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Rye bran. Technical specifications Packaging, labeling, storage and transportation

GOST 7170-2017




Rye bran. Specifications

Date of introduction 2019-01-01



The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established in GOST 1.0-2015 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2015 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, adoption, updating and cancellation "

Information about the standard

1DEVELOPED by the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Grain and Its Processing Products" (FGBNU "VNIIZ")

2INTRODUCED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

3ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (protocol dated August 30, 2017 N 102-P)

4 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated October 31, 2017 N 1591-st, the interstate standard GOST 7170-2017 was put into effect as a national standard Russian Federation from January 1, 2019

5INstead of GOST7170-66

6 REPUBLICATION. August 2018

Information on changes to this standard is published in the annual information index "National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index "National Standards". The corresponding information, notice and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet (www.gost. ru)

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to rye bran obtained as a by-product during the processing of rye grain into flour.

2Normative references

This standard uses Normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST8.579-2002 State system ensuring uniformity of measurements. Requirements for the quantity of packaged goods in packages of any type during their production, packaging, sale and import

GOST12.1.004-91 System of occupational safety standards. Fire safety. General requirements

GOST12.1.005-88 System of occupational safety standards. General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air in the working area

GOST12.2.003-91 System of occupational safety standards. Production equipment. General safety requirements

GOST 12.4.009-83 System of occupational safety standards. Fire equipment for the protection of objects. Main types. Accommodation and service

GOST12.4.021-75 System of occupational safety standards. Ventilation systems. General requirements

GOST9404-88 Flour and bran. Humidity Determination Method

GOST 13496.20-2014 Feed, compound feed, compound feed raw materials. Method for determining pesticide residues

GOST 13586.3-2015 Grain. Acceptance rules and sampling methods

GOST 14192-96 Marking of cargo

GOST 15846-2002 Products sent to the Far North and similar areas. Packaging, labeling, transportation and storage

GOST EN15891-2013 Food products. Determination of deoxynivalenol in food grains, products of its processing and grain-based products for feeding infants and young children. HPLC method using immunoaffinity column purification of the extract and spectrophotometric detection in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum

GOST 16990-88 Rye. Requirements for procurement and delivery*
*GOST R53049-2008 “Rye. Technical conditions” is in force in the Russian Federation.

GOST 20239-74 Flour, cereals and bran. Method for determining metallomagnetic impurities

GOST 26791-89 Grain processing products. Packaging, labeling, transportation and storage

GOST 26927-86 Raw materials and food products. Methods for determining mercury

GOST 26929-94 Raw materials and food products. Sample preparation. Mineralization to determine the content of toxic elements

GOST26930-86 Raw materials and food products. Arsenic determination method

GOST 26932-86 Raw materials and food products. Lead determination methods

GOST 26933-86 Raw materials and food products. Methods for determining cadmium

GOST 27186-86 Grain procured and supplied. Terms and Definitions

GOST 27558-87 Flour and bran. Methods for determining color, smell, taste and crunch

GOST 27559-87 Flour and bran. Method for determining the infestation and contamination of grain stocks by pests

GOST 27668-88 Flour and bran. Reception and sampling methods

GOST 28001-88 Feed grain, products of its processing, mixed feed. Methods for determining mycotoxins: T-2 toxin, zearalenone (F-2) iochratoxin A

GOST 30178-96 Raw materials and food products. Atomic absorption method for determining toxic elements

GOST30483-97 Grain. Methods for determining the total and fractional content of weeds and grain impurities; content of small grains and coarseness; content of wheat grains damaged by the turtle bug; metallomagnetic impurity content

GOST 30538-97 Food products. Methodology for determining toxic elements using the atomic emission method

GOST 30711-2001 Food products. Methods for identifying and determining the content of aflatoxins


Approved by the Committee of Standards, Measures and Measuring Instruments under the Council of Ministers of the USSR on April 9, 1966.

The introduction date is set to 01/01/67

Verified in 1992. The validity period was removed by Gosstandart Decree No. 1011 dated 08/21/92

This standard applies to bran obtained as a by-product during varietal and wallpaper grinding of rye.

Mandatory requirements for products aimed at ensuring the safety of animal health and the environment are set out in clause 1.1, indicators 7, 8, 9.

* Reissue with Amendments No. 1, 2, approved in December 1982, October 1992.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).


1.1a. Bran must be produced in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to technological rules approved in the prescribed manner.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).

1.1b. Rye intended for processing must comply with the requirements of GOST 16990-88. Rye sent for grinding after cleaning should not contain: cockle - more than 0.1%, harmful impurities - more than 0.05%, including: creeping mustard and multi-colored kale (in total) - no more than 0.04%, pubescent heliotrope and gray trichodesma are not allowed.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 2).

1.1. In terms of organoleptic and physicochemical indicators, rye bran must meet the requirements specified in the table.

Indicator name

Characteristics and norm

1. Color

Gray with brown or greenish tint

2. Smell

Characteristic of bran, without foreign odors, not musty, not moldy

3. Taste

Characteristic of bran, without extraneous flavors, not sour, not bitter

4. Humidity, %, no more


5; 6. (Excluded, Amendment No. 2).

7. Metallomagnetic impurity:

particles of metallomagnetic impurity up to 2 mm in size per 1 kg of bran, mg, no more

including particles ranging in size from 0.5 to 2 mm, mg, no more

particles of metallomagnetic impurity with sharp ends and edges

Not allowed

8. Infestation and contamination by pests

Not allowed

1.2. (Deleted, Amendment No. 1).


1a.1. Acceptance rules - according to GOST27668-88.


2.1. Sampling - by GOST27668-88.

2.2. Determination of color, smell, taste - according to GOST 27558-87.

2.3. Determination of humidity - according to GOST 9404-88.

2.4. Determination of metallomagnetic impurity - according to GOST 20239-74.

2.5. Determination of infestation and contamination by pests - according to GOST 27559-87.

Sec. 1a; 2.


3.1. Rye bran is stored and transported in bulk and in bags of at least category V. Bran shipped by rail or other means of transport must be refrigerated.

3.2. When transporting and storing bran in bulk and in bags, wagons, containers, vehicles, carts and warehouses must be clean, free of foreign odors and must not be infested with pests. Bran is transported by all types of transport in accordance with the cargo transportation rules in force for this type of transport.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

3.3. The bags used for bran must be strong, not infested with pests and must not have any foreign odors. The bags with bran are sewn up by machine using linen or synthetic threads according to the normative and technical documentation, leaving a ridge along the entire width of the bag.

Manual sewing with strong twine in accordance with GOST 17308-88 is allowed, leaving two ears, and each bag must be sealed.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

3.4. Bran shipped to the Far North and equivalent areas is packaged in accordance with GOST 15846-79.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

3.5. Transport marking - according to GOST 14192-96 without applying manipulation marks.

Each bag of bran must have a 6x9 cm label made of paper or other material sewn onto it.

The label must contain the following data characterizing the product:

a) name of the manufacturer, location and subordination;

b) product name;

c) date of outage (year, month, day);

d) designation of this standard.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.6. During transportation, loading and unloading, bran must be protected from precipitation.

GOST 7170-66

Group H36




Weat rye pran. Specifications

MKS 67.060
OKP 92 9522 2000

Date of introduction 1967-01-01

APPROVED by the Committee of Standards, Measures and Measuring Instruments under the Council of Ministers of the USSR on April 9, 1966. The introduction date was set as 01/01/67

The validity period was lifted by Gosstandart Decree dated 08.21.92 N 1011


EDITION with Amendments No. 1, 2, approved in December 1982, October 1992 (IUS 4-83, 12-92)

This standard applies to bran obtained as a by-product during varietal and wallpaper grinding of rye.

Mandatory requirements for products aimed at ensuring the safety of animal health and the environment are set out in clause 1.1, indicators 7, 8, 9.



1.1a. Bran must be produced in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to technological rules approved in the prescribed manner.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).

1.1b. Rye intended for processing must meet the requirements of GOST 16990-88. Rye sent for grinding after cleaning should not contain: cockle - more than 0.1%, harmful impurities - more than 0.05%, including: creeping mustard and multi-colored kale (in total) - no more than 0.04%, pubescent heliotrope and gray trichodesma are not allowed.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 2).

1.1. In terms of organoleptic and physicochemical indicators, rye bran must meet the requirements specified in the table.

Indicator name

Characteristics and norm

Gray with brown or greenish tint

2. Smell

Characteristic of bran, without foreign odors, not musty, not moldy

Characteristic of bran, without extraneous flavors, not sour, not bitter

4. Humidity, %, no more

5; 6. (Excluded, Amendment No. 2).

7. Metallomagnetic impurity:

particles of metallomagnetic impurity up to 2 mm in size per 1 kg of bran, mg, no more

including particles ranging in size from 0.5 to 2 mm, mg, no more

particles of metallomagnetic impurity with sharp ends and edges

Not allowed

8. Infestation and contamination by pests

Not allowed

1.2. (Deleted, Amendment No. 1).


1a.1. Acceptance rules - according to GOST 27668-88.


2.1. Sampling - according to GOST 27668-88.

2.2. Determination of color, smell, taste - according to GOST 27558-87.

2.3. Determination of humidity - according to GOST 9404-88.

2.4. Determination of metallomagnetic impurity - according to GOST 20239-74.

2.5. Determination of infestation and contamination by pests - according to GOST 27559-87.

Section 1a; 2. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).


3.1. Rye bran is stored and transported in bulk and in bags of at least category V. Bran shipped by rail or other means of transport must be refrigerated.

3.2. When transporting and storing bran in bulk and in bags, wagons, containers, vehicles, carts and warehouses must be clean, free of foreign odors and must not be infested with pests. Bran is transported by all types of transport in accordance with the cargo transportation rules in force for this type of transport.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

3.3. The bags used for bran must be strong, not infested with pests and must not have any foreign odors. The bags with bran are sewn up by machine using linen or synthetic threads according to the normative and technical documentation, leaving a ridge along the entire width of the bag.

Manual sewing with strong twine in accordance with GOST 17308-88 is allowed, leaving two ears, and each bag must be sealed.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

3.4. Bran shipped to the Far North and equivalent areas are packaged in accordance with GOST 15846-2002.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

3.5. Transport marking - according to GOST 14192-96 without applying manipulation marks.

Each bag of bran must have a 6x9 cm label made of paper or other material sewn onto it.

The label must contain the following data characterizing the product:

a) name of the manufacturer, location and subordination;

b) product name;

c) date of outage (year, month, day);

d) designation of this standard.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.6. During transportation, loading and unloading, bran must be protected from precipitation.

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
Flour. Specifications: Sat. GOST. -
M.: Standartinform, 2006

Approved Committee of Standards, Measures and Measuring Instruments under the Council of Ministers of the USSR on April 9, 1966

State standard of the USSR GOST 7170-66*


Wheat rye pran. Specifications

Instead of GOST 7170-54

This standard applies to bran obtained as a by-product during varietal and wallpaper grinding of rye.

Mandatory requirements for products aimed at ensuring the safety of animal health and the environment are set out in clause 1.1, indicators 7, 8, 9.

1. Technical requirements

1.1a. Bran must be produced in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to technological rules approved in the prescribed manner.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).

1.1b. Rye intended for processing must comply with the requirements of GOST 16990-88. Rye sent for grinding after cleaning should not contain: cockle - more than 0.1%, harmful impurities - more than 0.05%, including: creeping mustard and multi-colored kale (in total) - no more than 0.04%, pubescent heliotrope and gray trichodesma are not allowed.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 2).

1.1. In terms of organoleptic and physicochemical indicators, rye bran must meet the requirements specified in the table.

Indicator name

Characteristics and norm

Gray with brown or greenish tint

Characteristic of bran, without foreign odors, not musty, not moldy

Characteristic of bran, without extraneous flavors, not sour, not bitter

4. Humidity, %, no more

5; 6. (Excluded, Amendment No. 2).

7. Metallomagnetic impurity:

particles of metallomagnetic impurity up to 2 mm in size per 1 kg of bran, mg, no more

including particles ranging in size from 0.5 to 2 mm, mg, no more

particles of metallomagnetic impurity with sharp ends and edges

Not allowed

8. Infestation and contamination by pests

Not allowed

1.2. (Deleted, Amendment No. 1).

1a. Acceptance

1a.1. Acceptance rules - according to GOST 27668-88.

2. Methods for determining quality

2.1. Sampling - according to GOST 27668-88.

2.2. Determination of color, smell, taste - according to GOST 27558-87.

2.3. Determination of humidity - according to GOST 9404-88.

2.4. Determination of metallomagnetic impurity - according to GOST 20239-74.

2.5. Determination of infestation and contamination by pests - according to GOST 27559-87.

Sec. 1a; 2. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

3. Packaging, labeling, storage and transportation

3.1. Rye bran is stored and transported in bulk and in bags of at least category V. Bran shipped by rail or other means of transport must be refrigerated.

3.2. When transporting and storing bran in bulk and in bags, wagons, containers, vehicles, carts and warehouses must be clean, free of foreign odors and must not be infested with pests. Bran is transported by all types of transport in accordance with the cargo transportation rules in force for this type of transport.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

3.3. The bags used for bran must be strong, not infested with pests and must not have any foreign odors. The bags with bran are sewn up by machine using linen or synthetic threads according to the normative and technical documentation, leaving a ridge along the entire width of the bag.

Manual sewing with strong twine in accordance with GOST 17308-88 is allowed, leaving two ears, and each bag must be sealed.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

3.4. Bran shipped to the Far North and equivalent areas is packaged in accordance with GOST 15846-79.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

3.5. Transport marking - according to GOST 14192-77 without applying manipulation marks.

Each bag of bran must have a 6x9 cm label made of paper or other material sewn onto it.

The label must contain the following data characterizing the product:

a) name of the manufacturer, location and subordination;

b) product name;

c) date of outage (year, month, day);

d) designation of this standard.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.6. During transportation, loading and unloading, bran must be protected from precipitation.