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Rh negative blood group 2 in contact. People of royal blood. The rarest blood

Second blood group in progress historical development human settlement and settlement around the world arose simultaneously with the advent of farmers. I would really like to assume that it was from them that modern summer residents originated. Someday scientists will undoubtedly prove this.

Primitive people drew attention to the possibility of eating carbohydrate foods. Let's attribute this role to the women of that period. Perhaps they were tired of the constant absence of men at home, links to hunting and mammoths. There was an opportunity to develop the economy and lead a settled life. As a result, about 1/3 of the population acquired group No. 2.

Genetic background

The second group is designated as A(II) in the AB0 system. The group differs from others in the presence of only red blood cell A-antigens.

In order for properties to be inherited, one of the parents must have this antigen.

This means that the following combinations are possible:

  • second + fourth;
  • second or fourth + first (without antigens);
  • second or fourth + third.

A child with the second group will not be born to parents with a combination of the first and third, since they both do not have the A-antigen. This combination indicates the absence of maternity or paternity and is used in forensic research.

Why take into account rhesus

If there is a need for a blood transfusion, an additional check is carried out between the donor and recipient for Rh compatibility.

A recipient with a second blood group can only be transfused with blood of the same type and Rh. In an emergency situation, infusion of the first Rh-negative group is permissible, but individual compatibility is strictly controlled.

Rhesus matching problems arise in women during pregnancy. Obstetricians strictly check tests for the Rh factor in future parents due to possible incompatibility between mother and fetus. This situation is possible if the woman tests negative and the man tests positive. It is impossible to predict in advance whose gene the fetus will select.

There is no danger to pregnancy if the child is negative like the mother.

Inheritance of a positive Rhesus father will lead to a rejection reaction on the part of the mother's body. The mother's immune cells recognize the fetus as a foreign agent and begin to fight against it. The result is an early interruption.

Diagram of Rh conflict

The most difficult situation occurs during the second and subsequent pregnancies. In primiparous women, antibodies accumulate only towards the end of pregnancy. Therefore, obstetricians always advise against having the first abortion. And with the following options, a high concentration of antibodies is found in the mother already at the beginning of the term.

During pregnancy, a woman donates blood several times to test for antibodies. This is a necessary analysis and should not be avoided.

To eliminate the danger, there is an available treatment with anti-Rhesus globulin. It is administered to a woman in the first three days after childbirth or abortion. This method does not disrupt the course of subsequent pregnancies.

Character traits

The sedentism of ancient people required the acquisition of communication skills. Those who survived were those who knew how to negotiate with the neighboring tribe, with whom it was pleasant to work together. Probably, in those days they also thought about justice.

Among all group characteristics, the following traits are typical for the second group: decency towards relatives and neighbors, a tendency to do work together, care for loved ones, and empathy.

They often cede leadership to others, but this does not mean that they themselves consider themselves unworthy. On the contrary, they dream of a high destiny, carefully hiding it. Such restlessness leads to internal stress and is harmful to health.

When choosing a profession, you should take into account your inclinations and not try to break the properties given by nature. Holders of the second group will be excellent teachers, doctors, and social workers. They have irreplaceable abilities in working with personnel and can successfully help in an election campaign.

Any commander needs experienced commissars

Health Risk

Proponents of the theory that health depends on blood type believe that for A(II), attention should be paid to the following factors:

  • decreased immunity, which easily occurs due to stress, infectious diseases, physical activity, eating disorders;
  • tendency to thrombus formation, increased blood clotting;
  • decreased acidity of gastric juice, impaired absorption of proteins and fats.

Such features can be deciphered as a tendency to the occurrence of such problems:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • allergic manifestations, autoallergic diseases (rheumatoid polyarthritis, lupus, hepatitis, psoriasis);
  • exposure to food infections, gastritis, pancreatitis;
  • risk of malignant tumors.

Supply system

The nutritional scheme developed for blood groups involves maximum sparing of the body, prevention of the occurrence of diseases, prevention of excess weight.

Healthy foods

People in the second group tend to be vegetarians. Their main diet is vegetables and fruits. Recommended vegetable oils: flaxseed and olive. From cereals - barley, rice, buckwheat, millet. Beans and lentils shown. Cooking porridge is always approved by the body.

Fruits and vegetables that enhance the formation of gastric juice, but are not too sour, are useful: pineapples, apples, cherries, oranges, currants. Vegetable dishes from carrots, beets. Salads with cucumbers, bell pepper. Leave only mustard as seasoning.

There are foods that are not recommended to be consumed in large quantities, but you should not avoid them either. These include seafood and fish. As for seasonings, it is better to avoid garlic, ginger, soy sauce, and drinks with malt (beer). Soy substitutes can be used in limited quantities.

Yoga - a way to return to nature

Strictly contraindicated

Due to the tendency to low acidity of gastric juice, the digestion of meat is disrupted. Therefore, meat products are limited to chicken or turkey. Dairy products are allowed in the form of hard cheeses, cottage cheese, kefir, but it must be remembered that they inhibit metabolism. Overweight people should avoid them.

You can use pepper, ketchup, mayonnaise, and saltiness. Potatoes, eggplants, cabbage in all forms are not recommended.

Fresh baked goods, cakes, sweets, and sour fruits (lemon) should be avoided.

Judging by their inclinations and recommendations, the most difficult thing for people with the second group is not to explode from the inside. You need to stay true to your purpose and not lead to conflicts. After all, the usual way to relieve stress through intense physical exercise is not suitable. The load will only worsen the situation, reducing immunity.

From the school biology course, we all remember that blood, which, by the way, makes up from six to eight percent of the human body weight, is a unique liquid that transports oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and cells of the body and even protects us from diseases and other misfortunes.

What is blood

From a chemistry point of view, blood is a colloidal solution consisting of water, organic (proteins, sugars, lipids, hormones and other complex compounds) and inorganic (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chlorine, etc.) substances. Formed elements include red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. In addition, it contains specific substances - antibodies and antigens, the type of which distinguishes blood groups. Today, scientists distinguish over 10 different classifications into groups. The AB0 system, proposed by K. Landsteiner, has been considered the most popular for more than 120 years.

How to determine blood type

Absolutely every person needs to know their blood type. This information can save the life of oneself or another (for example, in case of an accident and the need for an urgent transfusion), preserve pregnancy (in case of Rhesus conflict) and in many other situations. It is almost impossible to determine it at home using modern medicine. To do this, you should contact a special laboratory, where you will be asked to take a finger test. In addition, the group can be calculated by knowing this information about their parents using genetic methods, but this will not give a 100% guarantee of accuracy.

Origin of blood groups

According to the theory of L. Hirszfeld, the appearance of blood groups in humans was the result of a long and complex process of evolution. So, according to scientists, all the most ancient people had the first group. The rest emerged from it through mutations much later.

A number of properties, such as immunity, features of the digestive tract and even nervous system and mental processes that determine certain character traits. Thus, the first blood group appeared in those days when all of humanity was represented exclusively by hunters: their stomach and intestines are ideally adapted to eating and digesting meat food, which means that people with the first group have high acidity and, as a result, a tendency to gastritis and peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, such people are active, characterized by endurance, energy, stress resistance, determination, optimism and determination.

Somewhat later in the process of social evolution and anthropogenesis, a second blood group appeared. In time, this process coincided with the migration of people to the Eurasian continent, where, by the way, to this day people with group 2 predominate. These are farmers, calm and balanced, diligent and hardworking, reserved but not cold, sociable and loyal. They play great team games and join any team. The second blood type of your chosen one is an excellent reason for joy, because these people, as a rule, are excellent family men, regardless of gender.

About 10 thousand years ago, nomads appeared - with the third blood group - open, optimistic, active, prone to change and restless, fickle.

And just a thousand years ago, carriers of the fourth group entered the modern arena - soft, sensitive, extravagant, but at the same time unsure of themselves, slow and indecisive. Whether Jesus Christ had a fourth group or is this just a myth is unknown, but definitely, this is exactly the image that describes people with such blood.


A blood group is physically just a set of antibodies and antigens, the presence and type of which are encoded by a certain set of genes. This means that this trait is inherited from parents to children. But it is a mistake to believe that the second blood type in parents clearly implies a similar sign in their children. Although it is worth noting that in most cases this is true, but if in this situation you had a child with blood type 1, this is not yet a reason to accuse your partner of infidelity! Let's look at the reasons and remember the school course on genetics. The table below shows the correspondence between blood groups and the genes that encode them.

Blood type

Let's draw up a crossbreeding scheme for two partners with the second blood group:

R: ♂ I A I A × ♀ I A I A.

G: I A ; I A .

F: I A I A - 100% of the offspring have blood type 2.

Option 2:

R: ♂ I A i × ♀ I A i.

G: I A ; i; I A ; i.

F: I A I A , I A i; ii - 66% of offspring have blood group 2, 33% have blood group 1.

Option 3:

R: ♂ I A I A × ♀ I A i.

F: I A I A, I A i - 100% of the offspring have blood group 2.

Thus, we see that the probability of having a child with 1 blood group from parents who have the 2nd blood group exists, although it is small.

Compatibility of the second blood group

From the point of view of biology, genetics and medicine, the compatibility of people by blood groups is a fundamentally incorrect and meaningless concept, since there are no objective contraindications. However, there are a number of indirect criteria where blood type matters. After all, psychological and sexual compatibility mean no less, and sometimes even more, than physiological compatibility.

The first and second blood groups are, on the whole, a quite successful couple, but the leading place in such relationships is occupied by the sexual intimacy of the partners. Outside of bed, quite frequent conflicts are possible, which, however, will benefit the “second” partner in terms of his personal development.

A man and a woman with blood type 2 make up a truly ideal couple, where complete mutual understanding and stability reign. This may seem boring to some, but not to representatives of this group, because they are extremely conservative.

The second and third blood groups have quite a few points of contact. But both partners have sufficient prudence and perseverance to maintain and develop the relationship. Such a couple will be based on both the sexual aspect and the natural practicality of both partners.

The worst situation is in a couple: the second blood group plus the fourth. The minimum level will be observed here sexual compatibility and constant interpersonal conflicts. Although such relationships cannot be called particularly successful, they will certainly become bright and memorable for both.

Second blood group: Rh factor

In addition to antibodies and antigens, which were repeatedly mentioned above, the blood of most people (up to 85%) also contains an antigen located on the surface of red blood cells - erythrocytes. The wording “second positive blood group” means a person who has group 2 according to the AB0 system, on whose red blood cells a specific antigen is located. Despite the fact that the Rh factor in the context of blood groups is not of fundamental importance, we all remember such a concept as Rh conflict, which arises when mixing absolutely any blood groups that have different Rhesus. But is the Rh conflict as terrible as we are used to thinking about it? Let's consider two diametrically opposed situations.

If the mother has a second positive blood group, and the father has a second negative blood group, then in the end there is no question of any Rh conflict. Such a pregnancy, with other positive aspects, always ends in the birth of a healthy baby, regardless of whose rhesus he inherited.

Rhesus conflict

If the mother has a negative blood group and the father has a positive blood type, then this is where the Rh conflict arises. But still far from 100% of cases. This is due to the fact that the mother’s body, which does not have Rh antigens, will perceive the fetal antigens as foreign, which should be destroyed. As a result, there is a high probability of spontaneous abortion in the early stages of pregnancy or the birth of a child with neonatal jaundice (liver damage of varying severity). Moreover, with subsequent pregnancies, the likelihood of a sad outcome becomes increasingly higher.

However, a second negative blood group is not yet a reason to be upset! After all, medicine today does not stand still. Passive immunization of the mother with special anti-D antibodies to early stages pregnancy will help prevent the occurrence of Rh conflict and give birth to a healthy child from a loved one, without regard to blood types.

Blood type can not only tell you about the secrets of the origin of your family or character traits, making the right choice partner, but also significantly help in a number of everyday issues.

  • So, taking into account that the second blood group was characteristic of farmers, specialists developed a special diet based on blood groups. So, having group 2, you should eat foods of plant origin, with the exception of wheat and beans. Meat and dairy products will contribute to excess weight. But soy, vegetables and fruits, on the contrary, will help you lose weight. Coffee, strong black tea and orange juice should be avoided.
  • When choosing a type of physical activity, people with blood type 2 should pay attention to yoga, Pilates, callanetics, athletics, alpine skiing sports.
  • When choosing a profession, pay attention to legal, accounting and financial, medical, pedagogical, and possibly culinary specialties. But you should avoid leadership positions. You are more of an excellent performer than a boss.
  • In terms of health, be especially attentive to gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, kidneys and teeth.
  • Try to avoid alcohol and excessive eating.

Celebrities by blood

Despite their natural shyness, lack of initiative and desire to remain in the shadows, a number of eminent people have the second blood type. These include B. Spears, G. Paltrow, R. Starr, R. Williams and many other equally bright and worthy personalities.

What do scientists say?

Official science does not want to either confirm or refute the entire array of statistical data that humanity has accumulated on the relationship of blood groups with almost all spheres of human life. The most active position is distinguished by Asian scientists, in particular the Japanese, who have written a lot of articles on the topic of research on the influence of blood type on character, health, personal life and professional quality person.

Despite the fact that the physiology of blood groups was discovered by scientists more than 100 years ago, more and more new facts related to the composition of this biological fluid are still emerging in the scientific community. So, they will tell us how to eat right, where it is better to work, who to be friends with and who to avoid, and sometimes they even predict our fate! This is especially true in Asian countries, where blood type is used to choose not only a life partner and friends, but even employees when hiring. Today it is still difficult to say unequivocally whether this is justified or whether it is closer to prejudice, since too little statistically reliable material has been collected by scientists on these facts. However, what the hell is not joking! It wouldn't hurt to listen!

Who are people of “star” and “royal” blood?

Royal blood

One of the most unique facts related to the nature of blood is the phenomenon of the 2nd blood group, and blood with a negative Rh factor, the so-called “royal” or “royal blood”.

From an interview with Inna Boyko:

Recently, theories linking group membership with various character traits - a kind of medical horoscopes - have become increasingly popular. As far as I know, in Japan this hobby has already grown into a kind of cult - to the point that HR managers try to select personnel exclusively by blood type. Is this just another fashionable psychosis or do such theories have some rational basis?

I wouldn't draw such parallels based solely on a person's blood type. Blood, as the main substance of life, given to us by the Creator, has a single nature. Despite all individual differences, it is connected with the universal human Soul, therefore, in the energy-informational sense, all people on Earth are brothers and sisters. Historically, there is only one exception - this is the second group, or, as it is also called, group A.

I'll give you interesting fact: it is known that initially humanity had only one blood group - the first. In particular, its owners were also representatives of the earliest civilizations - the Incas and Egyptians. However, when scientists examined the DNA of the mummies of Egyptian pharaohs, it turned out that they all had a second blood type. The same picture was observed in the Inca Empire - the gene pool of the royal dynasty was sharply different from the general gene pool of its subjects. And what is characteristic: both Egyptian and Inca kings firmly believed in their divine origin and therefore carefully monitored the purity of their blood.

-That is, the owners of the second group were considered descendants of the gods?

In a way, that's how it is. Group A is generally a rather strange phenomenon; its very existence fits poorly into the history of human evolution. This is recognized by many scientists: for example, A. Moran, the leading geneticist of our time, claims that gene A has nothing in common with the Cro-Magnon ancestors of humans and is introduced from outside.

Where did he come from then?

And you remember whose descendants the Incas, Aztecs and other Central American tribes considered themselves to be. They knew that their ancestors came from the land of Atztlan - Plato's mysterious Atlantis. Many modern researchers believe that there were four directions of Atlantean emigration: the first wave of settlers settled in Greece, the second - in the territory Ancient Egypt, the third settled the northwestern coast of the Mediterranean Sea - modern Spain, Portugal and France, and the fourth, the most recent, settled in Mesoamerica. So gene A, preserved among the Egyptian and Inca kings, is most likely an Atlantean heritage.

Here we will make a necessary digression - a short excursion into the wilds of modern genetics. It is worth saying that official science still does not have a firm opinion on the origin of human blood groups. Indeed, our primitive ancestors had a common blood group, first, or otherwise - group 0.

However, about 100 thousand years ago, in parallel with gene 0, gene A appeared - the second blood group. The remaining varieties have a much later origin - the third (group B) appeared 3,000 - 3,500 years ago, and the fourth (AB0) - approximately in the middle of the second millennium AD. There are several assumptions regarding the reasons for the mutation of gene 0 - from the impact of various infections on the human body to changes in the composition of food (by the way, the human diet has changed dramatically four times throughout the history of homo sapiens). However, none of these theories has yet received reliable confirmation.

Star Blood
-So, it turns out that people with the second blood group can consider themselves descendants of the ancient Atlanteans?

There is a more clear sign of this genetic line - a negative Rh factor. Have you ever wondered why, among all mammals, it is found only in humans, and even then very rarely? 85% of the world's population is Rh positive - the same as all other primates. One inevitably comes to the conclusion: those with a negative Rh factor are not the heirs of prehistoric people.

Are you saying that they are not homo sapiens at all?

If all people belonged to the same biological species, there would be no hemolytic diseases (Rh conflicts), since Rh conflict is an attempt to destroy a foreign substance. Rhesus negative people, as well as Atlanteans, are the descendants of ancient astronauts who once colonized the Earth.

Even the great metaphysician Rudolf Steiner developed the theory that in prehistoric times humanity was largely guided and guided by beings of a higher order who communicated and interacted with certain people - the most capable, strong and intellectually flexible.

As a result of sexual relations between these beings and earthly people, those who can be called demigods were born. These hybrid people were inspired by higher ideas and felt a universal cosmic force within them. In essence, Steiner's definition coincides with the description of those whom the ancient Jews called nephillim - “glorious people”, or “giants”.

Those same giants who, according to biblical tradition, were born from angels and daughters of men?

Yes, the same ones that, among other things, caused the global flood. The fact is that most of them fell into temptation and forgot their original mission - to help people cleanse their genetic structures and awaken in themselves the desire for spiritual evolution. Unfortunately, the descendants of the biblical giants (they are also called “star seed”) are still prone to regression and fall, although by nature they are given much more than ordinary people.

What is their feature?

These creatures are the link that connects the Earth with other worlds. All children of the “star seed” are divided into two categories.

The first is the so-called Chosen Ones. By the way, they may not have a negative Rh factor, since in the process of evolution and promiscuous relationships the blood of ancient astronauts was diluted with earthly genes.

The second category includes those who are Rh-negative - they have not lost the cosmic gene, it works. It may not appear at all for some time, and then be activated - then insight occurs, a clear understanding of one’s mission on Earth comes, paranormal abilities appear, and the opportunity to get into direct contact with the cosmos. By the way, many of the Rh-negatives are engaged in the study of ancient civilizations created by paleo-astronauts - the voice of blood speaks in them, memories of their true origin.

However, why, with all their talents, are they prone to regression, as you claim?

Firstly, many of them had greatly diluted genes due to the promiscuous connections of their ancestors with people who, let’s say, were far from flawless. Plato also spoke about people - the descendants of the gods and about the dissolution of the divine gene, which ultimately led Atlantis to the fall.

Secondly, when this gene is activated, its owner experiences severe stress: the soul undergoes a fundamental transformation, and not everyone is able to withstand it - many, especially women, break down. Agree, the consciousness that you are a stranger in this world, an alien, can destroy a person’s inner world.

Therefore, it is very important that souls with cosmic initiation become Teachers, and not spiritual invalids who need to be saved. You need to be aware that Rh-negatives are brothers and sisters of earthlings, but brothers not in the home, but in the Universe.

And only by combining our efforts, we will be able to conduct a spiritual inventory of our planet and reach a qualitatively new level of development.

The early “carriers” of this blood had to show intelligence and ingenuity, cunning and resourcefulness, passion and ardor, and also have a subtle sense when encountering problems that were sufficient in the new conditions of life. People with the second blood group, even today, are inclined to closer relationships, to close communication, to “collective farming”. All studies show that rural residents mostly have blood type A(2). For thousands of years, dynamic and mobile people, adventurers, usually with 0(1) and B(3) blood groups, first moved to cities and other countries for thousands of years. And people with blood groups A(2), figuratively speaking, follow in the footsteps of people with dynamic blood groups.

It may seem that these people are poorly adapted to the turbulent, troublesome and stressful life of a leader, which is so easy for people with the first blood type to master, but this is not so, they can also become leaders.

Once at the very top, they tend to show patience and the desire to find the right, peaceful way out of any unpleasant situation, so that as few people as possible suffer. They love harmony, calm and order. Work well with other people. In addition, they are sensitive, patient and friendly. Among their weaknesses are Weak point This group may have a penchant for alcoholic drinks and rich food.

People with the second blood group feel great in subordinate positions, the main thing is that there are like-minded people nearby. They love comfort, spiritual and everyday, and hate conflicts. They are romantics at heart, but sometimes they can be stubborn and irritable. People with the second blood type treat business conscientiously, can work even in crisis conditions and situations, as well as during stress, they are very committed and diligent. Wonderful friends. Very capable. They love harmony, order and tranquility in everything. Patient, sensitive and friendly. Maximalists. Their main weaknesses are stubbornness and inability to relax, self-absorption.

Male blood type 2

He is very shy and indecisive, he expresses his love with a glance, a light touch of the hand, but if he decides to reveal himself, he does it quite sharply. In family life, the partner must constantly prove that she loves him. He loves to feel maternal care, so he often chooses women older than himself. A man with the second blood type always equates intimate relationships with love. Usually this is a very delicate and attentive lover, capable of fulfilling the slightest whim of his partner. Deep emotional contact with a woman is important to him. They tend to get married quite early, their husbands are faithful. Such a man has an unusually rich imagination, but in real life he is more than restrained. Very demanding, has a low acceptance range. May abuse alcohol.

IF YOU LIKE A MAN with the second blood type, show that you understand him like no one else. Don’t rush things: he must understand for himself that he won’t find anyone better than you. Don't intrude or pester him with questions about your relationship.

Woman of blood type 2

Most women with a reputation for being “businesslike” and “asexual” are women with the second blood type. Seducing such a businesswoman is almost impossible: sex rarely occupies her thoughts. In relationships with men, she is shy, and also suspicious - even when she falls in love, she will never show it, she will wait for action from the man. But if the relationship has already been decided, then she will become an excellent wife: loving, devoted, faithful. She is the most passive of all women. Since she usually behaves very intelligently, it is difficult to persuade her to engage in various kinds of experiments and connections on the side.

Blood type 2 is typical for a third of the world's population. How old is she, what is her origin story? What characteristics do people with second HS have?

Let's look at compatibility options by group, the differences between people with positive and negative Rhesus, possible diseases and advice on choosing a diet.

Second GC – something from history and genetics

The second blood group, or blood group A, arose on earth about 25 thousand years ago. During the course of evolution, ancient man was forced to look for new places to hunt and adapt to new conditions. Agriculture began to develop. It is the farmers who are considered the forefathers of blood group 2 A.

According to a fashionable and widespread theory, there was only one blood group - the first. It is considered the most ancient and all other GCs originated from it due to changes in diet.

Distinctive indicators of each group are the presence of antigens on the surface of red blood cells:
  • the first one doesn’t have them at all and symbol, recognized throughout the world – 0 (I);
  • the second has antigen A. Designation according to the international classification A (II);
  • 3 have antigen B. Designated B (III);
  • Group 4 is the rarest. It has two antigens A and B. It is designated AB (IV).

A child receives the blood of his parents at birth, but it does not always match their blood group.

Blood group A (II) in children can be obtained in the following cases:
  • if the blood parameters of the parents are groups 2 and 4;
  • if 2 or 4 + first;
  • 2 or 4 + third;
  • if both parents have the second blood group.

Can be questioned family ties the child and parents if the parents do not have antigen A in their blood (groups 1 and 3, respectively).

Rh (Rh factor) must be taken into account during blood transfusions and during pregnancy.

Replacement therapy with donor blood or its preparations with blood group 2 can be carried out as follows:
  • 2nd Rh positive can be used as a donor for recipients with the second and fourth Rh+;
  • 2 Rh negative – only for one’s own kind or in extreme cases for 4 negative;
  • As a recipient, a second positive blood group can be combined with the same one or, in the absence of material, with the first Rh-.

The second negative blood group is a risk during pregnancy, since incompatibility between mother and fetus may develop. A girl or woman (together with the child’s father) needs to undergo examination at the conception planning stage to avoid problems.

Then, during pregnancy, do control tests at least twice a month to identify the presence of antibodies indicating a possible conflict.

Particular characteristics II (A) Rh+

The characteristics of people with 2 positive blood group are based on the collection of statistical information, analysis of many generations and reinforcement of this information with generalized data. Each owner of such blood must decide whether this is about him.

The blood of ancient farmers appeared as a result of changes in lifestyle, food preferences, climate and many other factors. But the main thing is considered to be a sedentary lifestyle. As a consequence of such changes, features in behavior and character appeared that were inherited with blood type and Rhesus.

  1. Communication skills. People know how to negotiate and find a common language with adults and children. This phenomenon is explained very simply - the genetic memory of generations. In ancient times, the one who could come to an agreement with his neighbor survived.
  2. Collectivity. Man is a “herd” creature in the primitive sense, a social creature in the modern sense. It is people with such indicators who perfectly find their place in the team. They do not strive for leadership by any means, but are quite capable of leading and managing a team. At the same time, they show care and listen to the opinions of each member of the community.
  3. A reverent attitude towards relatives. They are accustomed to taking care of both the older generation and the heirs. In return they do not require praise or reciprocal steps. Simple human gratitude can motivate them to almost great deeds.
  4. Among the traits that are harmful are impulsiveness, excessive suspiciousness and a tendency to self-criticism. These qualities often lead to nervous disorders and breakdowns. Women have an increased susceptibility to depression. Men have a tendency to be reclusive and look for a way out of a situation in very dubious things (alcohol, drugs).

Just like information about character traits, information about possible diseases has been collected over decades of research. With the help of such knowledge, one can focus on the prevention of specific ailments.

And for representatives of the 2nd positive blood group they are as follows:
  • from the digestive side, there is a risk of developing gastritis with low acidity. Pathologies of the pancreas and gallbladder will not be uncommon;
  • the heart and blood vessels will respond to increased blood clotting with ischemic and thrombotic manifestations, atherosclerosis or heart defects;
  • a tendency to oncology of the blood system is the most dangerous and unpleasant prospect;
  • the endocrine system is susceptible to the occurrence of autoimmune processes;
  • infectious, viral and fungal diseases occur no more often than in other groups, but immunity may be weaker, so the recovery process is not always quick and without complications.

Perhaps the most unpleasant moment is that emotional instability caused by some dissatisfaction with oneself poses a threat to both mental and physical health. A variety of diseases can develop due to nervousness, which can be difficult to cure, or they can become chronic.

In this case, you can say: “Knowing what kind of blood I have, I will be able to resist certain pathologies in time.”

II (A) Rh-

Second negative blood group in modern world most common in Japan and Western Europe. In group studies, a pattern was noted that leaves an imprint on the character, psychological state and predisposition to certain diseases of the carriers of this “genetic information”.

Character traits are similar to those of carriers of II (A) Rh+, only a little sharper and brighter.

  1. In the team they always try to occupy, if not a leading, then a noticeable position. They react sharply to criticism, even if it is fair. They cannot always admit they are wrong and apologize. They harbor grievances for a long time and find an opportunity to take revenge.
  2. Owners of every aspect of their lives. They don’t want to share their friends with anyone; loved ones and close people always feel their care, which sometimes becomes “suffocating.”
  3. They easily find a common language in any group, are observant, inventive in ways to achieve goals, but are not capable of meanness.
  4. They are sensitive and vulnerable, which leaves an imprint on their psychological state. They are susceptible to stress and mood swings, although they try to keep their emotions to themselves.

The characteristic is very general and in some cases controversial. It’s up to everyone to decide and draw conclusions – it looks like it’s not him or not.

2 negative blood group has its own “set” of diseases that can occur throughout life:
  • increased blood clotting and, as a consequence, the risk of blood clots;
  • varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and other vascular pathologies are more common in women with negative group 2;
  • possible development of diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus, thyroid dysfunction;
  • there is a high risk of cancer of the genital area, intestines (especially the colon) and the hematopoietic system;
  • At any age, both sexes can develop iron deficiency anemia.

Carriers of the second blood group, regardless of rhesus, suffer from low acidity of gastric juice.

This knowledge should make you think about developing the right diet, which will help prevent the occurrence of certain diseases. And your lifestyle will help you avoid all the others.

Making the right diet

The blood type diet is becoming increasingly popular. After all, this is not so much a diet as a way of life that helps you stay active, prolong youth and eat tasty and healthy.

If we take into account the predisposition to low acidity, then the basis of the diet should be plant foods, since heavy meat foods load the digestive system.

Naturopathic physician Peter D'Adamo, the author of the unique blood group diet, bases his recommendations on the evolutionary origin of human blood and its division into groups. Consequently, farmers are mostly vegetarians. After all, from ancient times they ate what their craft brought them.

Healthy foods that should form the basis of your diet include those from which you can prepare delicious and varied dishes.

  1. Meat is a source of animal protein, which is building material our cells. It is not advisable to completely exclude it from the diet. But representatives of the second blood group are better off paying attention to “light meat”: chicken and rabbit with turkey. Lean lamb and veal in limited quantities.
  2. Fish and seafood. It is a source of minerals, vitamins, essential amino acids, animal protein and fat. Red and river fish in any form, seaweed, crustaceans will be a wonderful addition to the table. They should be present in the diet at least once a week.
  3. Dairy products should be present as a source of calcium and protein. But it is better to give preference to fermented milk products.
  4. Vegetables contain vitamins, minerals, fiber and other beneficial elements. It should be remembered that during heat treatment some of the beneficial qualities are lost, so preference should be given to salads made from fresh vegetables and herbs: cucumbers and tomatoes, spinach with lettuce, broccoli with green onions and sweet peppers.
  5. However, it is always impossible to eat raw vegetables. Moreover, this is fraught with disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. Boiled, stewed, steamed potatoes with carrots, beets and some others perfectly diversify the diet.
  6. Fruits can be consumed raw or baked. But you don’t need to eat too sour ones - lemon, lime, kiwi and some others.
  7. Dried fruits and nuts will replace sweets, which are not very healthy for carriers of blood type A.
  8. Cereals: buckwheat and millet with rice (preferably unrefined), oatmeal, corn and barley, pearl barley.
  9. Legumes and natural vegetable oils will be beneficial and diversify your diet.

For drinks, choose tea, natural coffee and fruit juices, dry red wine.

Pork and lamb, fatty fish, smoked meats, as well as spicy dishes and sauces, and citrus fruits are considered harmful. You should also exclude strong alcohol, baked goods and all kinds of sweets containing food chemicals.

Each person is unique, therefore there is no universal recipes health and longevity. These are general guidelines and information only. Everyone is free to choose what suits and pleases them.