Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

How to sow parsley before winter. About the world of plants and country life

Winter is the most critical period for apple trees and you need to survive it with minimal losses. In general, a set of measures includes collecting a late harvest, collecting and destroying fallen leaves, digging up the trunk strip, fertilizing, moisture-recharging irrigation, mulching the trunk area, removing lichens and moss from the trunks, stripping the bark, removing dry and interfering branches, whitewashing, and pests and diseases, sealing hollows and insulating young apple trees.

In this article we will talk about moisture-recharging watering of fruit crops, which, I think, many gardeners neglect, especially in rainy autumn. It seems to many that the rain that thundered on the roof all night can wet the soil to a sufficient depth, and you can do without the use of additional artificial irrigation without spending extra money on water. But no, you can’t, and now we’ll tell you why and teach you how to properly recharge watering.

Zucchini marinated for the winter with onions, peppers and physalis - a light, spicy, assorted vegetable appetizer. Zucchini is a neutral vegetable; it perfectly absorbs different tastes and smells. Small handful onions and sweet pepper, a little aromatic spices - that's all you need to prepare delicious canned vegetables. This year, physalis grew in my garden. They make jam from it, but in pickled form, in my opinion, physalis is much tastier.

Soil is more than just a habitat for plants. Along with carbon dioxide, light and water, it is vital important element, without which most plants cannot survive. The characteristics of the soil, its mechanical composition, acidity, water and breathability, nutritional value play a key role. Errors in substrate selection are a source of great problems and risks. The most reliable option for indoor plants is purchased, ready-made substrates.

Korean salad with cucumbers for the winter - a fiery cold appetizer in a sweet and sour marinade. This recipe is not for sissies, as it contains quite a lot of hot pepper (this is the highlight of the preparation). Spicy vegetables will come in handy for the holiday table or as a side dish for meat dish, especially with barbecue or fried chicken. For the recipe Korean salad with cucumbers and tomatoes, choose high-quality vegetables - small pimply cucumbers.

Few people know, but gooseberries are a literally eternal and very productive crop. From a well-developed gooseberry bush, which you have looked after properly, you can collect up to one and a half dozen kilograms of both tasty and large berries at the same time. So, let's first briefly list the activities that we need to carry out during the autumn period with gooseberry bushes, and then describe each of them in detail so that you have an idea of ​​what and how to do.

Primroses are plants that perfectly fit the concept of a “lazy” garden. They are unpretentious, undemanding to care, and can settle even in places where, it would seem, primroses have no place at all. Equally beautiful leaves and blooms are a nice bonus for plants that can be “planted and forgotten.” True, it is not possible to say that they grow on their own about all primroses. But there are many species that allow you to create beautiful flowering accents, simplifying garden care.

Meatballs with tomato and sweet pepper sauce is a classic dish that many people fell in love with as children. Whatever the pork cutlets are called: meat balls, minced meat hedgehogs, meatballs or meatballs, as in this recipe, the essence does not change. Juicy cutlet in a fragrant thick sauce it looks so appetizing that everyone’s mouth waters without exception. You can add cream or sour cream to the meatball sauce and thicken it with flour, but it is better to add more vegetables.

There have been, are and will be disputes over digging up the trunk circle of fruit trees for a very long time, probably as long as orchards exist. Options for maintaining the trunk circle fruit tree quite a lot, there is black steam (namely digging), and sodding, and mulching, and each of these activities has both pros and cons. Digging the soil near the tree trunk and mulching can be combined, including watering and fertilizing.

It is no coincidence that palm trees have gained leadership among indoor giants. Beautiful, formal and elegant at the same time, they bring clean lines and a tropical feel to homes for decades to come. And although the belonging of plants to palm trees is determined at first glance, the palm family is far from homogeneous. And first of all - due to its demandingness and capriciousness. Among indoor palm trees There are both unpretentious ones and species that only a select few can grow.

Tomatoes in their own juice for the winter with bell peppers - delicious tomatoes for the winter. These preparations do not belong to the category of “put everything in a jar, fill it with marinade”, no - you will have to tinker. But, as they say, the devil is not as terrible as he is painted. Firstly, the skin of ripe tomatoes can be easily removed. Secondly, the blender turns tomatoes into puree in a matter of seconds. Thirdly, it is better to spend 15 minutes sterilizing products than the same 15 minutes going to the store.

The time has long passed when daylilies in every city courtyard and garden looked the same. Today, the variety of delightful flowers of the day can compete even with tulips. And new varieties appear almost every day. Extravagant or touching, modern daylilies have taken the leap and are firmly established on lists of favorite perennials. And even the most elaborate and rare varieties still live up to its reputation as an unpretentious crop.

Planting garlic before winter is a responsible undertaking; here you need to choose the right planting material, correctly determine the timing of planting, know the subtleties and rules, nuances and features. Let me start with these nuances. Garlic has two different forms: one is called non-shooting, the second is called shooting. What is an arrow? The simplest thing is a peduncle. The arrow is formed only by winter garlic, that is, the one we sow in the autumn.

Zucchini lecho for the winter with peppers, tomatoes and onions is another way to preserve your vegetable harvest and replenish your stock of delicious vegetable stew. The stew turns out to be similar in taste to traditional lecho, pieces bell pepper replace tender zucchini. When you open the jar, the smell spreads incredibly seductively. I advise you to use containers with a capacity of 500 to 800 g for preparing salads - it’s convenient to sterilize and you don’t have to store open canned food.

Sooner or later everyone needs a transplant indoor plants. But in the case of indoor large-sized plants, it is not carried out until it is possible, since this is not an easy task. And rarely do any adult plants need annual replanting. In years when replanting is not carried out, it is recommended to perform a mandatory procedure - partial replacement of the soil. The top layer of soil is replaced both for hygiene purposes and to maintain the normal condition of the substrate.

We want to get our vitamins as early as possible. And besides chemical vitamin complexes, there is another way - to get vegetables early. And for this you need to use winter planting.

Advantages of the method

The first advantage of planting vegetables before winter is the earlier harvest. Did you know? This acceleration is 10-12 days. Or you can increase it to 20. Next plus- This is the hardening of plants. You don’t have to choose which of the remaining seeds to plant before winter, but rather sow them all. The sown seeds will undergo natural stratification and harden. Weak seeds will die, you will get strong and viable sprouts. Third- abundance of moisture in spring. Seeds sown for the winter will grow using melt water, you won’t have to think about moisture after sowing.

Fourth- the plants will gain strength and produce a harvest before the main ones appear.

When to start?

Correctly chosen sowing time is the most important guarantee of obtaining a high-quality harvest. Therefore, special care should be taken here.

The sown seeds should hatch, but should not germinate. This is of great importance during wintering. Therefore, you need to guess in such a way as to be in time before severe frosts, but also not to rush.
The best time is when the average temperature is 0°C per day. Or when the first frosts cover the ground by 2-3 cm.

Important! Seeds for winter sowing must be dry. You cannot sprout or soak them!

How to prepare the soil?

Now let's talk about how to prepare the beds for sowing seeds for the winter .

The place for the beds should be dry, located on a hill (or have a good one), well lit by the sun.

When digging before winter and forming beds, add to the mixture of baking powder (sand or) with ready-made. This will give the earth lightness and looseness.

  1. Humus must be rotted. Fresh can cause seed rotting.
  2. When fertilizing during sowing, use phosphorus fertilizers.
The main condition is that it must remain loose. Otherwise, it will thicken over the winter and the seeds will not germinate.

Make holes or furrows to a depth of 3-5 cm. Seed consumption can be slightly increased. After sowing, sprinkle them with dry soil and then (2-4 cm).

Important! Watering during such seeding is strictly prohibited! Whether or not to cover the garden bed for the winter is also up to you to decide. If there is heavy snowfall in your region, then you can do without shelter. If the ground suffers from severe frosts, but without snow, then branches and spruce branches on top of the sown beds will not hurt.

Popular crops to grow

Now let's talk about what vegetables and flowers to plant before winter. Seeds for winter sowing must be of high quality and large. Weak seeds simply will not sprout.

Vegetable garden

  • . You can sow with both cloves and heads. Seeding depth - cloves 5-7 cm, heads 2-3 cm. Row spacing 20-25 cm.
  • . Plant it deeper than in spring (3-5 cm). It will survive the winter well, but it won't shoot.
  • . Sow to a depth of 3-4 cm. Sprinkle 2-3 cm of mulch or humus on top. It responds well to fertilizers. Therefore it can be mixed with or used.
  • . It can be planted even later than other crops due to its good and early germination. Sow to a depth of 3-4 cm, row spacing 25 cm.
  • Greenery( , ) - have good winter hardiness. Sow to a depth of 2-3 cm. They respond well to both mineral and organic fertilizers. For better results in the spring, you can cover it with film.
Did you know? To obtain early and persistent seedlings, you can also sow seeds

The method of obtaining early fruit and vegetable products has long been known. Its essence is to sow seeds of winter-hardy crops in late autumn, i.e. before winter. It is possible to get an early harvest because with the onset of spring, the air temperature warms up and the seeds, hardened and swollen over the winter, germinate much earlier than the seeds that were sown in the spring.
This article will discuss the benefits of planting seeds before winter, and will also answer the question of what can be planted before winter. Since the seeds of not all vegetables and flowers are able to survive in harsh winter conditions. In addition, information will be presented regarding the timing and conditions of planting before winter.

Advantages of planting before winter

Many summer residents believe that planting seeds before winter is a risky business. However, there are a number of undeniable advantages that prove the benefits of winter sowing.

  • Firstly, sowing before winter makes it possible to obtain a harvest approximately 2-3 weeks earlier than the spring sowing will bear fruit. You can also speed up this process by covering the seeds with film. Thanks to an early harvest, you can replenish the supply of vitamins in the body used up over the winter.
  • Secondly, those seeds that spent the whole winter in the ground went through natural selection, that is, the weakest representatives died, and only the strong and healthy ones remained. In addition, they have hardened and become resistant to frost, harsh weather conditions and diseases.
  • Thirdly, plants sown before winter have time to develop a good root system over the winter, which makes it possible to obtain water in the deepest layers of the soil, so they need less watering.
  • And finally, having collected the early harvest, you can plant vegetables again in the same beds and collect late fruits.

What can you plant in the garden before winter?

Before winter, you can plant those plant varieties that meet certain criteria. Because the seeds will develop in harsh winter conditions, they must be large, full-bodied and have good germination. You should also purchase only high-quality seeds.

Coated seeds are ideal because they have additional protection, which will reduce the risk of their death. It is better to give preference to those varieties that, due to exposure to low temperatures, do not form flower stalks.

  • Garlic It develops best in the cold season, so it must be planted before the onset of severe, prolonged frosts. To create a protective air layer that will help preserve the seeds from freezing, the bed should be covered with straw or already withered grass. Don’t forget, we plant only winter varieties of garlic.
  • Beet also belongs to the number of cold-resistant vegetables, especially specific varieties, namely winter beets or cold-resistant beets. It is sown at the moment when the upper layers of the earth freeze. Beets must be sown in rows, so that there is 20 cm between them. After sowing is completed, the beds must be covered with humus and peat.
  • Late autumn is a great time for sowing carrot seeds, since already in June it will be possible to collect large and sweet fruits. The main thing is to plant carrots in fertile soil without weeds with a neutral reaction.
  • Some varieties radishes, namely varieties called "heat", "dawn", resistant to low temperatures and low light, so they are excellent for winter planting.
  • Any species is suitable for planting before winter greenery. It could be parsley, dill, celery or basil. They must be sown in dry, slightly frozen soil, and covered with loose, dry soil or soil on top.

In order to be able to admire the lush colorful flower beds with the onset of warm spring days, it is worth taking care of sowing flower seeds even in late autumn.

What flowers are planted before winter?

  • daffodils, crocuses, hyacinths, tulips, i.e. bulbous flower varieties;
  • annual flowers - cornflowers, calendula, marigolds;
  • perennial varieties - aquilegia, delphinium.
  • They will take root well and produce early aster flowers.

The main thing is to prepare the beds in advance. First you need to mark the grooves, then cover the bed with film so that you can easily clear it of the first snow. Only when snowfalls begin and frosts become stable should sowing begin. To do this, you need to clear the bed of snow, sow the seeds, and then sprinkle them with dry sand. There is no point in watering, because the melted snow will serve as water for the flowers.

Deadlines for planting

It is important to know not only what varieties of plants can be planted before winter, but when is the best time to do it.

The best time to start sowing is the onset of persistent cold weather.

Precisely constant frosts, because if a thaw occurs, moisture will fall on the seeds, and they will germinate, but will not get stronger, so they will die with the arrival of new frosts.

Another important criterion is the condition of the soil. You can start planting only when the top layers of the soil are sufficiently frozen.

Preparing the beds

The key to obtaining a high-quality early harvest is preparatory work for arranging beds.

It is advisable to choose a place where the garden bed will be located in the future, on a hill. This is necessary for the reason that with the onset of warmth, the soil at higher elevations will dry out faster and warm up better.

Plots of land from which snow will not melt for a long time, and therefore water will stagnate, are absolutely not suitable for sowing before winter.

After appropriate place is found, the bed should be prepared for sowing.

To do this, you need to dig up the soil and then add fertilizer. This can be compost, humus or phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. But the most important thing is the quality of the soil itself. It should be initially fertile and light, since heavy soils become even more compact during the winter.

In the dug up beds, grooves should be made, the depth of which would be no more than 5 cm. Next, they should be covered with film to protect them from precipitation and weeds. It is worth taking care in advance about the availability of dry soil, sand and compost.

It is necessary to sow only dry seeds in the furrows, which are sprinkled on top first with dry soil and then with mulching material. This material is needed to prevent the appearance of a crust on the soil surface and protect the root system from temperature changes. Then the beds should be covered with either dry leaves or dry branches. There is no need to water winter crops.

Getting an excellent early harvest depends on several factors.

  1. Firstly, from the correctness of the chosen place for arranging the bed.
  2. Secondly, on how well the moment was captured. In other words, to what extent the weather conditions contributed to successful sowing.
  3. Thirdly, high-quality fruits will be produced only by plant varieties that are suitable in their characteristics for sowing before winter.
  4. And finally, the key to success is largely the preliminary work, which allows you to plant seeds in prepared beds, which creates comfortable conditions for their development.

Thus, there is no need to be afraid of conducting a sowing campaign before winter.

Greetings, dear gardeners! I think you will agree that the program “What? Where? When?" and gardening are very similar to each other. Although, “What? Where? When?" - these are not all the questions that accompany gardeners and gardeners. For example, if we talk about winter sowing of vegetables and herbs, then we need to consider the following questions:

  • What? — What to sow or plant before winter;
  • Where? - Where to sow;
  • When? — When to sow;
  • For what? - Why should we do this at all?
  • How? — How to prepare the soil; how to prepare seeds and how to sow; how to care for crops.

These are the questions I will try to answer in today’s article. By the way, if any of you wants to add anything, then comments are always at your service.

Why do you need winter sowing of vegetables and herbs?

Well, this technique has both pros and cons. On the one hand (positive) we:

  1. We free up some of our time in the spring, since some of the plants will already be sown or planted
  2. We provide our family with an early harvest and, if desired, additional income (you can sell part of the early harvest and get a good profit for it).
  3. Since the harvest of winter-sown vegetables and herbs is harvested 1-3 weeks earlier, it is possible to grow something else early in these beds. And if you don’t want to grow anything, you can simply sow with green manure and provide additional fertility for the next season.

There are also disadvantages to winter sowing of vegetables and herbs. This technique has its risks, because it is not always possible to predict the weather. This year’s winter was generally prolonged, and in some regions snow fell on wet ground, which led to severe compaction of the soil (accordingly, it was difficult for seeds and bulbs to grow in such conditions).

These are the “underwater reefs” that can await you when sowing vegetables and herbs in winter:

  1. Beets, carrots, radishes and onions can bloom and start to shoot.
  2. The harvest of vegetables grown through winter sowing is not stored for as long as we would like.
  3. Sowing dates are difficult to determine. Not only does winter come differently to regions, but you can’t predict it even if you live in the same place for decades. What can we say if even weather forecasters often cannot decide on the weather for the coming days.
  4. It is difficult to predict what kind of winter it will be: cold or very cold, long or short. And perhaps you are familiar with this situation when in February there is a thaw (and in some countries in January) and flowers begin to bloom, and then snow falls again and severe frosts set in.

Considering the 3rd and 4th points, it is not surprising that seeds from winter sowing freeze out. Autumn may also drag on and the seeds will decide that it is time for them to germinate. Such sprouted seeds may die at the first frost or bloom, as they will decide that the 2nd year of their life has come (this mainly applies to salads, radishes, carrots, beets and onions).

But these disadvantages can be partially smoothed out and still reap a good harvest. Mulching crops or plantings, including spruce branches, can help with this. In addition, these risks are not so great that they would cause one to refuse an early harvest. The experiment may turn out to be successful.

If you want to grow carrots for long-term storage, then read .

What to sow or plant before winter

The range of plants for winter sowing of vegetables and herbs is not huge, but still wide. You can sow:

  • beets;
  • parsnip;
  • celery;
  • dill;
  • caraway;
  • leaf parsley;
  • salad;
  • sorrel;
  • watercress;
  • onion sets and chives;
  • leek;
  • fennel;
  • spinach;
  • sage;
  • radish.

You can also grow some flowers by winter sowing. But about this.

You can plant the roots of horseradish (although some people cannot get rid of it) and katran.

As an experiment, you can plant a few potatoes. You've probably seen grown potatoes that weren't found during the fall harvest. Typically, such potatoes grow earlier than those planted in the spring.

When to sow

Pre-winter sowing vegetables and herbs are produced during the onset of a stable cold snap and frost. In many regions, this is the end of October - early-mid November. But in the south it is usually mid-November - early December. If we take temperature and weather indicators, then this is an air temperature of up to 0 ° C, and the surface of the earth is about +2 - +4 ° C. The soil may thaw slightly during the day.

Where to sow

The best places for winter sowing are considered to be places that warm up well and dry out quickly in the spring (the beds should not be flooded in the spring). The beds should be well lit and protected from strong winds. Good places on hills or on southern slopes.

If your site is located in a lowland or close to the surface there are groundwater, then you need to make them raised (height 15-20 cm), or even better high (30-40 cm). You can try winter sowing on higher beds (70-80 cm). In truth, it is better to make beds no lower than 15 cm for winter sowing, even when the water quickly leaves the site (an exception may be areas with sandy soil, since water usually leaves there very quickly).

How to prepare the soil

The soil should be light and fertile. If your plot is completely new, then you can set aside one bed for winter crops, and leave the rest under green manure until spring.

The beds must be prepared in advance. September - best month for such preparation. To do this, loosen the soil with a hand cultivator; you can scatter compost or humus and then loosen it.

Also, if autumn is very dry, you can water the garden bed. This technique will allow you to “wake up” the weeds and then trim them.

Then make grooves for seeding or planting. The grooves themselves (grooves) should have a depth of 1-4 cm (depending on the plants being planted). Only for sowing leeks, the depth of the furrow increases to 10-15 cm.

Also prepare fertile soil and/or compost in advance and place it in a warm place. You will then use them when sowing seeds.

How to prepare seeds and how to sow

In principle, the seeds do not need to be prepared in any way. They need to be sown dry so that they do not have time to germinate in the fall.

Some sources say that sowing with pelleted seeds is good (as I understand it, they are talking about seeds in clay capsules), or when “sowing” with seeds glued to paper tape. I think you shouldn’t bother with tape at all (why waste time), but as for clay capsules... Well, you can experiment, because such a capsule can serve as additional protection against mice.

How to sow and how many seeds to take?

It is often said that you need to increase the number of seeds by 30 or even 50%. But at the same time, there is an opinion that if all the seeds germinate, the plants will oppress their fellow plants. So you can safely sow as usual.

As for the sowing depth, it is as follows for:

  • carrots, lettuce - 1 - 1.5 cm
  • beets - 1.5 - 2.5 cm
  • dill and chives - 1.5-2 cm
  • leaf parsley - 1.5 - 2.5 cm
  • spinach - 2.5 - 3 cm
  • sowing onion sets (bulbs up to 1 cm) - up to 4 cm

Greetings, dear readers!

Many annual and perennial flowers can be successfully sown in unprotected soil before winter. After all, there are many plants that reproduce well by self-sowing, without our participation. Only for this you need to choose cold-resistant varieties of flowers, these include: adonis, cornflower, delphinium, calendula, cosmos, poppy, matthiola, phlox, chrysanthemums, resin, verbena, kochia, snapdragon, lobelia, lavatera, speedwell, viola, etc. The seeds of columbine, gaillardia, bellflower, lupine, milkweed and rudbeckia are also cold-resistant.

These varieties are already created by nature to survive the winter.

Advantages of sowing flower seeds in open ground before winter

1. Shoots appear in early spring, when the snow has just melted and the moisture has not yet left the ground. Flower seedlings begin to grow actively, and accordingly they will bloom earlier than those sown in the spring. Since spring is a fairly busy period with various works, there is no need to be afraid of missing the time for sowing seeds. After all, when planting seeds in very dry soil, the plants may grow weak, stunted, or may not germinate at all.

2. There is no need to prepare seeds for sowing in the spring and grow seedlings on windowsills. The seeds germinate only the strongest, so to speak hardened, flowers will be resistant to unfavorable climate conditions.

3. When winter seedlings germinate in open ground, their root system penetrates deeply into the soil, which ensures drought resistance of the plants.

Technology for sowing flower seeds before winter

It is necessary to sow at a time when a stable temperature with a “-” sign has been established and the ground above is frozen (late October - early November), otherwise the seeds may germinate immediately and then die. But first you need to prepare the ground for this. Namely, dig it deep, introduce complex mineral fertilizers, which contain phosphorus and potassium, as well as humus. Then you need to make grooves one or two centimeters deep and leave until the required temperature appears, as mentioned above.

Correct sowing flower seeds before winter different from spring sowing. You need to sow the seeds a little more densely than in the spring, since most likely not all of them will be able to survive the winter and germinate, and sprinkle them with peat. Peat has a looser structure than regular soil, and it will promote better seed germination in the spring, while the soil becomes compacted and crusted over during the winter, making this process more difficult. If it is not possible to purchase peat, you can simply choose in advance soft ground, mix it with sand and place it in some cool (not warm!) room so that it does not freeze, and subsequently, when the time comes for sowing, sprinkle the seeds with it. Next you need to sprinkle it all with dry leaves, thick about six centimeters. They will maintain a more stable temperature and prevent seeds from thawing during thaws, because their germination ahead of time will lead to their death.

If snow has already fallen at the time of sowing, there is nothing to worry about, you just need to sweep it away, sow flowers, cover the crops and throw snow in this place. You can also cover the prepared beds with film in advance, and then remove it when sowing time arrives.

In the spring, after the crops have sprouted, you will need to thin out the beds. This should be done when the first two full leaves appear, and if necessary, this procedure can be repeated after two weeks.

Proper sowing of flower seeds before winter will help save time in the spring and grow healthy flowering plants. See you later, friends!

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