Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

Electric heated floors: types, advantages, installation. Which electric heated floor under tiles is better? Do-it-yourself electric heated floor Which electric heated floor is better to choose

Today we will talk about warm electric floors, what types they come in, their advantages and disadvantages, how to choose and install them.

Increased living comfort

Nowadays, more and more various systems are appearing in the house, aimed at increasing the comfort of living in it.

One of these systems, which is increasingly gaining popularity, is the so-called “warm floor”.

The essence of this system comes down to laying special networks on the floor that ensure it is heated to a certain temperature.

Often, heated floors are used as an additional source of heat in the house, although it is also possible to use it as the main one, but only under certain conditions.

Types of heated floors

At the moment, it is possible to provide living space with two types of heated floors - electric and water.

Electric ones, in turn, are divided into:

  1. Cable;
  2. Film and thermomats (film can operate in the infrared spectrum, so they can be classified as item 1).

Each of them has its own characteristics, but they are united by the fact that their source is electrical energy.

Infrared floors.

They are a special film that is laid under the floor covering.

Since this film itself is thin, it only requires laying a heat-insulating layer as preparatory work for the floor.

It is enough to spread the film over the floor surface, and lay the floor covering on top - linoleum, carpet, etc.

A special feature of infrared heated floors is the heating process - they do not heat the air, but transfer their heat to objects.

Because of this, this type of electric heated floors is not used with tiled flooring.

Cable underfloor heating system.

It consists of a specially laid cable along the surface of the main floor screed. The same cables can be used for .

To increase operating efficiency, an insulating layer is placed under the cable.

To level the floor surface after laying the cable, another screed is performed, as a result of which the cable ends up inside it.

But this screed has a small thickness, no more than 3 cm. Afterwards, the floor covering is placed on this screed.

This type of heated floor heats the floor covering, which then releases heat to the air in the room.


If it is not possible to lay the cable, you can use thermomats.

They are a special fiberglass mesh onto which a very thin cable is attached.

Laying this type of heated floor does not require additional screed.

After installing thermomats, they are immediately covered with floor covering.

Heating for this type of floor covering is identical to cable heating.

Water heated floors

This is a system of pipelines located in the main floor screed and connected to the central heating system.

They are more cost-effective than electric ones and are more suitable as the main type of heating.

However, it is better to plan the installation of this type of heated floors at the initial stage of finishing the apartment.

It is very difficult to install water-heated floors in a finished apartment, since it will require complete removal of the floor screed to lay the heat-insulating layer, and then pipelines with subsequent floor screed.

Sometimes this type is not suitable for apartment buildings, since the weight of the floor with such a system can increase significantly.

Advantages and disadvantages of electrical systems

Electric heated floors have a number of advantages over water ones.


It's relatively simple. Of course, this will require an additional tie, but it is small and relatively easy to make.

Infrared and thermomats do not require this either; it is enough to remove the floor covering and lay down the heating elements and put the covering back.


Electric floors provide uniform heating. With water floors, water circulates in the pipelines, which cools as it moves and transfers heat.

Electric ones use special cables that generate heat when current flows.

Moreover, the amount of heat generated has certain standards, which allows you to accurately calculate the power of these cables.

Leaks in water floors

If the pipelines are connected poorly, a leak may occur, which will be very difficult to eliminate.

This cannot happen with electrical systems.

And in case of problems with the operation of electrical systems, it will be easier to eliminate them, since getting to the cable or thermomat is much easier.

Installation locations

Electric floors can be installed in separate rooms, or, for example, on balconies or loggias.

Floor heating speed

For electric floors it is very high. Their temperature will rise within a couple of minutes after switching on.

Disadvantages of electric floors:

First of all, these are increased economic costs when using this type of heated floors, compared to water floors, which are connected to a common heating system.

In the case of infrared floors, they cannot be used with tiles, since they will shield the heat.

Another important nuance is the unevenness of heat loss.

Near the walls and technological openings in the room, heat loss will be significantly greater than in the middle of it.

To compensate for this, electric heated floors are laid in a special way, so that closer to the edges the heat transfer is greater than in the middle of the room.

Main factors influencing choice

The choice of electric underfloor heating is influenced by many factors.

Firstly, it is in what capacity they will be used - as primary heating, or as additional heating.

As the main heating system, it would be best to use a cable system.

When using such a warm floor, energy consumption will be slightly less than when using thermomats.

In this case, the best floor covering for such a system would be tiles.

Thanks to the use of an additional screed, the floor will be heated evenly. However, cable installation is much more difficult than thermomats or infrared film.

To use heated floors as additional room heating, as well as to heat small rooms that do not have central heating, it is better to use thermomats or film.

When choosing, you should also take into account the area of ​​the room.

For effective heating it is necessary that the area covered by the system occupies at least 70% from the floor area of ​​the room.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the future placement of furniture, since placing the system under it is neither desirable nor advisable.

You need to decide on the operating modes of the system. But for this, more attention needs to be paid to the thermostat that will control the heated floor.

And you should definitely make sure that the electrical network of the apartment or house can withstand the load when the system is operating at maximum power.

For example, with additional heating, the system needs power from 100 to 160 Watts to heat 1 sq. m. floor.

And when using it as the main heating, you will already need 180 or more watts of power, depending on the type of heated floors used.

Features of installation of each type

Now let’s talk about what exactly electric floors are and how they are installed.

Cable floors

They consist of a thermostat to which a cable is connected. The cable length depends on preliminary calculations.

There is also a wire coming from the thermostat, at the end of which there is a temperature sensor.

This sensor is also located in the floor, between the turns of the cable, its task is to control the temperature.

Before laying the cable, a layer of thermal insulation is laid on the main floor screed.

The cable is then placed on the insulation surface. Its laying can be different, but there must be a certain distance between its turns.

The cable is then secured using mounting tape and screws. In this case, you need to remove the contacts from the cable to connect the thermostat.

Then the laid cable along with the mounting tape is filled with a thin layer of screed.

After it dries, a floor covering is applied to the surface.

An electric heated floor is used as an additional heat source. This scheme works well on any type of floor and can be installed in houses made of any material. A distinctive feature is simple installation, which will appeal to an inexperienced master. This type of flooring is good for installation in rooms where it is very difficult to install a heating system. For example, a balcony or terrace. Sometimes, heated floors are used as the only heating method, in which case it is necessary to take into account upcoming energy costs.

Advantages of electric floors

Electric underfloor heating has a number of advantages, thanks to which it is often used in an apartment or private house.

  • Possibility of heating the entire room or a separate part of it. Warm floors can be laid over the entire area of ​​the room, or you can install it only in a certain part. In this case, space zoning is performed.
  • Electric heated floors are convenient to use, since they are controlled using a remote control or a temperature regulator is used.
  • It is possible to connect to the “smart home” system. In this case, the heating can be controlled remotely.
  • Simple and easy installation that does not require special tools.
  • No possibility of leakage.

During installation, the floor does not take up a large amount of the room’s height, and therefore it should be used where this moment will not have a negative impact

Such floors are easier to use in high-rise buildings, since the standard water heating method places a greater load on the floors, while an electric heated floor weighs several times less.

Warm floor

But it should not be noted that this coating also has disadvantages.

Disadvantages of electric floors

These include:

  • Possibility of a short circuit - this problem can occur with any electrical heating device and heated floors are no exception. This problem should be prevented by checking all cables before laying the flooring.
  • Energy costs are not so much a problem as they are a disadvantage. When using such a scheme, increasing costs cannot be avoided - the decision depends on the intended use:
    • If electric floor heating is used as a constant power source, then reliable insulation of the house makes sense. For example, make high-quality thermal insulation of walls. In this case, heat loss will decrease and, as a result, heating costs will also decrease.
    • If the system is used as an additional heat source, then it makes sense to lay the elements where the greatest movement occurs. As a rule, the most frequent movement occurs in the center of the room, and accordingly the heating elements should be laid in the center. Thus, fewer elements will be required, and costs will be reduced by heating a specific area of ​​the room, rather than all at once.

Radiation is sometimes cited as a disadvantage. But in fact, such a system is no different from any other electronic device, and therefore you should not be afraid of harm from it.

Types of electric heating

On the market for electric heated floors you can find several versions. Each has its own pros and cons. To understand which option is best suited to a particular home, you need to study each of them.

Electric heated floors are divided into 2 types according to their effect:

  1. Resistive - heating in this type is carried out by cables.
  2. Infrared - heating is carried out due to a special component that transfers heat to surrounding things.

Cable electric floor

The cable version differs in that it uses cables for the quality of the heating elements. Connected to electricity, they heat up due to which the surface is heated.

Solid wires

Single core cables are both a heat conductor and a heating element. If the installation of electric heated floors occurs with such a cable, then it is important that the ends of the wire meet in one place. This is necessary to connect the system to the control unit.

Twin wires

Twin-core wires are much more convenient to use. One core is necessary for heating, the other closes the circuit. When using these cables, it is not necessary for the two ends to meet. Therefore, it is more often used; it is much easier to bring one end of the wire to the control unit than to mount the system so that both ends meet in one place.

Heating mat

The convenience of the mats is that you don’t need to calculate the required power yourself, the manufacturer did it all. Mats are purchased depending on the number of square meters on which the heating element must be mounted.

Infrared heating types

Rod type heating

A type of infrared floor is a rod electric heated floor. It resembles a rope ladder with wooden or metal rungs. But a rod with a heating element is used as crossbars.

The floor heating is carried out using this rod. And the “rope” is a polymer that can be cut to make installation. However, the cut polymer will need to be fixed into the circuit, since it plays the role of a conductor.

Film type of heating

Electric heated floors can also have a film appearance. In this case, the heating of the surfaces occurs due to infrared radiation. The elements responsible for heating transmit a thermal signal over short distances, heating what is located next to them. These elements are made of carbon paste, and copper wires encased in film are responsible for its heating. For installation, the film version is most often used, since it is easy to install.

Film version

The film floor has a very small thickness, and therefore it can be used where the ceilings have limited height.

Thermal sensor for electric floor

If you decide to install electric heated floors in your home, then you need to thoroughly prepare for this. In addition to materials such as concrete, flooring and other building materials, you need to purchase the necessary set of heated floors and additional elements that will control the system.

These elements are:

  1. Thermal sensor - it shows temperature data.
  2. Thermostat – it is necessary to set the temperature to which the element will heat up.

Both of these elements work in pairs, as soon as the temperature sensor records the temperature to which the elements have heated up, the thermostat receives a command and turns off further heating.

Modern thermostats can be equipped with various parts that allow the installation of electronic heated floors. In this option, you can set the heating and shutdown temperatures, and the data can be stored in memory once; further control will be taken over by the thermostat system.

Heat sensor

In new models of the device, control can be carried out remotely by installing a SIM card. That is, in essence, the control sensor is transferred to the phone.

Via SMS message you can set the heating on and off time, and the floor heating temperature.

You can also turn off the entire system if necessary.

Calculation of the power of heated floors

Before choosing a heated floor, you need to calculate the area of ​​the room and the power of the system, so that it can heat the home. First you need to decide in what mode the heated floor from electricity will be used. If the floor will be the main source of heat, then a complex calculation scheme is used. If the floor is used as an additional source, then the calculations in this case are much simpler.

When using a heated floor as the main heating system, an accurate technological calculation is required, which should take into account such aspects as the area of ​​the house, the number of doors and windows, and possible heat loss. At the same time, when calculating the area, you need to pay attention to the furniture that will be placed in the room. Warm floors must be installed in spaces that are free of furniture.

The exception to this condition is heating rod elements. They can be laid over the entire area, as they are self-regulating.

When making calculations, it is important to correctly calculate possible heat losses. You need to pay close attention to this data, since incorrect calculations will lead to the fact that such a system simply will not cope with heating the room and the house will be cold. Possible heat losses are calculated using special tables. It is best to entrust these calculations to specialists. They will more accurately calculate the required system power.

If an electric underfloor heating will be used as an additional heat source, then the necessary calculations can be made independently. In this calculation, you need to take into account the type of floor used, resistive or infrared, the laying area, that is, the area on which the heating elements will be located and the power of the wire.

Laying rules

Before you begin laying floors, you must familiarize yourself with the laying rules. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions, then you can guarantee the correct and smooth operation of the entire system.

Such nuances include the following requirements:

  • Before installation, it is necessary to install the thermal insulation layer. This is necessary for all types of floors, since part of the thermal energy will not go down. In this case, heat loss will be minimal, and floor heating will occur faster. This way it will be possible to reduce electricity costs.
  • When placing floors, it is necessary to take into account the location of furniture; heating elements cannot be placed under them, except for core floors.
  • There should be a distance of 5 cm from the walls and at least 10 cm from heating appliances (radiators).
  • When laying, it is necessary to observe the pitch of the wire, and also avoid crossing the wires.
  • During installation, it is important to ensure that there are as few cuts for turns as possible. This way the integrity of the system is not compromised. All cut areas must be carefully insulated. Failure to comply with this rule results in loss of power and the possibility of a short circuit.

  • Joining small pieces of flooring is also undesirable; the minimum section length should be at least 50 cm. When purchasing a heated floor, it is better to take it with a reserve.

It is imperative to install an RCD device; it will turn off the heat supply if problems arise. For example, if power is lost, the RCD will disconnect the system from electricity.

It is better to entrust all floor installation work to a professional electrician.

Also, for electric floor heating, it is better to allocate a separate line where only this system will be connected. Also, it is better to switch the system to a separate machine; in case of problems with electricity or the floor itself, you can de-energize the system with this device.

Installation of heated electric floor

Before choosing electric heated floors, it is better to clarify what kind of floor covering you plan to lay and how the base for the heated floor will be prepared. Depending on this data, you can buy a heated floor system.

There are three ways to install the floor:

  1. Screed installation.
  2. Installation on a screed, but secured with tiles.
  3. Installation under flooring, but not under tiles.

If you need to install an electric heated floor in a screed or under a tile, you will have to choose cable systems or rod floors.

Laying film flooring is only allowed under the floor covering. Moisture is harmful to this floor. Therefore, it is advisable to install it in rooms, and not in sanitary facilities.

The installation itself is almost the same:

  1. A layout plan is drawn up taking into account the location of the furniture and indentations. It is better to make a plan on graph paper, respecting the scale.
  2. A layer of waterproofing and a layer of insulation are laid, if necessary.
  3. The markings are transferred to the prepared base.
  4. The floor is laid according to the markings. All places that are cut, if necessary, must be insulated. Also, the position of the temperature sensor and thermostat is determined. The latter is installed on the wall and from the place of its installation you need to lower the groove to the floor.
  5. After laying all the elements, check the resistance.
  6. A pipe is placed in the groove, one end of which is connected to the thermostat, and the other has a temperature sensor. The end of the pipe with the temperature sensor is located in the middle of the nearby heating elements.

Electrically heated layer cake

Test work

After this work has been carried out, it is necessary to check the functionality of the sensor and thermostat, once again the resistance and the system are completely de-energized, and the regulator is removed. Then, the screed is poured and the tiles or flooring are laid. Moreover, if a screed is planned, then they first wait for the concrete to dry, then check the performance of the system again, and then install the floor covering.

It is worth checking how the temperature sensor is removed from the pipe; this is necessary so that later it can be easily replaced if necessary.

Energy Saving

The electric floor heating system has its pros and cons, which are described above. But, with proper design and use, this system will only cause positive emotions. You should not be afraid of high energy consumption and, as a result, increased payments. With a reasonable approach to use, the number of kilowatts will not increase much, and the heat in the house will be constant. This effect is achieved by using the floor only during hours when someone is at home.

Also, it would be a good idea to think about insulating problem areas: doors, windows, balconies. In this way, heat loss can be minimized; accordingly, the system itself will not work at full capacity. The effect of the work done can be seen on your heating bills.

So, you have decided to make this option in your home. The decision is correct, you just need to know how to choose an electric heated floor and which one is best suited for laminate, tile, linoleum. In fact, there is nothing complicated in this event; you just need to understand the advantages and scope of each option. Next, we will look at the comparative characteristics of cable and infrared heaters in relation to certain conditions.

Criterias of choice

Flooring material

So, the main condition, depending on which the choice of electric heated floor is made, is the surface finishing material - tiles or laminate.

Financial opportunities

Oddly enough, the cost of a heated floor is not considered the most important selection criterion. This is due to the fact that the prices are almost the same, if you take into account not only the heaters themselves, but also additional costs.

Now let's analyze all 3 options in detail:

What types of systems are there?

Electricity costs

It's no secret that most buyers first of all pay attention to the power of the heater, which is the main indicator of efficiency. The greater the power, the more kilowatts per hour the heating system generates, which means you should choose the most economical one.

As we have already said, infrared film flooring is considered the least expensive. It should be noted that any type is precisely economical. If you have extra money and the conditions of use comply, be sure to give preference to choosing an electric heated floor in the form of a film.

In second place is the cable. It is the best option for installation for reasons of energy saving. And the last level of the rating is occupied by thermomats. They typically consume 30% more electricity than cable, not to mention film coating.

An alternative opinion regarding cost-effectiveness should also be provided. Cable screed heating allows you to heat the room for some time after the system is turned off. The heated layer of concrete will radiate heat for some time without consuming electricity. At the same time, when the film floor is turned off, the material instantly cools down.

Installation features

Another important factor in choosing an electric heated floor is how complex the installation work is. In the case of film and mats, installation is carried out quickly, without any particular difficulties. In addition, as we have already said, these products do not require a concrete screed (and mixing the solution and pouring it level is not an easy task).

As for the cable, it is the most difficult to install, because... it is necessary to pour the solution and place the coils at an equal distance from each other, and even the calculation of the material itself is much more complicated. That is why we recommend choosing one of the first two options.

Availability of service and repair

Here the whole point, again, is in the concrete screed. If, some time after the creation of a heated floor, it stops heating (fails), repair work will be required, possibly requiring access to the heating elements.

If you choose a heating cable for heating, you will need to break up the floor, look for a coupling according to the design (most often it fails), replace it, and then refill the screed.

In the case of infrared film and mats, you just need to remove the top trim, which gives access to all the components that need repair.

Let's sum it up

So, we have provided you with the most important information on how to choose an electric heated floor for laminate, tile, and parquet. As you can see, the criteria are very varied and in order to purchase the most suitable product you will need to sacrifice something. We recommend that, if possible, you give preference to the film version, because... it is the most modern, economical and easy to install.

Video instructions for choosing electric heated floors for your home

Finally, I would like to pay attention to which electric heated floor is best to choose according to the company. Today, the leaders in the production of these heaters are AEG, Rehau, Valtec and Green Box. If you don’t know at all which manufacturer is best to trust, know that these 4 companies have many positive reviews from customers and a good reputation in the global market.

Updated: 02/17/2019

Heated floors create more comfortable conditions in the home than a traditional heating system. The air is heated evenly, energy is used rationally, and more space appears due to the absence of batteries or convectors. All heating elements are located under the floor covering, which means there is no risk of getting burned on a hot radiator, making cleaning much easier. The installation of such a system can be ordered from specialists or done independently if you have the relevant experience, but the main thing is to decide what exactly you need - electric or water heated floors?

Electric or water heated floor - which one to choose?

It is impossible to say unequivocally that one system is better than another, because the effectiveness of each of them depends on many factors. Only after studying in detail the installation and operation conditions of both types, their pros and cons, will you be able to choose the most optimal option for your home. So, what are heated floor systems?

Electric heating systems are divided into film and cable.

The first option is a flexible thin sheet of special polyethylene with heating elements hermetically sealed into it. Thanks to its very simple design, anyone can install a film floor by just reading the manufacturer’s instructions. But only a qualified electrician should connect the system, despite the safety and simplicity of the device. The film floor is laid on a flat, insulated surface under the floor covering, without filling with screed or self-leveling mixtures. The temperature is controlled using a thermostat, and the connection is made to a regular electrical network with a standard voltage of 220 V.

Specific power consumption170 W/m2
Width of thermal film CALEO GOLD50 cm
Maximum length of one strip of thermal film10 linear m
Melting point of thermal film130 °C
IR heating wavelength5-20 µm
The share of IR rays in the total spectrum9,40 %
Anti-spark mesh+ -
CALEO GOLD 170 W. Price1647-32939 (for sets from 170-0.5-1.0 to 170-0.5-20.0)rub.
CALEO GOLD 230 W. Price1729-34586 (for sets from 230-0.5-1.0 to 230-0.5-20.0)rub.

An electric cable floor is a cable system with reflective thermal insulation, installation tape and an electronic thermostat. When installing, first lay the insulation with the foil facing up, then attach the mounting tape to it, and the cable is mounted on the tape. The thermostat is placed on the wall, the ends of the cable and the sensor are connected to it. After this, the heating elements are filled with screed or self-leveling compounds.

Water floor

The water floor system consists of metal-plastic pipes, a control unit and a boiler. The heat is regulated both automatically and manually, thanks to the presence of a thermostat and a thermostatic mixer in the system. The water supply is carried out from a riser or from a central heating system. Laying is done on an insulated, leveled surface, and the heating circuit is filled with screed on top. Installing a water floor requires appropriate skills and should therefore only be carried out by specialists.

Technical features of heated floors

Electric floor

In such systems, thermal energy is transferred from heating elements to the floor covering, thereby ensuring uniform heating. Warm air rises and the system does not overheat. In such conditions, the heated floor will work without failure for years. If furniture is placed above the heating elements, the heat transfer will be disrupted, and the cable will heat until it burns out. As soon as one of the cables burns out, the entire system stops working. That is why, when installing an electric floor, they draw up a diagram of the location of heavy objects and bypass these areas.

Estimated energy consumption per 1 m2 of heated area ranges from 100 to 200 W, depending on the quality of thermal insulation and type of flooring. In fact, no more than 40% of the specified volume is consumed, and in some cases only 15-20%. The better the insulation of the home, the lower the electricity consumption. Electric floors are convenient to use for heating verandas and balconies, bathrooms, bathrooms, due to their ease of installation. It is not practical to lay a water circuit there, and it is not always permitted.

The advantages of the electrical system include:

  • Possibility of installation without special equipment;
  • uniform heating of the surface;
  • the ability to regulate the temperature separately in each room;
  • absence of batteries, convectors and other volumetric elements;
  • if the system fails, you can find and repair the damaged area without dismantling the entire screed;
  • long service life.


  • presence of electromagnetic radiation;
  • increase in energy consumption.

According to SNIP, the level of radiation from electric floors is much lower than the maximum permissible level. A two-core cable emits less radiation, a single-core cable emits more radiation, film floors practically do not emit them. Therefore, although there is still a small amount of radiation, electric heated floors cannot cause harm to health.

Water floor

Installing a water heated floor is a labor-intensive and very responsible process, but as a result, all efforts pay off in heating efficiency. Thanks to the circulation of water, thermal energy is distributed more accurately, and overheating of individual areas is eliminated. In addition, operating costs are significantly lower than those of an electrical system.


  • uniform heating of large areas;
  • costs only for installation of the system;
  • energy savings;
  • no batteries or protruding elements.

A water heated floor can completely replace a traditional heating system, stably warming living spaces to 20-24 degrees. In addition, you can mount the heating circuit so that the main heat transfer is at the external walls and under the windows, and the area in the center of the room warms up less.


  • high risk of damage to communications when pouring screed;
  • large floor thickness;
  • high loads on floors;
  • the need to use a pump when the pressure in the system decreases;
  • the need for special permits for installation;
  • impossibility of repairing individual sections when the system fails.

In addition, the water passing through the heating circuit returns to the system already cooled, and the owners of the remaining apartments do not receive enough heat. In new buildings this problem is eliminated with the help of specially designed risers, but in other buildings permission from the relevant authorities is required, which is not always possible to obtain.

Options for optimal use of heated floors

Based on the characteristics of underfloor heating systems, we can identify the main situations for the effective use of both types.

Electric floors

Warm electric floors are installed if:

  • you need temporary heating of a toilet, bathroom, veranda or balcony;
  • an addition to the main heating system is required;
  • there is no possibility to carry out major work on floor installation;
  • The apartment is located in a multi-storey building and it is prohibited to install a water system.

Water floors

Installation of water floors is justified in the following cases:

  • the heating floor system is used as the main one;
  • Additional heating is required for the entire area of ​​the apartment or house.

Under what coverings can a heated floor be laid?

To maximize heating efficiency, it is necessary to choose the right floor coverings. Materials that are too dense, coatings on an insulated substrate or with low thermal conductivity will retain heat and contribute to overheating of the system. You should also take into account the resistance of the material to temperature changes, because some coatings dry out and become deformed when heated.

Infrared heated floor under laminate

With proper installation and the use of appropriate coating, both types of heated floors work perfectly. In order not to make a mistake when choosing, you need to carefully weigh and analyze everything. For example, installing a water floor will cost more during installation, but will allow you to save a lot in the future. When laying a film floor, you do not have to dismantle the old floors and make a screed, which is also important for the family budget.

Electric Floor Comparison Chart

SignsFilm heatingCable heating
Utility roomNo needNo need
Floor thickness with screed5-10 mm50-100 mm
Installation time1 day1 day
Ready for useStraightaway28 days
Installation optionsFloor, ceiling, walls, any surfacesFloor. Installation on other surfaces is possible, but difficult
ReliabilityIf even a significant part of the system is damaged, undamaged segments continue to operateIf the cable is damaged in any way, it completely fails.
Repair costsMinimumHighs, 100%
ServiceNot requiredNot required
Freezing in winterAbsentAbsent
Health effectsPositive healingNeutral subject to high-quality two-core cable
Heat distribution and impact on coatingsUniform heatingUneven temperature distribution, there are zones of increased temperature
ZoningPossibility of organizing separate spot zones
ExpensesRelatively low initially. Energy savingRelatively low initial, operational - according to the meter

Video - Electric or water heated floor