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Download the latest version of minecraft without a license. How to play Minecraft PE without a license - Bypass Minecraft protection. Multi-colored glasses and glass panels

In the fall of 2017, Minecraft PE 1.2.0 was released, which brought with it many changes and innovations. In this article you can download Minecraft PE 1.2 for free, as well as learn about all the details of the release in every detail. The developers took care of your comfortable game and prepared a presentation video:

Download Minecraft PE for Android phone

The first thing the developers took care of was unique mobs. A mob appeared in Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.2.0, Parrot, who will happily become your companion in your next adventures. We would like to note that the Parrot is the first bird to capable of full flight in the Minecraft PE universe. Place the parrot on your shoulder and follow the cruel universe!

Do you like music? The world of Minecraft Pocket Edition will be more pleasant to visit if you build your own Player. This is the device needed to play vinyl records. Now building your dream home will be more fun with pleasant music.

We also present for your attention new block - Dense ice. This is a block introduced in Minecraft PE 1.2 in addition to regular ice. Dense ice, unlike ordinary ice, doesn't melt in the light, and you can also set it on fire. In this regard, the texture ordinary ice became transparent. The screenshot shows what it looks like:

Among the new features we can also highlight the long-awaited colored glass, which will diversify your buildings. Now you can build a house that shimmers in different colors using colored glass from Minecraft Pocket Edition. How? Take a look for yourself:

Do you have a favorite armor? Then we hasten to please you: now you can hang your favorite equipment on armor racks. To do this, you should craft a stand, install it in the right place and equip it with the necessary items. Exclusive in the pocket version you have the opportunity to equip the sword without any commands.

Sometimes I want something mark your own territory in Minecraft Pocket Edition. And today we invite you to install on your territory flags, which can be generated from any items. The combinations you can come up with are endless! Look what the MCPEHUB staff did:

Especially for beginners in Minecraft PE, a tutorial has been added that opens in the pause menu. Read all the important information for yourself. Moreover, for an easier start to survival, there are functions such as “ Starting card" And " Bonus chest", and thanks to these functions you will get a good adventure start bonus in Minecraft PE.

But even for experienced survivalists there are additional adjustments! Before creating (or editing) a map, you can change many parameters Minecraft PE. See the spoiler below for more details.

Full list of available settings:

  • Enable cheats
  • Show coordinates
  • It's always day
  • the change of night and day
  • Spread of fire
  • Dynamite detonation
  • Save inventory
  • Mobs appear
  • Natural regeneration
  • Loot from mobs
  • Mob trail
  • Tiles falling out
  • Loot drops from entities
  • Change of weather
In the settings you can change the rights and capabilities of players who join your world. Possible options:
  • Visitor: Visitors are free to explore your world, but they are prohibited from interacting with blocks, objects, and entities. The "Trust players" option is disabled.
  • Participant: Participants are active characters in your world who destroy and create blocks, and also cause damage to mobs and other players.
  • Operator: Operators are participants who change player permissions and use commands to control the world.

Mining in the underground world of Minecraft Pocket Edition will become more interesting and easier, because Canyons have been added to the game. Canyon- a long through cave 10-30 blocks high, which is quite easy to find by simply traveling across the plains. Very often in the Canyon you can find an abandoned mine or a very ordinary cave. Thanks to this, you will be able to extract valuable resources much faster. See what the canyon might look like:

Today, 09.22.17, it’s time for the full release of the mobile version to be released Minecraft 1.2! Why only Minecraft? And not Minecraft PE as we used to call it. Yes, because the game developers decided to change the name and now there are two identical game titles, one for a computer, the second for a mobile device. But if we look closer, we will notice that there is a new name, which translates as “It’s more fun together.” This phrase combines several operating systems at once: IOS, Android, Windows and Xbox and Nintendo Switch.

With the release of 1.2.0, many changes were made to the game that cover all the old ones. The developers decided that now with each new version Minecraft will be even more compatible with other systems.

Major changes

  • Version 1.2 is very suitable for beginners, because now before you start the game, you have to go through training.
  • A book appeared. Unlike the computer version, here you can read two pages at once.
  • A bonus chest with resources necessary for survival has been introduced at the start of the game.
  • An armor stand will appear, this is the most long-awaited innovation.
  • Deep canyons with the resources you need.
  • Bright and interesting parrots.
  • Record player.
  • Added flags.
  • New achievements.
Download Minecraft 1.2 [Full version]

In version 1.2.13 bugs with interface, graphics, commands have been fixed. There are a lot of good changes related to mobs. We fixed a lot of bugs with the gameplay and improved it a lot. Fixed crashes on different devices. No more block IDs! Version 1.2.13 doesn't work on Xbox Live !

C Mail clouds Download Minecraft PE 1.2.13 ORIGINAL (Android 4.2+)

C Mail clouds Download Minecraft PE 1.2.13 ORIGINAL (X86/Android 4.2+)

C Mail clouds Download Minecraft PE 1.2.13 Mod (Android 4.2+)

C Mail clouds Download Minecraft PE 1.2.10 ORIGINAL (Android 4.2+)

C Mail clouds Download Minecraft PE 1.2.10 ORIGINAL (X86/Android 4.2+)

C Mail clouds Download Minecraft PE 1.2.10 Mod (Android 2.3.6+)

In version 1.2.10 Many bugs have been fixed, plus several new small changes have appeared. Stable version, works everywhere!

Dear players! Today we are pleased to present you one of the most long-awaited updates - Minecraft PE 1.2.0/1.2. This update turns it into an almost full-fledged version that can compete even with the computer version. What is the name of this update? "It's more fun together"(in English. "Better Together Update") We will tell you about all the wonderful innovations for which this version is responsible, below!
Download Minecraft PE 1.2.11, 1.2.10, 1.2.9, 1.2.8, 1.2.6, 1.2.5, 1.2.1, 1.2.0 You can on our website absolutely free!

List of changes in Minecraft PE 1.2

Are you surprised why I don’t call the new version as before - ? The fact is that such a concept no longer exists! Due to the fact that the sale of pocket editions is breaking almost all unimaginable records, the concept "Pocket Edition" henceforth renamed. Moreover, the version Minecraft Pocket Edition can be considered the main version, since the computer version will henceforth be called Minecraft Java Edition! Also, players on some platforms will now be able to play together in the same world. Here is a list of platforms that are optimized for co-op play: Nintendo Switch, Win10, GearVR, XBOX, Android and iOS.

Book with a pen in MCPE!

Finally in Minecraft PE added a book! During the long wait, the developers gave players the opportunity to look at two pages at once, unlike the PC version!

Records for music player

With these records you can listen to different tunes right in the game!

Transparent ice

Well, there's a new ice texture in Minecraft Pocket Edition! Now it is translucent, just like on the PC version! It looks very cool and will definitely decorate the snow biome.

Latest build of Minecraft PE 1.2?

There is a high probability that the seventh build is the last test version before the official release, since this update fixes most of the known bugs. Unfortunately or fortunately, with the latest updates the team Mojang actively fights against piracy, which is why pirate players may have problems launching. We have prepared for you free hacked version Welcome to the article where you can read about all the innovations in Minecraft 1.2 in great detail. Agree, Minecraft 1.2.0 is one of the most global updates in the history of Minecraft: Pocket Edition!? The meaning of “global update” sounds in the sense of a new stage in the development of the game. ( Download Minecraft 1.2.8 for android you can below)

As many already know, there is no longer such a game as Minecraft: Pocket Edition, there is now just "Minecraft". But with the PC version of the game everything is a little sadder, instead of "Minecraft" - Minecraft: Java Edition. In general, this is actually advisable, but after many years during which we have become accustomed to the primitive name, this raises many questions - why was this done?

Let's start our review of the new version Minecraft 1.2. First of all you need to download Minecraft PE 1.2 to your device and launch Minecraft 1.2.0. The first thing you will see after launching is the Minecraft logo on a white background. Next, you will be prompted to log into xBox Live only if you have an office. version of the game, not the pirated version. You can skip this step.

Next, a window will pop up where you can read summary innovations in Minecraft 1.2. You can also skip this because... You can read about all these innovations in much more detail in this publication. We analyze all innovations together with you!)

After the previous step, the Minecraft 1.2.0 main menu will finally appear in front of you. In this version of the game, not only the game settings have changed, but also much more. We will go straight to creating the world of Minecraft PE 1.2.0. Click “play”, then “create game world”.

Let's move on to creating a new world. Here's the most interesting thing. In point world customization : you have the opportunity to get starting map And bonus chest as on PC version Minecraft: Java Edition.

  • Visitor- these are players who have the opportunity to explore the world, but cannot interact with other characters in the world and blocks.
  • Participant- these are players who can place and destroy blocks, fight against mobs and players.
  • Operator– this is the same administrator who has all the rights.

The next point in tweaking the world is cheats. If you activate the cheats function, you will be able to set additional world settings. Such as: the ability to display coordinates, enable All Time day, the ability to change for and night, dynamite detonation, saving inventory, weather change and much more.

When you have set all the necessary world settings, click “Create World”. Next, world generation will begin. During world generation, you will be able to see useful tips. While our world was loading, we saw two really useful tips!

Now we are finally in our generated world. By the way, we recommend that you use seeds. With the help of seeds you can find yourself in a very interesting location. You can find seeds on our website -!

As you can see in the upper left corner you can see the coordinates at which the player is located. We also don’t forget that if you indicated in the world settings that you want a starting map and a bonus chest, then look for them.

You can find the starting map in your inventory. Just open it and pick up the card and click “create card”. That's it, from now on, when you walk around the perimeter, you will fill out the map.

The next step you need to do is find the bonus chest. The bonus chest contains useful items that will help make your first days in Minecraft less difficult. Typically, a bonus chest is generated immediately near the spawn.

Let's now look at the inventory functions. We opened the inventory. The inventory has a menu on the left and right. The menu on the right side is pretty clear. The armor icon opens the armor interface, and the workbench icon opens the crafting interface.

The menu on the left is also very simple. At the bottom there is a chest icon - this is the player's inventory. All the icons above are all the sorted blocks and items that exist in the world of Minecraft.

If you see a “+” next to some element, click on this element to open the selection option. Elements with “+” are selectable. To move an item to your inventory, click on the required item, and then click on the corresponding inventory cell to move the selected item there.

Download Minecraft 1.2.10 for free

Download Minecraft 1.2.10 for Android 4.2+

Download Minecraft 1.2.10 for Android 2.3.6+

Download Minecraft 1.2.8 for free

Download Minecraft 1.2.8 for Android 4.2+

Minecraft Pocket Edition - How nice it is to create your own “oasis” where you can do everything as you wish. If you want to be a little destroyer, you can destroy the same “oases” of other players. The MCPE sandbox is definitely recognized as one of the most popular toys.

What is the reason for the enormous popularity of the application? Freedom of action is what attracts beginners and experienced gamers to the world of Minecraft. After all, you will have practically unlimited space and the opportunity to build any objects at your disposal. It is also possible to interact with other players. You can overcome plot difficulties either alone or with a partner. Download Minecraft PE for android full version You can do it on our website for free, to do this, click on the button below.

On this page, Minecraft PE is available for download without checking the license; by the way, it differs little from the original. First, the game needs to decide whether to create a new world or load an existing one. The game is undemanding to system resources - it will work even on weak Android devices, does not slow down and has virtually no bugs. The Minecraft PE interface is in Russian, which is pleasantly surprising compared to older versions.

Beautiful pictures in the game will always please your eyes. A wide variety of landscapes, high mountains, desert plains, lakes, etc., as well as the inhabitants of the animal world are an integral part of the gameplay. Depending on the mode selected, a multiplayer option opens, where you can communicate with other players. The Minecraft planet is endless, but the hero’s visibility area is, of course, limited. The lighting can be called weak, but this does not interfere with enjoying the game.

Regarding the PC version of the game, some changes can be noted, for example, musical design. But the controls remained the same - from the 1st or 3rd person. The remaining effects remained virtually unchanged. The control scheme of the Android version remains the same simple, even beginners can easily navigate it. When you get tired of playing alone, you can easily activate the multiplayer mode, after which you will overcome everyday difficulties together with a friend. The only limit is your personal imagination!
Required: Android 2.3.6 and higher
Version: Full
Devices: Phones and tablets
License: Not required
Is there Russian language
File: minecraft-v1.12.0.8.apk
Downloads: 4641
Genre: Arcade
Developer: Mojang