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Husbands according to zodiac signs. The most ideal man, according to zodiac sign The ideal husband, zodiac sign

Aries the father

This dad can devote all his free time to the child or “forget” about the existence of his beloved child altogether. He has maximalist views on education.
Aries dad tries to be demanding, but honest and open with his child. A child is an equal for him. Children easily exploit daddy lamb. For all his ostentatious severity, he cannot say “no” to his child.

Taurus father

Taurus dad will raise his child according to the behests of his ancestors, as his parents did, sometimes doing it too clumsily and clumsily. His upbringing can be viewed with hostility. At the same time, he selflessly loves his cub and is reliable as a rock. He is kind, easy-going and wants everything to always be as good as possible.

Gemini father

He's in no hurry to become a dad. But if this happens, the child will develop quick thinking, quick wits, diplomacy, moderation, and the ability to achieve more with the least effort. He will communicate with the child as with an adult.

Cancer father

He enjoys the role of father of the family. Cancer dad loves children madly. He easily finds emotional contact with the child, earning his trust. But he can treat the cub as property, single-handedly planning the baby’s fate. Even though he doesn't give own feelings prevail over thoughts, the connection that arises between father and child is very deep and sometimes lasts for many years.

Leo father

An imperious and regal dad can become an authority figure for his baby, but he can also cause strong hostility, which will affect the child’s psyche and his relationships with adults in the future. A Leo dad can love his cub immensely, receiving love in return from the baby. Or he may lose interest in parenting, becoming disappointed in his own child.

Virgo father

Like Gemini, Virgo is in no hurry to have children, but unlike the two-faced sign, she takes fatherhood very seriously. At the same time, the seriousness of the Virgo dad is manifested in attempts to earn as much money as possible so that his child has the best. Sometimes because of this, the spiritual connection with the baby is lost. This dad can easily be entrusted with changing diapers, doing algebra, physical development or baby hygiene. But the mother will have to develop the child’s creative talents.

Libra father

This daddy may give the impression of being very gentle and kind, but he will raise his own children in strictness. This is someone who can really use the “carrot and stick method”, dreaming that his child will grow up unusual and outstanding. That is why Libra dad will try to “balance” children’s education, developing the child in many ways and giving complete freedom to creative expression. The peculiarity of his upbringing is that Libra appeals to the arguments of reason, and not to the feelings of the child. Therefore, children will most likely respect him in every possible way.

Scorpio father

Scorpio dad can threaten with his sting, choosing the dictate method for education and absolutely not taking into account the objections of both the child and the mother. At the same time, he is insanely attached to the baby and demonstrates strictness more for the sake of order. In this situation, it is better to agree with him, but still do it your own way. The most amazing thing is that with his strict teaching methods, Scorpio can easily win the heart of his child so much that even the mother will be jealous of the baby for such a father.

Sagittarius father

This is one of the few signs for whom the role of a father is a difficult, incomprehensible duty, which he tries to avoid. A Sagittarius dad can be inflamed with love for his child, and then very quickly give up on children’s problems. This sign is too scattered, so you won’t get any planning from him in upbringing, despite the fact that he always wants the best. Sagittarius has a very difficult time with a small child. Systematicity, responsibility, care are difficult concepts for him to comprehend. However, when the baby grows up, they can have a very strong friendship with their dad.

Capricorn father

Papa Capricorn takes the problem of raising the younger generation very seriously, sometimes acting too dryly and formally. However, he justifies his behavior with the harsh prose of life, trying to prepare the baby for all future troubles. Very important point is the desirability of the child. If the birth of a child was part of Capricorn's plans, then you will see an ideal father, educator and older friend. If the child was unplanned, then the Capricorn dad may try to find a lot of reasons to evade the upbringing process.

Aquarius father

This dad is cool in his relationships with children, but this is just his own style of behavior. He will still try to instill in the child a breadth of views and interests, to develop both logical and creative thinking. Aquarius has his own peculiarity - he knows how to love his child without advertising it, guide his actions without putting pressure on him, and at the same time remain an older friend and comrade much more than a parent.

Pisces father

Pisces dad loves children very much, and often not only his own, often pampering them. He can let the upbringing of his child take its course. And if you do begin to fulfill your parental duty, then you will do it haphazardly, which can confuse your child. An important difference between this dad is his close spiritual connection with the child - he often knows much better than the mother what his child needs at the moment.


Do you know what kind of dad you are? How do you see the process of raising your offspring, and how do you interact with your children? Let's get a look!

1. Aries

Aries dad knows how to motivate, he always teaches and encourages his children to be independent and strong. However, Aries has two extremes. On the one hand, he can show himself as a very caring and loving father who understands his child, but on the other hand, Aries can sometimes be too domineering and demanding.
2. Taurus
Taurus dad is like a mother hen: he constantly worries that his children do not need anything, that they are well-fed and wear a hat in cold weather. He always tries to organize and create the best for them. This zodiac sign, however, is very stubborn. Therefore, Taurus must be careful with his desire to control everything and give children freedom of choice. Let them make their own decisions.
3. Gemini
Gemini dads are very sociable, and they would like their children to be like that too. They encourage them in every possible way to be curious and sociable and lead a very active lifestyle with them, taking children not only to the cinema, but also on long trips and expeditions. Geminis try with all their might to establish a strong emotional connection with their offspring.

4. Cancer

For any Cancer, home and family are a priority. The Cancer father is gentle and capable of creating a very strong bond with his children. He raises them perfectly and makes them feel loved, appreciated and supported. The children of a Cancer father have no shortage of anything, and they feel completely safe.

5. Leo

Leo is devoted to his family and fiercely protects it in any circumstances. He is very supportive of his children and constantly motivates them to persevere towards their dreams. The successes of his heirs always fill him with enormous pride, and he likes to boast that he is their father. Children can always count on Leo dad and his constant support.

6. Virgo

Virgos are renowned for being perfectly organized and following through with their plans. That's why children should always listen to their Virgo dad, not argue with him and behave exemplary. The Virgo father values ​​calm and cannot stand being disturbed, so there is no room for chaos and disorder in his home. He can be too critical of children, but still loves them very much.

7. Libra

Libra dad is calm and fair; he will immediately notice that the child has problems and will listen to him carefully. Each case is discussed and calmly explained, so Libra has no quarrels or shouting in the house. This attitude helps to quickly resolve difficult situations, but also allows children to periodically twist the ropes out of dad.

8. Scorpio

Scorpio dad doesn't show too much emotion, he has his own secrets and finds it difficult to open up to others. He has problems with this even in his relationships with his own children, whom he, however, loves very much, but does not always express his feelings for them. Sometimes he seems like a very mysterious person to children. However, Scorpio will always defend them bravely and loyally.

9. Sagittarius

If Sagittarius has already agreed to shoulder the burden of parenthood, then it means he is fully matured for this, although he treats family life as a great adventure. Even fatherhood is an exciting event for him, to which he is nevertheless ready to devote himself with full responsibility. Children of a Sagittarius father, as a rule, have the most cheerful and carefree childhood.

10. Capricorn

Capricorn dad is patient and responsible. He is reasonable, friendly and calm in his interactions with children. If it comes to any children's problems, Capricorn treats them with understanding, and he is conscientious in fulfilling his duties. When he is ready for fatherhood, he fully devotes himself to this role and is capable of doing anything for his children.

11. Aquarius

An Aquarius dad usually has trouble establishing an emotional connection with his children. However, over time it changes and slowly opens up. Aquarius perfectly understands the needs of his offspring and tries not to deny them anything. He wants to raise them to be active people, full of desire to act and make their way in life.

12. Pisces

Pisces dads are not always examples of an ideal father. But they have a trait that all other signs can envy. Pisces can create an unusually strong bond with their child. Pisces fathers are always full of ideas, they are creative, and they enjoy playing with their children. They also skillfully defuse tense atmospheres and resolve conflicts, which is very valuable and useful for the family.

An ideal husband, what is he like? Let's try to find out this by zodiac sign. Previously, there was a rating of wives by zodiac sign, and now, let's deal with husbands.


They gain wisdom only in adulthood, after 30 years, while being attractive and sociable. Meanwhile, they put their wives on a pedestal and rarely criticize them. However, they often lack firmness, although they cannot be called henpecked, they are simply slightly inconsistent and impulsive in actions and words.


For them, marriage is more important than just success in love. Good husbands: reliable, loyal, real masters in own home. At the same time they are taciturn and suspicious, which, however, with the right approach from the wife, can be easily eliminated. Slightly boring, but thorough in everything.


Their motto: “Love is a game.” Developed intelligence and impressionability. They love to flirt, and in general, to go on the side, but physical betrayal does not mean anything to them - a change of impressions, nothing more, but spiritually they are always very attached to their wives. They cannot stand nagging, control or any restrictions on their freedom.


For them, life has no meaning without love. They give themselves entirely to passion and feelings. Changeable moods (from coldness to “explosion”) can extend to both wives and children. But more often they are homely and exemplary husbands. Their beloved wives always inspire them to work actively and earn big earnings, which always bring to the family. Very loyal, but can be overly frugal.


They are romantic, but they crave adoration from their wife. Generous, love to give gifts. They can exchange the comfort of home for the sake of society, which they often do; being a homebody is not typical for them. Generous, but very jealous. Often sentimental. They always adore their children, even if there is no harmonious relationship with their wife.


Dual and contradictory natures: coldness is combined with sentimentality. They are very afraid of criticism. Optimists often deify their wives. If they meet a complete understanding of their nature, then they give themselves to the family without reserve. They are always economical and caring, and their entire salary goes into the house. They love children very much. They often fiddle with them.


Probably the most faithful husbands. They are happy when their feelings are valued, but at the same time, they place too high demands on family life, as well as on life in general. From time to time they need to be given peace and attention. Very ambitious, sometimes to the point of vanity.


A sign that has become a symbol of sexuality. Powerful. They give themselves completely to love. In an unhappy marriage they are cruel. Owners and jealous people. However, they can exchange all the delights of life for family, and are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their wife and children. They are almost always very attached to children, and almost always provide well for the family financially.


Good-natured and sociable. They are sincere in love, but the family hearth is often not in the first place for them (unlike work). They demand that wives be given freedom and share his interests. Great fathers. They often take their children with them on vacation, especially if they engage in active recreation.


Very practical, cannot stand loneliness. Reliable, strive for leadership in the house. They are laconic and express their feelings through actions, not words. They often share their love between their wife and children; everyone gets a little. In the family they strive for leadership, especially if they are not such at work. They can cook well, especially if circumstances force them to do so.


They often turn out to be idealists. In love they are faithful and constant. They easily compromise and are not jealous. The wife is often required to have interests similar to her own. But love is not the only outlet for them, but only a component of their life, due to the versatility of their interests.


Passionate, great demands for physical and spiritual love. Often indecisive. They are generous and worship their wives. They never boss their wives around, but rather view them as a support in life. Without abundant sex, harmony in family relationships is often impossible. Everything else is secondary for these husbands, although who doesn’t love comfort and a delicious dinner.

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How to choose the most devoted, loving, worthy man? What should you pay attention to when choosing a spouse, which side will he reveal in marriage? Always listen to your heart, and astrology will help you make your choice)). Find out which man is ideal!

The most ideal man, according to your zodiac sign

Aries in marriage: a good father and lover

If Aries is calm and self-confident in marriage, then he will become a protector, a loving, faithful husband and father, and a good lover. Aries born in the Year of the Dog (faithful dog) and in the Year of the Boar ( Golden heart). And yet, the stability of Aries’s marriage is under threat more than that of other signs.
Aries like to brag, exaggerate their achievements, and command their partner. If a woman is strong, impulsive or ill-mannered, if he is a leader by nature and begins to contradict, then conflicts arise even over small things. Let him blow off some steam. You can’t argue with Aries - he doesn’t hear you and can offend you, even if he later regrets it. Aries fires up quickly and calms down quickly. Aries wives, remember that peace in the home and your happy family life depend only on your tact, patience and love.

Taurus: a good master and a faithful husband

Taurus people do well in marriage and family life. They are peace-loving and cannot stand shouting or quarrels. Although they can be stubborn, capricious over little things and lazy, they are generally patient, careful and pliable. They love the comfort of home good food and are ready to arrange the house and garden themselves.

Taurus fathers are usually gentle, warm parents who care for their children, although they can be a bit dictatorial towards them. Exclusive owners of their woman, they do not imply deception, affairs or flirting on the side. Relationship disharmony and instability are not for them. Adultery is unforgivable and will destroy a marriage. Taurus goes through the hell of jealousy, despondency and does not want any reconciliation; he may fall into alcohol addiction, “Don Juanism” or deep depression.

Gemini men in relationships

Here are examples from life. The girl asks: “We had such wonderful meetings, we understood each other so much, why did he disappear?” The woman is surprised: “We had such great sex, why doesn’t he try to repeat this unforgettable night?” Because there is a certain coolness in the nature of Gemini, a moment of mood is often mistaken for high feelings by both the Gemini themselves and their partners.

Gemini is a cold-blooded sign.

First, the desire to learn new things pushes them into a love adventure, and then their sophisticated intellect begins to analyze everything, compare all the pros and cons, analyze the thoughts, words and actions of their partner. If this is unprofitable for him, he is transferred to a new target. Therefore, in their youth they are fickle, and in adulthood they divorce.

A Gemini wife in her late forties may ask: “My husband suddenly packed up his things and left for another woman. He will return?" Most likely, the triangle situation will drag on for a long time. When Gemini decides to leave the family, he does not have the patience to sort things out and wait for a divorce. He prefers to simply disappear, he may lie. So does this mean that men of the Gemini sign are completely unreliable and should not be in a relationship with them at all? Of course not! After all, they are not polygamous, do not strive for infidelity, and prefer one woman. You just need to know their main features and take them into account.

Cancer husband: the most attractive man, but so mysterious

Just as the Moon changes its phases, people born under the sign of this planet are changeable, and their behavior depends on circumstances and mood. Let's take a closer look at Cancers in marriage and life.

Developed intuition, the ability to carry on a conversation and be a friend, allows them to win a girl. But the femininely romantic and sensual Cancers, behind the facade of external charm, childish naivety and enthusiasm, hide the ambitious nature of a man who is aggressive in his demands. They are not created for marriage, because they strive to suppress others.

Leo husband: reliable protection, happiness and prosperity

The symbol of the king of beasts, the Lion demonstrates power, ambition and pride. He is only angry when he is hungry or his territory is being invaded. But few people can encroach on this, so Leo is usually calm and kind. Let's take a closer look at Leo in marriage and life.

Leos are the children of the Sun. Their ruling planet gives them energy, strength and health. Their motto is: I intend and I do. Their mode of action: to give offspring, wealth, happiness and development.
Both the Sun and Leo symbolize the masculine type of behavior that magnetically attracts women.

Virgo husband: practical, reliable and constant, but why doesn’t everyone appreciate this?

Virgo men in marriage
Virgos usually get married after a long courtship, subjecting their beloved to many tests, after which they fall in love with her forever. Virgos in marriage require their partners and children to live in a disciplined manner.

In the family everything is prescribed exact time and the place, everything should be in “virgin” order, but they themselves give their all. After all, such a man chose you to serve you. He provides well for his family and will be faithful. Cheating on his wife can turn his character around, and the thirst for love will turn into a thirst for revenge. Provided that his wife is attentive to him and friendly, he becomes an excellent family man.

Libra husband: in search of spiritual love

Libra men in marriage
Libra is ruled by marriage. Libras in marriage are the best husbands who provide for the family well, create an atmosphere of harmony, and are good fathers. They often rely on women to achieve success and purpose. Libras need stability more than other signs and rarely get divorced.

There may be some dissatisfaction on the part of the wife, since Libras in marriage soon get tired of the physical aspect of the relationship (they are more concerned with the spiritual component), and after the romantic period, frequent caresses and regular intimacy begin to strain them over time. Everything can be fine in married life if you do not require your husband to constantly pretend to be a passionate lover and allow him to freely engage in social activities or his hobbies.

If a husband suddenly has a casual affair on the side, it is only because he cannot say “no” to anyone. It will end for him rather with a feeling of guilt and repentance.

Scorpio husband: the most passionate lover

Scorpio men in marriage
And yet Scorpios get married. Scorpios in marriage meaningfully choose a woman who is mentally compatible. They guard their home like a fortress, provide for their family and are excellent fathers, although they can be overly harsh. However, extramarital affairs are not uncommon among Scorpios.

They perceive sex on the side as an area of ​​human relations independent of marriage, but they will never allow casual love affairs to threaten the family and, having gotten married, do not allow the thought of divorce. You will say that this is immoral, that they are selfish. Perhaps so. But nature created them that way. His sexual appetites and possibilities are unlimited. In addition, sex restores his strength to continue working for the good of the family.

If the wife understands this, then he will value his wife even more. In addition, he easily manages to satisfy his wife. Dear wives, think better about how to please your beloved Scorpio in marriage. Give him enough sex, but don't do it too quickly. In his youth, Scorpio loves soft light, romantic music and the aroma of perfume. Later, bright lights, mirrors and a well-groomed, clean body. A wife must be careful, devoted and faithful in everything.

Scorpios are owners, don’t give them any reason to doubt.

Don't insult: he will remember and take revenge. Remember that Scorpio can have outbursts of unexpected aggression, when he can take it out on you. Don't react violently. In his race for success, he is simply exhausted physically and mentally today. Prepare for him better bath. Tomorrow he will forget his troubles and will be grateful to you. Don't bear a grudge against him.

Sagittarius husband: shoots in all directions

What is Sagittarius like in marriage and love? In love, Sagittarius is known as a seeker of adventure, adventure and pleasure, as a fickle fire that will burn everything and disappear. You will notice and distinguish him in any crowd. As a rule, Sagittarius is dressed in high-quality things, well tailored and sewn, if flashy, then branded, and carries himself confidently. He flirts with everyone and can talk about any topic: philosophy, science, politics, religion. He will choose a girl who is bright, different from others: a beauty or a smart girl, the best student or an informal girl, an Asian or an African, etc.

If you fall under the spell of his unconventionality, remember that he can disappear after a very short affair as suddenly as he appeared.

Sagittarians are delighted with sexual adventures, and they like not so much sex as a change of partner. Experiencing intimacy, they sincerely believe in love, give their all, but soon sad, tender memories remain from the meeting. Sagittarians are not often found in marriage: it is believed that they are not created for a long-term union. Their goals in life are varied, but serving a woman will never be their goal.

Sagittarians marry when they come to the conclusion that the ideal friend does not exist and choose intellectual communication or tolerance and comfort. The wife must create an atmosphere of prosperity and ease of communication. Not only does she know how to improve his opinion of herself, but she manages the house well.

Sagittarius in marriage will be an excellent protector, provider and father.

He can be romantic, noble, if there is motivation. At the same time, connections on the side are commonplace. Sometimes a husband confesses to his wife that he has been unfaithful, and the wife agrees to such a relationship. One can only be amazed at the talent and ability of Sagittarius to achieve their goals and force others to live by their rules.

Capricorn husband: reliable friend

Do you want to marry a stable and reliable husband? Choose Capricorn! Such men are simple, honest and reliable, like the earth itself. Find out everything about Capricorns in marriage in our article.
Capricorn: stable and attractive

Capricorns fall in love with difficulty, but they love deeply, although they do not know how to express their feelings.

If a Capricorn man has chosen his one and asked her to marry, he will always remain faithful and is unlikely to get divorced - and he has a strong craving for home, family and stability. These men retain their charm and freshness until old age. So you will never be ashamed to go out with your beloved man.

Aquarius husband: freedom-loving husband

What is an Aquarius man like in marriage?
Aquarius in marriage is a faithful and devoted husband. Among the men of this sign there are quite a lot of monogamous people. He will provide for his family, help relatives, and will always find a way to earn enough money. Often he works all his life for the benefit of his family. He trusts his wife, does not control her, does not force her to change. Even in quarrels he makes compromises. You can always come to an agreement with him. Even if he leaves a woman, he is ready to maintain friendly relations and help for a long time.

And yet, among Aquarius there are the most divorces.

They leave him because they consider him selfish. They believe that he does more for others than for his family. He is always busy, and his loved ones do not always know where he is and what he is doing now. Aquarius leaves his home when a woman tries to "pin him up her skirt." Life even in a golden cage is not for him. He silently and for a long time prepares his release, but at one fine moment he simply disappears in an unknown direction without saying a word.

Pisces husband: sensual nature and devoted partner

What are Pisces men like in a relationship with a woman? Love for a woman in the life of Pisces men occupies no less place than self-realization. Boys of this sign mature early and fall in love platonically: with a high school student, a teacher, an unattainable girl, and sometimes with unworthy people in the hope of saving them with his love.

Love comes to them secretly, grows imperceptibly, and more often the lover does not dare to open his feelings for a long time, but cherishes his dream alone.

Having matured, Pisces men can also love on the highest spiritual level, with dreams and poems, with prayers or an easel and brush in hand. Feelings overwhelm them, Pisces’ speeches drive them crazy, they consider their beloved to be an ideal, they tolerate and forgive shortcomings. Their sensuality excites a woman and gives her true pleasure of spiritual and earthly love.

But among Pisces there are also men who do not love at all, preferring a variety of sexual pleasures. Or men who are “collectors” of women. But even in this case, they respect, value and protect the items in their collection. And if Pisces cannot make a decision and understand: to leave, leave or return, then they will silently move away.

They are not conquerors: they will not win you away from a rival or create scenes of jealousy, preferring to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their beloved. Your fish will flash its silvery fin and swim away. And who is happy in this case? No one. Both are wounded. Pisces love can be heaven or hell. Will you take a risk, girls? Then - go ahead! Help him conquer you.

This dad can devote all his free time to the child or “forget” about the existence of his beloved child altogether. He has maximalist views on education. Aries dad tries to be demanding, but honest and open with his child. A child is an equal for him. Children easily exploit daddy lamb. For all his ostentatious severity, he cannot say “no” to his child.

Taurus father

Taurus dad will raise his child according to the behests of his ancestors, as his parents did, sometimes doing it too clumsily and clumsily. His upbringing can be viewed with hostility. At the same time, he selflessly loves his cub and is reliable as a rock. He is kind, easy-going and wants everything to always be as good as possible.

Gemini father

He's in no hurry to become a dad. But if this happens, the child will develop quick thinking, quick wits, diplomacy, moderation, and the ability to achieve more with the least effort. He will communicate with the child as with an adult.

Cancer father

He enjoys the role of father of the family. Cancer dad loves children madly. He easily finds emotional contact with the child, earning his trust. But he can treat the cub as property, single-handedly planning the baby’s fate. Despite the fact that he does not allow his own feelings to prevail over his thoughts, the connection that arises between father and child is very deep and sometimes lasts for many years.

Leo father

An imperious and regal dad can become an authority figure for his baby, but he can also cause strong hostility, which will affect the child’s psyche and his relationships with adults in the future. A Leo dad can love his cub immensely, receiving love in return from the baby. Or he may lose interest in parenting, becoming disappointed in his own child.

Virgo father

Like Gemini, Virgo is in no hurry to have children, but unlike the two-faced sign, she takes fatherhood very seriously. At the same time, the seriousness of the Virgo dad is manifested in attempts to earn as much money as possible so that his child has the best. Sometimes because of this, the spiritual connection with the baby is lost. This dad can easily be entrusted with changing diapers, doing algebra, physical development or baby hygiene. But the mother will have to develop the child’s creative talents.

Libra father

This daddy may give the impression of being very gentle and kind, but he will raise his own children in strictness. This is someone who can really use the “carrot and stick method”, dreaming that his child will grow up unusual and outstanding. That is why Libra dad will try to “balance” children's education, developing the child in many ways and giving complete freedom to creative expression. The peculiarity of his upbringing is that Libra appeals to the arguments of reason, and not to the feelings of the child. Therefore, children will most likely respect him in every possible way.

Scorpio father

Scorpio dad can threaten with his sting, choosing the dictator method for education and absolutely not taking into account the objections of both the child and the mother. At the same time, he is insanely attached to the baby and demonstrates strictness more for the sake of order. In this situation, it is better to agree with him, but still do it your own way. The most amazing thing is that with his strict teaching methods, Scorpio can easily win the heart of his child so much that even the mother will be jealous of the baby for such a father.

Sagittarius father

This is one of the few signs for whom the role of a father is a difficult, incomprehensible duty, which he tries to avoid. A Sagittarius dad can be inflamed with love for his child, and then very quickly give up on children’s problems. This sign is too scattered, so you won’t get any planning from him in upbringing, despite the fact that he always wants the best. Sagittarius has a very difficult time with a small child. Systematicity, responsibility, care are difficult concepts for him to comprehend. However, when the baby grows up, they can have a very strong friendship with their dad.

Capricorn father

Papa Capricorn takes the problem of raising the younger generation very seriously, sometimes acting too dryly and formally. However, he justifies his behavior with the harsh prose of life, trying to prepare the baby for all future troubles. A very important point is the desirability of the child. If the birth of a child was part of Capricorn's plans, then you will see an ideal father, educator and older friend. If the child was unplanned, then the Capricorn dad may try to find a lot of reasons to evade the upbringing process.

Aquarius father

This dad is cool in his relationships with children, but this is just his own style of behavior. He will still try to instill in the child a breadth of views and interests, to develop both logical and creative thinking. Aquarius has its own peculiarity: he knows how to love his child without advertising it, guide his actions without putting pressure on him, and at the same time remain an older friend and comrade much more than a parent.

Pisces father

Pisces dad loves children very much, and often not only his own, often pampering them. He can let the upbringing of his child take its course. And if you do begin to fulfill your parental duty, then you will do it haphazardly, which can confuse your child. An important difference between this dad is his close spiritual connection with the child - he often knows much better than the mother what his child needs at the moment.

from Women's Secrets