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The only body of water without flowing rivers. The Red Sea: where it is on the map, photos, area, depth, rivers, fish, countries, cities. What rivers flow into and out of Baikal

People have always been attracted by mystical places, covered in legends, tales, and stories of miracles. And the more dangerous the place, the more daredevils sought to solve its mystery

To be afraid of spirits - do not go to the steppe

People have always been attracted by mystical places covered in legends, tales, stories of miracles. And the more dangerous the place, the more daredevils sought to solve its mystery. In this regard, Kazakhstanis, one might say, are lucky - there are a huge number of such “mysterious islands” on the territory of the republic, like a magnet attracting curious tourists. In the “K” collection we will talk about the most mystical of them.


The village of Ungurtas is 100 km from Almaty.

Another name for Ungurtas is the “Navel of the Earth,” since it is here, as many claim, that the celestial system connects with the Earth system. According to legend, it was on the site of Ungurtas that Ahmed Yasawi lived at one time. They say that at the age of 63, feeling the approaching decline of his life, he began to look for a calm, secluded corner. The ideal option was Ungurtas, where Ahmed Yasawi spent the rest of his life in an underground cell. Near the dungeon, his relatives and numerous students settled, who listened to the instructions and teachings of the thinker. The place where the monastery stood is now called Aidarly Aidahar-Ata.

Aydarly Aydahar-Ata is an energy column with a diameter of 8 meters. “The place where a flow of energy rushing into the sky emerges from the earth, which cleanses, replenishes, and strengthens the human energy field,” the official explanation says.

People who visited Ungurtas are sure that the radiation coming from the depths charges and cleanses them. The place for “energy recharging” was chosen by both psychics and astrologers, and ordinary pilgrims from all over the world.

True, there were cases when Ungurtas refused to accept people. The so-called gate became the border. The book-shaped stone invites everyone to stop in front of it. “Kneel and pray. For you are ascending the Mountain of Reason,” the inscription reads. But not everyone can go beyond the gate. You may get a headache, blurred vision, and feel suffocated. People describe their feelings differently at the moment when they could not climb the mountain. Some people see a thick wall that makes no sense to break through. Others talk about the feeling of chains that bind their arms and legs and do not allow them to move further.

In addition to the energy flow, each of the Ungurtas caves is a unique place with its own unique energy and healing properties unique to it.


Jambyl Region.

According to local residents, Lake Kol-Kol is home to a water spirit - Aidahar. Modern researchers of anomalies say that a prehistoric creature lives in the reservoir, miraculously preserved to this day - a relative of the Loch Ness monster. This is precisely what explains the stories of fishermen and shepherds, who claim that they often saw waterfowl and animals drinking water near the shore being “dragged” into the lake.

In fact, near Lake Kol-Kol there are quite strange physical properties: the water in it is constantly fresh and “alive”, although not a single river or source flows into the lake. Sometimes large funnels appear on the water, drawing in various floating objects. Often the smooth surface of the lake is instantly covered with small ripples.

Hydrologists are thinking about a system of underground caves, but have not yet been able to thoroughly explore the lake: in some areas it is bottomless.

However, a group of divers from Irkutsk managed to get some answer. Researchers tried to find the bottom of the lake, but all attempts were unsuccessful. During one of the dives, a giant funnel suddenly appeared and swallowed one of the divers in a matter of seconds. Searches in the depths of the lake yielded nothing. A decision was made to stop the rescue operation.

However, quite unexpectedly, the members of the expedition received news that their friend was alive. It turned out that a kilometer from the lake there is a valley through which a fast river flows. It was there that the missing diver was found. Alive and unharmed, he said that the lake carried him through the underground depths and pushed him up. At that moment he felt the action of some unknown force...

Singing Dune

Altyn-Emel National Park is 182 km northeast of Almaty.

According to one legend, the great Genghis Khan rests under the Singing Dune along with his warriors, and the singing sand is the soul of the khan, which from time to time reminds his descendants of himself and his exploits. Another legend says that Shaitan, who was returning through the steppe to his home after “a successful day,” turned into a dune. Tired, he stopped and lay down to rest. He fell soundly asleep, after which he turned into a dune, and the sound was a groan of dissatisfaction emitted by the shaitan that they were trying to disturb him.

The sound produced by a unique dune is always different. Sometimes it resembles a barely perceptible squeak, sometimes it is difficult to distinguish it from a sophisticated melody, close to the sound of an organ, and sometimes it is a terrifying roar.

Presumably the dune creates musical works using discharges of electricity. The strength of the sound depends on the number of moving grains of sand; the greater their mass, the clearer and louder the sound of the Singing Dune.

Dead Lake

District of the village of Gerasimovka, Almaty region.

They say that about a century ago, a certain groom, suspecting his beloved of infidelity, became so distraught that in a fit of jealousy he drowned the innocent maiden in the lake. Since then the lake has become Dead.

In fact, one of the features of this small (60 by 100 meters) reservoir is that even in the hottest summer its water remains icy and its level remains unchanged. Although other reservoirs in this region dry out noticeably in the summer under the scorching rays of the sun, and sometimes dry up, turning into a small puddle. In addition, there are no fish in Dead Lake, no algae or other vegetation.

There is a version that all living things in it are killed by toxic gas released from a crevice at the bottom. However, she has not yet received confirmation - divers diving into the waters of the Dead Lake say that it is impossible to stay in it for more than five minutes, even with a tank full of air.


Karaganda region, five kilometers west of Karkaralinsk.

According to one legend, one day the famous Kazakh hero Er Targyn spent the night on the shore of a mysterious reservoir. At night, he was awakened by a naked girl of unprecedented beauty and lured into the lake. In the pond itself, the beautiful stranger suddenly turned into a terrible old woman, who dug her claws into the young man and dragged him into the depths. However, the hero dealt with the witch, smashed her head with his fist, climbed ashore and threw the dead body of the old woman back into the water, after which she immediately came to life and began to threaten Er Targyn.

According to another legend, the lake was formed from the tears of mothers mourning their sons who died in battle with the Dzungars.

Be that as it may, newspapers wrote about the mysterious lake back in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Since all kinds of devilry happened in its vicinity and people disappeared, in 1905 it was decided to consecrate the reservoir and then rename it the Holy. However, this turned out to be not so easy. During the prayer service, suddenly, as if out of nowhere, a terrible whirlwind came, knocking the people gathered for prayer off their feet. However, as soon as the prayer service stopped, the hurricane subsided.

The water of the lake is an amazing bright blue color and is surrounded by dilapidated granite rocks. Shaitankol has no feeding rivers or springs, but the water level here never decreases or rises, despite the abundant melting of snow, heavy rains or, conversely, long periods of summer drought. And, according to the old-timers of these places, the volume of Shaitankol’s water is capable of flooding the entire Karkaralinsk and its surroundings.

The literature indicates that the lake has a double bottom. Depth unknown. It looks like water flooded the mouth of a long-extinct volcano. Extreme sportsmen from Ersain Shygaev’s group once tried to measure the depth of the lake. Having gone out on an inflatable boat to the middle of the reservoir, they began to lower the load on a rope three hundred meters long. The homemade lot went completely under water, never reaching the bottom.

Then Ersain Shygaev decided to explore the bottom of the lake with scuba gear. “The bottom of the lake turned out to be very beautiful. Huge boulders, algae, schools of fish. The water was quite clear. I immediately rushed to where our lot fell into the abyss. And I saw a semicircular “bowl” the size of a football arena, in the center of which gaped a bottomless abyss. I did not dare to swim over the abyss. So he froze on the edge of a cliff, like an idol. And suddenly I saw something strange in the center of the pit. It was as if the back of a huge whale appeared for a moment from the darkness and disappeared into the darkness again... I pulled the rope so that my friends would pull me to the surface, and then I felt that oxygen had stopped flowing from the cylinders for no apparent reason. I barely suppressed panic and, trying not to look back, rushed upstairs,” he said in an interview.

Esotericists believe that at the bottom of the lake there is a portal, a “funnel”, or a wormhole through which various entities from alternative universes enter our world. According to eyewitnesses, the lake comes alive at night. A quiet evening is suddenly interrupted by a hurricane, strange shadows rush across the surface of the lake, running into people spending the night on the shore and touching them with cold limbs, luminous objects appear above the water.

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What is the name of the only lake in the world into which about 300 rivers and streams flow, but only one flows out? Is it really one

When describing Lake Baikal, one always has to resort exclusively to superlatives. It is about 25 million years old and is undoubtedly the oldest lake on Earth (the second oldest Lake Tanganyika in Africa is only 2 million years old). It is the world's deepest freshwater lake (1620 m): it is 396 m deeper than the second deepest lake Tanganyika (1223 m). Its length is 636 km, its maximum width is 79 km, and its minimum is 25 km; total length coastline 1995 km.
Global stock drinking water Lake Baikal, located on the territory of Russia, is 1/5 and exceeds the volume of water of the five Great Lakes of North America combined. In order to imagine how large the water reserve of this lake is, it is enough to say that to fill the lake basin, the deepest point of which lies 5-6 thousand meters below ocean level, all the rivers of the world would have to drain water here for 300 days. Baikal is one of the oldest lakes on the planet. Its age is estimated at 25 million years. Despite such a respectable age, he shows no signs of aging. 336 rivers flow into Baikal, but the main role in the water balance of the lake, namely, 50% of the annual influx of water, is played by the waters of the Selenga River. Once in Baikal, its upper 50-meter layer is repeatedly cleaned by the epishura crustaceans living in it, saturated with oxygen and settled for years. Water exchange in the northern basin of the lake occurs with a periodicity of 225 years, in the middle - 132 years, in the southern - 66 years, which makes it suitable for use as drinking water without any additional purification.
Only one flows out of it - the Angara, which ultimately flows into the Yenisei, which flows into the Kara Sea, located far beyond the Arctic Circle in the Arctic Ocean.

The water of Baikal and the Angara River flowing from it is probably the cleanest in Russia. However, it contains almost no useful substances: the content of calcium, magnesium, potassium, and bicarbonates is two to ten times lower than optimal, which is aggravated by a deficiency of microelements - iodine and fluorine.

One of my favorite school works is the novel “ Quiet Don" Therefore, I associate this river with the Cossacks, with their free life, with the beauty of nature. What kind of river is this, where does it originate and where does it end?

Source and mouth of the Don

Oddly enough, in different time Various lakes were considered the source of the Don. Once upon a time, Lake Ivan was called its source. This assumption was later refuted. Now the place where the Don originates, is known for sure. It located in Novomoskovsk. There is even an architectural monument called “The Source of the Don”. However, even now many mistakenly consider its source to be the Shatsky reservoir, next to which it flows.

Where does the Don flow? There is only one answer to this question - to the Taganrog Bay of the Azov Sea. Once I managed to visit the Sea of ​​Azov. It is completely different from other seas where I have been lucky enough to vacation. It is very small, due to which it is strongly heated by the sun's rays. You can go far, far into it, and the water won’t even reach your neck.

Here the river bed is divided into many branches, the delta of which covers an area of ​​as much as 540 square meters. km. The largest of them:

River Don: what is it?

The river valley is flat, there are no high rapids. Its floodplain is quite wide. In the lower reaches the width reaches 15 km. The Don River flows calmly, without rushing anywhere. It’s not for nothing that Sholokhov called the Don quiet!

As for the water regime of the river, despite the vast catchment area, the water content of the Don is small. This is mainly due to the fact that the river flows in the steppe and forest-steppe. The water level along the entire length of the river is 8-13 m.

IN economic activity Don is actively involved. This river is one of the most important waterways of communication. You can always see ships here.

Interesting distinctive feature the river is flood, passing as if in two waves. The first one is “cold” when they enter the river from the lower reaches melt water. The second is “warm” when water comes in large quantities from the upstream.

Lakes occupy about 1.8% of the globe, mostly small, quiet bodies of water with gently sloping sandy shores. But there are real giant lakes, several hundred kilometers long, with an area larger than some seas, on the surface of which real storms with multi-meter waves rage. Meet the ten largest lakes in the world.

10. Great Slave Lake

Great Slave Lake has an area of ​​28,930 km², and is the remains of a body of water formed after the melting of glaciers formed during the Ice Age. This is the deepest lake in North America, located in Canada, with a depth of 614 meters, which is bordered on one side by the tundra and on the other by the Canadian boundary shield. The name of the lake was given in honor of the Indian tribe that lived on the shore, whose name was very similar to English word"slave", which translates as "slave".

9. Lake Malawi

Lake Malawi, also known as Nyasa, with an area of ​​30,044 km 2, contains 7% of the world's fresh water reserves. The reservoir is a depression on the border of Mozambique, Tanzania and Malawi, 706 meters deep, into which 14 rivers flow. Storms often rage along the steep shores of the lake, during which shipping almost completely stops.

8. Great Bear Lake

Canada's largest lake, Great Bear Lake has an area of ​​31,153 km². The reservoir is located beyond the Arctic Circle at an altitude of 186 meters above sea level and has a depth of 413 meters. It was from uranium mined on the shores of Great Bear Lake that the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were made.

7. Lake Baikal

Lake Baikal, with an area of ​​31,722 km², is the largest freshwater reservoir in the world, storing 19% of the world's freshwater reserves. The reservoir, 1,637 meters deep, was formed at the site of a tectonic fault, and is surrounded on all sides by hills and mountains. By the way, this is the deepest lake in the world, where more than 300 rivers flow into and only one river, the Angara, flows out. Most importantly, Baikal and its shores are home to a large number of animals and plants that are not found anywhere else in the world.

6. Lake Tanganyika

Lake Tanganyika, with an area of ​​32,893 km 2, located on the border of Congo, Tanzania, Zambia and Burundi, was formed at the site of a tectonic fault on the border of the African and Arabian tectonic plates. It is the second deepest (its depth is 1,470 meters) enclosed body of water in the world and the second largest fresh water lake in the world. It also bears the title of the longest lake in the world, stretching 673 kilometers from north to south. The shores of Tanganyika are high cliffs and only on the eastern side there are flat areas. Due to the fact that the lake was formed many millions of years ago with a closed ecosystem, there are many unique species of fish that cannot be found anywhere else in the world.

5. Lake Michigan

Lake Michigan, with an area of ​​58,000 km2, is the only one of the five Great Lakes that is entirely located in the United States. It is located at an altitude of 177 meters above sea level, its depth is 281 meters. Michigan is located high in northern latitudes and its waters are frozen for about four months of the year.

4. Lake Huron

Lake Huron, on the border of the USA and Canada, with an area of ​​59,600 km 2, has a depth of 229 meters and is located at an altitude of 176 meters above sea level. The most interesting thing is that Huron has a simply huge number of islands, more than 30 thousand, among which Manitoulin Island stands apart, the largest freshwater island in the world, which in turn contains the largest inland lake in the world - Manitou, with an area of ​​106 km 2.

3. Lake Victoria

Lake Victoria, with an area of ​​69,485 km2, is the largest African and tropical lake in the world. The reservoir was formed in a depression on the East African platform on the border of Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda at an altitude of 1134 meters above sea level. The lake with a large number of bays, bays and islands is surrounded by low swampy shores, only in the southwestern part does the water rest against sharply rising rocks. Victoria has a depth of 84 meters, the main source of water replenishment of which is tropical rains. By the way, the longest river in the world, the Nile, originates from here.

2. Lake Superior

The second largest lake in the world and the largest in North America, Lake Superior, has an area of ​​82,414 km 2. The reservoir was formed in the basin as a result of the movement of tectonic plates and soil erosion, which was filled with water from melted glaciers. Strong winds constantly blow over the lake, 406 meters deep, not protected by mountains, which is why strong seiches (standing waves) often form on its surface, severely destroying the shores.

1. Caspian Sea

The largest lake in the world is the Caspian Sea, yes, it is a lake, despite the fact that it is most often called a sea, has an area of ​​371,000 km 2. The banks of this reservoir are flat and swampy, only in the northern part they are strongly indented, in the area of ​​​​the delta of the Volga and Ural rivers. The Caspian Sea, which is located on the border of Russia, Iran, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, has a depth of 1025 meters. The most interesting thing is that this lake appeared as a result of tectonic shifts, which led to the appearance of a closed body of water separated from the world ocean.

Rivers are picturesque arteries through which the blood of the earth flows. From the very beginning of human history, people have tried to set up settlements and build houses in the coastal zone. Water gave them life. Here they watered the cattle, bathed and cultivated the land. In Ancient Rus', rivers were called “God’s roads.”

Both in winter and in summer they had their own strategic importance. In the warm season, merchant ships glided along large waterways, and in winter, when the surface of the reservoir was covered with an icy surface, merchants transported their goods on sleighs directly across the ice.

As for human body Blood is important, and fresh water is necessary for the life of nature. Rivers are the main element of the blue planet Earth. As you know, each of them has its own beginning - a source.

Where do they come from?

Almost all rivers have a different source: somewhere a seething stream begins with a small spring, somewhere with a huge waterfall, some rivers are born as a result of snow caps. Such waters are called mountain streams. They are distinguished by their high speed and low temperature; their current can easily carry away even huge blocks of stone. Such rivers are dangerous and unpredictable.

In fact, each begins with its own drainage basin, which, in turn, is fed by many sources. In the spring, when snow and ice melt, rivers are regularly replenished with new water and become fuller, as a result of which they sometimes even overflow. This can be a big problem for coastal residents. As a result of such spills, farmers may lose their crops, and houses built next to the river will become wet and destroyed.

Rivers and their beds

Blue Highways form a giant network of water on the surface of the earth. There are more than 2 million rivers in Russia, 200 of which are quite large. Even huge ships can sail along them. The more modest ones barely cover their muddy bottom. As is known, it forms a valley and forms wide bends in it. Each channel is unique, it has its own slope, individual width and flow. Each “blue ribbon” has its own beginning, its own character and life activity. The flora and fauna of rivers are often similar due to the presence of fresh water.

Where do rivers flow and where do they end?

In the summer, when the temperature rises and the evaporation of moisture increases significantly, the river sources become shallow, and the water flows themselves narrow somewhat. After the spring melting of the ice, the river returns to its original channel to flow further to its end. Wherever the river flows go! They flow into oceans, lakes, seas, and also into other rivers. It is generally accepted that they flow from a hill, heading down.

If we take into account the water flows of Russia, then most of them carry their waters to the Northern Arctic Ocean, and only a few - to the Atlantic. In the place where the river flows into the sea, the water is desalinated, thanks to which some species of living beings have been able to adapt to life in fresh water bodies.

Volga is the largest water artery

This is one of the most picturesque and largest rivers not only in the country, but also in Europe. It stretches for almost 4,000 kilometers. So, where does it flow? Having originated in the Tver region, it travels along a winding route, divides into many branches and flows into the Caspian Sea. This amazing river has about 200 tributaries, the largest of which are the Oka and Kama. It is worth mentioning that some rivers flow into closed lakes, where their vigorous activity ends.

Current direction

How can you determine where the river flows in your area? In fact, everything is extremely simple. You don't need to be a geologist to understand where rivers flow. First of all, you need to pick up a map and find the desired water flow on it. If a reservoir is shown on the drawing, then the direction of its bed will be clearly indicated by a blue arrow. It happens that you need to determine this while being in nature without a map. What to do in this case? By looking carefully, you can see in which direction the current is moving.

Where in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres? In both the first and second cases, they flow to their mouths. Curious to know what's the difference between them? Their currents are directed in opposite directions. This is regulated not only by the position of the equator, but also by the terrain. For example, we can say with confidence that the source is invariably located significantly higher than the mouth, therefore the water mass, obeying the physical law of universal gravitation, flows from top to bottom.

Unique water flows

People asked the question of where rivers come from and where they flow even at the dawn of human history. Since then, amazing and unusual things have been revealed to their eyes more than once. natural phenomena. A striking example of this are rivers that can change. Previously, people explained this by the intervention of the gods and interpreted it in their own way, perceiving such changes as signs from above. With the advent of new technologies, it became obvious that there really are bodies of water where the mouth and source sometimes change places, but modern scientists have found a more logical explanation for this.

It turned out that the main factor provoking a change in the flow was underground groundwater. When the water level in them begins to fluctuate, this affects the surface flow. Sometimes it is difficult to understand the world around us: where do rivers flow, why do certain phenomena occur? However, it is worth remembering that there is nothing meaningless in nature, everything is created for a specific purpose and functions properly, supporting the life of every living creature.

Practice shows that despite the fact that we live in an age of technology and general technical progress, the purpose of the earth’s waterways has not changed, although the reservoirs themselves have become the subject of careful study and scientific experiments. In recent decades, scientists have been absorbed in studying the structure and molecules of water. Their research proves that this unique liquid is incomparable to any other, it is truly alive! Where do the rivers flow? The world and nature have provided comprehensive answers to this and many other questions.