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Original ways of giving gifts. How to give an original gift for the New Year Interesting gift giving for the New Year

Hello! Since we are meeting you on these pages, then I suspect that the New Year is already knocking on the door - the favorite holiday of everyone, young and old.

And if for the smallest people, by and large, gifts play the main role, although, admittedly, modern children are so advanced that they can easily give their parents a head start, then for older people, adults and the eldest, the form of presenting New Year's gifts is of no small importance.

But let’s be honest: it’s a pleasure to give a present with some imagination, seeing the surprise and joy on the faces of those presented!

That is why we decided to suggest, advise you, our dear guest, reader, a few ideas on how to give an original gift for the New Year, whether to children, friends or colleagues, and to your significant other.

Idea No. 1 Time-tested

There is one universal option for all our conditional groups - Santa Claus. Agree that even at a New Year's corporate party, where the entire staff consists of adults and serious men and women, when the fun reaches a certain degree, Grandfather and the Snow Maiden will cause great delight.

And the whole team will shout in unison “Christmas tree, light up,” joyfully accepting the most primitive gifts from the bag.

The same thing, you see, will happen in a friendly circle, and the age of the company can vary from 21 to 80 years - the New Year's mood and the amount of alcohol drunk will ensure the success of a couple of characters familiar to everyone.

However, let's agree that, firstly, this is banal, and secondly, the vast majority of celebrations of this wonderful event already imply the presence of Grandfather Frost and his Granddaughter.

Idea No. 2 For the lazy

But with modern children it’s more difficult. If you really want to give your child joy and an unforgettable experience, then Santa Claus is hardly suitable for presenting the gifts you have prepared. Well, perhaps only the smallest ones, the ones who are not yet very smart.

Although, I must admit, companies providing such services try to keep up with the times, and perhaps you will be able to meet truly creative animators.

What you definitely shouldn’t do is dress up as Santa Claus yourself. I’m more than sure: your masquerade will be revealed, and the whole surprise will be ruined.

It’s better to ask your neighbor at some point to simply ring the doorbell and disappear, leaving gifts with parting cards on the doorstep. And you yourself, citing anything, send your beloved child to open the door.

But believe me, there are many more interesting options!

Idea No. 3 Organize a quest

Why not have a real adventure? Where is your spirit of adventure? After all, such a presentation of a gift will cause a storm of positive emotions not only among children, but also among the adult company.

Moreover, considering that colleagues, as a rule, are given purely symbolic gifts, and many friends, by the way, too, then it is on the presentation that their attention should be focused.

So let's get started. A simpler option is to prepare in advance 10-15, no more, notes, all except the first one, which must be securely hidden in advance in different places of the room, where, in fact, you will have fun on a magical night.

What's in the notes? Starting with the first one - tips on how to find each next one. The form of hints is your choice: from the most simple riddles to quatrains in the style of Nostradamus.

The first one must be left somewhere so that it catches your eye, for example, under the Christmas tree. The latter should ultimately lead to the goal - a gift. Such a collective quest is guaranteed to be appreciated.

Idea No. 4 Search for treasure

The second option will require more serious preparation. By the way, it can also have different forms, but the most popular is the search for pirate treasures.

You will need a pirate costume and a map, and the more intricate it is, the more interesting it is.

Just don’t overdo it – you should still read it. Fill it with riddles, forfeits and anything that will be interesting to your company.

Speaking of forfeits. In the company of friends or with colleagues, it will be quite fun to give gifts after, at random, everyone takes out their forfeit from the box, fulfills it, and only then receives a New Year's gift.

Idea No. 5 Sea battle

There are options that are perfect for giving gifts to both children and your beloved boyfriend, and even your husband, because, you see, there are things that every man has carried through the years since childhood, which is why, sometimes, men are considered big children. What is this? For example, a war game!

How to arrange everything? Let's move to the bathroom, taking with us floating toys, letters written on paper, from which we need to create a word or phrase that clues to the location of the gift, tape and a water pistol.

So, we cut out the letters and glue them to the bottom of the toys. By the way, boats are perfect - arrange a sea battle. Glue it so that the letters do not get wet during the voyage and remain legible.

Hand your son or beloved a pistol and let him shoot at the armada, trying to turn the ship over with a stream of water and thereby get to the letter. When the flotilla is overthrown, let him make up a clue and happily get to the gift.

Idea #6 Not for the faint of heart

Another great option for the stronger sex, but it’s definitely not suitable for a child. Suitable if the gift is miniature: cufflinks, tie clip, etc.

It means this: you take a gift, put it in a sock, and then wrap it in as many layers of gift paper as you have patience for.

Somehow you hand it over and watch with pleasure the efforts of your betrothed to unpack, and then his perplexed face with a sock in his hands, because it’s not immediately possible to feel the small accessory in such a “packaging”.

Idea No. 7 For the patient

By the way, the following original gift option will allow men to recoup layers of paper and socks. Do you want to give a gift to your girlfriend or wife, tickling her nerves?

Then pay attention: try to find out in advance what your missus would most like to receive for the New Year, and what she certainly doesn’t need at all.

Buy both options. At the most crucial moment, give her something that she doesn’t need at all - even if it’s some kind of trifle. Watch how your lady smiles artificially and thanks you, expecting a more significant present.

It depends on your endurance - how much you can torture your beloved. You can even make her confident that this is where the New Year’s magic ends.

And then, at the most unexpected moment for her, give her what she dreamed of and what she asked from Santa Claus.

Idea No. 8 Romantic

By the way, for halves living together, the option with notes is also ideal, turning New Year's greetings into a game of two loving hearts.

And the aura of romance, with candles and other attributes of this event for only two, believe me, will be to the liking of every girl or woman, and such a night will truly be remembered as magic.

Idea No. 9 From packaging to traditions

Whichever option for giving New Year's gifts you choose, from the most original to the simple presentation, pay due attention to the packaging. By the way, in America it is generally accepted that it is she who plays a more important role than the present itself.

We are not Americans, and thank God, but a beautifully sealed gift, in paper with characteristic New Year's colors and motifs, will always look much more profitable than even an expensive present, presented as “what the mother gave birth in.”

And don’t forget about New Year’s traditions! In the family circle, place some of the gifts, even if it’s just candy or other sweets, under the tree.

Yes, and hang socks signed for each family member above the fireplace, if there is one, or in any other suitable place, filling them with the same goodies will be great!

Thus, the New Year's mood will triumph in your home. I don’t know about you, but when the clock strikes, I have an irresistible desire to look under the tree: what if, like in childhood, gifts are waiting for me there too.

Happy New Year!

Give happiness and smiles to your loved ones! Let your children feel the magic of this holiday, because with age the fairy tale in their lives will end. And at least one night a year, give it to yourself and those you love.

Subscribe to our website, and together we will turn every holiday into an extravaganza. Share a link to us with your friends on in social networks– it is possible that they still believe in miracles.

Happy New Year!

Maxim Kolesnichenko

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Animals and dolls

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One of the most pleasant moments of the New Year is, of course, gifts. All people - both small and large - love to receive New Year's surprises. Giving a gift is a whole ceremony and its proper observance leaves a good impression both on the gift and on the giver.

Have you already purchased New Year's gifts for your loved ones? That's half the battle! Ninety percent of success depends on how the gift is presented. New Year's Eve is a time of waiting. All the fun lies in waiting for a miracle.

Children look forward to gifts most of all. For an original congratulations to your child, you can invite Santa Claus and Snow Maiden from companies specializing in such New Year's services. And there is an even simpler option: ask your neighbors to ring your doorbell on New Year’s Eve and leave gifts at the doorstep. Instruct your child to answer the call (refer to how busy you are). Imagine his joy when he finds a gift and a small note from Santa Claus, saying, “Sorry, I’m in a hurry - there are many more children to see, don’t worry, listen to mom and dad.”

If you wish, you can give a gift to the child and all the guests present, taking gifts out of the bag like a good wizard. Only you need to take care of your wizard costume.

When all the guests are seated, call the child and say: “All sorts of miracles happen on New Year’s Eve. So you and I can be wizards!”

The child should actively help you - let him cast magic over the bag and come up with spells. You must theatrically take gifts out of the bag and give them to the person for whom they are intended. Give gifts to everyone present, focusing on the child, appreciating his merits and achievements in the past year.

Adults love pranks just as much as children, and perhaps even more - in their busy lives, less time is spent on games and surprises. Do not rush to hand out gifts prepared for guests from the doorstep. After they have refreshed themselves and are slightly tipsy, give them papers with individual tasks. They must encrypt the location of the gift. For example: “Your gift is where the arctic cold always reigns, but no one has yet died from cold and hunger.” You probably already guessed that this means a refrigerator. This means that the guest's gift is in the refrigerator.

Is it worth reminding that presenting a New Year's gift wrapped in beautiful wrapping paper and tied with a decorative ribbon is not originality, but rather a tribute to etiquette and polite tone? But packaging in three, four or even five layers (based on the matryoshka principle) already claims to be an original presentation. The main thing here is not to overdo it with the number of layers, otherwise the recipient, after lengthy attempts to open the packaging, is unlikely to be happy with the gift itself.

By the way, with the help of balloons you can give a gift to your beloved girl in a very original way. You should attach a gift to a heart-shaped balloon filled with helium: something light, such as jewelry. Place the ball in a box, which is given to the recipient of the gift. Imagine the surprise and delight the process of opening a gift will cause! It is important to give such a gift indoors, otherwise it will fly away in the literal sense of the word.

The main idea of ​​any original way of presenting a gift is to create intrigue and create a positive mood. Let your gifts always bring joy and a lot of impressions!

Happy New Year!

Giving gifts is much more pleasant than receiving them. These are pleasant chores when you decide what to give, select the packaging, and anticipate the reaction of your friends.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

What is the best way to present a gift to friends in an original way?

From time to time we all have to give gifts. The reason for this can be different (birthday, Christmas, New Year, housewarming, anniversary, birth of a child and much more). It is believed that the coolest gifts are those that we receive for no reason.

If choosing a gift is not such a big problem, then many people really don’t know how to give it in an interesting way. The easiest way is to put the item in a standard paper gift bag and hand it to the hero of the occasion with the words: “Congratulations and I wish you all the best!” This is the most banal, most standard and long-used option. Therefore, you need to use your imagination and come up with something more original. But, if you really don’t know how to present a gift, what words to express your feelings or experiences, then use tips from the Internet. Today we will share with you different ideas that can be used for individual holidays. Of course, a lot depends on what exactly you are giving and who the gift is intended for. Agree, you will never congratulate your girlfriend and your boss in the same way.

How to give an original gift for a birthday or wedding?

Often friends invite us to a wedding or wedding anniversary. I would like to wrap and present their gift especially beautifully. But other than a cash envelope or a standard packaging box with a bow, we usually don't have any ideas.

The option that we will discuss below is most likely suitable for parents or those who are going to give a really expensive item. For example, keys to an apartment, a car, a trip to a honeymoon. Take the gift and pack it in a small box, then another one, and so on. Make a kind of matryoshka doll. Let each box be packed with gift paper. Believe me, the whole room will be watching the culprits unpack the gift. Moreover, each time the capacity becomes smaller and smaller. There will definitely be a surprise, and you are guaranteed tears of joy and a sea of ​​positive emotions. Don't forget to capture the special moment on video.

People often give money as a gift for a wedding, but we’ll talk about how to creatively package banknotes a little later.

Now a few words about birthday gifts. Here you can organize anything you want, if we are talking about the birthday person from your friendly company.

  1. It will be fun to pack a small gift (for example, a wristwatch, a wallet) in a huge box (from under boots, a microwave oven, or other equipment). Laughter and fun for the whole company are guaranteed.
  2. Hide the gift indoors or on the territory, but encrypt its location into an interesting crossword puzzle. Let the birthday boy solve the mystery in front of the whole company. The questions should be funny and understandable only to your friends.
  3. You can also give a gift to children in an original way. For example, no matter how old your child is, you can prepare so many gifts. Place one near the pillow, and then use notes to guide the baby to the next ones.
  4. My favorite girl can in an unusual way give a ring as a gift. A birthday is a great occasion to propose marriage. A very funny way is to give a ring in a Kinder surprise box. Girls love sweets, but if their favorite delicacies also include a ring, the effect promises to be simply amazing!
  5. Another mega original gift for your other half can be an ordinary brick. Just tie a ribbon around it and attach a bow. At the delighted and surprised look of the birthday boy, explain what it is solid foundation your relationship.
  6. For your friend, you can make a real paradise out of balloons, for example, fill the room with them so that it’s waist-deep. And hide a box with a present in the balloons. It will turn out beautiful, fun and funny, especially if the balls start to burst.
  7. On an anniversary, a woman can be given a gift by courier or notified by phone. It would be cool to organize a prank, give a huge bouquet of roses, but one should be artificial and say that you will love it until the last rose withers. It means forever.

How to beautifully and unusually present a gift to your beloved?

Today on the Internet you can find many ideas that will help you organize the presentation of a gift correctly and funny. The main thing is not to save on time and money. Put in a little effort, and everything will turn out not only beautiful, interesting, but also fun.

For example, how can you creatively present your beloved woman with a ticket to a romantic trip for two? Arrange a phone call, let someone else tell you that she is leaving for Paris tomorrow. Of course, everything is perceived at first as a joke. But that's the point. You can order a courier in an unusual or fabulous costume.

For big fans of non-standard surprises, the following idea will come in handy: hide a box with a ring in a jar of your favorite jam. But the main thing here is not to miscalculate so that the decoration does not end up at the bottom of the jar, otherwise they may not be able to get to it soon.

How to beautifully present money as a gift?

A monetary gift is often considered the best, most practical and effective gift. After all, newlyweds, birthday people or other heroes of the occasion will independently find the right use for them.

So, here are some fun ideas for gifting money:

  • make it yourself or order a real money bouquet (in this case, the bills do not spoil, they just wrinkle a little);
  • hide the money in a beautiful small canvas bag; you can throw in a couple of coins for weight. Write a wish, tie it with a ribbon;
  • buy a beautiful photo frame, and instead of an image under the glass, place various banknotes in a chaotic order;
  • you can pack money in slippers, tie it to a bottle of olive oil, hide banknotes in real cabbage;
  • pack the money in a jar (roll each bill into a tube and tie it with a ribbon);
  • you can make a garland of money and decorate it with lanterns;
  • hide the banknotes in a portrait or family portrait, but find a way to warn future owners about it;
  • An original gift would be a money frog. In this case, banknotes can be placed inside or beautifully attached to a souvenir animal.

How to give a gift for different holidays (to mother on March 8)?

Choosing a gift for mom is not an easy task. It is best to find out in advance what your loved one wants to receive as a gift. If it is something from dishes, then just pack it beautifully in a box and decorate it. Vacation tickets or money can be hidden in a luxurious bouquet of your favorite flowers.

New Year is another good occasion for giving gifts. You can knit a sweater or scarf for your beloved guy. Handmade gifts are valued the most. It is best to give such a gift in a cozy home environment, when it is just the two of you.

If you are going to marry a girl soon, then make a beautiful proposal for the New Year. Your loved one will be very pleased. Winter is the most romantic time of the year. Give the treasured gift at the skating rink, near the city Christmas tree. Invite a girl to go sledding in the forest, and prepare the area in advance, scatter rose petals on the snow, make a heart out of candles, light a fire, bring blankets, organize mulled wine.

Children usually put gifts under the Christmas tree for New Year. You can call a snowman, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, or other favorite cartoon characters of your child to your house. And let them give gifts, because it is very important that children believe in fairy tales for as long as possible.

When organizing a gift for a friend, focus on her preferences. If a girl loves public attention, then involve as many people as possible in the organization, record a video wish with the participation of ordinary passers-by, arrange with the administration of the supermarket to congratulate her friend while shopping, involve security guards. There can be many ideas.

Well, you can give yourself to your beloved husband or just the man in your heart. Literally, pack up in a box, put on a funny costume. But this option is for big jokers and brave young ladies.

Always give gifts from the bottom of your heart!

The festive season is coming, the New Year has reached the finish line and soon you will hear “Light up the Christmas tree” and many, many kind and magical words around you. And as expected, everyone begins to worry about pleasant troubles: what to give and how to give an original gift to the child and all household members?
Children especially look forward to magic and the most desired, most original, most long-awaited gift should appear. Every mother knows how to make her baby happy.

New Year's gifts for children are primarily sweets and toys. Nowadays, theater tickets can be an original gift for the New Year. It may not be just a theater, but an unusual theater. Theater studio for example. Where the child will take direct part in the performance, he will be told about acting, diction exercises and many interesting ideas. You can donate tickets to the master class. kids preschool age love to make things with their own hands. During the holidays, you can learn how to make New Year's toys from felt or make a snowman from sweet marzipan.

However, I digress from the topic. How to give original gifts to children for the New Year?

How to give an original gift yourself

If the child is still small, then it is just as banal as it was for us in childhood. In the evening we put you to bed, and in the morning there are 2 surprises under the Christmas tree. Why two? Because one is sweet, the other is a toy. Moreover, there may be more toys. Psychologists recommend giving many small gifts rather than one large one.

We enclose a letter with a postcard with the gift. Santa Claus gives gifts in any case: in person or by mail.

If the baby does not go to bed and is waiting for a gift, sit the toy on the landing or on the porch. Ask your neighbors to ring your doorbell and feel free to send your child to see what’s behind the door. A surprised child will drag the box and spend a long time unpacking it.

For older children 6-9 years old, such numbers will not work; such children already stop believing in Santa Claus and watch their parents from the very evening. After listening to the chimes, everyone go outside to watch the fireworks! The beauty and feeling of the holiday are real. Forget your mittens at home and come back for them. At this moment, place gifts under the tree or scatter them around the house. It will be a lot of fun to collect them.

Santa Claus gives gifts

We invite Santa Claus and he will do everything right. When ordering, discuss which toy you want to receive, or prepare it yourself and hand it over at the entrance. And even better when meeting before the New Year. And when you arrive, pretend to be surprised and play along with the baby’s delight.

A little secret: if you plan to give Santa Claus a gift at home, refrigerate it properly. The kid will really think that Santa Claus arrived on a sleigh.

Mom and Santa Claus - give an original gift

  • We put on a whole performance for the child. The Snow Maiden is the first to appear in the house and is looking for Santa Claus. Plays small skit competitions and gives out small gifts. Then Santa Claus shouts together and he brings in the main big gift.
  • You can do without the fairy-tale Santa Claus, but to arrange an original gift for your mother, she will go looking for a gift around the apartment. A little preparation is required; you need to write on all boxes and bags where to go next.
  • Place the first gift on the table in the room, indicate in the note that the second one is in mom’s bedroom, in the closet, on the middle shelf. Don’t let mom into the room: let her recite a poem.
  • Then send the child to another place and so on, until the last gift for that day.
  • If there are several children, draw them a plan of the pirate treasure. Using this map, everyone will look for a treasure with gifts. Mark the places with gifts with a cross. Older children will do this exciting activity on their own; the little ones will have to help.

In the morning, don’t forget to put fruits and sweets on the table; on holiday you can treat them too!

It doesn’t matter who will give the gift, but it needs to be packaged beautifully. You can register it where you bought it; many markets have such a service. You can make your own packaging at home. Be sure to include the baby's name and wishes for the New Year. Under the tree you can put gifts from relatives, grandparents and other relatives, also with kind inscriptions.

And another piece of advice: try to prevent the child from finding the purchased gift before the holiday. If this happens, don't be upset. The child will have to say that Santa Claus got the date wrong. And for the holiday, be sure to buy a new gift.

Toys and gifts for children for the New Year

For some, toys, for others, gifts, because some play, while others give. You can paraphrase in different ways, and it’s very easy to switch roles, or rather, it often happens by itself. A simple example when parents give their child a wonderful toy, which they themselves have to play with, but that’s what they wanted to do good gift. It’s even more difficult to give gifts to other people’s children, so I perfectly understand those who find out in advance from their parents what they want to buy. And it’s very good if parents have an answer to this question, based on various price and other restrictions. It turns out that those in the most difficult situation are those who have minimal information about children and do not have the opportunity to ask, but most often they are the ones who hit the mark, because they are trying to buy something simple, but in demand by most children. So, here are some reasons why the recipient may not like the toy:
  • The toy does not correspond to the age, interests, or development of the child;
  • The toy has repulsive properties;
  • The toy was bought for oneself or for parents, and not for a child;
  • The toy was poorly presented (first impression);
  • The toy turned out to be not what the child dreamed of;
  • The toy is very expensive, so the child is limited in playing with it.

Some reasons are easy to exclude, while others are quite difficult to take into account. And soon New Year and many, in any case, will have to buy gifts not only for their children, but also for the children of relatives, friends and acquaintances, about whom only age can often be known. That's why I want to talk about some toys that seem successful to me. I will definitely write about toys that only caused negative emotions in me, but it was difficult to tear my child away from them. It's up to you to decide, as they say. Of course, I won’t be able to describe all the toys before the new year, and is it even possible, but there are still many holidays ahead. Just as it will not be possible to cover all ages at once, so if you are interested in anything specific, write, I will try to express my opinion.

Opening gifts

To begin with, I would like to clarify that a toy means anything that is intended for play. If you think about it, it could be anything, but still the gift should be a gift and for the purposes of this post it should be purchased in a store. In this regard, we will not talk about educational aids (not to be confused with educational toys), which also seem to need to be played with, but I doubt that the child will enjoy receiving a set of educational materials, Doman cards or Zaitsev cubes. At the same time, paints, plasticine, and various creative kits fit perfectly into the concept of a toy-gift, so we will compare and analyze.

Nowadays, store shelves are so overflowing with toys that it would seem that buying a gift should not be a problem. But, it seems to me, abundance only aggravates the situation and finding something worthwhile is not so easy if you don’t know exactly what you’re looking for. Not only the price, properties, and appearance of the toy differ, but also your goals, capabilities and desires. The easiest way is to read the annotation, where the recommended age should still be indicated, but these are very vague numbers. Not to mention the fact that many things are completely unfamiliar to us adults and we ourselves don’t understand what to do with them, and the consultant in the store just starts reading the instructions to you, trying to quickly understand the essence. Or you found the toy you need, but the price is so high that you can only forget about such a gift, but perhaps there are analogues from other companies that are quite accessible to you, but no one told you about it.

I don’t have information about all the toys and manufacturers, so I’ll tell you what I know, and you’ll add or correct something. After all, opinions may differ and my positive or negative review may seem strange to you, because you have completely different impressions. Be sure to write about it!

Related articles: Children

soni s 11.02 15:44

For me personally, this is a very useful post! Because I am writing a thesis and considering the developmental features of primary schoolchildren and preschoolers. For them, the dominant leading activity remains GAME - so it was very important to create a scenario for the game (my graduate study of children’s clothing preferences) in such a way that the children would enjoy it and find it interesting! For these purposes, I considered child psychology and those toys that, according to age, attract children.

And the tips given in this post are straight to the point and reveal all the inconsistencies of toys! Because everything is important for a little person: how the toy is presented, and what emotions it evokes... and it’s even important (although it seems obvious) whether the parents showed their child HOW to play this toy)

New Year is a special holiday when not only children, but also adults expect real miracles. To make the celebration memorable for your friends and family for a long time, it is not enough to buy gifts for them, you need to present them in an unusual setting.

How to give an original gift for the New Year 2020? You can present it yourself, dressed up in costumes of New Year's characters, or order a congratulation from Father Frost and the Snow Maiden from an advertising agency.

You can hire professional artists who will congratulate your friends with their voices famous actors or singers, will present gifts in costumes of life-size dolls.

An integral part of a holiday gift is its packaging. Such gifts should be bright and impressive. How to pack a gift for the New Year in an original way?

According to eastern calendar, this year, which will begin on January 25, will be the year of the White Rat. Its colors are white, warm gray, milky, beige, light mustard, and pastel colors.

The element of the coming year is metal, so silver, gold, and various light shades with a metallic tint are also relevant. These colors should be used when decorating gifts, which can be decorated with bows, ribbons and beads in matching tones.

The environment in which they are given is also of great importance. How to give an original gift for the 2020 New Year?

If the gifts are intended for several people, then you can hang cardboard bananas with specific numbers and wishes on the tree, and put gifts with corresponding numbers under the tree.

The hostess of the holiday, the Rat, will take turns taking her gifts from under the tree and handing out her gifts to those present. Another option is to organize a fun competition or quiz with prizes.

But let's get back to how you can pack a gift for the New Year in an original way? If you want to amuse the people for whom the gift is intended, you can use a large amount of packaging material.

Arrange in advance with several guests invited to the holiday so that they pack their gifts carefully: put small boxes in large ones, use a large amount of packaging material, ribbons, bows, etc. Such gifts will cause a lot of laughter and will cheer up your friends and family.

How else can you present gifts in an original way for the 2020 New Year? The process of congratulations can be turned into a real festive event that will be remembered by your friends and family for a long time.

For example, a gift can be given unexpectedly, sent by courier, or left somewhere so that the person for whom it is intended finds it himself. Don't forget to package your gift beautifully and accompany it with a greeting card.