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Where do bananas come from? Everything you need to know about bananas. Banana composition, vitamins and minerals. Benefits of bananas

Bananas grow in countries where the tropical climate prevails, i.e. near the equator, because they love heat. These include the states of Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean and the Pacific, etc. Many countries in these regions grow bananas as their main domestic staple, and only about a fifth of them are commercial banana exporters.

Most of the bananas sold in Europe, the USA and Russia (about 80%) are exported to Latin American countries, the rest of the grown and sold bananas are in West Africa. The main feature of countries where bananas grow is their backwardness in economic and social development.

Despite this state of affairs, countries that export bananas do not take the lead in terms of cultivation. In the first places in the production and, accordingly, the consumption of bananas are India, China and the Philippines. It is understandable, the huge population of these countries is mainly engaged in agriculture - the only source of food for the poorest classes.

The main players in the world banana market are Ecuador, Costa Rica, Colombia and Guatemala and other countries called countries of the banana dollar. These states are the main partners of the world's banana corporations, and as a result, they are traditionally influenced by the US dollar.

Plantations where bananas grow.

Usually farms in Latin where bananas are grown are large monoculture plantations. They require large investments in the construction of roads, irrigation canals, and communications. Modern banana plantations use a large amount of fertilizers, which makes it possible to obtain up to 80 tons of bananas from 1 hectare.

Ecuador, Colombia and Peru are the only countries in Latin America where, along with large farmers, there are several thousand small banana farms. They are playing important role in the export of bananas and act as a buffer: large exporters buy up the products of small plantations when the demand for bananas is high.

Working conditions on banana plantations are very poor in terms of wages and social conditions, the use of a large amount of chemicals is detrimental to the health of workers and the environment.

Caribbean bananas tend to be grown in small family farms using more sustainable production methods than the vast plantations of Latin America. The banana trade is critical to the economy of the Caribbean region, providing an influx of currency to address social and economic problems.

However, over the past 10 years, about 20,000 banana family farms have ceased to exist, unable to compete with cheaper Latin American bananas, or suffering significant losses due to regular hurricanes.

The sweet taste and delicate texture make the banana one of the best dessert fruits to grow all over the planet. It is used both fresh and as part of ready-made dishes. But few people think about how bananas grow in nature. Meanwhile, this is quite an interesting process.

Where did the banana come from

How bananas grow in nature was first seen in Malaysia by Indian travelers. This happened earlier than the 6th century BC, and since then the fruit has often appeared in Buddhist scriptures. Everything indicates that it was during this period that the fruit began to grow “culturally” in India.

In 327 B.C. the great conqueror Alexander the Great tasted and appreciated their unusual taste. It is believed that it was he who brought bananas from Asia and offered to grow them in Europe. And in the II century BC. the Chinese came to grips with the cultivation of bananas, although until the 20th century these fruits continued to be considered exotic.

Africa got acquainted with bananas during the difficult period of active slave trade and Islamic conquests (7th century). And after another 700 years, the places where sweet fruits grow were discovered by the Portuguese, known for their passion for travel. By the 18th century, bananas were no longer uncommon in much of the world.

I must say that the original, wild banana, was significantly different from those that are now growing in countries for export. The size was no larger than a human finger (hence the name, which means “finger” in Arabic).

Where do bananas grow

We smoothly move on to the question of in which countries the banana grows. The plant prefers to grow in a warm tropical climate, so the main producing countries are located in:

  • Africa;
  • Pacific Basin;
  • the Caribbean;
  • Latin America.

Of these, only Latin America is actively exporting, the rest keep banana plantations for domestic food. Therefore, more than 80% of the fruits entering the CIS grow in Brazil, Argentina and other adjacent countries.

The Philippines, India and China lead in total production and consumption. This is due to the fact that agriculture is more developed there than industrial production. But the answer to the question whether a banana grows in Russia is only partly positive. There are several plantations in the southernmost part of the state, outside the city of Sochi and in the Crimea. However, there is growing special kind, the fruits of which are red.

Banana description, structure, characteristics

At first glance, the plant is associated with a tree, but in fact it grows like a grass with a powerful root system, a short dense stem and up to two dozen large leaves. It ranks second in the world in terms of height among grasses (in the lead is bamboo, which grows up to 40 m). Informally, the plant is called "banana palm". The fruit itself is officially recognized as a berry.

What group of plants does a banana belong to: trees, shrubs, herbs

Scientists argued about the species of the banana for a long time, and only recently came to a common denominator. To do this, I had to combine and analyze a number of facts about the growth of fruits:

  1. belongs to the group of herbaceous plants.
  2. Grows like a perennial. The roots constantly grow in the ground and each season produce a ground green called a false trunk (because botanically speaking it is not a trunk at all).
  3. Depending on the variety, the fruit may be considered a fodder crop or a fruit. Both options are groups of culinary uses, not botanical terms.
  4. The plant is monocotyledonous, that is, its seeds have only one cotyledon each.
  5. The banana belongs to the angiosperm and flower group, since flowers grow on it to spread its seeds, and fruits form from them.
  6. According to the variety of fruits, it belongs to berries.

Thus, scientists came to the conclusion that the banana tree is a perennial monocotyledonous flowering herbaceous plant, which, according to consumption, belongs to fruits and fodder. In the world, the crop grows in fourth place in terms of prevalence after rice, wheat and corn.

Trunk and roots

As expected, the culture grows, starting from the root system. The rhizome is a true stem, from which thinner roots grow, collecting water and nutrients from the soil. The rhizome of a banana grows horizontally underground and forms nodes, cutting off which, later, you can transplant the plant (the answer to the question “how bananas reproduce” is by division and shoots).

What grows above the ground and looks like a stalk is actually a false stalk. It has a fleshy texture filled with moisture. A pseudostem is formed from leaves tightly twisted together, which gradually unwind as they grow. When all the leaves have untangled, the pseudostem stops growing.

banana leaves

The body grows primarily to carry out photosynthesis. Each leaf grows from the middle of a false stem, initially representing a twisted cylinder. The bottom surface is rough, therefore it is called abrasive. Upper - adaxial.

The very first leaves that come out of the growing sucker are called hinged. Mature ones are simply called leaves and grow in a structure of blades, sheaths, mids and petioles. New banana leaves will fully grow within a week under favorable conditions, but may take up to three weeks under poor conditions. In appearance, a fresh leaf is light and grows tightly folded, to the touch it is fragile.

In the homeland of the banana, in Southeast Asia, the leaves are actively used as a wrapper for food.

How Bananas Bloom

The tree continues to grow for ten months, then begins to bloom. Banana flowering looks interesting: the stem of the banana inflorescence grows in length to the entire height of the pseudostem, and when it comes out, it forms a complex green or purple flower.

Flowers are located at the base of a complex inflorescence, subsequently a fruit is formed from them. The flowers are arranged in tiers, and the order of arrangement is always strictly specific - males grow at the bottom, bisexual in the center, females at the top. Flowers do not differ in structure, they all consist of three sepals and three tubular petals. Outside, the flower parts of the plant are covered with dark purple leaves, inside their color is red, the petals are usually white.

Bananas are pollinated by birds and small mammals. For example, bats flock to them at night.

banana fruit

Small fruits grow on the stem of the inflorescence in an amount of 200 to 300 pieces. A bunch of bananas sold in a store is a bunch of several connected fruits, but a branch of bananas in the wild is dozens of such brushes sitting close to each other on the trunk.

Initially, a banana in nature grows in a horizontal direction, but then gravity takes its toll, and a branch of fruit begins to curl from top to bottom.

Types and varieties of bananas

Although there are offensively few varieties of this fruit on Russian shelves, in the world their number is measured in dozens. Fruits differ in shape, color, size, taste, calorie content. Some species contain oil, which is actively used for cosmetic purposes.

decorative bananas

An inedible banana can grow in the apartment, which plays the role ornamental plant. The appearance is spectacular - it is a tall lush tree with a green mass of leaves, up to 2 meters high. It bears fruit, but the fruits are green and hard. The most common varieties of ornamental bananas are lavender, bright red and velvety.

sycamore plantains

Plantain - the so-called "vegetable banana". In many respects, the variety is similar to a regular dessert fruit, but it grows and is consumed in other ways. Plantain is artificially bred as a cheap high-carbohydrate food for the poor countries of the world.

The tree grows larger and more stable, less responsive to droughts. At the same time, the plantain grows well and bears fruit in a humid climate and saturated developed soil.

dessert bananas

Dessert fruits grow yellow and are used in food without prior heat treatment. In addition, they can be prepared in dried or dried form. The most popular variety of this type is the paradise banana. The height of the plant reaches a length of nine meters. The leaf size is up to two meters long, the leaves grow bright green with highlighted brown spots.

The fruit itself is usually five centimeters in diameter, up to twenty in length. The pulp is tender, dense, almost white color, no seeds. Up to 300 fruit units grow on one stem. These are the fruits we see in stores. All of them grow as a result of artificial selection.

Feed bananas how to distinguish

In Russia, the plantan mentioned above is considered the only fodder variety. The name is always indicated on the box. If the package is not visible, you can distinguish forage fruits by size (long, large, at least 4 cm in diameter) and by pronounced longitudinal "ribs".

This species is harvested and sent for sale when immature, as they turn black when mature. Plantain fruits are more starchy, and therefore the calorie content is increased.

How bananas are harvested

In most cases, banana fruits are harvested while still immature, so that they ripen during transportation. Fruits do not always have time to ripen, so in supermarkets there are still greenish fruits, which, after purchase, reach the condition already at home.

Consider the process of fruit picking on the example of a banana plantation in Costa Rica:

  1. As soon as the ovaries begin to grow on the clusters, they are immediately put on a polyethylene cover - protection from external damage, due to which the fruit will deteriorate even before cutting. In sheaths, ovaries develop over 11 weeks. This is not the full ripening of the banana, but sufficient for removal and transportation. The fruits are cut and hung on a special cable car, by which they are sent to the place of packaging.
  2. The job of collecting bananas is simple, only two people can do it. The first cuts off a bunch of fruits with a cleaver tied to a long stick, the second puts the bunches on his shoulders.
  3. The plant from which the fruit was harvested is cut down - it will no longer grow and bear fruit. A fresh sprout is immediately planted in the same place, which grows until a new harvest.
  4. At the packing station, the bunches are laid out for 20 minutes in a tank with running water, until the juice from the slices ceases to stand out - otherwise the presentation will deteriorate.
  5. At the packing station, the fruits undergo special control, and usually no more than 6% of the products are screened out. "Marriage" is not thrown away, but put into production - for baby food or baking banana bread.
  6. The fruits are washed thoroughly. This is what women do.
  7. After being removed from the water, the bunches are dried, wrapped in plastic wrap, laid out in branded boxes and sent for sale. Transportation most often goes by sea - it's more convenient and cheaper.

From Costa Rica, the goods go 10 days to the United States, 20 days to Europe. Therefore, more bananas are put in the “European” boxes, because the fruits will dry out a little during the journey. Depending on the exporting countries, be it Africa, Ecuador or the Canary Islands, the terms of delivery and terms may be different.

How bananas are brought to Russia

While the banana has been known in Africa for centuries, the fruit was not known in Russia until 1938. It was then that industrialization in the country gave such impressive results that the proceeds began to be enough to purchase exotics. In less than two years, bananas were on the shelves of all Moscow grocery stores.

Mass deliveries of fruits began around 1950, when the Soviet economy recovered slightly after the war. The key suppliers then were Vietnam and China, but later they were replaced by Latin American countries. After 20 years, trade with Ecuador was established to such an extent that the country supplied 9,000 tons of goods to the Union every year.

Now the main supplier is still Ecuador, but the figures have grown to 1 million tons annually. Ecuador has an ideal climate for growing banana plants throughout the year. Entrepreneurial Russians have already bought some of the plantations from local residents.

Fruits are brought to the Russian Federation green, then bananas are aerated - a controlled ripening procedure. Ecuadorian bananas are affordable due to their extremely low cost and growing conditions. Also practiced is the transportation of bananas from Turkey and China, where there are regions with a tropical climate in which banana grows well.

People who care about the health of their family are primarily interested in the question of how a banana is processed. During the gassing process, fruits are exposed to a special "banana gas" - a mixture of ethylene and nitrogen. Ethylene, which is only 5% in the mixture, starts ripening. All this happens in a chamber where oxygen is pumped out. Fruits are aged in the chamber for 24 hours, and then lie for 3-7 days under normal conditions before being shipped to retailers.

A mixture of nitrogen and ethylene in this form is not harmful to health.

Banana has long been considered exotic on the table of the inhabitants of Russia. You can buy it at any store or fruit and vegetable market. It has become such a familiar fruit that few people are already wondering: where do bananas come from in Russia and how did they even get into our country?

What is a banana?

Banana, as strange as it may sound, is considered a grass, not a tree. It ranks second in size after bamboo among all existing herbs. This is a fairly popular fruit that has spread throughout the world. There are a huge number of varieties on which the shape and size of a banana depends. Basically, it has an elongated cylindrical shape with a length of 3 to 40 cm and a thickness of 2-4 cm. All varieties are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Feed - low-value varieties, grow in unpretentious conditions and go to feed livestock.
  2. Table - larger fruits, can reach up to 50 cm in length. They are steamed, fried and made into chips. Such bananas are rarely exported.
  3. Dessert - yellow or green, straight and faceted, up to 35 cm long. It is dessert bananas that we see on store shelves.

History of appearance in Russia

In our country, for a long time they did not know what a banana is. The first time the USSR bought a large batch of bananas was in 1938. At that time, few people suspected the beginning of the World War, and the successfully completed industrialization made it possible to use part of the proceeds in foreign currency for the purchase of exotic goods. By the end of 1939, this fruit was sold in almost all stores in the capital, and a little later appeared in other regions of the USSR.

Bulk purchases began around 1950. By this time, the country's economy had practically recovered from a long war, and a record rate of economic growth was recorded for the first time since 1945. But the most important thing is that the countries in which those bananas grow were in the sphere of influence. Most had no idea where bananas were brought to Russia from. At that time, the main supplier was China and Vietnam. Later they were replaced by Latin America, and by 1970 Ecuador was already supplying about 9,000 tons of bananas.

Where do bananas come from

As before, Ecuador supplies the bulk of bananas to Russia - about 1 million tons per year. This country has an ideal climate for growing bananas, and the number of plantations there is off the charts. Some of them have already been bought by our Russian entrepreneurs who supply their products to Russia. Bananas are brought to Russia green, then they undergo a gasification procedure and are already yellow on the counter. The cost of grown bananas is low, so Ecuador is the leader among suppliers. It is followed by China and Türkiye.

Benefits of a banana

Due to its high nutritional value, a banana belongs to high-calorie dishes, but at the same time it is considered a dietary fruit. It contains a large number of enzymes, and in combination they improve digestion. Banana is rich in vitamin C, although it does not taste sour at all. Ascorbic acid It is a powerful antioxidant that slows down the aging process. Vitamin A is necessary for good vision, normal heart function, and B vitamins are responsible for the condition of the skin, hair and nails. It is for this reason that banana is often included in hair masks, it adds shine to hair and prevents split ends. This is probably why residents of the “banana countries” have gorgeous hair, from where bananas are brought to Russia.

Magnesium and potassium, which are part of this familiar fruit, help the work of the heart, liver and brain. If you combine a sports lifestyle and actively include bananas in your diet, you can easily build muscle mass. In addition, it is able to increase sexual activity not only in men, but also in women. In Ecuador, from where bananas are brought to Russia, residents use it every day and cook all kinds of dishes from it.

Do bananas grow in Russia?

In our country, bananas can be found not only in botanical gardens. A little south of the city of Sochi grows the northernmost banana of the Basio variety, or it is also called Japanese. It has edible red fruits, but, unfortunately, in our harsh conditions they do not ripen. By winter, the green part of the grass dies off, and by spring, new ones grow actively from growth points, up to 2.5 meters long, 60 cm wide. It is also worth noting that over the past few years, some varieties of bananas have been grown on the southern coast of the Crimean peninsula. Maybe in the future the supplier will be not only Ecuador, where bananas are brought to Russia, but also the Crimea?

banana dishes

This exotic fruit, it turned out, they eat not only fresh. In countries where bananas are brought to Russia , it is fried, baked and dried. In addition, for its sweet taste, it was attributed to dessert products, so a banana is added to confectionery and served with ice cream. In Latin America, slices of fried banana are a common side dish. In Venezuela, yo-yo is considered a national dish - soft cheese, fixed with a wooden stick between fried banana slices. And the inhabitants of the Philippines cook ketchup from bananas with the addition of all kinds of spices.

Hello to all readers of the site "Me and the World"! Today in the article we will discuss a “delicious” topic: what do bananas grow on and in which countries?

If you are asked: on which trees bananas grow or what is the name of the tree on which this fruit ripens, you can safely answer that they appear on bushes or on grass.

In childhood, eating another fruit, we imagined a tall palm tree with yellow fruits growing on it. But it turns out - it's not a tree!

Then it turns out - is it a fruit growing on the ground or on a bush? This is true. More precisely, it is a herbaceous plant, only of a gigantic size, reaching a height of 6 to 12 meters. And the bananas themselves are thick-skinned oblong berries, large (up to 3 cm in length) and small (mini bananas).

Imagine weed the size of 4 or 5 storey house? For many people who are used to picking, for example, strawberries, crawling among small bushes, it is simply unrealistic to imagine banana plantations. But, looking at photographs or pictures of plantings, we will see that this is really grass.

What seems to be a trunk to us is actually long leaves, up to 3 meters long, growing, as if layering on top of each other and reaching 40 cm in diameter. And the roots sometimes go in different directions up to 5-6 meters to find water.

How long does it take to start fruiting? This process is not very fast. After 8-10 months, the plant blooms. A very long peduncle appears, at the end of which a large flower blooms in a purple or lilac hue. Here, at its base, banana berries are tied in a circle. From one flower grows up to 300 fruits weighing 70-80 kg. Looking at the photo, you simply marvel at how unusual and beautiful the design turns out.

Plantations ripen red bananas, green, yellow and even silver, with cream, white or orange flesh. There are fruits that are grown for beauty, they are inedible. Colors vary from blue to velvety purple. Pink bananas can grow in cold conditions, and at home they can bear fruit for almost all year round. Scarlet or bright red fruits look exotic and very original. And the Japanese Basho is grown for the fiber used in book bindings. Some varieties are used as pet food.

In the wild, where one plant dies, a new one grows from the root, but elsewhere. So the plant moves through the forests at a speed of half a meter per year.

Bananas are cultivated in the tropics and subtropics, in countries such as Latin America, Australia, and Malaysia. But for export, the fruits are specially grown on plantations in India, China, Pakistan, Nepal and many others. The main part sold in Europe and Russia is produced in Africa. Bananas also grow in Russia, near Sochi, but they do not have time to ripen due to low temperatures in winter.

Dessert fruits come in different varieties, which are the most delicious each person chooses for himself:

  • Lady's finger up to 12 cm in length.
  • Gros Michel - up to 27.
  • Dwarf - up to 25.
  • Ice cream - up to 23.
  • Red Spanish - up to 17.

How many years have people been growing these plants? It is one of the oldest and has been cultivated for over 10,000 years. And now you know that bananas do not ripen on palm trees.

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Banana is an exotic plant of the Palm family. Many people believe that this tropical fruit grows on palm trees, but this is not at all the case. In fact, bananas ripen on herbaceous plants of enormous size, and not on trees, as many people believed. How do bananas grow? This information will be interesting and informative for many people.

Banana is a plant with a huge trunk, which consists of large leaves-stems. In appearance, the leaf plate looks like a fan. Its length is about six meters, and its width is up to one meter. To date, there are more than thirty-five varieties of banana that grow in countries with a tropical climate. In the wild it herbaceous plants that are characterized by rapid growth. The life span of some species is up to about a hundred years.

IN natural environment Growth banana tree bears fruit inedible fruits with numerous seeds. And therefore, all the bananas that are on the shelves of our stores are a crop of hybrid varieties bred by leading breeders. Inflorescences bloom profusely, forming from two hundred and fifty to three hundred small fruits, collected in a brush from five to seven pieces. A large banana bunch is formed from many brushes that fit tightly to each other.

Where do wild and cultivated forms grow?

Where do bananas grow? This exotic fruit has been known since ancient times. The birthplace of this culture is Malaysia, as well as the tropics and subtropics of Asia. India is the leading country in the banana industry. Tropical plants have been cultivated in these countries for more than ten thousand years. Here, this fruit is considered sacred, as it restores strength and nourishes the mind.

And later, the banana became widespread in East and West Africa. In the sixteenth century, this culture appeared on the territory of the Canary Islands, Central and South America.

Where do bananas grow that are exported? The largest suppliers of this fruit are Panama, Colombia and Ecuador. These countries provide products to the entire European continent, and indeed the whole world.

The fruits of this plant can be found in supermarkets around the world. These are high quality fruits with fleshy, seedless flesh.

Iceland is another country that cultivates this crop and exports the fruits to Europe. Icelanders grow bananas in greenhouse conditions.

A banana tree in a cultivated form is a sterile plant that can be propagated only with human help. Almost all bananas eaten are obtained by manual propagation.

Plantation-grown banana tree is characterized by vigorous growth. IN best conditions growth in one week, a leaf two meters long and sixty centimeters wide can grow. Bananas grow high on the stem. For their collection, specialized equipment and manual labor are used.

After about eight to ten months, the densely leafy plant produces one flower spike. Flowers are arranged in tiers. Small flowers bloom on top of the male, a little lower - bisexual, and below - female. After the pollination procedure is carried out, all the flowers fall off, and the ovaries form only on the female flowers.

Features of growing and harvesting crops

The fruits, like the flowers, are arranged in tiers. In the process of growth and maturation, they change their color from light green to dark yellow or even red, depending on the variety. Banana fruit contains sweet flesh that is beige, yellow or even orange. Harvesting is carried out before the fruit ripens, since in this form they are best stored and are less susceptible to spoilage and damage by pests.

After the completion of the fruiting period, the entire aerial part of the plant dies and dries up. The following year, the banana tree repeats its cycle of development, growth and fruiting. Renewal of plantations on which this crop is grown is carried out every ten to fifteen years. Reproduction of hybrid varieties bred by the selection method is carried out in several ways - vegetatively, by dividing the rhizome or by shoots.

Banana tree gives not only delicious fruits. The flowers of bananas are also edible, and the leaves of the plant are used as wrappings in a variety of dishes.

The largest profit in the world is obtained from the export of the fruits of this tropical crop. The annual turnover in this industry is 12 billion dollars. Approximately 400 million people are involved in this industry.

Banana fruits are consumed not only in raw form. They prepare a variety of dishes, salads, juices, etc.

In addition to the common species, there is a huge number of colored bananas - some of them are wild, others are bred by selection.

This culture has received the widest distribution in medicine. Frequent consumption of fruits in food can eliminate heartburn, depression, cure anemia and stabilize blood pressure. Banana flowers are used for stomach ulcers, diabetes, dysentery and bronchitis. They make decoctions in the form of tea. At the present time, the cultivation of a banana is also possible at home, however, in this case, an ornamental plant will turn out.

How to grow a banana at home?

There are two ways to grow an indoor banana - using the seed method or purchasing a ready-made seedling.

It should be noted that from the seeds you will get a wild plant that will delight you with active growth, high survival rate and disease resistance. Such a tree will bear fruit with inedible fruits, the same as wild species that live in nature.

You can plant a hybrid form bred by breeders. You can buy such a copy in any specialized store. With proper care, you have a chance to grow a plant that will delight you and your family with delicious fruits, no worse than those that ripen on plantations. For indoor cultivation, breeders deliberately bred dwarf varieties. These hybrids are undemanding in care, resistant to disease. The maximum height is one and a half meters, which is perfectly acceptable for residential premises.

Growing from seeds

Banana seeds for planting can be bought at a garden store. They are covered with a strong shell, so they will need to be scarified before planting. To do this, you need to use a needle or a nail file. It will be enough to make a couple of scratches so that the future sprout can break through the dense skin.

Planting seeds is carried out in small pots with a diameter of 10 centimeters. Also, seeds can be planted in specialized flower containers at a distance of 15 centimeters from each other.

Seeds are planted superficially, slightly pressing into the pre-moistened substrate so that the upper part of the planting material remains on the surface.

Landings are covered with a transparent plastic film or glass and placed in the light in heat. The subsequent care of seedlings consists in systematic airing - once every three days and humidification from a spray bottle. The soil should not be too wet or dry.

Growing bananas at home requires a lot of patience. Shoots will appear no earlier than in 2-3 months. Sprouts that have broken through the soil begin to develop vigorously and very quickly. A week later they are transplanted into the soil.

Planting seeds may not always be justified, so experienced flower growers advise to get a ready-made fruit-bearing seedling. room grade. IN good conditions growth and good care you can get not only a decorative, but also a fruit-bearing tree.

How to care for a purchased banana seedling?

After the acquisition, the seedling is quarantined for three to four days. After that, a banana is transplanted into a nutrient mixture of leaf and humus soil in a ratio of 1:10. For planting a plant, a planting container with a volume of five to seven liters with drainage holes is suitable.

Just like other indoor tropical plants, the banana needs frequent spraying of the aerial parts and moistening the soil. In the process of growth, this culture is flavored with fertilizers at least once a week. The best growth temperature is from +25 to +30 degrees Celsius. In the summer time of the year tropical plant take out to the street, providing protection from the scorching sun, precipitation and drafts. IN optimal conditions growth, at the stage of appearance of the fifteenth-eighteenth leaf, the banana blooms and forms ovaries.

Optimize your care houseplant, and he will certainly thank you with delicious fruits and extraordinary decorativeness at home.