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Is it worth going to the gym - pros and cons. Gym for beginner girls - why go? Should I go to the gym?

The fitness industry is built on mysterious myths and has a secret interest in preventing you from achieving results, so we can see people in the gym who have been doing fitness for more than three years with non-progressive proportions and an unchanged physique. When training at the club, “athletes” do not achieve results, because they come to work up an appetite, swim in the pool, warm up in the sauna and “sweat.”

For whom were the simulators created?

For people who were unable to run, swim, carry, lift, bend down. What are we seeing in fitness clubs? Citizens performing exercises with a load less than the individual's weight. The result appears only when the load approaches its own mass. Hands can easily work with two body weights, legs - with three. Devices created for medical restoration and correction of the body are promoted by unscrupulous marketing and turn visitors to sports clubs into amusing hamsters, running in “drums” for the desired figure under cosmetic pressure.

Exercise machines and biomechanics of movements

A few of those working on the simulators are able to competently do pull-ups and push-ups on the uneven bars. But these exercises are the most effective. This is only because the biomechanics of movements in simulators and isolated muscle training do not give you the opportunity to perform complexly coordinated movements and multifunctional actions - simulators are designed to work in a limited range of motion. There are “experts” who train on their own, having previously watched enough videos and “training books”, without understanding why each specific simulator is needed. It would be good if their training was simply useless and ineffective, but unfortunately, such training entails sprains, injuries and mutilations.

Cardio equipment

Peak hour

High workload, crowds and queues for popular exercise equipment sadly await you, since most people only come to run and exercise their abs, hang out at the water coolers and wait out the traffic jams. People are seen everywhere in characteristic crouched poses, texting or chatting. Swiping your finger across the smartphone screen in a sports club is more useful, just like putting a textbook under your pillow on the eve of an exam.

Monotony of exercises

One of the reasons for the lack of effectiveness is the scarcity of exercises performed over several years. People get stuck doing the same old programs. The body gets used to the load, the desired result does not appear. The coaching staff routinely works according to pre-written outdated programs, acting like porcelain dummies, without listening, without thinking and without feeling the client. Classes become boring, and the question about a personal trainer makes you doubt whether they are really necessary. Many people see the instructor as a “girlfriend” with whom they can routinely discuss pressing problems. Some are happy when they manage not to come to training, pitying the coach on the grounds of work, personal and everyday problems.

Group programs

In fitness clubs, they take place according to a low-variation scenario, common to all who come, and not focused on each person’s level. Don't expect much attention. Some visitors feel uncomfortable and embarrassed, their thoughts are focused on how they look from the outside, and not on doing the exercises correctly. The question about the result and effectiveness of such activities disappears. Many, trying to keep up with the more advanced ones, get negative and frustrated from their studies, and lose their zeal. In general, this is an after-school group for adults. If you want to dance, do Zumba; if you want to fly, jump with a parachute. It’s a pity that you can’t recite poetry in the hall.

Coaching staff

Often, even in expensive fitness clubs, these are uneducated and incompetent people, pumped up on “farm” and promoting natural weight gain. Lack of knowledge, incorrect execution of exercises, and ill-balanced load can lead to injury. The advice of the “masters” makes your ears droop, your blood runs cold, and they also sell dry mixtures in elephant barrels without labels under the incantation “mine is much cheaper.” A fitness instructor I know said that his most “expensive” colleague independently came up with an “exorbitant” price for himself, counting on clients who prefer the “most expensive”, and at the end of the year he actually had the largest number of clients.

Music in gyms

The human body is composed mostly of water as a percentage. While working out at a fitness club, you put on headphones or listen to what’s playing - pop, house, trance. Such rhythms and melodies negatively affect the structure of water in the body and the psycho-emotional state in general. The rotation of the same melodies is designed to give you the feeling of a “third” place - the room of the hall becomes pseudo-native, after home and office.

Doctor's office

Fitness clubs have a medical room where, using tests or special devices, they determine the level of physical fitness and check the ratio of muscles and fat in the body. The results of the examination can often be doubted, and professional doctors don’t even want to hear about it. Mandatory aspirated advice: “drink more water”, “buy these wonderful vitamins with a full range of useful substances - they help a lot.” And also shampoos, gels, creams, “Brazilian” treatments, manicures and SPA services.

Cleanliness is the key to health

Hygiene in the shower, unfortunately, is a questionable issue in many fitness clubs. Here you can also add microscopic towels, cotton swabs on a dusty shelf and sweaty people plopping from the hammam straight into the pool, not to mention the fact that not everyone puts towels on the exercise equipment, leaving behind rainbow-colored traces of sweaty stains. If they don’t give you special mats, it means someone’s feet have been standing on a face towel before you. You probably put on shoe covers when you enter, but try to find the rustling cellophane on employees running from a cigarette break.

Intrusive calls

If you have ever bought a subscription to a fitness club or even just asked about this question, you will then be tormented with calls. If you ignore it, your contact will be “merged” into other databases, and endless offers of mortgages, insurance, and massages will begin to come from unknown sources.

The ratio of money spent and results

Or rather its absence - how long will you actually visit the fitness club? And if you really do, how much extra will you spend in addition to purchasing the card itself - on an instructor and other carefully peddled services? Most of us unwittingly become generous contributors to the fitness industry, regularly failing to find time for our loved ones.

Priority of additional payment

You are enthusiastically working out on the exercise machine or rowing diligently along the pool path. Suddenly a coach comes up with another goner and affectionately asks to free up the equipment or space with the phrase: “we have personal training.” You have to humiliatingly give up your seat in favor of a client who paid for individual lessons. Is this fair?

Interest club

Expensive fitness club - filming and hanging out place, where people come not to achieve results in improving their body, but to arrange their personal life, show off, show off new clothes from famous brands and take selfies so that everyone knows that they are in trend and leading " healthy image life." The obligatory ritual of photographing breakfast/lunch/dinner at the fitness bar, as well as biceps or loins for posting on social networks, deserves special mention.

Proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, walks in the fresh air will give much more noticeable results... or be aware of what you are paying for.

1. Variety
Not all of us live rich lives. Well, at least on weekdays. Work-home, work-home... But as soon as you decide to go to the fitness club and it begins... The day is automatically filled with waiting for the evening, planning how you will eat during the day, what you will wear, how long you will exercise, what the muscle group you will work out today or what group class you will go to!

2. Communication
It is not so easy for adults to expand their circle of friends. And in a fitness club (or gym) you will one way or another meet the same people, and quite regularly, you will be united by common activities, interests and goals. Here they will support you, and if something doesn’t work out in class, they will help you good advice and a recommendation.

3. Find a mate
It is logical to assume that where there is sport, there are men. True, you shouldn’t consider fitness classes just as a reason for dating. With this approach, you will not achieve good results from shadowing for yourself, you will not meet a man, and you will simply waste your money on a subscription. By the way, according to unverified statistics, 70% of “continued” acquaintances take place in gyms, fitness clubs and other places where people come to play sports.

4. Motivation
You come to the fitness room and are immediately drawn into the atmosphere and pulsation of this place. There are people walking here with whom you want or not, but you will compare yourself: someone will inspire you, someone will cause constructive envy, and someone will increase your self-esteem. After all, as you know, nothing raises the level of motivation more than a living example.

5. Competent professional advice
Thanks to the Internet, you can seriously “pump up” your fitness skills: articles, sports social networks, blogs and trainers’ websites, video tutorials... But all this is theory! And the fitness club provides assistance and guidance from a professional trainer or instructor. A pro will see if you are performing the exercises correctly, will indicate where you have problem areas that need to be worked on, will pay attention to errors in technique, and will simply help if you are not feeling very well.

6. Psychological assistance
Fitness classes save you from depression. This is a scientifically proven fact! Scientists from University of Georgia in the USA They found that after a few weeks of regular exercise, the body improves the metabolism of the hormones serotonin and norepinephrine, the breakdown of which usually causes depression.

The main thing is not to let your workouts become monotonous and monotonous. If you have a subscription, try to go to different group classes in one week. If you go to the gym separately or in addition to group classes, then also try to combine cardio loads with strength exercises, experiment with exercise programs. You can divide your workouts according to the muscle groups you want to train: for example, on Monday - arms and shoulders, Wednesday - chest and back, Friday - abs and legs, or experiment with different circuit programs (programs with a specific set of exercises that need to be repeated over time). 3-5 times per lesson).

Don't let yourself get bored! This way, you will be as distracted as possible from worries and completely clear your head of problems. Tested many times!

7. Self-esteem
The closer you are to achieving your goal, the higher your self-esteem. Even if you are still at the beginning of your journey, even if in small steps, you are moving towards the embodiment of your desired image - this is always inspiring. After all, it’s not for nothing that they say that the most valuable victory is victory over yourself.

As a rule, every Monday we think about finally crossing the threshold of the fitness club and starting to exercise ourselves, but, as practice shows, there are many reasons why a visit to the gym is postponed until better times. There are a great many excuses: an unstable financial situation, a catastrophic lack of time, family, children, etc. I had to deal with all these aspects myself.

. And I’ll tell you this: if you really want to, you can fly into space! There are a lot of clubs now, and choosing a place to play sports that suits your financial capabilities will not be difficult. Lack of time can also be dealt with if you plan your day correctly, get your husband and children involved in sports, and then sports will become a way of life for your entire family !

And yet I want to point out 10 main reasons why you simply must start going to the gym:

Long and healthy life!
It is safe to say that sport is the main guarantee of human health and proper development! Regular physical activity has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular, respiratory system, metabolism accelerates, immunity increases, stress resistance.

Great look or the figure of your dreams!
Thanks to regular training, your muscles will be toned, become more elastic, and you will become fit, attractive and graceful. Physical activity is the main tool in achieving ideal weight and seductive forms!

Appetite control!
Surprising but true! Physical activity regulates appetite. The endorphins released by the brain when exercising cause the body to feel hungry only when it's time to eat, and not every time you walk past the refrigerator.

Self-confidence and increased self-esteem!
Few people train alone, most often it happens where there are a lot of people, which means that, willy-nilly, you cannot do without spectators, so you get used to the fact that you are always in sight, and are no longer afraid of seeming funny or stupid in any situation. Looking at your toned body, you begin to love yourself more and more.

Beneficial effect on the brain!
During training, the brain receives a large amount of oxygen, and blood cells are also enriched with oxygen. Sports activities improve memory, increase concentration, and have a beneficial effect on brain function in general. You will be able to engage in mental activity longer, but you will be less tired.

Healthy sleep!
Exercise regularly and you will fall asleep faster, sleep more soundly and wake up much less often at night, which means your next day will be more productive.

Great mood!
Thanks to the chemicals released in the brain during exercise (in particular the joy hormone - endorphin), feelings of anxiety, depression, anger and stress disappear far and long.

New acquaintances!
After all, you can often find new interesting communication and useful acquaintances in the gym. People come to the gym not only to exercise, but also to socialize. At a minimum, you will have a common topic to start the conversation with. Well, a sports acquaintance can develop into interesting communication outside the gym.

Sports laziness wins!
Attention! Only if you still go to the gym can you consider yourself a non-lazy person. You have taken the first step towards health, new knowledge, self-development and self-improvement, towards success and dreams.

You will enjoy life more!
Life feels much better when you are fit and healthy. You'll look and feel good, and therefore be more productive in everything you do in life!

Hello dear readers of the site In this article we will look at perhaps the most pressing questions about fitness, namely: “what does fitness give? and why do you need fitness? " In order to understand what fitness gives you, oddly enough, you need to do it. All people are different, some like to walk, while others like to drive. Most have a family, a job, their own hobbies and interests. To protect themselves from all kinds of diseases and illnesses, people try to eat more natural products and go to bed earlier. Most people think that this is enough, and fitness is the preserve of the rich or those who have nothing else to do.

You cannot lead an active lifestyle without playing sports. To keep yourself in good shape, you just need to do fitness. It's no secret that beauty is not eternal. Once you switch to a passive existence, extra pounds immediately appear. By pumping your muscles, you not only lift your mood, but also improve the functioning of your respiratory and circulatory systems. During exercise, serotonin and dopamine are produced. These are enzymes of happiness that are responsible for raising spirits and mood. Fitness is the least traumatic sport, and you can always turn to a trainer for help. During group or individual training, he will help suggest how to correctly perform a particular exercise.

Fitness is great for developing motivation and willpower. The training goes according to a schedule, so a person forces himself to go to classes, regardless of his mood, weather conditions and time of day. In the process of training, it is sometimes necessary to perform complex exercises, and there is no way without willpower. You have to overcome your own efforts to master a difficult element. People of almost all age categories can engage in fitness; there are no restrictions. After all, fitness classes are not only about machines and hard physical exercises. Dancing, Pilates, aerobics, stretching are some of the few areas of fitness where everyone can find something to their liking.

People who play sports are more resistant to all kinds of stress, they are less susceptible to diseases. By attending regular workouts, you will forget about joint pain, your heart will work like a clock. During the training process, almost all muscle groups are involved, which ensures an influx of vital energy for the whole body. Everyone knows that life is movement. To keep the movement going, you need to exercise.

Why go to a fitness club? 7 reasons to go to a fitness club

1. Variety
Not all of us live rich lives. Well, at least on weekdays. Work-home, work-home... But as soon as you decide to go to the fitness club and it begins... The day is automatically filled with waiting for the evening, planning how you will eat during the day, what you will wear, how long you will exercise, what the muscle group you will work out today or what group class you will go to!

2. Communication
It is not so easy for adults to expand their circle of friends. And in a fitness club (or gym) you will one way or another meet the same people, and quite regularly, you will be united by common activities, interests and goals. Here they will support you, and if something doesn’t work out in class, they will help you with practical advice and recommendations.

3. Find a mate
It is logical to assume that where there is sport, there are men. True, you shouldn’t consider fitness classes just as a reason for dating. With this approach, you will not achieve good results from shadowing for yourself, you will not meet a man, and you will simply waste your money on a subscription. By the way, according to unverified statistics, 70% of “continued” acquaintances take place in gyms, fitness clubs and other places where people come to play sports.

4. Motivation
You come to the fitness room and are immediately drawn into the atmosphere and pulsation of this place. There are people walking here with whom you want or not, but you will compare yourself: someone will inspire you, someone will cause constructive envy, and someone will increase your self-esteem. After all, as you know, nothing raises the level of motivation more than a living example.

5. Competent professional advice
Thanks to the Internet, you can seriously “pump up” your fitness skills: articles, sports social networks, blogs and trainers’ websites, video lessons... But it's all theory! And the fitness club provides assistance and guidance from a professional trainer or instructor. A pro will see if you are performing the exercises correctly, will indicate where you have problem areas that need to be worked on, will pay attention to errors in technique, and will simply help if you are not feeling very well.

6. Psychological assistance
Fitness classes save you from depression. This is a scientifically proven fact! Scientists from the University of Georgia in the USA found that after a few weeks of regular exercise, the body improves the metabolism of the hormones serotonin and norepinephrine, the breakdown of which usually causes depression.

The main thing is not to let your training become monotonous and monotonous. If you have a subscription, then try to go to different group classes in one week. If you go to the gym separately or in addition to group classes, then also try to combine cardio loads with strength exercises, experiment with exercise programs. You can divide your workouts by muscle groups that you want to pump up: for example, on Monday - arms and shoulders, Wednesday - chest and back, Friday - abs and legs, or experiment with different circuit programs (programs with a specific set of exercises that need to be repeated over time). 3-5 times per lesson).

Don't let yourself get bored! This way, you will be as distracted as possible from worries and completely clear your head of problems. Tested many times!
7. Self-esteem
The closer you are to achieving your goal, the higher your self-esteem. Even if you are still at the beginning of your journey, even if in small steps, you are moving towards the embodiment of your desired image - it is always inspiring. After all, it’s not for nothing that they say that the most valuable victory is victory over yourself.

Too lazy to go to the gym. How to force yourself to go to the gym?

  • Find a gym near your home or work. Often, at first there are no visible results, so the motivation to continue classes will fall, and the first thing that will cause complete refusal is the reluctance to go to the other end of the city. Therefore, take your choice of exercise equipment very seriously.
  • Each gym is open at certain hours. Find out about them and decide for yourself what time you will come here. Keep in mind that you will study for an average of 1-2 hours.
  • Decide on a goal. You should immediately choose what result you want to achieve - either lose extra pounds or build muscle. Choose one thing. You can ask a trainer for help or find a program for yourself on the Internet.
  • No matter what choice you make, you should remember one thing - during the first training, you should not be too zealous. You won’t achieve any results, but you can easily get injured! Therefore, in the first weeks, simply prepare your body for more complex and difficult workouts, practice your technique.
  • Frequency of going to the gym. Muscles recover within two days, so the optimal solution would be to visit the gym once every 2-3 days. Again, you should not chase quick results.
  • Proper nutrition. Eliminate fatty foods from your diet, because fat interferes with the absorption of protein. After all, beautiful abs are 80% made up of proper nutrition and 20% from exercise. You may have beautiful abs, but you won’t even know about them, since they are under a thick layer of fat.
  • Be sure to eat after training. If you do not eat within an hour after class, consider that you have wasted your time. The body spends a lot of energy, which must be replenished. Take foods that contain large quantities of protein, which is the main building material for muscles.
  • Consistency. At first, everything you worked on will hurt, and you will repeatedly have the desire to quit everything. Just remember that a beautiful body takes time, desire and perseverance.
  • Program and diary. Be sure to read how to create a training program, or ask a trainer. Try to stick to it and take notes of the approaches you perform.

We will start with descriptions of gym visitors so that you understand who you will meet on your first day at the gym and spend 5-8 hours a week next to them. They can be divided into several groups.

  • "Muscle Squad"

This group includes those people who believe that nothing is more important than muscles. These are mostly men who like to “pull iron.” They are easy to spot among other gym visitors - throughout the workout they admire themselves in the mirror and give advice to those who have been in the gym not so long ago. Their main goal in life is to look like the Hulk, and they are successfully moving towards this.

  • "Dead and Loafers"

It seems that someone forced such people into training - for example, husbands or wives - because they have already stopped fitting into their own trousers or are unhappy with their appearance because their trousers are falling off. They prefer to take lighter weights - they simply cannot handle heavy ones, or even sit on the bench. Thus, they become a constant object of ridicule from the “muscle squad”.

  • "Gossips and Gossips"

This category includes mostly women, but occasionally men are included. For them, the gym is another place where they can gossip and talk about other people. Usually they gather in small groups and evaluate the people working nearby, laughing periodically.

  • "Pretentious fashionistas"

This category includes pretty and toned ladies who come to the gym to stay in shape. They seem designed to make other women in the room feel bad in comparison. They become the object of adoration of both the “muscle squad” and the coaches.

  • "Groaners"

The last group includes seemingly unremarkable and generally good people. It is difficult to classify them into any of the described categories, but as soon as they start to swing, it immediately becomes clear that they belong to this group, even if you are far from the gym. During classes, they make very loud primal sounds, which often frighten other visitors.

You can often find a rule on the Internet: if there is no fever and symptoms of illness above the neck, then you can exercise. That is, if you have a runny nose or a sore throat, then run to the gym. Such advice cannot be trusted.

If any symptoms of the disease appear, it means that the immune system is already weakened, and going to crowded places, especially with a humid atmosphere, is not entirely reasonable. When you have a runny nose, breathing through your mouth dries out the mucous membrane and irritates the already sore nasopharynx.

You need to be especially careful about your condition if you have enlarged lymph nodes. Vigorous exercise can cause the infection to leave the lymph nodes and spread to other organs, leading to complications. Therefore, if the first signs of illness appear, but without a fever, it is better to rest at home for a couple of days than later in a hospital bed.

With colds and other diseases, the anabolic processes of the body, including in the muscles, slow down. This means that new muscle fibers are not formed, and training will lead to the destruction of old ones. That is, no positive effect can be expected from training during illness.

For athletes who do not want to deviate from their usual schedule, doctors recommend switching to:

During colds, you can even “boost” your immune system a little by continuing to exercise, since with moderate exercise, blood circulation is activated, which means that the breakdown products of pathogenic organisms are eliminated faster.

Let's not forget: we are talking only about mild forms of the disease that do not cause sudden changes in the usual daily routine!

Separately, it is worth mentioning jogging. You can continue training if:

  • follow the “neck rule” (that is, if all the symptoms affect what is above the neck: runny nose, discomfort in the throat);
  • outside there is a “plus” temperature, which means there is no risk of taking a breath of cold air due to nasal congestion and thereby provoking an increase in the disease;
  • reduce your jogging time to 15-20 minutes.

In general, if you haven’t given up on tinting, it’s better to move it home from the gym or street to the treadmill. When running in the fresh air, you will sweat, and then you may become hypothermic, and then the cold will get worse or cause complications. If you go to the gym, you risk infecting your fellow athletes with the virus. It is unlikely that they will be grateful to you.

The above applies to acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections occurring in mild form, without increasing the temperature. What if the flu or parainfluenza comes?

Influenza viruses are much more dangerous than common cold viruses. They spread with enormous speed, penetrating all organs and systems. Therefore, the onset of the disease is acute, expressed in a sharp rise in temperature to febrile values ​​- 38.5-390C, or even higher. When you have the flu, it is difficult to even get out of bed, let alone carry out your daily duties.

Important! The body is completely focused on fighting the virus; it has no strength left for anything else. Under these conditions, forcing yourself to do any physical exercise is not just harmful, but can even be deadly! Moreover, you cannot exercise not only in the midst of the disease, but even when the symptoms subside.

Even a low, subfebrile temperature is a contraindication to any exercise! Exercise will warm up the body, and it is already “hot” from the inside, so the temperature can rise sharply, and it will be even more difficult for the body.

During illness, anabolic processes are suppressed (that is, those during which substances needed by the body are synthesized - amino acids, monosaccharides, fats), and metabolism changes. A lot of cortisol, the stress hormone, is released into the blood, which causes destructive processes in the muscles.

The worst thing that can happen if you ignore medical advice and continue training without waiting for a complete recovery is that complications will develop. Any of them is “not a gift”:

They are a consequence of the fact that the body, exhausted by the virus, is forced, instead of resting and gaining strength, to spend its remaining energy on doing exercises. As a result, the immune system weakens.

If you don’t need such problems, forget about sports until the doctor gives the go-ahead. Remember how at school you were exempt from physical education for 2 weeks after a cold? Follow the doctors advice - give yourself this release, recover.

Muscle pain after training is known to everyone who started playing sports after a long break, or changed the program or type of physical activity. This kind of pain is called “soreness.” It was previously believed that its cause was muscle acidification, but scientists soon refuted this assumption. What causes sore throat and is it possible to play sports if muscle pain does not go away?

What is muscle pain like?

Sports-related muscle pain comes in three types: traumatic, burning during exercise, and delayed muscle pain (soreness).

Traumatic pain is acute and occurs during or after training. It is usually described with the words “pulled a muscle” or “strained a ligament.” If you experience such pain, you must urgently complete the workout, relieve the pain syndrome, give yourself a complete rest from training, and, if necessary, consult a doctor.

A burning sensation occurs during physical activity due to the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles, the concentration of which increases with each muscle contraction. For example, you perform biceps curls and feel a burning sensation in your muscles (calorizer). Towards the end of the approach it reaches its peak. After finishing the approach, you rest, and the burning goes away. Such pain is a natural reaction of the body.

Krepatura is a pain syndrome that occurs the next day after training. During sports, myofibrils rupture in the muscle fiber - the cells become inflamed and retain water. Water puts pressure on nerve endings and causes pain. To heal microtraumas, the body produces hormones and actively synthesizes protein. With each subsequent workout, the pain dulls and the muscles become stronger.

Is it possible to train with sore throat?

Whether to exercise with muscle pain or not depends on the intensity of the pain. If you have severe sore throat, training is not recommended. Firstly, sports should lead to progress, and not to pain and fatigue, and secondly, if unrecovered muscles are given another portion of excessive load, this will lead to overtraining or even the death of muscle fibers. It is necessary to find a middle ground between the need to receive microtraumas for further growth and normal well-being.

Use a 10-point scale to rate your readiness for training, where 0 means you feel no pain and 10 means the maximum intensity of the pain. If it hurts slightly - 3-4 points, then good - go train. If the pain is worse - 5-6 points, that’s also good, you can go to training (calorizator). And if you rate the pain as 7 points or higher, then rest or change the type of physical activity. You can exercise the muscles that don't hurt or do cardio. It is strictly forbidden to repeat the previous workout and load damaged muscles.

Krepatura is the case when too strong sensations and their complete absence are bad, and moderate sensations are good. After 2-3 weeks, you will adapt to the loads, increase your level of fitness, and instead of strong soreness, you will only have a pleasant heaviness.

Ways to reduce muscle pain

There are ways to reduce the intense pain experienced after exercise. Various warming procedures will help you cope with sore throat:

  • Warm bath with sea salt;
  • Warm shower;
  • Massage and self-massage.

Physical activity reduces the intensity of muscle pain:

  • Having a warm-up before training and stretching at the end;
  • Light stretching on a day of rest from sports;
  • Moderate intensity cardio.

All of the above methods are aimed at increasing blood circulation in the muscles, which helps to recover better.

All people have different adaptation capabilities. Trained people recover faster than beginners and feel soreness less often. Someone who trains a muscle group twice a week is less likely to experience long-term pain than someone who exercises their muscles once a week. Pain does not always lead to growth, and in some cases it even interferes with recovery.

Life is motion. This is not a trivial phrase; a person needs physical activity like air. What do sports give us? If we don’t talk about the beautiful and slender body that you will acquire thanks to physical activity, then we can say that such activities improve your mood, strengthen the immune system, strengthen a person’s will, develop character, increase self-esteem and self-esteem.

We start training on Monday

Probably, every person in life has a moment when he begins to say: “That’s it, I’m going to the gym tomorrow.” But tomorrow comes, you feel tired, and the desire to exercise disappears. And so every day.

Fighting laziness

This means that the first thing you must do is overcome laziness. Go to class at least once in this state, and you will see how your well-being will change, you will feel an incredible surge of vivacity and energy, and you will get a “second wind.” And the fatigue that you experienced will miraculously evaporate. Force, inspire yourself that going to the gym is an integral part of your life, and soon you will notice that a habit has developed and you are already enjoying doing physical exercise.

"It's fun to walk together"

If you're bored of studying alone, invite a friend, it's always more fun together.

I see the goal

Set a goal for yourself to achieve a figure like that of some famous actress, hang up a poster with her image, and dream of an ideal figure. If you are still bored with physical exercise, choose another sport that interests you, take up dancing, for example . It is necessary that the activities bring pleasure, in which case the body produces endorphins, the so-called hormones of happiness, and you will always be in a good mood.

The main thing is motivation!

If working out at the gym is already a burden for you, come up with little rewards for yourself, only, of course, not in the form of a cake. And where, if not at the gym, can you meet new people? interesting people, because people of various professions meet here. And practicing with upbeat music will naturally lift your spirits. And one more piece of advice, gym classes still cost money, so it’s best to purchase a subscription for at least six months, this will be an additional incentive for you to attend every class.

For yourself beloved

And remember, everything you do, you do exclusively for yourself, for your own good, for your own health. Regular exercise will help you not only adjust your figure, but also lose extra pounds, as well as overcome stress and depression.

If a person did not overload himself with exhausting workouts and did not visit crowded places immediately after the gym, but still fell ill, then we are talking about some kind of aggressive virus. Such viruses have a bad effect even on a strong immune system. So is it possible to play sports with a runny nose and cough?

A few years ago, doctors did not advise overloading the body during illness, since it was already excessively weakened. Today, some experts say that it is possible to play sports during illness, but such activities should be very moderate. You can continue to go to the gym or fitness only if the illness occurs without a high fever.

All experts are unanimous in the opinion that physical exercise during a cold should be moderate. When you have a cold, the body's metabolism is disrupted, and all anabolic processes in muscle tissue slow down. At the same time, the level of cortisol, a special hormone that destroys muscle tissue, increases in the blood. This is why there is absolutely no point in exercising excessively during a cold.

Moderate exercise during a respiratory illness will not harm, but it will not speed up recovery.


Choose the right shoes. There are many types of sneakers, the choice depends on what you plan to do. Because of various types loads on exercise machines, we can recommend choosing universal shoes. But if, for example, you mainly exercise on a treadmill, opt for running models.

Wear sports socks or knee socks under your sneakers. Such underwear does not have seams, which will reduce the likelihood of calluses for you. It is best to opt for socks made of cotton materials - they not only allow you to maintain foot hygiene, but are also quite durable.

For women, it is important to choose the right sportswear. It may be from natural materials or from breathable synthetics. It is best to choose a bra from sports models. They are characterized by soft cups without the “push up” effect and additional pads. However, such a bra securely holds the breasts in place, which helps to avoid discomfort when running.

IN gym You can choose both open and closed clothing. In this case, it is desirable that the legs of sports trousers and the sleeves of T-shirts fit snugly enough to the body. Otherwise, loose parts of the suit may get caught on the exercise machine.

Choose clothes made from materials that absorb sweat and allow air to pass through. In addition to clothing made from natural materials, such as cotton, modern synthetic materials designed to be worn during sports activities. For heavy strength training, models made of two-layer material may be suitable, providing better preservation of thermoregulation during heavy sweating.

Do not come to the gym straight away in sportswear, even in summer. After training, it is advisable to change clothes immediately, since the uniform can be quite heavily soiled by sweat.

It’s rare that anyone goes to the gym for anything other than sports. That’s why you should dress in this establishment as required by the sports dress code, and not by fashion trends and glossy magazines.


A trainee’s comfortable well-being and athletic mood directly depends on clothing. Of course, wearing comfortable sportswear will not make you more resilient, but the workout will be more enjoyable. And it doesn’t matter at all what year the sneaker model was made or what the content of the inscriptions on your T-shirt is.

Dress comfortably - so that you can sit down freely, raise your arms, bend over, so that you do not feel embarrassed to sit down, lie down, raise your legs, etc. Shoes should be soft but resilient, fit properly and, of course, designed for training. Some bodybuilders choose slippers and flip-flops for training in the gym. Although from the outside it looks quite funny, but since it is convenient for the athlete, why not. However, for active non-strength training, still give preference to sneakers and sneakers.

Sportswear should be neither cold nor hot - it should be such that if you stand still, it becomes cool. This will encourage you not to stop for long breaks during training. This approach will help you avoid overheating from intense physical activity.

Stretched tights, washed alcoholic T-shirts, family panties, revealing tops, etc. save for home wear. Leave clothes with sequins, beads, rhinestones, bugles, high-heeled shoes, ballet shoes and other things not related to sports for other establishments.

If you plan to use machines or train with weights, you should get fingerless leather gloves. This will protect your hands from chafing and calluses.

Be sure to change clothes before and after training. In the gym, you should not wear any of the things you came in, and vice versa - after training, put on street clothes. And don't forget to keep your tracksuit clean. If appearance is not so fundamentally important, then an unpleasant odor is unlikely to be comfortable and pleasant to others.

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Video Why go to fitness clubs

Date of publication: 02/14/2017 11:34

To get some kind of return in the gym you need:
1. Know how to do all the exercises.
2. Understand general principle building a training program.
3. Feel the muscles working.
4. Train intensely.

Which girls can do this?
Who has the desire to delve into the essence of training?
Few have! And how many girls do the exercises incorrectly!!! As a result, a myth is born that the gym is absolutely ineffective in combating obesity and other figure problems.
The myth is not believable. The main thing is to approach any task wisely and not overdo it. If you have willpower and perseverance, the result will not be long in coming and you will get what you dreamed of.
In the gym, people intend to get results and make their body beautiful, healthy and flexible. But mindless exercises will not give the expected results. That is why everyone is concerned with the question: how to train correctly? What exercise machines should you use and how, what should your diet be like so that your body is elastic, your skin is toned, and your waist is narrow.

Exercise machines can also significantly improve the overall tone of the body. It has been noticed that women really love going to the gym: firstly, it is aesthetically pleasing, since you can see a lot of athletic men there, and secondly, exercise on exercise machines really strengthens the body and lifts the mood. However, men go for approximately the same reasons.

Which gym workout regimen should you choose?
It is optimal if you can train three times a week for one hour. However, it happens that in a week you only manage to get out to the gym twice. In this case, you just need to divide the weekly load instead of three classes into two. For example, if you practice three times a week, you do 10-20 approaches per workout. Working out twice, also start with 20, but gradually increase the load to 25-30 approaches per workout.
Practice has shown: by exercising twice a week, but with a more intense load, you can achieve the same success as with three sessions a day.

Warm up and stretch.
Many people skip the warm-up and make a fatal mistake. The load on “cold” muscles is guaranteed to lead to injury. Before you start strength training, do a short five-minute warm-up. Walk on a treadmill or pedal an exercise bike to increase blood flow and warm up your muscles. In addition, another set is added to the working sets of any exercise - a warm-up set. It is done very first, and the weight taken is about half as much as usual.
Before cardio training, you also need to do a warm-up. The first 5-7 minutes should be spent properly warming up the muscles. After your workout, don't forget to stretch. Why after and not before? Because your muscles are properly warmed up by strength training. “Cold” muscles have hard ligaments. Trying to stretch properly can result in injury. Stretch only those muscles that you worked during training.

Cardio sessions.
Aerobic training is indispensable: it not only burns fat, but also increases cardiac endurance. And it will be useful to you during strength training. For the first month, train in a lighter mode, and then gradually increase the load. Don't test yourself! Dizziness, shortness of breath, knees breaking from fatigue - this is unacceptable!

Improving tone.
Gym goers often complain about sagging bodies. At the same time, physical exercise helps tone internal organs, blood vessels, muscles and even skin. Weakness and flabbiness are a lack of nutrition in the organs, which should be supplied with blood. If you speed up the blood flow, weakness and flabbiness will disappear. The only one in an effective way speed up the blood flow in the body can be considered intense physical activity. The most optimal in this sense are exercises with a heart rate of 130 beats three hours a week. This load is enough for the blood to fully nourish the entire body, from the joints to the surface of the skin. With this training regimen, the “flabby body” syndrome disappears within two months. In addition, as soon as training in the gym becomes frequent and regular enough, the condition of the skin noticeably improves.

How to create a training program in the gym?
Physical capabilities different people different. Physical fitness does not always depend on age. There are weak young bodies, there are mature and strong bodies, and vice versa. So, when choosing a training regimen, you should take into account, first of all, physical fitness, and secondly, age.
It's hard to put together a program without seeing what the person in the room is capable of. However there is simple rules creating a program for beginners.
Every workout in the gym begins with a warm-up. It's better if it is treadmill or an exercise bike. You need to devote 7-8 minutes to warming up with a pulse of 120-130 beats per minute.
If you still have energy after training on weight machines, then the end of the session can be devoted to a treadmill or exercise bike: from 15 to 45 minutes. This will enhance the rate of fat burning and weight loss effect.

Gym-goers often ask about how to eat before, during and after exercise. During training, it is better not to eat or drink at all. energetic drinks, especially for those who want to quickly lose extra pounds.
Before any, and especially before aerobic training, everyone can be recommended to eat food rich in carbohydrates. It is advisable that there be no more than 100 grams of food, and in these hundred grams of food there should be no more than 50 grams of carbohydrates. It’s good to take regular baby fruit puree before training in the gym. It increases strength for exactly one workout and does not interfere with burning excess fat.
It is important to eat in such a way as to lose extra pounds and at the same time maintain muscle tone. Most diets make women not only thin, but also weak and have lost their overall vitality. Often this leads first to a deterioration in mood, and then to a deterioration in health.
After strength training, it is best to eat protein foods. If strength training in the gym takes place in the evening, then boiled breasts and vegetables are perfect for dinner in the evening. This strategy maintains muscle elasticity and burns fat.

The best exercises for the abdominal muscles.
In order to get rid of a big belly, many of us begin to pump up our abs. Targeted exercises for this muscle group only strengthen and enlarge the abs, but nothing more...
If you want to get ripped abs, get ready for some hard work. After all, you need to get rid of excess fat, and without diet and aerobic exercise or cardio training, you are unlikely to succeed, but do not forget to load your abdominal muscles. There are many options: these are various twisting and leg lifts, which are performed both with the weight of your body, as well as with weights or with the help of various devices.

It is believed that lifting the torso loads the upper abs, and lifting the legs loads the lower abs. But this division is very arbitrary, since there is only one rectus abdominis muscle.

Simply put, to achieve results, it is not enough for you to stick to a diet and pump up your abs. You need to diet, pump up your abs, and run!!! Only with these three exercises will you achieve your goal.

A set of exercises against cellulite
Cellulite occurs not only in overweight women, but also in thin women with insufficient muscle mass and thin skin. The use of creams and ointments is usually an ineffective means of combating cellulite.
Cellulite can only be removed through physical exercise. Cellulite is not just a cosmetic problem. The presence of an “orange peel” indicates that you have a lack of muscle tissue and excess body fat. Only through special exercises can you improve your appearance.
One of the best exercises to defeat cellulite is jumping rope.
A good remedy is also slow jogging. It is better to run in an environmentally friendly area or in a gym.
If you love dancing, know that it also helps to destroy the orange peel!
To combat cellulite, it is necessary to strengthen the main muscle groups and hips. The best results can be achieved by working on each muscle group separately. It will be good if you add massage treatments to your physical exercises.

Gym instructor
The task of the instructor in the gym is to make it easier for the visitor to workout. The trainer suggests the necessary sets of exercises, gives personal consultations, monitors correct execution exercises.
There are two ways to work with a coach. You can get an initial consultation with him. A specialist will assess your capabilities, tone and recommend a suitable program, after which you will work independently. This option is more budget-friendly. But many people choose to work with a coach over many months. In such cases, for an additional fee, the trainer monitors all the actions of his ward, selects a new program every day, and draws up a diet program.

The most common mistakes girls make in the gym.
Trying not to sweat!
Sweating is a natural, healthy process. Don't worry about eye makeup. In general, it’s better not to apply it.
Using too much perfume!
This most likely applies to the same woman who does not want to sweat.
It is especially unsightly to immerse yourself in a fragrance and then go to the gym, where people often have to experience oxygen starvation.
Repeat the same workout every day!
Unless you've been training for a very long time or are lucky enough to talk to an experienced trainer, you may not realize that when muscles get tired, they need time to rest and recover.
If you exercise daily, you don't give your muscles a chance to recover and therefore they will never gain more strength and tone. It is very important to give each muscle group at least 48 hours of rest between workouts. Moreover, it is recommended not to train each muscle group more than once a week.
Fear of dumbbells!
Your body will not experience any significant changes as a result of cardio training alone. Sure, you can burn some fat, but what's left underneath when you get rid of it? It is strength training that helps a woman gain sexy arms, tight buttocks, sculpted calf muscles, slim stomach and overall attractive appearance.

Drink water!
This doesn't only apply to women. If you watch competitive bodybuilders in the gym, you may notice that they drink a lot of water.
Why is drinking water so important? During exercise, we sweat and lose a lot of fluid. If you don't replenish it, you will get tired ahead of time. In addition, water flushes out toxins. Helps keep joints healthy. Prevents dizziness and fainting. Speeds up metabolism. Relieves fatigue.

Incorrect wide grip vertical row technique!
Many women make the same mistake with one particular exercise: the wide-grip vertical row. Vertical rows are designed to work your back.
The correct technique for this exercise is to grab the bar with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and pull it up to just above your chest, allowing your body to lean back slightly as you pull down. As you progress through this exercise, try not to grip the bar too tightly. Imagine the tension coming from your back rather than your arms. This will help take the stress off your biceps. Try to squeeze your shoulder blades together and “stick out” your chest while deadlifting.

Trying to reduce your waist by overloading your abdominals!
So many people still believe that they can reduce their waistline by over-working their abdominals. You can create the illusion of a tighter belly as the underlying muscle gets shaped, but you won't be able to reduce the fat itself with crunches. To reduce the layer of belly fat, you should follow a healthy diet and do cardio exercises. Abdominal training a maximum of 2-3 times a week will help you achieve sexual appearance when the fat goes away.

Performing side bends!
Performing bends to the side, left and right, again and again. By doing this exercise, you achieve the exact opposite effect of what you hope to achieve. You are expanding your waist.

First of all, I would like you to ask yourself – what is the purpose of your training process? Based on this, we will continue our reasoning.

If you don’t have a goal or it’s vague (I would like to lose a little weight), then it’s rubbish. Let's admit to ourselves that when we don't know where we are going, we don't know what the result will be or whether there will be one at all. How to set yourself a goal. Let’s say you are determined to lose weight and have a beautiful, toned body, to be in shape that is easy to maintain. all year round, while you have dates in your head, there are quantities in which you will measure your progress (for example, kilograms) - then you have a goal. To the question - is it possible to achieve this goal by studying at home, I will answer - yes, of course it is possible. But at what cost? Let's figure it out.

Working out at home has only one advantage - you don't have to leave the house. Otherwise, home exercises are much inferior to the gym. You will say - well, of course, there is no need to spend money on an expensive subscription, and what’s more, I will save so much time while I get to the gym and back! But no. If your goal is the same as we discussed above, then you will need sports equipment at home. Just for fun, look at how much a set of collapsible dumbbells, a fitball, a bodybar costs - that's half of the annual subscription. How will you do cardio in winter? Run on ice? Not everyone will be able to run on the street in the summer - it’s cramped, stray dogs, dirty air... Buying the most inexpensive cardio machine costs at least another 15 thousand rubles. One and a half annual subscriptions are already out.

As for wasting time, I’ll tell you from my own experience. I spent several years trying to work out at home, trying to organize this process, trying to get myself involved in sports within 4 walls. But this never happened. So wasting time traveling to the gym is nothing compared to years of ineffective home workouts.

So, now let's talk about the disadvantages of home workouts and why we most often abandon these workouts.

Home workouts are many times worse in effectiveness than workouts in the gym. At home we are not ready to work hard. We put on old sneakers, the T-shirt we slept in, shorts that we haven’t worn for 10 years and, stepping over the cat, we lazily clear the floor. We are relaxed, we have a TV series playing in the background, and a phone call can distract us from the training for a long time. At home, we are most often not alone and can be embarrassed by our family, we can disturb someone. A home workout may never start, even if you planned it - you can easily get carried away with something else, promising yourself to postpone the lesson until tomorrow.

  • At the gym you are surrounded by like-minded people. You came to work until the end, otherwise why did you come at all? You are wearing beautiful workout clothes, they are comfortable, and you feel the general mood - the general energy of work. You don’t give up halfway and always finish the approach because that guy over there is looking at you. A workout at the gym usually occurs on a schedule (let's say you work out with a trainer or go with a friend), it is more difficult to cancel or reschedule. The gym is perceived as a second “job” that is difficult to skip without remorse.
  • In the gym, you can “spy” on how experienced athletes do this or that exercise. Be sure that you do not know everything, but only a small part. The gym teaches you new things.
  • The gym offers socializing opportunities. Even if you are an unsociable person, you will probably talk to someone in the locker room and perhaps find someone who will insure you, or just someone whose progress you will watch with interest.
  • The gym has a huge selection of exercise equipment and equipment.. Maybe instead of cluttering the apartment, sports. equipment, just go to the gym? We understand that the same equipment and exercises will drive us crazy with their monotony, and our muscles respond more readily to varied training. It’s much easier to go to another machine and do the exercise a little differently this time than to try to come up with a new version at home.

Thus, I am completely in favor of training in the gym. However, we all have those days when we don’t want to go anywhere, well, either we’re sick, or the weather is such that you see through the window how passers-by are torn off by the wind and carried away in an unknown direction, like Ellie and Tatoshka’s house in that fairy tale . In these cases, you can practice at home, but only as an exception. For EFFECTIVE home training, we need to turn on the brain and imagination and think through her plan in advance. Let's say today you were supposed to have leg day at the gym, then you should think about which exercises you can do at home and which cannot be replaced with anything. Personally, I can hardly imagine how to replace the platform press at home... But if you want, you can do a good killer lower training at home. I do squats with dumbbells, sumo squats, deadlifts with dumbbells, leg swings (of course, this is not a crossover with weights, but you can still hammer the buttock if you want), lunges with dumbbells, calf raises (calf raises), pumping abs and do a plank - this is a pretty energy-intensive workout for the bottom. You will “punch” the buttocks just like the hamstrings and quadriceps.

Training your upper body at home is not difficult; all you need is a set of collapsible dumbbells. It is, of course, advisable to also have a bench with the ability to tilt or at least a fitball. Various dumbbell lifts, rows and presses, push-ups, planks, and crunches can be done within 4 walls.

The most important thing is to turn off your phone and TV. Anything that distracts should be removed from your attention. Put on normal workout clothes and sneakers, get ready, bring a water bottle into the room. If you need music, please, but not TV or cinema.

Don't forget to warm up! If you don't have a cardio machine, then a good old jump rope will always come to the rescue. You need to try to focus as much as possible on the process and, if possible, pretend that you are in the gym and not at home, then your efficiency will increase significantly. Cooling down (stretching) is also important. Try to include it in your training process whenever possible. This will make the muscles more beautiful and speed up recovery.

I don’t really understand people who (having a goal and regularly working hard in the gym) do not value their work - they skip training for no reason, eat until they are full, and then “work it out” and so on day after day... This looks like one step forward and two back. I would like to ask such people: “Don’t you really value your own labor costs? Where is the logic? Do you even want anything, or are you just pretending?” Try to minimize indulgences for yourself, and finally, respect yourself and your own work. Don't go to the gym, so try at home! But again, I remain of the opinion that if your goal is a beautiful, toned body and a shape that is easy to maintain throughout the year, then a gym membership is a must.

Do you train at home? Regularly or occasionally? What do these workouts look like and what are the effects?