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Professional retraining in the psychology and pedagogy program. Educational psychology - an effective approach to education Additional professional retraining program for a new type of professional activity “Educational education”

250 hours 12500

3. Origin of logical

6. The essence of the psychology of thinking

Apply for training and get right now free access to a demo lesson on 15 psychological techniques that will help you in professional and personal communication!

Educational psychology - an effective approach to education

We learn throughout our lives: we learn to take our first steps, speak, think, read, write, etc. But the learning process can be complex and hampered by various psychological barriers, especially when it comes to teaching children. It is not surprising that the educational process has come under the radar of psychology.

Educational psychology aims to improve educational methods, pedagogical approaches and to improve the learning process in general. It is educational psychology that helps to understand why some children have problems in the learning process and knows how to overcome them. You can receive professional training in educational psychology in the shortest possible time at the International Academy of Business.

The course program "Educational Psychology" is specifically for specialists in educational psychology.

Especially for specialists in educational psychology, the International Academy of Business has developed an effective online training program for educational psychology.

The Educational Psychology program at the International Academy of Business is aimed at both basic training of specialists in educational psychology from scratch, and at improving the qualifications of specialists with higher medical and psychological education.

The International Academy of Business uses modern approaches and technologies in the field of education. Long gone are the days when you had to attend classes at designated times and waste time on the road. To train teachers and psychologists at the International Academy of Business, it is enough to have access to the Internet to obtain the necessary knowledge at any time and from anywhere in the world. Try it and feel how easy and productive distance learning in preschool pedagogy and psychology can be, thanks to an understandable form of presenting the material, equipped with illustrations, tables, diagrams and videos.

During the retraining course in preschool pedagogy and psychology, Academy specialists will always be in touch with you, ready to answer all your questions. Our main task is to help you master your specialty as efficiently and effectively as possible. Distance courses in educational psychology at the International Academy of Business are high-quality educational services for your future!

Modern and promising training at the International Academy of Business

The International Academy of Business has been specializing in providing qualified training for psychologists and personal development specialists for more than 15 years. More than 5,000 students have already trusted the Academy with their professional development and career growth.

After completing distance learning courses at the International Academy of Business, graduates receive a state diploma with an international supplement on completion of the professional course “Educational Psychology”.

License for educational activities No. 038379

Full course program "EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY"

1. Development of scientific concepts in childhood
1.1 The difference between scientific and everyday concepts
1.2 Features of mental development of children, level of child development
1.3 Errors in Piaget’s theory, empirical and theoretical facts
1.4 Failure to become aware of one's thoughts and awareness of concepts
1.5 Process of higher concept formation and awareness
1.6 Training and development, objections to the theory of formal disciplines
1.7 Features and arbitrariness of written speech
1.8 Grammar and foreign language acquisition
1.9 Various movements in the development of concepts and non-associative connections

2. Features of education of thought
2.1 The concept of “thought” and the essence of the thinking process
2.2 The importance and tools of cultivating thoughts
2.3 Structure of reflective thinking and orderliness

3. Origin of logical
3.1 Thinking process and 5 logical steps
3.2 Induction and deduction as tools of logic
3.3 Control over the inductive and deductive process
3.4 The process of knowledge accumulation and the origin of ideas
3.5 Dual aspects in education, application of the scientific method
3.6 The meaning of empirical thinking and the role of concepts in mental activity
3.7 Differences between concrete and abstract thinking

4. The process of educating thinking
4.1 Analysis of the early level of activity and creative activities
4.2 Development of language, vocabulary accuracy and sequential reasoning
4.3 Methods and tools for observation and accumulation of information
4.4 Teaching in the process of cultivating thinking

5. The role of intelligence in biological adaptation
5.1 The importance of intelligence in mental organization
5.2 Understanding intelligence, possible interpretations and underlying theories

6. The essence of the psychology of thinking
6.1 A look at the psychology of thinking by B. Russell, K. Büller and O. Seltz
6.2 Objections to the “psychology of thinking”
6.3 Relationship between logic and psychology, balance and genesis
6.4 Concept of operations, functions and types of “grouping”

7. Correlation of intelligence and perception
7.1 Historical background and the concept of psychology of form
7.2 Features of perceptual structures, perceptual relativity and activity
7.3 Difference between perception and intelligence, perceptual and intellectual mechanisms

8. The relationship between skill and sensorimotor intelligence
8.1 The essence of blind search and structuring, independence or direct deviations
8.2 Features of sensorimotor assimilation
8.3 The process of emergence of intelligence and space in a child’s sensorimotor intelligence

9. The process of thinking formation
9.1 Differences in the structure of conceptual and sensorimotor intelligence
9.2 Features of symbolic, pre-conceptual, intuitive thinking and formal operations
9.3 Operational groupings at the age of 7-8 years and determination of mental level

10. Socialization of individual intelligence
10.1 Conditions for the formation of social relations, rhythms and regulations

11. The importance of school conditions in the education of thinking
11.1 The meaning of the habits of others, the nature of objects, generally accepted goals and ideals
11.2 The task of mental education and logical development
11.3 The role of discipline and freedom

12. Objectives of psychotherapy in education
12.1 The role of psychotherapy in the acquisition of knowledge and the educational process
12.2 The essence of learner-centered learning
12.3 Ways to encourage thinking and non-directive learning

13. The concept of instant decisions
13.1 The ability to act instantly and its nature
13.2 Advantages of priming and disadvantages of thin sections
13.3 IAT and snap decision making

Courses in educational psychology at the International Academy of Business will tell you about school conditions and the education of thinking, about intelligence and perception, about moral and aesthetic education, about pedagogy and psychology in vocational training and traditional training in educational psychology, about the problem of giftedness and much more. Correspondence studies in psychology and pedagogy at the International Academy of Business will give you the opportunity to become a professional in this field. A practical and comprehensive course in educational psychology is the most modern way to become a psychologist. Don't miss your chance and apply for training right now!

The course is intended for a wide Russian audience of university youth (graduate students, undergraduates of all areas of training), who consider teaching at a university as a possible, and for some category, the preferred option for the individual trajectory of their professional development. The course involves immersing students in modern psychological and pedagogical issues of higher education and provides an opportunity for re-credit when implementing the curriculum as part of their main educational programs.

About the course

In this course, students will have the opportunity to:

To get acquainted with the psychological and didactic competencies of a modern university teacher in the context of modernization of professional education;

Develop professional pedagogical thinking in the process of building your own educational and professional strategies;

Master the basic concepts, principles and methods of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics and monitoring, allowing you to design and implement the developmental effect of diagnostic procedures;

Master the skills of reflexive use in organizing educational interaction of specific types of communications that are adequate for setting and solving educational problems in the field of psychology in the conditions of a modern university;

Expand ideas about modern approaches to the problem of psychological safety in institutions of higher professional education;

To develop the ability to adapt and generalize the results of modern psychological and pedagogical research for one’s own teaching purposes.

The system of test, reflective, project tasks for independent work allows students to choose the level of cognitive complexity at which they are ready and able to complete the proposed tasks.

The technological methods of problem input, reflexive analysis, and “solving meaning problems” used in the course act as mechanisms for transforming information that is impersonal for students into knowledge that has personal meaning and value.


Video lectures, interviews, cases, dramatizations, tests, diagnostic tests, essays for peer assessment.

Informational resources


Previous educational experience acquired during master's or specialty studies while mastering academic disciplines (modules).

It is necessary to be able to read special recommended literature, use modern information tools to clarify unfamiliar concepts, have experience in performing reflective and analytical work, including in the field of self-assessment of the level of development of relevant professional and personal competencies.

Course program

Section 1. Educational perspective of modern Russian education

Teacher Kostyukova T.A.

Topic 1. Models for reforming domestic education in the 20th century

Topic 2. The Bologna process and the reform of domestic education in the beginning. XXI centuries

(Video lectures and interviews with vice-rectors of Russian universities - members of the working group of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on the issue of the Bologna Agreement, testing)

Section 2. Psychology of motivation, involvement and credibility in the educational process

Teacher Lukyanov O.V.

Topic 1 Authentication and Identity

Topic 2. Motivation and psychological activity

(video lectures, creative tasks for self-esteem)

Section 3 Persuasive communication in educational practices

Teacher Bogdanova E.L.

Topic 1. Types and criteria for the constructiveness of psychological and pedagogical influence.

Topic 2 Techniques for organizing constructive pedagogical communication.

Topic 3. “Persuasion” as a constructive type of psychological and pedagogical influence

(Video lectures and dramatizations of pedagogical situations, tasks for peer assessment)

Section 4. Authentic assessment of educational results

Teacher Abakumova N.N.

Topic 1. Monitoring of innovative educational results

Topic 2 Authentic assessment of educational outcomes

Teacher Krasnoryadtseva O.M.

Subtopic 1. Results of mastering an academic discipline: psychological and educational context.

Subtopic 2. Psychological and didactic possibilities of educational tasks and recommendations for designing their operational composition

(Video lectures, interviews and case studies, testing)

Section 5 Educational design

Teacher Malkova I.Yu.

Topic 1. Design as a topic and direction for changing education

Topic 2. Concept of educational design: main categories

(Video lectures and cases, testing)

Section 6. Psychological safety of participants in the educational process

Teacher Shchelin I.V.

Topic 1. Specifics and prevention of threats to the psychological safety of participants in the educational process at a university

Subtopic 1. Psychological safety: threats to psychological safety, forms and consequences of psychological violence in interaction for students and teachers.

Subtopic 2. Emotional burnout of a teacher. Individual vulnerability of participants in the educational process with various character accentuations.

Teacher Shcheglova E.A.

Topic 2. Psychological capabilities and limitations of manipulative techniques in the activities of a higher school teacher

Subtopic 1. Manipulation as a type of psychological influence.

Subtopic 2. Manipulations in the conditions of professional and pedagogical communication

(Video lectures, tests, peer assessment tasks)

Final reflective diagnostic testing.

Learning outcomes

Mastering new psychological and didactic competencies of a modern university teacher;

Development of multidimensional pedagogical thinking, adequate to the post-non-classical level of modern scientific knowledge;

Developing value and semantic guidelines for professional and pedagogical activities for yourself

Formed competencies

The competencies that this online course is aimed at mastering are consistent with that part of the competencies of educational standards in all areas of training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in postgraduate and master's programs, which concerns the pedagogical component of the assigned teacher-researcher qualification.

1. Development of scientific concepts in childhood
  • Difference from everyday concepts, errors in Piaget's theory
  • Features of mental development of children, level of child development
  • Inability to become aware of one's thoughts, awareness of concepts and formation of a higher concept
  • Training and development, objections to the theory of formal disciplines
  • Features and arbitrariness of written speech, grammar and foreign language acquisition
  • Various movements in the development of concepts and non-associative connections
2. Features and tools for educating thoughts
  • The concept of “thought” and the essence of the thinking process
  • Features of reflective thinking and orderliness
3. The origin of logical and the process of thinking
  • Accumulations of knowledge, 5 logical steps, origin of ideas
  • Induction and deduction and control over these processes
  • Empirical thinking and the role of concepts in mental activity
  • Dual aspects in the education of thought, differences between concrete and abstract thinking
4. The process of educating thinking
  • Analysis of early activity. Development of language, vocabulary accuracy, and sequential reasoning
  • Ways of observation and accumulation of information
  • Teaching and the process of developing thinking
5. The role and significance of intelligence in biological adaptation and mental organization
  • Understanding intelligence, possible interpretations and underlying theories
6. The essence of the psychology of thinking and its criticism
  • Ideas of B. Russell, K. Büller and O. Seltz
  • The relationship between logic and psychology, balance and genesis
  • The essence of operations, functions and types of “grouping”
7. Difference between perception and intelligence and their mechanisms
  • Historical background and the concept of psychology of form
  • Perceptual structure, relativity and agency
8. Correlation between skill and sensorimotor intelligence
  • Blind search and structuring, features of sensorimotor assimilation
  • The process of the emergence of intelligence and space in a child’s sensorimotor intelligence
9. The process of thinking formation and determining the mental level
  • Differences in the structure of conceptual and sensorimotor intelligence
  • Features of symbolic, pre-conceptual, intuitive thinking and formal operations
10. Aspects of socialization of individual intelligence
  • Formation of social relations, rhythms and regulations

11. Proper school conditions for mental education and logical development
  • Pressure from the habits of others, the nature of objects, generally accepted goals and ideals
  • The tasks of discipline and freedom
12. The role and objectives of psychotherapy for the acquisition of knowledge and the educational process
  • Learner-centered learning
  • Ways to encourage thinking and non-directive learning

13. Instant decision method
  • The ability to make instant decisions and their origins
  • IAT technique, priming and disadvantages of thin slices

How are intelligence and biological adaptation related? What is sensorimotor intelligence? How does moral and aesthetic education occur? You will find answers to all these questions in courses on educational psychology at University of Business No. 1! At University of Business No. 1 you can undergo retraining in preschool pedagogy and psychology and receive traditional training in educational psychology.

Leave an application for training in pedagogy and psychology right now - and soon you will plunge into the fascinating world of psychology! Become a successful specialist in educational psychology with Business University No. 1!

"Psychology and pedagogy" is an area of ​​retraining for specialists from various fields of professional activity who have found their calling in working with children. Educational psychologist helps to overcome conflict situations and cope with various difficulties that arise for schoolchildren, parents and teachers at all stages of education. The task of the educational psychologist is also to prevent deviant behavior in schoolchildren. Thus, the activities of a teacher-psychologist in preschool and secondary education institutions are aimed at promoting the educational process and helping students in moments of crisis.

The Interregional Academy of Additional Professional Education (MADPO) offers the opportunity take professional retraining courses remotely and obtain the specialty of a child or school teacher-psychologist. There are several study programs to choose from. Training is carried out both on the basis of higher education and secondary specialized education.

Professional retraining program for teacher psychologists

The basic training course for those who wish to undergo training in this area includes the following sections:

  • Organization of the educational process in institutions of preschool, general and special education as part of the implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard;
  • Psychological and pedagogical foundations of the learning process;
  • Psychology of childhood;
  • Pedagogical psychology;
  • Theoretical foundations of education;
  • Prevention of deviant behavior in children and adolescents;
  • Psychodiagnostics and psychotherapy of children and adolescents;
  • Psychology of children's creativity;
  • Diagnosis of parent-child relationships, advisory work in this direction;
  • Fundamentals of active socio-psychological learning.

The duration of the courses varies from 252 to 512 lecture hours.

Conditions for studying at MADPO courses

  • Specialists with higher and secondary specialized education can undergo retraining as a teacher-psychologist. Enrollment in the course takes place without competition.
  • Classes are conducted through a special portal of the Academy, which contains an extensive library of scientific and methodological literature on the specialty. You can undergo professional retraining remotely. Thanks to this format, students from Moscow and other regions can study at the Academy’s courses.
  • At the end of the course, the Academy issues a diploma of professional retraining of the established form to students who successfully pass the final certification, which will allow them to find employment as a teacher-psychologist in a school or kindergarten.