Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

Musical tale flint script Gorkovenko. Scenario for the New Year's holiday in the preparatory group based on the fairy tale flint. The princess looks out her window

MKOU "Pavlokhutorskaya secondary school No. 12" Efremovsky district, Tula region

(Tale in a new way “Flint”)

Prepared by a primary school teacher

Domnina Valentina Vladimirovna, first category


New Year's adventures based on the fairy tale "Flint" for young and middle-aged children.

Characters: 1st and 2nd buffoons, Soldier, Baba Yaga, Cat, Grandma Yagishka and Grandma Yagushenka, Kiki and Mora, Father Frost, Snow Maiden.

Event goals

1. Help every child express themselves.

2. To develop students’ independence, creative attitude to work, and organizational skills.

3.Promote the development of each student’s abilities and creative qualities.

4. Create a festive mood; develop creative abilities; create comfortable conditions for communication.

New Year's performance “Our Merry New Year

A fairy tale in a new way “Flint”


1st and 2nd buffoons


Baba Yaga


Grandma Yagishka and Grandma Yagushenka

Kiki and Mora

Father Frost

Snow Maiden

There are buffoons on stage.

1 buffoon: Our young New Year's greetings,

Everyone is from five to seventy years old!

2 buffoon: Today you will find fun and jokes

You won't be bored here for a minute!

Sk.: Take both dad and mom with you

Let them watch our program too!

2 Sk.: Our tree is not higher,

There is no tree more beautiful than ours!

1 Sc.: Here on the New Year's tree

Everyone is present today

Petya, Vova, Ira, Sasha.

2 Sc.: Yura, Katya, Lyuba, Misha,

Vitya, Klava and Taras

Together: Glad to see everyone here!

Sc. 1: Boys and girls

Everyone without exception

We invite you to the show!

Fairy tale "Flint"

Soldier:( goes and sings ) One-two right!

At-two left!

Along the pillar road,

I don't know where I'm going

The road itself

Will lead somewhere.

He sits down on a tree stump and lights a cigarette:

Eh, I'm tired! How many miles did he travel? The Tsar’s donated boots are already asking for porridge... Well, never mind, I’ll walk through this little forest and get home right in time for the New Year! I would like to cut down a Christmas tree for the holiday, to amuse the little children, yes, I walked almost 100 miles, but didn’t see one Christmas tree. And earlier there was a noise here (takes a cracker out of his pocket ) Chew some crackers or something...

He was just about to gnaw, when suddenly someone grabbed him by the head and held him.

Baba Yaga: Woohoo! Wow! Kar-hi-ha-ha! Brrrr!

Soldier : Ugh! Who is it that is making stupid jokes on the soldier? Leshy or what?

B.I .: Not crazy!

Soldier: Kikimora?

B.Ya.: You yourself are Kikimora!

Soldier: Baba Yaga or what?! Chiseled bayonet - soaked cucumber!

B.Ya.: I like it when they call me Butterfly Yaga

Soldier: That's a butterfly! Don't you fly from flower to flower for an hour?

I fly and fly. Now I'm going to heal!

Come on, show me!

Eniki-brooms...!(Whistles )

Dance of Baba Yaga.

B.I .: Oh, I'm getting old. (Falls to the floor from fatigue)

Soldier : Well, what are you talking about, grandma! You’re nothing at all... I like you...

B.I .: ( holds ) Wait, wait, servant! Do not rush! I have business for you!

Soldier :What else is it?

B.Ya. You see the well is standing. So you need to get down there.

Soldier : No, that's not for me. You need it, climb it!

B.I .: (plaintively ) Soldier, my bones are old. And I need to get one thing.

Soldier:, grandma. Until you tell me what this thing is, I won’t go into the well!

B.I .: (Vside ) May the devil take you away! (spits, stomps)

( soldier ) Yes, this is a flint, a flint! Without him, the children will not see either the New Year, or Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, and with them, gifts!

Soldier : Well, that’s where we had to start. (Baba Yaga rubs her hands contentedly ) well, where ours didn’t disappear. Look Baba Yaga, don’t deceive me, or else!… (shakes his fist)

BYA. : Well, what are you, what are you, serviceman! (to the side ). Baba Yaga cannot live without deception!

He throws the rope into the well and takes it in his hands. The soldier climbs into the well.

B.Ya.: Soldier, soldier. Hey...Did you find the flint?

Soldier : Wait, old one. Yes, here it is!

B.I .: Soldier, throw him quickly, (jumps for joy) I’ll catch him!

Soldier: Eh, no, throw the rope first!

B.Ya.: (to the side ) And so that you never get out of there! (soldier ) Servant, hold the rope (pretends that he wants to pull the soldier out, but as soon as a hand with a flint appears, she grabs the flint and throws the rope into the well, and with it the soldier falls)

B.I . Here, you fool, trusted Baba Yaga! (looks into the well, pretends to cry_ He was a good soldier. Well, it’s his own fault. Give him New Year, and even gifts for the kids. Have I done a lot of nasty things to every living thing? Well, oh well, I’m modest. I’ll run invite evil spirits to the holiday.(runs away)

The Black Cat comes out and sings the song “Black Cat »

Soldier: Hey, cat!

Cat : Oh, who's calling me?

(comes up and looks into the well)

Soldier: Yes, it’s me, soldier, help me get out of here. Baba Yaga deceived me and took possession of the flint. Without him, the kids won't see the New Year!

Cat : That's the task, that's the task! What should we do? Children cannot be left without a holiday.

Yagishka: I'm more beautiful!

Yagushenka: No, I'm prettier!

Yagishka : Why are you more beautiful?

Yagushenka : Yes, because I am Yagushenka!

Yagishka: Here's another! And I, Yagishka! So what!

Yagushenka: And me, and me... Koschey is inviting me to visit!

Yagushka: So what, I’ll marry him!

Yagushenka: Are you married?! May he not marry you!

Yagishka: Why doesn't he get married!?

They fight.

Cat: Grandmothers, grandmothers, don't quarrel. Your help is needed!

Yagishka: Oh, you mustachioed cat! Are you still walking around? And who will guard the house on chicken legs!?

Yagushenka: Wait, wait! Look, she cackled. Everything would be done with your tongue, like a broom of revenge. Tell me, darling, what do you need?

Cat: Beautiful grandmothers, help the soldier out of trouble. Your elder sister deceived him, put him in a well, and stole the flint. Now the guys won't have a holiday.

Yagushka: Ah, Baba Yaga, bone leg! Yes, so that it is torn apart, and here is the harm from it.

Yagushenka: That's what the robber came up with! There is evil from her everywhere. Listen, we are good grandmothers Yagishka and we will not allow the children to not have a holiday!

Yagishka: Oh, how I love celebrating the New Year with the guys!

Yagushenka: And I, I just love it!

Soldier: Hey hey! Grandmothers, hurry up!

The grandmothers recite a spell, clapping each other’s hands: “Rex, cupcake, fuki-flour, eniki-brooms, ekiki-beki.” Fire!” The soldier jumps out of the well.

Soldier: Oh, my sides hurt! Well, grandmothers, (warming up) and now the flint must be returned!

Yagishka: This task will be more difficult. The older sister is stronger than us in magic. She has now turned to the kikimors, they are subordinate to her. I think there is flint there too!

Everyone leaves the stage. Baba Yaga and Kiki and Mora appear. They are carrying Baba Yaga on a cart.

Baba Yaga: Oh, well, have fun! One, two, three, seven!

Sing a song!

Kikimoras: We kikimores are beauties!

The hair is long, the mind is short.

And leads us to the enemy

Our Grandmother Yaga!

Eh, ma, booga-ha

Hail, Grandma Yaga!

We kikimores are dashing.

We are not afraid of all the elements

We are any enemy

Grandma Yaga is with us!

Eh, ma, booga-ha

I'm tired of you, hag!

They turn over the cart with Baba Yaga.

B.Ya.: (threateningly) Well, you idiots, I have you right now!!!

Kiki: Sorry, grandma, please forgive me, my hand slipped!

B.I .: Hand!?

Mora : Yeah!

B.Ya.: Lies! What were you singing there? Who is this hag? Who's the hag?! I'll show you the hag!

Kikimor hits with a broom.

Kiki and Mora: Oh, it hurts! We won't do it again!

B.Ya.: Their hands, you know, slipped! They were completely unruly, there was no discipline, you understand! Oh, well, line up! (Kikimoras are being built.)

Stand at attention! They got insolent, impudent people. I try, I try, I get flint, I disrupt the holiday, and they...(swinging ) the hag was found. Yes I still...(singing)

It’s good to walk alone across the open spaces, across the open spaces,

It is better to sing a song alone, not in a choir, not in a choir.

I chirp and sing like a quail

And I’m slim and elegant, like a Christmas tree...

Kiki: One granny, two granny

Eh, beauty,

Mora: One Yagusya, two Babusya

Everyone has a great time!

B.Ya.: Oh, I'm tired, I'll go and rest. New Year is coming, have fun!

He lies down on the bench and falls asleep.

Kiki : I fell asleep! (mimics) I'll have fun! You're an old hag, not a little quail!

Mora: Pinch her nose in the door so she doesn't stick it in other people's business!

Kiki : put it in the refrigerator and keep it there until it turns into a penguin!

Mora: What was she saying about the flint? After all, there would be no New Year without it.

Kiki: There is no need for us to spoil our relationship with the soldier!

Mora: Lets do it!

They whisper, laugh, sneak up on Baba Yaga and steal the flint. Baba Yaga jumps up and the chase begins.

Appear on the stage: a soldier, a cat, Babki-Yagishki. The kikimoras run past the Cat, he trips him, the kikimoras fall to their knees, and the flint falls nearby. Baba Yaga wants to grab him, but the soldier turns out to be quicker.

Soldier: You're a meanie and a liar, and you got caught! All I have to do is ask and the flint will tear you into pieces and scatter it all over the world!

B.Ya.: Oh, no need for soldiers, forgive me, forgive me, I’m unlucky, the devil has misled me. I love kids too. They are so smart, so rosy. Can I celebrate the New Year with you!

Kikimoras: Both us and us!

Soldier : And we’ll ask the guys, whatever they say, so it will be! Well, guys, how about we forgive them?

The guys answer.

Cat: It's over funny fairy tale,

The brave soldier rescued the Christmas tree.

Let it glow evergreen

Let her warm the hearts of the guys.

Soldier: Anything can happen in a fairy tale.

All is well that ends well

We must always believe in good things.

B.Ya.: Let the New Year's time come

It's time for fabulous days and holidays

We wish you, we wish you today

May tomorrow be more magical than yesterday!

The buffoons come out.

1Sk. Dear resident of the dense forests, do you know that someone very important should come to us for the holiday?

Someone must be very important

Should we light up our Christmas tree?

B.Ya.: I don’t know who should come to you, I don’t know...

2Sc.: He has a bright blush

Beard like white fur

Interesting gifts

He cooked for everyone!

B.Ya.: No! I don’t know who is preparing gifts for you, I don’t know!

1Sc: We won’t see him in the spring

He won't come in the summer either

But in winter to our children

He comes every year!

B.Ya.: I don’t know!

2 Sc.: Happy New Year

The lush Christmas tree will be lit.

Amusing the kids

Will join us in a round dance!

B.Ya.: (almost crying)

1Sk.: Oh, do you guys know who this is?

Guys: Santa Claus!

2Sk.: Guys, let's call Santa Claus louder, maybe he's wandering around somewhere nearby!

Name is D.M. and Snegurochka.


1. Kuvashova N.G. Holidays in primary school- 2. Volgograd. 2002

2. Lokalova M.S. Holiday as a gift. Yaroslavl. "Development Academy". "Academy and K". Academy Holding. 2001

3. M.A. Mikhailova Children's holidays. Games, tricks, fun. A popular guide for parents and teachers. Yaroslavl. "Development Academy". "Academy and K". 1998

Flint (based on the fairy tales of H.-C. Andersen) Poems by Eph. Efimovsky.


Ole-Lukoje is a storyteller.

Fairy of joy.

Fairy of mischief.






Three dogs.



The people, the King's retinue, the guards.

The Fairy of Joy and the Fairy of Sorrow appear on the stage from different sides.

F.R. No one in the world knows as many stories as Ole Lukoje.

F.P. Here is a master of storytelling!

F.R. He has an umbrella under his arms. One with pictures. He reveals it to good children, and then they dream of fairy tales all night long.

F.P. The other umbrella is quite simple, smooth. He reveals it over naughty children, they sleep all night like the dead and do not see anything in their dreams.

F.R. In my opinion, only good children gathered here...

F.P. Don't think.

F.R Again, you see only the bad in everything... You should ask Ole to come here and tell one of his wonderful fairy tales. I'm very kind!

F.P. No, evil, despicable!

F.R. No, good one!

F.P. No, I'm angry!

F.R. I'll turn you into a tulip now!

F.P. And I'll kill you as a lizard...

F.R. And I…

F.P. And I…

Ole Lukoje appears

O-L. What's happened? What's that noise?

F.R. Here comes Ole-Lukoje! The Mischief Fairy only wants you to tell a sad tale.

F.P. And the Fairy of Joy is only cheerful.

O-L. Calm down. I'll tell the kids a fairy tale where there's joy...

F.R. Hooray!

O-L. And sadness.

F.P. So much for you!

O-L. I will not only tell you, but also show you my fairy tale today. So, the fairy tale is called “Flint”

A soldier is walking along the road, one-two, one-two! A satchel behind his back, a saber at his side. I won my way, and now...

A soldier appears. Ole and the fairies leave.

Scene one.

Meeting of a soldier with a witch.Clearing near an old tree.

S. One-two, one-two! I won what was mine, and now I’m on my way home.


We beat our enemies

A countless number.

Now home-

The order is

His Majesty's order.

But there is no home - and that’s the point,

No money - that's the thing!

His Majesty the King

As a reward he shook my hand.

The king told me: “Nothing!

Don’t be discouraged, brother!”

I know this without him -

Got it with my own mind.

During the song, the Witch appears and looks at the Soldier, then approaches him.

V. Good evening, serviceman. Look, what a nice saber you have! And what a big backpack! Well done, Soldier! And now you will have as much money as you want!

S. Well, thank you!

Q. Do you see the old tree? It's completely empty inside. Climb into the hollow, go down to the very bottom. I'll tie a rope around you, and when you scream, I'll pull you back.

S. Why would I go there?

B. For money.


Climb into the hollow, Soldier:

It's dry and warm there.

You don't have a copper

And in the hollow there are three chests.

Listen to me, Soldier,

If you want to be rich.

There on the roof of the chest

The dog is sitting without a leash.

Zolotishko is guarding

And he rubs his eyes with his paw.

Don't give him a handout

Throw the dog on the apron.

You will be afraid of the scarecrow -

You will immediately lose your strength.

And if you put me on a rag,

Take the gold by the armful.

Listen to me, Soldier,

If you want to be rich.

For advice, it’s my reward

And I don’t need coppers

Not half a penny, -

I'm a kind soul.

Just find me, servant,

There's my flint in the corner.

Listen to me, Soldier,

If you want to be rich.

S. Okay, tie me with a rope.

The Witch ties a rope around the Soldier.

B. And here is my blue checkered apron. Take him. Farewell and remember everything I told you.

The soldier climbs into the hollow. The witch is holding a rope.

O-L. The Soldier climbed into the hollow. He sees a dog sitting.

Scene two. In the hollow.

S. Well, well! Nice handsome guy. Well, what are you staring at? Look, your eyes are wide open!

The dog approaches the Soldier. The dogs' song sounds.

Sob. I am a nice watchdog -

Don't take a step towards me, Soldier,

Otherwise you won’t leave alive,

I'll eat you with my sword!

I keep good things from cowards.

Cowards are my menu.


The soldier lays out his apron in front of the dogs. The dogs sit on the apron and open the chests with coins.

S. Lord! How much gold! At least buy the whole city! This is money! Yes, but where is the flint?

And here it is (takes a flint and a chest of gold).

Come on, Witch, drag me back!

S. Took it, took it.

The dog runs away. The witch from behind the scenes pulls the Soldier out into the middle of the stage by a rope.

Scene three.

Meeting of a soldier with a witch. Clearing near an old tree.

S. Wow, finally (takes off the rope.)

B. Flint, come on, flint!

S. What do you need flint and steel for?

V. I won’t tell. You got yours - give me back!

S. Whatever the case! If you don’t tell me why you need it, I won’t give it back!

V. Give it back, give it back!

S. I won’t give it up!

During the argument, the Soldier ties a rope around the Witch.

Catch up, try it! (Runs away).

V. (Jumps after him). Oooh. deceived, damn. But we will meet again. Death awaits you!

O-L. The Soldier got rich. He now lived a much happier life: he went to the theaters, went for walks in the royal garden and gave away a lot of money to the poor, and did well - after all, he knew from himself what it was like to be penniless!

Scene four.

Tavern. Dancing, he enters the Soldier tavern. There are several couples behind him.


Hey, come over, honest people.

I'm happy to treat everyone.

Let everyone eat and drink to their heart's content.

All: You are gold, Soldier!

I learned the price of hunger

I wandered around penniless.

Innkeeper, a glass for everyone!

All: Rich soul!

1 citizen. Hey, Soldier, you can’t see and buy the most important thing with your own money!

S. Why can’t I?

2 city dweller. See the Princess, daughter of our King. She is so beautiful!

S. How can I see her?

2 city dweller. You can't see her at all. She lives in a big castle, and there are so many walls and towers around. No one except the King himself dares to visit her. Because there was a fortune telling that his daughter would marry a simple soldier, and this was not to the King’s taste.

S. I raise a toast to friendship!

Hurray for friends!

All: Vivat!

How sociable and simple he is!

You are gold, Soldier!

We want to dance until the morning,

Our dear Soldier! -

S. I treat, I cry!...

No money, it's my fault...

Friends, who will lend me coins?

I will not forget the century!

All: There is no point in being friends with him:

He is an empty man! –

Everyone leaves the Soldier. He, upset, also leaves. Meanwhile, the Princess is pining away in the castle.

Scene five.

In the castle

Etc. How unhappy I am! I only see my beloved soldier in my dreams.


Bored in a high castle

Everything is locked up

Only at the stars from the windows

Watch in the evening.

Is it really in captivity?

Are all the princesses sitting?

It would be more likely, perhaps,

Married a soldier?

Oh, what a soldier I look like!

He's tall and he has a mustache!

He won't let me be offended.

Kiss me, soldier.

No, it's time to heal the wounds

Stop adding salt.

After all, he doubled the security

There is a king at the tower.

And there are three of them near the bedroom,

And there's a platoon on the stairs.

I'll open the window

What if you get lucky?

Enter the King and Queen.

K-y. My daughter!

K-a. Princess, my daughter!

The princess is crying bitterly.

K-a. Oh, how she suffers!

K-y. Look, noble guests have come to us: the Dutch Prince and the Russian Tsarevich. They are wooing you, you can choose anyone.

The Grooms enter and take turns performing an improvisational dance to the music, as funny as possible


Etc. I don't want anyone, I love my soldier!

The grooms leave.

K-y. Ah well? Triple your security!

K-A. Oh!

The queen feels ill. The king takes her away. The princess also leaves.

O-L. And the soldier, having spent all his money, lived in a tiny closet, and none of his former friends visited him. Scene six

Soldier's closet.

S. So I didn’t have any money. I spent every penny, but I had fun myself and didn’t forget people. Oh, how I want to see the Princess... (Takes out a flint, strikes once, twice, three times - a dog appears.)

Music sounds, the leitmotif of the flint

Now I will ask you to deliver the Princess to me. (to the dog). I want to see the Princess!

Strobe light, princess sitting

Etc. (wakes up). Oh, where am I?

S. You are visiting me.

Etc. Soldier? How nice it is here, and the window is open, and the stars are shining.

S. How beautiful she is! I think I love her!

Etc. I have not woken up yet,

It's like I'm in a dream!

Has it really come back?

Happiness for me again?

Together: Finally we are together!

S. Princess!

Etc. Soldier!

You are the groom, I am the bride.

I am so glad!

S. I'm glad!

While singing, the Witch sneaks up. She sees the Princess with the Soldier and calls the King and Queen.

K-y. So here you are!

K-a. Come home, my daughter!

K-y. Now arrest the Soldier and execute him at dawn!

The guard appears and takes the Soldier away.

V. (joyfully). I told you, I told you. Death awaits you! Ha ha!

Ave. (crying). I don't want, I don't want execution!

Everyone leaves.

O-L. The next morning, the people learned that the Soldier would be executed, and hurried to the place of execution.

Scene seven Square.

The Executioner, the Soldier, the guards, the King and Queen appear on the stage one by one, the people accompany them.


P. Even though today is Sunday,

I carry an ax on my shoulder.

I will carry it out

Royal verdict

People: We dressed like for a holiday,

But we don't have a day off.

Executioner and guards: We serve executions

Double payment. Eh!

P. I don’t really feel like

Cut off people's heads.

But work is work

I can't live without work.

The people repeat the chorus.

P. I see: they feed the Executioner

Unhealthy interest.

And they don’t judge at all

Well done for stealing princesses.

The people, the executioner, the guards - repeat the chorus.

The King and Queen come out. Hiding, the Witch appears and stands near the King.

S. (To the King) Your Majesty, allow me to smoke a pipe before I die. After all, this is my last request.

B. Don’t allow him, don’t let him use the flint.

K-a. Smoking is harmful, young man.

K-y. Why, let him smoke. Come live!

B. Then blame yourself. (To the Soldier) Ooh, damn it!

Music plays the leitmotif of fire. The soldier hits: one, two, three. A Dog appears and runs up to the Soldier.

S. Come on, help. I don't want to be executed.

Strobe. The dog rushes at the King and Queen

The dog grabs the King and Queen and runs away with them.

Soldier, be our king and marry the beautiful Princess!

Music sounds and the Princess appears. The soldier approaches her, offers his hand and leads her away. The people welcome them.

Ole Lukoje and Fairies run onto the stage.


Well, the fairy tale is over,

And it ended wonderfully.

And it seems that the evil is punished,

But it’s a pity – not everywhere.

And we want them to heal

You are joyful, happy.

And let him help you out in trouble

Wonderful flint!


Fragment of a play based on a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

Characters: Soldiers - 5 people, Witch, First Dog, Second Dog - 2 people, Third Dog - 3 people, Dreams and Spirits - 10 or more people.

Duration about 15 minutes.

In the foreground to the left and right are large, thick, gnarled trees of an ominous appearance.

On the right, a company of soldiers emerges from the auditorium. They walk towards the stage, pass through the center of the hall and back, then one soldier remains.

The soldier approaches the tree. A Witch comes out from behind a tree on the right to meet the Soldier.

Witch (ingratiatingly)

Eat well, soldier,

And he’s good too!

Your satchel is beautiful.

It's a pity you're carrying an empty one.

Soldier (mockingly)

What do you care?

Maybe she wanted a saber

Ali boot?


They are good, my dear,

But I would have bought something better

If only you could help me.


I would agree,

Just what are you giving?


How much can you carry?

Come closer, killer whale.

You will go down into the hollow...

The witch points to the tree behind her.

In that hollow, at the bottom of the well,

There is an underground passage.

The lamps shine there like the sun,

And there are countless doors.

You will open the last three,

Here are the keys to them.

The Witch hands the Soldier a bunch of keys and a blue checkered apron.


Why do I need your apron?


Listen and be silent.

Guards behind every door

Treasure the ferocious dog -

In a hundred years, no one, believe me,

I didn't lose my legs.

But if you put those dogs

On my apron,

You will get along with them easily.

Soldier (suspicious)

What about you?

Can't go down to this kennel?


I'm old, my dear!


Only, you, without deception -

Money in half!


I won't cheat -

I'll give everything to you.


Well, what do I have to do with this?

Old lady, will you take it?


There's a flint there somewhere.

Here you will bring it.


Well, flint, so flint!

The deal is good!

View of a scene with a hollow in a tree.


Well, now it's time, soldier,

The soldier sticks his head into the hollow. The scenery is changing.

View of the scene in the dungeon: sheer walls, a door, lamps in niches.

A soldier stands by the rope, holds on to its end and looks around. The backpack lies nearby.

The soldier spreads his apron next to the door, and he goes up to it with the key and opens it. First Dog appears in the doorway. The dog is guarding the chest. When a soldier approaches, the dog growls.


Don't spoil the soldier,

And don't bother me.

Let the brave fellow through life,

Light with the saber.


It’s immediately obvious that he grew up without affection.

Wow, nice dog!

You have eyes like saucers

And, like a cup, a nose.

The Soldier takes the Dog and places him on the apron. She stops growling. The soldier takes the backpack and returns to the chest. The soldier then opens the chest and looks into it.


So it is, your chest is copper

Full to the brim.

See, the witch didn’t deceive me,

Enough to live on.

The Soldier transfers money from the chest to his backpack and looks at the Dog, the Dog whines. The soldier closes the door.

The door disappears and another one appears in its place.


I'll take a look now, I guess.

Through the second door.

The soldier opens it. The Second Dog sits in the doorway, guarding another chest. The dog growls.


I won't let you in, servant

Do not even ask.

And you won't get riches -

Get off your feet!

We guard the oak doors

Three hundred long years

If you fall into the clutches

We'll have lunch.


Yes, I'm not a scary little guy,

Believe me.

The Soldier takes the Second Dog by the hand, leads him onto the apron, sits him down and pets him.


Well, now you are two watchdogs!

Wow, nice dog!

And the eyes are like wheels,

And, like a pumpkin, a nose.

The dog stops growling. The soldier approaches the chest and looks into it, pours out of his backpack copper coins and begins to fill it with silver. The soldier then closes the door. The door disappears and a third one appears in its place. The soldier turns to the dogs, they wag their tails.

The soldier opens the third door. The Third Dog sits in the doorway, guarding a large chest. The dog growls.


Out of sight, patched uniform

Saber, boots.

Hurry, of your own free will,

Get off your feet!

And if you hesitate even a minute,

So don't be angry

My service is like this

Here you go.

Soldier (admiringly)

You really are big and scary!

Very nice dog!

And the eyes! – Two Round Towers!

And the nose of a carriage!

The soldier takes the Third Dog by the hand and leads him to the first two, placing the Third Dog on the apron. The dog stops growling. The soldier approaches the chest and looks into it. Seeing the gold, he pours silver onto the floor and begins to fill the satchel with gold, then with difficulty pulls it out of the room.

Then, the soldier closes the door. She disappears. The soldier approaches the dogs and pets them.


Well, dear ones, goodbye,

It's time for me to go upstairs!

Don't roll your eyes,

Tea, not a weather vane!

Here's some crusty bread for you

Yes, a lot of bacon.

The soldier gives the dogs a bundle of food, they greedily pounce on it. The soldier shakes his head.


The old lady didn't feed you

About five years old!

The soldier approaches the rope and pulls it. The Witch appears.


What did my flint find?


Crap! I almost forgot!

The soldier looks around and finds a flint.

Hurry up! Alive!

Have you closed the dogs?

Be calm, everything is as it should be!

Come on, pull!

The witch tugs lightly on the rope.


Your reward is heavy.

Same backpack.

You are a flint and an apron

Put it in your backpack.

The Soldier is about to follow the Witch's instructions, but the First Dog runs up to him and, whining, pulls him back by his uniform. And the Soldier only straps on his backpack.



That's right, witch!


Well, tie it on.

I'll pull out my backpack, little soldier,

Just wait!

The witch picks up the backpack and pulls it into the hollow along with the rope.


Soon there?

Witch (sings gloatingly)

Deceived, deceived,

I deceived!

I got everything back,

Oh, and smart!

The witch is hiding. After a while it looks out again.


Hey, servant, where's the flint?

Where's my apron?

It's rude to act like that

You know, with me!


I'll give it back when I get out

From your hole.

So that you are eaten by nits,

Midges and mosquitoes!

The witch throws down her backpack and disappears. The soldier begins to climb towards the hollow. The hollow is closing. The soldier falls down.


What a damn thing!

She led the soldier cleverly,

The soldier sits down, then goes to bed, all three dogs singing a lullaby to him. Some time passes. After some time, the Witch’s head appears in the hollow.


Hey, how are you, lost guy?

Service, respond!

The soldier is silent and does not move. The witch sniffs.

Witch (to herself)

Should have played the game

And he played, it seems.

(To the soldier)

There's no point in fighting me!

That's right, my dear!


There's nothing to do, you have to

Climb there yourself.

The end of a rope falls from the hollow, and a Witch with a bunch of keys descends along it. The Soldier gets up, grabs the Witch and drags her towards him.


Bite your lying tongue,

Don't shed tears for nothing.

The soldier kills the witch and picks up a bunch of keys.

Soldier (thoughtfully)

Well, it looks like the keys

From other doors.

The soldier approaches the fourth door and opens it.


Hey, is anyone alive? Come out!

From open door The wind whistles out. The soldier recoils.

Many colorful reflections appear on the walls of the cave. The soldier grabs his saber.


Who are they?


Dreams and spirits!


I'll kill everyone now!


We are all prisoners of the old woman.

You, soldier, saved us!


Everybody's Free! Everybody fly!

I will reward you all!

The soldier throws gold after the spirits and dreams. Dogs appear after the spirits. The soldier gives gold to them too.


Everyone who is there, come out!

I give you freedom!

Everyone leaves. The soldier puts on his knapsack, takes the flint and apron and, singing, leaves too. The soldier's song from the movie "An Old Old Tale" is being deleted

(based on the fairy tales of H.-H. Andersen; music by S. Gorkovenko, libretto by R. Amirova-Gorkovenko, poems by Ef. Efimovsky)


Ole-Lukoje is the narrator.

Fairy of joy.

Fairy of sadness.



Three dogs.

The king's retinue.

"Overture" sounds. The Fairy of Joy and the Fairy of Sorrow appear on the stage from different sides.

Fairy of joy. No one in the world knows as many stories as Ole Lukoje.

Fairy of sadness. Here is a master of storytelling!

Fairy of joy. He has an umbrella under his arms. One with pictures. He reveals it to good children, and then they dream of fairy tales all night long.

Fairy of Sorrow. The other umbrella is quite simple, smooth. He reveals it over naughty children, they sleep all night like the dead and do not see anything in their dreams.

Fairy of joy. In my opinion, only good children gathered here...

Fairy of sadness. Don't think.

Fairy of joy. Again, you see only the bad in everything... You should ask Ole-Lukoje to come here and tell one of his wonderful fairy tales. I'm very kind!

Fairy of sadness. No, evil, despicable!

Fairy of joy. No, good one!

Fairy of sadness. No, I'm angry!

Fairy of joy. I'll turn you into a tulip now!

Fairy of sadness. And I'll kill you as a lizard...

Fairy of joy. And I...

Fairy of sadness. And I...

Ole Lukoje. What's happened? What's that noise?

Fairy of joy. Here comes Ole-Lukoje! The Fairy of Sadness only wants you to tell a sad tale.

Fairy of Sorrow. And the Fairy of Joy is only cheerful.

Ole-lukoie. Calm down. I'll tell the kids a fairy tale where there's joy...

Fairy of joy. Hooray!

Ole-Lukoje. And sadness.

Fairy of sadness. So much for you!

Ole-Lukoje. I will not only tell you, but also show you my fairy tale today. So, the fairy tale is called “Flint”.

The Soldier is walking along the road, one-two, one-two! A satchel behind his back, a saber at his side. I got my way, and now...

The Soldier appears. Ole Lukoje and the fairies leave.

Scene one. Meeting of the Soldier and the Witch

Clearing near an old tree.

Soldier. One-two, one-two! I won what was mine, and now I’m on my way home.

Soldier's Song

We beat our enemies

A countless number.

Now go home - the order is this,

His Majesty's order.

I've walked a lot of miles,

I walk in step with the sun.

I take a break at night,

And in the morning - on the road.

But there is no home - and that’s the point,

No money - that's the thing!

His Majesty the King

As a reward he shook my hand.

The king told me: “Nothing!

Don’t be discouraged, brother!”

I know this without him -

Got it with my own mind.

During the performance of the song, the Witch quietly appears and looks at the Soldier, then approaches him.

Witch. Good evening, serviceman. Look, what a nice saber you have! And what a big backpack! And eat so well! Well done, Soldier! And now you will have as much money as you want!

Soldier. Oh, thanks!

Witch. Do you see the old tree? It's completely empty inside. Climb into the hollow, go down to the very bottom. I'll tie a rope around you, and when you scream, I'll pull you back.

Soldier. Why would I go there?

Witch. For money.

The Witch's Tale

(sung to music)

Climb into the hollow, Soldier:

It's dry and warm there.

You don't have a copper

And in the hollow there are three chests.

Listen to me, Soldier,

If you want to be rich.

There on the roof of the chest

The dog sits without a leash:

Eyes the size of saucers

They will never close their eyes.

Don't give him a handout

Throw the dog on the apron.

Listen to me, Soldier,

If you want to be rich.

The coppers are in that chest,

If you don't want small things -

So go get the silver.

There's a dog over the good,

Her eyes are wheels,

They look askance at aliens.

Place it on my apron,

Open the money chest.

Listen to me, Soldier,

If you want to be rich.

Well, in the third closet

The watchdog is overly vigilant.

Zolotishko is guarding

And he rubs his eyes with his paw.

You will be afraid of the scarecrow -

You will immediately lose your strength.

And if you put me on a rag,

Take the gold by the armful.

Listen to me, Soldier,

If you want to be rich.

My reward for advice

And I don’t need coppers

Not half a penny, not a penny, -

I'm a kind soul.

Just find me, servant,

There's my flint in the corner.

Listen to me, soldier,

If you want to be rich.

Soldier. Okay, tie a rope around me.

Witch(ties a rope around the Soldier). And here is my blue checkered apron. Take him. Farewell and remember everything I told you.

The soldier climbs into the hollow, the Witch holds the rope.

Ole Lukoje. The Soldier climbed into the hollow and saw three dogs sitting.

Scene two. In the hollow

The Soldier's entrance to the music is the leitmotif of the flint.

Soldier. Well well! Nice beauties. What are you staring at? Look, open your eyes!

The dogs are approaching the soldier. The dogs' song sounds.

Verses of three dogs "Woof, woof"

1st dog.

I'm a nice watchdog -

Don't take a step towards me, Soldier,

Otherwise you won’t leave alive,

I'll eat you with my sword!

I keep good things from fools.

All stupid is my menu. Bow-wow.

2nd dog.

I'm sitting here on silver

And I show zeal.

I will serve you, servant...

And I’ll eat it in an instant!

I keep good things from the greedy.

All greedy is my menu. Bow-wow.

3rd dog.

Passed, soldier, you two posts,

But you won’t miss the third one.

You can come in from the muzzle or from the tail -

Same finish.

I keep good things from cowards.

Cowards are my menu. Bow-wow.

The soldier lays out his apron in front of the dogs. The dogs sit on the apron and open the chests with coins.

Soldier. God! How much gold! At least buy the whole city! This is money! Yes, but where is the flint?

The leitmotif of the flint sounds.

Soldier. And here it is. (Takes a flint and a chest of gold.) Come on, Witch, drag me back.

Soldier. I took it, I took it.

The dogs are running away. The witch from behind the scenes pulls the Soldier into the middle of the stage by a rope.

Scene three. The Soldier Meets the Witch (continued)

Clearing near an old tree.

Soldier. Wow, finally! (Takes off the rope.)

Witch. Flint, flint, come on!

Soldier. What do you need flint and steel for?

Witch. I will not say. You got what's yours - give me back!

Soldier. No matter how it is! Since you don’t tell me why you need it, I won’t give it back.

Witch. Give it back, give it back!

Soldier. Will not give it back!

During the argument, the Soldier ties a rope around the Witch. Soldier. Catch up and try! (Runs away.)

Witch(jumps after him). Oooh, he deceived me, damn it. But we will meet again. Death awaits you!

Ole-Lukoje. The Soldier got rich. He now lived a much happier life: he went to the theaters, went for walks in the royal garden and gave away a lot of money to the poor, and did well - after all, he knew from himself what it was like to be penniless!

Scene four. Tavern

Dancing, he enters the Soldier tavern. There are several couples behind him.


Hey, come over, honest people.

I'm happy to treat everyone.

Let everyone eat and drink to their heart's content.

All. You are gold, Soldier!


I learned the price of hunger

I wandered around penniless.

Innkeeper, a glass for everyone!

All. Rich soul!

Soldier. Innkeeper, a glass for everyone!

All. Rich soul!

1st visitor. Hey, Soldier, you won’t be able to see and buy the most important thing with your own money!

Soldier. Why can’t I?

2nd visitor. See the Princess, daughter of our King. She is so beautiful!

Soldier. How can I see her?

3rd visitor. You can't see her at all. She lives in a big castle, and there are so many walls and towers around! No one except the King himself dares to visit her. Because there was a fortune telling that his daughter would marry a simple soldier, and this was not to the King’s taste.

Soldier(sings). I raise a toast to friendship! Hurray for friends!

Vivat! How sociable and simple he is!

You are gold, Soldier! (2 times.)


We want to dance until the morning,

Our dear Soldier.


I treat, I cry!..

No money, it's my fault...

Friends, who will lend me coins?

I will not forget the century!

There is no point in being friends with him:

He is an empty man! (2 times.)

Everyone leaves the Soldier. He, upset, follows Ole-Lukoye. Meanwhile, the Princess is pining away in the castle.

Scene five. In the castle

Princess. How unhappy I am! I only see my beloved soldier in my dreams.

Princess Romance

Bored in a high castle

Everyone is locked up

Only at the stars from the windows

Watch in the evening.

Is it really in captivity?

Are all the princesses sitting?

It would be more likely, perhaps,

A soldier married.

It would be more likely, perhaps,

A soldier married.

Oh, what a soldier I look like!

He's tall and he has a mustache!

He won't let me be offended.

Kiss me, soldier.

No, it's time to heal the wounds

Stop adding salt.

After all, he doubled the security

There is a king at the tower.

And there are three of them near the bedroom,

And there's a platoon on the stairs.

I'll open the window

What if you get lucky?

I'll open the window

What if you get lucky?

What if you get lucky?

King. My daughter!

Queen. Princess, my daughter!

The princess is crying bitterly.

Queen. Oh, how she suffers!

King. Look, noble guests have come to us: the Dutch prince, the French baron and the Russian prince. They are wooing you, you can choose anyone.

The grooms come in and take turns performing an improvisational dance to the music, it turns out very funny.

Princess. I don't want anyone, I love my soldier!

King. Ah well? Triple your security!

Queen. Oh!

The Queen feels ill, the King takes her away. The princess also leaves.

Ole-Lukoje. The soldier, having spent all his money, lived in a tiny closet, and none of his former friends visited him.

Scene six. Soldier's Closet

Soldier. So I had no money. I spent every penny, but I had fun myself and didn’t forget people. Oh, how I want to see the Princess... (Takes out a flint, hits it three times - three dogs appear.)

The leitmotif of the flint sounds.

Soldier. And the flint, apparently, is magical. Now I will ask you to deliver the Princess to me. (To dogs.) I want to see the Princess!

The dogs bring in the sleeping Princess.

Princess(wakes up). Oh, where am I?

Soldier. You are my guest.

Princess. Soldier? It’s so nice here, the window is open, and the stars are shining.

Soldier. How beautiful she is! I think I love her! Princess. I'd really like to go for a walk.

Soldier. We're leaving now!

Duet of Princess and Soldier


I haven't woken up yet, it's like I'm in a dream!

Has happiness really returned to me again?

Together. Finally we are together!

Soldier. Princess!

Princess. Soldier! You are the groom, I am the bride. I am so glad!

Soldier. I'm so glad!

While singing, the Witch sneaks up. She sees the Princess with the Soldier and calls the King and Queen.

King. So here you are!

Queen. Come home, my daughter!

King. Now arrest the Soldier and execute him at dawn!

The guard appears and takes the Soldier away.

Witch(joyfully). I told you, I told you. Death awaits you! Ha ha!

Princess(cries). I don't want, I don't want execution!

Everyone leaves.

Ole-Lukoje. The next morning, the people learned that the Soldier would be executed, and hurried to the place of execution.

Scene seven. Square

The Executioner, the Soldier, and the guards take turns on the stage; The King and Queen, the people accompany them.

The Executioner's Couplet


Even though today is Sunday,

I carry an ax on my shoulder.

I will carry it out

Royal verdict.


We dressed like for a holiday,

But we don't have a day off.

Executioner and guards.

We serve executions

Double payment.

All. Eh!


I'm not really in the mood

Cut off people's heads.

But work is work

I can't live without work.


We dressed like for a holiday,

But we don't have a day off.

Executioner and guards.

We serve executions

Double payment.


I see: they feed the Executioner

Unhealthy interest

And they don’t blame the young man at all,

That he stole princesses.


We dressed like for a holiday,

But we don't have a day off.

Executioner and guards.

We serve executions

Double payment.

All. Eh!

Hiding, the Witch appears and stands near the King.

Soldier(To the King). Your Majesty, allow me to smoke a pipe before I die. After all, this is my last request.

Witch. Do not allow him, do not let him use the flint.

Queen. Smoking is harmful, young man.

King. Why, let him smoke. Come live!

Witch. Then blame yourself. (To the soldier.) Oh, damn it!

The leitmotif of the flint sounds. The soldier hits: one, two, three. Three dogs appear and run up to the Soldier.

Soldier. Come on, help me. I don't want to be executed. The dogs rush at the King and Queen.

King and retinue (singing).


Forgive us, forgive us

Master of the monsters!

No, I won't execute you

Take the entire treasury.

Retinue and people.

Oh, what dogs -

They are unbearable!


Soldier, have mercy!

Do you want to be a marshal?

I'll give you an army and hit the road,

Dogs will help you.

Retinue and people.

Oh, what dogs -

They are unbearable!

The dogs grab the King and Queen and run away with them.

Music sounds and the Princess appears. The soldier approaches her, offers his hand and leads her away. The people welcome them. Ole Lukoje and the fairies appear on the stage.

The final

Ole Lukoje and the fairies.

Well, the fairy tale is over,

And it ended wonderfully.

And it seems that the evil is punished,

But it's a pity - not everywhere.

And we want you to heal

Joyfully, happily.

And let him help you out in trouble

Wonderful flint!

And let him help you out in trouble

New Year's holiday in preparatory group based on the fairy tale "Flint".
To the music of the song “New Year's Carnival,” children run into the hall and dance.
Presenter: Winter will cover you with white snow
Houses, trees and bushes.
And then the holiday comes next
You and I know this.
The holiday is called New Year,
There is nothing more wonderful in the world,
He has been very dear to all of us since childhood,
He gives people happiness and light!
1 child It happens in the world,
That only once a year
They light up the Christmas tree
A beautiful star.
The star is burning, shining
Ice glistens on the river,
And that means it’s coming
ALL: Happy New Year!
2nd child. New Year is getting closer and closer
You won't notice how it comes
He started skiing today
And he went on a hike.
3 child He's preparing for the carnival
All people, animals and birds,
It will be an unprecedented holiday
Having no boundaries.

4reb. Finally New Year
Our favorite holiday
Let him bring with him
We have different toys.
5reb. Let him give us some sweets,
Joy and fun!
Let this happiness be for everyone
New Year will share!
Presenter: We are at the New Year's tree
Let's celebrate today
The best holiday in the world
ALL: New Year!
Presenter: Let our round dance be wider and more friendly
ALL: Hello, New Year holiday!
Song “Blizzard. Children sit down. 2 readers remain.
Reb 1: We decorated the Christmas tree beautifully,
How many different toys are on it.
But where is the New Year's miracle?
Why are there no lights on the Christmas tree?
Reb 2: Who will help us in trouble,
Who will light our Christmas tree?
We cannot live without a fairy tale.
All: Let the holiday fairy tale come to us soon.
(The ringing of a bell is heard behind the door.)
Ved: Guys, do you hear that someone is coming to our holiday.
Fairy enters.
Fairy: I am the Fairy of Fantasies, I am the Fairy of Visions,
I live in the land of wondrous dreams.
In the land of adventures and dreams
My entire palace is made of roses.
I found out that you need help.
Tell me, how can I help you?
Reb: Fairy, honey, hurry up
You will help us,
Light up the colorful lights on the Christmas tree.
Fairy: Of course, I will help you, where is my student, the little wizard?
Small wizard: I'm here, dear Fairy.
Fairy: This is my most capable student. Well, let's see what you've learned. Light up the lights on our New Year's tree.
Small wizard: I'm not a wizard yet, I'm just learning. But I really believe in miracles.
Everyone is amazed by this Christmas tree
Light the magic flint.
Among the needles and branches
I will find him soon. (Looks for him).
Here's a magic flint
I'll take it off quickly
And the lanterns are beautiful
They will shine for the children.
And you guys say with me:
One-two-three, Christmas tree, burn!
All children: 1-2-3-Christmas tree. Burn!
(The Christmas tree lights up).
Fairy (claps): Well done, little wizard, I give you a 5 for magic.
Reb1: How beautiful it became in the hall
And look at the Christmas tree
Shined brightly, brightly
There are lights on its branches.
Reb 2: Let today be like a fairy tale
The round dance rushes along
And above this round dance
Dancing, songs, loud laughter,
Happy New Year,
All: Happy new happiness to everyone at once.
Round dance:
Fairy: Now let’s sit down and look at the Christmas tree.
(Children sit down).
Fairy: New Year is unusual,
He is magical without a doubt.
And always carries with him
Fairytale adventures.
This evening they expect
You guys are amazing
Hear, they come alive here
Good voices of fairy tales.
(fairy-tale music sounds. The Witch appears.) Witch: Ah, there you are, my dears! Are you having fun? Are you celebrating the New Year? Dressed up, you know, happy. And well-fed, go figure. Why are you silent? Full, I ask? Here, here, and I’m swelling with hunger (sobs).
Song of the Witch. (Oh, bad... bad,
What nonsense is this?
People call her a Witch
I always feel so offended.
2. Oh, bad... bad, how my years fly.
I would love Leshy,
Only I don’t have time for everything.. The Witch draws attention to the Fairy: Oh-oh! And who will this be? Princess perhaps? Queen? Oh, fathers... Fairy! Well, of course, like her, everyone is a Fairy, a Fairy (mocks). And how can I be a Witch right away? Well, I’ll show you - a Witch. (she tricks the Fairy into giving her an apple, she falls asleep, sits down on a chair, the Witch throws a light cloth over the Fairy). Let him sleep. And he will wake up when your fun has passed. But now you will never see him again. Well, it’ll be better this way, let him rest a little.
And it’s warm and light here. But in my hut it is cold, dark, and the stove is not lit. Why is that all? Yes, there is nothing to light it, the stove. The firewood was damp and the matches had run out. So I’m suffering from my heart, I’m starving. And on my menu today
(searches, gets it, reads).
Witches menu.
ABOUT! “Ivashka with curdled milk”, and for dessert - “Green frog cheesecakes with fly agaric jam”. Delicious!
Well, how can I light the stove? Nothing. Do you happen to have any matches? So, baby, don’t you have a light? What about you, madam? (sees flint). Oh, what do I see! What a success! Why, this is a magic flint. Yours? Where did you get it? (on the Christmas tree). Well, it was yours, it’s now ours. And in general, something is too bright here. And we need to save electricity. (Blows on the tree, extinguishes it) That's it. Farewell, dear ones (runs away).
Ved: Wait, dear evil spirits! Oh, what a problem this is! The Witch bewitched the Fairy, extinguished the Christmas tree, and stole the flint! So, is the holiday cancelled?
Guys, we need to find the flint and light the tree again, otherwise Santa Claus will not find his way to us for the holiday.
The Soldier enters singing.
Soldier (singing): At - two left. At - two right,
Along the road to a long journey.
I don’t know where I’m going, the road itself.
It will take me somewhere.
Soldier: Stay where you are. At - two. There are so many kids here, I’ve never seen anything like this in my life. Both girls and boys, where did I end up? Oh, I know, it’s the guys’ New Year’s holiday (sees the Christmas tree). Well, what is this? Even the light bulbs are hanging, it’s just a little dark, they don’t shine, they don’t burn.
Ved: Got it, soldier, you're in kindergarten on the New Year's Eve holiday, but the trouble is, our flint is visiting evil spirits today. And without flint, we just can’t light the tree and meet Santa Claus.
Soldier: It's grief, it's not a problem! Hey, my friends, here! (the hussars are running). Together we will go to the Witch and pick up the flint. Detachment, form up! (The hussars are in formation).
Reb: We are great hussars,
Braves and daredevils.
If you need help.
We will always help
Save you from evil spirits
Of course we can.
Dance of the Hussars.
Dance of the young ladies with the hussars. (say goodbye to the young ladies).
Soldier: Squad! In search of the Witch, follow me one step at a time, or two! (go behind the tree).
Scene from the Witch in the forest,
(a tree with a hollow, a cauldron, devils are hiding behind it. The witch lights the cauldron with a flint and stirs it with a ladle)
Dance of the Witches and the devils.
(The witch at the end, out of breath, sits down.)
Witch: Fu-fu-fu! What is this?
I want silence, peace.
Well, to hell with you, devils,
Get out of here faster and faster (the little devils run away).
I was completely dizzy by this evil spirit.
Where is my beloved cat! Kitty - kitty! (the cat runs out).
Kitty (reb): Mur-mur, I’m here, mistress,
Tell me why you called me.
I caught mice in the cellar,
And I walked on the roof with cats,
I was completely exhausted.
Witch: Kitty, my cat, fluffy tummy,
Curved back, soft wool.
You please the hostess, sing a song for the soul.
Kitty: Mr-r-r-! Okay, I'll sing.
Dance of the cat and kitties.
Witch: Oh, and you amused me with your warm little cat. Here's a fish for you! Oh, I completely forgot that a guest is coming to me - a miracle of the forest - Leshenka! When he comes to get married, he needs to get himself in order. (Takes out a mirror and preens himself.) And here he is!
(Leshy enters).
Leshy: I was in a hurry to see you, in a hurry,
I dressed up like a baron
How good I am, you won’t find anything better in the world!
The ears are big, the eyes are small, the legs are crooked!
Handsome! Well, how can you not be proud of yourself!
Where is my young and beautiful bride?
Witch: It's me, me! And young (almost) and at ease with herself!
Leshy: Of course... Maybe... Don’t you have anything better?
(Notices Fairy)
Just for me, like a princess!
(Starts dancing in front of the Fairy, falls to his knees, blows a kiss, puts his hands to his heart).
Witch: Who are you coming to, you rotten stump, to woo? Treason! Go away!
(kicks Leshy out).
What a life! Yearning!
Witch: Come on, little cat, soft tummy, bring me a magic dish and a pouring apple. (The cat gives it) What a saucer, you can see everything, just like the latest model iPad. I’ll pump the apple through the dish, I want to know all the news.
(rolls an apple).
Oh! What do I see, soldiers are prowling through the forest, are they looking for me? Exactly! The soldiers are coming here, now they’ll take the flint from me. (He rushes around with the flint, hides it in one place or another). Aha! I’ll hide it here, they’ll never find it here. Here in the hollow sits an evil watchman, he is an old friend of mine (rubs his hands).
(A soldier walks.)
Soldier: Oh, where are you? Well, brothers, let’s knit the Witch. (The hussars help tie the Witch). Thank you, friends, now I can handle her. Well, admit it, did you steal the flint from the children?
Witch: What kind of flint is this? Small, shiny?...No, I didn’t take it! Well, okay, she took it, she took it! That’s why we are nasty, so that there is no joy.
Soldier: Did you leave the children’s Christmas tree without lights?
Witch: What kind of Christmas tree? ...New Year's?.. With toys? ...With balloons, with firecrackers?...No, it's not me. I have never seen any tree like this.
Soldier: Now we’ll ask the guys! (Children answer). See? Well, tell me, the evil spirit is where the flint is.
Witch: Okay, I'll tell you. You will let me go?
Soldiers climb into the hollow,
It's dry and warm there
And cozy and beautiful,
There you will find your flint.
For advice, it’s my reward
I don't need anything.
Not half a penny, not a penny.
I am a kind soul. (dances).
(The soldier approaches the hollow, the Witch waves to him, rubs her hands)
Witch: Climb, climb, dear, to hell with you... (runs away).
(The soldier reaches into the hollow with his hand, and a cockerel flies out.)
Cockerel: I am a magic cockerel,
New Year's scallop.
fire head
Red beard.
I live in this hollow
And I guard the Flint.
Ku-ka-re-ku, co-co-co
New Year is coming!
And who are you? What do you want?
Soldier: I am soldier Ivan, I came for a magic flint, give it here!
Rooster: Look, you are so quick! I won’t let you in, servant, don’t even ask,
And you won’t get Flint, run away!
Soldier: What are you doing, cockerel, we are celebrating your fiery year of the cockerel,
We honor you, we magnify you.
So respect us and show us the flint.
Cockerel: Okay, I’ll give it to you if you guess my riddles.
Soldier: Guys, help me.
Cockerel: Ko-ko-ko, you guessed easily.
Now have some fun
I love music very much
Respect me from the bottom of your heart,
Otherwise I’ll kill you!
Host: Guys, let's help out the soldier and show the Fire Rooster our funny dance!
General dance.
Rooster: So be it, take your Flint!
Congratulations from me to you,
Happiness, laughter and fun!
May this coming year
It will only bring you joy!
(The soldier takes the Flint, goes to the tree, the tree lights up, the Fairy wakes up.)
Host: Look, the witchcraft is over!
Fairy: Oh, how long I slept! I must have missed the whole holiday!
Soldier: Fun is yet to come! Well, it's time for me to go, goodbye, friends!
Host and Fairy: Thank you, soldier!
(Soldier leaves)
Fairy: Well, friends, let's continue the holiday! It's time for us to call Santa Claus!
Fairy: Santa Claus! Go, go! Flint shines on your journey!
Enter D.M. and the Snow Maiden with a song.
Santa Claus: Hello, long-awaited holiday, in the brilliance of the stars!
All: Hello, you are our welcome guest - Santa Claus!
Santa Claus: Happy New Year! With new happiness!
Happy new joy to everyone!
Let it thunder under this vault
Song, music and laughter!
Snow Maiden: Happy New Year,
We wish you happiness and joy!
Santa Claus: I visited you a year ago
I'm very glad to see you!
May this New Year be with you
It will bring health to everyone.
Even on holidays and on weekdays
The New Year will be good!
Kind, generous, sunny,
May all your dreams come true!
(Everyone clap).
Snow Maiden: I want it to be loud and cheerful
Children's laughter could be heard everywhere!
So that the girls are beautiful,
So that the boys are kind!
Santa Claus: Stand up, guys
Hurry up to the round dance.
Song, dance and fun
Let's celebrate the New Year with you!
Reb: Santa Claus, we love you,
Come join us in the round dance.
We know a song about you
Sing along with us!
Round dance with Santa Claus:
Snow Maiden: Grandfather, I wish I could come up with a game,
Amused the kids.
There are many games in the world,
Do you want to play, children?
A game
Presenter: Santa Claus! Most of all, the guys want to get sweets and candies from you!
Father Frost:
For the sake of the holiday for you, I have stored something here. Come on, light the flint!
Show me where the gifts are!
(Flint lights up a box of gifts).
Santa Claus: Get my treat
Have fun all year, don't get bored.

(Gives out gifts).
Time moves fast forward
I will come to you next year.
Smile at me goodbye everyone
Goodbye, friends, goodbye!
Ved: So the fairy tale ends,
Santa Claus and the Fairy say goodbye to us.
Final song.