Do-it-yourself construction and repairs

Office pranks: lighten the mood. Jokes and pranks for colleagues How to prank a colleague in a sausage shop

1. Go to the control panel of your colleague’s computer, click on the mouse and set the double-click to the maximum speed. For most people, this action will not work with these settings. In the same window, you can swap the mouse buttons.

2. You can start a rumor that your salary will be delayed or increased.

3. Invisibly glue tape to the back of the computer mouse.

4. If your boss calls you, leave his office looking scared and say that one of your colleagues is being called.

5. Turn off and on the lights in the office about ten times, and then calmly return to your workplace.

6. Post a “Closed for renovation” notice on the doors of all toilets.

7. Talk to your colleague and tell him that you should receive the money via email. At this moment, remove a banknote from the drive. Just don't forget to put it there.

8. Send a message to all the men in the office from a hidden number with approximately the following content: “Darling, I’m pregnant!”

9. Send an email to everyone in the office asking them not to step on wires because they may cause electric shock.

10. Bring several alarm clocks from home, set them to different time and hide it in the office.

Toothpaste prank

Come to work early. Take a tube of toothpaste and smear it on the bottom so that the handles of drawers and doors are not visible. The trick can be repeated several times during the day; it is especially useful to restore the presence of toothpaste after it has been thoroughly wiped off. To calm those who are especially nervous, stock up on a pack of wet wipes.

Prank with glued objects

Either stay longer at work the night before, or come early on April 1st. Use double-sided tape to glue all items that will not be damaged by this procedure to your colleagues’ desks. You can also glue something to the ceiling.

Prank with glue

In the evening, pour stronger glue into a glass with pens and pencils. And so that they don’t take offense at you for damaging property, buy a new glass as a gift.

Raffle with washing powder or cat food

When it’s time for tea at work, instead of a pack of cookies, take out a pack of washing powder or cat food, open it and start devouring it with gusto. It is advisable to first replace the contents of the packs. You can add baby formula to the powder, and corn flakes to your cat food.

Prank with salt and cognac

When your office colleague leaves the door, pour cognac into his cup or add more salt.

Raffle with candies

Buy chocolates the day before and inject a solution of lemon juice and pepper into them. Your colleagues will remember this treat for a long time.

Microwave prank

If there is a microwave in the office, then wait until one of your colleagues comes to heat up lunch. Leave the office, and a minute later you come back and say that a colleague’s cell phone, left at his workplace, is ringing or that he is being invited to the phone in another office. While there is no victim, put a plate with nails, pencils or any other nasty thing in the microwave instead of the food there. Watch the reaction of the returning victim.

Salt and sugar prank

Swap salt and sugar (pour from one jar to another) if they are in a common cabinet.

Draw through the newspaper

1. Place an ad in the newspaper in the “Animals” section indicating a friend’s phone number: “I’m selling Vugluskra. Inexpensive. Kind, affectionate. Tel:...”

Do not doubt that many people will call your friend and ask: “Who is Vugluskr?”

2. Place an advertisement in the newspaper indicating the telephone number of your friend with the following content: “Relaxation, sauna, different kinds massage is cheap. You can call at any time." Since such advertisements often hide quite specific establishments, he, along with those who want to relax, will receive calls from all sorts of idiots.

Raffle with a melody

The night before, quietly change the ringtone on your friend's phone to your ringtone. You can upload anything. And the next day - call!

April 1 is definitely the most difficult day of the year. And, naturally, we need to work proactively so as not to become a victim of April Fools' pranks.

Making fun of colleagues or loved ones on such a day is sacred. The main thing is to choose the right pranks and jokes for April 1st.


If you are the first one to come to the office, then you have the cards in your hands on how to make all your colleagues feel like April Fools.

To warm up, you can put a box on the closet with a catchy inscription - Sex or Condoms (or some other intriguing name). The first one who can't resist and reaches out to take the box out of the closet will be in for a surprise. The box should have no bottom and can be filled with confetti and tinsel or some other small “garbage” that will certainly fall on the head of the most curious colleague on April 1st.

Another harmless joke in the office is to stick telephone handsets with double-sided tape and, of course, immediately call your colleagues. You can also glue stacks of paper, small objects and other office “rubbish” to tables. Alternatively, you can very easily make fun of April 1st by covering your computer mouse with the same tape so that it stops working. Believe me, my perplexed colleagues will “move” the mouse around the table for a long time before they realize to pick it up and look.

In a modern office on April 1, there are no jokes related to computers. While the person leaves for at least a couple of minutes, press Ctrl+Esc, Esc, Alt+"-" (i.e. press Alt and the - key), Alt+F4. The Start button on the computer will disappear, which will probably puzzle your colleague for some time. You can return it only by restarting your computer (if you have Windows 9x installed).

Arrange a brainstorming session for your colleagues for April Fool's Day and write an announcement that everything needs to be urgently delivered to your office if they have not undergone labilization. It’s unlikely that everyone knows that in fact the scary name is just the pronunciation of speech sounds through the rounding of lips extended forward. Anyone who comes to you in good faith will be taught to say “April 1st, I don’t trust anyone!”

Place a saucepan of water (carefully saved from home) on a colleague’s desk, cover it with a sheet of paper and turn it upside down on a flat table. You remove the paper - and voila: you wait for your colleague to pick up and remove the ownerless pan. The same option will work with a glass jar. Even seeing that it is full of water, a colleague will still have to remove it from the desktop, the question is - how to do this?


You should also definitely play a prank on your family on April 1st and do it very simply, and with a great effect.

Small dirty tricks on April 1 will definitely help you start April Fool's Day in an extraordinary way. In the bathroom, you can glue toothbrushes to the bottom of a glass and then watch with rapture your sleepy relatives who won’t understand what’s going on. On April 1, you need to set your alarm clock earlier - at least 30 minutes.

You can carefully paint your nails so as not to wake him up for your husband or boyfriend. Then wake him up later than the allotted hour and send the latecomer out to work. In a hurry, he may not notice the fashionable manicure.

A traditional prank for households is to cover the soap with clear nail polish in advance, and on the morning of April 1, you can watch with rapture as the person being pranked tries to lather the soap, but to no avail.

You can give your loved one or children some socks in the morning that you have sewn in the middle in advance. Surely, you will be amused and amused by this kind of “torment” on April 1st.

A little more effort will be required on your part if you want to scare your family. Tint the faucet divider with liquid dye. Preferably red for added effect. Then in the morning on April Fool's Day, bloody water will flow from the tap.

You can prepare an original breakfast for your children and husband - serve juice with a straw. But instead of juice, make jelly in advance (with a straw inserted into it). Watching household members amusingly drink juice on April 1st is really fun.

You can scare your family by putting an unusual jar in the refrigerator. Preparing this giveaway couldn't be easier. You pour water into a jar, print out a sheet with someone’s face on it and put it in the jar. The effect of a voluminous head in a jar in the refrigerator is unlikely to leave your family indifferent.

Stock prices cause turmoil and litigation. Colleagues' jokes can be different - sweet, kind, evil and not funny at all. By April 1, Office Life had collected ten different stories about April Fools' pranks at work - successful and not so successful.

10. Expel at your own request

The main purpose of the prank is to scare, so that later the person will feel relieved. Until now, people believe the terrible and sad news on this day, only to then joyfully find out that they were deceived. “When I was working in the master’s program, on the first of April one good student came with an application for expulsion of his own free will,” says Tatyana. “We looked at him in surprise, because we could not expect this. Of course, the first question was “Why?” He said that he was tired, wanted to rest and was generally tired of studying. The dean did not raise his hand to sign the application. We began to persuade him. He did not agree to anything. And only half an hour later he admitted that it was a joke. It was a very pleasant joke." .

9. Non-existent loan

When checking work documents, be vigilant and do not forget what day it is. “When I worked at a bank authorizing loan applications, we entered data into the system, and managers checked the data and confirmed the applications in the system,” says Maria. “Then the application went to payment. On April 1, while our manager was having lunch, we took it out of the bag her passport and filled out an application for a loan on her behalf, and then entered the data into the system. She was surprised when she received an application for authorization for a huge loan on her behalf. The package of documents was compiled by us with maximum accuracy, and if she had not If she noticed the catch, she would definitely get this loan."

8. Multi-colored car

Most April Fools' jokes are traditionally aimed at bosses. Of course, if their subordinates know that the boss has a good sense of humor. Ira worked at a bank on the night shift. “On April 1, we covered the boss’s car parked at the entrance with multi-colored stickers,” she recalls. “In the morning, all the daytime employees entering the office laughed and said that there was such a car on the street. The boss laughed with them. You should have seen it face when she came out and realized that it was her car."

7. "Give Brobot two hundred bucks back."

Not only subordinates joke about their superiors; often the exact opposite happens. “I have a habit of covering my entire workplace with post-it - on these pieces of paper I write all my plans for the working day and even the week,” says Marat. “Often the name of my boss flashes there - Brobot - it’s unusual, I like it. For example: “ Bring Brobot the analytics for such and such an enterprise for signing.”

“One day I came in the morning, and at first I didn’t even understand what was going on,” he continues. “Then I realized: there were a lot more pieces of paper on the keyboard and monitor.” The aliens, diligently faking my handwriting, read: “Wash Brobot’s car ", "Give Brobot two hundred bucks back", "Give Brobot a teddy bear", etc. It was really funny, and it was the first of April."

6. Charge from the boss

Every joke is only part of a joke. “On April 1, we found a message in the mail from our boss with approximately the following content: “Dear colleagues, spring has come, and from today in our office I will personally conduct health exercises at 11:00,” says Tanya. “Everyone laughed: "April Fool's Day, yeah."

“At five minutes to eleven Dima came out of his office and gathered us in the largest room,” she says. “He asked everyone to stand up and began: “And... once!” And....two! Feet together, hands apart!" Everyone was delighted, roaring with laughter, while Dima kept a stone face. The exercise was one-time, it did not become a daily habit, but on April 1 we had a lot of fun."

5. Dismissal cannot be pardoned.

“Everyone knew that Ilya and Marina were having an affair,” recalls Katya. “It was an official affair that everyone knows about.” And on April 1, he decided to play a prank on her: he called her and said in an icy tone that the time had come for the company to part with her ".

“Marina, of course, was in tears - more from resentment than from upset about the lost job,” says Katya. “The questions were ridiculous and predictable in such a situation. She continued to be offended even when Ilya told her that it was a joke. In general, It was a bad joke."

4. Enchanted development

“This story happened at a time when most cameras were film, and our main job was developing and printing films,” says photo studio employee Oleg. “A married couple worked with us. And on April 1st, we decided to play a joke on our husband: his wife brought to work about ten films with his "incriminating" photographs, in which he was mostly naked. Throughout the day, we slipped these films into his hands in bags of regular orders. Several times he was completely naive: he started printing, and then... At first I laughed, then, really, I got angry.”

3. Epidemic in the office

Health jokes, in the opinion of the Office Life columnist, are the worst of all. Therefore, we believe that the following prank is bad form and disrespect for colleagues. “My colleague Andrey and I knew that Sasha had strange red spots on his body - he himself complained to us about them for about a week, but he still couldn’t get to the doctor,” says Igor. “On April 1st he didn’t come to the work. Sasha called the head of our department and said that he had been diagnosed with ringworm and the doctors recommended that everyone who had contact with him over the past two weeks see a dermatologist."

“Andrei and I started to panic,” continues Igor. “Naturally, no one remembered what date it was today, but the whole office knew about the red spots on Sasha’s body and were looking for information about ringworm on the Internet with all their might. There was serious panic.” : many have children and elderly parents at home. Our colleague Ira, who was pregnant at the time, asked to go home and left. Sasha called back two hours later and said that it was a joke: he had a banal allergy to fish. First, we rushed to call Ira and his family , to calm everyone down, and then they began to come up with a plan for revenge."

2. Lost

“Our colleague Sasha is a man of his own rules and not without oddities,” says credit specialist Elena. “For example, when he goes on vacation, he hides his landline work phone somewhere from his desk, which causes a lot of inconvenience to the employee who replaces him "One day on April 1, we hid all the equipment from his desk: phone, monitor, keyboard, mouse, leaving only the system unit."

When Sasha came to work, everyone tried to pretend that nothing unusual was happening, and they shrugged their shoulders to all his questions: “did you have a keyboard on your desk?” Sasha took the situation calmly, went into the next room, looked into the closet, found what was missing and returned everything to its place. And the next day he brought chocolates to the entire department.

1. Virtual tour to Altai region

“Once, while working for an online news publication, I wrote a commentary on current news, in which I talked about the showdown in the Altai Territory over Governor Mikhail Evdokimov - the local parliament tried to dismiss him,” recalls Evgenia. “I talked there about economic problems region and the history of the conflict. The headline was: “Evdokimov lost his sense of humor.”

“I wrote the text on March 31, posted it on the website,” she continues. “On April 1, a girl called me, introduced herself as an employee of the administration of the Altai Territory and said that they read my text there and decided to invite me to visit, show me the region, tell me everything on the spot and then decide “like Mikhail Sergeevich with a sense of humor.”

“I don’t even remember how I reacted, apparently I politely refused, tried to hush everything up,” says Evgenia. “But most importantly, I was scared. I went to the editor-in-chief, told her, she encouraged me, like everything was fine, we didn’t tell anything special, only the facts were stated, they won’t sue. When I left her, I loudly told everyone my amazing story. And 5 minutes later my (then future) husband called and asked: “Well, are you going to go to the Altai Territory?” His colleague’s giggle could be heard on the phone , "employees of the administration of the Altai Territory."

Just let’s agree: forget about the hackneyed jokes that were popular even 30 years ago... Well, really - who in our time will seriously react to “your back is white” and “the boss calls you to the carpet - it will be a headache”? Get creative with the process!

It’s difficult, time-consuming, but worth it: how to prank your colleagues in the office on April Fools’ Day

Organizing such a prank will require a little effort and material investments, but believe me, it’s worth it! At least because colleagues in the office will not immediately understand that they are being played.

Often, people who sit side by side in an office for a long time have similar preferences. For example, in music: try listening to your friend’s favorite radio station day after day - and after 218 days you yourself will be humming a song that seemed stupid just yesterday. Or the latest press: during your lunch break, having nothing to do, you willy-nilly look at a printed spread someone has opened, and a day or two later you ask to read the newspaper yourself.

Therefore, if most of your colleagues read the same newspaper, you should offer them an “emergency special issue.” It’s probably not worth reminding that this is an original joke for colleagues on April 1st. And you must pick up the extraordinary issue of the tabloid from the printing office the day before.

What to write on newspaper pages? Anything, whatever you think will excite and engage readers. The main thing is that they take the information seriously. And your task for the whole day is to continue the joke and stir up interest in the news that captivated them.

Since there is a possibility that a certain note may pass by a colleague, we strongly recommend putting a few “sensations” in the newspaper - something that will attract the attention of the office community!

Unconventional pranks on April 1st for work colleagues: everyone will laugh heartily

Are you not interested in the newspaper idea? Let's go further. Here are some original options for pranking your work colleagues on April Fools' Day:

  • Enter into a “conspiracy” with the person responsible for regular email distribution. Send the news to everyone at their work addresses: management allegedly purchased new equipment controlled by voice commands. And now, in order to make a copy of the document, the smart machine should be told about it - loudly, clearly, with intonation.

Undoubtedly, most colleagues in the office will not fall for such a prank. But they will probably come to the room with office equipment - in order to watch the gullible staff shouting in every possible way: “Print, come on, who am I telling this to?!?”

  • Take a closer look at your employee’s (or co-worker’s) phone and remember its case in detail. Buy the same one. When you come to work on April 1, ask your colleague to give you a phone number - supposedly yours doesn’t work... And then everything depends on your artistry: have a heated “dialogue” on your mobile phone, shout and swear with an invisible interlocutor, and at some point, in your hearts, throw it on the floor ... bought a cover for the floor. Hide the device itself discreetly in your pocket. For greater effect, you can jump on the case, breaking it into tiny pieces.

In order not to get injured by your offended partner (of course, a smartphone worth several thousand will be shattered), inform her about the prank immediately, without waiting for her to go “hand-to-hand.”

  • Invite your office colleagues for an evening get-together. Announce an “adult” program: drinks, snacks. Place an expensive bottle of cognac on the table and, after pouring a glass for everyone, savor the drink in your wine glass. Don’t pay attention to your friends’ bewilderment - it’s clear that they don’t understand why tea poured into a cognac bottle does not contain a single gram of alcohol... After all, the drink is elite...

Minimum effort, maximum fun: time-consuming pranks on April 1 in the office for colleagues

You still haven’t decided how you’ll prank your employees at work on April Fools’ Day?

  • Coat the faucet hole where the water flows with food coloring. All you have to do is open the tap and multi-colored splashes will fill the entire sink. To enhance the effect, “tinting” the water can be repeated over and over again - when another colleague, having used the WC, has left the room.
  • Disorganize the work process for all your co-workers for a couple of minutes: stick tape on the computer mouse sensor. The cursor on the screen will either not move at all, or will twitch in all directions - like crazy. But be prepared for the fact that the reason why the mouse lives an independent life will be determined very quickly.

  • You can also swap the left and right mouse buttons in the settings - for non-advanced computer users, such a simple prank will become a real puzzle for some time.
  • Bring a USB keyboard with Touchscreen from home and seamlessly connect the transmitter to your friend's computer. And then everything is simple: sit in a corner and move the cursor in one direction or the other; In text documents that a colleague fills out, add funny words; close opened folders. The main thing is not to get carried away and stop in time.
  • Does your work partner type a lot in Word or Excel? You can play a prank on him and replace the words he uses most often (report, search, application, cost, price) with funny phrases. You can do this in a matter of minutes using AutoCorrect. But be careful: no one will appreciate such a joke if a colleague has a pressing assignment, and even a minute’s delay in submitting it can cost the entire department a quarterly bonus.

It's a small thing, but it's nice...

All the ideas listed below are not jokes. Rather, these are fun things that few people will do on ordinary days (no time, colleagues won’t understand, etc.), but on April 1 they will certainly cheer up the entire office.

  • Replace plain paper in all toilet stalls with rolls with color prints: printed banknotes, a selection of funny jokes, cool pictures. Such rolls of paper are sold everywhere in joke shops - they are inexpensive, and a wagon and a small cart will give you emotions.
  • The night before, close the blinds in the room and draw some funny design on their inside, make an interesting inscription. A prerequisite for this: use special water-based markers (many of these are sold in the stationery department, in stores with children's accessories for creativity). When leaving home, roll up the blinds. The next day, on a bright afternoon, one of your colleagues, fleeing the bright spring sun, will definitely close the shutters - and the whole office will see your creativity!
  • Bake (or buy) some scary sweets. These can be terribly realistic cookies that look like a human finger (half an almond will perfectly serve as a nail). Or marshmallows covered with “bloody streaks” (cranberry or cherry juice will serve as a blood substitute). Arrive at the office a couple of minutes before your co-workers and quickly place treats on their desks. If the sweet desserts are made to perfection, then first you will hear the screams of the female half of the office, and then - delight and praise addressed to you. Well, tea drinking at lunchtime will be a success!

  • Dress up on the first of April with your colleagues in funny masks, put funny hoops on your head - with ears, horns, a halo. Believe me, such a change in image will improve your mood 100%. The main thing is to be 100% sure that on this very day the business partners with whom your boss has been dreaming about the next contract for years will not come to the office...

But remember: April 1 pranks at work can have fatal consequences...

...for you - in case the jokes cross the boundaries of what is permitted.

  • Avoid harsh April Fools' jokes that ridicule shortcomings in appearance, criticize a person's intellectual abilities, and humiliate his honor and dignity.
  • Forget about jokes and pranks on April 1, involving damage to property - both public and personal - of any of the people being pranked.
  • Avoid pranks that will make your colleague feel awkward.

When organizing this or that funny situation on the first of April, always think two steps ahead - estimate what consequences this prank could have.

And finally - advice for all times: never try to find the “point C” (in the sense of laughter) in people whose sense of humor you don’t understand... It’s better not to organize an April Fool’s prank for him on this day, but to give the person a sincere compliment - more there will be benefits.

How nice it is sometimes to make fun of your colleagues, the people you see every day, with whom you spend most of your life! Just don’t forget that you need to do this with extreme caution, so that you have nothing to regret later. So, take action.

Hidden camera

In an office where a celebration of some anniversary is planned, a picture of erotic content is hung in the most visible place. On its reverse side there is an inscription: “Smile! You're being filmed by a hidden camera!" Now all that remains is to observe the reaction of incoming employees.

Press any key!

If one of your colleagues is not very familiar with computers and knowledge in English are based on high school, then this giveaway is for you. Print the inscription Any key and stick it to the computer system unit on the Reset key. When some program gives the victim Press any key to continue, the first thing she will see is “your” button. The main thing is that there are no important documents at this moment.

Magic eggs

On one of the holidays, when everyone comes dressed up, you can please your friends with a prank with eggs.
Ordinary chicken eggs are imperceptibly pierced with a syringe and the contents are removed. Using a clean syringe, water is poured inside. Thanks to certain physical laws, water will not spill from the egg. When meeting friends, greet them joyfully and quickly put an egg in each person’s pocket, then slap them with all your might - that’s it, you can run, because you can’t immediately explain to your friends that there will be no traces...

"Funny" box

This prank is good to do at the entrance to the office. We take a box that is not wide enough to fit into the door, make a slot at the top and write in large letters: “Help me perform gender reassignment surgery.” We hold the box with the inscription to ourselves.
Near the entrance, you can’t walk through the door, so ask a friend to hold the box for a minute. Of course, no problem. The inscription appears in front, but the person does not know about it. Here he stands, poor fellow, making people laugh.

M and F

If the birthday party is taking place in a large and not very familiar building, you can change the signs on the men's and women's toilets: “Men’s” and “Ladies’.” The inscriptions should be done so that the central letters stand out from afar.

Happy birthday!

Early in the morning, a lonely birthday boy rushes to work. He calls the elevator, the doors open, and there he sees a set table with steaming coffee, a chair and a waiter. Happy birthday! The draw is performed by a group of young people who must prudently take into account their time dependence on each other.

I forgot my clothes...

In the office during the working day, a young man appears wrapped in a sheet and loudly, so that everyone can hear, says to one of the employees: “Masha, I forgot my clothes, did you bring them?” In complete silence, casually shrugging her shoulders, the girl takes out men's trousers, a shirt, socks and underwear from the bag.

"Kissed" birthday boy

Carefully clean the part of the handset that is applied to the ear with a damp cloth. Draw on the lips with revealing lipstick. A “kissed” birthday boy is a joy for everyone!

Get down!

You know that your colleague has a holiday and he accepts congratulations on his birthday, and during the lunch break in his office the whole “color of society” united for congratulations. Enter the room at ease and ask permission to congratulate the hero of the day. After the majority has approved, place an empty champagne bottle on the table and throw a firecracker into it shouting “Get down!” Everyone is hiding in panic in the most unexpected places, since you prudently closed the door. The trick is that a bottle of champagne will not fly apart from a small firecracker, since it is made of thick glass. By the way, when smoke comes out of it, you can invite guests to make three wishes to the genie...

"Kissed" birthday boy

If a new employee comes to your organization, then it would be a sin not to make fun of him, of course, in moderation. A newcomer, coming to work, discovers a note in which there is an instruction to urgently call xxxxxxxxxxx.
All day long the worker tries to get through by phone in front of the employees, but it’s always busy. Later, of course, he finds out that he called himself...

Fuel consumption

For a friend who has bought a brand new car, add three liters of gasoline every evening in the garage, when he is chatting pleasantly with the neighbors. It is quite understandable that the owner of a brand new car is interested in how much gasoline his car will consume. It may turn out that the expense will be very small. After the happy driver goes to the service station for the first time, stop performing this procedure. Imagine his disappointment when fuel consumption increases!

Order by mail

If your team includes women who like to write out all sorts of nonsense by mail, take a certain number of forms and fill them out by name. In each pseudo-order, indicate exactly what your colleagues wanted to write out. How much people will believe in these mail surprises depends on the skill of your game. Some people still go to the post office.