Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

Homemade playgrounds. Do-it-yourself children's playground using improvised materials at the dacha and in kindergarten (photo). How to make a playground with your own hands? Children's playground and gym under the high terrace

A children's playground, made with your own hands from improvised materials together with your child, will be a useful and interesting acquisition, and the photos below for making it in the country will help you with this.

A playground for children to spend time in the country plays a role both in the development of children and is used for the older generation - older teenagers, youth and parents. The advantage of a well-equipped playground for children is that the child is under constant supervision, although he does his own things.

A children's playground at the dacha can be made from improvised materials

By creating a playground for your child, you provide him with a personal place where he is the master. Although his presence on it happens before your eyes.

The sandbox at the dacha can be decorated interestingly with stumps

By arranging a place for children, you let them feel your care and love, as well as show off your own skills. You can teach them to your child.

Having your child on the playground will allow you to take care of personal matters. And the child, using the devices independently, will develop imagination and intuition. Invite friends over and, without disturbing you, play and communicate with them, and feel the status of the owner..

The functional purpose of the site for children's development is the employment and development of the child. There are a lot of variations of elements for this.

Probably all of them who are now adults built huts, climbing frames, and swings in childhood, although not everyone had enough experience and skills for this.

A car on the playground made from old tires, attributes of an old car, will really appeal to the boys

Today it is possible to fully realize children's fantasies... Although it is worth consulting with the child about his desires.

Don’t think about technical perfection, make your childhood dreams and desires come true as best you can, using available materials. This will allow the playground to be attractive, but also to engage in interesting activities together with the child.

Important! The choice of devices for creating a play area primarily depends on the age of the child.

For young children, the sandbox is primarily important. This is the least time- and material-consuming place for children to play.

The sandbox is very easy to install. To do this, you just need a few boards to enclose the area chosen for the sandbox and the sand itself.

A simple sandbox can be made from boards

It is worth taking care of sun protection by installing either a traditional mushroom or a canopy.

To prevent the child from overheating, it is better to build a sandbox with a canopy

Which will require a pole at least 1.5 meters high and 4 wooden triangles, together they will cover almost the entire space of the sandbox.

You can also use options for canopies made of fabric.

The sandbox canopy can be made of fabric

For young children, an ordinary car tire can be an option for fencing a sandbox.

A simple sandbox for kids can be made from a tire

Tires are also well used for making swings.

Tires make great swings

For this version of the swing you will need the following materials:

  • tire with a radius of 14 or more;
  • boards: 4 x 50 centimeters and 1 x 34.2 centimeters;
  • iron tube 34.2 centimeters long.
  • Cementing mixture placed in the tire.
  • A board at least 1.5 meters long.

The mechanism for adapting the pipe and the wooden product is also shown in the figure.

Car tires are a universal material for the manufacture of many devices for children's activities.

An example of a swing, as well as an option for using car tires to make various jumping ropes and climbing frames, is shown in the photo.

Jumping bars are often made from tires by half-burying the tires in the sand.

For the physical development of a child, simulators for the vestibular apparatus are necessary; they can be made from either wheels or logs. It all depends on the availability of the necessary materials.

Another interesting option for the physical development of a child is the installation of a climbing wall.

DIY A-shaped climbing wall for children

For its manufacture, the ideal option is an A-shaped wall, which can be moved if necessary.

Two frames are made from beams connected at the top with bolts. It is advisable to cover it with carpet or similar suitable material.

Grips will be required for support. These can be cobblestones collected by children, firmly glued to the wall, or they can also be purchased in specialized stores. It is advisable to attach them with bolts for greater safety.

In addition to tires, any broken piece of furniture can be used to make swings - chairs, benches and even a skateboard.

The swing seat can be made from an old chair

We make a rocking skate by removing the wheels and making holes in the surface for the rope.

Thread the rope through the surface of the skateboard.

In order for a child to confidently stay on a swing, handles are needed. We make them from two sticks.

The knots should not be tightened too tightly so that they can be adjusted if necessary. After attaching the swing to a tree branch or pole, check its strength, safety and functionality yourself.

Also, a fun element for children is a slide, which can be used not only in the warm season, but also in winter.

Do-it-yourself slide in the country

To make it, you will need boards treated from roughness so that there is no possibility of planting a splinter.

A swimming pool is a fairly necessary element in summer. The easiest way to purchase it is in a store and install it in the shade. Although doing the work of installing a pool independently, together with the children, will be remembered for a long time and will last for a long time.

This will require additional knowledge and skills, but believe me, it's worth it.

Digging a pit and a drainage hole, attaching hoses to fill water - all these activities will teach your child engineering skills, and he or she may show interest in them in the future.

In addition to exercise equipment for physical development, places for quiet games are needed. These are gazebos or all kinds of houses, including, if necessary, with labyrinths.

Children's houses can be purchased in stores or built independently. An artfully landscaped structure can also be an option for a gazebo.

In addition to various equipment for children, you can come up with various calmer and stationary games. An example is tic-tac-toe. For which a regular stump is used. Or just various hemp for gatherings

An excellent option is to combine many elements into one, which will significantly save installation space.

Another unique, although less durable, are cardboard boxes, from which you can make various structures for children of any gender, both with rooms and towers.

It's very easy to make a house out of a box

Choosing a place to install a playground on a personal plot

One example of the distribution of devices on a playground for children is a clearly separated area for full visibility.

Important! It is necessary to separate children's areas and planting areas so as not to worry about children trampling them.

The playground equipment itself may vary in the number of installed items. Although such scarcity is not the best option.

An interesting example is the installation of more devices:

  1. The sandbox is normal;
  2. Jung's sandbox, this is like a version of sand therapy
  3. Swing;
  4. Bench;
  5. Parasol;
  6. Tent;
  7. Table with chair;
  8. Inflatable pool;
  9. Place (bucket) for small toys.

A table and chair made from hemp would be a good option for a playground.

In such an area, a child, alone or together with parents, grandmothers or a group of children, can spend the whole day in the fresh air. Here he can play noisy and quiet games, take water treatments or engage in similar activities that are beneficial to him.

Additional decorations for the playground

A playground for children is made from various items and complemented with interesting decorations for a more varied pastime. These can be any cartoon or real characters: bees, butterflies, mushrooms, as well as cars, ships.

From ordinary plastic bottles, of which there are many in everyday use, you can create many interesting things, such as trees, animals and many fun crafts.

Also, your imagination will allow you to adapt any pieces of wood or logs to create jewelry. Which will be unique in their appearance, because you realize your fantasies, even using the examples of other people.

Let's present a video showing a lot of options for decorating a playground.

When arranging a playground for children, it is worth considering the convenience of the location of all the elements prepared for installation in the chosen place. It is also necessary to take into account the age of the child and the possibility of replacing elements as he grows up. A sandbox required by a child aged 2–5 years is no longer relevant for a twelve-year-old boy or girl. Although swings are in demand by children of any age, and even young people, for evening gatherings.

There are a lot of variations of playground elements that you can make with your own hands. Some of the necessary elements will have to be purchased in the store, but most often everything is at hand.

All installed structures must be discussed with the child and it is advisable to make them together with him, taking into account, accordingly, the child’s physical fitness, character and temperament, and the desired direction of their development.

Much, in this case, depends on the income of the family and its composition. Male and female hands and the skills of an adult will be required to create an interesting and functional playground for a child. This will be a decisive factor influencing the choice of the number and technological features of elements.

The most important thing in arranging a playground is the desire of children and parents to jointly create a functional, interesting space for children to spend time. When installed with stationary options made of durable materials, it will serve well for perhaps more than one generation of children.

How to decorate a children's playground - interesting ideas

Do-it-yourself children's playground using improvised materials at the dacha 46 photos:

Many parents want to make a playground with their own hands in a suburban area. This will keep the child occupied and safe.

To build a children's playground in the country, it is necessary to mark the territory, determine the number of elements and their relative positions. If children's playgrounds are located within a personal plot, then a separate fence for them is not necessary. If the site is located outside the site, then it must be fenced.

After determining the area that can be allocated for the playing area, specific elements are selected. The less space, the fewer elements you can place.

Playground details

If the construction of a playground is being carried out for the first time, the process cannot be called simple. Special training and certain knowledge will simplify the work, but not everyone has it. You have to be prepared for certain difficulties.

It is relatively rare for a children's playground in the country to include complex elements or attractions. In most cases, traditional and fairly simple solutions are used.

It is imperative to determine functional purpose of the design. There are differences between facilities for preschool children and teenagers. If children are of preschool and primary school age, then the playground at the dacha should include a sandbox, swings, a slide and a small number of stairs. This kind of playground is quite easy to make with your own hands.

do-it-yourself playground photo step-by-step instructions

In the second case, the game design should be more complex. It turns out that a sandbox is no longer needed, but areas for playing basketball or other ball games are required. Simulators and complex climbing devices are installed. It is already more difficult to build such a children's playground in the country.

Do-it-yourself children's playground at the dacha. Step by step photos

Once the necessary elements have been determined, you need to do plan. You need to make a drawing with markings of all the main parts and you can start building a playground with your own hands.

When building a playground, be sure to take into account that the following is prohibited:

  1. place a sandbox next to the swing;
  2. place the slide in such a way that the descent leads to the roadway;
  3. install structures outside the local area without fencing.

DIY playground ship. Photo

After creating the drawing, the necessary materials are calculated and purchased. Making a playground with your own hands is not easy, including calculating the materials, but photographs will provide clues in this work. When the calculations have been completed, the materials have been purchased and the simplest basic parts have been assembled, you can move on to more complex elements. The advantage of a children's playground at the dacha is that it can be gradually changed and completed.

The most important thing when building a playground with your own hands is to take care of it security. All elements must be carefully checked and securely connected. Parts should not have sharp corners, protruding joints or other potentially dangerous elements.

DIY playground made of wood

DIY playground. Option 2

On your own plot, you can build a play complex for children with your own hands. The project may include the following elements: a slide with stairs, a house in the form of a balcony, vertical stairs with ropes, swings, etc.

Step-by-step instructions for building a playground with your own hands

Drawing up a project and purchasing the necessary materials. To build a site, it is necessary to purchase timber, namely pine boards and beams of various sections. For this project you will need timber of the following sections: 100x100mm, 100x50mm, 50x20mm, 150x20mm, 50x50mm.

DIY playground. Photos step by step

We cut out future supports and cross sections from the beams. Next, we process them using a sanding machine and sandpaper. After this, the bars must be coated with an antiseptic solution.

children's playground at the dacha. Instructions master class

A frame is assembled from ready-made supports. Wood screws with a diameter of 8 mm are used for connections.

Next, you need to dig holes about one meter deep and install the frame in them. There should be 10-15 cm above the ground surface. It is impossible to do this work alone. It will be necessary to hire two or three more people to help. The frame must be level. After this, you should roll it down with crushed stone and, holding it in this state, attach the transverse beams to the frame. Finally, the installed supports must be filled with concrete mixture.

Advice: in order to prevent the platform from collapsing, it is necessary to place bricks under the supports.

While the concrete mixture hardens, you can begin assembling the stairs and installing the railings. Our playground will have two rows of railings located at different levels. Thus, it will be convenient for children of any age to play on such a playground. All wooden elements are coated with varnish or paint.

For the floor you will need 250x25 mm boards. It is necessary to make a continuous flooring out of them. The dimensions of the floor of the upper floor, according to our design, were 100x250 cm. To add rigidity, beams with a cross section of 50x100 mm were laid under the floor.

A vertical ladder must be installed at the end. To make it, 20x50 mm strips were needed. In the future, it will be possible to hang a rope near it, on which children can climb.

Afterwards, you can begin making a support for the beam on which the rope and swing will be located. For greater stability, it was decided to make them crosswise. The supports are connected to the sample and secured with bolts. Next, you need to mark and dig holes. After this, a transverse beam is made on the support. The finished structure is installed in a hole, covered with crushed stone and filled with concrete mixture.

While the concrete hardens, you can begin making the manhole. To do this, you will need an OSB sheet, a 50x50 mm beam and transverse stiffeners made of timber with a section of 50x20 mm.

Let's start making a balcony on the second floor. On such a balcony you can install a table and chairs so that children can relax and have a snack. To make such a structure you will need OSB sheets.

At the final stage of building a play complex with your own hands, it is necessary to check the site for sharp corners, protruding parts and defects. If there are any, they must be removed so that children do not get injured.

Photos of playgrounds

Modern, including home-made, children's playgrounds are very diverse. There are many interesting options for their design. Let's look at some.

. Game complex consists of two rope swings, a house, a sandbox, a ladder and a slide. The house is located on the second tier, with a slide extending from it. Under the house there is a sandbox protected from the sun. There is a rope ladder on the side.

Playground in shape knight's castle, which has several game elements. There is a rope swing on the side. On the lower tier there is a house and containers for the sandbox. To climb up there are wooden and rope ladders, as well as an inclined board with stops and a rope. There is a slide for descent.

Platform for the youngest. It is a large space for a sandbox, along the sides of which there are benches. One of the corners is occupied by a playhouse where you can hide or take shelter from the sun.

Game complex with a house on the lower tier. On one side of the house there is a small table with benches. On the other side there is a climbing device. On the side there are swings and children's gymnastic rings.

.Small complex, consisting of two swings, a slide and ladders. The swing is located on the side so that the swinging ones do not touch other children. There are two types of ladders: wooden with climbing supports and rope. The upper platform is covered with a roof, allowing you to hide from the sun or rain.

A varied and compact gaming complex that includes many elements. Below, under the upper house, you can fill in a sandbox. There is a table and benches on the side. You can climb up using a board with stops and a rope, a net or a rope ladder. There is a plastic wavy slide for descent.

. Wooden town, consisting of two towers. They are connected by an arched ladder, to which a swing is attached. One tower has a grand staircase with railings, a slide and other details. The second tower is equipped with a rope and an arched bridge with stops.

The children's playground is made in deliberately rude style. It is equipped with an upper platform from which a slide descends. You can climb up a wooden ladder, a vertical rope net, a board with stops, or a rope.

DIY playground made of wood

Wooden play complex with plastic slide, swings on chains and gymnastic rings. You can get to the slide by climbing wooden bars or overcoming an inclined board with stops, and then climbing on your hands over gymnastic rings.

A relatively simple but varied playground designed for children of different ages. There is a sandbox and a comfortable flat staircase, a wide slide. Older children will be interested in a board with holes for support and a kind of metal ladder on the sides.

A very interesting in shape and unique children's complex that can decorate the area. For entertainment, there is a slide, a wooden vertical ladder, a climbing frame with stops, and a net located under the upper playhouse.

. Spacious children's playground with three types of swings, one of which is intended for the little ones. There are two towers of different heights connected by a bridge. A metal slide descends from the smaller one. There are several ways to climb the towers.

Game complex in the form ship looks original and will be interesting to most children. It has a wheelhouse and several structures through which you can climb to the upper platform. There is a slide for descent.

A relatively simple platform in design. Under the upper house there is a sandbox, additionally protected from the sun on the side. The slide is plastic, slightly curved. The playground is equipped with two types of swings. Some of them are designed for swinging by two people.

A platform that can be called: for children and parents. Swings in the form of chairs will also appeal to adults. They are suspended on strong metal chains. Children can ride down the slide or climb onto the observation deck, which is located on the opposite side of the slide.

Playground in "log" style has many corners where you can hide on the lower tier. At the top there are multi-level platforms, which must be climbed using a ladder with padded slats. You can go down the hill.

. As simple as possible a playground consisting of pillars arranged in a triangle and crossbars between them. Swings, nets, and rope ladders are hung on the crossbars. There is also a platform from which a slide descends.

A dacha is a great place for a family holiday; here you can escape from the bustle of the city and annoying smog, enjoy nature and chat with friends. But there are also special family members whose comfort you should worry about separately - these are children. But here, a properly equipped playground will not only make your children’s rest safe, interesting and useful, but will also allow you to devote more time to the garden, flowers or just relaxing.

How to make a children's playground in the country: safety rules

The main and basic rule for a children's playground in the country is safety. That is why a place for it is chosen away from dangerous places - a thorny fence, a deep pond, decorative electric lamps, greenhouses, etc. It is necessary to correctly orient the playground towards the sun - it should be present for several hours, preferably in the morning, so that at noon the playground (or at least part of it) is covered by shadow, because prolonged exposure of children to the sun is strictly contraindicated. And the unshaded part of the site is optimal for installing a children’s pool with a slide there - this way the water in it will warm up faster. An approximate diagram of the playground is shown in Fig. 1

Safety is the main feature of products for children

The covering for playgrounds must be completely safe and perform protective functions in the event of a fall and prevent injuries. Also, the surface must be dry and non-slip, and remain clean under all circumstances. In addition, it’s great if the artificial surface looks beautiful and is interesting to kids. As practice shows, on bright surfaces a child plays much more actively, showing his own imagination and ingenuity. Company CRUMB makes playgrounds, observing all safety standards and requirements.

When choosing a place to set up a playground, you should remember that children must be supervised - it is not necessary for parents to be directly on the playground, especially if the children are old enough. It will be quite enough for the children to be in front of your eyes, to watch them from home, from such a distance from which you can have time to react to the “undesirable” games of children. And a few more rules that must be followed:

  • the territory of the future playground must be carefully leveled, removing hummocks, large stones and roots protruding from the ground, weeds and other debris - all this should protect children from falling, because often, after playing too much, they do not look much at their feet
  • absolutely all mortgages (supports for swing, houses, slides and other buildings) the details of the site must be deepened by at least 50 cm and, preferably, concreted (well fixed)
  • the swing, front and back, must have “safety zones” - at least 2m of free space
  • all wooden parts on the site must be thoroughly sanded and, preferably, covered with non-toxic paint (varnish)
  • all fastening elements of suspended and suspended structures must be made of durable metal and reliably fasten parts of the structure
  • the condition and wear of the carabiner, with which the swing can be attached to the hook, is checked at least once every six months

The covering for children's playgrounds in the country will require special attention - it must be soft to soften the fall, and dry quickly - when playing, children spend a lot of time on the ground, and excessive humidity can cause a cold.

Existing special rubber-based play area coverings fully satisfy these requirements, but they are very expensive, plus this type of coating is more suitable for a sports field, but at the dacha you want something more natural, natural. Therefore, a lawn made from resistant varieties of grass is optimally suited as a covering - these are used, for example, for football fields; on a playground the load will be no less. But it is better to use a combined covering, for example, near the slides and gymnastic equipment it is worth making a sandy covering - in case of a fall it will soften the blow.

Do-it-yourself children's playground in the country: drawings and ideas

In order to fully decide where and how to arrange a children’s playground at the dacha, it is important to decide on its size. According to the standard, a child under 7 years old should have about 8-9 m 2 on the playground, and for older children (7-12 years old), when needs and play priorities change, from 13 to 15 m 2 will be required. So planning plot“for growth”, it is worth providing “reserve” meters for the time when the child grows up. Well, unused square meters can be temporarily used, for example, for a lawn.

For a rented dacha or for a time while the site is just being developed, to create a children's play space, you can completely get by with ready-made products - a folding tent house, an inflatable children's pool with a beach umbrella, a small table and bench for drawing. But they can be perceived as a temporary solution, because Chinese products (and they are the overwhelming majority on the market) are not always able to withstand the temperament and energy of our children.

The playground is planned based on the child’s age, but several mandatory attributes of a playground can be identified: sandbox, slide, swing and garden house.


The sandbox is a place for realizing fantasies, building impregnable castles and baking sand cakes. And this is the easiest element of a playground to build. To create it, you can use materials that are left over from the construction of the house, as well as stumps and log cuts. If you dig in logs and stumps of different heights, the sandbox will become not only an original decorative element of landscape design, but also a kind of sports equipment - children like to walk and jump on these “ladders”.

The diagram of the simplest sandbox is shown in Fig. 2

Before installation, the soil is removed to a depth of 25-30 cm, the bottom is covered with drainage material (pebbles or crushed stone). The minimum recommended sandbox size (for children 2-5 years old) is 170x170 cm.

Advice! To prevent the sandbox from attracting the attention of animals, especially cats, who can make a toilet in it, it is better to make a closed version of the sandbox - such a sandbox can be “covered” at night (Fig. 3)


The product (Fig. 4) is quite complex for self-production; you will have to take into account quite a lot of nuances.

First of all, the height of the slide: for children 2-5 years old should not exceed 1.5 meters, for younger schoolchildren - within 2.5-3.5 m. The staircase should have wide steps located fairly close to each other. It is optimal if they have a special anti-slip coating - this is especially important if there is a swimming pool nearby or the slide ends in the pool, and children can climb the slide with wet feet. In addition, the stairs must be equipped with strong handrails that do not end above the top step - when reaching it, the child must hold on to something with his hands. For greater safety, the upper platform should be spacious enough and fenced with railings on the sides.

But the biggest problem will be with the slope - for this you can use multi-layer plywood coated with varnish. But still, the best option is to buy a ready-made plastic slope; it is much stronger and, which is especially important for a slide, has a much better coefficient of friction. Plus - you can choose a regular, straight (Fig. 5) or screw (Fig. 6) slope.


To install the swing, you need to choose a spacious place, taking into account the swing amplitude. The simplest option is a rope swing, if you find a strong enough branch on the tree. You can buy a ready-made option, but if you want to make a playground at your dacha with your own hands, you will need:

  • two wooden posts – diameter of at least 12 cm and length of about 3 m
  • crossbar – diameter about 12 cm and length about 1.5 m

Summer is coming, vacation. How to organize leisure time for children in nature, in the countryside, in the countryside? We make a playground for children ourselves!
In the summer, most parents try to take their children out of dusty, polluted cities into nature. If you spend the summer months at the dacha with your children, then you need to make sure that their summer vacation is not only beneficial for them, but also enjoyable. To prevent your child from getting bored at the dacha, make a playground for him with your own hands. This will require very small financial investments plus your time and imagination. Be sure to involve the children themselves in creating the playground. Firstly, joint work helps to unite the family and strengthen the relationship between parents and children, and, secondly, designing a playground is a creative activity that will be useful for the overall development of the child.

Any child will prefer natural materials (for example, wood) to artificial plastic when playing. Therefore, we will focus on creating crafts for the playground from natural materials.

The required components of any children's playground are as follows:

- sandbox
- water
- green spaces
- children's playhouse (tent, awning)
- swing
- natural materials for play (gravel, stones, tree cuts, cones, twigs, plants, etc.)

1. DIY playground. DIY sandbox

All children get a lot of joy and pleasure when playing with sand. Playing with sand provides unlimited opportunities for a child's development. You can make Easter cakes from sand, build castles and tunnels, cook “soup” for dolls, and it can be transported in cars. Another fun thing to do is bury various objects in the sand and then dig them up. You can sprinkle dry sand on the beetle, and then watch how it gets out of it. It is interesting to draw pictures and write letters on damp sand.

Making a children's sandbox with your own hands is not at all difficult. First of all, you need to choose a suitable place for it. The sandbox should not be in the sun, but at the same time, a too dark, damp place is not suitable for it. If the child is still small, the sandbox should be near the house so that the baby is always in your sight.

You can fence off the sandbox using logs, stumps, and boards. If the sandbox is large enough, you can divide it into several play areas (see photo below).

To protect from the sun, you can make a canopy.

2. Children's playgrounds for the dacha. Swimming pools

Just like with sand, children only like to play with water. The best option is to combine games with water and sand. Make sure that your child always has a source of water near the sandbox. Even a small bowl of water will be enough.

Of course, any child will be delighted to have a pool at their dacha.

Another good fun is to spray each other with water from a hose on a hot summer day. Or you can ask your dad or grandfather to make an outdoor shower from PVC pipes.

3. Children's playgrounds. Children's playgrounds photo

When creating a playground with your own hands, you cannot do without all kinds of logs, stumps, tree cuts, and boards. You can make tables and chairs from stumps and surround the sandbox with them. Stumps and logs can be used as sports equipment: it is useful for children to learn to walk on them while maintaining balance. The tree cuts will make a nice path.

A child's imagination can turn a simple log into a bridge spanning an abyss, into an airplane, a car, a horse, etc. Such games with object replacement are very useful for developing children's creative thinking.

4. Decoration of the playground. DIY playground photo

A prerequisite for a good playground is the presence of greenery: trees, shrubs, grass, flowers.

Large trees provide protection from the sun on a hot summer day. They are fun to climb.

Sometimes trees have to be removed for various reasons. However, you should not cut down the tree at the very root - turn it into an interesting decorative element - a fairy-tale “house”.

The base of large trees is the best place to create fairy houses. Making such a fairy-tale house from any available material will be interesting for every little girl.

Be sure to help your child make his own flowerbed, which he will take care of on his own.

Even if you yourself prefer not to plant anything in your dacha, make sure that your child has his own small garden. Just a couple of beds where he can grow unpretentious and tasty plants, for example, green peas.

5. Crafts for the playground. Decorating a playground with your own hands

Decorating children's playgrounds is an interesting and creative activity. Handmade crafts made from wood, tires and plastic bottles are suitable for decorating a children's playground. Here are some ideas for decorating a playground with your own hands. Be sure to involve children in the process of creating crafts for the playground.

6. How to make a playground. Playground ideas

When creating a playground with your own hands, be sure to give your child a secluded corner where he can be alone or in the company of his friends, dream, play, read, and finally take a break from you, the adults. This could be a purchased children's playhouse or tent. Or you can make a children's house (tent, pavilion) with your own hands. Here are some interesting ideas.

DIY children's house made of wood

Children's houses for dachas. Children's houses tents.

The easiest way to make a children's house with your own hands is to stretch a rope between two trees, pillars, between a tree and a fence (see photo below) and throw a thin blanket over it. The ends of the blanket must be tied with ropes to pegs driven into the ground, or pressed with stones.

DIY children's house.

The most interesting way to make a children's house for a summer cottage is to “grow” it on your own plot. Any climbing plants with lush foliage, such as beans, are suitable for this.

Using the same principle, you can “grow” a children’s house from sunflowers. Sunflowers are a good plant to grow with children. They have large seeds, grow quickly and are very unpretentious. Plant sunflowers around the perimeter of the circle at a distance of 10 cm from each other. When they grow to 1.5 meters, collect their tops and tie them together - your sunflower house is ready! Yes, don’t forget to leave room for entry when planting!

7. DIY playground. Children's playground made of wood

As we already mentioned at the beginning of the article, be sure to make sure that the child has natural materials available for play: sand, water, large stones, small stones, twigs, pine cones, plants. Games with natural materials are of great importance for the development of sensory perception, motor skills, creative thinking of the child, and have a beneficial effect on the physical and mental health of children.

8. DIY playground ideas.
Concluding our review article “Do-It-Yourself Playground,” we will share with you a few more useful ideas for decorating playgrounds.

Plexiglas easel.

Many mothers know how useful games with paints are for young children. But most do not very often allow children to draw at home, because... After such activities, you have to wash both the child and the apartment.

Games at the dacha in warm weather have one great advantage - a child dressed in only panties, no matter how dirty he gets, can be very easily washed right on the street, by watering, for example, with warm water from a hose. And at the same time, you don’t have to worry about the cleanliness of the carpet, furniture, or floor. Let the children at the dacha have plenty of fun with dirty materials, with the same paints, for example. A homemade plexiglass easel, which can be washed using the same hose, will provide you with invaluable help.

It's a good idea to hang a chalk board on the fence. Don't forget to give your child crayons, a bucket of water, and a rag.

Taking care of the physical development of children, you can make a rope bridge and a bungee for them. And from an old chair you can make a comfortable swing.

Good luck in fulfilling your plans!

Summer, holidays. How to organize leisure time for children in nature, in the countryside, in the countryside?

We make a playground for children ourselves!

In the summer, most parents try to take their children out of dusty, polluted cities into nature. If you spend the summer months at the dacha with your children, then you need to make sure that their summer vacation is not only beneficial for them, but also enjoyable. To prevent your child from getting bored at the dacha, make a playground for him with your own hands. This will require very small financial investments plus your time and imagination. Be sure to involve the children themselves in creating the playground. Firstly, joint work helps to unite the family and strengthen the relationship between parents and children, and, secondly, designing a playground is a creative activity that will be useful for the overall development of the child.

  • 1. DIY playground. DIY sandbox

    All children get a lot of joy and pleasure when playing with sand. Playing with sand provides unlimited opportunities for a child's development. You can make Easter cakes from sand, build castles and tunnels, cook “soup” for dolls, and it can be transported in cars. Another fun thing to do is bury various objects in the sand and then dig them up. You can sprinkle dry sand on the beetle, and then watch how it gets out of it. It is interesting to draw pictures and write letters on damp sand.

    Making a children's sandbox with your own hands is not at all difficult. First of all, you need to choose a suitable place for it. The sandbox should not be in the sun, but at the same time, a too dark, damp place is not suitable for it. If the child is still small, the sandbox should be near the house so that the baby is always in your sight.

    You can fence off the sandbox using logs, stumps, and boards. If the sandbox is large enough, you can divide it into several play areas (see photo below).

To protect from the sun, you can make a canopy.

2. Children's playgrounds for the dacha. Swimming pools

Just like with sand, children only like to play with water. The best option is to combine games with water and sand. Make sure that your child always has a source of water near the sandbox. Even a small bowl of water will be enough.

Of course, any child will be delighted to have a pool at their dacha.

Another good fun is to spray each other with water from a hose on a hot summer day.

Or you can ask your dad or grandfather to make an outdoor shower from PVC pipes.

3. Children's playgrounds. Children's playgrounds photo

When creating a playground with your own hands, you cannot do without all kinds of logs, stumps, tree cuts, and boards. You can make tables and chairs from stumps and surround the sandbox with them. Stumps and logs can be used as sports equipment: it is useful for children to learn to walk on them while maintaining balance. The tree cuts will make a nice path.

A child's imagination can turn a simple log into a bridge spanning an abyss, into an airplane, a car, a horse, etc. Such games with object replacement are very useful for developing children's creative thinking.

4. Decoration of the playground. DIY playground photo

A prerequisite for a good playground is the presence of greenery: trees, shrubs, grass, flowers.

Large trees provide protection from the sun on a hot summer day. They are fun to climb.

Sometimes trees have to be removed for various reasons. However, you should not cut down the tree to the very roots - turn it into an interesting decorative element - a fairy-tale “house”.

The base of large trees is the most suitable place to create “fairy houses”. Making such a fairy-tale house from any available material will be interesting for every little girl.

Be sure to help your child make his own flowerbed, which he will take care of on his own.

Even if you yourself prefer not to plant anything in your dacha, make sure that your child has his own small garden. Just a couple of beds where he can grow unpretentious and tasty plants, for example, green peas.

5. Crafts for the playground. Decorating a playground with your own hands

Decorating children's playgrounds is an interesting and creative activity. Handmade crafts made from wood, tires and plastic bottles are suitable for decorating a children's playground. Here are some ideas for decorating a playground with your own hands. Be sure to involve children in the process of creating crafts for the playground.

6. How to make a playground. Playground ideas

When creating a playground with your own hands, be sure to give your child a secluded corner where he can be alone or in the company of his friends, dream, play, read, and finally take a break from you, the adults. This could be a purchased children's playhouse or tent. Or you can make a children's house (tent, pavilion) with your own hands. Here are some interesting ideas.

DIY children's house made of wood

Children's houses for dachas. Children's houses tents.

The easiest way to make a children's house with your own hands is to stretch a rope between two trees, pillars, between a tree and a fence (see photo below) and throw a thin blanket over it. The ends of the blanket must be tied with ropes to pegs driven into the ground, or pressed with stones.

DIY children's house.

The most interesting way to make a children's house for a summer cottage is to “grow” it on your own plot. Any climbing plants with lush foliage, such as beans, are suitable for this.

Using the same principle, you can “grow” a children’s house from sunflowers. Sunflowers are a good plant to grow with children. They have large seeds, grow quickly and are very unpretentious. Plant sunflowers around the perimeter of the circle at a distance of 10 cm from each other. When they grow to 1.5 meters, collect their tops and tie them together - your sunflower house is ready! Yes, don’t forget to leave room for entry when planting!

7. DIY playground. Children's playground made of wood

As we already mentioned at the beginning of the article, be sure to make sure that the child has natural materials available for play: sand, water, large stones, small stones, twigs, pine cones, plants. Games with natural materials are of great importance for the development of sensory perception, motor skills, creative thinking of the child, and have a beneficial effect on the physical and mental health of children.

8. DIY playground ideas.
Concluding our review article “Do-It-Yourself Playground,” we will share with you a few more useful ideas for decorating playgrounds.

Plexiglas easel.

Many mothers know how useful games with paints are for young children. But most do not very often allow children to draw at home, because... After such activities, you have to wash both the child and the apartment.

Games at the dacha in warm weather have one great advantage - a child dressed in only panties, no matter how dirty he gets, can be very easily washed right on the street, by watering, for example, with warm water from a hose. And at the same time, you don’t have to worry about the cleanliness of the carpet, furniture, or floor. Let the children at the dacha have plenty of fun with dirty materials, with the same paints, for example. A homemade plexiglass easel, which can be washed using the same hose, will provide you with invaluable help.

It's a good idea to hang a chalk board on the fence. Don't forget to give your child crayons, a bucket of water, and a rag.

Taking care of the physical development of children, you can make a rope bridge and a bungee for them. And from an old chair you can make a comfortable swing.