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Extra or premium flour, which is better? What is flour? Varieties of flour and all its types. Types of flour, properties and purpose for various types of baking, how to store flour, what is the difference between varieties

Of course, you can carefully read the composition (if it is indicated). Study the expiration date: experienced housewives say that the best flour is the one that was made a week or at least a month ago. But by and large, these two parameters do not guarantee successful pies. Flour from the same manufacturer, with the same name, may be different. The quality at the end will depend on how the flour was ground, and on what it was transported in and where it was stored. In one store, the batch will lie in a dry room on wooden pallets, in another - on the floor in a damp basement, and now someone will get fluffy, crumbly flour, and someone will get lumps. You can only figure out whether you were lucky this time or not at home. After…

✓ Open the package and carefully look at its contents. High-grade flour (this is what our today's examination is devoted to) is snow-white or cream-colored, there are no lumps or impurities in it.

✓ Smell the flour. The right flour smells of endless fields, free wind and bottomless sky with feathered clouds. And the wrong one is a musty basement...
In general, if it has gone bad, you will definitely feel it. Flour, by the way, easily absorbs foreign odors. Therefore, if it was stored or transported with something wrong, you will also be able to accurately determine this.

✓ Touch it. Benign flour is dry and silky to the touch. It sticks to your hands, and if you squeeze it with your fingers, it crunches melodiously.

✓ Try it. The right flour tastes almost fresh or slightly sweet, without a bitter or sour aftertaste. If it crunches on your teeth, there is sand or other mineral impurities in the flour - they come from poorly cleaned grains, which, of course, is unacceptable.

Important indicators

In laboratories, to determine the quality of flour, they not only smell and touch it, but also pass it through devices and sift it. As a result, parameters such as...

1. Moisture content. If this indicator is too high, the flour can quickly spoil. Ideally, humidity should not exceed 15%.

2. Grind size. Fine flour absorbs moisture faster, which means the dough kneads and rises faster.

3. Falling number (FN). Knowing it, you can predict how the bread crumb will turn out. At an emergency time of less than 250 seconds, the crumb will stick together and the bun itself will turn out low. During an emergency of about 250 seconds, the crumb, if you press it with your finger, will quickly restore its shape. But with an emergency of about 400 seconds, it will be dense, and the bun will be hard and, moreover, with an unimportant taste.

4. Mass fraction of gluten. The higher the grade of flour, the more gluten it contains and the more magnificent the baked goods. High-grade flour contains 28% or more gluten, while general purpose flour contains approximately 23%, and buns made from it are not as fluffy (though this flour is healthier).

Five varieties of wheat flour

Krupchatka. Produced from special varieties of wheat, it is distinguished by its large particle size. Rich in gluten, suitable for baking Easter cakes and muffins. But insipid yeast dough made from such flour is not suitable, and the bread quickly becomes stale.

Flour of the highest grade. It has the finest grind and the whitest color. It has a very low percentage of gluten. It is used as a thickener in sauces, and is also suitable for puff pastry, shortbread and yeast dough. Ideal for baking bread.

First grade flour. Compared to premium flour, it contains more sugars and fiber. Suitable for savory baked goods - rolls, pies, pancakes. Products made from it do not go stale longer.

Second grade flour. Contains up to 10% grain shell particles. Suitable for baking table varieties of bread and savory flour products. It is often mixed with rye flour.

Wallpaper flour. It has the coarsest grind and consists of all parts of the grain, which is why it is usually called whole grain. For obesity, diabetes and heart disease, doctors advise eating bread made from this kind of flour.

How it all began

The very first device for making flour was a grain grater - a primitive mechanism made of two stones between which grains were ground. The first mills appeared 3-4 thousand years ago. At first they were rotated by slaves and domestic animals, then they began to use the energy of water and wind. In the 18th century, Scottish mechanic James Watt “crossed” a mill with a steam engine he invented. In 1822, Mark Miller from Warsaw made a fundamentally new flour grinder, replacing stone millstones with light rollers - hollow metal drums, between which the grains were crushed into flour. This technology is still used today.

Word from the expert

Tatiana ANOKHINA, head of the testing center of the GEAC "SOEX" of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.

Premium wheat flour is the poorest. It is extremely low in protein, vitamins and minerals. But it is the most popular, and only from it fluffy biscuits and delicious buns are obtained. Six samples of such flour were tested in our laboratory. In terms of safety indicators, they all comply with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 021/2011 “On the safety of food products”, all comply with the requirements of GOST R 52189-2003 “Wheat flour. General technical conditions". We did not find any foreign impurities or GMOs of plant origin in them. It was extremely difficult to choose the winners: the subjects were very worthy. We were able to determine first, second and third places only when we summed up the best indicators. As a result, gold went to Makfa flour, silver to Sokolnicheskaya, and bronze to Nordic, largely due to the fact that this flour is made from organic grain.

Text by Evgeny Danilov

Test: wheat flour*

Wheat flour for baking, premium MAKFA Wheat baking flour premium
Premium grade wheat flour "Uvelka" Wheat flour for baking Nice day Organic wheat flour Nordic
OJSC "Flour Mill in Sokolniki", Moscow JSC "MAKFA", Chelyabinsk region. OJSC "Lukhovitsky Flour Mill", Moscow region. CJSC Bakery Plant "ZLAK", Chelyabinsk region. OJSC "Petersburg Mill Plant", St. Petersburg Finland
12 months 12 months 6 months 12 months 12 months 12 months
Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected
WHITENESS, W.E. (normally no less than 54)
55 58 56 54 54 55
MASS FRACTION OF MOISTURE, % (normally no more than 15)
10,6 11,3 11,6 10,9 14 11
MASS FRACTION OF RAW GLUTEN, % (normally not less than 28)
30 33 28 28 30 28
NUMBER OF FALL, SEC. (normally no less than 185)
318 524 413 397 394 396
GRIND FINITY (normally no more than 5)
1 0,5 0,9 1,5 3,5 2,2
Sokolnicheskaya will be stored longer than its competitors - it contains very little moisture. Add to this an excellent degree of grinding and the best falling number (it affects the quality of the future crumb), and it turns out that this competitor is one of the best today. This flour is the leader of today's competition. Moreover, it leads in several indicators at once: whiteness, grind size, gluten content. The baked goods will turn out soft and fluffy. Congratulations to the winner! The shorter the shelf life, the better. This rule does not apply to flour. It usually keeps for a year. “Lukhovitskaya” is slightly inferior in terms of performance to most competitors - maybe that’s why the manufacturer has reduced its shelf life. The grinding coarseness and moisture content of this flour are excellent, but other indicators are average. Before us is a classic middle peasant. For such a price - a completely satisfactory result. This flour has the coarsest grind, which means the dough made from it will take longer to ripen. The moisture content is also quite high. But this does not mean at all that this flour is of poor quality. All her indicators are within normal limits. It’s nice that this flour is organic (hence the high price). You can eat homemade buns and think that they are healthier than those from your neighbor Aunt Klava. Perhaps this contestant is no different from others in any way. All indicators are average.

* Thank you for your help in conducting the GEAC “SOEX” test

Premium-grade wheat flour is especially popular among many housewives. Why does this happen and what is special about this product? This needs to be dealt with in more detail.

Main raw materials

It's no secret that the type of flour depends on the grain crop from which it is made. It can be rice, oats, buckwheat, peas, soybeans, rye or wheat.

In addition, the same flour can be divided into different types depending on the intended purpose. Thus, the wheat product can be used to produce baked goods and pasta. Hence, accordingly, its name. The most common type is considered to be baking wheat flour, since it is from it that all baked goods in the country are mainly produced. In addition, there is a division into 6 grades depending on the quality of grinding and the presence of shell residues in the final product. Each of them has its own area of ​​application, but the most widespread is premium-grade wheat flour. It is this that is the main raw material from which numerous factories and bakeries make delicious baked goods and others. For baking at home, premium wheat flour is also best suited.

Useful product

Sometimes, when making purchases, people make choices unconsciously, acting only on the advice of friends or recommendations of sellers. This should not be the case with food. A person must have a complete understanding of the chosen product. Only then can a decision be made. Premium-grade wheat flour is the choice of most housewives. Firstly, the dough from it increases in volume well. And, secondly, the baked goods turn out fluffy and do not lose their shape for a long time. But that's not all the advantages. In addition to excellent baking properties, this flour has a fairly high calorie content. 100 grams of a product made from it contains about 334 kilocalories. In addition, it contains a rich supply of vitamins. Among them: A, RR, E and several representatives of group B (B1, B2 and B9). During the baking process, they are not destroyed, but are completely transferred into the finished product. Microelements also play an important role: magnesium has a general calming effect, potassium and sodium also normalize the functioning of the nervous system, chlorine determines the composition of gastric juice, and sulfur and phosphorus are involved in protein synthesis.

State standard

For each type and grade of flour produced in our country, the state has established a certain standard. It includes a list of key indicators that the manufactured product must meet. It is also used by manufacturing enterprises to determine the suitability of the raw materials used. In Russia, GOST R 52189-2003 is valid for the product “Wheat flour”.

It was put into effect in December 2003 by a separate decree of the State Standard of our country No. 420-st. This document contains all the characteristics and distinctive features of flour made from wheat grain. It contains information about general classification and technical requirements, as well as acceptance rules, control methods, storage and transportation methods. All data in the document “Wheat flour” GOST R 52189-2003 is summarized in tables, with the help of which you can always find the answer to your question at the right time. In addition, this GOST contains references to other standards, norms and rules that may have at least some relation to flour.

Finished products

What deserves special attention is how each finished product made from wheat flour looks. It is always distinguished by its large volume, porous crumb structure, delicate taste and wonderful specific aroma. The baking properties of each individual variety depend on certain indicators. The main one among them is the content of certain substances under the general name “gluten”. It makes the product more elastic, which helps it maintain its volume. In addition, all products made from wheat flour have a characteristic pale cream color. This is their most important difference. The following are usually baked from wheat flour:

  • bread:
  • bakery products (cakes, loaves, braids):
  • baked goods.

The latter differs in that its recipe contains sugar and fat in an amount of 14 percent. It can also include various kinds of pies, flatbreads, puff pastries, as well as small and large piece buns. For baking most of them, premium flour is used.

Different kinds

There are currently about 27 different varieties of wheat known. These are mainly soft varieties that are suitable for baking. Considering that the type of flour is determined by the grain raw material from which it was obtained, we can draw a conclusion about the quantity and variety of this product.

From this it is clear that the types of wheat flour partly determine the direction of its use. Sometimes this product is divided depending on the content of gluten and other proteins. This leads to a change in the properties of not only the flour itself, but also those products that are baked from it. For example, it can be strong, medium and weak. The baking properties of the flour that will be made from it already depend on this. In addition, a variety of mixtures are used to produce some products. This also makes it possible to influence certain indicators. They can be regulated or created purposefully. Such ideas are now widely used by specialists all over the world.

Wheat flour benefits and harms

Photo: wheat flour benefits and harms

First grade flour

Second grade flour

Durum wheat flour

Nutrient Top grade First grade Second grade

The nutritional value

Squirrels 10.3 g 10.6 g 11.7 g
Fats 1.1 g 1.3 g 1.8 g
Carbohydrates 68.8 g 67.6 g 63,7
Calorie content (kcal)

Vitamins (mg)

B1 0,17 0,25 0,37
B2 0,04 0,08 0,012
PP 1,2 2,2 4,55
Carotene 0 0 0,01

Macro- and microelements (mg)

Sodium 3 4 6
Potassium 122 176 251
Calcium 18 24 32
Magnesium 16 44 73
Phosphorus 86 115 184
Iron 1,2 2,1 3,9

Wheat flour is today an incredibly popular type of flour, as well as one of the most highly consumed products in the world (in the form of baked goods). The great popularity of this product is due to the fact that this plant was one of the first to be cultivated, and because wheat grains are extremely nutritious and healthy. Read the article about the benefits and harms of wheat flour, calorie content and methods of use by variety.

Wheat flour benefits and harms

Due to differences in production conditions and plant species, wheat flour is divided into different varieties intended for specific purposes. However, this classification differs in different parts. In the USA, for example, flour is classified into types conventionally based on the type of wheat and the volume fraction of gluten. In Russia and neighboring countries, clear standardization has been adopted, developed in Soviet times and subsequently refined.

Today, the quality of wheat flour in the Russian Federation is established by two GOSTs: “Wheat flour. General tech. conditions" and "Durum wheat flour for pasta".

In the first case, there is a division into 6 grades for baking (wallpaper, extra, highest, 1st, 2nd, grit) and 8 grades for general purpose. Marking, for example M 45-23 or M 100-25, depends on the ash content and grinding level. GOST establishes three grades for pasta flour: highest, first and second.

Due to the fact that the particles of flour from durum grains are larger than baking ones, varieties can be named according to the size of the fragment: “grain” (highest) and “semi-grain” (first).

What are the differences between types of wheat flour?

The most common flours on sale today are premium, first, second grade flour, as well as wallpaper, semolina and, rarely, extra.

From the point of view of beneficial qualities, the most important criterion is the ash content of the substance. These are minerals that will be preserved if the grain is burned. For example, the German marking T550 marks flour with an ash content of 0.55%, which approximately corresponds to the Russian premium grade.

In Italy, such a product would be designated “0000” - the fewer zeros, the larger the fraction.

Premium wheat flour: benefits and harms

The popular opinion that bread made from premium flour is as healthy as possible is incorrect. The fact is that this powder is made from the central part of the endosperm - the edible part of the grain, wrapped in bran. Almost all the beneficial substances of the grain are stored in the endosperm shell, and inside, in fact, there is starch, which helps to saturate and gain weight.

Premium flour particles are the smallest in size - up to 30-40 microns. This product makes the fluffiest, softest bread, but not the healthiest, because it has minimal ash content. According to GOST, this variety must have a white or white-cream tint and at least 28% gluten in its composition.

First grade flour

Fractions of flour from grade 1 wheat have a size of up to 60 microns and color the powder white with shades of yellowish or grayish. The reason for this darkening is the presence of ground shell particles in the product. According to GOST, the ash content of this product is 0.75%, and gluten occupies at least 30% of the composition. The crumb is usually white or grayish. The taste can be very different, depending on additional ingredients and baking conditions.

Second grade flour

From the point of view of chemical composition, this flour is the most beneficial for health. Its ash content is 1.1-1.25%, its color is yellowish or grayish. When comparing it with the highest or 1st grade, the difference in particle size becomes visible to the naked eye. Despite its rich composition, this product is not good enough for baking in its pure form, since it contains less gluten. For this reason, it is usually mixed with higher grades for baking.

Wallpaper flour (coarse)

Wallpaper flour made from wheat grains consists of fractions of various sizes (60-200 microns) and usually contains even less gluten than second-grade flour. The most nutrient-rich bread is baked from it, but it often turns out loose, falling apart and slightly tough. Because of this, wallpaper is also mixed with adhesive varieties.

The type of flour has virtually no effect on the taste and healthiness of the bread obtained from it. For any type of raw material, it is possible and necessary to select technological conditions in which good bread will be obtained.

Characteristic is the fact that some of the baking properties of wheat flour cannot be calculated in advance and reflected quantitatively. They appear directly during baking and are determined by the quality of the final product.

Durum wheat flour

Durum wheat flour used in the production of pasta is classified according to similar indicators:

  1. Top grade. The cereal is creamy-yellow in color with an ash content of 0.90% and at least 28% gluten in the composition. Fraction size – no more than 0.56 mm.
  2. First grade. Light cream powder with an ash content of 1.2% and a grain size of up to 0.39 mm. Contains at least 28% gluten.
  3. Second grade. Particle size – from 0.18 to 0.27 mm (like semolina), ash content – ​​1.9%, gluten – from 25%.

Nutritional value and composition of wheat flour

The following table shows the caloric content, nutritional content, as well as the content of some vitamins and minerals in 100 g of baking wheat flour.

Nutrient Top grade First grade Second grade

The nutritional value

Squirrels 10.3 g 10.6 g 11.7 g
Fats 1.1 g 1.3 g 1.8 g
Carbohydrates 68.8 g 67.6 g 63,7
Calorie content (kcal)

Vitamins (mg)

B1 0,17 0,25 0,37
B2 0,04 0,08 0,012
PP 1,2 2,2 4,55
Carotene 0 0 0,01

Macro- and microelements (mg)

Sodium 3 4 6
Potassium 122 176 251
Calcium 18 24 32
Magnesium 16 44 73
Phosphorus 86 115 184
Iron 1,2 2,1 3,9

Wheat flour: how to choose and preserve beneficial properties

To purchase a quality product, you should look at the available labels:

  • GOST - flour is manufactured in accordance with the accepted state standard and meets the technical specifications;
  • PCT or “Voluntary Certification” - the manufacturer’s products are voluntarily tested for compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, do not contain heavy metals, toxins and are safe for health;
  • ISO – compliance with international production standards (according to expert estimates, no more than 20% of manufacturers have them).

Wheat flour: shelf life

Another important parameter is expiration date. A good natural product, by definition, cannot be stored for more than 6-9 months. If there is a product on the counter with a stated shelf life of 10-18 months, a chemical stabilizer has been added to it to extend its “life.” The composition of flour mixtures from different cereals reduces their shelf life by another 30-50%.

The choice of a specific type of flour depends on what you plan to cook:

  • extra and highest grade - the best choice for biscuits, buns, cakes, muffins and thickening sauces;
  • 1st grade - a good choice for homemade bread, pies, pancakes, buns and pancakes;
  • Grade 2 is suitable for baking, cookies, gingerbread;
  • From wallpaper you get tasty and healthy bread.

To preserve its benefits, flour must be protected from pests, dampness and direct sunlight. Therefore, one of the best places for storage is the top shelf of the refrigerator, as it is dark, cool and dry.

For long-term storage, it is advisable to place a clove of garlic, a chili pepper, a bag of salt or a bay leaf in a container to repel pests. It is better to put aromatic products such as tea, spices, coffee or cleaning products away so that the flour does not absorb someone else's aroma.

It is also advisable to avoid sudden changes in temperature. Self-milled flour spoils very quickly, so it must be consumed within 2 weeks after production.

Second grade wheat flour: properties

Calorie content: 324 kcal.

Energy value of the product Second grade wheat flour: Proteins: 11.7 g.

Fat: 1.81 g.
Carbohydrates: 63.7 g.

Second grade wheat flour stands out among other options due to its darker shade and coarser structure, since it contains a large number of grain shells, the percentage of which should not be more than 10. Gluten is within 25%, but there is little starch in this variety. The shade of this type of flour can vary from grayish to brown. For use in cooking, this type of wheat flour is often combined with the first one. The distinctive features of such flour include the presence of the smell and taste of bread. The dough prepared on the basis of such flour comes out bulky, but what is interesting is that baked goods and baked goods do not become stale for a long time. Most often, it is used to make baked goods and table bread.

Beneficial features

The benefit of second grade wheat flour lies in the presence of various substances that are important for normal life. Products prepared on its basis are especially appreciated by people who watch their figure. This type of flour contains a large amount of B vitamins, which are important for the nervous system and metabolic processes. Second grade flour also contains vitamins PP, H, E and A, which are important for many functions in the body. It also has a wide mineral composition, which increases the speed of many chemical processes, and they also control the amount of glucose in the blood. Second grade wheat flour is used in health nutrition.

Use in cooking

Second grade wheat flour is most often used for making dumplings, waffles and other similar products. Some confectionery products are also prepared on its basis, for example, various versions of cookies and gingerbread. When combined with rye flour, you can make delicious dietary baked goods.

Harm of second grade wheat flour and contraindications

Second-grade wheat flour can cause harm when consuming products prepared on its basis in large quantities.

Second grade flour is determined by the content of bran or crushed grain shells within 8-10%, gluten - about 25%, and a small starch content. Colors range from yellowish to gray or even brown. This flour turns out to be very beneficial for the body. It is necessary for improving nutrition.

Calorie content of 2nd grade wheat flour

The calorie content of 2nd grade wheat flour is 324 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition and beneficial properties of 2nd grade wheat flour

2nd grade wheat flour contains significantly more vitamins compared to other types of flour. It contains vitamins B1, B2, B9, PP, as well as H, E, A in large quantities. Vitamins cover all functions of the body, maintaining its vitality (calorizer). Microelements that are present in any flour - potassium, magnesium, a lot of iron, sulfur, phosphorus - form its mineral basis. Contains zinc, aluminum, vanadium, manganese, molybdenum, some copper, chromium, and cobalt in small quantities. These elements improve the absorption of iron, are included in enzymes, accelerate chemical processes, increase the activity of hormones, regulate the amount of glucose, participate in the formation of tissues, bone formation, and regulate the functions of the nervous system.

2nd grade wheat flour in cooking

Baked goods made from 2nd grade wheat flour have an aroma, are porous, but not fluffy. It is not used to make pastry, but gingerbread and cookies are prepared. It is suitable for pancakes, dumplings, dumplings. Very often it is mixed with rye flour and dietary bread is baked from it.

Flour variety

Calorie content of wheat flour

Highest – 335 kcal.

The first one is 330 kcal.

The second one is 320 kcal.

Whole grain – 300 kcal.

Huge benefit

A spoon of tar

For many years, official science indicated that the first flour on the planet appeared during the Neolithic period. All this time, scientists assumed that the ancient people who inhabited the lands of the Middle East were the first to make flour. But in 2015, these data had to be revised. Archaeologists representing the Italian Institute of Prehistory and Early History have made a stunning discovery. According to them, the first flour on Earth appeared much earlier. Italian researchers claim to have found evidence of the existence of this product already in the Paleolithic period, which is almost 30 thousand years ago. And scientists found traces of the oldest flour on the planet in the Tuscan village of Bilancino. True, that very first flour was not at all similar to modern flour. Yes, and it was made by Stone Age people from the marsh plant cattail.

Who came up with the idea of ​​grinding wheat?

But no matter how much the Italians rejoiced at their discovery, the primacy of creating flour from cereal crops still remains with the East and the Neolithic period. Archaeologists suggest that ancient people began domesticating wild wheat 11 thousand years ago. And at this time, powdered grains must have already been an important product in the menu of ancient people.

In the most ancient times, people crushed wheat grains with stones, then they came up with stone mortars, in which they learned how to grind grains into fine powder. It is interesting that in ancient times, approximately the same stone mortars were used to make flour in both Egypt and the territory of modern Russia. Over time, the first large mills appeared. By the way, the first automatic water mill appeared only at the end of the 18th century. It was invented by the American Oliver Evans. And the first steam mill in Russia was built at the beginning of the 19th century in the village of Vorotyntsevo. By the way, this was one of the very first mills of this type in the world. Before the Russian steam mill, only the London one appeared.

But let's return to wheat flour. Even in those ancient times, when wheat grains were crushed using stones, the first bread was already prepared from them. Although it was very different from the bread we are used to. These were unleavened cakes made from flour and water, baked over a fire. But this was the very first wheat bread on the planet.

What varieties and varieties are there?

Wheat flour is wheat grains ground to a powder form, used in cooking for making dough and other dishes.

The type of flour depends on the type of grain (or other raw material) used to produce the product. Thus, in addition to wheat, there are rye flour, buckwheat, oatmeal, amaranth, corn, almond, hemp, chickpea, spelled and even from the fruits of some berries.

Depending on the intended purpose, wheat flour is of two types:

  • bakery;
  • pasta.

Bread is made from soft varieties of cereal. For pasta, as a rule, grains of solid varieties of cereals are used.

As for product varieties, according to the traditional classification there are five of them:

  • grit;
  • premium quality;
  • first class;
  • second class;
  • wallpaper

In addition to the five classic varieties, there are also some others, which will also be discussed below. But we must immediately make a reservation that in the case of wheat flour, the traditional classification by grade does not indicate the quality of the product. That is, one cannot say that a top-grade product is good, and a second-grade product is low-quality flour. The classification is based on another indicator: how much powder is obtained from 100 kg of a particular grain. The higher the yield percentage, the lower the grade of the product.


This product is made from glassy wheat. Dough made from such flour is prone to swelling. Cooks most often use semolina for pies baked in molds and for shortcrust pastry.

Premium grade (baking)

This variety is made exclusively from durum wheat. Compared to other varieties, it contains some fiber, fats and minerals, but it contains more gluten (up to 14%). In addition, it contains ascorbic acid, and this substance affects the texture of baked goods and increases the volume of the dough. This variety is considered the best for yeast dough and cakes.

First grade (universal)

This is exactly the flour that many of us use for baking and preparing various flour dishes. It contains about 8-11% gluten (gluten). It is a mixture of flour from durum and soft wheat. As a rule, it is darker than the premium product, but it is available both unbleached and lighter - bleached by chemical action. Unbleached milk is good for making yeast bread, muffins, puff pastry or choux pastry, puddings, strudels. Bleached is suitable for baking pies, various cookies, pancakes, waffles.

Second grade (for baking)

It has a low gluten content (up to 10%) and a high percentage of starch. Made from soft wheat varieties, darker than previous varieties. Second grade flour is pleasant to the touch and during the bleaching process the product is enriched with ascorbic acid, which promotes better growth of yeast dough. The special composition of flour improves the consistency of the finished dough and promotes uniform distribution of fats. This variety is better suited than others for very sweet dough, which during baking retains a fluffy texture and does not fall off. A second-grade product should be chosen for making unleavened and regular bread, fluffy pies, cookies, and gingerbreads.

By the way, if you plan to bake butter dough, but you don’t have second-grade flour, then all-purpose flour will do just fine. But in this case, it is important to slightly adjust the proportions: from each glass of flour indicated in the recipe, you will have to remove 2 tablespoons.

Wallpaper (peeled, coarsely ground)

Compared to the now popular whole grain, it is coarser, as it is usually made from the outer shells of the grain. In terms of its mineral and vitamin composition, it is a very useful product, although in its pure form it is almost unsuitable for kneading dough.

And now briefly about other popular varieties of flour.

Whole grain

This variety is made from whole wheat grains. Because of this, it contains a higher concentration of fiber and more nutrients than regular flour. But there is little gluten in such a product, therefore for most types of dough it is mixed with baking or all-purpose dough. Even to the eye, heterogeneous particles in the composition of the product are noticeable. The amount of bran is almost 2 times higher than the product of the second grade. As a rule, it is yellowish or grayish in color. This flour goes bitter quickly, so its shelf life is short, and it is best to store it in the refrigerator or freezer. Suitable for baking honey gingerbread.


It differs from others in its high gluten content. As a rule, such flour contains about 14% gluten. It is useful to add small portions of this product to gluten-free varieties of flour (for example, buckwheat) to give the dough a sticky consistency.

Instant flour

It is easy to recognize by its unusual shape. Instead of traditional powder, the instant product is specially processed granules. This flour dissolves better than other varieties in cold and hot liquids, therefore it is intended for making sauces and gravies.

For baking

This variety is made from soft wheat. It is a cross between cake flour and all-purpose flour. The amount of gluten ranges from 9-10%. This type of flour is a poor choice for yeast bread. It is best used if the resulting dough is crumbly and tender (for example, some types of cookies, brownies, buns and pies). However, this product can rarely be seen in regular stores; as a rule, baking flour is sold by specialized retail chains. But it is not difficult to prepare it yourself at home. To do this, it is enough to mix two varieties of more accessible ones - universal and for baking, in a ratio of two to one.


This variety is also known as low-gluten phosphated. In addition to pure crushed wheat, its composition already includes salt and a special baking powder. Typically, the percentage of components, as well as the type of baking powder, may differ from one manufacturer to another. As a rule, the packaging of such a product indicates that it is best suited for unleavened bread and rolls. Although this does not mean that you cannot make yeast dough from it. “Self-rising” flour at home from a glass of all-purpose, half a teaspoon of salt and one and a half teaspoons of any baking powder.


This is the name of the flour used specifically for Italian spaghetti and other types of pasta and puddings. This product contains the highest percentage of gluten, and the flour itself is made exclusively from durum wheat. By the way, when buying this type of flour, you should pay attention to what type of grain it is made from. In addition to wheat, semolina can be corn or rice.

Spelled flour

And although spelled is a type of wheat, the flour made from this cereal is noticeably different from all-purpose flour. Powdered spelled is easily recognizable by its sweet, nutty flavor, reminiscent of whole grain flour. By the way, the nutritional value of crushed spelled is much higher than that of a product made from ordinary wheat. In addition, the dough made from it is more easily absorbed by the body. This flour is especially useful for people with disorders of the digestive organs.

The benefits and harms of wheat flour

Wheat is one of the most commonly consumed grains in the world, and its flour is the basis of many dishes.

Today, scientists often argue about the benefits and harms of wheat. But if you look at the problem objectively, then for people who do not suffer from celiac disease (intolerance to gluten contained in grains), crushed cereals can bring a lot of benefits.

First, you need to understand that wheat, like all grains, mainly consists of carbohydrates. And in foods of plant origin, the predominant type of carbohydrates is starch. The starches contained in the wheat product (as, indeed, in white rice or potatoes) have a high level of digestibility and cause an increase in blood sugar. For healthy people, this just means a quick surge of energy. But for people with diabetes, sudden surges in blood sugar are already a problem. For this reason, wheat flour is not considered the best choice for such patients. If they are going to consume a wheat product, it is better to take only the whole grain or wallpaper version. Moreover, these varieties contain much more minerals, vitamins and beneficial fiber.

Dietary fiber is known to have beneficial effects on the food system and support immunity. True, powdered grains, in addition to insoluble fiber, contain a small amount of soluble fiber, and in some people it can, on the contrary, cause digestive upset.

The dry mass of wheat contains from 7 to 22% proteins and most of them are represented by specific gluten (gluten). It is thanks to this substance that wheat flour can be kneaded into elastic dough. But at the same time, it is this component that is the reason why people with celiac disease cannot eat flour products.

In addition to essential nutrients, flour contains many minerals and vitamins. Thanks to these components, a small amount of crushed wheat is beneficial for the nervous system, muscles, skin, nails and hair, maintaining the functioning of all internal organs. Dishes containing wheat flour are useful for stimulating mental activity, strengthening the immune system, and improving overall well-being. But for those suffering from diabetes, obesity or high cholesterol, it is not advisable to abuse crushed grains. And people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (especially in the acute period) should not abuse products made from whole grain wheat flour.

Calorie content 3334 kcal 331 kcal 324 kcal
Squirrels 10.3 g 10.6 g 11.7 g
Fats .1 g 1.3 g 1.8 g
Carbohydrates 68.9 g 67.6 g 63.7 g
Cellulose 2.7 g 2.7 g 10.7 g
Vitamin B1 0.17 mg 0.25 mg 0.37 mg
Vitamin B2 0.04 mg 0.08 mg 0.12 mg
Vitamin B3 1.2 mg 2.2 mg 4.55 mg
Sodium 3 mg 4 mg 6 mg
Potassium 122 mg 176 mg 251 mg
Calcium 18 mg 24 mg 32 mg
Magnesium 16 mg 44 mg 73 mg
Phosphorus 86 mg 115 mg 184 mg
Iron 1.2 mg 2.1 mg 3.9 mg

How to choose and store correctly

Powdered wheat should be selected according to several criteria: color, smell and moisture percentage. You can check the product for the presence of dyes or other third-party components by mixing a small amount of it with water. Well-dried flour, when squeezed in a fist, will produce a characteristic crunch. A product stored at high humidity will form a lump after such manipulations. Wheat flour easily absorbs moisture and foreign odors. Therefore, it is better to give preference to options in tightly closed packages, and sealed containers will protect against insects.

The same rule remains relevant when storing wheat flour at home. Ideally, this product should be stored in a cool, dry place and in tightly sealed containers. Wheat powder may go rancid if exposed to air continuously. In summer, it is better to keep flour in the refrigerator, since high temperature also affects the quality of the product. This is especially true for whole grain varieties, which contain a lot of natural oils. The shelf life of any flour is approximately 6 months. It is not advisable to mix a fresh product and a package that has been opened for a long time. And finally, a little secret. To repel insects, you can put a bay leaf in a container with flour.

Use in cosmetology

The beauty benefits of crushed wheat have been known since ancient times. In the Middle Ages, it was believed that masks based on this product improved blood flow to the skin, improved complexion, and tightened its contour. Modern cosmetologists also recommend making anti-aging masks at least twice a week, which contain crushed wheat grain. For example, for dry skin, you can prepare a cosmetic mixture from chicken yolk and flour. If the product is intended for oily skin, then the yolk will have to be replaced with white. For any skin type, masks made from flour and fruit and berry purees, lemon or aloe juice, olive oil, decoctions of medicinal herbs or milk are suitable. In each case, you should prepare a paste (the consistency of sour cream), heat it a little and apply to the skin for 15-20 minutes.

Flour masks improve complexion, increase skin elasticity, eliminate oily shine, tone tired skin, and are also useful for eliminating blackheads and soothing irritations. Oily skin will feel the most benefits from a wheat flour mask.

Wheat flour is one of the most common foods in the world, but for many years it has held the distinction of being a controversial food. Although, if there are no obvious contraindications to the use of wheat flour, it is very healthy (especially whole grain varieties).

Wheat is, without exaggeration, the most important cereal crop for humanity. It is grown on almost all continents, and dishes made from this product or using it are found in the cuisine of every nation in the world. In some dishes, the grains are used whole or crushed, but most often they are finely ground. What are the varieties, properties and calorie content of wheat flour? Is this product useful or not? Let's figure it out.

Flour variety

Depending on the grains used, the coarseness of grinding and processing methods, different varieties are distinguished. There are quite a lot of them, and they vary slightly in different countries. But there are basic ones that are found almost everywhere:

1. Premium grade wheat flour. It is most often used for preparing a variety of pastries, bread, pasta, both on an industrial scale and at home. This flour is very finely ground, has a beautiful white color and contains almost no starch. The baked goods made from it are very soft and tasty.

2. The first grade is the most common. It also has an excellent fine structure, but the color is distinguished by the presence of a yellowish tint. It is most often used for pies, buns or pancakes. On an industrial scale (bread, pasta) it is used to produce cheaper products, which, undoubtedly, will be inferior in taste to similar premium products.

3. Second grade flour has a coarser grind and contains remnants of bran and crushed grain shells. Its color can range from yellow to brown. This variety is very aromatic, well suited for making gingerbread, cookies, and diet bread.

4. Whole grain wheat flour appeared on store shelves in the post-Soviet space not so long ago. It is obtained by grinding grain without removing any particles, so it is coarse and contains a lot of bran. On an industrial scale, this variety is not very popular, because its shelf life is two times lower than, for example, that of the highest grade, and the dough is heavy and not very convenient to use for large bakeries. But homemade bread made from whole grain flour is very tasty and healthy.

Calorie content of wheat flour

Today, health, slim, toned bodies and a balanced diet are in fashion. That is why many are very interested in the question about the calorie content of wheat flour. This indicator varies depending on the varieties, although the difference is insignificant.

Highest – 335 kcal.

The first one is 330 kcal.

The second one is 320 kcal.

Whole grain – 300 kcal.

These data are approximate and cannot be accurate to the nearest unit, since the calorie content of this product varies slightly depending on the method and degree of processing, storage method and even the place of cultivation.

Huge benefit

Different types of wheat flour also differ in the content of vitamins, micro- and macroelements. Moreover, the coarser the grind, the “lower” the grade, the more useful substances the product will give the body.

Topping this list is whole wheat flour. It is very rich in vitamins B, E and PP, and also contains such vital substances as calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and sodium and many others. This variety can be eaten even by those for whom flour products are contraindicated. For example, for diseases such as obesity, diabetes and hypertension.

Second grade flour is slightly inferior in terms of benefits. Although it also contains quite a lot of vitamins E, B and PP, as well as micro- and macroelements, metals.

First grade flour has beneficial properties that are approximately one and a half to two times lower than those discussed above. It is not so rich in iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and calcium.

The poorest in terms of the content of elements necessary for the body is premium wheat flour. Beautiful color, texture and taste are the result of significant processing, during which the naturalness and usefulness of the product are lost. Of course, some still remains, but in small quantities.

It should also be noted that flour is rich in fiber, which is very necessary for the body to function properly. The situation with this substance is similar - the more processing, the lower the content.

A spoon of tar

The high calorie content of wheat flour is not the only disadvantage of this product. Do not forget about the content of a large amount of so-called gluten, due to which particles stick together when preparing dough or various dishes. This substance is not always well absorbed and processed by the body, and its excess can cause problems in the digestive tract.

It is worth giving up flour products completely only if strictly prescribed by doctors. You should not deprive yourself of this product of your own free will. The main thing is to choose the right variety and know when to stop.

If healthy whole grain flour itself doesn’t like the taste and doesn’t inspire enthusiasm, then you should try mixing it with other types of wheat flour. There are also many recipes with the addition of various grains - rice, rye, buckwheat, etc. By experimenting, you can choose your own balanced product - both healthy and tasty.

Of course, you can carefully read the composition (if it is indicated). Study the expiration date: experienced housewives say that the best flour is the one that was made a week or at least a month ago. But by and large, these two parameters do not guarantee successful pies. Flour from the same manufacturer, with the same name, may be different. The quality at the end will depend on how the flour was ground, and on what it was transported in and where it was stored. In one store, the batch will lie in a dry room on wooden pallets, in another - on the floor in a damp basement, and now someone will get fluffy, crumbly flour, and someone will get lumps. You can only figure out whether you were lucky this time or not at home. After…

✓ Open the package and carefully look at its contents. High-grade flour (this is what our today's examination is devoted to) is snow-white or cream-colored, there are no lumps or impurities in it.

✓ Smell the flour. The right flour smells of endless fields, free wind and bottomless sky with feathered clouds. And the wrong one is a musty basement...
In general, if it has gone bad, you will definitely feel it. Flour, by the way, easily absorbs foreign odors. Therefore, if it was stored or transported with something wrong, you will also be able to accurately determine this.

✓ Touch it. Benign flour is dry and silky to the touch. It sticks to your hands, and if you squeeze it with your fingers, it crunches melodiously.

✓ Try it. The right flour tastes almost fresh or slightly sweet, without a bitter or sour aftertaste. If it crunches on your teeth, there is sand or other mineral impurities in the flour - they come from poorly cleaned grains, which, of course, is unacceptable.

Important indicators

In laboratories, to determine the quality of flour, they not only smell and touch it, but also pass it through devices and sift it. As a result, parameters such as...

1. Moisture content. If this indicator is too high, the flour can quickly spoil. Ideally, humidity should not exceed 15%.

2. Grind size. Fine flour absorbs moisture faster, which means the dough kneads and rises faster.

3. Falling number (FN). Knowing it, you can predict how the bread crumb will turn out. At an emergency time of less than 250 seconds, the crumb will stick together and the bun itself will turn out low. During an emergency of about 250 seconds, the crumb, if you press it with your finger, will quickly restore its shape. But with an emergency of about 400 seconds, it will be dense, and the bun will be hard and, moreover, with an unimportant taste.

4. Mass fraction of gluten. The higher the grade of flour, the more gluten it contains and the more magnificent the baked goods. High-grade flour contains 28% or more gluten, while general purpose flour contains approximately 23%, and buns made from it are not as fluffy (though this flour is healthier).

Five varieties of wheat flour

Krupchatka. Produced from special varieties of wheat, it is distinguished by its large particle size. Rich in gluten, suitable for baking Easter cakes and muffins. But insipid yeast dough made from such flour is not suitable, and the bread quickly becomes stale.

Flour of the highest grade. It has the finest grind and the whitest color. It has a very low percentage of gluten. It is used as a thickener in sauces, and is also suitable for puff pastry, shortbread and yeast dough. Ideal for baking bread.

First grade flour. Compared to premium flour, it contains more sugars and fiber. Suitable for savory baked goods - rolls, pies, pancakes. Products made from it do not go stale longer.

Second grade flour. Contains up to 10% grain shell particles. Suitable for baking table varieties of bread and savory flour products. It is often mixed with rye flour.

Wallpaper flour. It has the coarsest grind and consists of all parts of the grain, which is why it is usually called whole grain. For obesity, diabetes and heart disease, doctors advise eating bread made from this kind of flour.

How it all began

The very first device for making flour was a grain grater - a primitive mechanism made of two stones between which grains were ground. The first mills appeared 3-4 thousand years ago. At first they were rotated by slaves and domestic animals, then they began to use the energy of water and wind. In the 18th century, Scottish mechanic James Watt “crossed” a mill with a steam engine he invented. In 1822, Mark Miller from Warsaw made a fundamentally new flour grinder, replacing stone millstones with light rollers - hollow metal drums, between which the grains were crushed into flour. This technology is still used today.

Word from the expert

Tatiana ANOKHINA, head of the testing center of the GEAC "SOEX" of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.

Premium wheat flour is the poorest. It is extremely low in protein, vitamins and minerals. But it is the most popular, and only from it fluffy biscuits and delicious buns are obtained. Six samples of such flour were tested in our laboratory. In terms of safety indicators, they all comply with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 021/2011 “On the safety of food products”, all comply with the requirements of GOST R 52189-2003 “Wheat flour. General technical conditions". We did not find any foreign impurities or GMOs of plant origin in them. It was extremely difficult to choose the winners: the subjects were very worthy. We were able to determine first, second and third places only when we summed up the best indicators. As a result, gold went to Makfa flour, silver to Sokolnicheskaya, and bronze to Nordic, largely due to the fact that this flour is made from organic grain.

Text by Evgeny Danilov

Test: wheat flour*

OJSC "Flour Mill in Sokolniki", Moscow JSC "MAKFA", Chelyabinsk region. OJSC "Lukhovitsky Flour Mill", Moscow region. CJSC Bakery Plant "ZLAK", Chelyabinsk region. OJSC "Petersburg Mill Plant", St. Petersburg Finland
12 months 12 months 6 months 12 months 12 months 12 months
Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected
55 58 56 54 54 55
10,6 11,3 11,6 10,9 14 11
30 33 28 28 30 28
318 524 413 397 394 396
1 0,5 0,9 1,5 3,5 2,2
Sokolnicheskaya will be stored longer than its competitors - it contains very little moisture. Add to this an excellent degree of grinding and the best falling number (it affects the quality of the future crumb), and it turns out that this competitor is one of the best today. This flour is the leader of today's competition. Moreover, it leads in several indicators at once: whiteness, grind size, gluten content. The baked goods will turn out soft and fluffy. Congratulations to the winner! The shorter the shelf life, the better. This rule does not apply to flour. It usually keeps for a year. “Lukhovitskaya” is slightly inferior in terms of performance to most competitors - maybe that’s why the manufacturer has reduced its shelf life. The grinding coarseness and moisture content of this flour are excellent, but other indicators are average. Before us is a classic middle peasant. For such a price - a completely satisfactory result. This flour has the coarsest grind, which means the dough made from it will take longer to ripen. The moisture content is also quite high. But this does not mean at all that this flour is of poor quality. All her indicators are within normal limits. It’s nice that this flour is organic (hence the high price). You can eat homemade buns and think that they are healthier than those from your neighbor Aunt Klava. Perhaps this contestant is no different from others in any way. All indicators are average.

* Thank you for your help in conducting the GEAC “SOEX” test

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Modern flour preparation technology means that the grain is first ground and then sifted through a sieve.

The finer the grind, the more “ballast substances” can be sifted out.

The “cleanest” flour, in this sense, is premium flour.

Fine grinding allows you to sift out absolutely all “impurities”, including the flower shell and grain germ (vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids, minerals, etc.), including fiber, leaving only pure starch (carbohydrates).

The nutritional value of such flour (number of kcal) is really very high. But from the point of view of the biological value of the product, this is a carbohydrate “dummy”.

There is nothing useful or necessary for the body left in such flour. It cannot create new cells from carbohydrates; for this it requires all the variety of macro- and microelements inherent in the whole grain by nature.


Today, modern industry offers 5 types of wheat flour:

  • grit,
  • premium flour,
  • first grade flour,
  • second grade flour,
  • wallpaper

and two types of rye flour:

  • sown,
  • peeling.

All these varieties, both in the past and in the present, differ from each other in grinding coarseness and the ratio of the peripheral parts of the grain (hulls and germ) and flour grain (endosperm).

Varieties of wheat flour differ from one another in yield (the amount of flour obtained from 100 kg of grain), color, ash content, varying degrees of grinding (particle sizes), content of bran particles, and amount of gluten.

According to the percentage yield of flour when grinding grain, flour varieties are divided into:

  • gritty grain 10% (it turns out to be only 10% of the total amount of grain with a volume of 100 kg.),
  • premium grade (25-30%),
  • first grade (72%),
  • second grade (85%) and
  • wallpaper (about 93-96%).

The higher the flour yield, the lower the grade.

Krupchatka- consists of homogeneous small grains of light cream color, which are particles of endosperm (grains) with a size of 0.3-0.4 mm, does not contain shells and soft powdery particles.

There is almost no bran in it. It is rich in gluten and has high baking properties. Krupchatka is produced from special varieties of wheat and is characterized by a larger size of individual particles.

It is advisable to use this flour for products such as Easter cakes, baked goods, etc. For insipid yeast dough, semolina is of little use, since the dough made from it is poorly suited, and the finished products have poor porosity and quickly become stale.

Premium flour- consists of finely ground (0.1-0.2 mm) endosperm particles, mainly internal layers.

It differs from grit in that when rubbed between your fingers you cannot feel the grains.

Its color is white with a slightly creamy tint. Premium flour contains a very low percentage of gluten. The best category of the highest grade is called “extra”. Often used as a thickener in sauces and also suitable for baking.

This type of flour is most common in the manufacture of higher grades of flour products. High-grade wheat flour has good baking properties; products made from it have good volume and finely developed porosity.

First grade flour- soft to the touch, finely ground, white with a slightly yellowish tint. First grade flour has a fairly high gluten content, which makes the dough elastic, and the finished products have a good shape, large volume, pleasant taste and aroma.

First grade flour is good for savory baked goods(rolls, pies, pancakes, pancakes, sautéing, national types of noodles, etc.), and for baking various bread products. Finished products made from it become stale more slowly.

Second grade flour- consists of particles of crushed endosperm and 8-12% of the mass of flour of crushed shells. 2nd grade flour is coarser than 1st grade flour. Particle sizes are 0.2-0.4 mm. The color is noticeably darker due to the high content of peripheral parts of the grain - usually white with a yellowish or grayish tint. It is white in color with a noticeable yellowish or brown tint, contains up to 8% bran, and is much darker than first-grade bran. It can be light and dark.

This flour has better baking qualities - baked goods from it turn out fluffy, with a porous crumb. It is used mainly for baking table varieties of white bread and savory flour products. It is often mixed with rye flour. This flour is used in the manufacture of some confectionery products (gingerbreads and cookies).

Wallpaper flour (coarse flour)– obtained by grinding the entire grain.

The flour yield is 96%. The flour is coarser and the particles are less uniform in size.

It is produced from all types of soft wheat varieties, it contains 2 times more bran than in 2nd grade flour, the color has a brown tint. Wallpaper flour contains the highest content of bran particles.

In terms of its baking properties, it is inferior to high-quality wheat flour, but characterized by higher nutritional value.

The grain shells contain protein substances, vitamins B and E, mineral salts of calcium, phosphorus, iron, and magnesium. The kernel of the grain is rich in starch and contains significantly less protein and other nutrients than its peripheral layers. Therefore, flour made from whole grains or with the addition of finely ground bran is significantly superior in nutritional value to high-grade flour.

Wallpaper flour used mainly for baking table breads, and is rarely used in cooking.

Coarse wallpaper flour is the coarsest grind of flour. Accordingly, sifting wallpaper flour is done through a large sieve.

When grinding wallpaper, absolutely all the components of the grain remain in the flour. This is the flower shell of the grain, the aleurone layer, and the grain germ. Accordingly, wallpaper flour retains all the biological value of whole grains and all its healing qualities for the human body.

Flour can be fine or coarse.

Wholemeal flour– whole grain flour. With coarse grinding, almost all the grain is ground into flour, which consists of large particles and contains cell membranes and bran (2nd grade wheat, wallpaper).

Fine flour- This is flour from the endosperm, i.e., the inner part of the grain. With fine grinding, the flour is white, delicate, and consists of small particles of grain, the outer layers of which are removed (1st grade wheat, premium grade). Contains mainly starch and gluten and virtually no fiber.

The finer the grind and the higher the grade of flour, the less proteins and especially minerals, vitamins, and more starch it contains. As for terminology, coarsely ground grain is called meal, and finer ground grain is called flour.

Flour obtained through one-time grinding can be called “whole grain” (since all parts (100%) of the whole grain: fruit and seed shells, germ, endosperm particles, etc. remain in the flour). However, until recently it was better known under the names “fodder” or “feed”.

It is worth noting that flour ground in a mortar, coffee grinder or on the rollers of a grinding system at a flour mill will differ greatly from each other, and their baking properties will also differ. Published by

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

Choosing flour is not an easy task. Which one should you prefer? Finely ground, but without useful substances, or peeled, rough, but very useful. It turns out that it all depends on what you are going to bake: sweet buns or pancakes.

Which variety is better?

Higher. It would seem that this variety should be the best. However, for those who think about the nutritional value of flour, and about the taste too, this is not at all true. The fact is that premium flour, of course, is distinguished by the finest grinding, but in essence it is not at all useful, and even harmful, since it is made mainly from that part of the grain where there are very few vitamins and a lot of starch, from the endosperm.

This flour is good for rich sweet baked goods: buns, pastries, cakes.

First. The grind is quite a bit coarser compared to the highest grade. First grade flour also contains a small amount of crushed grain shells, which already contain useful substances and vitamins.
This flour is used for savory baked goods, pies and pie.

Second. The grind is even coarser and even more grain shells are used. This flour is coarse, grayish or creamy. It makes best pancakes, pancakes, waffles, and dumplings. Buns and other similar baked goods usually cannot be made without adding higher grades of flour, since flour produces a rather rough dough that quickly becomes stale.

Wallpaper. This is what we call whole grain flour. It contains both the germ and the shell of the grain - the most useful parts. But its disadvantage is that without adding finer flour, baking will not work out of it; the buns will be too hard.

Shelf life

For high-quality flour without preservatives – no more than six months. If the packaging indicates a longer period, this is a reason to be wary. Perhaps “chemicals” were added to the flour.


Color. White with a cream tint. If, when adding a drop of water to a small amount of flour, the color does not change, it means you got a quality product; if it turns reddish, then bran has been added to the flour; if it turns bluish, the wheat was unripe.

To the touch. If you squeeze good flour, it should crunch slightly. If the lump does not crumble after compression, it means the flour is damp.

Smell. Flour should not smell rotten or musty. Another bad sign: the aroma of sour dough.

Taste. Good flour has a sweet and pleasant taste. The flour should not crunch on your teeth, this indicates the presence of impurities.


Look for the PCT and “Voluntary Certification” symbol on the packaging. This means that the manufacturer has been tested and the flour does not contain harmful impurities. There is also the inscription “ecological product” - this is the same voluntary and thorough check.


Only a paper bag. The point is that paper allows the flour to breathe, and free, breathing flour will last much longer. Plastic packaging is death to flour.

How to store

  • To prevent insects from growing in the flour, you need to put two cloves of garlic in the bag.
  • A few bay leaves will protect the flour from moisture; they will absorb excess water if placed nearby.
  • do not buy flour in stock and always check the expiration date.

Except wheat

Buckwheat. A very popular flour in Russian cuisine. But you must add wheat to it, otherwise all the products will fall apart: there is absolutely no stickiness in buckwheat flour. But it contains B vitamins and a lot of vitamin PP, as well as fluorine, copper and potassium.

Corn. It is used in many national dishes; without it you won’t get mamaliga and polenta. Often flat cakes and bread are baked from it. Corn flour is a good remedy for anemia, stimulates bile secretion and intestinal motility, helps normalize blood circulation, strengthen the cardiovascular system, and slow down the aging process. It removes fat accumulations from the body.

Chickpea. Just like flaxseed flour, it has good adhesive properties, so it is ideal for baking without eggs. Chickpea flour is a good source of potassium, calcium, zinc and protein. It contains a lot of soluble dietary fiber, the so-called complex carbohydrates that our body needs for health.

Millet. Like buckwheat flour, there is little gluten. But there are many benefits: B vitamins and vitamin PP strengthen the nervous system, stimulate memory, and fluorine, magnesium, iron, calcium strengthen bones and teeth, make hair shiny and restore normal metabolism.

Flour is a product familiar to us since childhood. It is difficult to imagine a dinner table without bread, buns, pies, pancakes or pancakes.
The most popular are wheat and rye flour. Although many housewives also use corn, buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, and pea flour.
To prepare flour, the grain is first ground and then sifted through a sieve.
According to the degree of grinding, any flour can be divided into fine and coarse grinding. Fine grinding flour is obtained from the endosperm without adding other parts of the grain. It contains almost pure starch and has the highest calorie content. But, unfortunately, there is little benefit from such flour. After all, along with all the “impurities”, all vitamins, minerals and unsaturated fatty acids contained in the coarser shell of the grain are eliminated.
Coarse flour is whole grain flour. The particles of such flour are large. It contains a high percentage of bran. This flour is rich in fiber, protein, and minerals.
In addition to regular flour, there is also meal (coarsely ground grain containing a large number of particles).
The modern food industry distinguishes 5 types of wheat flour.
When classifying flour, the degree of grinding and the ratio of the flour grain (endosperm) and its shell are taken into account.


It stands out for its light cream color. If you rub a pinch of this flour with your fingers, you can feel small, homogeneous grains (endosperm particles). To make semolina, special types of flour with a high gluten content are used. The grain contains practically no impurities, so it is ideal for baking buns, Easter cakes, and muffins.

Premium quality wheat flour.

Consists of flour grain particles with a diameter of no more than 0.1-0.2 mm. The color of this flour is white with a slight creamy tint. Individual grains cannot be felt.
Among the highest grades of flour, a separate category is “extra”. As a rule, such wheat flour has a higher price. You can buy it in a store, grocery store or from us. There are 10 and 50 kg bags of flour. The order can be placed with delivery throughout Russia. Bread made from premium flour is simply excellent, and the buns are the most tender and snow-white.

First grade flour.

White with a yellowish tint. Usually it is a mixture of flour from soft and durum wheat. Well suited for making pancakes, pancakes, cookies, homemade noodles. The high gluten content makes dough made from first grade flour elastic and elastic.

Second grade flour.

Contains up to 10% particles of crushed grain shell. The color is usually white with a yellowish or brown tint. This type of flour is used for baking bread, pies, cookies, and gingerbread. Wallpaper flour.
Made from soft wheat varieties. In this case, the grain is crushed entirely, with the shell, germ and aleurone layer. Wallpaper flour particles are large, up to 0.6-07 mm in diameter, and have a light brown color. This type of flour is unusually rich in fiber, amino acids, and microelements. It contains vitamins E and B, calcium, chromium, manganese, iron, potassium, phosphorus.
Due to the high bran content, products made from wallpaper flour do not rise too much when baked. Therefore, it is used exclusively for making regular bread or dietary unleavened bread. If you want to bake something else, while maintaining the beneficial properties, you can mix wallpaper flour with other types of flour.
Wallpaper flour is sometimes called whole grain flour, but this is not entirely true.

Whole grain flour.

Contains almost 100% ground grain. It has a heterogeneous structure with particles of different sizes. It is sometimes called feed or fodder. It is whole grain flour that is the leader in the amount of vitamins and microelements. Wallpaper flour is more homogeneous. Some of the coarse grain shells and germ are removed during screening.

Rye flour is divided into 4 grades:

- pecked;

- seeded;

- peeled;

- wallpaper.

The classification of varieties is in many ways similar to the classification of wheat flour.

Pecked flour.

It has the finest grind and is carefully sifted. To create it, only the inner part of the grain is used, without the shell. The flour particles are soft and white.

Sifted flour.

Fine, without impurities, light gray in color.

Peeled flour.

Partially contains bran, has a darker color than seeded. Wallpaper rye flour.
It is made from practically unrefined grain and contains the largest amount of bran. The particles of this flour are large, heterogeneous, and gray in color.

We are ready to offer you. We sell it at a great price in 50 kilogram bags. The price per kilogram is indicated on the product page. You can buy wholesale or retail. Premium-grade wheat flour is made from Shugurovsky grain, known throughout Russia. Delivery is carried out by a transport company. Shipment from a warehouse in Moscow.