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How to close a Privatbank credit card. How to find out the blocked amount on a PrivatBank card

The local food service for Vinnytsia residents, as indicated by the regional press office of the Vinnytsia branch of PrivatBank, Irina Yaroshinska, is confirmed by the bank account manager.

– The simplest scenario: a client has lost (or purchased from someone else) a bank card. How can you block it, while still standing, as it happened in the evening, if you don’t open the bank?

– If a card is found to be missing, you must immediately notify the bank to block the account. The first and most important action. To do this, dial the cost-free hotline number 3700 from your mobile phone and block the card. Vzagali, number 3700 – universal. You can easily and costlessly resolve all problems related to services from PrivatBank by calling. And there is no need to joke about the department or check the hour of discovery. You can also block the card using the Privat24 Internet accessory on your smartphone.

– Another situation: having redeemed the card in the store, the buyer realized that it had cost him more pennies, making the purchase less worthwhile. What is needed to work in such a situation?

- You need to turn around at the store and tell the cashier for your favor. Once a check and receipt appears from the terminal, and if the cashier’s payment is effective, then in the presence of the client, a cash reversal operation is carried out, and the money is also spent on the client’s card. If this is not a cashier’s rebuke, but a failure of the banking system, then you need to call the bank-free number 3700, the operator will equalize the transaction amount. Once the payment has been confirmed, it is also mittevo to turn to the client’s account.

– How can you safely use a bank card at a restaurant or cafe?

– PrivatBank is currently installing wireless POS terminals in all cafes and restaurants. This client does not need to give his card to the waiter. When opening the terminal, bring it to the client’s table, load the bag and enter your PIN code. Therefore, the roars at the cafe are completely safe.

– It is clear that the bank client has not used his bank card for a long time. Having arrived at the terminal, it was clear that the money had come from the bank, although the card was kept in a safe place.

– If money has been withdrawn from a bank card without the authority’s knowledge or through bank transactions, please inform the bank. You should go to the bank for phone number 3700 to file a complaint about the unauthorized withdrawal of money to conduct an investigation. The bank returns to its clients only those sums that were written off from their accounts without the knowledge of the authorities. As a result, we select numbers and codes through skimming devices on ATMs. In cases where the client himself has disclosed his personal data to the shareholders, the bank does not return the money spent in this manner.

- Why work, since the ATM has not seen money or has seen less than the necessary amount.

– This is how it gets caught, but rarely. The sequence of actions here is: save the receipt from the ATM, record all the details that were entered (including bills of any denomination that were seen, their numbers). Then immediately call your issuing bank (and not the bank that maintains the ATM where you withdrew money from someone else’s ATM) and inform them about the procedure. Within 3 days, the Bank will conduct an internal investigation (initiates an investigation into the bank that services the ATM, if you withdrew cash from the ATM of a “foreign” bank), check the ATM for the presence of excess cash. items, the presence of failures in the software, and how everything will be confirmed, The client places his dice on the card.

– What happens when an ATM “takes” a card?

– This can happen through entering the wrong PIN code three times, a malfunction in the ATM, running out of the time limit set for withdrawing the card, and for other reasons. You need to call 3700, inform them about the offer and block the card. Then you need to come to the nearest branch and get a new card. The money you would like to withdraw from the card can be withdrawn without a card using an additional mobile phone function similar to the “Withdraw money without a card” function at PrivatBank ATMs.

If you have a “z’iv” card at an ATM outside the border, you need to call the bank. After your call, the service center sent a fax to a foreign bank and asked you to turn the card over to the addressee. Or you can immediately go to a foreign bank, if you can explain the situation to me. If you happen to be in a situation where you don’t want to turn the card right away, you’ll have to block it completely.

Since pennies are needed beyond the border, our bank offers such a service to its clients as providing cooking beyond the border.

– Everyone knows that you cannot tell anyone your card PIN code. Is this number and term of action – is this information also required to be stored in the storage room?

– Or to save your money, remember: no one – tell you where to call, no one in the name of a bank employee – you can’t tell the bank card number, lines no., PIN code CVV code (three black digits on the gate cards), password for Privat24 , as well as passwords that are included in SMS. We also want to keep your card PIN code, login and password for Privat24 inaccessible to others and do not tell them to anyone.

– How do bank tellers call their clients?

– On your own initiative, the bank will not call or ask for any bank card information. As a telephonist who is a malicious person, who will be tempted to collect this tribute, the client knows that he is trying to cheat. However, the bank can ask for your nickname, birthday date, registration address and mother’s nickname in just one step - if you yourself called the bank-free number 3700 to complete your payment. In such a situation, the bank is to blame for identifying your person.

– How to return the money purchased by shahrays from a bank card?

– If money has been withdrawn from a bank card without the knowledge of the authority or due to illegal activities, we would like to inform the bank about it in order to block the card (or do it yourself at an ATM or online bank Privat24 ). You should go to the bank for phone number 3700 to file a complaint about the unauthorized withdrawal of money to conduct an investigation.

Based on the results of the investigation, if no guilt or liability is revealed until the fraud of the client himself, the bank compensates for the money spent and further recovers them for the amount of money received until the fraud is confirmed.

In order to protect itself from the rules, PrivatBank asks clients to adhere to the rules of special financial security:

    Never give information about your cards to third parties, as they may be targeting you on behalf of the bank.

    Be careful if you receive an SMS of unknown authorship with instructions to send the code or dial commands to another number.

    If you are selling your speeches online, you will need to tell the buyer their card number and your nickname. I can’t have any additional tinkles per jar.

    Be sure to contact PrivatBank. If you need any calls in the name of the bank, purchase a rose and then call from your mobile phone to the free number PrivatBank 3700.

Most of Privat's clients are actively borrowing cards from the bank, but don't know how to close a Privatbank credit card. In fact, it’s even simpler to do it, and it’s much simpler, even less so to format it.

Zmіst statі

What you need to know about credit card closure

You can close a credit card in one of several ways, either remotely or through a separate banking system. In this case, it is important to remember that you You won’t be able to close your Privat card if you are using it. Make sure everything is in order with your chest, and then begin the procedure for closing the chest. It is also necessary to remember that the important point of this entire complicated procedure is the note about the operation. You must clearly ask your doctor to install such a note - it will become a sure proof that you have not lost goiters. show up in front of the bank.

An important point: before closing the card, check that it does not contain your special values. In other cases, the stench is simply noticeable. If there are still pennies there, transfer them to another account, transfer food to an ATM, pay for any goods or services.

Methods to close Privatbank cards

Let's look at a number of ways to close a Privatbank credit card: via extension of the term, via remote banking, via banking branch.

The most basic way to get a credit card is to simply do not chew the term її ії. When registering, the bank inserts the term її ії. You can find out about it on the card itself or in the contract.

When the “term of affiliation” of the card is completed, “Private” will automatically continue to show the old one and the new one. you will be able to provide further services, but in this situation the bank will not be able to We will show you a new card and your current account will be closed.

In addition, you don’t have to come to the bank at all to get a new credit card. PrivatBank will automatically prepare a new one for you after the old card expires. If you can’t pick it up quickly, you’ll simply lose it.

As long as your credit card is still valid, it can still be canceled at any time. Zrobiti is possible in Privat24:

In this case, the branch bank still needs to show up. Again, it is necessary to confirm that there are no debts on the creditor, take information about the break-up and especially make sure that the bank has received it from the bank.

You can submit an application for termination of the contract directly to the bank. You will fill out the application form yourself, but it is a simple procedure. If there are no obligations on the loan, the bank will accept your application but has no right to influence such an application.

It is important to remember that in any way, when using a card for servicing, it is necessary to keep an eye on it. The bank has no right to not see.

It’s cool that in some situations the bank can close the client’s credit card automatically. If no operations have been performed on the client card for three months, the slots may be closed. Vlasnik will talk about advances. With such a personality, you do not need to write any statements. In this way, you can make your card inactive and the bank will close it sooner rather than later. However, if everything is still effective, according to the end of the term of accession, just do not come for a new card.

This is the procedure for closing a card account.

Indeed, this issue is very poorly covered in the rules of PrivatBank. Or rather, there is practically no algorithm for closing a credit card in the rules, which leads to a number of serious misunderstandings. In addition, everything is complicated due to the traditional frivolity of PrivatBank clients.

Let us remind you that, firstly, the credit card is the property of the bank and must be returned upon expiration; secondly, lack of control over the card account and ignorance of banking rules often cause debts that accumulate penalties and fines.

As a result, a user who has long abandoned his credit card as unnecessary, one day receives a notification from PrivatBank that he has a huge debt.

(It should be noted that this problem applies even to those clients who pay due attention to closing a credit card and have issued part necessary documents, but at the same time they missed some detail, for example, the accrual of interest made after the date of closure of the credit card).

How to close a "Universal" credit card

1. Even if you do not use a credit card, you must periodically monitor the status of your card account.

System errors are possible, sometimes dishonest actions of bank employees occur, and the existence of card fraudsters cannot be neglected.

That is, any user of a PrivatBank credit card is simply obliged to read the terms and conditions for the provision of banking services and visit the Privat24 website at least once a month to view statements of transactions and the amount on accounts.
And even more so, this is necessary before closing a credit card.

(By the way, PrivatBank charges 10 UAH/month for monitoring an inactive card. Therefore, if you have not used a credit card for more than 3 months, your money may disappear over time).

Having discovered a debt, you need to pay it off in accordance with the rules. If you have your own money on your card or bonus account, you can spend it on something. For example, in Privat24 you can top up your mobile phone for the full amount (including the interest charged). If the amount of your own money is significant, you can withdraw it through an ATM.

Bonus money can be spent at any of the stores participating in PrivatBank's "Bonus Plus" program.

The result of your actions should be a complete reset of the card account and the absence of debts. (There is evidence that when closing a card, you need to have 0.75 UAH in your account.)

2. After this, you must pay a visit to the PrivatBank branch where the credit card was opened, during which you are required to:

  • Write an official application to close the credit card, submit it to a PrivatBank employee, and make sure that it is registered;
  • Request a copy of this statement in case of unforeseen circumstances;
  • Clarify the procedure for calculating interest and, if a new debt arises, pay it off;
  • Receive a certificate of credit card closure.
(Receipt of the certificate may be delayed for a set period due to the occurrence of additional transactions. For example, in the rules of PrivatBank there is an interesting clause, according to which the client must “repay the debt accrued to the Bank, including debt accrued within 30 days from the date of return of the Cards issued to the Holder and his Agents."
What does it mean? Probably, a conscientious client should, after closing the card account, visit the PrivatBank branch again in a month to finally resolve the issue).

Please note that repaying a loan and closing an account on a bank balance sheet are not the same thing.
Debts from former bank clients arise en masse even after saying goodbye to the financial institution.

4. Finally, the client must return PrivatBank itself credit card, and the bank employee is obliged to render it unusable by cutting along the magnetic strip.

Those who have encountered such a burdensome procedure for closing a PrivatBank credit card are advised to postpone the moment of closing the credit card until its expiration date. Then everything seems to be much easier: you just need before the beginning of the month of expiration (that is, if the validity period ends on February 28, then the application should be submitted at least in January) write a statement about your reluctance to renew the agreement with PrivatBank, after which the bank will put your affairs in order on its own, and you will only have to go to the branch that opened the credit card to complete the matter.

But we wouldn't rely on that. Many people point out the sluggishness of individual employees, which undermines the authority of a respected institution. Your application may be lost, they may “invent” a debt and charge a fine on it, and much more.
Therefore, be as careful as possible and collect all possible documents in case of possible litigation.

Another option for closing a PrivatBank credit card:

Quote from the rules In the absence of sufficient funds to renew the validityCards and performing settlement transactions on the Card Account in accordance with clause (ifthe Client has no debt to the Bank), and there are no receipts of funds to the Card account within 6 months from the date of expiration of the Card, the balancefunds are transferred to the ownership of the Bank and are its income with the consent ofThe client, which he confirms by signing the contract. The card account is closed,The contract is terminated.

This would be good if not possible consequences in the form of erroneous transactions and similar phenomena, due to which clients sometimes become debtors without knowing it.

You can withdraw funds from your card account at a cash register or ATM. Having chosen the second method, send the plastic to the receiver and enter the PIN code. After activation, select the menu and continue withdrawing funds by specifying the required amount. It would seem that everything is going according to plan, but it happens that the ATM “takes away” the payment instrument without dispensing cash.

When faced with such a situation, do not panic because your finances are still safe. You can completely calmly walk any distance away from the ATM, without worrying about the fate of your savings, and go home to get your passport. You will need an ID when contacting the bank manager; it is he who you should approach for help.

So, you have already made sure that the ATM is not going to give out plastic, so proceed:

  1. Go to your nearest branch of a financial institution.
  2. After presenting your passport, ask for support from the manager.
  3. In a few minutes the problem will be resolved and you will be able to activate new map in a self-service device.

PrivatBank is a reliable and trusted bank. However, despite this, there are cases when it is necessary to block your account. In order to protect your funds as much as possible from fraudulent activities, you should do this quickly. There is no single answer to the dilemma of how to block a PrivatBank card, because this can be done in several ways. If the “plastic” was lost or left in the ATM, then after it is returned or restored, the owner will be able to easily return it.

A client of this bank can be blocked by several methods:

  1. Using SMS notifications.
  2. At an ATM or using a special self-service terminal.
  3. Directly at the bank branch.
  4. Through .
  5. If you call the organization.

It should be noted that in order to freeze an account it is not at all necessary to know its number by heart.

Blocking at an ATM

In order to easily block through an ATM or terminal, you should have a cell phone with you, the number of which is linked to your account. In the main menu of the terminal you need to select the item “operations without a card”. There you will see the “block” column. After this, the system will automatically ask you for your phone number. When you enter your number, you will receive an SMS message that you must enter in a specific field. Next, a window will open where you should select the desired item and enter .

How to block a PrivatBank card by phone

If you are not able to use an ATM, terminal or the Internet, then it is quite possible to freeze your mobile phone. If there was a link to mobile banking, then to block it you just need to send a notification to phone number 10060 with the text “BLOCK+1111”, where 1111 is the last digits of the lost “card”. If you do not have the opportunity to find out these numbers, then you have the opportunity to call 3700 and do everything with the help of an operator. This operation can also be carried out using automatic prompts by calling 0-800-500-003.

Internet blocking

PrivatBank users can use the Privat24 system. To do this, you need to log in, go to the “All services” section and click on “Settings”.

In the window that opens next, click on the “Card blocking” column. Next, you will need to complete the following three steps: select the required card, enter the confirmation code that will be sent to your phone, confirm the procedure and wait for the result.

This operation can also be performed from the Privat24 mobile program.

If you know that finances will be useful to you in the near future, then you should transfer them to another “plastic”. The system makes it easy to do this in a few minutes.

How to find out if a PrivatBank card is blocked

When freezing is carried out, you will receive a notification about this on your phone number. It is also possible to find information about the status in a bank branch, in the support service, and in Privat24. If you have a “card” with you, then you can find out about the status in the terminal: try to perform some operation, the system will not perform the operation.

How to find out the blocked amount on a PrivatBank card

To find out how much money you have, you need to send a message to 10060 with the text “SMSON+1111”, where 1111 is the last four digits of your “plastic”. You will receive information about the amount in a response message.

How to block a fraudster's PrivatBank card

You need to understand that blocking someone else’s account is legal only in special cases. As a rule, scammers act in such a way that their “card” number and their full name will be visible and known to you. This is enough to file a complaint with the bank. As a result, the fraudster's account will be frozen. However, if you want to block, for example, “plastic” that was forgotten by the owner at an ATM, hotel, bar, then this is carried out ONLY by an official!

What to do if you are frozen for fraud

There are times when the question arises: “PrivatBank card was blocked for fraud, what should I do?” In this case, you need to contact the bank branch with this problem. After this, if there are serious grounds for freezing, the proceedings continue with the security service. As a rule, the owner will be informed about the progress of the investigation, and if it is just a misunderstanding, then you will be unblocked as soon as possible.

What to do if PrivatBank credit cards are blocked

To unblock a credit card, you should send a message to phone 10060 with the text “UNBLOCK+****”, where **** are the last characters of the “plastic” number. If there is a debt on the account, then to unblock it you need to pay it off.
