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Indoor table tennis. Table tennis. Park "Northern Tushino"

is not only a fun game, but also a healthy one. It has a positive effect on many body systems and gives a powerful psychotherapeutic effect.

Physical benefits

1. Dexterity, speed of reaction. 120–170 km/h - this is the speed a table tennis ball can reach, and the trajectory changes after each hit. The opponent has to make decisions almost every second and manage to make the necessary movement. Professional table tennis players have the best coordination of movements, second only to tightrope walkers. It is no coincidence that boxers regularly play table tennis in order to develop a high reaction speed.

2. Training of the vestibular apparatus. Moving clearly and constantly monitoring the ball, which changes direction and moves at incredible speed, is the best exercise for developing the vestibular system. Table tennis is recommended for everyone who suffers from motion sickness in transport.

3. Good vision. One of the most useful exercises for the eyes is to alternately look at an object near you and then at a distance. When playing ping-pong, a person constantly follows the ball with his eyes, which is either close or far away. At the same time, the ball also moves in different directions. This eye training helps maintain excellent vision and relieves fatigue after working with a computer for a long time. Ophthalmologists recommend table tennis for both myopic and farsighted people, as well as after eye surgery.

4. Healthy heart, endurance. The fast pace of the game and intense, uniform load help strengthen the cardiovascular system and bring blood pressure back to normal. Blood circulation increases already in the second minute of training, so oxygen consumption also increases. This effect is given different types aerobic exercise, but only in table tennis does the volume of oxygen consumption reach so much high performance(higher - only in water polo).

5. Development of gross and fine motor skills. Playing table tennis hones your wrist movements to jewelry perfection. During one set, the player changes the position of the hand holding the racket several hundred and even thousands of times. Table tennis contributes to the formation of neat calligraphic handwriting and helps in the development of artistic abilities. Table tennis lessons are especially recommended for children who have difficulty writing and reading.

6. Strengthening muscles. When playing table tennis, the athlete keeps his legs in a semi-bent position and is mainly on his toes - this helps to use the leg muscles especially effectively. And each blow is accompanied by a quick turn of the body, sometimes even very sharp. It is this movement that develops the oblique abdominal muscles well and forms a beautiful abs.

7. Losing weight. In terms of energy costs, table tennis takes 5th place (located between tennis and breaststroke swimming). Aerobic exercise, a fast pace and the absence of long pauses help you quickly lose extra pounds.

8. Flexibility. Table tennis develops and maintains high joint mobility. The wrist, elbow, shoulder and hip joints, and the spinal column are involved. Flexibility helps the player react with lightning speed to the movement of the ball and respond with an accurate shot. And in life, flexibility makes it possible to maintain an active lifestyle into old age.

Psychotherapeutic benefits

1. Self-control. In table tennis, split seconds make all the difference. Therefore, even momentary irritation can lead to defeat. Table tennis players are able to control their emotions at such a level that they rarely lose their composure in everyday life.

2. High concentration. The player constantly keeps the overall picture of the match in his head, remembers the score, and goes through possible techniques. However, at the same time, he still continuously monitors the ball, not losing sight of it even for a split second. And the game runs at incredible speed. Extreme concentration is a necessary component of success in table tennis. Therefore, specialists who work in areas where people’s lives are involved (dispatchers, operators of dangerous equipment) are recommended to regularly play table tennis.

3. Development of analytical and operational thinking. A table tennis player, like a chess player, must think several moves ahead. But at the same time, in table tennis there are no pauses to think. In addition, in table tennis it is important to “catch” your opponent in time and outsmart him. Solving such problems at a fast pace helps develop thinking, the game teaches you to predict.

4. Relief of chronic fatigue syndrome, treatment of stress. While playing table tennis, it is impossible to think about anything other than the game itself. There is simply no room left for all other thoughts. After completing a set, problems do not seem so serious, and often the most suitable solution appears. Intense physical activity also helps relieve stress, and the joy of victory lifts your spirits.

Table tennis is a game for those who care about their health.

Children's table tennis school

In the children's table tennis section, we do not produce world or European champions. We teach the basics of table tennis, develop reaction, discipline, quick thinking, coordination... In short, all those areas that are inherent in table tennis!

Classes are held in the afternoon on weekdays for free.

Table tennis for pensioners

Table tennis is one of the most exciting, interesting and accessible sports games. It has virtually no contraindications, and anyone can learn to play it, starting from any age. By enthusiastically hitting the ball, you will not only feel incomparable pleasure, but at the same time you will be able to strengthen your physical and mental health.

Classes are held in the morning on weekdays for free. Three times a week you can get advice from a professional trainer.

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Table tennis for seniors with professional trainers

The table tennis club invites older people to train, providing high-quality equipment, support from experienced coaches and an individual training program

Table tennis- this is not just an interesting game with which you can have fun while away the time, but also an irreplaceable activity that has a great positive effect on various organs and systems in the body. For people who, for various reasons, cannot afford sports, tennis will be a good substitute. This is especially useful for older people.

Benefits of playing table tennis

What you can achieve by regularly playing this sport:

1. Develop and strengthen the musculoskeletal system - when playing, it works harmoniously and fully, thanks to which every muscle is strengthened and flexibility increases. A huge advantage is that it is impossible to overdo it during the competition, since there is no direct physical stress on a specific area.

2. Coordination develops. When playing table tennis, the ability to quickly react and move to the right place in the right position actively develops. An experienced player is able to quickly determine how quickly and how to distribute weight during a particular movement. At the very beginning, the player will experience difficulty in taking the right exit in a split second, but after a couple of training sessions he will easily get into the correct position.

3. The heart is strengthened. Speed ​​training gives an even and regular load on the heart, which allows it to be in safe tone.

4. Breathing is balanced. High speed training has a good effect on the respiratory system. The player's heart rate and blood circulation increase, which provides the body with a large amount of oxygen.

5. Fine motor skills develop. A person who plays tennis has very good fine motor skills, because you need to quickly put your hands in the required position, and it changes hundreds of times per game.

6. Vision is activated. During training, the eyes are involved as actively as possible, because it is necessary to constantly monitor the movements of the racket, opponent, ball and evaluate the playing area. This is a very useful exercise for the eyes.

7. The analytical mind develops. When playing tennis, you need to learn to predict your opponent’s movements and calculate the trajectory of the ball. You also need to calculate the force of the impact in a split second and direct the ball in the right direction. A person does not notice how actively his brain begins to work during training! So, you can develop analytical thinking.

8. Mindfulness. Any table tennis coach, will say that attentiveness is the key to a winning set. Players are always at the peak of attention, which forces the brain to develop the ability to concentrate. Even outside the game, tennis players are very attentive and collected.

9. Positive emotions. The player receives a huge amount of joy and positivity, regardless of the outcome of the game.

10. Control of emotions - after several training sessions, the player is able to calmly endure both victories and losses, which will be transferred to everyday life.

The benefits of table tennis for older people

Playing table tennis has a number of indicators that can raise not only the mood of an elderly person, but also their health. By contacting a verified table tennis club, you can be sure that professionals will select the equipment correctly and calculate physical exercise. Table tennis is an excellent alternative to the usual sport. Old man not only tones and strengthens the entire body, but also has a pleasant time socializing, and at the same time can cultivate a team spirit! Tennis is undoubtedly a comprehensive development of soul and body!

The previous section “Sports in the Southern Administrative District” was devoted to the topic of youth and extreme sports in the Southern District. Today we will talk about how older athletes keep fit.

Perhaps the biggest event for them will be the First Spartakiad of Pensioners, which started in the capital on July 1. Its goal is to popularize physical culture and sports among older people. The organizers of the Spartakiad were the departments of physical culture and sports of Moscow, labor and social protection of the population and the capital branch of the Union of Pensioners of Russia.

Competitions are held in six types: Athletics(cross-country), swimming, table tennis, air rifle shooting (distance 10 m), darts, medley relay. Men aged 60 years and older and women aged 55 years and older who have a rank not higher than Candidate Master of Sports in the type of program declared for participation are invited to participate in them. All of them must have medical clearance to compete.

The Spartakiad will be held in two stages:

- from July 1 to August 28 – competitions are held in the administrative districts of Moscow, the finalists are determined;

- September 4 – final competitions within the framework of the city holiday “Sports Capital - 2016” (sports facilities of the State Budgetary Institution SSOR “Moskvich”).

Winners and runners-up in each event will be awarded medals, diplomas, and memorable prizes. Additionally, participants and spectators will receive recognition in the following categories:

1. “The oldest participant in the competition among men”;

4. “The most active fan among men”;

5. “The most active fan among women.”

Which sports club in Moscow offers the lowest prices for table tennis? Where is it cheaper to play ping pong in Moscow?

The following sports clubs took part in the review: "Roll Hall", "Likhobory", "Sokolniki", "Neskuchny Sad", "Tagansky Park", "Izmailovsky Park", sports school "Nagornaya", "Sviblovo", "Aleko", " On Kaluzhskaya", "Voskhod", "NaTen", "Sokoros", "Iskra", "Sunrise on Baumanskaya".

Table tennis is sport game with a ball on the table. It is generally accepted that table tennis originated in Great Britain at the end of the 19th century. In the 20s In the 20th century, it became widespread in many countries, first as entertainment and only then as a sports game. In the early years it did not have a single name; at the beginning of the 20th century. the generally accepted one was established - “ping pong” (which probably arose from the characteristic sound of a ball hitting a wooden table). It received its modern name in 1926, when the International Table Tennis Federation was founded.

You can play table tennis in Moscow on both outdoor and indoor courts. Indoor courts are, of course, more convenient, since weather conditions do not affect the game in any way. In addition, indoor areas are usually better flooring. However, it costs more to play table tennis indoors than outdoors.

As for the places where you can play table tennis in Moscow, these can be parks, special tennis clubs, entertainment centers, as well as Sport halls and other rooms where there are tables for playing table tennis.

In the review, I looked at places where there are tables for playing table tennis. The cost of an hour of play is not much different, but nevertheless, during the review, certain leaders were identified.

The review did not include the famous Sports Complex "Chertanovo", as well as many other game centers, where ping-pong training and table tennis tournaments are mainly held, since it is not always possible to just come and play there without any problems.

And in addition, in the review I indicated only paid places. There are also places in Moscow where you can play table tennis for free. For example, the yard sports complex "Syromyatniki". There are several table tennis tables in the open air area. I would also like to mention the free table tennis club “Concordia”. And of course, table tennis tables are installed in many courtyards in Moscow, but the condition of many of them is depressing.

In the review, I compared, first of all, the cost of one hour of play, paid attention to the number of tables, the possibility of renting equipment and the possibility of pre-booking.