Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

Kitchen cabinet lighting - optimal installation options. Lamps above the work surface for the kitchen Illumination of the work area in the kitchen

The main secret of functional kitchen lighting is its multi-level nature. Each functional area - where dishes are washed, work area, eating area - should be well lit. Let's figure out what light sources will help solve this problem.

Basic rules for lighting in the kitchen

Designing kitchen lighting is not an easy task. Light has a great influence on the organization of space. With its help, you can visually enlarge and reduce the size of the kitchen, highlight some areas and shade others.

If the lighting is designed correctly, the lamps are chosen with love and in accordance with the interior, then working in the kitchen will be a joy for the housewife, and family dinners will become a tradition.

So, what are the basic rules for effective kitchen lighting:

  1. The kitchen should always be light. During the day there should be natural lighting, in the evening and at night - artificial. A well-lit room has a positive effect on the psyche and stimulates the appetite.
  2. However, it is important not to overdo it with artificial lighting. Very bright light hurts the eyes and is not always economical from a financial point of view. The more light sources there are in the kitchen, the less power they should have.
  3. Only multi-level lighting will allow you to conveniently distribute the flow of light throughout the kitchen, creating a unique style.
  4. In fashion - . If you are striving to create a comfortable, modern, functional space, your choice is strict, laconic forms and smooth lines. Moreover, this is not just a fashion trend, but also the convenience of cleaning contaminated surfaces.
  5. Don't forget that the times when the kitchen had one lamp hanging in the center of the ceiling are long gone. Large ceiling lamps go well with spotlights, with LED strip along the apron and even with sconces near the dining table.
  6. Consider the color scheme of the kitchen. Light walls and facades will reflect up to 80% of the light flux, dark ones - only 12%.
  7. The working area requires a power of 100 W/m2; for a dining room 50 W/m2 will be enough.
  8. The distance to water from all light sources should be at least 60 cm.
  9. Don’t be afraid to experiment, and sooner or later you will find exactly the option that will become yours.

Organization of general lighting in the kitchen

When organizing general lighting, you need to take into account the most natural lighting possible. To have a lot of light in the kitchen, you need to use transparent or translucent curtains, or drop-down blinds.

The only exception can be the first floors - they require some protection from the curious glances of passers-by.

The lighter the walls, the more light they will reflect. A kitchen with light walls will look more illuminated than the same one with dark walls.

The main lighting is traditionally ceiling lighting. Conventional whitewashed ceilings with a lamp on a hook in the center have long since become a thing of the past. Today's trend is multi-level stretch ceilings. Stretch ceilings allow you to play with lighting.

A chandelier under the ceiling for the interior is not completely excluded. You can't go anywhere without a chandelier, and even Art Nouveau will be boring without it.

The only rule for choosing a chandelier is the height of the ceilings. If the ceilings are low, it is better to choose a creeping lampshade, and with high ceilings you can choose a hanging lamp.

You can find out more about how to choose a chandelier for the kitchen.

In long kitchens, the idea of ​​main lighting can be supported by a row of hanging lampshades. However, in very large rooms, 4-5 lamps arranged in a row above the dining table will help highlight the dining area, even if it is not in the center.

Please note that lampshades pointing downwards will illuminate the outlined space below them. If the lampshades are directed upwards, the light will reflect from the ceiling and softly dissipate, providing the kitchen with a cozy look.

Organization of spot lighting

Spot lighting will look organically in modern styles. But at the same time, it can organically complement the main lighting in.

The layout of ceiling spotlights can be different: around the perimeter, in a circle, in two parallel lines, and even in a checkerboard pattern.

Ceiling spotlights in the kitchen act as a general background that complements the functional one - above the work area, for example.

When organizing lighting in the kitchen, you need to consider how it matches the interior. For example, if the kitchen is small, it is recommended to use light-colored wallpaper and curtains so that the light fluxes reflected from them visually expand the space.

The same applies to the ceiling. A glossy ceiling that reflects rays of light will help create a higher perception of the room.

Work area lighting

Illumination of the work area determines the convenience of working in the kitchen. The lighting is organized depending on the location of the work area.

If the kitchen is of a traditional type, the work area is located under the wall cabinets, then the lamps are placed on the bottom of the cabinets.

In a high-tech kitchen, lamps can be placed on. If narrow cabinets are located in one row higher than usual, then you can install lighting directly on them.

As light sources, you can use directional lamps that will not dazzle the eyes of people sitting at the table, or LED strips that provide diffused light - quite sufficient for work. The simplest option is ordinary overhead spotlights, which are mounted directly on the bottom of the cabinets.

What may be the rules for placing lamps on the bottom of cabinets:

  • they can be installed in the corner between the bottom of the cabinet and the apron, in the middle of the bottom surface of the cabinet or closer to the end;
  • if lighting is installed under a cabinet above the washing area, the lamp must be waterproof. Here the backlight can be brighter, but it is also important that it does not blind the eyes.

Lamps illuminating the work area, placed above the wall cabinets from above with directional light, will look organic.

When choosing the type of lamps, you need to consider the following features:

  • Built-in lighting looks neat and does not hit the eyes, but it is much more difficult to install and requires drilling of wall cabinets.
  • Overlays are more noticeable visually, but are easier to install (you don’t need to cut holes in the furniture for them), and it’s easier to change light bulbs in them.
  • LED strips help to realize any configurations - triangular and round in different places. Installing this LED backlight is very easy. However, the LED module requires connection through a transformer, which increases its cost.
  • Spot spots are ideal for lighting and furniture. They come in different types and sizes, and can be built-in, rotary or overhead. Spots with LEDs do not lose brightness over time and do not emit heat.

Dining area lighting

The dining table should have soft, non-irritating lighting. To be able to make the most of natural light, the table should be placed close to a window.

However, if the table is located against the wall, you can use a couple of small wall sconces, and if the table is in the center of the kitchen, ceiling lamps are the ideal solution.

Several lamps with shades that match the kitchen interior and with the ability to adjust the height are a traditional option for any kitchen. By the way, adjusting the lamp length is an excellent option for a small kitchen.

When lowered as far as possible above the table, such a lamp will create comfortable light for eating, and when raised to the ceiling, it will organize general lighting.

When choosing lamps, you need to take into account the shape of the furniture. If the table is oval or rectangular, ideally you need to place 2-3 lamps in a row above it: this arrangement will help illuminate the table evenly. For a round table, one pendant lamp above the center of the tabletop will be enough.

The light source should be located slightly above eye level, approximately 60 cm above the table. For an adjustable model, at the lowest position of the lamp, the circle of light should match the dimensions of the tabletop.

Lighting in cabinets

Lighting in kitchen cabinets will serve well when you have to look for something in the depths. As a rule, it will perform purely functional tasks only in the lower, deeper cabinets.

In upper cabinets, lighting can also perform decorative functions if the furniture doors have glass inserts. Such lighting will even help to visually expand the room. The easiest option is to decorate such lighting using LED strip.

Decorative lighting in the kitchen

Decorative lighting does not carry any functional load, but should add comfort to the room. A very good lighting option is an LED strip placed between the kitchen unit and the ceiling. This design technique is great for compact kitchens - it will make them taller.

Another great option for small kitchens is lighting the base of the furniture set. This solution creates the feeling that the kitchen seems to be floating in the air.

To create decorative lighting, you can use an LED strip to highlight paintings; you can hang sconces over the same paintings, photographs and plates.

In a dark kitchen, if you place several sconces around the perimeter at the same height, the space will visually expand.

If you need to separate the functional spaces of the kitchen/studio, you can also use light accents created by decorative lighting.

Either it can be a row of ceiling lights, lighting, floor lighting, or sconces along the wall.

Which light bulbs to choose

For lighting, you can combine different types of light bulbs, differing in power, efficiency, and design.

The most popular today remain:

  • incandescent lamps: the big drawback of which is uneconomical energy consumption has made them less popular compared to past decades;
  • LED lamps are a good economical alternative to incandescent lamps. In addition, the price for them falls every year, and the range only increases;
  • fluorescent lamps are also an order of magnitude more economical than incandescent lamps and last much longer;
  • halogen lamps, thanks to a huge variety of shapes, allow you to create original interior solutions;
  • LED strip is selected according to size, number of crystals and their brightness.

When choosing lamps to illuminate kitchen areas, it is necessary to adhere to a single concept so that they do not conflict with each other in color or size.

Lamps should be easy to clean, not afraid of water, and not get dirty from any touch. Only by following all these rules can you create a beautiful and comfortable kitchen space.

Only competent and technically thoughtful lighting will become an effective tool that simplifies the performance of household or work duties. The cooking process is no exception. Good light is needed for chopping vegetables, cutting food, and sorting cereals. Therefore, high-quality and powerful kitchen lamps above the work surface are required.

Often cooking takes place in the evenings, when you return from work, and, depending on the time zone, it will be twilight or darkness outside. Additional lighting is needed in the area of ​​the cutting table and sink. An ordinary chandelier located in the center of the kitchen cannot emit enough light to all parts of the room, so people think about organizing an auxiliary system.

Kitchen lighting requirements

The average lighting power for a kitchen workplace is about 40 W per 1 sq. m, which is relevant for halogen and fluorescent lamps. LED products shine much brighter with a power 6-8 times less, hence the lower requirements - 5-7 W per 1 sq. m. Therefore, it is worth giving preference to these products, which will save on energy consumption and return the money spent due to a long service life.

The quality of lighting depends not only on the power of the light sources used, but also on the location of the devices. In the countertop area there are usually wall-hung cabinets, and it is best to install lamps from below, into the base.

You need to pay attention to the direction of the light flux. The light should be concentrated, pointed, falling on the place where food is cut and prepared. Avoid lighting that will be directed toward your eyes. To reduce the glare effect, use diffusers that evenly distribute light throughout the room (desired area).

The kitchen work area is divided into several parts:

  • gas/electric stove;
  • food cutting place;
  • food storage place;
  • washing.

Above the stove there is usually a hood in which lighting elements are already built-in. In most cases, food is stored in the refrigerator, which is lit by default, and in wall/floor cabinets. You can build light sources into these cabinets by installing sensors for opening/closing doors. On the other hand, perhaps the main lighting from a chandelier or spotlights in the ceiling will be sufficient. The place of cutting of products was written above.

Methods of lighting above the kitchen work surface

The main choice when organizing a lighting system for a kitchen above a work surface involves different types of fixtures.

LED lights

These lighting devices work in conjunction with semiconductors that emit light when electrical current is applied. The devices operate from an industrial network with a voltage of 220 V and a frequency of 50 Hz or from autonomous energy sources (12 V). In the latter case, batteries or special power supplies (drivers) are used that convert alternating current into direct current and then reduce the voltage.

These are environmentally friendly products that, unlike other devices, do not contain harmful substances (mercury, gases). During operation, no carbon dioxide is released. LEDs are characterized by a uniform glow, operate without flickering, and their service life can reach 100,000 hours. In addition, the products are not highly dependent on voltage fluctuations, and energy consumption at the same level of luminous flux, compared to fluorescent and halogen lamps, can be two or three times lower.

Fluorescent lamps

Special glass flasks containing mercury vapor inside. When connected to a power source, an arc discharge is formed, causing an ultraviolet glow that is visible during operation of the lighting fixtures. Usually produced in the form of tubes of a certain length and diameter.

There are varieties with a round or rectangular body built into an identical lampshade. The main feature of a fluorescent lamp is a cool white glow with increased intensity, which allows you to effectively use devices to illuminate the work area in the kitchen.

To change the shades of light, various impurities are added to mercury vapor, so the glow can have bluish, crystal white, yellowish or violet tints. This is very convenient when creating a room design!

Similar to LED lamps, fluorescent lamps have low wattage, produce little heat and consume minimal electricity. On the other hand, the devices contain harmful gases and mercury vapors inside. Even though the substances are hidden under a shock-resistant glass case, the latter can be destroyed, which is why the device poses a danger to human health. In addition, such lamps cannot be disposed of with regular waste.

Halogen spotlights

Halogen lamps containing bromine and iodine vapors are usually purchased for the kitchen. The main element of the glow is still a tungsten filament, as in conventional light bulbs, but due to additional filling with the specified gas, the service life is significantly extended.

Also, in comparison with their predecessors, with identical power, halogen lamps are characterized by a higher level of illumination. The color temperature is in the range of 2600-3000 K, so the light is soft, with yellowish tints.

Compared to the gases in fluorescent lamps, bromine and iodine are much less dangerous for people, but you still need to be careful during operation, since the bulbs are very fragile, the slightest shakes lead to rupture of the filament. Halogen lamps can be used in conjunction with dimmers, which allow you to adjust the intensity (brightness) of light radiation. High-quality and branded products are well protected from moisture penetration, and this fact is very important for the kitchen.

Self-contained models powered by batteries or special adapters are very convenient. Their operation is relevant in cases where it is not possible to connect the power cable to the location of the lamp. The advantages of this method include independence from interruptions in the supply of electricity to a private or multi-storey building, savings, no need to lay an electrical cable, especially when there is no desire to ditch the walls and disturb the finished finish, and the possibility of installation anywhere. Lamps in which the batteries are periodically and promptly changed will produce the same bright and intense light as other devices.

Surface-mounted lamps

This is one of the most interesting types of autonomous wireless light sources. There is no need to build them into furniture or niches or hide them in lampshades. The device is sold as a ready-made, complete product with built-in light bulbs and a replaceable battery. After purchasing, it is enough to secure them in the desired place, which can be done using Velcro or four screws located in the corners of the metal base. Most often, the mounting location is on the kitchen furniture.

Touch lights

In recent years they have become increasingly popular among consumers. The main advantage is the ability to configure automatic switching on and off of the light, which leads to significant energy savings. Various sensors can be used. For example, lighting devices that turn on when a certain noise threshold is exceeded are easy to operate and have low cost. You manually set the desired noise threshold.

Touch-sensitive lamps with a photocell can be installed in the kitchen, which will be triggered when moving objects are detected. The cost will be higher, but the solution is more functional.

How to choose and arrange

When choosing a lamp for the work area in the kitchen, consider several important requirements:

  • the light should be soft, diffused, not directed towards the eyes, and not cause discomfort;
  • no flicker;
  • energy saving;
  • compact overall dimensions, the ability to be built into kitchen furniture;
  • design compatible with the overall interior of the room;
  • convenient installation and acceptable connection (if it is not possible to lay a power cable, then you should not buy devices connected to a 220 V network).

It is also important to correctly calculate the required number of lamps. There should be enough light above the work area, but at the same time excessive glow should be avoided. The lighting system should look harmonious and be effective.

You can install one or two light bulbs in each zone: above the stove (if there is no lighting or it is poor in the hood), the sink and the cutting surface. When installing lamps, do not forget to purchase various auxiliary accessories, including wires, shades, automation, fasteners, regular or touch switches.

In almost all kitchens, the work area is arranged along one wall, along the length of the room. Sometimes it covers two adjacent walls at once in the shape of the letter “L”. More spacious rooms may include an island arrangement of the cooking area.

The lighting system should be formed depending on the chosen option. The most common way to place point-mounted appliances will be the direct option along the stove, countertop and sink. Moreover, all lamps are located at an equidistant distance from each other. If there are hanging cabinets above the work area, then it is best to install the lamps in them (in the base).

The kitchen table can be illuminated with halogens or fluorescent products. In this case, you can choose a beautiful decorative case that is compatible with the design of the room. Elongated luminescent products can be built into the side walls of cabinets - it looks very creative and unusual!

Most modern electrical appliances have increased fire and electrical safety. They practically do not heat up and emit minimal heat. For this reason, many of them can be installed on any trim. Please note that kitchen appliances require waterproof housings.

Do not forget to carry out timely cleaning, be sure to remove dust from the surfaces of the lamps. Not only dust, but also grease and fumes will accumulate on the diffusers, so it will be much easier to remove them from simple-shaped devices.

The yellow glow distorts colors, so your kitchen furniture may appear “in a different light.”

Consider installing a dimmer to control the brightness level, thereby saving energy consumption. The device is otherwise called a rheostat or dimmer.

To avoid problems while organizing kitchen lighting, think through the smallest details at the planning stage or performing rough renovations. Thanks to this, it will be possible to lay hidden electrical wiring to the location of all the lamps - main and auxiliary for the work surface.

Remember that it is important to create comfortable lighting not only in the area of ​​food preparation, but also in its consumption. This will make it much more enjoyable to spend time with family and friends.

You can also illuminate not only the work area, but also the kitchen unit, focusing on the most significant interior items. In this case, the lighting will also become a decoration of the house. And guided by the principles described above, you can easily organize high-quality and energy-efficient lighting of the work surface in the kitchen, using conventional or stand-alone lighting fixtures.

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LED lighting for the kitchen work area: installation and connection rules

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The kitchen is the most visited place in the house, where the whole family spends a lot of time. And the housewife is still working at the stove, preparing various dishes. The workplace should be comfortable, well lit and safe. What the kitchen will be like is decided by the owners, they come up with a design, equip it with household appliances, choose the style and furniture. It is imperative to think through all the zones, design them in accordance with their purpose and provide the necessary lighting. In this article we will talk about LED lighting in the kitchen work area.


Common types of lighting

Each kitchen area is illuminated according to requirements. A variety of lamps transforms a room and creates an atmosphere of comfort. There should be several types of them in the kitchen:

  • Ceiling or hanging chandelier– placed on the ceiling in the center of the kitchen. Selected to match the style of all furniture and illuminate the dining area. In addition to lighting, it has an aesthetic function.
  • LED Strip Light It has several colors and performs a decorative and practical function.
  • Skinali- These are glass panels with a variety of patterns. Used to finish kitchen aprons. The built-in LED light illuminates the image from the inside. Seascapes with fish and corals look original.
  • Spot LED Bulbs used in large quantities, placed in lamps or in ceiling decoration.
  • Pendant lamps with rotating mechanisms located on the furniture and ceiling, illuminate in the right direction and create a flow of light onto the work area.
  • Spots installed in ceiling structures, in cabinets. Their light is clearly directed to one point.


In the kitchen you can’t get by with just one lamp; there must be at least 3 types of lighting: general, local lighting of different zones and decorative.

What types of LED kitchen lights are there?

There is no need to change electrical wiring or equipment for LED lamps; they are available for any base and are easy to install. It is not difficult to match them to the style of the kitchen; they are very diverse.

  • Main lighting provided with pendant or ceiling lamps with LED bulbs. If the kitchen is small or has a low ceiling, it is better to use a ceiling one.
  • Linear surface-mounted luminaires assembled into a module, from which you can assemble a backlight of the required length, connecting with adapters.
  • Surface-mounted lamps various shapes and methods of power connection: from the mains or with batteries. They can be attached anywhere with Velcro or a magnet, used in cabinets and on internal shelves.
  • Built-in in walls and floors: they are installed flush and can withstand heavy loads.
  • Flat design panels, installed on the ceiling. The variety of sizes allows you to create a unique look for the kitchen with uniform lighting.
  • To illuminate the contents of the boxes, it is mounted recessed LED lighting. It is better to entrust its installation to specialists.
  • Common type of lighting - LED strip. Its advantages are a wide selection of colors, the ability to cut the desired length, adjust brightness, and mount in inaccessible places.

Operating principle of LEDs


Light Emitting Diodes (LED or ICE)- These are semiconductors. Color, brightness and saturation depend on the chemical composition. They consume little electricity, are used in light bulbs, linear lamps, strips and come in warm and cool white, and can also have up to 50 thousand other shades. In addition to color, they differ from each other in the type of glow and the number of crystals.


  • The main advantage of LEDs is energy saving;
  • Resistance to mechanical damage;
  • Large selection of colors, possible use for decoration;
  • Unlike some types of lamps, LEDs are environmentally friendly;
  • Moisture-proof models are available, which allows them to be used in the kitchen and bathroom;
  • Quite a long service life, about 15-20 years;
  • They do not heat up and can be used in any lampshades and suspended ceilings;
  • Can be small in size and used in inaccessible places;
  • The use of 12 V voltage allows you to install devices in damp places and safely carry out cleaning.



  • To connect, you need a power supply, which often fails;
  • High price. But the long service life and low power consumption compensate for this disadvantage.

How to decorate a kitchen with LED lighting

Lighting helps you do your kitchen work safely, with good lighting. Above the stove, lamps are built into the hood, and additional light is installed above the work table. To decorate the kitchen, many types of lighting are used to suit every taste and style. The main thing is that it must be safe.

Lighting options

For decoration, lighting is used in different places:

  • The light directed upward above the cabinets visually makes the room higher and gives it an “airiness”.
  • The kitchen glass cabinets illuminate the dishes, creating the effect of reflection in the mirrors.
  • LED lighting under the lower tier of cabinets “lightens” the kitchen unit. The color is selected according to the style of the kitchen design.
  • Parallel light sources visually enlarge the room.
  • Decorating glass shelves in cabinets with lamps that turn on when the door is opened. It is very convenient, beautiful and rational.
  • Decorating doors, arches, paintings, mirrors.
  • Ceiling structures on several levels are equipped with a chandelier, lamps, and LED strip.
  • The most original and beautiful decoration option is skinali. A flat diode panel with a selected pattern is illuminated from the inside, creating the effect of a plasma panel.

You can decorate the kitchen to suit every taste, come up with a design, and use your imagination.

Important! A large number of multi-colored lights is tiring. It is better if the light is soft, with a brightness control.

Illumination of the work area - tabletops

The work area requires special attention. The light source from behind the hostess casts a shadow on the table and does not illuminate it well. It is convenient to use controllable lamps that can be set in a direction.

The tabletop is illuminated in several ways:

  • On the lower part of the upper wall cabinets, overhead linear lamps of the required length are installed. The light falls evenly, does not create a shadowed area, and is convenient to work with.
  • Moisture-proof diode strip under wall cabinets and along the countertop.
  • Glass tabletop with lighting from below. This option is original, unusual and beautiful.
  • The luminous skin covers the entire working surface. In addition to decoration, it serves as a backlight.

DIY LED strip installation

How to choose LED strip

To select a tape, you need to decide where it will be located and for what purpose it will serve.

  • Degree of protection against water . If the LED strip is placed on the top of wall cabinets, then splash protection is suitable. The countertops and bottoms of tables will require protection from jets of water. For use in swimming pools and fountains, a special moisture-resistant tape is produced.
  • Voltage, used in work for diodes – 12 V.
  • Brightness depends on the number of diodes per 1 meter of tape, from 30 to 240. The more diodes, the brighter the light. For a design solution, the additional lighting is less bright.
  • Color It is better to choose white for the work surface. All other shades will distort the appearance of food when cooking. And for decoration it is possible to use any color scheme, even changing color and blinking.

Necessary tool

The best way to install a diode strip is to purchase the entire installation kit. It includes a power supply, cable, plug, and heat-shrink tubing for sealing. If the installation will be carried out in a guide profile or with double-sided tape, they are purchased separately.

Diode strip is sold by the meter, it is convenient to measure the desired size. In addition to the kit, you will need a soldering iron, a switch, a dimmer, and a plastic box for placing excess cable in cabinets.

Selecting a power supply

Important! It is strictly forbidden to connect the LED strip directly to the network. This is done only through the power supply.

You can choose the model and power of the device based on the technical characteristics of the diode strip (read the instructions or ask the sales consultant when purchasing). The power reserve should be 25% higher than the calculated one, which depends on the type of tape and its length.

The power supply comes in different sizes, so the choice should be made in favor of a high-quality device that can be easily mounted in the right place.

Connection and installation diagram

Installing the backlight is easy. With a little electrical knowledge and following the recommendations, it is easy to install lighting.

  • Cut the tape only in those places where there are special marks. Expose the extreme contacts by 1-1.5 cm.
  • Connect the electrical cable from the power supply only by soldering - this is more reliable. Solder 2 pieces of cable to the contacts and insulate with heat shrink tube.
  • A switch is installed and the power supply is connected to it.
  • A regular switch is installed before the power supply, and a dimmer is installed after it.
  • The tape is attached under cabinets or to a selected location using double-sided tape. First, the place is lightly marked, the correct placement is checked, then it is pressed firmly against the surface along the entire length.
  • The fastening can be in an aluminum profile.
  • Convenient installation of self-adhesive LED strip.
  • Install a plastic box inside the cabinet for excess wires so that they do not interfere or spoil the view.

Important! Multiple tapes are connected only in parallel!

If you do not have electrical knowledge, then it is better to entrust the installation and installation of lighting to specialists.

Video: master class

LED lighting in the kitchen is not only functional, but also beautiful, modern and safe. It can completely change the look of a room. By using your imagination, you can get a comfortable, functional work area where you can enjoy cooking.

The housewife spends most of her free time from work worrying and hassling in the kitchen. And if the rest of the household, while there, are more often at the dinner table, then the woman has to stand more in the work area, near the gas stove and sink. The question arises - is it possible to make her stay in the kitchen at least a little more comfortable?

Of course you can. To do this, you need to correctly place accents in lighting, position the lamps so as to relieve eye strain. After all, scientists have long proven that with improper lighting (be it dim light, in which you need to strain your eyesight, or bright light, which hurts your eyes and makes you close your eyes), your general condition also suffers. Headaches, even migraines, may begin, and performance may decrease. Irritability and insomnia are also consequences of a disproportionately adjusted light flux.

It is necessary to understand how to plan the lighting of the work surface in the kitchen so that the time spent there passes in more comfortable conditions.

Where to begin

The first most common unpleasant fact when lighting a kitchen with one lamp located in the center of the room is the shadow from the body of a person standing behind the worktop. The main task of lighting for the work area is to get rid of this shading. After all, then you won’t have to strain your eyes during this or that action. But first you need to decide which lamps will be used to illuminate the work area in the kitchen.

Lighting can be done using fluorescent lamps, LED strip, spotlights or spots, or a light beam. You need to understand what all these types of lights are.

Fluorescent lamps

Fluorescent lamps for illumination above the desktop are quite acceptable and quite easy to install. The energy saving of these lighting devices is at a fairly high level, and therefore, at their low cost, coupled with durability, they are quite common.

There are two ways to organize lighting for the work area in the kitchen - with conventional or specialized lamps. In terms of cost and ease of execution, of course, the first option is more accessible. Implementation requires the lamps themselves and a little time. Light fixtures must be secured to the bottom of the wall cabinets and power supplied to them. The disadvantage of this method is the need to attach a strip in front of the lamp to prevent a situation where the backlight blinds the eyes of a person sitting at a table, and such a modification of the headset is not suitable for everyone, since it reduces the height of the working area.

The second option is to install special fluorescent lamps, which are designed for such alterations. Such lighting devices have an attractive design and fit well into any environment.

Of course, the main advantage when installing fluorescent lamps is that there is no need to connect any additional devices such as stabilizers or transformers. You just need to apply a voltage of 220 volts to them (with the exception of 127-volt fluorescent lamps that are rare these days).

Spotlights or spotlights

An economical option for tabletop lighting. But all problems cannot be solved with the help of spots, because there are disadvantages that prevent this.

The fact is that such lighting devices are directional, i.e. they shine at a certain point and do not distribute the light over the entire surface. In addition, it is not very convenient to place them on the bottom bar of wall cabinets, and if you attach them to any other place, there is the possibility of shading, which is what you want to avoid with the help of lighting.

Of course, if you can think of the possibility of attaching spots without this drawback, then you can try.

At their core, these are directional light devices, and therefore it is necessary to clearly plan their placement and how they will look in the kitchen; you need to calculate the quantity and power required to illuminate the kitchen work area, and also do not forget about the need to hide the wiring to power the spots.

LED Strip Light

LED lighting for the kitchen in the form of a strip is a fairly easy to install method (as, in fact, are LED lamps). The consumer is also attracted by the huge color spectrum, which makes it possible not only to illuminate the required area, but also to arrange decorative lighting. Colors can be changed to suit your preferences or mood using the remote control. But to illuminate the working surface, it is better to use an LED strip with “cold” light, since it has a stronger luminous flux.

It’s easy to use LED strip – you need to glue it to the bottom of the cabinets. Thus, the light flux will be evenly directed downwards onto the working surface. The tape is attached closer to the wall, after which it makes sense to install a low threshold in front of it, literally 3 cm, so that the LEDs are not visible to those sitting at the dining table.

True, to connect you will need a driver, which can be purchased along with the tape, but this is not a significant problem.

The only significant drawback is the lack of protection of the LEDs in the strip from moisture and grease splashes. But this problem can also be solved.

  1. For light strips, you can purchase a special box (built-in - which must be installed in a recess, if present, or overhead - attached directly to the surface) with plastic protection.
  2. It is possible to purchase ready-made furniture lamps for the light strip. They have a built-in driver - you just need to attach them to furniture and supply 220 volts. But such lamps usually have a high cost.

What is a kitchen with illumination of the work area using a light beam? This is just one of the simplified options for fluorescent lighting. In fact, it’s a good example of light delivery, but it has a very sensitive drawback. This type of lighting can cost quite a large sum. But the price, of course, is worth it because the light beam looks quite aesthetically pleasing and rich. In addition, the switch can be mounted directly on it.

To begin with, it makes sense to understand the advantages of this type of lighting.

Firstly, the quality of such products is usually very high, which means that the lighting of the kitchen work area will be at a very good level. The luminous flux is evenly distributed over the surface, and its glow is pleasantly soft and unobtrusive. Such lighting will not blind either a person located near the work surface or sitting in the dining area at the table.

A Secondly, regardless of the length of the kitchen, the entire surface of the tabletop will be illuminated. Moreover, if necessary, some of the sections can be turned off, leaving the backlight only where it is necessary.

Installation of light beams is very simple, and besides, when doing it, you don’t have to pull the wiring from edge to edge. Using special connectors, a chain can be easily built, so electrical installation can be done both during the repair and after its completion.

Despite the high price of such lamps, they have the right to exist due to their powerful and at the same time soft luminous flux and representative appearance.

But there is another, much less common option that appeared relatively recently.


Skinali is a glass panel, sometimes with some kind of design applied to it. An LED strip is located directly between it and the wall (sometimes between two layers of glass). The thickness of such an apron does not exceed two centimeters. Its advantage is that the light from the tape spreads evenly across the glass, creating the impression of a working liquid crystal display. This happens according to a principle called light refraction.

Although this type of lighting is by far the most highly artistic, sophisticated and elegant, it has drawbacks that are very significant.

Such a panel is very expensive and cannot withstand even minor mechanical damage. Tempered glass crumbles into tiny crumbs (you can remember the side windows of a car, with the only difference being that they were thinner and therefore less impact resistant).

What should you give preference to?

Each of the listed types of lighting for the kitchen work area has its own disadvantages and advantages. One is more elegant, while the other is more economical and cheaper. But still, experts recommend giving preference to strip lighting when performing such work with your own hands. It is very easy to install, and therefore this option is available even to those who do not have the knowledge and skills in such work.

But you also need to choose the right LED strip so that you don’t feel bad about wasted time and money.

Of course, each person determines for himself the degree of luminescence of the LEDs, as well as the color. After all, everyone has their own preferences and a certain kitchen design. But other parameters need to be sorted out.

Based on the luminous flux that LEDs are capable of, they can be divided into three subgroups - “standard”, “premium” and “economy”. Practice has proven that the most intense glow, which allows using an LED strip to illuminate the kitchen work area, rather than backlighting, is found in the “premium” strip. It has enough power, and in terms of the number of diodes it fully corresponds to the tasks assigned to it. Its density is 60 units per meter.

In terms of protection from external contaminants and moisture, two design options can be distinguished - LED strip with a protective coating of silicone and without it. Naturally, for the kitchen the best option would be a protected strip, since there is no difference in the strength of the light flux between them. In addition to moisture, such an LED strip is also protected from dirt; it can be gently wiped, which cannot be said about a regular strip, where wiping may damage the contacts of the elements or the diodes themselves. Therefore, although the silicone strip is a little more expensive, it is better to choose it for lighting the kitchen work area.

Before purchasing, it is better to decide in advance on the color, power and other parameters of the LED strip, so as not to be angry with yourself after changing the strip. And a very important point is the choice of driver through which the light device will work. If it is decided that the lighting should be colored, then along with the tape and power supply, you will need to purchase a multicolor light strip control unit - a controller.


In any case, whatever the lighting of the kitchen work area is - LED, fluorescent, or it will be spots - the main thing is that it fulfills its function, that is, it illuminates the surface of the countertop, sink and the surface of the kitchen stove well, but without frills without creating shadows. It must be remembered that an ordinary ceiling lamp for the kitchen will not be able to provide sufficient illumination - after all, this is not the job of a chandelier, but of individual devices designed for a similar purpose. If the task is accomplished, then the correct choice of lighting devices was made.

And this, in turn, suggests that in such a kitchen the housewife will feel great, take a break from the working day, even while cooking.