there was a giant continent of Gondwana, which included South America, Africa, Hindustan, Australia and Antarctica. There is a surprising similarity when compared

Despite the fact that historians are delving deeper into the development of human civilization, some periods remain blank spots in chronology. Some ancient treatises provide information about the existence of civilizations, traces of which have never been found.

Along with the legendary Atlantis, there was the continent of Lemuria in the Indian Ocean, records of which can be found all over the world. Indian mythology provides information about sunken cities, patronized by demons, and according to other sources, by the gods Krishna and Shiva. Traces of ancient Lemuria can be found on the island of Madagascar, which moved away a little due to the movement of tectonic plates. It is this origin that will explain the presence of interesting animals on the island - Lemurs, which are relatives of many animals in Southeast Asia.

The famous predictor Edgar Cayce left information about the Lemyrians in his notes; he characterized them as a superior race that had achieved spiritual enlightenment. Another contactee, V. Ya Rasputin, described this race as non-human, which only in the process of evolution began to acquire physical and etheric bodies.

The ancient Egyptians remembered a blessed country full of treasures, located in the waters of Waj-Ur (as the Indian Ocean was called on the banks of the Nile). Over time, “this country disappeared in the waves,” as evidenced by Egyptian papyrus.

The Sumerians confidently call this country Dilmun and give it a poetic description: The land, Dilmun, is sacred.

The Sumerians preserved the legend that one of the main gods, Enki, came to them from the country of Dilmun - “from where the sun rises.”

Ancient historians called this island differently - Taprobane. Thus, Eratosthenes, the first to determine the size of the earth's circumference, calls Taprobana an island in the open ocean, located seven days' journey south of India. According to his description, the island extends to the west over a distance of “almost 8,000 stadia” (one and a half thousand kilometers). The famous Roman naturalist Pliny the Elder in his “Natural History” clarifies: “That Taprobane is an island became clear only in the era of Alexander the Great and his campaign. Its naval commander Onesicritus writes that there are elephants there, larger and more warlike than in India itself, and Megasthenes - that a river divides the island, the inhabitants call themselves Palaigons, and they have more gold and larger pearls than the Indians.”

Pomponius Mela, one of the greatest ancient geographers, writes: “As for Taprobane, this land can be considered an island, but one can, following Hipparchus, assume that this is the beginning of another world. This assumption is quite acceptable: Taprobane is inhabited, and there is no information that anyone has circumnavigated this land on a ship.”

Modern scientists have dubbed this land Lemuria in honor of the amazing animal, which, after the collapse of Dilmun-Taprobana, spread throughout the surrounding lands: on the island of Madagascar alone there are 35 species, on the island of Sri Lanka (Ceylon) there lives the slender loris, its closest relative, the thick loris , - on the Indochina Peninsula.

But Lemuria was not only the homeland of the animals that gave it its name. Scientific research has proven that apes and the first modern humans, “homosapiens,” spread from here. They gave impetus to ancient Egyptian civilization in the sixth millennium BC. e. and at the same time the civilizations of Mesopotamia. Lemuria was inhabited by Caucasian people similar to the modern inhabitants of Ethiopia and the Toda tribes of the Blue Mountains Valley in India.

The Blue Mountains are located at the junction of three South Indian states - Kerala, Tamils ​​and Mysore, inhabited by the Malayali, Tamil and Kannar peoples. The mountains are also home to many other tribes, which an English expedition led by William Case set out to explore. For many days, the British climbed higher and higher into the mountains, without meeting a single person on their way; they had already decided that the Blue Mountains were completely uninhabited and decided to turn back. And suddenly, at the end of another day's journey, a picturesque valley appeared before the astonished eyes of Case and his companions, on the slopes of which buffalo grazed peacefully. The herd was watched over by bearded elders, whose clothes resembled the togas of the ancient Romans, and the appearance of biblical shepherds. Thus, the land of the Todas was discovered, the oldest inhabitants of India, who settled here even before the Dravidians and the newcomers from the north - the Aryans.

From the appearance of the Toda, one could guess what the ancient inhabitants of not only India, but the entire Earth looked like. They had large, expressive light brown or green eyes; “Roman” nose, tall stature and fairly fair skin; thin lips, brown hair, sometimes with a reddish tint.

The number of people of the “Blue Mountains” was small - about a thousand people. These were the last of the great Lemuria.

Once upon a time, their ancestors made long voyages and formed the origins of the most ancient civilizations known to us - Ubaid, pro-Indian, Elamite, and partly ancient Egyptian. Their language became the basis for three dialects: Ubaid, Elamite and Proto-Dravidian. Something is also known about their religion and customs. One of the proto-Indian seals depicts a yogi in the “lotus” position. Scientists believe that this is proto-Shiva - one of the main gods of Hinduism, the founder of yoga and the secret teachings of Tantra - rituals that most likely came to Ancient India from Lemuria.

The Lemurians, judging by many sources, taught the Indian aborigines other things: how to tame elephants, how to make jewelry for women, how to bake delicacies - cookies and waffles.

The Indian archaeologist Dikshit confidently writes about the continuity of traditions: “The love of decorating from head to toe with jewelry, which has always been a weakness of Indian women, is fully reflected in the variety and richness of jewelry and beads found in such proto-Indian centers as Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa.” English archaeologist Gordon Childe writes about the same thing: “The village potters of Sindh apparently inherited their craft from their brothers who lived during the period of proto-Indian civilization.”

Lemuria, having given impetus to the development of many civilizations, disappeared. After it, only the islands in the Indian Ocean remained: Madagascar, Seychelles, Mascarene, Comoros...

But she continued to excite people's imagination. Franciscan monks and Rosicrucians, occultists and musicians dreamed about Lemuria.

Eduard Schure in his “Divine Evolution” wrote: “Naturalists studying the globe from the point of view of paleontology and anthropology have long confirmed the existence of an ancient continent, today sunken... It included modern Australia, part of Asia and South Africa, and touched South America. At that time, Central and Northern Asia, all of Europe, as well as most of Africa and America, were still under water. The Englishman Sclater called this ancient continent Lemuria due to the existence of the anthropoid Lemur.”

Matter and people of the Third Race

At the time when the Third Race lived, that is, 18 million years ago, the distribution of land and water on the globe was completely different than it is now.Most of the present land mass was then under water. Neither Africa, nor the Americas, nor Europe existed at that time - they were all at the bottom of the ocean. Also, little of what is now Asia existed: the pre-Himalayan regions were covered with seas, and beyond them stretched the countries now called Greenland, Eastern and Western Siberia, etc.
A gigantic continent stretched along the equator, covering most of what is now the Pacific and also the Indian oceans. This continent covered the entire region from the foot of the Himalayas, which separated it from the inland sea, which rolled its waves through what we know as present-day Tibet, Mongolia and the great Shamo (Gobi) desert; from Chittagong in a westerly direction towards Hardwar and towards eastern Assam. From there it spread south through what we now know as South India, Ceylon and Sumatra; then, covering on its way as it moved south Madagascar on the right side and Tasmania on the left, it descended, not reaching a few degrees from the Antarctic circle, and from Australia, which at that time was an inland region on the Main Continent, it went far into The Pacific Ocean beyond Rapa Nui (Easter Island). In addition, part of the mainland extended around South Africa into the Atlantic Ocean, curving north of Norway.
This continent of the Third Root Race is now called Lemuria.
The earliest humanity was a race of giants. The first Lemurians were 18 meters tall. With each subsequent subrace, their growth gradually decreased, and after several million years it reached six meters.
The size of the Lemurians is evidenced by the statues they erected to the size of their bodies. Most of the giant statues discovered on Easter Island, part of the submerged continent of Lemuria, were between 6 and 9 meters tall. The remains on Easter Island are the most striking and eloquent monuments of the primitive giants. They are as great as they are mysterious. It is enough to examine the heads of these colossal statues, which remain intact, to recognize at first glance the features of the type and character attributed to the giants of the Third Race. They seem to be cast from the same mold, although they differ in features; they have a certain sensual type.
The Lemurians were people of strange superhuman physical strength, which gave them the ability to defend themselves and keep at bay the giant monsters of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic periods. Fantastic and terrible animals coexisted with man and attacked him, just as man attacked them. Being surrounded in Nature by such terrible creatures, man could only survive because he himself was a colossal giant.

Lemurian civilization

When the Third Race became disunited and fell into sin, giving birth to animal people, the animals became ferocious; then people began to destroy each other. Until this time there was no sin, there was no taking of life.
After the separation, the bliss of the first races came to an end. The eternal spring began to constantly change, and the seasons followed. People could no longer live in the First Country (Eden of the first races), which turned into a white frozen corpse. The cold forced people to build shelters and invent clothing. Then people prayed to the highest Fathers (Gods). “Wise Snakes” and “Dragons of Light” also came to the Forerunner of the Illuminated Ones (Buddhas). They descended and began to live among people, instructing them in the sciences and arts.
At the dawn of his consciousness, the man of the Third Race had no beliefs that could be called religion. That is, he knew nothing of any belief system or outward worship. But if we take this term in its meaning as something uniting the masses in one form of veneration, expressed by one whom we feel superior to ourselves, in a feeling of reverence - like the feeling expressed by a child towards a beloved father - then even the earliest Lemurians from the very beginning in their rational life they had a religion, and a very beautiful one. Didn’t they have their own bright Gods around them, even among themselves? Didn't their childhood pass near those who gave them birth and who surrounded them with their concerns and called them to a conscious, intelligent life?This was the "Golden Age" of those ancient times, the Age when "Gods walked the Earth and freely communicated with mortals". When this Age ended, the Gods withdrew, that is, they became invisible.
The gods have been the rulers of mankind from the beginning of time,incarnating as Kings of Divine Dynasties. They gave the first impetus to civilization and directed the minds that endowed mankind with inventions and improvements in all the arts and sciences. They appeared as Benefactors of people.
Fire, produced through friction, was the first secret of Nature, the first and main property of matter that was revealed to man. Fruits and grains, previously unknown on Earth, were brought by the Lords of Wisdom from other planets for the use of those whom They ruled. Thus, wheat is not a product of the Earth - it has never been found in a wild state.
With the advent of the Divine Dynasties, the beginning of the first civilizations was laid. And then, as now, in some regions of the Earth, humanity preferred to lead a patriarchal life, while in others the savage was barely beginning to learn how to build a hearth for fire and protect himself from the elements; his brothers, with the help of the Divine Mind that animated them, built cities and practiced the arts and sciences. However, while their brother shepherds enjoyed miraculous powers by birthright, the “builders,” despite civilization, could now master their powers only gradually. Civilization has always developed the physical and intellectual side at the expense of the mental and spiritual. Mastery and control of one's own mental nature were among early humanity innate properties and as natural as walking and thinking.
The civilized peoples of the Third Race, under the leadership of their Divine Rulers, built vast cities, planted arts and sciences, and knew astronomy, architecture and mathematics to perfection.The Lemurians built their huge rock-shaped cities from rare soils and metals, from lava eruptions, from the white marble of the mountains and black underground stone. The first large cities were built in that part of the mainland that is now known as the island of Madagascar.
The oldest remains of the ruins of Cyclopean structures were all the work of the hands of the last sub-races of the Lemurians; stone remains on the island. Easters were also of a cyclopean nature. This island belongs to the earliest civilization of the Third Race. A sudden volcanic eruption and uplift of the ocean floor raised this little relic of the Archaic Ages - after it had been sunk with the rest - intact, with all its statues and volcano, and left as a witness to the existence of Lemuria. Amazing giant statues are vivid and eloquent witnesses to the lost continent with the civilized heritage on it.

End of Lemuria

The birth and death of the Root Races is always accompanied by geological changes in the globe. They are caused by changes in the tilt of the earth's axis. Old continents are swallowed up by the oceans, other lands appear, huge cities, mountain ranges rise where there were none before. The surface of the globe changes completely every time. This is the LAW, acting at its appointed time, in strict accordance with the Laws of Karma. The "survival of the fittest" peoples and races was affirmed by timely assistance; the unadapted, unsuccessful ones were destroyed, being swept away from the surface of the Earth.
After the Third Race reached its peak, it began to decline. This was reflected in the main continent of the Race - Lemuria: it began to slowly sink. The huge continent, which reigned and towered over the Indian, Atlantic and Pacific oceans, began to fragment in many places into separate islands. These islands, initially huge, gradually disappeared one after another. The largest remnant of the huge continent is now Australia. The present island of Ceylon during the Lemurian period was the northern plateau of the huge island of Lanka, on which the Third Race ended its destiny.
Lemuria was destroyed by volcanoes. She plunged into the waves due to earthquakes and underground fires. The cataclysm that destroyed a huge continent occurred due to underground convulsions and the opening of the ocean floor. Lemuria died about 700 thousand years before the beginning of what is now called the Tertiary period (Eocene).
The remnants of the ancient Lemurians at present are the so-called peoples of the Ethiopian type: blacks: blacks, Bushmen, Australians.

- 6643 Lemuria called a civilization that was located on an entire continent and disappeared from the face of the Earth, presumably as a result of natural disasters.

Another name for this civilization is Mu (although some researchers consider Mu to be a continent on the site of the modern Pacific Ocean, while Lemuria is assigned only to the present Indian Ocean).

Hypotheses about its existence are not accepted by all scientists, but there are many different detailed assumptions about how the Lemurians lived, why they became extinct and whether they died out at all.

The height of interest in the legendary civilization came in the 19th century, when scientists noticed the similarity of the flora and fauna of the southeastern regions of Asia and the southeastern part of Africa (including Madagascar). In particular, the name of the hypothetical civilization was given by lemurs - representatives of the order of primates.

Around the same time, in the state of California (USA), eyewitnesses living in settlements near Mount Shasta began to talk about unusual creatures living on the mountain and appearing in cities only to stock up on food.

These creatures looked like people and called themselves the last surviving representatives of a civilization that died under water. According to eyewitnesses, these strange guests appeared out of nowhere and disappeared in the same way, as if dissolving into thin air.

Among people, there is an opinion that these creatures have the ability to penetrate other dimensions and control the laws of nature. One of the eyewitnesses claimed that he was able to see through binoculars a gray marble temple standing on a mountain in the middle of a forest. But as soon as the mountain began to be thoroughly explored, the appearance of hypothetical Lemurians among people stopped.

The most convincing are the “Lemurian” hypotheses of Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), an American predictor. In his notes, the civilization of Lemuria is presented as spiritually elevated at the time of its disappearance (compared to the Atlanteans, who, according to Cayce, were kept on Earth by bad karma). Because of this, the American predictor very rarely identified the descendants of the Lemurians among modern people: according to him, there was no need for them to stay on Earth, since they no longer needed to correct their karma.

The territorial descriptions of the country of Mu made by Edgar Cayce were largely confirmed by geological and archaeological research. He believed that the Pacific coast of South America was the western part of Lemuria at the time of the emergence of homo sapiens (our species).

Map of Lemuria against the background of modern continents: Lemuria is shown in red, the remains of Hyperborea are shown in blue (from the book “Lemuria - the Vanished Continent” by William Scott-Elliot).

Already in the 1990s, 60 years after Cayce’s assumptions, the underwater Nazca mountain range was discovered, which was once dry land and connected the coast of modern Peru with an archipelago that had also now gone under water, which corresponded to Cayce’s descriptions.

According to the predictor, Lemuria began to partially submerge under water 10,700 years ago, that is, at the end of the Ice Age closest to our time, when the melting ice caused the water level of the world's oceans to rise sharply. But the Mu civilization continued to flourish after that on the “ruins” of the former giant continent. Cayce considered the period of its decline to be the time before the disappearance of Atlantis.

The Russian contact scientist Vasily Rasputin was guided in his description of Lemuria by information allegedly received by him from Space and closely intertwined with esotericism. Rasputin in his revelations operates with fairly accurate figures, which, however, have not yet been confirmed. From his descriptions one can glean some territorial and chronological details: Lemuria existed in 320-170 centuries BC. e. in the territory from the modern Aegean Sea to the shores of Antarctica.

The population was 107 million. According to Rasputin, the Lemurians did not have a physical and etheric body (which are among the bodies a person has), which is why people could not see them, with the exception of those people who had special energy.

If desired, the Lemurians could materialize or disappear, moving into other dimensions. In the process of evolution, this race acquired the missing physical and etheric bodies. This hypothesis explains the mysterious disappearances and appearances of Lemurians near Mount Shasta. But geographically, according to Rasputin, the inhabitants of Lemuria lived mainly south of modern Madagascar. In 170 BC e. Due to natural disasters, the most populated part of Lemuria was buried under the waters of the ocean, and at the same time almost its entire population died.

The surviving Lemurians, who already had physical bodies, began to be called Atlanteans and settled a new continent (Atlantis), which existed for the next 150 centuries and sank for the same reason as Lemuria.

Rasputin's hypothesis coincides with Cayce's assumptions in that the Lemurians were considered a spiritually exalted race: according to Rasputin, they were long-lived, had no material wealth, fed on cosmic energy and reproduced by self-copying (without gender division). Having acquired a physical body, the Lemurians degraded and became ordinary people.

Another hypothesis regarding Lemuria was formed in the Theosophical Society of Helena Blavatsky (1831-1891), who was engaged in religious philosophy and occultism. Occult experiments and predictions in this case also became the basis for conclusions about the disappeared civilization.

According to the conclusions of the Theosophical Society, on our planet during the entire period of its inhabited existence, in total, simultaneously or in different eras, there will be seven main races (each race has seven subraces): supreme invisible beings; Hyperboreans; lemurs; Atlanta; People; a race descended from humans that will in the future inhabit Lemuria; the last earthly race to fly from Earth to Mercury.

Lemurs, or the disappeared inhabitants of Lemuria, in this hypothesis are huge (4-5 m tall) ape-like creatures without a brain, but with a mental will and the ability to communicate telepathically, had three eyes (two in front and one behind) and feet that allowed them to walk equally back and forth. Geographically, Lemuria, according to the Theosophical Society, was located in the southern hemisphere and occupied the southern part of Africa, the Indian Ocean, Australia, part of South America and other lands.

Towards the end of their existence, lemurs evolved into a civilization and became more like humans. But by this time, their continent was flooded, and the lemurs themselves in the surviving territories gave rise to the Atlanteans, as well as the Papuans, Hottentots and other ethnic communities of the southern hemisphere.

An interesting hypothesis about Lemuria belongs to the Russian artist, philosopher, archaeologist and public figure Nicholas Roerich (1874-1947). According to the “myth” he compiled, which largely coincides with the conclusions of the Theosophical Society, Lemuria is the continent of the Third Root Race, which developed from the Second Race, created, in turn, from the First Race.

Until the middle of the Third Race, people and animals were asexual and did not have a physical body (they were ethereal beings). They did not die, but dissolved, and then were reborn in a new body, which each time was denser than the previous one. Gradually their bodies became denser and became physical, all creatures evolved, and a separation of the sexes occurred.

Having received a physical body, people began to die rather than be reborn. At the same time (about 18 million years ago), people were endowed with reason and soul.

The continent of the Third Race was located along the equator, on the site of most of the modern Pacific and Indian oceans. It included the present Himalayas, South India, Ceylon, Sumatra, Madagascar, Tasmania, Australia, Siberia, China, Kamchatka, the Bering Strait, Easter Island, ending in the east along the slope of the central Andes. The Nazca Ridge (now underwater) supposedly connected the Andes with the later flooded part of Lemuria.

In the south, the continent's border did not reach the Antarctic Circle, in the west it went around South Africa from below and bent north to modern Norway (the mainland included modern Sweden and Norway, as well as Greenland and the middle part of the Atlantic Ocean). The first representatives of the Third Race who lived on Aemuria had a height of about 18 m, but gradually it decreased to 6 m.

This assumption of Roerich has indirect confirmation in the statues of Easter Island, which, according to this hypothesis, was part of Lemuria. Perhaps the Lemurians erected statues the size of their height (from 6 to 9 m), with their characteristic appearance features.

The high growth and physical strength of the Lemurians explain the possibility of their coexistence with large animals of those eras. With the development of their civilization, the inhabitants of Lemuria began to build rock-shaped cities: the remains of these cities are the Cyclopean ruins on the island of Madagascar and Easter Island.

The death of Lemuria, according to Roerich's hypothesis, came at the very end of the Secondary geological period: the continent went under water 700 thousand years before the beginning of the Tertiary (Eocene) period. Western researchers of the hypothetical continent also agree with this date. Like Blavatsky, Roerich believed that the Lemurians did not disappear without a trace: their descendants are representatives of the Negroid race, Australians, Bushmen, and aborigines of a number of Pacific islands.

The various information about Lemuria given above formed the basis for the research works of William Scott-Elliot, who described in detail the life and evolution of the Lemurians, the development and death of their civilization, as well as geological and biological confirmation of existing hypotheses about Lemuria.

Among the confirmations is the scientific fact that modern land was previously covered by ocean waters, and in place of modern oceans, on the contrary, there were continents. This fact, together with the available data on the modern geology of the Earth, indicates the existence in early times of a vast southern continent.

One of the biggest mysteries of our time is located in the eastern part of the island of Ponape, rising from the waters of the “Venice” of the Pacific Ocean - Nan Madol - ninety-two (!) man-made islands, built on a coral reef and occupying an area of ​​​​about 130 hectares.

Studies of fossil and modern flora and fauna roughly identify land areas that were connected by the ancient continent and are now located on different continents and islands. At various periods, the southern continent was connected either with Australia or with the modern Malay Peninsula. Thus, in the Permian era, India, South Africa and Australia were supposedly parts of a single continent. It is the southern continent that in the above studies is considered the “cradle of the human race.”

Among the archaeological finds that confirm the existence of a mysterious ancient civilization are the following artifacts: the ruins of the stone port and city of Nan Madol on the island of Ponape (Carolina Islands, Pacific Ocean); statues and buildings of Easter Island; remains of buildings and statues on Pitcairn Island (2 thousand km west of Easter Island); mummies and ruins of high walls in the form of a semicircle on the Gambier Islands (west of Pitcairn Island); monolithic stone arch on the island of Tongatapu (Tonga archipelago); columns on the island of Tinian (Northern Mariana Islands); cyclopean structures and the remains of paved roads on the seabed near the islands of Yonaguni, Kerama and Aguni (Japanese archipelago); megalithic temples on the island of Malta.

Currently, some anthropologists admit the existence of descendants of the Lemurian civilization in little-studied wooded areas, including outside the probable territory of the lost continent: a new race could displace the Lemurians into more harsh habitats. However, so far only the legends of various peoples of the world serve as confirmation of this assumption.