Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

How to properly arrange a greenhouse inside - layout options. Arrangement of a greenhouse: techniques and tricks for planning inside a building Arrangement of a polycarbonate greenhouse inside

Greenhouses and greenhouses are a popular way of gardening. The special arrangement of the greenhouse inside gives us the opportunity to get a harvest earlier than in the open ground. And with the development of technology, setting up greenhouses has become a simple matter. For example, cellular polycarbonate is very useful - a lightweight and durable material from which you can quickly assemble a greenhouse of any size.

The height of the polycarbonate greenhouse should be such that nothing prevents the summer resident from caring for the plants, and there is enough space for climbing plants.

Inside, depending on the width, there should be two or three beds and paths between them. The width of the bed is calculated in such a way that you can care for the plants without stepping on the soil. Therefore, in narrower greenhouses, the beds are placed along the walls and made with a maximum width of a meter. If the greenhouse is wide, then the bed in the center can be made up to one and a half meters wide. The paths should be about 50 cm. But the arrangement of the greenhouse inside is not only beds, but also heating, ventilation and watering.

A polycarbonate greenhouse is usually heated by solar lighting. This is enough to grow good crops. For better light transmission, the walls and roof must be cleaned at least twice a season. For better heat accumulation, the northern side of the greenhouses is painted black.

But, if the greenhouse is used for growing seedlings or early vegetables, which means that work in it begins in winter, additional heating cannot be done without. For example, you can install a heated floor in a permanent greenhouse.

Ventilation of greenhouses can be done manually; to do this, you need to provide several vents in the design that can be opened during the day. It is important to remember that ventilation with an open door and an open window opposite it is a draft, which, on the contrary, is harmful to plants. The best option is one or two open windows on the side wall. In addition, there are various automatic ventilation systems on sale specifically for greenhouses - in case a summer resident cannot check the condition of the plants and the temperature in the greenhouse every day.

Watering plants is most conveniently done using an automatic system. Through it you can apply fertilizers in liquid form.

Video “Warm floor in a greenhouse”

This video summarizes the underfloor heating system in a greenhouse after a year of use.

Arranging a greenhouse for growing seedlings involves installing racks and shelves. In addition, you can combine it - leave beds with low-growing plants on the lower level, and make shelving above. Thanks to the ability of polycarbonate to transmit the maximum amount of sunlight, there will be enough lighting for all plants.

Shelving allows you to make the most of space, because they can be made into two or three tiers. The width of the racks is similar to the width of the bed - that is, about eighty centimeters with access from one side and up to one and a half meters if there is access from both sides. It makes sense to install sectional racks - these can be easily taken out of the greenhouse and returned back if the plants on which they are planted require hardening off in the open air.

The main tier of racks is the one on which work with plants, transplanting and picking will take place. It should be convenient for the summer resident, primarily in terms of height. The best option is the same height as the kitchen table.

Under the rack you can store the necessary equipment or agricultural chemicals.

Beds and paths

The width of the path in a polycarbonate greenhouse is determined by two parameters. Since maximum useful use of the internal space is necessary, the path should not be too wide. On the other hand, especially for large greenhouses, the path cannot be too narrow for a wheelbarrow to pass along it, for example, with a tomato harvest.

In this case, the paths should be made of non-slip material - perhaps from boards or bricks. It is irrational to leave the paths unpaved, since when watering the greenhouse, especially high beds, water can accumulate on such paths. In a permanent greenhouse, you can arrange paths with a slight slope and drainage along the edge.

Beds are the main element of any greenhouse. It would be optimal to make high beds, with a minimum height of twenty to twenty-five centimeters above the floor of the greenhouse. The benefit of such beds is that they warm up better and can be filled with properly prepared soil. The problem with raised beds is that they drain too well, which means they will need to be watered more often.

To construct a high bed, the planting area must be fenced with a border made of boards, tiles or slate with a height of twenty-five centimeters, and the fence, which will subsequently be subject to serious pressure from a layer of soil, must be secured. The easiest option is to drive pegs along the entire bed, on both sides of the border. The pool thus obtained must be lined with fine mesh to protect it from pests, then covered with prepared soil mixture.

Each type of plant has its own soil requirements. Of course, in gardening stores you can find ready-made mixtures for greenhouses suitable for a specific crop, but this is expensive. Therefore, most summer residents prefer to prepare the soil with their own hands, mixing garden soil, humus, sand, peat, sawdust and other additives in the required proportions. Regardless of the composition of the soil mixture, it must be steamed before using it in a greenhouse to destroy harmful microorganisms.

If climbing plants are planted in the garden bed, they need to be supported.

Other decor

The construction of a permanent greenhouse also provides for a quarantine zone, a place for storing equipment and other additional capabilities.

The easiest way to organize a quarantine zone is with an aquarium. When introducing new seedlings or potted plants into the greenhouse, you need to make sure that the plants themselves are healthy and that the soil is not contaminated with harmful microorganisms. For this purpose, “newcomers” are kept in a completely isolated area. You can assemble it yourself from profiles and glass or polycarbonate, or you can use a ready-made aquarium. The only requirement for the quarantine zone is that it must be located in the coolest and most shaded part of the greenhouse so that the plants inside do not overheat.

Sometimes a greenhouse requires additional lighting. For example, infrared lamps. For adult plants this is too expensive, but the benefits for seedlings are undoubted.

Video “How to choose a lamp for plants”

A large harvest directly depends on high-quality plant lighting. This video will help you understand plant lamps and choose the most suitable one.

To get a good harvest from a greenhouse, it is important to use all its space as efficiently as possible. To do this, you should carefully think through and then organize the internal arrangement of the greenhouse structure. This article will talk about the basic principles of landscaping a greenhouse structure, planning beds and placing plantings in it.

Features and types of design

Main functions of a greenhouse.

  • Protection of plants from external negative factors. These include cold precipitation, frosts, strong winds, and nighttime drops in temperature.
  • Maintaining optimal temperature for plantings.

Greenhouses come in different types and can be made from a variety of materials. The size of the greenhouse structure and the intricacies of the internal layout depend on the type of crops and plants that will be grown indoors.

The simplest option is a greenhouse made from ordinary window frames. This design can only be used in the warm season. Usually this is a small structure for growing 1-2 types of crops.

Polycarbonate construction is stronger and more durable. It is light in weight and easily mounted on a prepared frame. Such a greenhouse can be of different sizes, up to impressive areas.

Without additional insulation, such structures are also suitable for use only during the season with positive temperatures.

The most complex and versatile structure is the greenhouse, which involves growing plants throughout the year. This design must have thermal insulation. It is also equipped with a heating system to maintain the desired temperature level in winter.

A greenhouse for year-round use requires the installation of lighting. During the autumn-winter period, daylight hours are very short; crops grown inside will require additional light supply.

Also, the space inside the greenhouse can be organized for various ways of growing plants. If cultivation is planned in the ground, then the beds are laid out. If plants will be cultivated in pots, boxes or containers, installation of shelving will be required.

Sizes and shapes

The greenhouse can be used to grow just one crop. For example, to obtain a harvest of cucumbers, a small (3x3 meters) structure is sufficient. It can be made of glazed frames or polycarbonate sheets on a lightweight frame.

If it is expected that 2-3 types of plants will be grown indoors, it is better to provide a more spacious interior space. The most optimal option would be with dimensions of 3x6 meters.

To obtain a large amount of harvest or cultivate many types of crops, you will need to install a greenhouse structure measuring 3 by 8 meters or more.

There are also greenhouse structures of non-standard square shape. Polycarbonate greenhouses most often have a semicircular shape. This prevents large amounts of snow or ice from accumulating on the roof of the structure. In addition, the rounded arch makes it possible to tie up tall and climbing crops. This frame shape gives a little extra space in height.

Less commonly, greenhouse structures have a triangle-shaped roof. This is suitable for large structures. If the greenhouse structure is collapsible and dismantled for the winter, the roof can be flat or with a slight slope.

Greenhouse design drawings are designed based on the conditions of use, the desired amount of harvest and the types of plants grown.

How to equip?

After installing the greenhouse structure, the main task of the farmer is to create the most favorable conditions for growing crops indoors.

This task can be roughly divided into the following sub-items:

  • providing sufficient heat;
  • optimal planning and layout of beds;
  • arrangement of paths;
  • preparing the soil for planting;
  • ensuring sufficient ventilation to prevent overheating of the air inside the structure;
  • in case of year-round operation of the greenhouse, provision of heating and lighting during the cold season;
  • if necessary, installation of racks for placing containers and pots with plantings.


Maintaining optimal temperature conditions in the closed ground structure is actually the main task. Especially careful consideration of the issue of heating is required for winter structures with closed ground.

To ensure the flow of natural heat into the greenhouse from the sun's rays, the covering is made of transparent materials. It is also worth making sure that the temperature in the greenhouse does not drop too much at night.

To do this, you can use the following techniques.

  • The stone accumulates heat well and retains it for a long time. After the sun stops heating the greenhouse, it can still serve as a source of heating for some time. Stones can be laid out in beds or paved paths with them. The larger the area and number of elements made of stone material, the longer it will be able to heat and give off more heat.
  • Water is also capable of maintaining temperature and releasing heat from its surface. You can place containers in the greenhouse, preferably dark or black. During the day, the water in them will warm up, and at night and in the evening it will slowly cool, while maintaining the temperature in the greenhouse room.

It is worth noting that the above methods of maintaining temperature are not heating methods. They will only help reduce heat loss at night in the summer season. To ensure additional heating of the greenhouse structure, the installation of more complex equipment will be required.

The main options for heating a greenhouse:

  • use of heating electrical appliances;
  • installation of heated floors under paths and beds;
  • use of water or gas heating;
  • installation of infrared heating equipment;
  • installation of potbelly stoves for burning wood.

To maintain the temperature inside the structure, it is important to take care to reduce heat loss.

Winter greenhouses require especially careful thermal insulation.

  • During the cold season, it is better to replace the windows in the greenhouse with windows with double frames. A reinforced double-glazed window will not only create an additional barrier to heat outflow, but will also significantly reduce the formation of condensation.
  • A greenhouse that will be used year-round is usually attached to the wall of a heated building.
  • With the onset of cold weather, additional insulating means are installed inside the greenhouse. These can be blinds, shutters, curtains made of soft thermal insulation materials.
  • It is worth taking care of insulating the foundation. Quite a lot of heat transfer occurs through the soil.
  • Strong winds contribute to intensive cooling of the greenhouse structure. Therefore, the structure must be protected from wind influence by some structure (fence, another building, dense hedge).


No greenhouse can do without ventilation, especially during the hot summer months. Excessive temperature increases and lack of air flow to plants are no less destructive than cold. Several windows must be installed in the greenhouse. It is best if they are automated.

The simplest and least expensive option is to install an opening window with a hydraulic lever. The essence of his work is very simple. Inside the lever rod there is an oil fluid of a certain density. When the temperature inside the greenhouse rises to a certain threshold, the liquid, which begins to increase in volume, pushes the lever. Thus, the transom or window begins to open. With a subsequent increase in temperature, the lever is pushed out more and more. As the temperature drops and the liquid contracts, accordingly, the transom gradually closes.

Such a simple system, which, by the way, can be installed with your own hands, allows you to ventilate the greenhouse space automatically.

The second option is to install a computer with sensors. The device will constantly receive data on humidity and temperature inside the greenhouse. In accordance with the specified parameters, the system will control the opening and closing of ventilation vents and vents.

Such equipment is quite expensive and will require additional installation and connection costs. In addition, only specialists can correctly install and configure such a system. However, it does allow you to regulate the main indicators of the microclimate inside the greenhouse, up to the creation of individual temperature conditions for individual beds with different plantings.

Water supply

In the case of growing plants and crops in a structure with closed ground, one cannot rely on natural precipitation. Therefore, you need to organize watering of plantings yourself. In a small greenhouse, you can get by with a watering can. But all the plants planted in large structures are not so easy to water manually. The best option for watering plants indoors is a drip irrigation system. To equip it you will need a container for collecting water, plastic pipes and flexible hoses.

The drainage system, which delivers moisture to the roots of the plants, is located according to the pattern of the beds. And the container from which water will be drawn for irrigation should be installed at some elevation. This is necessary to create pressure in the irrigation system. The big advantage is that drip irrigation can be fully automated. To do this, the entire system is connected to an automatic timer or computer. Soil irrigation will be carried out strictly according to the specified parameters.

Beds and racks

Improving the interior space of a greenhouse for various types of plantings is a very important point. The location of the beds or shelving should be arranged so that the plantings are in conditions favorable for their growth and maturation.

However, we should not forget about the design of the interior space of the greenhouse structure. A design that pleases the eye will undoubtedly contribute to a good mood and pleasant emotions while working in the greenhouse.

How to position?

Arranging the structure from the inside includes laying out the beds. First of all, the location of areas for planting will depend on the size of the greenhouse and its position relative to the sun. It is also worth considering the characteristics of crops and plants cultivated indoors.

For small greenhouses (up to 3 meters wide), the most convenient option is to arrange two parallel beds adjacent to the side walls. A path divides the garden bed in the middle. The width of areas with plantings should be about 100-120 cm. In this case, unhindered access to all plants will be possible.

A rectangular greenhouse with a width of 4 meters can be divided into 3 or more parallel beds. Walking paths are also provided between the beds. It is advisable to plan the space so that the paths are at least 40 cm wide, otherwise walking along them will be simply inconvenient and difficult.

In a square-shaped greenhouse, the beds can be arranged in parallel rows. Another quite convenient option in this case is to arrange areas for plantings along the walls of the greenhouse structure. Another zone for planting crops remains in the very center of the greenhouse. The path leading from the entrance frames the central area with plantings and at the same time allows access to the plants planted in the beds along the walls.

What to make it from?

It is very undesirable to leave earthen paths without any surface at all.

Paths can be arranged using the following materials:

  • crushed stone;
  • brick;
  • tile;
  • tile;
  • stone;
  • roofing felt

If you want to get a good harvest, you should be concerned about the inside. In this case, everything is taken into account: heating, soil, location of beds, watering and much, much more.

Soil: clean and disinfected

The primary task is to develop the soil. What conditions must be met for this?

  1. Provide the soil with good air permeability and moderate humidity.
  2. Add nutrient supplements to the soil.
  3. Clear the soil of weeds. Carry out disinfection using special antimicrobial agents.

Arranging a greenhouse involves proper design of the beds. Some people think that it should, first of all, be convenient for the gardener. But that's not true! Improper placement of beds will result in no harvest.

The most effective way is. The bottom line is that for optimal plant life, the arrangement of the beds should be as follows: width - 45 cm, passage around the formed bed - 90 cm. The presented option allows the plants to receive the optimal amount of air and light. He will tell you about the foundation.

In this case, the beds of the polycarbonate greenhouse should go from north to south. Of course, a high yield depends not only on this, but also on the timeliness of watering, fertilizing and other things.

How are beds arranged according to the cardinal directions? It turns out that the standard north-south placement does not suit all plants. The most favorable arrangement is the method from west to east. In this case, the sun illuminates the plants from morning to evening, which means they will develop much faster. "Volya" will tell you about the types of greenhouses .

Satellite beds - path

If you have laid out the beds, it’s time to arrange the paths. There are several options: in the center or several parallel ones.

What is needed to make a path in the center?

  • if the greenhouse is small, measure the distance from one wall of the greenhouse to the other and lay a passage exactly in the middle;
  • Accordingly, the beds will be located on both sides of the path:
  • The passage width must be at least 500 mm.

Parallel tracks

  • It is recommended that the parallel paths of the polycarbonate greenhouse be made of non-slip material. This could be gravel or brick.
  • If, it is better to make several tracks. The beds will be located between them.

Fencing paths inside the greenhouse

Ventilation inside the greenhouse

Almost every greenhouse has windows and doors. This means that ventilation can be done manually, the main thing is to open and close the windows in time. This method is good because it does not involve large expenses for the purchase of equipment. All you need is a hydrometer and a thermometer. But if you do not expect to constantly look into the polycarbonate greenhouse, the method is not suitable for you. You'll have to turn to an automated system.

Installing an automated system inside is actually not that difficult. At the same time, it becomes possible to regulate the microclimate depending on the conditions required by the crop being grown.

You can equip polycarbonate greenhouses with the following automated ventilation systems:

  • bimetallic systems;
  • electrical installations;
  • hydraulic ventilation.

What is needed to get a good harvest in a greenhouse? (video)

Heating system

A greenhouse made of polycarbonate can be heated using solar heating. But sometimes this is not enough and stove heating is used. An original and modern way is to install heated floors. It will maintain the general climate in the polycarbonate building and heat the beds. You can make a greenhouse heating system yourself, knowing about.

Irrigation system

A polycarbonate greenhouse may have one of the irrigation systems. A barrel and a hose are also a device for irrigation, but using them is not very convenient and not at all modern. So, if you have the opportunity, install a drip irrigation system. He will tell you more about the system.

So, arrangement inside the greenhouse involves observing a large number of nuances. Only well-organized space and equipment with care systems will allow you to get a good harvest. You can find out about an interesting greenhouse option - .

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A high-quality frame and covering material are, of course, the basis of a greenhouse. But what's inside is just as important. To get the expected result from the plants, you need to take care of the arrangement of the greenhouse: prepare the soil, correctly arrange the beds and paths, etc. This largely depends on what and how you are going to grow under the protective layer.

When the greenhouse frame is assembled and fixed to the ground, film, glass or polycarbonate is formed into an airtight coating, ventilation is thought out and implemented, you can begin arranging the greenhouse. The task of a plant grower is to create a favorable and stable atmosphere for crops. The key nuances of this process include:

  • support for optimal thermal conditions;
  • laying out beds;
  • layout, choice of covering and placement of paths in the greenhouse;
  • creation of a fertile soil layer with specifications for different crops;
  • construction of shelving (if necessary);
  • preparation of devices for shading the south wall.

Advice. The equipment of the space inside the building is based on your needs. If you want to grow vegetables, create beds; if you want to grow seedlings and potted flowers, install a shelving structure. The principles for arranging different types of greenhouses differ.

Heating and heat saving in a greenhouse

The main thing in a greenhouse is warmth. Plants may well have enough energy from the sun's rays. An alternative is artificial heating. Experts recommend arranging greenhouses simultaneously with several types of heating:

  • gas;
  • wood, peat or coal using a stove;
  • electric convectors (an additional fan is required to distribute heated air);
  • water system (boiler heated by any type of fuel);
  • using a solar collector (a box with a coil covered with glass and a radiator system inside the greenhouse);
  • biofuel - burned manure, sawdust, compost.

Attention! In the latter case, the mixture must be burned in a special oven. If there is none, remove the top layer of soil and burn it directly in the garden bed and level the ground. Planting crops will have to wait 4-5 days.

Preserving thermal energy in a greenhouse is no less important than obtaining it. The main part of the work is carried out at the stage of designing and building a greenhouse, installing windows and doors. Some can be set aside while the greenhouse is being built. The simplest examples of natural heat accumulators:

  1. Water. In metal or plastic containers it will accumulate and slow down the heat transfer. For greater efficiency, paint barrels or cans dark.
  2. Stone. Cobblestones laid out on a bed at the edge of the greenhouse will heat up intensely on a sunny day, and at night they will release energy to the air. You can additionally install fan heaters to heat the stones.
  3. The soil. Heating the soil in a greenhouse artificially will increase the overall air temperature in the greenhouse.

How to mark beds and paths inside a greenhouse

In small or medium-sized greenhouses, the ground is divided into 2-3 beds along the long side. The width of one should not exceed 1.5 m for the central one or 1 m for those located near the walls. You should be able to comfortably reach the edge with the hoe without stepping on the ground. It is not advisable to trample the soil - it becomes compacted.

Placement of beds

Also consider the width of the tracks themselves. They shouldn't be too narrow. You may have to carry water in buckets, remove weeds and crops in a wheelbarrow. In this case, you cannot cling to plants. The optimal size of the passage is about 50-70 cm. There is no need to make it wider - you will lose useful space.

Advice. A trick from gardeners: one path can be made wider for the described needs, and the second can be left for movement without loads.

On the central bed you can make 1-2 transverse transitions. Just lay a few bricks or a board directly on the ground. When installing passages, take into account the increased humidity level in the greenhouse. Choose non-slip material.

If you plan to grow plants in pots, install shelving with a height of 95 to 150 cm. It is advisable to make the side low, because such crops will most likely require drip irrigation. The rack may have several floors, but the worker should be at a comfortable height for you. Also reserve an area for a glass enclosed area. A large aquarium is suitable for this. Newly purchased plants should be quarantined in it (in case their soil is contaminated).

How to create a fertile layer

As a rule, delicate and capricious crops are grown in a greenhouse. The composition of the soil is very important for them. This is confirmed by video advice from plant growers. First of all, take care of the safety of the plants.
It is advisable to make the beds raised above the soil level by about 20 cm. To do this, they are framed with a border made of boards:

  • select material 25 cm wide;
  • place it edgewise;
  • drive in supporting pegs from the side of the passage;
  • additionally fix the boards in a vertical position: nail them to a support or make another row of stakes from inside the bed;
  • Cover the ridge with a 25 cm layer of soil.

It is best to use store-bought substrate as soil. It can be selected for a specific crop that you are going to plant in the greenhouse. Otherwise, the ground should be clear of weed seeds. In addition, it must be disinfected. For example, steam:

  • take the iron bucket;
  • place an inverted flat plastic container with a large number of holes in the bottom on the bottom;
  • pour 2 liters of water;
  • fill the bucket with completely prepared substrate;
  • put it all on the fire for 1.5 hours.

Advice. It is better to prepare the soil in advance, since the disinfection procedure takes a lot of time.

Homemade soil is also different for each crop. It is prepared based on the individual characteristics of the plants. Due to differences in the growing season, vegetables of different families cannot be planted in a greenhouse. But if this cannot be avoided, separate them with high partitions.

Greenhouse arrangement: video

Arranging a greenhouse inside is a fairly important stage in the life of every gardener. The comfort of growing the crop and the practicality of further caring for it directly depend on the correctness of the work carried out. It is important to understand that the arrangement will take a lot of time. Therefore, you need to figure out how to properly irrigate, what distance to place between the beds, where to install heaters, and much more.

Features of greenhouse arrangement

A greenhouse is a space that is intended for growing plants, as well as for preparing crops for planting in open ground. It is important to properly organize the greenhouse inside, taking into account its size and the needs of the gardener. A certain temperature and humidity level must be maintained inside the room. If you follow the basic recommendations, tips and tricks during the work, then it is possible to grow several types of plants in one greenhouse, using the available space as intelligently as possible.

Since greenhouses vary not only in size, but also in purpose, the internal arrangement will also differ significantly. For example, in some it is necessary to create beds, in others it is necessary to arrange shelving. If necessary, you can add additional equipment, which will greatly facilitate the process of growing crops.

Advice! If necessary, you can see the interior arrangement of a polycarbonate greenhouse in the photo.

Construction of beds and paths

Before you begin the interior layout of the greenhouse, it is recommended to consider some important rules:

  • First, decide what crop will be grown in a greenhouse: some types of plants are best grown in beds, while for others it is best to use racks;
  • many gardeners advise initially spreading plastic film in the greenhouse, then covering it with soil; then, after watering the plants, the water will not go into the ground;
  • in order to prevent the soil from the beds from crumbling into paths during the care process, it is worth fencing them; for convenience, you can lay out the paths with bricks, tiles or boards;
  • All building materials used as fencing must be moisture-resistant and treated with special protective compounds that prevent the appearance of fungus and mold.


The inside of the greenhouse should not only look beautiful, but also be as comfortable as possible. In addition, it is worth focusing on the cardinal directions, which significantly affects the level of yield. The optimal solution is to arrange the beds inside the greenhouse along an east-west line, as a result of which the crop will receive a sufficient amount of sunlight throughout the day.

It is important not only to look at the design of the greenhouse inside in the photo, but also to understand how wide the beds should be and how many of them should be made:

  • beds whose width varies from 70 to 90 cm are considered optimal; under such conditions, seedlings will receive the required amount of light and moisture;
  • The width of the path is 40 cm, making it convenient to move around the greenhouse.

When arranging a polycarbonate greenhouse 3 by 6 m inside, you can make 3 beds 70 cm wide and 2 paths 45 cm wide.

Advice! If the greenhouse is narrow, two meters high, then it is recommended to make 2 beds of 75 cm each and one path in the middle.

Borders for beds

In the process of arranging beds inside a polycarbonate greenhouse, everything must be done in such a way that the soil does not crumble after irrigation. Sides are used for these purposes:

  • if you want to choose the simplest method, you can bury boards in the ground; the wood is pre-treated with special protective substances to prevent the appearance of fungus and mold;
  • you can use facing or ordinary bricks to decorate the beds inside the greenhouse; it is important to understand that such a design has an attractive appearance, but it also takes up a lot of space;
  • budget option - using polycarbonate sheets, which are pre-cut into strips of the required height;
  • If necessary, asbestos-cement slate can be used in the case.

The deeper the sides are in the ground, the better this will affect the crop being grown.

Attention! The height of the side can reach 4 cm - this will be quite enough so that during the process of caring for the crop inside the greenhouses, the soil does not crumble from the beds.

Path covering

You can decorate the inside of the greenhouse not only with sides and a beautiful arrangement of beds, but also with paths. If necessary, the paths inside the greenhouse can be covered with gravel or crushed stone, and then the following types of materials can be laid on top:

  • paving slabs;
  • brick;
  • flat slatted stones;
  • boards (when using wood, it must be treated with protective compounds, which will significantly extend the service life of the material).

The most durable option is considered to be a concrete screed, which can be used to pour paths between the beds inside the greenhouse. In addition, there will be much less weeds.

Separation of crops in a greenhouse

Every gardener, having a greenhouse at his dacha, wants to use it to the maximum. Even if you plan to plant in a 3m by 6m greenhouse, the planning must be done correctly. Separation of crops is necessary, since not all plants can be adjacent to each other. For example, tomatoes and bell peppers prefer sparse irrigation and fresh air, while cucumbers require regular watering and high humidity levels.

In order to be able to grow several different crops simultaneously in one greenhouse, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for them, namely, to divide the space using partitions for these purposes. Curtains made of polyethylene film or polycarbonate sheets are ideal as partitions. To understand exactly how the interior decoration of the greenhouse will look, you can look at the photo.

How to equip a greenhouse

Today, there are a large number of options, thanks to which it is possible to intelligently think through the layout inside 3x4 m, 3x6 m greenhouses. If the available space is used as competently and correctly as possible, then the process of caring for the crop can be significantly simplified. In order to increase the level of productivity, it is worth taking care of heating, the presence of shelving, heating, and an automated irrigation system. If necessary, you can equip the greenhouse inside with your own hands, without the help of specialists.

Drip irrigation system

It is impossible to imagine setting up a home greenhouse without a drip irrigation system, which greatly facilitates the process of watering the crop. It is also recommended to take care of this system at the beginning of designing a greenhouse in order to avoid unforeseen issues and problems in the future. If you do all the work correctly, then caring for the plants will be very easy, and it will take a minimum amount of time.

Lighting and heating

Additional lighting inside the greenhouse is required when daylight hours become short and the seedlings do not receive the amount of sunlight necessary for growth and development. When choosing lighting, it is recommended to give preference to multispectrum lamps that have blue ultraviolet radiation. In a specialized store you can purchase LED, fluorescent and gas-discharge lighting devices.

Since the main thing in any greenhouse is heat, in addition to solar heat, additional heating will not hurt. Many experts recommend using several types of heating to arrange the inside of a greenhouse:

  • gas-burners;
  • stove for using wood, peat, coal;
  • electric convector;
  • water heating system;
  • solar collector;
  • biofuel.

It is important to understand that you need not only to obtain heat, but also to retain it inside the greenhouse. That is why this issue should be given due attention at the design stage of a greenhouse made of polycarbonate sheets. First, it is recommended to first look at the photo on how to make a greenhouse inside as competently as possible.


It is important not only to look at the photo on how to properly decorate the inside of the greenhouse, but also to equip it with everything necessary. Thus, a ventilation system together with heating is required when it is planned to grow crops quite early or it is necessary to significantly increase the yield level.

A ventilation system is required in the following cases:

  • so that the heat is distributed evenly inside the greenhouse;
  • to ensure cross ventilation;
  • for access of air flows through the roof.

In most cases, artificial ventilation is used in conjunction with stove heating. For these purposes, large fans are used, which are placed in close proximity to the heat source. This approach allows heat to be dispersed throughout the entire greenhouse.

Arrangement of shelving

Using shelving inside the greenhouse allows you to make maximum use of all available space. In addition, it becomes possible to grow both tall and short types of crops.

If you plan to grow seedlings on racks, then you should take into account the following advantages:

  • the space inside the greenhouse can be used to the maximum;
  • caring for seedlings is much easier and more convenient;
  • if necessary, seedlings can be placed depending on the level of thermophilicity of a particular crop;
  • in the case when the racks are additionally equipped with wheels, they become mobile, thanks to which the structures can be rearranged and turned to sunlight on any side.

When arranging the shelving, it is recommended to take care of the concrete base first. This is due to the fact that the weight of the rack along with the containers for seedlings, which are filled with soil, will be quite large, as a result of which the soil under the structure will begin to sag.

Important! For clarity, you can see what the arrangement of shelving inside the greenhouse looks like in the photo.

Shelving material

The arrangement inside a 3 m by 8 m greenhouse must be done correctly so that caring for the crop in the future does not cause difficulties. Any type of building material can be used to make shelving. In addition, you can independently weld a durable metal frame at home or use timber.

For horizontal shelves, boards are used that are pre-treated with special protective compounds that prevent the appearance of mold and mildew during operation. It is recommended to determine the distance between shelves and their number based on the maximum growth of the crop. Thus, if we consider a greenhouse whose height is 2 m, then a rack of 6 shelves can be placed inside.

Installation of shelving

The improvement of the greenhouse inside, the photos are presented below, should come first. Since the most important thing is to use the available space correctly, some gardeners, when setting up greenhouses, install shelving above the beds inside. It is precisely because of space saving that multi-tiered and suspended structures appear. Such structures can be the same size or taper from bottom to top.

Construction of a quarantine zone

When arranging a greenhouse inside with a width of three meters or more, you can take care of the presence of a quarantine zone. For these purposes, aquariums with a volume of 100 liters or more are used, into which seedlings susceptible to diseases are placed. Such a container should definitely be placed in the darkest corner so that direct sunlight does not harm the leaves of the seedlings. If you isolate infected plants in a timely manner, you can prevent mass infection of all crops.

Arrangement of the vestibule

Another important point that can be implemented in the process of planning a greenhouse at a dacha 3 m by 8 m is the vestibule. In the future, the vestibule can be used to store garden tools. It is very inconvenient to constantly carry everything you need to care for your crop from home or a barn to the greenhouse; it is much more convenient and comfortable when everything you need is at hand. To do this, it will be enough to fence off a small space at the entrance to the greenhouse where you can place shovels, rippers, fertilizers, gloves, and a hoe.

For maximum convenience, during the internal arrangement of a polycarbonate greenhouse, it is recommended to install special fasteners for fixing the cuttings of working tools, which will allow you to properly use the free space.

Ideas for beautiful interior design of a greenhouse

Today, there are a large number of options for arranging the inside of a greenhouse with your own hands, as a result of which you can get confused. Before you begin arranging the space, you need to take appropriate measurements and decide what crop will be grown. Only after this can you begin installing shelving or arranging beds. In order to properly equip a 3x6 m polycarbonate greenhouse inside, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with already implemented projects.


Arrangement of the greenhouse inside is possible with your own hands without the involvement of third-party specialists. In this case, the main thing is to understand exactly what crops will grow and what dimensions the greenhouse has. Based on these parameters, you can easily prepare a seat and make paths of suitable width. If necessary, additional equipment can be installed in the greenhouse - lighting, heating, drip irrigation system. Some gardeners decide to make a vestibule, a quarantine zone - if space allows it.