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“Only then will you become a person when you understand another person.” You will become a person when you learn to see a person in another. Only then will you become a person when you understand another.

The work was added to the site website: 2015-10-29

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Only then will you become a person when you learn to see a person in another. According to one or more works

The drama “The Thunderstorm” is based on an image of an awakening sense of personality and a new attitude towards the world.

Laws scary world, where man is a wolf to man, some characters seem eternal, unchanging, unshakable. Therefore, Kuligin exclaims with pain: “We, sir, will never get out of this bark!” Tyranny, so clearly shown in the play, appears as evil, paralyzing many characters, making them weak-willed, apathetic, broken.

But Ostrovsky also showed that even in the ossified little world of Kalinov, a character of amazing beauty and strength can arise. It is very important that Katerina was born and formed in the same Kalinovsky conditions. In the exposition of the play, Katerina tells Varvara about her life as a girl. The main motive of her story is the permeating mutual love and will. But it was a “will” that did not at all conflict with the centuries-old way of life of a woman, whose entire range of ideas is limited to housework and religious dreams. This is a world in which it does not occur to a person to oppose himself to the general, since he does not yet separate himself from this community, and therefore there is no violence or coercion here. But Katerina lives in an era when the very spirit of this morality: harmony between an individual and the ideas of the environment has disappeared and the ossified form of relationships rests on violence and coercion. Katerina’s sensitive soul caught this. “Yes, everything here seems to be out of captivity.” It is very important that it is here, in Kalinov, that a new attitude towards the world is born in the heroine’s soul, new feelings that are still unclear to the heroine herself: “There is something so extraordinary about me. I’m starting to live again, or... I don’t know.”

This vague feeling is an awakening sense of personality. In the heroine’s soul it is embodied in love. Passion is born and grows in Katerina. The awakened feeling of love is perceived by Katerina as a terrible sin, because love for a stranger for her, a married woman, is a violation of moral duty. Katerina does not doubt the correctness of her moral ideas; she only sees that no one around her cares about the true essence of this morality.

Order writing a unique work 1. ...Two principles constantly struggle in a person, one of which attracts him to the active activity of the spirit. to spiritual work in the name of an ideal... and another

strives to paralyze this activity, drown out the highest needs of the spirit, make existence carnal, meager and base. This second principle is true philistinism; The philistine sits in every person, always ready to lay his deadening hand on him as soon as his spiritual energy weakens. In a fight with myself. including the struggle with the outside world, is what moral life consists of, which therefore has as its condition this fundamental dualism of our existence, the struggle of two souls that live in one body not only in Faust, but in every person...

11. A holistic idea of ​​nature, society, man, which is expressed in the system of values ​​and ideals of the individual, social

groups, societies are

1) nature-centrism 2) science-centrism 3) worldview 4) sociocentrism

12 . The process of mastering knowledge and skills, ways of behavior is called:

1) education 2) adaptation 3) socialization 4) modernization

13 . The form of interaction with the surrounding world inherent only to humans is

1) need 2) activity 3) goal 4) program

14 . A person’s definition of himself as an individual capable of making independent decisions and entering into certain relationships with other people and nature:

1) socialization 2) education 3) self-realization 4) self-awareness

15. The form of interaction with the surrounding world inherent only to humans is

1) need 2) activity 3) goal 4) program.

16 .The term "society" Not includes the concept:

1) A form of unification of people

2) Parts of the material world

3) Natural habitat

4) Ways of interaction between people

17 .The transition from slash-and-burn to arable farming is an example of the relationship:

1) Society and nature

2) Societies and cultures

3) Economics and religion

4) Civilizations and formation

18. All examples, with the exception of two, relate to the concept of “social needs”. Provide additional examples.

Creation of cultural values, labor activity, communication, social activity,

participation in the game, sleep.

19. Complete the sentences:

1) According to the need for reproduction of the species, a social

institute -….

2) Man is a product of biological, cultural and social….

3) That which is most dear is sacred both for one person and for all humanity

- This … .

4) In accordance with social needs, social... have developed.

5) The origin of man is called….

6) Perfection, the highest goal of human aspiration is... .

20. Spiritual and physical in man:

1) Precede each other

2) Connected to each other

3) Oppose each other

4) Independent of each other

21. A distinctive feature of a person is

1)Satisfy your needs

2) Adaptation to the environment

3) Understanding the world and oneself

4)Use of tools

22 .Gennady has the knowledge and ability to protect personal rights, respects the rights of others, strictly fulfills his duties, and complies with the laws of the country. What qualities does Gennady have?

1) Citizenship

2) Conscience

3) Patriotism

4) Responsibility

23 .Are the following judgments about the social principle in man true?

A. The social principle in man precedes the biological one.

B. The social principle in man is opposite to the biological one

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

24.Are the following judgments about spirituality true?

A. Spirituality is the highest level of development and self-regulation of a mature personality.

B. Spirituality is the morally oriented will and mind of a person.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

25 .Read the text below, each position of which is numbered.

1. Avicenna, Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin - these are a few names of child prodigies whose genius has revealed itself to its full potential over the years. 2. Ufologists consider the appearance of child prodigies to be the intervention of aliens. 3. According to biophysicists, prodigies are “made” by geomagnetic waves that affect the fetus. 4. The Earth’s geomagnetic field varies and its intensity depends on the Sun and other planets.

Determine which provisions of the text are: 1) Factual in nature 2) evaluative in nature

Under the position number, write down the letter indicating its nature.

26 .Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps:

“Society, state and culture are the means of organizing human__________(A), thanks to which coordination between the actions of individual people is achieved/ Coordination__________________(B) of people simultaneously creates society and is created by it. People unite in order to achieve the things facing them __________ (C) Some researchers have even expressed the opinion that the ability to create associations is a special form of a person’s _____________ (D) to a dangerous ____________ (E). If animals change the form of their body or ________(E), then the person combines his efforts with the efforts of other people.” The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word or phrase can be used only once. Choose one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.”

1) Environment

2) Culture

4) Activities

5) Interaction

6) Behavior

7) Tools

8) Device

9) Generation

27 . You are asked to prepare a detailed answer to the problem “Social Progress”. Compose complex plan, according to which you will cover this topic.

The work was added to the site website: 2016-03-30

Order writing a unique work

;font-family:"Arial"">1 option.

;font-family:"Arial";color:#000000;background:#ecffe1">Only then will you become human when;font-family:"Arial";color:#000000">
;font-family:"Arial";color:#000000;background:#ecffe1">you will learn to see a person in another;font-family:"Arial";color:#000000">

;font-family:"Arial";color:#000000;background:#ecffe1">A.N. Radishchev;font-family:"Arial";color:#000000">

;font-family:"Arial";color:#000000;background:#ecffe1">In my opinion, it is very difficult to evaluate yourself from the outside, especially to do it objectively. Agree, it is much easier to criticize other people, thereby undermining them authority and causing mutual disrespect. Sometimes we do this completely unconsciously, as if in order to assert ourselves, and sometimes for no reason at all. If you humiliate a person, you humiliate, first of all, yourself. Namely in humanity. You are still a person , but to a lesser extent.;font-family:"Arial";color:#000000">
;font-family:"Arial";color:#000000;background:#ecffe1">Unfortunately, there is no magic wand to change the world and people. In every person we must see, first of all, a person, no matter what he is He is simply different, and you need to learn to respect this other person with his individual characteristics and qualities.;font-family:"Arial";color:#000000">
;font-family:"Arial";color:#000000;background:#ecffe1">We conclude that before “throwing mud at a person,” you should remember his good deeds and appreciate them. It is useful to remember that all people have shortcomings. And we are no exception each of us. And also treat other people the way you want them to treat you.;font-family:"Arial";color:#000000">
;font-family:"Arial";color:#000000;background:#ecffe1">Radishchev sees the existence of a person in the vision of a person in another. It seems to me that only then will you become a person when you learn to treat everyone like a human being

;font-family:"Arial";color:#000000;background:#ffffff">"Nature creates man, but society develops and shapes him";font-family:"Arial";color:#000000">
;font-family:"Arial";color:#000000;background:#ffffff">(V. Belinsky);font-family:"Arial";color:#000000">
;font-family:"Arial";color:#000000;background:#ffffff">This statement is a confirmation of the biosocial concept of human origin, which is based on the following basic principles:;font-family:"Arial";color:#000000">
;font-family:"Arial";color:#000000;background:#ffffff">- a person is a biological being, i.e. created by nature. This is manifested in human anatomy, physiology, in the course of neuro-cerebral, electrical, chemical and other processes in human body. Man has biological needs, like any animal, he has an instinct of self-preservation,;font-family:"Arial";color:#000000">
;font-family:"Arial";color:#000000;background:#ffffff">- man is a social being. In other words, a person becomes fully human only in unity with other people, since the level of individual development occurs together with the level of social development, therefore, they are closely related to each other: the richer the individual, the more complex the society. Therefore, the emergence of man and his individual development entailed the emergence of society.;font-family:"Arial";color:#000000">
;font-family:"Arial";color:#000000;background:#ffffff">The decisive factor in the transformation of the ancient ancestor of man into a social being is labor activity, which interacts with such factors as language, consciousness, morality, ritual practice, etc. etc. And these factors of human development are possible only in society.;font-family:"Arial";color:#000000">
;font-family:"Arial";color:#000000;background:#ffffff">Society mediates man’s relationship with nature, and therefore human-born a being becomes truly human only when it is included in social relations.

;font-family:"Arial";color:#000000;background:#ffffff">Option 2.


;font-family:"Arial";color:#222222;background:#dee9f2">Option 3.

;font-family:"Arial";color:#333333">Revolution is a fundamental change in the life of society, leading to a change from old orders to new ones.
Revolutions have never fit into the fabric of history. They tore apart and reshaped the course of history. Based on violence, all known revolutions carried their own death, doomed peoples to civil wars, and ruined the destinies of people. The Paris Commune kept its conquests for 72 days, the Great French Revolution for 5 years, October Revolution in Russia 72 years. And each time society returned to normal, to the stage that was forcibly interrupted by the revolution. As they fade, revolutions leave their mark. The more humane and fair the ideals of the revolution were, the brighter this trace. All known revolutions have given humanity a lesson about the inadmissibility of achieving social progress through violence. Let us remember the bloody invention of the times of the Great French Revolution by Dr. Guillaume - the guillotine. Ultimately, the guillotine took the lives of the most furious Jacobin revolutionaries.
If in previous times of despotism and autocracy revolutions were forced forms of protest, now, in the era of the triumph of the ideas of democracy, the evolutionary path of development of society is preferable.
I am sure that evolution (slowed or accelerated), depending on the circumstances, constitutes the “natural course of movement of humanity” (according to Smirnov).
I agree with the opinion of the French historian Jean Jaurès that revolution is a barbaric way of progress.

;font-family:"Arial";color:#333333">Option 4.

;font-family:"Arial";color:#222222;background:#dee9f2">Morals deteriorate more easily than they are corrected... This aphorism by L. Vauvenargues made me think about the morals of young people. The morals of each person are individual. then a quiet disposition, someone has a cool disposition, the list can be endless. The formation of disposition, first of all, depends on a person’s upbringing, on the environment in which he moves, lives, studies, works. All this plays important role in the process of development moral qualities. It is especially important to note that religion is very necessary on the path to morality. Religion provides strong foundations, beliefs, and instills confidence and tranquility in a person. But you should not think that the one who follows this path is always pure and blameless. Of course, we are all human and have our weaknesses, which sometimes draw us to commit bad deeds. In my opinion, the main thing is your faith and conviction inside you, in your heart, and not in appearance, and not in big words. It’s always easy to talk, but it’s not so easy to implement your plans. A person’s appearance is deceptive, as they say, “you’re greeted by your clothes, you’re seen off by your mind.” It’s quite easy to deteriorate, to become worse, especially now, in our time, although time is always the same and also inexorable. Let's say we meet a person who immediately attracts attention with his beautiful facial features. His smile is charming, his eyes are penetrating, and he behaves with dignity and respect. He has a charm that delights those around him, but this is just “dust in the eyes”, because behind the outer shell lies not what we see or hope to see. Our first thoughts about him are the best and most wonderful, we want to talk to him, communicate, find out his interests, life, we want to win him over, we will like him. So what happens next? We get to know him in more detail, and the true traits of his character are gradually revealed. Most of the time, we are disappointed. Why? And everything is very simple, it’s all a life balance, which is regulated in nature, in man, by the fact that when you receive, you must also sacrifice and give something. Of course, maybe everything is explained in a very primitive way, but still this is the law of life. Let me put it even more simply, having a pleasant appearance, a person, as a rule, has an unpleasant disposition and vice versa. Of course, there are exceptions everywhere, but they are rare. And the main question is, why do morals deteriorate? Each historical period had morals characteristic of its era. Life itself is complex and contradictory, it is filled with difficulties and hardships that constantly appear in front of us in a string of obstacles. The art of living also needs to be learned, sometimes you need to ignore caustic remarks and insults, pass them by with your “eyes closed.” D. Santayaka said: “Life is not a spectacle or a holiday; life is a difficult task.” Life is really difficult, it is a huge test for all people on Earth. Morals deteriorate because some people do not know the truth, have not found the meaning of their existence, they rush around the world aimlessly, looking for their happiness and peace, but in vain. They try this, do that, have fun, indulge in sweet pleasures, waste themselves on insignificant things, on worth attention of people. They passionately desire love and are ready to give themselves to this feeling. They try to find out the value of friendship, not realizing that true friendship cannot be bought, and it must be earned. They think that there is consolation in money when you are left all alone, completely alone, without friends and family, even without enemies. They believe in the limitless possibilities of money, in the fact that everything in this world can be bought with it. As a result, having wasted themselves, having lost human values, they are left with a “broken trough” of morality, which they did not value. You just had to look around and understand that morality is the basis of religion, rather, its integral part without which it is impossible to improve yourself and understand your true purpose in this mortal world. The goal of worshiping Allah alone, striving for His kindness and mercy, fighting problems, persistently experiencing all adversities, with hope in His forgiveness - this is the main task of every Muslim. But this does not mean that, while worshiping Allah, a person forgets about his loved ones and relatives and that someone else needs him here. In everything you need to find a middle ground and stick to it. And yet remember that “Life is beautiful, no matter how hard and disgusting it may be.”;font-family:"Arial";color:#222222">

;font-family:"Arial";color:#000000;background:#ecffe1">Option 5.

;font-family:"Arial";color:#333333">There are many ways to make a career, but the surest one is to be born into the right family" D. Trump.
We are all born and grow up in different conditions. From a material point of view, they depend, first of all, on the social status of our parents. The division of these conditions into “more favorable” and “less favorable” requires a criterion. Let’s define it as “achieving professional heights in any matter” and further discussions will be developed in this context.

Society, from a sociological point of view, is a multi-level hierarchical system, the structural component of which is strata that unite certain groups of people depending on their social status. It is important to note that society is a dynamic system. It provides people with the opportunity to achieve horizontal and vertical mobility between strata. But do people initially on the different levels stratification, to the upper layers of this system?

The phrase “there are many ways to make a career, but the surest one is to be born into the right family,” belonging to Mr. D. Trump, suggests that Trump himself believes that children raised in families with high material income have a much greater chance of “a place in the sun” than their peers from “ordinary” families. And reality leaves me absolutely no chance to disagree with him. IN modern world high material wealth determines the concentration in the hands of such important resources as power and connections, which generate the most important resource - opportunities. It is opportunities that allow people to satisfy their needs. And the more of this resource, the greater the scale of needs it is able to satisfy, the more feasible it makes the goals set. An excellent example here is Russian show business. I’m sure it won’t be news to anyone that most famous young singers, presenters, and actors have influential parents behind them. This includes Ksenia Sobchak, the daughter of the ex-mayor of St. Petersburg, and Timur Yunusov, the son of a major Moscow businessman, and many others.

However, we should not forget about the existence in society of institutions that are a kind of elevators for vertical mobility. I would like to note, perhaps, the most important of them is higher education. Being open to the public, the institution of higher education allows people from all walks of life to rise up the social ladder. And for this elevator to open, it is enough for them to have the resources inherent in every “ordinary” person. Responsibility, will, diligence - these are real weapons in the hands of a person who realizes that he will have to achieve everything in this life himself, that his future well-being is in his hands, and not in the bank account of his parents. There are many examples of such “happy stories,” as they say on television. But the biography of former Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Russia German Gref is truly inspiring. Growing up in a family of German refugees, he successfully graduated from Omsk State University and, having nothing behind him, began his difficult career path. As a result, Gref achieved enormous heights and now holds the post of Chairman of the Board of Sberbank.

So, having completed my discussion on this endlessly pressing problem, I came to the conclusion that “being born into the “right” family” certainly makes it easier for a person to achieve many goals. But this path is by no means the only one. The fastest - yes; probably the easiest. But not the only one.

;font-family:"Arial";color:#333333">Option 6.

;font-family:"Arial";color:#444444">"Law is the art of goodness and justice"

;font-family:"Arial";color:#444444">Ancient aphorism

;font-family:"Arial";color:#444444"> Law is a great social value, as is morality. These inseparable concepts determine the measure of freedom of our behavior. The state sets as its main task the protection of human rights and freedoms, his life. Behind each a person recognizes personal integrity, independence, freedom, and the ability to independently decide what is more profitable for him.

;font-family:"Arial";color:#444444"> In addition to rights, people have responsibilities. Able-bodied children who have reached the age of 18 must take care of disabled parents (Article 38). But more often it happens that frail parents: old people, disabled people ", - their children become unnecessary. They end up in nursing homes or live on their own, sometimes even without the ability to move independently and take care of themselves. Because of love, parents do not sue such children, whose humanity the state appeals to. I believe that the law will be respected when people begin to understand its necessity.

;font-family:"Arial";color:#444444"> Information is now spreading at incredible speed. Television, the press, and the Internet bring to us all the latest news about events in the world, but more often they disseminate personal information about public people. This humiliates and insults their dignity (Article 28). Unfortunately, it is difficult to punish criminals who invade privacy. We must always remember the golden rule of morality: “Treat others as you treat yourself,” because any of us can find ourselves in a similar situation.

;font-family:"Arial";color:#444444"> Nowadays latest technologies It would seem that problems such as slavery should have remained a relic of the colonial system, but forced labor still exists. People are sold abroad and forced to work in unbearable conditions that degrade human dignity (Article 37).

;font-family:"Arial";color:#444444"> An ancient Roman expression says: “Law is the art of goodness and justice” and I completely agree with this, because justice and goodness are concepts that complement each other, and more often they are synonymous Law, combining these concepts, preserves the historically established state unity, in which love, faith in goodness and the memory of ancestors are the moral foundations of society.


;font-family:"Arial"">Option 7.

;font-family:"Arial";text-decoration:underline">"Not all differences between people create stratification" (E. Bergel).

;font-family:"Arial""> The author of this judgment raised the problem of the significance of certain differences in social stratification. This problem does not lose its relevance today, because social stratification is a phenomenon characteristic of society at all historical stages of its development.

;font-family:"Arial""> According to E. Bergel, social stratification is associated with specific differences between people. Not every distinguishing feature a person allows us to say that he belongs to one or another social stratum.

;font-family:"Arial""> I agree with the position of the author of the statement. In my opinion, there are a number of essential signs by which the place of an individual in the system of social stratification of society is determined. In order to understand what these signs are, it is necessary to consider the reasons social stratification.

;font-family:"Arial""> At the root of social stratification lies social differentiation, i.e. the division of society into social groups occupying different positions in it. Social stratification is a special case of social differentiation generated by inequality. But not all inequality is capable of give rise to social stratification, not every difference allows a person to be classified into one or another stratum. For example, physiological differences do not allow this to be done. A person with blue eyes can probably be considered more attractive; a physically developed person can command more respect than a physically weak person; people can have different nationalities, speak different languages, prefer different foods, but such differences do not affect a person’s position in society. From the point of view of social stratification, inequality is manifested in such criteria as power, prestige, income, education. People who are very different in terms of physiology, psychology, etc., but similar in terms of access to power, prestige, income or education, belong to the same stratum.

;font-family:"Arial""> An example is the stratum of politicians. People belonging to this stratum live in all countries of the world. They belong to different nationalities, have different skin colors, speak different languages ​​and honor different traditions . From a psychological point of view, among them there are people who are quick-tempered and calm, optimists and pessimists, etc. It is impossible to list all the differences that exist between representatives of this stratum - there are a lot of them. But there are also a number of characteristics that unite politicians all over the world. This is direct access to power high level prestige and fairly high income. It is precisely on these grounds that the stratum of politicians is distinguished. Politicians have different levels of education, so this principle does not play such a significant role. Another stratum is university professors. They have the same rich set of differences as politicians. The level of prestige and income of professors may vary depending on the different countries, therefore, each state has its own characteristics of identifying this stratum. But the most important common feature is a high level of education and direct participation in its implementation. Professors of all nationalities, all skin colors, tastes, preferences, etc. are the intellectual elite of their country.

;font-family:"Arial""> Thus, not all differences between people lie at the basis of stratification. Power, income, prestige and education are its main criteria.


Essay *

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Essay on the topic “Only then will you become a person when you understand another person” by A.N. Radishchev


Essay on the topic “Only then will you become a person when you understand another person” by A.N. Radishchev

Fragment of work for review

A person is born a biological being. For a biological being, only primary needs are important, such as the need for food, the need for shelter, the need for clothing; other than this, nothing interests him. As a result of the socialization process, a person becomes a person, i.e. biosocial being. A person begins to be interested not only in physiological (primary) needs, but also in spiritual, social and others. People develop common interests, they begin to communicate with each other and unite in social groups. Social groups are associations of people who have common significant specific characteristics based on their participation in some activity connected by a system of relations. Social groups form human society. Human society is a group of people related to each other through ongoing relationships, or a large social group sharing a common geographic or social area.


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* The category of work is of an evaluative nature in accordance with the qualitative and quantitative parameters of the material provided. This material neither the whole nor any of its parts is a finished scientific work, final qualifying work, scientific report or other work provided for state system scientific certification or necessary for passing intermediate or final certification. This material is a subjective result of processing, structuring and formatting the information collected by its author and is intended, first of all, to be used as a source for independent preparation of work on this topic.

Only then will you become a person when you learn to see a person in another (A.N. Radishchev)

With this statement by A.N. Radishchev is hard to disagree with. It very accurately reflects the problem of developing the moral culture of the individual. In modern society this question is relevant.

As we know from the social studies course: morality is a set of social norms that evaluate the idea of ​​good and evil. Morality and ethics are closely related concepts, but the significant difference between them is that morality constitutes a person’s internal idea of ​​moral standards, while morality itself is used to regulate behavior in human social life. Morality is manifested in the fact that a person not only knows the rules and norms of behavior, but also strives to comply with them. The goal and result of the moral development of the individual is moral culture. Its formation takes place in three stages: first, the formation of elementary, then conventional, and finally, autonomous morality. The source of moral development of an individual is the social environment, which gives him the opportunity for self-realization, to reveal his moral potential in actions and relationships with other people. One of the most important principles of modern moral culture of the individual is the “golden rule” of morality: “Act towards others as you would like them to act towards you.”

This principle can be illustrated with an everyday example. One day, Andrei, seeing a stalled car and a dejected driver on the side of the road, stopped and helped solve the problem. After some time, Andrei went to the dentist and was very surprised to learn that his doctor turned out to be the person he helped. In gratitude, he received a large discount on treatment.

Another example is the cruel attitude of parents towards a child in dysfunctional families. Instead of the gratitude expected in normal families from him in the future, they will receive only negativity and hostility from the child.

In conclusion, I would like to say that a person should not put himself in an exclusive position in comparison with others, thereby establishing equality between people. Only if every person strives to comply with ethical principles will it be possible to talk about increasing the general level of moral culture in modern society.

Morals deteriorate more easily than they are corrected...

This aphorism by L. Vauvenargues led me to think about the morals of young people. Each person's character is individual. Some have a quiet disposition, some have a cool disposition, the list is endless. The formation of character, first of all, depends on a person’s upbringing, on the environment in which he moves, lives, studies, and works. All this plays an important role in the process of developing moral qualities. It is especially important to note that religion is very necessary on the path to morality. Religion provides strong foundations, beliefs, and instills confidence and tranquility in a person. But you should not think that the one who follows this path is always pure and blameless. Of course, we are all human and have our weaknesses, which sometimes draw us to commit bad deeds. In my opinion, the main thing is your faith and conviction inside you, in your heart, and not in appearance, and not in loud words. It’s always easy to talk, but it’s not so easy to implement your plans. A person’s appearance is deceptive, as they say, “you’re greeted by your clothes, you’re seen off by your mind.” It’s quite easy to deteriorate, to become worse, especially now, in our time, although time is always the same and also inexorable. Let's say we meet a person who immediately attracts attention with his beautiful facial features. His smile is charming, his eyes are penetrating, and he behaves with dignity and respect. He has a charm that delights those around him, but this is just “dust in the eyes”, because behind the outer shell lies not what we see or hope to see. Our first thoughts about him are the best and most wonderful, we want to talk to him, communicate, find out his interests, life, we want to win him over, we will like him. So what happens next? We get to know him in more detail, and the true traits of his character are gradually revealed. Most of the time, we are disappointed. Why? And everything is very simple, it’s all a life balance, which is regulated in nature, in man, by the fact that when you receive, you must also sacrifice and give something. Of course, maybe everything is explained in a very primitive way, but still this is the law of life. Let me put it even more simply, having a pleasant appearance, a person, as a rule, has an unpleasant disposition and vice versa. Of course, there are exceptions everywhere, but they are rare. And the main question is, why do morals deteriorate? Each historical period had morals characteristic of its era. Life itself is complex and contradictory, it is filled with difficulties and hardships that constantly appear in front of us in a string of obstacles. The art of living also needs to be learned, sometimes you need to ignore caustic remarks and insults, pass them by with your “eyes closed.” D. Santayaka said: “Life is not a spectacle or a holiday; life is a difficult business.” Life is really difficult, it is a huge test for all people on Earth. Morals deteriorate because some people do not know the truth, have not found the meaning of their existence, they rush around the world aimlessly, looking for their happiness and peace, but in vain. They try this, do that, have fun, indulge in sweet pleasures, waste themselves on insignificant things, on people not worth their attention. They passionately desire love and are ready to give themselves to this feeling. They try to find out the value of friendship, not realizing that true friendship cannot be bought, and it must be earned. They think that there is consolation in money when you are left all alone, completely alone, without friends and family, even without enemies. They believe in the limitless possibilities of money, in the fact that everything in this world can be bought with it. As a result, having wasted themselves, having lost human values, they are left with a “broken trough” of morality, which they did not value. You just had to look around and understand that morality is the basis of religion, rather, its integral part, without which it is impossible to improve yourself and understand your true purpose in this mortal world. The goal of worshiping Allah alone, striving for His kindness and mercy, struggling with problems, persistently experiencing all adversities, with hope in His forgiveness - this is the main task of every Muslim. But this does not mean that, while worshiping Allah, a person forgets about his loved ones and relatives and that someone else needs him here. In everything you need to find a middle ground and stick to it. And yet remember that “Life is beautiful, no matter how hard and disgusting it may be.”

Var3 Revolution - a barbaric way of progress

One cannot but agree with the statement of the French socialist, historian and political figure of the first half of the twentieth century, Jean Jaurès, in which he claims that the hallmark of the revolution is barbarism. It’s true, because revolution is one of the ways of progress, movement forward, towards better and more complex forms of organizing the social order. But since in the process of revolution there is a change in social foundations, the existing system is broken, all or most aspects of social life are remade, and all this happens in a relatively short period of time, then, of course, this form of progress cannot do without violence and sacrifices.

Remembering our history, it can be noted that in 1917 revolutions took place in Russia, which entailed the most severe confrontation in society and the country, resulting in a terrible Civil War, accompanied by unprecedented bitterness, millions of dead and injured, unprecedented devastation in the national economy.

And in France, not everything went smoothly. The Great French Revolution brought rampant Jacobin terror, a guillotine that “worked” seven days a week, and a series of incessant revolutionary wars.

If we remember the English bourgeois revolution, we will also see a civil war and repressions against dissidents.

And when we look at the history of the United States, we will see that both bourgeois revolutions that took place in this country took the form of war: first - the war of independence, and then - Civil War. The list of examples from history can go on and on, but wherever a revolution occurs - in China, Iran, the Netherlands, etc. – everywhere it was accompanied by violence, i.e. barbarism from the perspective of a civilized person.

And even though other thinkers exalted revolution (like, for example, Karl Marx, who argued that revolutions are the locomotives of history), even though reactionaries and conservatives denied the role of revolutions in social progress, the point of view of J. Jaurès is closer to me: yes, revolution is a way of progress, a movement for the better, but carried out using barbaric methods, that is, using cruelty, blood and violence. Happiness cannot be created through violence!

“There are many ways to make a career, but the surest one is to be born into the right family” D. Trump.

We are all born and grow up in different conditions. From a material point of view, they depend, first of all, on the social status of our parents. The division of these conditions into “more favorable” and “less favorable” requires a criterion. Let’s define it as “achieving professional heights in any matter” and further discussions will be developed in this context.

Society, from a sociological point of view, is a multi-level hierarchical system, the structural component of which is strata that unite certain groups of people depending on their social status. It is important to note that society is a dynamic system. It provides people with the opportunity to achieve horizontal and vertical mobility between strata. But do people initially at different levels of stratification have equal access to the upper layers of this system?

The phrase “there are many ways to make a career, but the surest one is to be born into the right family,” belonging to Mr. D. Trump, suggests that Trump himself believes that children raised in families with high material income have a much greater chance of “a place in the sun” than their peers from “ordinary” families. And reality leaves me absolutely no chance to disagree with him. In the modern world, high material wealth determines the concentration in the hands of such important resources as power and connections, which generate the most important resource - opportunities. It is opportunities that allow people to satisfy their needs. And the more of this resource, the greater the scale of needs it is able to satisfy, the more feasible it makes the goals set. An excellent example here is Russian show business. I’m sure it won’t be news to anyone that most famous young singers, presenters, and actors have influential parents behind them. This includes Ksenia Sobchak, the daughter of the ex-mayor of St. Petersburg, and Timur Yunusov, the son of a major Moscow businessman, and many others.

However, we should not forget about the existence in society of institutions that are a kind of elevators for vertical mobility. I would like to note, perhaps, the most important of them is higher education. Being open to the public, the institution of higher education allows people from all walks of life to rise up the social ladder. And for this elevator to open, it is enough for them to have the resources inherent in every “ordinary” person. Responsibility, will, diligence - these are real weapons in the hands of a person who realizes that he will have to achieve everything in this life himself, that his future well-being is in his hands, and not in the bank account of his parents. There are many examples of such “happy stories,” as they say on television. But the biography of former Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Russia German Gref is truly inspiring. Growing up in a family of German refugees, he successfully graduated from Omsk State University and, having nothing under his belt, began his difficult career path. As a result, Graf achieved enormous heights and now holds the post of Chairman of the Board of Sberbank.

So, having completed my discussion on this endlessly pressing problem, I came to the conclusion that “being born into the “right” family” certainly makes it easier for a person to achieve many goals. But this path is by no means the only one. The fastest - yes; probably the easiest. But not the only one.

Essay on the topic “Law is the art of goodness and justice”

I agree with the statement that law is the art of goodness and justice. Indeed, a correct understanding of law gives us both justice in all ongoing events that relate to the rules of law, as well as goodness in relation to the people around us and to the state in the first place. After all, it is dissatisfaction from legal relations, from injustice in society that causes conflicts on social grounds. Firstly, the law regulates the relations of people among themselves, secondly, the relationship of any given subject to the state, and thirdly, it is the rules of law that give people as such freedom in society. You don’t need to look far for an example; a recent example from current socio-legal relations is the elections to the State Duma, because it is this example that shows that the people considered their rights in society to be infringed, accepted the state’s relations towards them as unfair and, accordingly, not so already kind.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that it is the law that regulates relationships in society and indicates to people living in a particular state justice and good attitude, both towards themselves and towards others, and first of all towards the state.

The author of this judgment raised the problem of the significance of certain differences in social stratification. This problem still remains relevant today, because... social stratification is a phenomenon characteristic of society at all historical stages of its development.

According to E. Bergel, social stratification is associated with specific differences between people. Not every distinctive feature of a person allows us to say that he belongs to one or another social stratum.

I agree with the position of the author of the statement. In my opinion, there are a number of essential signs by which the place of an individual in the system of social stratification of society is determined. In order to understand what these signs are, it is necessary to consider the reasons for social stratification.

At the root of social stratification lies social differentiation, i.e. division of society into social groups occupying different positions in it. Social stratification is a special case of social differentiation generated by inequality. But not every inequality is capable of giving rise to social stratification; not every difference allows one to be assigned to one or another stratum. For example, physiological differences do not allow this. A person with blue eyes can probably be considered more attractive; a physically developed person can command more respect than a physically weak person; people may have different nationalities, speak different languages, prefer different foods, but such differences do not affect a person’s position in society. From the point of view of social stratification, inequality is manifested in such criteria as power, prestige, income, education. People who are very different in terms of physiology, psychology, etc., but similar in terms of access to power, prestige, income or education, belong to the same stratum.

An example is the stratum of politicians. People belonging to this stratum live in all countries of the world. They belong to different nationalities, have different skin colors, speak different languages ​​and honor different traditions. From a psychological point of view, among them there are hot-tempered and calm people, optimists and pessimists, etc. It is impossible to list all the differences that exist between representatives of this stratum - there are very many of them. But there are also a number of features that unite politicians around the world. This means direct access to power, a high level of prestige and a fairly high income. It is precisely on these grounds that the stratum of politicians is distinguished. Politicians have different levels of education, so this principle does not play such a significant role. Another stratum is university professors. They have the same rich set of differences as politicians. The level of prestige and income of professors may vary in different countries, so each state has its own characteristics of identifying this stratum. But the most important common feature is a high level of education and direct participation in its implementation. Professors of all nationalities, all skin colors, tastes, preferences, etc. are the intellectual elite of their country.

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